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News from the Republic


Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013


14 oktoober 1956

Avatud Kommunikee
Open Communique

While the Kingdom of Saaremaa guarantees the independence of the Republic of Justiza against any kind of aggression coming from Kadikistan, the Nordic Kingdom cannot but agree with the statements of Marshall Calvin Smith-Simmons and the dangers of aggressive military expansions. The world is currently in a very tense situation, with crisis existing in Milesia, Calidia, West Himyar and many others. We cannot simply let it all build up and then end up in a Great War that would engulf the whole world and destroy civilization as we know it.

We also understand that there are fears running in Justiza from all the powers that surround it, especially from the socialist ones like the Republic of Socialist Himyar or the Marxist-Feudal Kadikistan. We also understand that with the last experiences with Kadikistan the Justizans are desperate to be protected from their foes. That is why Saaremaa guaranteed it's independence and that is why is Justiza would be attacked we would have jumped to help. But that was then. We see that Justiza now is being overly aggressive towards the nations that use the Kalahari Sea for it's shipping lanes. We see that they start to get hostile if others are bringing ships in that ocean, even if they are military ships. We condemn those statements from the Justina Republic and we must restate the fact that international waters are exactly what their name implies: international.

While we understand the fears that surround all those communiques, we find it unacceptable for some countries to try to limit the passage of foreign ships into international waters, declaring them a closed neighborhood of Pelasgian, Justizan and Lauenburger interests. International waters are international waters and if the Justizan government continues to act hazardous like this, it will oblige us to end our guarantee because the Kingdom of Saaremaa has no interest in being dragged in unwanted, unnecessary and stupid wars.

On behalf of God, Folk and King,
Kristijan Sisask
Minister of Foreign Affairs


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

World Republic scams Leninovist International
The Republic

The administration of President Winters landed a coup this week when it revealed that it had systematically scammed money from the Leninovist International. The organisation, which was set up by Kadikistan to influence socialist movements in other countries and regularily funnels money to political groups and terrorist movements abroad, had been transferring money to a political party in the SWR that was, in reality, an operation by the intelligence services of the World Republic. It had been feeding the Kadikistanis false success stories to keep the money flowing, which was then transferred to aid projects in the Jurzan. President Winters had decided to end the scheme now, as operatives felt that the Kadikistani authorities were getting suspicious.

Chairman of Foreign Department visits Saaremaa
The Republic

Timothy Rawles, chairman of the Foreign Department of the Socialist World Republic, spent the weekend in Saaremaa, as an official meeting was arranged on short notice. Official representatives of the governments of the World Republic and Saaremaa met in the Saare capital to discuss the situation in Loago and coordinate their responses to the current crisis in the Kalahari Sea. According to Chairman Rawles, the meeting was very productive and a general understanding between the two parties could be reached on all issues, with the World Republic supporting Saaremaas stance in Loago and Saaremaa distancing itself from Justiza.

Expansion of Intercity 8 more difficult than anticipated
Arvum Public Broadcasting

Geological surveys of the intended construction sites of the Intercity road 8 prove that the project will become more challenging - and costly - than initially expected. The highway, which is an extension of the current IC-8 connecting Pretoria to Ulysses, was intended to establish a road between southern Arvum and coastal Collisia, linking directly to Newport and considerably reducing travel time between the states and helping several smaller communities along the route develope. However, the part of the Blue Mountains intended to be bridged by a tunnel is much more instable than initially believed and may be altogether unsuitable for construction. "We are curretly evaluating alternative routes or technological solutions to the challenges presented," the lead engineer of the project commented.


Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
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People's Commissariat for External Affairs
In coordination with the Central Committee of the International Association of Marxist-Leninovist Parties

"We wish to stress that the money illegally acquired under false pretences by the alleged Leninovist Party in the South Himyari Territories were limited and reached no more than $15,000. It is an undeniable failure on the otherwise impeccable functionaries of the International Association of Marxist-Leninovist Parties for which those responsible will be held accountable. But while that is so we find it strange and indeed pathetic that the Deliverance regime must go to such lengths for what is considered a low financial outcome. Is the self-proclaimed 'World Republic' so desperate for capital that it must reduce itself to committing scams? Or it it so ideologically impaired that it must divert the public's attention away from its own hypocrisy with tricks like these?"

