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News from the Socialist World Republic

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Clint Hill secures candidacy from Social Democrats
Implarian Observer

The federal congress of the Social Democrats appointed their longstanding Senator from Ashford to be their candidate in the upcoming presidential election. Clint Hill, who runs on a platform of continuing the liberalization of his predecessor Winters, had been handled as odds-on favorite from the start, but faced a tougher than anticipated challenge in securing the nomination despite endorsement from the incumbent Social Democratic President Winters.

Hill, a moderate reformer by all accounts, had been sharply assaulted by the more radical "change" campaign of fellow Sunset City Senator Sandor Bernstein, who generated enthusiasm particularily amongst young voters from the urban centers. Bernsteins campaign went as far as to call into question the premise of the World Republic itself, arguing that it was an inherently "imperial" project - rhetorics which Hill shied away from endorsing.

In his acceptance speech, Hill however reached out to Bernstein, asking for his - and his voters - support in "changing the nation". Hill wants to ease the influence of the state over economic matters, liberalize the financial market and endorse foreign investments. While not as prominent as his economic views, minority rights also feature heavily into his campaign.

President Winters congratulated Hill during the congress. Bernstein meanwhile has not yet commented on the Hill candidacy, instead using his speech after the announcement of the final results to adress his supporters, thank them for their steadfast support and encourage them to keep working towards "a revolution".

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Social Republican Senator Gutzeit heckled off stage
The Republic

During a speech in Westhaven, Social Republican Senator Herbert Gutzeit was forced to abort his speech and leave the stage by a crowd of angry supporters of the competing Donna Trumm. Gutzeit, who has considerable political pedigree as longstanding congressman and later Senator for the Social Republican party, had been regarded as a favourite for the candidacy during the upcoming presidential elections, but has been the target of a smear-campaign from the camp of the outsider candidate Donna Trumm for weeks now.

Gutzeit, who is regarded as belonging to the moderate wing of the party, had been talking about the need for economic reforms and the value of opening the Republic to international trade. This had caused the crowd, who seemed to mostly align itself with the orthodox socialist policies of Donna Trumm, to drown the remainder of Gutzeits speech in a series of angry cheers and whistling, repeatedly chanting the slogan of the Trumm campaign to "return to Socialism" as well as calling Gutzeit a traitor.

Trumm had not been the only competitor of Gutzeit to latch onto his reformist policies. Senator Hartmann as well as the Union leader Harry King have repeatedly attacked Gutzeit as "bourgeoise in sheeps clothing" and as "planning to dismantle the socialist state". Polls see Gutzeit, who had been handled as most likely candidate for president at the start of his campaign, lagging far behind his competitors.

In a press release after the aborted speech, Gutzeit lambasted the "authoritarian practices" of the Trumm-supporters and placed blame on the "incitement" coming from Donna Trumm. Trumm had repeatedly alleged that Gutzeit had received bribes from foreign powers for his support for President Winters unsuccesful push to privatize the mining sector.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Gutzeit ends campaign
Implarian Observer

A day after being heckled off stage by supporters of his competitor Donna Trumm, Social Republican Senator Herbert Gutzeit declared the end of his campaign for presidential candidate. Gutzeit, who had been handled as favorite by the media at the start of his campaign, had dropped in popularity behind his competitors over the course of the last weeks. Acknowledging this fact, Gutzeit said that he had "proved unable to defeat the ongoing smear campaign" against him and promising to focus on his work in the Senate in the future.

In particular, Gutzeit had to deal with ongoing rumours about bribes he supposedly took during attempts to privatize the national mining companies. During the debate over the bill that had been proposed by President Winters, Gutzeit was an outspoken advocate of bipartisanship, supporting the move in principle and calling for a compromise between Social Democrats and Social Republicans. The bill sparked public protest amongst miners and labor unions and Gutzeit in particular drew the ire of the bills opponents for trying to take the Social Republicans away from their oppositional position.

