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the Beautancus Purchase


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina

Name of Country: Popular State of Beautancus
Anything Else: Not really, but gimme a short bit. I would also think the RP history would speak to the ability to fill that whopping spot with all kinds of nebulous future RP.

*EDIT* This is a horribly big map spot, having thought it over for a little while. The key reasoning behind this were the availability of access to both coasts, as well as that nifty island. The former will eventually prove to be very important to the direction I have intended. If anyone has any reservations, please bring them up now rather than later so that something different can be worked out.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
A lot of times we've had requests for massive amounts of land from people who then don't do nearly the amount of RP to justify it. Remember that amount of land means no other nation would be able to use it. Don't just create a superpower, make a few posts then forget about this forum alright? You need to stick around. If all of that land goes dormant I'll be one of the first to advocate it's break up.

Also I hope you discussed in advance with the other Occident nations before your request right? As this claim will completely upheave all of their RP as they now have a massive nation in you to consider for all of their historical and future RP.

Finally I strongly think you should put down at least some description of your nation before we hand over half of north occidentia to you.


Established Nation
Aug 9, 2012
I strongly oppose you claiming mapspot so large for the following reasons:
1) somerhing that large screams I want to be a superpower
2) throws a wrench in current occidental rp
3) it simply is way too large

If two coastlines are important, the plot south of me is a peninsula and is a much more reasonable claim


Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Kids these days... :roll:

One of the only things I regret about the 1950's is that we (inadvertently) ruined Beautancus's plan for a comeback. And now I am thrilled he is coming back again, he has always been a superb RP'er and our community was diminished by his absence.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Beau, you know I really think you're the bees knees, and while I'd LOVE to have an active neighbor, I'm not sure I can agree with you suddenly swallowing up all the space between Occidentia in that matter, leaving two spots which have a sizable chance of being taken otherwise and also probably forcing some changes into my national attitudes and RP, depending on the history you end up going with.

I however, think it upheaves a lot, and suggest one of these two things if access to both coasts is important to you (and obviously bordering Attreyu is important to his RP). Request Pellewburg's mapspot, and expand it along the border with Attreyu until you get your western coast of whatever size. Or two, take that sizeable chunk of territory south of Auraria, thus getting 3 coasts, and allowing you to have at least 1 active neighbor, as well as letting you have some sort've (more stretched, admittedly) history with Attreyu, but a history none the less.

Ultimately, though, I'm aware that if Kyle wants you to have it you'll get it, as I get the feeling Zeke might shrug entirely on the matter, Davy won't tell you no, and Steak isn't even about.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
shrugs. im not against it. All I hope is that Carson will be able to get back into the groove of rp


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Moved the discussion to own thread.

Ultimately, though, I'm aware that if Kyle wants you to have it you'll get it,

Kyletatorship will not be necessary I don't think because he seemed willing to discuss it with you guys:

If anyone has any reservations, please bring them up now rather than later so that something different can be worked out.

I agree with most of the points going AGAINST this large of a mapspot, but the one about "Changing RP" or "Throws a Wrench" in to the regional RP is a bad point. It's the nature of our community that nations come and go, constantly changing our perceptions of what we were doing - at best we can put an emphasis on consistency of RP and try to engage the members we already have to stay.

Thus, we should encourage a friendly discussion about this here request in a hope that everyone gets some of what they want to stay happy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
As a forewarning, I'm not exactly as sure of my ability to gauge how something will sound as I used to be. Take that as you will. As it stands, I'm not really all that moved about the "it will change my RP," as this is a thing that happens when new people come to RP. As I'm not new, it moves me even less (especially considering the moving and shaking that I know has gone on, even in the context of this current iteration). I will do what I can to work with you to make sure that it's an easy enough introduction (for Beautancus), but beyond that, I've got a vision of my RP too. Moving on, however briefly, to upheaval. Be ready for that, no matter what my size, or what the spot looks like or where-so-ever it is.

Also, "if Kyle wants it to," talk. Negatory. I specifically posted this up here, on the forums for the entirety of the community to see and be rankled about. If I'd wanted to have the opinion of a single person be all that decided it, I'd have obviously gone through a different venue. As it is, that's a kinda pissy- if not overt- dig that I'd really prefer not to read in the first thread "dedicated" to my return. At all. I've not had a lot to do with the community at large because I'm not really in a place to groove on any of the backbiting negativity. Let's just be open, discuss this with a mind for the development of the community as a whole, and we'll be mighty fine when done.

I've taken an inclination to RP again, which is something that I'd not intended to do until the time became affordable again- and that it obviously has. That being said, I wish to RP as I always have- albeit with a far different mindset (more or less), which is what I gather more than less you want to see me do. The option to go back to the previous concepts that I've played (which if one of you that've expressed concerns will recall, would have most assuredly altered your RP in radical ways) is closed to me, and this is mostly ok. I do however, not care to get shoehorned again, right from the start. If we have concerns over how I show up in this world, that's fine. Let's discuss them with all things accounted, including the "current state of the community." But I can guarantee that whatever concerns might be had over the size of the map-plot are moot. If I had a mind to, I could be a very, very nasty Monaco. As it is, this is not what I have a mind to do. I have a mind to be a non-socialist people's giant. Which means that this giant, like the people, doesn't care to lurch its immense bulk about as much as some leaner, more predatory nations. This is intended to facilitate some bits of RP that I feel are currently lacking in the community.