Col. Dimitri Leninov
People's Commissar of External Affairs
Democratic Republic of Kadikistan

Gen. Bramski Burukova
First Secretary of the Central Committee
International Association of Marxist-Leninovist Parties
Last edited:

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

Discontent Congress may stop Saaremaa-deal
The Republic

Congress threatens to override the Saaremaa-deal of the Winters administration as more and more Social Democrats side with the opposition on the issue. A bill is gaining traction within Congress that would overrule the Presidential decision to recognize the new status of Loago following the coup d'etat in the Saaremaan dominion that ousted the government of Loaga and reintroduced direct colonial rule. While the details of the Foreign Departments talks with their Saaremaan counterpart are not publically known, it is generally understood that the results of the coup would be recognized as legitimate by the SWR in exchange for Saaremaan diplomatic support in the Kalahari crisis. However, the sharp criticism of Social Republicans in Congress, who called it "foolish horse-trading" and lambasted President Winters as "a weak leader who would bow down to Imperialism for even the slightest support" has resonated with many Social Democrats, who feel that the growing number of foreign policy blunders of their President are becoming a burden to the Republic.

Threat of war between Jurzan and Kadikistan has Deliverance worried
Torchbearer's Weekly

With tension in the Kalahari Sea running high and the government focused on the threat of Pelasgian influence in the area, recent clashes between forces of Kadikistan and Jurzan have our government worried. President Winters was quick to condemn the Kadikistani aggression, but sources from within the government describe the President as 'clueless'. Part of the reason why the SWR has taken a stand against the military posturing on the Justizan island were concerns about the safety of the Jurzan - and the World Republic's ability to support it in the eventuality of foreign attack. Reportedly, military leadership is calling for the deployment of forces to the Kalahari, with Winters hesitant to escalate the situation in the Kalahari further.

Elections in Arvum may earn Social Republicans majority in Senate
Arvum Public Broadcasting

As elections for Senate approach in the state of Arvum, polls indicate historic gains for the Social Republicans. Most of the rural precincts have been staunchly Social Democratic ever since their first elections in the 1920s, but that tide seems to be changing as foreign policy issues dominate the debate this election and the interventionist platform of the Social Republicans seems appealing in the face of an increasing amount of incidents of weak foreign policy by the Winters administration. Especially the debate about the Saaremaa-deal is coming at an inopportune time for the Social Democrats and even as many democratic Senators from Arvum have joined the opposition against the deal, voters seem not to appreciate this fact. If the elections go as current polls indicate, the Social Republicans may gain their first majority in Senate in over 20 years.


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

On Imperialism
The Republic

One of the consequences of the revolutions of the 1920s that shook not only, but especially Engell Himyar was the discrediting of the term 'Imperialism'. Throughout Europe the intellectual elites realized that one of the central preconditions of the sudden and violent overthrowal of colonial elites in Implarian Himyar and beyond was the brutal system of economic exploitation and political subjugation against which Socialists had effectively agitated, promising a new world order of freedom, equality and solidarity. Throughout the colonies of the Imperial powers, people from vastly different cultures could relate to each other through their shared experiences as colonial subjects and developed a joint vision of ending the era of Imperialism to usher into a new golden age of mankind.

Consequences drawn by the Empires of Europe were manifold: reforms sought to integrate the colonial populations into the political infrastructure of their respective motherlands, often dividing native and colonist populations, alienating them from each other; some colonies in Himyar received the status of dominion and home-rule, emphasizing autonomous political and economic developement; most importantly, the rhetorics of the imperial powers changed. No longer would they prattle on about their mission to civilize and the burden of their duty towards the colonial populations. The uprisings had made it all too clear that this was a presuming distortion of what it actually was they did within their colonies.

To the contrary, the ruling classes of the Imperial nations now employed a rhetoric that de-historized their colonial empires, that rhetorically eliminated the differences between mainland and colonies only so that their brutal exploitation could continue all the more unchanged. Colonies appeared in the national narratives much as their heartlands appeared, as seemingly eternal and indivisible part of the nation that had always just been part of it and would thus always be. The result was a rhetoric of Imperialism that prided itself on its supposed anti-Imperialism as the meaning of the term was changed drastically by the intellectual tripe the ideologues of the old world published on a regular base.

There should be little doubt that the people of the World Republic are well equipped to recognize the ugly face of Imperialism. After all, their forefathers had suffered for generations under the yoke of the Engell empire and many of the generation which tore this very Empire apart are still very much alive to talk about it. It is therefore no bagatelle that the elites of nations such as Pelasgia have twisted the meaning of the word 'Imperialism' to the point that they can actively accuse the World Republic of this very crime they themselves had priding them on before the uprisings that created the World Republic forever tainted its use for the ruling classes. The very title of the Pelasgian Empire still bears witness to this not so distant past.