Rumours about his stance being rooted in corruption had been lingering ever since then. Several far left publications ran pieces about bribes Gutzeit allegedly took from Eiffelländer, Engellexian and Pelasgian businessmen and politicians, though little concrete evidence was ever provided and federal investigators had made it clear that they saw no reason to investigate Gutzeits alleged treason. Nevertheless, the rumours had been effectively utilized by Gutzeits competitors to weaken his reputation and polls showed that one of the main reasons for his drop in popularity was, that he was seen as dishonest.

Following the end of his campaign, Gutzeit refused to endorse either of his competitors and just wished them good luck. "I am sure my party will endorse the best man for the job."

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
The men behind the Trumm
The Republic

The man who, half a year ago, had been handled as safe bet for the Social Republicans next candidate for presidency, has been taken out of the race. One of the two large parties of the World Republic is increasingly thrown into disarray by the aggressive campaign of an outsider. Donna Trumm, whose campaign had initially been regarded as a joke by most in the political establishment, is in the process of dismantling the Social Republican party with underhanded campaign tactics, populist rhetorics and a set of fanatic followers.

Trumm, or "the Trumm" as she is sometimes referred to, is a colorful figure. A labor representative in the federal railway company turned TV producer for state television, she is known to a general public for shallow-brained entertainment shows, but not for political ambition. Unlike her competitors in the Social Republican party she is not a longstanding professional, a Senator or Minister of a state government. She is not even a longstanding party member. In 2008, right before she switched from her position in labor representation to the entertainment business, Trumm even pondered a membership with the Social Democrats.

Her campaign thus came out of nowhere for the Social Republicans and political analysts alike. To understand it and the source of its momentum one should take a closer look, not at Trumms biography, but at the men behind the campaign. Her closest political advisors are the editor of the hard-left Prometheus Magazine, Stepan Banjic, and Union Leader Karl Meyer. Both are political heavyweights from the left socialist fringe who had been heavily involved with oppositional campaigns over the last few years.

Banjic was responsible for taking over a small student publication roughly ten years ago and building it up into a respectable and influental news magazine with an uncompromising anti-privatization, anti-capitalism, anti-moderation stance. According to former employees, articles in the Prometheus Magazine are carefully selected as part of larger campaigns, pushing a global agenda and aiming for political influence. Less sympathetic voices have described the magazine as "left-populist" in the past.

Meyer was most famously involved in the defeat of President Winters proposed privatization bill two years ago. This campaign can also be seen as point of departure for the Trumm ambitions for presidency, as it was here that Trumm met Meyer and Banjic. Winters ambitious push for privatization was seen as an attack on the very fabric of the World Republic by many on the left. A key sector was to be left for the open market, the restrictions on private company size were to be lifted and foreign investment to be allowed, even encouraged. Many of the slogans, as well, it is rumoured, as the smear campaigns against the bills supporters, came from Banjic's desk and Trumm brought them into national television, while Meyer organized the largest, fiercest strike in the history of the World Republic. The defeat of the bill in parliament was a major setback from President Winters agenda and had substantially weakened the reformist wing in both parties.

That reformist wing is based in comparatively few, large cities like Westport and Sunset City and even there it gathers support amongst a very selected strate of the population. Young, college-educated, liberal and feeling that the rigid, secure and predictable socialist economy is stifling their chances for personal fulfillment. With access to the higher levels of society, influence in government and media, these reformists dictated the course of the SWR for almost a decade now, starting with social reforms like liberalizing the penal code, easing drug laws and pushing minority rights, that were broadly welcomed. However, with their attention increasingly turning towards economic reforms, much of the rest of the World Republic is feeling increasingly threatened.

