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The Ivernia Times


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition -Seachtú na Nollaig - 7/12/1952 - Only 1 Scilling [5]

The High King and Ivernish High-Senate have just declared their combined support for King Frederik III, the current King and head of state of the Danish Imperium, in his claim for the now absent Throne of Agder and Fey, after the sudden death of King Haakon V. The Hing King Felix Uí Neill stood in Nemedia House, the House of the High Senate, surrounded by the entire Senate to make this proclamation:

''Upon the tragic death of Haakon V, and with the apparent rejection on the crown by his only living sibling, who's whereabouts are not public knowledge, the crown has passed. By all laws and customs familiar to Agderike, and laws and customs been in use in Agderike for centuries, the crown has passed to King Frederik III, the cousin of former King Haakon V.
In Ivernia's eyes King Frederik III as of this moment is not only the ruler of the Danish Imperium but also of Agder and Fey. I believe the Frederik III, as the cousin of the former King Haakon V, and a good and honourable Nordic King, is the most suitable man to rule the Nordic Kingdom of Agderike and a man who would show great compassion and understanding for the Agderike people.
I hereby strongly encourage the Lagting of Agderike, as the formal assembly of Agderike - and the current rulers of the nation, to enter discussion with the Danish King as soon as they can, to enter the discussion of coronation and to see the most rightful man to be King.''

While the Senate by majority vouched for the proclamtion, the Opposition has raised concerns over the divisiveness of the announcement, due to many both in and out of Agderike who at this time do not support Frederik III accession to the throne.
Silvio MacBrady, the Head of the Senate also had concerns;
''I made sure that the Senate would not back the statement unless An Mórgacht Ríoga Ard explicity stated that talks needed to commence between Frederik and the Lagting. While I support Frederik III I wish for the Lagting to embrace him, not for him to be imposed upon them. I am positive however, that talks between the two will prove fruitful.''


With the death of Haakon V of Agderike and Prince Frederick IV of Westsachen in just a matter of weeks it seems there has been a shakeup in the members of the world stage. Both the Norse-Gaels in Formoria and the Germanic-Gaels in Bervenia have held vigils in major cathedrals in their respective provinces.

A train in Carentania due for Camza crashed, killing over 300 civilians in what is said to be the worst rail accident in the nation. The Royal Engineering Society stated ''The faulty engineering practices in Communist Carentania are likely to blame for this tragic disaster.'' Trócaire and the NGO have both pledge their support to the rebuilding of people lives in the region.


Bán Dair Cathrach: A City Councillor for the Ivernian Centrist Party, Dermot Maclane, has put forward a bill to stop the burning of 'dirty coal' in the city centre, in an attempt to ''ease the black fog that appears every winter. This smog is bad for all our health and no doubt is leading to early death for pensioners and asthma in our children.'' The opinion is split evenly in Bán Dair Cathrach City Council, due to impoverished areas having no other means of heating themselves over the winter.

Dawn City: New shipment of salt from Sarmatia means the roads will once again be properly salted and clear for commutes. main roads expected to be in use tomorrow morning, lesser roads in the coming days. Dirt is being stockpiled in case the salt runs out again.

Vedrarfjord: Complaints of a growing black market in Vedrarfjord ports have been upheld by the Milesia Garda Siochana and a major investigation is underway.

Estport: Several ''suspected communists'' have been attacked in their homes by a rising Mezhist element in Estria. No fatalities, however 7 people have been hospitilized.

Bervenia City: Bervenia Army to be equipped from Ivernish-Produced Arms due to delays in international purchases.

Sport: The last Rugby Match of the year unfortunetaly has been postponed until January 9th due to snowfall. The RLI (Rugby League Ivernia) has stated that they ''regret this decision, however the safety of both the atheletes, the staff and the audience is paramount, something that cannot be guaranteed in such weather.In other news, the Ivernish Hockey League begins this Sunday to commence the Winter Sports Season.

Long live the HIGH KING!



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FOR UPON the traversal, in consort with the ignominious RETAINERS-ROYALE, the COMMANDANTS-MARINE and the SUPPLICANTS OF STATE across the Near Seas which happen to lap in a most time-old and uproarious and also frequently subdued manner upon the sandy and rocky domains of the Realm of the High King, it is requested and humbly beseeched that THEIR DANIC AND AGDERRIC MAJESTIES the KING FREDERIK III & I and CONSORT-QUEEN be admitted and permitted to pass in the gracious, illustrious and noble manner within which to conduct a VISIT OF HIGH AND NOBLE STATE upon the Realms of the Most EXQUISITE, the Most IMPOSING, the HIGH and MAGNANIMOUS SOVEREIGN of REPUTATION, the HIGH KING FELIX OF NEILL of the HIGH KINGDOM OF IVERNENE.

Upon royal and stately command and demand, Their Majesties communicate their desire that the GATES and BAR-HOLDS be duly relinquished and obliged for access to THEIR MAJESTIES OF STATE within which to conduct a visit most humble and respectful within the REALMS OF THE HIGH KINGDOM.



Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 24ú na Nollaig - 24/12/1952 - Only 1 Scilling [5]

The King of Danmark and Agder & Fey, Frederik III & I has concluded his Christmas State visit to the High Kingdom. Landing in Vedrarfjord on the 21st to a very large crowd of people the Danish King greeted the Norse Gaels of Milesia who claim ancestry and shared culture with Danmark. The Mayor of Vedrarfjord, Lord Ivor MacAsgaill spoke at the event of his landing, ''The Norse Gaels and the Danish people have a shared history, from the very foundation of Ivernish coastal cities such as this one coming about through Danish settlers. Now we must have a shared future, through closer co-operation between our two nations, so that the High Kingdom of Ivernia and the Danish Imperium might prosper together and instill lasting peace in the world.''
Frederik and his Royal Entourage were then spirited away to Tara Castle to meet with the High King Felix Uí Neill, who brought them on a tour of Nemedia showcasing the beautiful Boyne Valley of Ivernia. Diplomatic and economic joint efforts were discussed, but were planned for meetings to be had in the new year.

It has been reported by Frescanian newspapers that the southern republic nation is extremely ill at ease with the Danish Succession of Agderike, and that the Republic is now building up more troops at its base in occupied Bantyr. Speaking on the event, Prince-Elector for Defence Evan MacGrath stated ''While I understand the Frescania does not want destabilization in the Gothic Sea to endanger the lives of it's soldiers in Bantyr, I fear that the rash decision on an immediate increase of military presence in the Gothic Sea was unnecessary and even detrimental to their goal. I would rather Frescania considered working with the nations of the Gothic Sea in peacefully resolving this issue, rather than sending in more soldiers which only heightens tensions in an area which has already seen to much war in recent history.''
When asked about the idea of increasing military presence on Ivernia's northern shore, the Prince-Elector replied ''The issue of Ivernia taking a bigger role in security of the Gothic Sea is definitely on the cards however this will all be discussed in the New Year.''


