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The House in the Pebble Ward:.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
Méaróg Maor, Hyborea Province, Kingdom of Warre- It was the dead of night, but in the secluded airstrip located within the forest some two miles from the scenic, minor mining and fishing town of Méaróg Maor [Or 'Pebble Ward', with 'Pebble Garden' it's sometimes preferred English name], things were still very much abuzz. In the sparsely lit offenses that directed things, much of the plans were dealt with by relaying the necessary landing messages to the various helicopters, planes, and jets which were flying in with the various heads of state and representatives of nations which were attending. Patrolling the sky were a squadron of RWAF Drakes, with anti-aircraft prepared in case any rogue state or alliance action, attempted to disrupt the meeting.

They'd be shuttled one by one to the town with waiting transports, and then they would be met by the Warreic Chancellor of Defense, Ceith Mac Aodha, who had been given the authority in this situation to act as if he was the Ri himself in negotiations and the treaty, and to sign his name with the authority of signing the Ri his self's name. While unprecedented, the level of communication the elderly monarch had with the Chancellor that none of the ministers or nobles bothered to pipe in protest at his selection as the representative for Warre.

It would just be a matter of waiting, now.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Defense Secretary Kane Clark sat strapped into his seat as his government owned private jet hit the runway, the combination of breaking and the thrust reverser jostling him around in his seat. The jet taxied to the ramp quickly as the pilot's knew Clark did not like to be late. As the door opened the fresh air flowed into the jet's pressurized cabin, the smells of the sea permeating the air along with smells of fuel and hot engines. He did not come with an armed escort as one was not needed to visit a nation who had been considered Bantyr's brother for centuries, however and armed escort was provided by the cautious Warreic who were airing on the side of caution for this momentous meeting.

The car, which could be considered luxurious in scope, pulled up along the side of the small jet as Clark exited down the jet's stairs and directly into the vehicle. As he sat with his secretary he went over several different documents he had prepared in order to be prepared for the meeting.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Foreign Affairs Minister Ilarion Moroz was jostled awake as the jet touched down. It was a relief to finally be on the ground, he had spent most of the flight ruminating the ramifications of the warric offer. Now he would be able to get to work. When Warr had extended an invitation to the Allied States it had piqued the interest of the entire government. The North was well outside Kyiv's core areas of interest but if Kyiv could gain a foothold there they could potentially outflank Paisila and extend their reach as far as the Lyric sea.

The Supreme leader had made it clear he was in favor of building ties in the North but emphasized that these were ties of convenience rather than fraternity, Kyiv was there to advances it's national interest first. Ilarion agreed with the sentiment but knew it would take a bit more tact to win over the northerners. He wanted to make it clear to them a greater Kyivan role in the region would benefit them all.

A blast of cool, fresh air hit his face as the door opened. Now it was time to begin.