Trumms base recruits itself from those masses of people that feel excluded from the political decisionmaking and threatened by the ambitions of the reformists. Workers within state-owned companies, low-level government beuraucrats, farmers from collective farms: Trumms base is the countryside and the small towns based on heavy industry and mass manufacturing. Places where the socialist dream still lives on and where the economic system is seen as secure, rather than confining. People who know full well that they are the benefactors of the comparatively worse career chances of those with college-degrees in the World Republic.

Both Meyer and Banjic have long been advocates of these people, seeking to galvanize them into a wave that will sweep them into power. But the eloquent Banjic and the skillfull organizer Meyer lack the personal charisma to be a leader. This quality they found in the ruthless firebrand Trumm. Donna Trumm has proven a useful tool for the two strategists to push their agenda and they have made clear that the next Social Republican candidate will not be a reformist, that he will need the support of their base.

Trumms chances at becoming president are still nonexistant, but her campaign was never about actually winning the nomination. It was about setting the agenda for the upcoming election and in doing that, Banjic and Meyer have already won. Sooner, rather than later, they are likely to drop Trumm, who is blatantly unfit for the highest office in the Republic, and strike a deal with either of the more veteran party members. This might, ultimatively, prove a godsent for the Social Republican party, who had struggled to win over voters from the Social Democrats. Trumms voterbase consists mainly of unaligned voters, even a considerable amount of former non-voters. Combined with a respected Social Republican candidate and their traditional voterbase, it might help tip the scales in their favor in the upcoming election, nevermind the current chaos Trumms campaign rhetorics caused within the party.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Trumm blasts Kadikistan, proposes wall
Westport Times

In a recent speech to supporters in Westport, presidential candidate hopeful of the Social Republicans, Donna Trumm, called Kadikistan the "heart and soul" of the global drug trade. Referencing recent reports about Kadikistan as major transit route for illegal drugs, Trumm lashed out against the Kadikistani government, charging it with "willful murder of our citizens" and insisting that, as President, she would "handle the Kadikistani actions as a declaration of war."

Ignoring that recent investigations by Beiran journalists focused on Kadikistan as willful conveyors, but not source of opium and cocaine, Trumm attributed "sole responsibility" for the current epidemia of drug abuse in Europe to the Kadikistanis, proposing to enclose the country in a wall. "We need to lock them up and starve them out," Trumm yelled amidst cheers of joyous endorsal.

Questioned by journalists how she intended to realize such an endeavour, Trumm doubled down: "Mark my words, we will build this wall", insisting that the Kadikistani military was in no shape to put up a fight, due to widespread drug abuse. "In fact, the Kadikistanis will thank us for solving that problem with drugs their government got on them. We should charge them for building that wall."

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Interview with Bishop Christensen
Westport Independent Radio

Alright, that was Billy Dean with Lovegroove. And now we have a different kind of love for you. The love of christ! Because with me in the studio right now is Bishop of Westport, Harold Miles, and he will talk with us about the papal elections. Bishop Miles, thank you for joining us.

The pleasure is all mine.​

For all of our listeners out there who are not up to date with church politics, can you tell us a bit about the the papal conclave?

Of course. After the late Pope Pius has passed away, the most senior and high-ranking members of the church, the Cardinals, have been called for a conclave, as is tradition. They are locked away in a secluded building, shut off from the outside world, to determine the successor. Once they have agreed on a new pope, they will signal that with with smoke and announce their decision to the world.​

You say most senior and high-ranking members of the church. One would assume the Bishop of Westport to be amongst them.

As Bishop I represent millions of faithful catholics, to be sure. But the church is present across Europe and many thoroughly catholic countries have to be present at the conclave. Don't forget that ours is just one of the many confessions in the World Republic. The size of the diocese is also not the only reason one gets chosen to be cardinal. Theological expertise, seniority, notable deeds for the good of the faith... there are many factors that contribute towards such a decision.​

Confusingly enough, there is another man present at the Conclave right now with the title Bishop of Westport. Can you tell us a bit about that?