Just my two cents. (*EDIT* I can't help but chuckle, still, every time that I post and scroll down to see a pissed off, unimpressed Clint Eastwood. Still and all, please don't associate the grimace there with the text above.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
A lot of times we've had requests for massive amounts of land from people who then don't do nearly the amount of RP to justify it. Remember that amount of land means no other nation would be able to use it. Don't just create a superpower, make a few posts then forget about this forum alright? You need to stick around. If all of that land goes dormant I'll be one of the first to advocate it's break up.

Also I hope you discussed in advance with the other Occident nations before your request right? As this claim will completely upheave all of their RP as they now have a massive nation in you to consider for all of their historical and future RP.

Finally I strongly think you should put down at least some description of your nation before we hand over half of north occidentia to you.

I can do it, but it will be brief. I've no intention of boxing myself in with any more than what is absolutely necessary in terms of back history. I don't think I know you, or you me - but trust me, this is an enormous change in my perspective on RP'ing here. I know from the past that obsessing over back history will curtail current RP, which is what I'm interested in. As to the discussion, wowee look and see, here we have conveniently been given a thread to do it all in the open and public like, so that the entirety of the community that will be affected has the chance to have their say or three.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Beau, you know I really think you're the bees knees, and while I'd LOVE to have an active neighbor, I'm not sure I can agree with you suddenly swallowing up all the space between Occidentia in that matter, leaving two spots which have a sizable chance of being taken otherwise and also probably forcing some changes into my national attitudes and RP, depending on the history you end up going with.

I however, think it upheaves a lot, and suggest one of these two things if access to both coasts is important to you (and obviously bordering Attreyu is important to his RP). Request Pellewburg's mapspot, and expand it along the border with Attreyu until you get your western coast of whatever size. Or two, take that sizeable chunk of territory south of Auraria, thus getting 3 coasts, and allowing you to have at least 1 active neighbor, as well as letting you have some sort've (more stretched, admittedly) history with Attreyu, but a history none the less.

Ultimately, though, I'm aware that if Kyle wants you to have it you'll get it, as I get the feeling Zeke might shrug entirely on the matter, Davy won't tell you no, and Steak isn't even about.

I'm not keen on just busting in the door and making suggestions and all, but...make more land if that turns into a concern.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
My concerns are largely in that Pellewburg obviously didn't force a stop in any historical 'manifest destiny', in the end, for my nation; it's size was never an issue, and with Sylvania we already referenced that there were historical territorial issues. With such a large landmass claimed, you limit the possibility of other neighbors for folks in the region, and this isn't a problem, IF you think you can RP actively. I know you're a teacher and time isn't as available to you as much as it was before, but I suppose my other concern here is I'm not entirely sure what you plan your nation to look like. Is it a vast nation with tons of rural settlements but not a huge population, a sort of major frontier nation? Is it a collection of states of various sizes which happen to be all fairly well settled? How industrialized is it supposed to be?

What origins do you plan for it to have in the manner it came to be, how it was colonized, etc? How about ethnicity?

And I know my tone can be all over the place, so I should clarify here and now I'm not intending to grill, just asking questions that I feel need to be answered.

@Kyle, it was no claim of a dictatorship, but if half of the active nations of Occidentia (Attreyu+Sylivania would equal half, really) are okay with it, you as map maker surely have some sort've swing vote, especially when it comes to the fact it'd bring another player to the region.


Established Nation
Aug 9, 2012
To be fair, before I comment any further with any elaboration, I'd like to hear what you intend to do with this giant landmass. There is no huge demand for real estate in the Occident, but I fear that having a nation of this size could lead to problems in the event you descend back into inactivity, not saying you will or won't though.

Overall, I don't think I'll be convinced to be okay with you taking this huge space, but ultimately it isn't up to me and I doubt my ability to convince you to otherwise. Though, before I say anything else, if you could elaborate on what your nation even intends to be, that'd be appreciated.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Considering the abundance of available space (more so if nations such as Pellewburg are greened), and the relative inactivity of the forum, I cannot agree to the arguments being made on size. There is always somewhere for someone to launch their new nation, even in Eurodisney. The superpower implication is also rather premature, territorial size does not equate to strength and glory.

Additionally, my personal belief is, that with Beautancus spanning that middle - coast to coast - and bordering quite a lot of the Occidental nations, it could actually aid in fostering a more closely-knit regional history, and role-play. Which would be an additional and equally excellent consequence to Beau's return to the forums.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
I'm going to go ahead and rescind my ''RP changer'' issue.'' It was a bad reason. Good points from both Beautancus and Kyle that it's part of the game that we have to be changeable. Sure when Kyiv plopped down next to me it gave me tons to work with RP wise. Now I have home grown terrorism and everything. :D

Also I'm only at 50% conviction at the land size issue seeing as the land you're aiming to take, admittedly, isn't in top demand at the moment.

In short - I had some queries and I feel like they've been answered.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina

Secondary map proposal. Green is, as always my primary color, and what I would absolutley have to have for what I'm thinking on. Goldish-orange color is what I would like to have. As I've got several pots in the fire, that's all I'm giving for now. I will provide some brief rough down of concept, but I'm not boxing myself in anymore than anyone else around here ever does. If it wasn't that major countries didn't reinvent themselves and their ties every other week, I'd understand a bit more. As it is, I am the new country and had intended to do this anyway. But I'm not going to come anywhere near exhausting myself, or limiting what would otherwise be time to write actual RP.