Santa Claus has departed from the North Pole and has begun his worldwide delivery. The first stop was Danish Implaria on the International Date Line that are part of the Danish Imperium in the Implaria Ocean. Earlier, he thanked his elves saying that he was delighted with all their hard work in preparing all the toys for children worldwide. The strongest elves lifted the sacks of presents onto the sleigh earlier. Elves have made a special request that all children leave some snacks or even a glass of water out for Santa before they go to bed.
Speaking on RTÍ's Morning Ivernia radio show Santa has asked children to leave out carrots and cabbage for Rudolph.


Bán Dair Cathrach: Retail shops stay open until 11pm tonight to accomodate last minute shoppers and parents. A general warning over large traffic so late at night has been issued however surprisingly warm weather is predicted so there will be no ice, frost or snow.

Dawn City: Highever Castle shall open it's doors from the 27th until New Years for the Christmas Highever Ball & Gala which will run for the entire week, which many events in the castle courtyard.

Vedrarfjord: Vedrarfjord Celebrates the recent arrival of King Frederik III & I of the Danish Imperium.

Waesfjord: Strong winds predicted tonight along the coast so a mild warning has been issued for all drivers and pedestrians.

Estport: ISB restores power to Estrian townsland after a fault in the new electrical system, only 5 years old, put out houses last night across the Province.

Bervenia City: Bervenia Garda Siochana reports a drop in Sectarian violence from the Free Bervenia Army, however reports it shall ''Always stay vigilant to the terrorists.''


Argatír: Researchers working for the Ivernish Geographic Society are planning an expedition into the Argatír Rainforest in the New Year in January at the end of the Argatír Summer. Scientists report that the possible new species and plants to be discoved in the depths of the as of yet unexplored Argatír Rainforest ''may have significant consequences for accepted zoology around the world and how we understand the origin of species in Southern Himyar.'' The team is planning to use the newly devolopment Airship by Nemedia Corp. Which comes fitted with a crane, winch and pulley for multipurpose use. One such Airship, the Nomad, found great use in the contruction of the South Pole Base in Sneachtír.

a an tSolais: The Province sees the return of the most recent Crown Jewel of the High Kingdom of Ivernia, the 'Heart of Ivernia' a very large green diamond returned for showcasing in the Nua Estport Provincial Museum. The Provincial Museum of Nua Estport has called it ''The best Christmas Present we could have hoped for. We will present it to the public from January until March before we must return it to Tara Castle.''
The Heart of Ivernia is a large green diamond that was mined out of the Rothillan Diamond
Mine in 1931 in Nua Formoria which is on the Southern Coast of Chósta an tSolais. The Heart of Ivernia was then presented to the High Kingdom to become the latest Crown Jewel in 1933.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 10ú na Eanáir - 10/01/1953 - Only 1 Scilling [5]


In this issue we follow the latest news and reports of the Agderike Crises and the nations that are involved themselves in the situation.
Reports, testemonials and even leaked photography can be found within.

High King Felix Uí Neill calls out for talk, not action from the peoples of Europe. The High King so far has called twice for democratic elections
but with no complete system of governance in Agerike in place to listen, the call has fallen on deaf ears.

Prince-Elector Evan MacGrath has made the decision to increase the Formorian Navies presence on the Northern Border, and an increase of Milesian Navy warships, reconnaisance and Airships on the western border. Prince-Elector MacGrath stated that the decision was made to secure internal confidence in Ivernia's domestic market, after the blows to Ivernia's export market after blockade after blockade in the Gothic Sea from ''Outer Nations'' lowers confidence in the regional economy's growth.


''In recent AP News Wire it has been seen that nations that have been upholding a blockade around Agderike in order to insure that no outside force interferes (Namely the Danish Imperium, without any evidence of that intention) have been found to be in fact interfering and lending their defence and arms to the 'Lovisa' side, to ensure a victory which would benefit them the most. The only proven perpetrator of these acts so far has seen to be Frescania, a Himyari Nation, ensuring it's influence in Scania.
As of now, Ivernia calls for a full withdrawal of all non-Agderike forces: Engellexian, Frescanian and Sylvanian, and asks wether some of those nations might find their military budgets better spent maintaining their own regions.''

A statement from Prime Senator Silvio macBrady during a debate on the Agderike Crisis.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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An Extension of The Queen-Empress' Statement in Council.

I am instructed to DELIVER on behalf of her Imperial and Royal Engellexic Majesty;

Sir, I feel from what passed on a former occasion in the House of Lords, Imperial Parliament at Dulwich, more especially with reference to an answer which I then felt it my duty to give to their Noble Lords, that it was due to myself and to the Peers of the Realm that some further explanation should be given respecting bilateral relations with key nations in light of the Agderike Succession Crisis. If I remember rightly, amongst others, one question, whether there existed a perfectly good understanding between the Government of Ivernia and that of her Majesty the Queen-Empress of Great Engellex in regard to the affairs of Agderike and Fey? I stated, as far as I remember, that her Majesty’s Minister to the Court of the High King of Ivernia had left the Ivernian capital; that he had been charged by her Majesty with instructions to be learnt and conveyed to the Government of Ivernia; that the object of his return related to the Potenzan-Sikandaran Affair; and I stated also that I hoped nothing would arise out of the matter to disturb the friendly relations subsisting between this Empire and Ivernia.

Now, Sir, about that time there had been read in the Ivernian Senate an address, by the Prime Senator, with the purpose of extending a demand upon her Majesty’s Empire of Great Engellex, without any informed consequences founding the logic behind such a move, to depart the natural borders of Saamiskavia; similarly, there appears to be a prevailing air of ignorance in regard to democratic options for the Agder Succession Crisis. It was thought by many persons in the Imperial Cabinet and the Imperial Parliament at Dulwich, that there was an inconsistency on the part of Ivernia in the position of the High Kingdom with respect to the succession crisis – it has even, boldly, been suggested in political and diplomatic circles of the imperial metropolis that the position of the High Kingdom of Ivernia is formed by the determination to dismantle the friendly bilateral relations of Engellex and Ivernia, in favour of something more becoming, for Ivernia’s position and prestige, with the Kingdom of Danmark. What has now passed with regard to this unfortunate circumstance is this – questions have arisen, and differences of opinion expressed, between her Majesty’s Secretaries of State and those of the Imperial Parliament at Dulwich, in consequence of the manner in which the affair has quietly escalated between Great Engellex and Ivernia.