Yes, that is a whole other story and perhaps a bit closer to what you wanted to know when you inquired why I am not at the conclave right now. As it stands, the catholic church in the World Republic and the one in the rest of Europe are divided by a rift that was torn during the times of the revolution. There were many faithful catholics who were also socialists, revolutionaries - and the pope, catholic monarchies and the elites of the church were steadfastly anti-communist. The Implarian Catholics did not desire to break away from the church, however they elected their own Bishop to represent them, as Socialists, within the church. The church reacted by appointing an official Bishop of Westport. It was a political move. This situation has continued for a long time now. The current, official, Bishop of Westport, Taft, is the fourth such man, I think. He proudly calls himself a "Bishop against Communism".​

Tell us a bit about that man. He represents the catholics of the World Republic in the conclave. What kind of man is he.

The first thing to note is, that he has never been in the World Republic. He is the child of an exiled family and a persona non grata in the World Republic due to his political radicalism. Taft is regarded as ultra-conservative, as reactionary, militant even. As I said, he proudly refers to himself as Cardinal against Communism and has agitated repeatedly against normalization in our relationship to the world. He wants Implaria to be isolated as long as it is socialist. But communism isn't his only enemy. Of his several published books, one peddles exclusively in antijewish conspiracy theories, another is an apologist work on the history of the crusades. As far as I can tell, he wants to return the church to the medieval era. Taft speaks often and, I have to admit, eloquently about his goals for the catholic church. The gist of his speeches is that he wants the church to be a political power, to have an independent state of the church even.​

That Taft sounds like a dangerous man. How much influence does he have within the church?

That's a difficult question. I can't imagine too much, though. I hope I am not mistaken when I am carefully optimistic that the next pope will be a reformist, a mild-mannered and softly-spoken conciliator. Because that is what the church needs in this day and age. Taft, when all is said and done, is not a religious, but a political figure. His entire position as "Bishop in exile" is. There are those in the church who may wish, like Taft, for a return of the church as political actor, who regret the loss of hard, political power of the church. But I believe that this was a good thing! The church should not meddle in worldly affairs. It was more important tasks.​

Do you believe the church is compatible with socialism?

Absolutely! I wouldn't be here if I wouldn't. *chuckles* As I said, the loss of worldly power and responsibilities is a good thing. There is a strong theological current in the nation of Beira, for example, who, driven by anti-communist intentions no less, feel the church should do more charitable work. Should become a social institution. Now, don't get me wrong, caritas is a fundamentally christian value. But it is a charitable heart that is a virtue. If you do it for political reasons, you are not being charitable. And besides, the more the worldly, material worries of mankind are cared for by worldly powers, the more it leaves us free to care for their spiritual needs. That is our true duty as church.​

The number of active churchgoers is in decline. Would you say the church is in crisis?

Figures, numbers. How many of those who stop going to church when they are no longer forced to with fire and sword or driven by hunger and fear were true believers? I think those who are fed and at peace, who have all the freedom to say no and still come to our church, those are the true christians we ought to preach to. The church is not a supermarket that should peddle as many goods as possible to as many customers as it can get.​

It seems we are running out of time. Is there any final word you want to direct at our listeners?

Yes. I would be glad to welcome you in our church. Come visit Saint Thomas Cathedral in Independence Street 15, downtown Westport, any time you want. It really is an impressive building, but maybe you would also like to join us in prayer or during a sermon. Either way, you are welcome.​

Thank you, Bishop, for the interview.
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Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Plans for theoretical invasion of Tephanon leaked from Ministry of Defense
Westport Times

An unknown leak within the Ministry of Defense has published top-secret military plans on an internet platform. The plans concern a theoretical invasion of the Tephanon exclave in case of a war between the World Republic and the Pelasgian Empire. Contained within the 400 page document are precise lists of troop strengths and strategic assesments.