What is of central importance to the shift in meaning the term has undergone is the complete removal of any socio-economic dimension from the term. No longer does it describe a political order in which a subservient territory's population becomes subject of primitive accumulation of wealth, of brutal, politically legitimized armed robbery for the benefit of its parent nation. Instead, the whole term has been abused to legitimize the very rule of the Imperial powers by using it to describe outside interference into the internal policies or territorial integrity of a nation, including their very colonies! In other words, the fight against Imperialism itself can now be labelled Imperialism with these sovereignist rhetorics.

Against such willfull intellectual confusion one might be well advised to reclaim the term in its true meaning, emphasizing the socio-economic dimension and the very important aspect of exploitation. The only legitimacy a goverment can possibly claim stems from its population. As Imperialism relies on the brutal and direct exploitation of the wealth and labor of a population foreign to the Imperial metropolis, it can not claim any legitimacy to its rule. Interference in matters of colonial governments, even interventionism is not Imperialism, but, quite to the contrary, anti-Imperialism whenever it sides with the oppressed against their oppressors. The very idea of an "Imperialist Socialist" becomes an intellectual slight of hand by the Imperial elites once we remember this.


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

Congress session ends in turmoil over Loago debate
Freedmen's Daily

Debate on the Republics Loago policy devolved into confusion in Congress today, after the events of the weekend have fundamentally changed the situation at hand. While President Winters had taken a lot of fire from Social Republicans and defectors within his own party, the recent internal settlement in Saaremaa, which involves the Leninovists in government, and the declaration of independence from the Loago Host that followed it, have left the Social Republicans as divided as the Democrats. Numerous speakers, often from the backseats of their respective parties, tried in vain to articulate a common stance on the issue at hand. Winters has announced his intention to speak to Congress sometime this week, but not revealed what the governments stance on the legitimacy of Saareeman colonial rule, the coup d'etat in Loago or its proclaimed independence will be following the drastic changes of the last days.

Deliverance welcomes Pelasgian, Justizan participation in Kalahari conference
Implarian Observer

The governments of Pelasgia and Justiza have abandoned their boycott of the conference on the Kalahari crisis called for by the World Republic, receiving warm words from Deliverance in exchange. "We welcome the return of reason to the interactions between our respective states," the Office of the President declared in a press release, "and hope that this will be a first step towards a settlement that ensures continued peace and prosperity in Europe." During the conference, the administration of President Winters hopes to effect a removal of the Pelasgian base on Justiza, as well as a reversal of the Justizan policy of infringement upon international waters. However, the press release ended with words of caution, as the Presidential office expressed its wish for "a productive summit and not a public stage for the exchange of rhetorics."

Fire at docks causes one death
Newport Post

A fire by the docks of Newport has killed a dockworker who was caught in the sudden blaze. Fireguards were quick to react and contained the fire, but any help for the man, aged 30, came too late. Authorities are investigating the fire, stating that the cause is as of now unknown, but that it erupted from a storage tank that contained flammable liquids and thus a technical malfunction is most likely. The victim of the blast leaves behind a wife and two children, aged 3 and 5. Meanwhile, port authorities have declared to revise security proceedings should indeed a technical error be the cause of the tragedy.


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

President threatens vote of confidence over Loago issue
Torchbearer's Weekly

President Winters has outlined his policy for conflict surrounding the Saare colony of Loago in speech to congress, advocating a bill that would emphasize Saare control of the colony. "This is stance we take for pragmatic reasons, not out of principle," the President said, stating in no uncertain terms that the World Republic opposes the continued colonization and imperialist exploitation of Himyari lands and people, but that continued Saare rule is the best option out of those present in the eyes of his administration. "Fact of the matter is that this independece under the rule of the Loago host will only worsen the situation and prolong the suffering of the Loagan peoples, much as the oligarchs and national bourgeoise against which the host rose earlier this month would have," Winters stated, arguing that the current political changes in Saaremaa might lead to a peaceful end of Imperialism in the colony. The heated debate in Congress was met with an ultimatum by Winters, who stated that he would call for a vote of confidence were Congress to obstruct his foreign policy any further.