Now I must say, in the first place, that it could not in the ordinary course of things be expected by the High Kingdom of Ivernia, that the address received by the Senate could be conformed to by her Majesty the Queen-Empress, even if it came to be that the Coalition of Un-Democratic and Un-Desirables – that is, the Danish collection of democracy-deficit Monarchies, Fascist and Communist regimes – launched an offensive upon the civilised Realms of her Majesty the Queen-Empress of Great Engellex. It certainly never entered into my personal thinking, or that of my Sovereign, that such a course of proceeding would in any case be adopted by Christiansborg. But, I am also justified in originally believing that the Monarchist Realms that now surrender their European standing to the cause of Danish hegemony, would so willingly rally behind a banner tainted by the unsavoury regimes of Fascism and Communism.

Now, acknowledging the present state of affairs, and believing it possible that at this very moment when I do endeavour to dispatch to you the position of the Empire, the Danish Imperium will be furthering the cause of its own royal dynasty with greater intrigue and more shocking revelations for the diplomatic community, I would ask you, Sir, and indeed your Sovereign, his Majesty of Ivernia, quite, actually, entirely the political class of the High Kingdom, who values the good understanding between Great Engellex and Ivernia, who has any just appreciation of the interests of both nations and Saamiskavia, and of the European duty of the Empire of Great Engellex, whether her Majesty should not have been guilty of the greatest apathy, of the most destructive act, if Great Engellex had proclaimed a position of absolute neutrality in respect of Agderike and Fey? Supposing the Danish Royal Council of State, from the simple ground of explanations provided, was permitted to exercise sovereignty over the Kingdom of Agderike and Fey absolutely, without due reforms or considerations to the popular dissent, what mischief should not have occurred if Great Engellex did not proclaim its position for democratic accountability and reformations, and thus nailed and fastened the Agder people to a dissatisfaction of revolutionary fervour that should give way to deplorable ideological regimes, which will be prevented and their seedlings removed now, by her Majesty’s efforts? I am confident that no further justification for the course pursued is needed.

It was indicative of an earnest desire to civilise, democratise, if possible, and soften anything like angry feeling on the part of the people of Agderike and Fey.

The address of the Prime Senator, however, requires that I should make some observations, because that address charges her Majesty and the Empire with having broken faith – I may say – with the interests of the people of that kingdom and Saamiskavia, inasmuch as it asserts that, contrary to my letters and addresses, that the positioning of the Empire was as such as to ensure dominance over the region, and as such coercive measures were launched; that is only partly true – her Majesty cannot permit a situation of political strife to deteriorate the liberty and security of the region for the mercantile class, Crown Subjects, and, more importantly, the servicemen of her Majesty’s Engellexic Realm whom, at present, pursue a campaign of pacification and reconstruct of the Bantyric Realm of Glanarought.

His Grace, the DUKE of NONSUCH,
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

While the Republic fully understands Ivernia's cause for concern regarding our policy in Agderike, we shall not withdraw from the region. The Republic was pulled by conflict into the territory of Ceosrath and too much of our men in uniform have died to just withdraw. During the Northern Conflict, Ivernia stood silent as Frescanian, Suonian and Engellexic forces restored peace and stability to the region. We also reaffirm that our quarantine is in place around Agderike and not around the Nordic region.


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It comes as an occurance of keen observation that there are some nations that seek an admixture of desperation to crush descent in a obvious demonstration of national cowardice whilst seeking converts to their wholly weak but, crucially, predetermined case with an attitude of thuggish brow-beating smothered in sauce à salade à la hauteur whilst simultaneously engaging in vigorous overbearing attempts at kowtowing all and sundry that stand in their way lest they pose any threat and tear off their cultivated but faulty arguments clean and clear off their backs.

Yet there is no escape from this contrived folly even though comparatively smaller and weaker nations like Ivernia must bear the brunt of the thug near to them which makes attempts at a perverse subduance of largely innocent and smaller realms of the their own rights ~ respectable heads of state such as the grand High King or even plain, humble and simple folk ~ in their speaking out against the whims of arrogant self-entitlement, engineered domineering covetousness, or even mere caution and temperance. This smacks of a replete arrogance and cack-handed manner that it seems only imperial ministers in that capital seem capable of nowadays. Yet it seems even this is not quite the suiting for the untoward and avarious imperialistic beast with self-ordained rights to other lands not even anything to do with them and which have no sharing with them aside from their own grand designs and claims dressed up as one thing but in exact and quintessential reality meaning something totally different and necessarily untoward and replete with deviousness - a clever trick of smoke and mirrors but not one that deceives me at all. I see through it.

Without any disguise I have to pointedly single out the Empire of Engellex. Not only has it shown a clear self-entitlement over the Scanian Archipelago ~ not just Agder and Fey ~ the Crisis of the Agder Succesion being just one mere episode ~ but it has demonstrated grand pretences towards Arendaal, other nations in that region but also, it seems, Ivernia, not to mention the whole of the Gallian continent and beyond. The sphere of influence this nation seeks to draw into its orbit, control and domination, largely via sticks but with danging carrots few and far between, seems to know few bounds. The suffering Gallians know this beyond doubt an illustrious example par excellence, the Francophones of Montelimar many of whom fled to my own country and towards the Principality of Westsachsen to discover new lives as citizens in our lands. Far from this being a Danish hegemony, as it suits those within Dulwich to paint the current situation, this is wholly about Engellexian hegemony pure and simple. In essence this is it in totality - the preservation of the dominance and hubris of Engellex. Truth will out on that though it is already clearly plain to see. The Empire likes to control and for the status quo to remain that way as it suits it ~ Pax Engellexia. This is as clear a reality as the fact that every year there is a pure, clear, fresh, beautiful and driven virgin snow every winter in the High and Low Polaris.

The francophonic Kingdom of Montelimar a nation which errantly chose the wrong side, though loyal to its alliance obligations with the erstwhile European Defence Federation (EDF), perhaps through rather poor judgement irked its neighbour hence its invasion by Engellex which subsequently carved up a previously historical kingdom. Not for us to judge the internal machinations of the government of the capital of Montelimar at the time, Valmy, but it is with no doubt that the invading hoardes from Engellex displayed little in ceremony and duly carved up that defeated kingdom into its own thing as per the doctrine of victor's justice ~ in essence ~ and sought to construct its own post-war peace as it saw fit throwing all else to one side.

I don't believe Ivernia will succumb to that fate, but it is a just and neat illustration of the rapacious nature of some that inhabit the confines of the corridors of power within Dulwich. This is the reputation one has to go on and yet it has the bare-faced cheek to claim it somehow prefers the democratic route. I must ask, when did it ever seek the popular will over Montelimar via the bandwagon ~ democracy ~ that it now jumps on like a fat man trying to unceremoniously mount a horse whilst observers smirk in mirth at his ineptitude and bulging glutus maxmius ~ to suit its own convenient needs at the current time, over , perish the thought, Montelimar? The answer, for the record, is never. In short, for all the drivel, Dulwich acts in the repose of hypocrites in excelling fashion. It really should dismount that unfortunate horse to save injury to the woeful rider but also to the poor horse upon which the fattened hypocrite attempts to ride. Let us see this opportunistic and significantly late convert to popular democracy it apparently now flaunts as rationale practice what it preaches in Montelimar and then come back to us before it comes preaching at our doorsteps in a holier-than-thou manner.