The Tephanon territory is considered a major strategic location of the Pelasgian nation, granting it control over the eastern entrance of the Kalahari Sea. In the leaked documents, the government of the World Republic assesses the Pelasgian territory as a threat to its own strategic interests, as well as judging Tephanon to be the only viable base of operations by the Pelasgian Empire against the World Republic. The discussion of the strategic aspects concludes with the necessity to make Tephanon a primary target in case of war between Pelasgia and the SWR, even going so far as to include the possibility of a preemptive strike should tensions between the two nations cross a certain threshhold.

Release of the secret documents means a major foreign policy embarassment for the SWR and is bound to worsen relations with the Pelasgian nation and its allies. Military authorities refused to comment beyond noting that Army Intelligence was investigating the case and that the source of the release would have to face charges on treason once caught. Meanwhile President Winters commented in a press release, stressing that the plans were "merely theoretical" and part of normal military preparations any country would make, that there were "no immediate threat of war" nor intention to wage one.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Organ for Foreign Discourse

Ostrovakia is both shocked and appalled that such elaborate plans for war are still being devised in a modern world of relative peace and harmony. Surely the SWR must issue a formal apology to Pelasgia, as we ourselves deeply study and review findings in this warmongering report.

Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
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Office of the People's Commissariat for External Affairs
Under supervision by the National Committee for Justice and the Rejuvenation of Socialism
We wish to echo the sentiments expressed by our esteemed collegues in Ostrovakia. The leaking of these military plans for the invasion of sovereign Pelasgian soil is not only a tribute to the failed workings of the South-Himyari Republic and especially their military intelligence agencies, but also a direct provocation to our partners in the Himyar. We agree that formal apologies are in order to begin the process of atonement and hope with all our hearts that stability will be maintained in the South.

Petar Kujundzic
People's Commissar for External Affairs
Democratic Socialist Republic of


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
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Great Secretariat of the Empire
Public Statement

Christoupolis, the 11th of November of the Year of our Lord MMXVII
To whom it may concern,

Echoing the sentiments of Kadikistan and Ostrovakia, whose honesty and defence of the sound order of itnernational law are commendable, the Southern Tiburan Empire condemns in the harshest of terms the unjustifiable, aggressive and clearly hostile plans made by the Southern Himyari Republic against a peaceful member of the international community which has at no point attempted to act in a hostile fashion towards Deliverance.

The Ambassador of the Republic in Christoupolis has been summoned to explain the actions of their government, while the Empire demands a formal, public and unequivocal apology from the Southern Himyari Republic. Until such a time as the apology in question is given, the Empire shall reduce its own diplomatic representation in Deliverance from an Embassy to a Consulate General, and shall consider further diplomatic sanctions, both in the shape of the withdrawal of its own mission and that of the ejection of the Republic's mission.

Stricter visa requirements for and surveillance of citizens of the Republic in the Empire will be implemented immediately in response to the obvious espionage from which the Republic's knowledge of Imperial military information in the Exarchate of Tephanon must originate.

The Empire considers the existence of such plans to be proof of a most hideous disregard for peace and stability by the self-proclaimed "World Republic", which only come to justify the scepticism and prepardness of the Empire as well as her regional and international partners towards the aforementioned state.

Signed and sealed,

Geōrgios Aurēliou Kantakouzēnos

Great Secretary of the Empire
Patrician Nobelissimus

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Clint Hill en route to Christoupolis over Tephanon papers leak
Westport Times

Social Democratic Senator and presidential candidate Clint Hill has embarked on a spontaneous trip to Christoupolis, capital of the Pelasgian Empire, over the Tephanon papers dispute.The leak of the papers which detail strategic plans for an attack on the Pelasgian colony of Tephanon in case of a war, has caused severe damage to the bilateral relations between the SWR and Pelasgia. As a reaction to the papers, the Pelasgian government announced the downgrading of its diplomatic representation in Deliverance, summoned the ambassador of the world Republic for an explanation, announced measures against SWR citizens within Pelasgia and is demanding a formal apology from President Winters.