New government agency to coordinate space programme
Implarian Observer

Plans for a new government agency have been presented to the public, aiming to centralize the research efforts of the World Republic in regards to space travel. The new body, termed International Agency for Cosmonautical Research, will coordinate the previously independent research grants to Universities within the Republic with the involvement of aeronautical manufacturers, the military and an independent research branch that is to be part of the agency. Previous tests with rockets aimed to progress the Republic towards space travel had been spectacular failures, as they repeatedly detonated upon launch. The Federal government hopes that the new agency will help to organize research more efficiently and allow for progress in this field. "We are behind on our competitors," a spokesperson commented "and it is about time we put some real effort into being the first out there."

Fast-food trend good for national health
The Republic

Scientists of Cole University in Alliance have suggested that the latest trend for the national palate, the spread of so-called 'fast-food stores', will have lasting positive effects on the national health. Fast-food describes a meal that can be bought readily available at a small restaurant, without waiting time, but is not a snack but a full, warm meal. For one, the scientists argue, this releases the worker from the stress of preparing his own meals. Especially women will notice this liberation from a daily chore. Furthermore, the scientists said that the dishes typically served as fast-food are well balanced and nutritious: burgers, hot-dogs and pizza all neatly combine the basic essentials of the food pyramid in fair quantities: a solid base of wheat-products, vegetables, a hearty portion of meat as a protein source. And because of the organization of the production-process, this meal can be served at a price affordable to all strates of society. "We can only encourage people to eat out more often," the scientists concluded.


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

Saare royal family declared persona non grata
The Republic

The Saare royal family has been declared persona non grata by the Federal government, barring it from entering the Socialist World Republic. Following the internal settlement in Saaremaa, which saw the banned communist party legalized and involved in government, as well as the announcement of the first fully free elections in the country, the royal family has abandoned its post and fled the country. While many countries have offered asylum to the royals, the World Republic has decided to take a step in the opposite direction, stating that "those who hold power without democratic legitimization should not be aided in escaping the consequences of their misrule," as a spokesperson of the Foreign Affairs Department explained. If, following the conclusion of the planned elections, Saare government and legal system come to the conclusion that the royals are not to be charged with any offences, the World Republic might reconsider its current stance. However, the Saare royals have not declared any intention of coming to the World Republic in the first place.

Justizan forces mobilized, Deliverance condemns move
Freedmen's Daily

President Winters has criticized recent troop mobilizations in Justiza in no unclear terms, stating that the move "comes as an unwarranted provocation right before the start of the conference on the Kalahari crisis" and that such a belligerent move only threatens to jeopardize the progress that has been made towards defusing the regional tensions. Furthermore, Winters emphasized that the move is an uprovoked one, as troop deployments in the Kalahari have not increased by any nation since the start of the crisis, owing to "a general caution and common sense not to provoke further incidents which Justiza is abandoning now." The measures taken by Justiza in the recent days include the mobilization of military reserves and the deployment of fleet patrols in the Kalahari.

Chaos in wake of public concert
Newport Post

A concert by the popular female musician Ellen Priestley has caused a public uproar, resulting in at least thirty injured youths and the deployment of police forces to contain the unrest. Priestley has been criticized in the past for her indecent behaviour on the stage and for being a negative influence on adolescents. As during past performances, Priestleys hip swing was met with ecstatic screams by her audience, with people fainting in the midst of the crowd. The chairs of the concert hall were thrown out by the rowdy teenagers and when police came to restore order, fistfights erupted. "We managed to secure the area," the police force commented on the matter "but we feel that exposing young minds to such a sexualized performance will always cause trouble in the future."


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

Social Democrats suffer historic defeat in Arvum elections for Senate
The Republic

As polls closed throughout the state of Arvum, officials are reporting a historic defeat for Social Democrats in one of their key-states. Numerous traditionally social democratic precincts went to the Social Republicans as they managed to ear a landslide victory of 64% of the vote. This means that majority in senate shifts to the Social Republicans, who are closing in on the social democratic majority in Congress. While the Winters administration is protected from a block in Congress by the majority of the Social Democrats in parliament, the overall majority in Congress is slim: a mere 4 more congressmen secure it. Social Republicans celebrated the results excessively throughout, not only Arvum state, but the entire Republic, proclaiming it an important step towards securing the presidency in next years presidential elections.