All I can say is to all nations, small and proud - stand proud! Stand like that colourful red poppy in the field of corn. Speak what you must. Speak truth as it is seen and proclaim it loud and clear. Do not suffer fear and certainly do not recoil. Be decent, be honourable, stand for the nation. In the grand vissitudes and overwhelming currents, do the right thing and be damned to shocks that may be delivered to you. You, and you only, know your nation as it is. You know, and by 'you' I mean by both governments and citizens or subjects, that what is best for your people and your nation even though others may seek to spell out your direction otherwise. For the former, I am with you and I share that with no equivocation. For the beaters of the brow, all I can declare is pity, sorrow but resolution against their continued insistence. But that resolution may sometimes need to be backed by iron will, intelligence, guile, subterfuge and fire. Upon that I rest my case.


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Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
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THE Covenant of Cantignia, which presides most peacefully over these Friendly Confines, would not dare to re-transmit or broadcast these most unfortunate and maliciously crafted words of Henrik Westerveld. Without the slightest inkling of eloquence Mister Westerveld has assumed the mantle once carried by none other than Chairman Nodovinya of Boliatur, shaming not only his namesake but the Peoples & Patriots of Danmark as a race.

We regret to inform you that the Foreign Officer from Cantignia invested in Danmark has been recalled, and that all blood assets of our Foreign Office shall be retracted until such a time that order and peace returns to Danish soil. Though no harm will come to them unless instigated with revolutionary antics, the Covenant has seen fit to advise and inform its most Engellexic, Francophone, and Norsk populace of the potential of Danish subterfuge. We have confidence that our neighborly culture will calmly sort out what Covenant Officials cannot with personal knowledge of the Danish revolutionaries waiting to rise.

Grave is this call for a red uprising when the true threat of Communism lingers upon the periphery of all proud Kingdoms; the Kingdom of Danmark may have very well awoken the red ruin of civilization upon us all unless the blue glove of Post Delegationism slits our throats first. Cantignia shall not be engulfed by this revolutionary tide brought on by Danish meddling around the world, especially now as the Patriots of Agderike & Fey drown at the behest of their sinister design.

Forward !
Harriet Fauconberg,
Chief Officer



Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

Teachtaireacht ón Prionsa-Toghthóir na Íverniann i iúl in ainm Teamhrach Caislean, an Airdrígh agus uile-Íverniann.
12ú Eanáir 1952
To the attention of: The Lords and Commoners, and the Queen-Empress, of Great Engellex.

The words of the Prime Senator Silvio MacBrady have been and continue to be endorsed by myself, the High King of Ivernia.
The High Kingdom of Ivernia first adressed concerns over your first blockade, calling it an escalation of affairs (adding a military element to the crises) and a threat to the regional economy. In that regard we found the Empire to be extremely accommodating, allowing frank explanation and the ability to even oversee the blockade to ensure fair play. However once more we must address the situation, as we have seen two more nations encroach into the Gothic Sea, now from even further afield than before.

Ivernia shall make a point of addressing any and all escalations within this crises. When the first blockade was enacted, Ivernia called for it's end, and we found a compromise in overseeing the affair. When Frescania instilled a blockade Ivernia once again called for it's end. Now with Sylvania lending it's military to this blockade Ivernia, shall once again, call for the complete end of military blockades of the sovereign nation of Agderike. Every new and fresh blockade is a new escalation of danger and a threat to world peace and every new blockade shall be addressed by Ivernia. The High Kingdom of Ivernia shall not be seen as a silent acceptor to foreign military presence in Agderike (or indeed it's maritime border) that is not condoned by the state of Agderike, and during a civil war this is impossible to achieve.

Great Engellex seems to take um-bridge with the allies of the Danish Imperium, naming fascists and communists both. Calling them a threat to Monarchies worldwide, but I ask Engellex of it's allies in this blockade? Two staunch Republics, who are both adverse to the idea of monarchy and are no doubt ensuring a republic victory within Agderike without due course. We have heard chilling tales of the Republic Shield, a Frescanian motive to instill Republicanism ''through any means.'' While we do not endorse the Danish Imperium's allies, we choose not to judge a nation simply by who it decides to make alliances with. A policy Ivernia also enacts in relation to Great Engellex.

Whatever the feelings Great Engellex may or may not have for it's relations with Danmark, Ivernia has yet to see any military from Danmark even proposing to become involved with the Kingdom of Agderike. Not one ship, one airplane, not a single Danish soldier has even announced they plan to invade or unfairly influence Agder and Fey.
Ivernia does not accuse Great Engellex of any such foul play, rather, that the nations Great Engellex has chosen to surround herself with in this blockade are indeed using their militaries within Agderike to ensure a victory that will benefit them the most.
Great Engellex sees itself as a great keeper of the peace, a title I beleive it has done much in the way of earning. However it seems to be blind to the fact that while it builds walls to stop Danmark from doing something, it's friends behind the wall are doing it anyway, except towards their own ends.

This is why my Prime Senator called for a full withdrawal. Your allies of the Empire are abusing you, using your great wall to enact their own republican ideals. There must be a complete withdrawal of all nations within the blockade so that your strength and military will no longer be abused.

If you so fear the acts of Danmark, without the watchful eye of the Great Empire, then I propose you meet and talk with Danish representatives, if not for your love of the Danish peoples, then for the love of peace and freedom from war. Meet with a Danish Representative, and obtain a guarantee that there will be no 'Danish Invasion' of Agderike.
You say that the blockade was a flash action to stop imminent invasion, but I see no invasion imminent. I think now is the time for words, not battleships.

You have mentioned that there has been a affair quietly escalating between Great Engellex and Ivernia, but while I must say yes that is true I do not believe that the affair is what you think, Ivernia has no interest in a downgrading of relations with the Empire, rather I would see this as two allies with separate opinions, and two separate views. The High Kingdom of Ivernia can indeed be called upon as a friends and ally of the Empire, but with that can come disagreement and I do hope all of the peoples of Engellex sees this.

There will come a day when Great Engellex can rely and trust it's allies to maintain peace in their respective regions and Engellex can rest easy from the millstone of international peacekeeper that was hung around it's neck. I think Engellex has the power to help make the Gothic Sea a great, peaceful, prosperous and independent region. But through the actions of others behind you may just become a controlled, war-torn region also. Bent to the will of far-off nations for the years to come.