Clint Hill was quick to distance himself and his party from the warplans, pointing out that they had been developed by previous administrations and even then were a purely theoretical matter. With his short-notice trip, Hill announced, he hopes to ease tensions between the two nations and send a message of peace to the world. "My campaign and my party stand for peace and coexistance," Hill commented in a press release. In Christoupolis, Hill hopes to meet with Socialist politicians as well as government representatives to discuss the matter.

Other politicians were quick to downplay the importance of the Tephanon papers as well: Social Republican candidates hopeful Hartmann and King both voiced opinions that the Tephanon papers were an "outdated remnant" and that Deliverance would not seek confrontation with Christoupolis under their presidency.

Donna Trumm demands apology from Pelasgia

Implarian Observer

In an interview about her presidential campaign, Donna Trumm lashed out against Pelasgian demands for an apology over the Tephanon papers. Stating that the SWR should never apologize for defending the cause of liberty, Trumm instead directed the discussion towards the Pelasgian Emperor, demanding him to step down and apologize for his "continued oppression of 160 million people".

Asked about the leak of the papers, Trumm insisted that the individual responsible was "a traitor of the most worst kind" and should be "thrown into the darkest cell we have". She insisted that she were the only presidential candidate taking a principled stance on the issue and joked that "if I were him - I'm sure it's a guy - I would vote Hill."

Trumm rejected the notion of 'peaceful coexistance' with Pelasgia, calling it the "arch-reactionary regime" and promising she would put a stop to its "imperialist incursions into the Implarian".

Making sense of the Tephanon papers

The Republic

The leak of the so-called Tephanon papers detailing theoretical invasion plans for the Pelasgian colony in eastern Himyar have caused great turmoil abroad and at home. Coming during a presidential election period, too, their significance can be hard to assess in between campaign rhetorics. The Social Democrats at least were quick to dismiss their relevance and Social Republican candidates, too, have downplayed them to be left from a time long passed.

One may wonder then why the Tephanon papers exist in the first place. It is important to note that such warplans are no curiosity, but normal military practice. They are developed to guarantuee military preparedness should tensions suddenly escalate and to not be overwhelmed by the eventuality of war. The developement of such theoretical plans also gives opportunity to assess strategic weaknesses and steer the developement of military forces.

What has made the papers scandalous in the eyes of some is the notion of a preemptive strike. The idea that the SWR may initiate the hostilities, however, is easily explained by taking a closer look at the strategic assesments made in the papers. Military officials seem to consider the Tephanon base a genuine threat to the World Republic in case of war, noting that it provides the Pelasgian Empire with the possibility to initiate operations against the mainland of the World Republic. Combined with the superior fleet strength of the Empire, this has led to the conclusion by the military that the SWR must be the first to strike in a war between the two nations.

Another cause for offense was the notion that the World Republic must have spied on the Pelasgians to gain the data included in the papers. This can not be entirely dismissed, but none of the knowledge about the Pelasgian forces in the Tephanon papers necessarily requires espionage from within Pelasgian borders. Much of the data is in fact publically accessible in one way or another. Meanwhile the data on the troop strength of the World Republic is far more detailed, clearly containing military secrets. It is safe to assume that the Tephanon papers reveal more military secrets of the Republic than of the Empire.

This may have juristic implications as well. Should the responsible party for the leak be caught, the question how secret exactly the contents of the Tephanon papers were could well be the difference between prison and the gallows.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010
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Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros

The Confederation of Beira is concerned of the scandal unfolding in Eastern Himyar. We hope that our continent will remain a stable homeland for all it's peoples so that our children can continue to grow without the fear that there will be no future for them.

We urge both the Implarian Republic and the Christopolitan Empire to proceed with calm as a war between them is as
unnecessarily as it is expensive. We find the leak as being nothing more than provocation either targeting the Empire by presenting the Republic as aggressive or maybe vice-versa to show the Republic that it's secret services are vulnerable to infiltration. There are also chances that a third party might have started the whole scandal to see Himyar descent into chaos.

