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Regional Response to Belmontien Aggression, Attn: Franken


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
To: BEAUMONT, Robert; Das Auswärtige Amt
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Re: Belmontien Aggression
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Reminder: Aircommand Oelar will begin exercises in eastern Olmolungring.

...Aircommand Oelar will test sixteen new IF-23 Darkcloud interceptor fighters in the eastern mountains...

Oelar is extremely concerned re: possibility of regional war coinciding with Oelarian succession crisis, which would go hot if LFS and Kryobaijani influence in-country intensifies much further.

We urge Franken to push for comprehensive bilateral engagement between our new EDF partners and the Northern Council. Existing international institutions - CoN and NC - are ineffective. Median Europe needs a regional forum, now that the malign effects of LFS influence - from the powers of Sarmatia, Boreas, and Toyou - are playing out in Belmont's power-keg - a broader framework than Hilversum now offers, but perhaps under the aegis of the Northern Council. An EDF-NC-Nonalligned regional conference might be held in a neutral site like Oelar soon.

N. N. Roerich
Prime Minister of the Oelarian State
Aug 30, 2009
Free State of Bavaria
ErAn, Franken, ArEn
To: Roerich, N.N.; Office of the Prime Minister
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Re: Belmontien Aggression
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On the air exercises: A Königliche Luftwaffe delegation led by Oberst Petra Dohrmann is en route to the site.

Oelar is extremely concerned re: possibility of regional war coinciding with Oelarian succession crisis, which would go hot if LFS and Kryobaijani influence in-country intensifies much further.

Prime Minister Roerich, rest assured that Franken is currently coordinating measures to reduce the damage done by Belmont's irresponsible behaviour. Until we are provided with a sufficient pretext to intervene in Belmont, the EDF military units en route to the borders of Belmont are performing a Demonstration der Stärke (1). Thank you for your proposal to kick off joint diplomatic efforts by the NC and EDF states. We will see to its discussion and hopefully subsequent implementation.

R. Beaumont
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Deputy Ministerpresident of His Majesty's Government

(1) show of force