Agderike does not need the military of three nations surrounding it's shores, it needs a united international call for a democratic vote to decide it's own future, and an international call to lay down your arms, of all groups involved within the Agderike affair.

This message was written on behalf of the High King of and Tara Castle

David MacSweeney, Prince-Elector of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Árd Ríocht na hÍverniann
Cuige na Nemedia, Contae na Mhí
Bán Dair Cathrach, Teamhrach Caisleán
An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha
Oifig an Prionsa-Toghthóir


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 21ú na Eanáir - 10/01/1953 - Only 1 Scilling and 1 Argat [6₳]

The Budget for the New Year has finally been finalised and is prepared to be announced two days after the Ivernish New Year - February 1st, placing the budget date on February 3rd. The High Senate has stated that while the Ivernish economy has indeed managed a slim growth this year, it is lower than predicted growth for this last quarter, which is no doubt due to the Agderike Crises, which has stagnated the regional economy and reduced trade with neighbours.
Prime Senator Silvio MacBrady stated ''Unfortunately the Agderike Crises has not been resolved and every week it continues is another blow to the region's growth. We need to see decisive action if we wish to see a healthy stabilisation of the markets. The High Kingdom of Ivernia wishes to continue exporting goods and services and this crises and these blockades only serve to slowly weaken the region. Until the end of this Crises I'm afraid we must play the long game in regards to our economy and so the budget will have to be more of what we are used to, and less of what we want it to be.''

After an alarming build-up of the Sylvanian military not months past, where nations accused Sylvania of building up an army for a new age of interventionism, Sylvania's Prime Minister Rygaard strongly refused the allegations pointing back to Sylvania's stellar history of neutrality. Their history has become just that however as Sylvania has moved warships across the sea with troops in order to aid Republican Terrorism within Agderike.

Harry Kelly and Alice O'Shaughnessy have been defeated in the latest rounds of the Cantigian Open. After the Day 1 defeat of Aine Flaherty this unfortunately brings to a close the female portion of the Ivernish team.
Journalists working for RTÍ (Raidió Telefís Íverniann) have sent back initial telegrams of the players reactions and it seems that a general explanation to their play has been ''The feirce Cantigian summer, which is just too darn hot to play in. We just weren't prepared for such heat, and we didn't get into our zones fast enough. We hope that, before the next Canitigian Open, we might head to down to Cantignia beforehand to prepare in the environment.'' The player expressed apologies to their fans for their short time in the Open, and hoped to get time to prepare themselves for the next international Open.
Frank MacKenzie, who shall be playing in Day 3, has expessed a great like for Cantigian Weather; ''Weather's great, if you're not playin' tennis. It's feckin' hard to get a good drink around here though.''


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 30ú na Eanáir - 30/01/1953 - Only 1 Scilling and 1 Argat [6₳]

Frank MacKenzie wins the Silver Medal in the Cantigian Open!

Frank MacKenzie, once just a provincial champion tennis player has seriously improved his international reputation by placing second in the Cantigian Open, losing out to just Perry Ash in the finals in his first ever international play. Frank MacKenzie has done all of this not only after being considered a 'longshot' by international media, but also after the rest of the Ivernish team was defeated in the opening rounds due to the hard Cantigian Summer making play difficult. However Frank appeared to not only enjoy the weather, but he seems to have thrived in it.

By the finals, Frank MacKenzie was no longer the dark horse, but the favourite to win in some countries, due to his competitor Perry Ash to be seen to have some sort of attitude problem after a match with a Danish tennis player. While Perry Ash's superb skill was too much for MacKenzie, the Ivernishman still comes home a hero, making it to the finals when all his team fell, in one of the greatest successes in Ivernish tennis history.

3rd of February live on RTÍ from 2pm-6pm!

The Ivernish New Year on the first of February heralds the Budget on the following Sunday. This year the Budget will be on the 3rd of February. The Senate has stated that ''the Budget is being updated and changed all the way up to the day, and so we cannot release preliminary data to specific.
However the general consensus is that this budget will be much like last years, and many of the cuts shall remain in place. While many businessmen look forward to the year, as the Agderike Crises has stepped around civil war, this Senate is taking a more conservative approach, we are thinking long term here.''

Aodh-Mór Astronautics and the 'Royal Space Corps' founded today!

The Aodh-Mór Corporation has announced that Aodh-Mór Aerospace Company has opened up a sub-branch called Aodh-Mór Astronautics, which will focus on Astronautical Engineering for the company. The newly opened branch has also opened up the 'Royal Space Corps' which will over the years assign top men from the Aerospace Company's Test Pilot Scheme over for additional training and briefing. The Royal Space Corps will become a technical branch of the Ivernish Air Corps, and the Senate is currently looking to buy or at least partly own Aodh-Mór Astronautics as the years go by.
Elector-Prince Vincentus Aodh-Mór has stated ''All great leaps have a running start, and before you run you need to walk. While today, just the opening of a branch - of another branch, might seem small, it might just be the beginning of great things in the years to come.''



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Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
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Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
SOLAS Nuacth do Nua Estport agus Chósta tSolais - Béarla Eagrán - 14ú na Feabhra - Act Scilling agus aon Argat [6₳]

All nations within the ICPEN at war, leading to promises of price hikes!

Oil prices in Ivernia, Argatír and Chósta tSolais are all expected to rise in conjunction with the ICPEN declaration regarding the price hike. The reasons for the price hike, as Director Kindersaal stated ''It's only logical that there would be such a detrimental effect on oil prices. With the worlds five largest petroleum producers at war, the oil industry suffers.'' The Senate of the High Kingdom, situated in Bán Dair Cathrach in Ivernia made an official declaration:
''Ivernia has decided to accept the oil price hike, at least for the moment. Those nations within the ICPEN are on freindly relations with Ivernia, and in three of them; Jurzan, Sweizeima and Sikandara we have active trade. Our main trade is high quality engineering, and so I'm sure they realise that less oil going into the High Kingdom means less research, aeronautics and machinery coming out. I am sure that when the war takes a better turn for our main suppliers, Jurzan and Sweizeima, a better price will be renogotiated. In the meantime trade will continue as normal''
-Prime Senator Silvo MacBrady

The Chósta tSolais wing and the Argatír wing of the Senate have both rallied the Aodh-Mór Corporation to invest more money into the Aodh-Mór Electric Company, specifically the ability to drill for oil off-shore.

''This High Kingdom has a coastline of about 1/8 of the coast line of all Himyar. Modern geology experts have concluded that there is a decent chance of oil on this coast. We really must try to wean ourselves off of the ICPEN and become more self sufficient in regards to oil.''
- Senator Johannes Burke, Centrist Peoples Party, Argatír Wing

Matthew MacDaragh of the Christian Democrats has taken the leadership of the Himyari Trade Deal from an ill Sir Francis Dubh!