Such plans most likely exist in Pelasgia too, especially considering the rivalry between the two states. We hope that this crisis will not escalate as it will most likely engulf not only Himyar but also the whole world.

Gabriel Cabral

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Live: Donna Trumm campaign speech in Fairview
Federal Broadcasting Service

"... and let me tell you something. Yesterday I was in a bar. Just sitting there. So, yesterday I was in this bar drinking my wine. And this young guy walks up to me and he says; do you know what he says? He says: you're Donna Trumm!

I look at him and he looks like one of these college liberals. Effeminate face, soft little hands. Fake glasses. I know the type. You know the type. We all know the type. But I say to myself. Donna, I say, you gotta give this boy a chance. After all, he has a vote."

Laughter from the crowd.

"And let me tell you. I learned something that night. Yes, it's true. Donna Trumm learned something from a college boy. No, not what you are thinking. No boy can teach me anything about that anymore."

More laughter.

"That boy, he told me about this country. It's called Trivodnia. You probably never heard of it. I now I haven't. But this country. Let me tell you, there are bad people there. Some very bad people. Really bad. Almost as bad as bad Republicans here."


"I don't mean to say that all Trivodnians are bad. I am sure they are lovely people. I am sure if I visit they will love me too. I just have that effect on people. But the bad people in Trivodnia, they try to cause chaos and make all the good people there suffer. These bad people, they are from Kadikistan."

The crowd boos.

"I see you've heard of them. Yes, bad people these Kadikis. They come to this little country and they spread their lies. And they bring drugs and weapons to this country. And I guess some of them are decent people, too. But Ivar, let me tell you: Ivar wants to break apart Trivodnia. It is their neighbour, but they want to piss on their frontyard. Let me ask you: how would you react if someone did that?

But because of Ivar, there is now ethnic fighting in Trivodnia. It is a beautiful country. The college boy told me all about it. But these bad people, they are destroying it. They sow conflict between the Trivodnians. They cause them to fight each other.

Now, I want to become President of the World Republic. You all want me to become President of the World Republic, too. And if you ask me, Trivodnia is part of the world. So I will have some responsibility for them, too. I promise you that I will go there. As President I will go there. And I will fix it. I will negotiate between the peoples of Trivodnia. I will strike the best deal a President has ever made. And all these bad people? They will lose. They will lose big time.

And we will send all these bad people back to Kadikistan. What will we do then? We will build a wall! All around Kadikistan! And we'll make the Kadikistanis pay for it!"


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Ministry of External Affairs

We wish to clarify there is no "ethnic fighting" in Trivodnia, only robust disagreement and debate within the framework of a parliamentary democracy.

The Chancellery

"While we share Trumm's assessment that the vision put forward by some Krasnislavian nationalists will ultimately weaken the Free State, we must question the quality of university education in the Socialist World Republic if they are teaching that there is "ethnic fighting" here. There is not. We are at peace."
-Spokesman for Chancellor Alexander Kahnemann

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Expedition to search for mythical sunken continent of Occidentia
Fineprint Magazine

Financed by donations from all over the world, internet semi-celebrity Gunnar Haakonsson has started his expedition to the Thaumantic Ocean. There Haakonsson intends to search for the mythical sunken continent of Occidentia, which ancient Pelasgian myths describe as a "land of gold and jewels" that lay "beyond the sunset". The historicity of Occidentia is widely disputed and the tale more commonly regarded as a moral parable, as the continent reportedly sank into the waves as punishment for the sins of its inhabitants, but Haakonsson is certain to have found the actual location of the mythical land.