Deliverance condemns Kadikistani deportations of Jurzani populations
Freedmen's Daily

The Office of the President has issued a condemnation of Kadikistani announcements to deport people of Jurzani ethnicity within its territory, calling it a grave violation of the rights of the Jurzani people and a policy of 'imperialist expropriation'. Ivar had declared its intention to deport no less than three-fourths of the Jurzani population living near the nation of Jurzan, planning to relocate them to remote northern territories. The plans have sparked protests and resistance throughout the region and have caused severe tensions with the Jurzan, whom political analysts expect to react with force against this attempt at cultural genocide.

Latest musical a blockbuster
Newport Post

The latest musical to hit Clarence Road has proven to be a blockbuster, selling out every night for three consecutive weeks already and showing no sign of declining visitor rates as people line up in hopes of acquiring rare tickets to the show. The musical, called "The Barbarian and the Tramp" tells the fictional story of two star-crossed lovers, a Kadikistani Admiral and a Justizan Prime Minister, caught in a love-hate relationship that is at one time deeply romantic and passionate and the next overshadowed by their country's hatred for each other. As crowning moment of the show critics name the song "I'll stab you, my love" that is performed when, at the climax of the story, the two lovers are forced into a life or death duel with each other over a medieval Justizan code of honor.


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
News from the Republic
News from the Republic is a news bulletin for an international audience published daily by the Peoples' Press Chamber. It consists of selected news pieces from the many newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts across the SWR.

Deliverance summit: conflict postponed, but no lasting solution
The Republic

As the Justizan delegate left the summit in a fit of rage, the summit on the situation in the Kalahari has ended inconclusively. While the Pelasgian withdrawal of forces from Justiza has been welcomed, serving to slightly calm tensions, general mistrust over Justizan willingness to adhere to its own announcements to respect shipping rights in the Kalahari is preventing a normalization in international politics. A government spokesperson expressed fears that the aggressive posturing by Pelasgia and her allies, who have not refrained from expressing hegemonial interests in the Kalahari, might rekindle conflict after all: "In its bid to assert itself against the legitimate concerns of the World Republic, Pelasgia is increasingly encroaching upon our borders. A situation that can easily escalate, if Propontis continues to act as ruthless as it does."

Members of Parliament defect to Social Republicans, Loago bill defeated, President resigns
Freedmen's Daily

As a group of six Social Democratic members of parliament announce their defection to the Social Republican party, the Social Democrats have lost their majority in Congress only a day after the Senatorial elections in Arvum saw a landslide victory for the Social Republicans. The announcement came just in time for the final vote on the Loago bill, that would have seen the World Republic confirm Loago as rightful territory of the state of Saaremaa. Instead, Social Republicans have announced their intention to pass a bill that would see "neither recognizing of colonial rule, nor of the current independence under military rule". President Winters, who had announced he would tie the bill to a vote of confidence, announced his intention to step down once Congress has chosen a successor.

Federal Police arrests alleged Kadikistani spies
Implarian Observer

Units of the Federal Police have arrest a group of men entering the country via Deliverance International Airport on charges of espionage for Kadikistan. Police reportedly had evidence that the men were members of the Kadikistani intelligence services and had been blacklisted by the World Republican authorities for years. According to a spokesperson, the men tried to enter the country with fake ID's, but were recognized by senior security staff. They have been placed into high-security arrest until the begin of their trial. Theoretically, the World Republic punishes espionage with the death sentence, but no acting President has signed a death warrant in over two decades.



Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
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Pelasgian Empire
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Public Statement

1st of November, 1956
To whom it may concern.

The Pelasgian Empire has made no "encroachments" upon the borders of Engello-Socialist Himyar. All movements made by Imperial forces are aimed at supporting the Empire's allies and Her legitimate military installations in the Kalahari Sea
, due to a concentration of Engello-Socialist forces near them. Neither the Empire nor Her allies have made any attempts at hegemony in the Kalahari Sea. In fact, any nation whose representatives attended the recent summit in Deliverance can attest to that fact that our government has done its utmost to ensure a peaceful solution is found and that it is not we who sabotaged any chance of a legitimate compromise. Deliverance has no "legitimate interests" in the Kalahari Sea, for Engello-Socliast Himyar lacks a shoreline in the sea in question. Attempting to discredit the Status Quo Treaty and to encroach upon the sovereignty and peaceful coexistence of the Kalahari Sea nations is an unacceptable act of expansionism which shall not be tolerated. We are most concerned at the recent developments in our southern neighbour's politics and we shall monitor the situation closely, hoping that reasonable and sane voices prevail in the upcoming political struggle.

Signed and Sealed,

Ikaros Dragasēs

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pelasgian Empire