Matthew MacDaragh of the Christian Democrats (Chósta tSolais Wing) has replaced Sir Francis Dubh as the leader of the recent bill movement to introduce more trade legislation with neighbouring Himyari nations. Sir Francis Dubh has said to have taken a lesser position due to illness.

The recent legislative bill would allow an open of new trade with Himyari nations surrounding Argatír and Chósta tSolais and an easing of trade tax on existing trade. The Bill has said to have gained momentum over the previous weeks, when the Chirstian Democrats decided to put their support behind the bill.

Matthew MacDaragh, on the announcement of his leadership, said ''The Christian Democrats at first were unsure and uneasy about this bill, we had fears that this was a move in the wrong direction and we should be strenghtening our trade with more developed nations, via our seafaring culture. But after much thought and meditation, we have decided to allow this bill, as controlled trade and good, fair offers might just prove to be a benefit to our neighbouring nations and may help to increase the regional economy overall. We expect the bill to pass in the coming weeks.''


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 28ú na Feabhra - 28/02/1953 - Only 1 Scilling and 1 Argat [6₳]

The High Kingdom of Ivernia has offered an olive branch to the Kingdom of Ostveg, addressed in an open letter from the High King Felix Uí Neill. The letter detailed a reclamation of Gothic Independence, with Ivernia and Ostveg and Great Engellex maintaining the Gothic Sea security on their own without outside interference. Prime Senator Silvio MacBrady has stated ''Stability of our markets requires stability of our regional security. Ivernia needs to guarantee that Scania alone can keep Scania safe. When Agderike fell into crises the only military movements were from far away nations, calling out ''defence of Agderike,'' against imagined aggressors.''
The fact that the High King of Ivernia has called the nation ''Ostveg'' shows a large improvement of feeling towards the nation, and there may be a chance for an official recognition of the state in short time.


The High Kingdom of Ivernia, dependant on the oil of foriegn nations is suffering indirectly from the ICPEN's series of wars this year. The Prince-Elector of Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture, Vincentus Aodh-Mór has decided to allocate money into the Aodh-Mór Electric Company for research into the Himyari Coast and the territorial Gothic Sea. ''While it might seem harsh, we really do need to spend money now, before the high oil prices cut too deep. We need to spend money searching our own land and seas for oil deposit. I have a very good feeling that we should find enough oil to put a cut into our oil import over the coming year or so. We are also looking into finding new nations to import oil from. Weiserriech is one possible option, and even possibly Sylvania. Nations with a low risk for war is what we're looking for in sellers.''


Bán Dair Cathrach
Senators in Nemedia House have decided to put a cap on the bonuses for Bankers within Ivernia in the nationally owned Bank of Ivernia.
''Bankers are aptly paid for there work and frankly the bonuses shouldn't be going as far as they do. We believe that this eases up more money which could be better spent in banking regulation, which is in serious need of cash flow.'' - Dermot MacNamara, Christian Democrat Senator on the Formorian Wing.

''While the reduction of bonuses is good on paper, we run the risk of scaring expert bankers out of the nation into nations where they might be better paid. It also allows foreign and private banks to steal our top bankers with their unregulated bonuses. I believe that there is still more to be done on top of this legislation.'' - Fergal Morgan, Centrist Peoples Party on the Estrian Wing.


The military fortress city on the Nemedia/Bervenia Border is opening it's doors to tours from 1st March until late Summer. The tours will mostly be held in the evenings and weekends. Pádraigburg is a former small city, built on the former sovereign border between Nemedia and Bervenia. A city built like a fortress with a huge military presence, it was eventually converted into the HQ for the entire Ivernish Military over 150 years ago. All applicants must be sure to make themselves aware of the rules and regulations regarding the tour.

Bervenia City

The Mayor of Bervenia City, Frank Alder, plans to make calls out to the southern germanic nations in a possible student exchange program, emulating the germanic exchange already in place. ''Bervenia is right on the south eastern border of Ivernia. It has a heavy Germanic culture which I think we should celebrate alongside our Ivernish Heritage. I believe nation such as Franken and Eiffeland might be very interested in an exhange program with Bervenia as Bervenia contains many german speakers, and it would be a great way to show them Ivernia, in the comfort of there own language.


Matthew MacDaragh leads to Himyar Trade issue to a succesful yes vote in Nemedia House. A momentus event, this means the Lowever Provinces can now expand their trade with the neighbouring countries of Himyar. Due process means the legislative bill will come into effect in a manner of weeks with the trade tariff officially lowering by the end of next month.

Chósta an tSolais

The Chósta an tSolais Navy has made calls on the need for an aircraft carrier for the Ivernian Himyar. ''Such a distance of coastline requires one in my opinion. This nation has put so much effort into it's air force, we need to mobilize it soon.'' General McMurphy of the Chósta an tSolais Navy.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 6ú na Márta - 06/03/1953 - Only 1 Scilling and 1 Argat [6₳]

Senate plans to enter discussion with Boganhem Government

Following the deaths of over 200 people and the assasination of the Secretary of State for Defence, the Prince-Elector of Foreign Affairs and Trade has declared Boganhem a 'State in Crisis.' ''Once again Ivernia must look up at Scania and wonder why there is so much instability. Ivernia plans to open up talks with Bogenhem early, and hopefully address what can be done from inside Bogenhem. The High Kingdom plans to offer aid, both physical in the form of equipment and supplies and monetary in the form of no-interest loans, to help Boganhem solve it's internal issues.
We have also unfortunetly had to downgrade Bogenham from a Green travel zone to a Orange travel zone and we warn all Ivernian's planning holidays, and all Bogan's in Ivernia looking to return home to be extremely careful within the nation. As of this time the High Kingdom has no reason to believe that the Bogan Crises is out of the woods yet.

No Response to Ivernia's olive branch from the Ostveg Government

With no response from the Govermant of Ostveg, after a letter from the High Kingdom of Ivernia, the Senate of Ivernia has decided to ''take it as a snub.'' The Prime Senator Silvio MacBrady has spoken to an Nuactán na hÍvernia about this; ''We believe at this time Great Engellex's dream of a Gothic Sea ruled by itself is unfortunately gone. With Sylvania and Frescania very much with their claws in the north Gothic Sea. The High King Felix Uí Neill decided to take it upon himself to offer the olive branch one more time, but it was a vain excercise, as Ostveg has already aligned itself militarily with the two republics. The High Kingdom of Ivernia however still maintains that the southern half of the Gothic Sea can still be used to form some sort of bi-lateral agreement between us and Engellex.''