Haakonsson graduated from the Laurel Union college of Newton University in Alexandria with a degree in archeology. Ever since, however, Haakonsson has become famous through scientifically dubious claims about ancient civilizations, which he often believes to have had access to advanced technology and possibly been in contact with alien civilizations. His videos on the subject have gathered him a cult following without it being clear whether the majority actually believes in his theories or considers his work of comedic value.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Trumm secures Social Republican candidacy
Westport Times

Outside contestant Donna Trumm has unexpectedly managed to secure the presidential candidacy from the Social Republican federal congress, defying analysts predictions. Her aggressive rhetorics have made her a controversial figure over the course of her campaign, but also earning her a devoted following amongst the working class and political experts expected her to influence the platform of the Social Republicans for the upcoming election, but not manage to win against her experienced competition which is well entrenched in the party apparatus.

"Trumm managed to embody the hopes of large parts of the population to reverse the course of liberalization," Union leader Harry King, who also campaigned for the nomination, said, admitting that: "Against a colorful figure like Trumm, I, as well as the other Republican candidates, remained grey and without profile. Trumm stands for something, we did not." Unlike the other top-candidate Senator Hartmann, who refused to comment on his defeat, King wished Trumm good luck and promised to support her campaign regardless of his own defeat.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Candidates publish positions on how to fight drug trade
Implarian Observer

The presidential candidates of both big parties have released seperate statements to the press yesterday, detailing their campaigns stance on how to fight the international drug trade. These statements occured in the wake of joint Trivodnian-Kashtanese demands for international support towards their fight against drug trafficking.

Social Democratic candidate and Senator Clint Hill rejected demands for financial support of Trivodnia and Kashtan, as well as their position against a decriminalization of consumption, instead emphasizing liberalization and "control through legality". Hill wants to curtail consumption through a high luxury tax after legalizing certain substances, which would then be used to fund awareness campaigns to discourage drug use.

The Social Republican Donna Trumm struck harsher chords, encouraging the developement of specialized closed rehabilitation centers for drug offenders, stating that lax laws only served to encourage further drug abuse. Regarding the Trivodnian-Kashtanese demands, Trumms campaign speaks of a "general willingness" to cooperate with both countries if certain standards are met. According to Trumm, it is "a widely known fact" that the main profiteer of the global drug trade were the Kadikistani government and she insists that any joint effort with nations bordering Kadikistani must involve a policy of isolation of Ivar.

Trumm reiterated her demand for a multinational border-wall as practical measure of this policy of isolation.


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Ministry of External Affairs

Liberalisation of drug laws only increases demand and puts greater pressure on producer and transit countries, as it emboldens criminals by allowing them to believe they are part of a legal supply chain.

If the Socialist World Republic is serious about ending the global drugs trade, it should be looking to adopt tougher enforcement at home and aiding partners abroad.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Friendship
The IDRK echoes statements made by our Trivodnian partners in regards to the fight against drugs. Liberalization will directly counter-act the efforts made by those most affected by the thuggery of the merchants of death. An aware Implarian will still mean a dead Easterner. As such, the only humane policy can be support for the measures taken by Shigö and Amstov to end the drug trade and the devastating effect it has on the world and especially the peoples of the East.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
SWR to incentivize repatriation of Beirans in exile
Implarian Observer

President Winters today presented a bill to congress that would incentivize the repatriation of Beirans in exile within the SWR. A majority of congressmen signed it into action after short debate. The bill will grant financial subsidies to any Beiran national with permanent residence or citizenship in the Implarian states, who wishes to return to Beira following the end of the dictatorship and the election of the first post-fascist government in the Long Sea nation.

During the dictatorship numerous Beirans, especially those persecuted for left-wing political views, sought safety in exile. While not the only destination, the SWR granted many of them refuge, being traditionally an immigrant nation and perceiving it as its duty to provide a safe haven for socialists from around the world. Many of the Beirans in exile are skilled workers or academics.

"They should make their voices heard in the new Beira that is taking shape," President Winters explained his bill during a speech to congress. "Their skills are surely needed and this bill will help to erase any financial obstacle that might stand in the way of their return home."