''All trade between Ivernia and Ostveg ended during the Agderike Crises, and at this time there are no plans to reopen that trade route.''

heck your local Tourist/Post Office for details of local events

Saint Patrick, one of the patron saints of Ivernia is known for being one of the more succesful bringers of Christianity to Ivernia. March 17ú is not only Saint Patricks Saint Day, but is also a national holiday and a day of parades and celebration for all things Ivernish. Ivernish and those of Ivernish descent across the world are encouraged to celebrate their Ivernish heritage and to remember to wear green!
People in Ivernia should check their local Post Office/Council House/Pub for info on the local celebrations, and also the times for the National Parade, held in the capital Alderburgh. The national holiday shall officially be Monday the 18ú of March, as the Banks are already closed on Sunday.


The St. Patricks Day National Parade route has been drawn out. Starting from Faffram Street, going across the Boyne River, and down into south Alderburgh around the College Green next to Trinity College. The Ivernish Tourist Board has said ''This St. Patricks Day will be celebrated all weekend, with various things to do in Alderburgh. But the big day next Sunday will be the largest St. Patricks Day parade in Ivernish history. We certainly hope it draws in a large crowd, of both domestic and foreign peoples.

The 'Water Tower' of Vedrarfjord has been given funds by the Milesia Senate wing for renovations. The Water Tower, a large watchtower which dominated the Vedrarfjord skyline for 400 years. However in the previous half century the Tower has fell into disuse and disrepair. The Milesian Senate wing has declared ''We have decided to take charge and renovate the old tower. We won't let it crumble away into history, instead we will rebuild neccesary parts and ensure that it does not degrade quite to much ever again. We plan to renovate the lower levels into a Museum of the Water Tower's history in the city. We hope to one day open up the upper levels to the amazing sight-seeing of the city it offers. The Water Tower could really be a symbol of Vedrarfjord, but only if we act now.''

Dawn City
Another bridge is being planned for construction across the ''Severed City'' - Dawn City, connecting the mainland, larger Dawn City with the Highever Island-based Dawn City. The bridge will become the fouth grand bridge across the Highever Channel, and is expected to take up to 3 years to finish construction. The new bridge will focus on car/motor traffic to keep up with the growing number of motorists in Formoria, and also will ease motor traffic pressure on the more traditional walking bridges.

Bervenia City
Following the thaws of Spring, Bervenia Border Guard has stated that the border patrol between Ivernia and Franken shall resume it's normal levels. With the snowfalls of Bervenia over for the most part, that to the North-Westerly wind blowing snow off the Barrier Mountains changing to a South-Westerly, which is expected to maintain throughout Spring.


Staged Protests over the pay levels of the Silver Miners within Argatír has risen the question of whether the Provincial minimum wage is too low. Several Argatír-based polital parties have called for a wage increase, what what is Agatír's ''most famous export, even if it has been overtaken by other exports.''

Chósta tSolais
The Senate of Chósta tSolais has declared new reforms of the Solais Education Board, with more to be spent on educating the Chósta tSolais native black population. With the success of the segregated school system in Ivernian Himyar, the Senate of Chósta tSolais plans to expand it's ''No coloured child left untaught'' down into southern Chósta tSolais where the largest populations of the 'Black Ivernish' reside. ''A focus will be put on teaching them the Ivernish Language from a young age, we need to assimilate them into Ivernish culture and they need to let go of their inferior Himyari traditions.''


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David MacSweeney,

It is Her Majesty's Government's opinion that the Ivernian described olive branch was tainted in shades of counterfeit goodwill. The dialogue opened by Ivernia was not a question of partnership, but a clear signal of domination, the very kind that was so unjustly described by David MacSweeney in his criticism of the company that Austwegians deem acceptable to keep. It could be assumed that pot has called the kettle black, in that MacSweeney demands that Her Royal Majesty expel her friends and allies and in turn come begging for Ivernian help which is not assured beyond the words of a nation which has failed to formally open ties with the Kingdom of Østveg. In this, Ivernia claims we are fools to the masters of the Republic, and would rather we be accept to be vassals of a monarchy which holds ties so dearly to a Danish people which would love no more than to see this Government erased from the map. MacSweeney's play is not a wise one, and was not accepted seriously in Kristiania.

There are no masters of Østveg but the Austwegian people who govern her towards her future. Our elections confirmed the status of our people. If misguided anarchists decide to make ill-requested demands for the Republic, so be it. They stand in front of the will of the Austwegians, an indomitable force at the helm of democracy and Nordic peace.

In this essence, Her Majesty's Government had no reason to issue a response, and judging by the tone in which written by MacSweeney, it was felt that your Government did not expect a return statement; as, an either, or clause does not appear indicative of the possibilities for negotiation.

If Her Majesty's Government has assumed incorrectly, then we fully accept the ill fortune of our mistake and humbly request immediate formal recognition from Ivernia in hopes to open formal dialogue upon the security of the Gothic Sea. Yet until such recognition of the Kingdom of Østveg is received, Her Majesty's Government does not feel that our nations associate with another as equals, nor in good faith and as such humbly decline the offer made by David MacSweeney.

Med Vennlig Hilsen,
[wiki]Kristin Ragnhild Haavi[/wiki]

Østvegs utenriksminister
Austwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs
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Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

Teachtaireacht ón Prionsa-Toghthóir na Íverniann i iúl in ainm Teamhrach Caislean, an Airdrígh agus uile-Íverniann.
Marta 1953

To the attention of: The Kingdom of Ostveg and it's Queen, H.R.H. Inger Lise

We are distressed to hear that the peoples of Ostveg took the Ivernian offer of peace so suspiciously, and as a sort of ruse to dominate Ostveg. The High Kingdom wished for the Austwegian people to know that this couldn't be further from the truth.The High Kingdom of Ivernia is seeking co-operation, not domination.

In a show of good faith, and unconditionally:

The High Kingdom of Ivernia will recognise that the Kingdom of Agderike has ceased to exist, due to majority vote by the people of Ostveg.
The High Kingdom of Ivernia will formally recognise the Kingdom of Ostveg, and H.R.H. Inger Lise as the undisputed queen.
The military alliances between Ostveg and the Republic of Sylvania shall be recognised and unhindered by the High Kingdom of Ivernia.

The High Kingdom of Ivernia shall write up the official recognition as soon as possible.
We had hoped, initially, the Sylvanian presence in the Gothic Sea might be repelled. We feared that Sylvania (And indeed even Frescania) might instill Republican Militia within Ostveg in an attempt to subverse the monarchic will of your people and instill a Republic. We understand that for a time, The High Kingdom of Ivernia supported King Frederik III & I as the righful King of Agderike. But we also strongly encouraged though messages to your former Government a vote, and indeed some form of Senate, to see if Agderike was even supported by it's people. With the electoral vote showing Ostveg support, the Kingdom of Agderike is no more, recognition for it's King or not.

We still hope however, that the Gothic Sea can be maintained, and secured, by the combined and co-operative efforts of the Kingdom of Ostveg, the High Kingdom of Ivernia and the Empire of Engellex. We still hope that when the Empire of Engellex makes the call for this assembly the the Kingdom of Ostveg joins us, as equal partners.

This message was written on behalf of the High King of and Tara Castle

Signed David MacSweeney,
Prince-Elector of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Árd Ríocht na hÍverniann
Cuige na Nemedia, Contae na Mhí
Bán Dair Cathrach, Teamhrach Caisleán
An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha
Oifig an Prionsa-Toghthóir
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Republic welcomes this news and we hope that our relationship can improve. Our actions in the North were never meant to be seen as a threat against Ivernia and we would welcome cooperation between our two countries so that the region is stable and peaceful. We would like to re-state our commitment to the constitutional order in Ostveg and we have condemn the recent revolt by terrorists that claim to be republicans.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 14ú na Márta - 14/03/1953 - Only 1 Scilling and 1 Argat [6₳]

A massacre has occured within the Yujin city of Nianxu!

Over 20,000 civillians are said to have been executed by the Yujin Government in the city of Nianxu, in an attempt to ''cleanse the city.'' The Empire of Yujin subsequently closed it's borders to foreign reporters and as such the numbers could have raised much higher since then.

The Senate of Ivernia has been in deadlock over what to do in reaction over reports of such an atrocity. There have been initial reports though that an official condemnation of the Empire of Yujin and a removal of all association and trade with the Empire has been agreed upon. Whether a declaration of war will follow, in the face of what very well might be a ethnic cleansing, is still hotly disputed.
''Ending Ivernish trade with Yujin isn't exactly going to break their bank. But the real question is if we declare war, what then? Take on the Empire of Yujin? Occupy and defend the republic cities that the Empire seeks to eradicate? We just don't have the military, or the economy for it. What we would need is a co-ordinated move against the current Yujin Government.''
- Annonymous Senator

New day for Iverno-Austwegian relations!

The Kingdom of Ostveg has graciously accepted the High Kingdom of Ivernia's official recognition of Ostveg. H.R.H. Inger Lise I stated ''
strong regional partnerships forged in trust, trade and treaties'' regarding the two Kingdoms. The Prime Senator Silvio MacBrady applauded the High King's and Prince Elector David MacSweeney at bringing Ivernia and Ostveg closer together. ''With this declaration from Her Highness of the Polar North, both our nations can now work together and prosper, maintaining the stability of this region.
This senate is also pleased to hear Princess Mary is still alive, however we worry for her safety. Ivernia has full trust in Ostveg's abilities at retrieving her.''

Recieved from the foreign office was also contacted by the Republic of Frescania hoping for an improvement of relations. The Prince Elector of Foreign Affairs David MacSweeney has stated ''No one can doubt the great work Frescania has done in Bantyr. While Ivernia prefers autonomy of the region, Frescania is seen as a friendly force, and we hope for future co-operation with the Republic.''

Saaremaa has crowned a new King, King Alvar VI!

The new King of Saaremaa has been crowned in St. Isidore Cathedral. King Alvar VI, as he is to be known, is the son of the queen dowager Eha. Sidestepping the various rumours and scandals relating to within the Royal Family of Saaremaa, the High King Felix Uí Neill offered his ''sincerest congratulations to the new King of the North.''
''I the High King of Ivernia, Felix of the House Uí Neill, so sincerely congratulate the new King of the North, Alvar VI. May he rule as great and as nobly as his ancestors. I hope that Ivernia and Saaremaa continue our good relations. Long live the King.''

M.R.A Felix Uí Neill also stated that he hoped a Royal Visit may be schedueled for the future ''so His Highness may get to know the Southern High Kingdom.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg

The Ivernian Newspaper - English/Bearla Edition - 29ú na Márta - 29/03/1953 - Only 1 Scilling and 1 Argat [6₳]

Just as peace is found we are dragged back in to crises!
A Danish Spy Plane has been reported to have either crashed or shot down in Sylvanian territorial waters, which has brought to already abysmal Dano-Sylvanish relations to a new all time low. This issue is even made more problematic due to the ''Anti-Danish Alliance'' formed between Sylvania, Frescania and Ostveg.

Nemedia house has been debating the ramifications

With actions with such implications for the High Kingdom, the Prince-Elector of Foreign Affairs was asked to speak for his department;
''The High Kingdom of Ivernia will of course, strive for a non-military resolution to this crises. We will push for Sylvania and Danmark to leave from this situation without war. However we have strong doubts that we can change the course of actions we expect to unfold.''
''We, personally are quite surprised at Danmark's decision to breach Sylvania's sovereign territory in this regard. With Ivernia as an ally of Danmark, and Ostveg with a military alliance with Sylvania these actions have placed their allies in problamatic positions. The High Kingdom will stand with Danmark, in culture, in society and in people, but we are not about to wage war with nations where have we specifically stated we would respect their sovereign borders. Especially over a Danish infringement on territorial waters, which was something Ivernia was so eager to uphold for itself when Great Engellex blockaded the Gothic Sea.''

This year to be the biggest yet, in both number of clubs and audience!
The Ivernia Rugby Union has stated that it has received more applications from champion clubs all over the world than any year previous, as a result, audience members are expected to take an all-time high, as this tournament is also to be televised.
''Locally, it'll be RTÍ televising the matches in Ivernish with RTÍ Deutsch televising with a German commentary. We really can't wait for the first matches, which are due to be announced soon. The matches will be weekly in this knockout tournament, with the winners taking home the Emerald Cup.''

The Ivernia Rugby Union hopes to build upon last years successful tournament

The two senates have adopted the ''Superior Culture'' theory!
Recent reports have shown that the ''re-education programs'' for the tribal territories in Southern Ivernian Himyar have been met with hostility from the parents of those children the High Kingdom is trying to school.
''The Ivernian policy of no coloured child left behind was a nobel one, especially considering we have no obligation to the natives who choose to stay feral. It is the opinion however, of leading experts a theory of ''Superior Culture,'' that is we can remove the barbaric idea of tribalism we can actually make these people productive members of the High Kingdom.''

Native Himyari successfully integrated into Ivernian Himyar society.

''The current state of tribalism is in essence: witch-doctory, cannibalism, virgin-rape among other atrocities. It is the general refusal to accept civilisation and Ivernian Himyar cannot and will not accept it's existence within the High Kingdom. In order to educate the children of these people we need to educate the adults also. A comprehensive plan is to drawn up to draw the Chieftains first into an education program.''
''Refusal to receive culture re-education will of course be tantamount to refusing Ivernia, which will lead to a reduction of welfare.''
- Professor of Social Science Andrew MacMurphy, University of Nua Estport, Chósta Solais.