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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Friulian athletes find gelid welcome after Apolloniad fail
AP Grau

The Friulian athletes received no welcome as the government misinformed the press on the day of arrival, only Ipòlit Vinçût, young wrestler from Corifô, was recognised for his efforts, being transported on one of the Grand Duke's personal luxury yachts, cruising from Nobatia to Grau and being received by the Monarch in Cjalemâr Palace, although no cameras where allowed to capture the moment.
The national humiliation hit Furlanìe so hard the government promised to invest more on physical education and in the national Pelagio-Tiburan wrestling association.


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Jul 17, 2010
The Civic Process has been dismantled by its own masters
AP International

In probably one of the century's best political moves, President Roberto Campos y Tamayo, the head of government and state of the Federal Republic of Entre Rios and chairman of the Blue Party (Partido Azul) and with that of the Civic Front, making him de facto dictator of Entre Rios and master of the Civic Process, has voluntarily proclaimed the dismantlement of the regime, as he was riding a wave of popular support, before the backlash of the church siege would hit.

Choosing a very symbolical day for it, the Pronunciamiento Day, in which the Entrerriano forces have declared the beginning of their struggle for independence, the President has stated that the Civic Process has managed to do what's been set up to do, bring in stability and peace and now it has outlasted its purpose, promising that the incoming elections will be free and the parties won't be forced to join the coalition known as the Civic Front. The front won't be disbanded though as it will remain as an electoral alliance for right-wing forces in the country, made of the Blue Party and the National Democratic Party.

As much as the president's wife and vice-president, Octavia Campos, stated that it has been a process that was thought for many years, the decision has been pushed by two important events, first the coming together of the democratic, social democratic and centre-left parties, the Workers' Party, the Green Party and the United People's Party, which together provide a voting bloc that can create a deadlock in the Federal Assembly in it's current composition for the Blue Party, especially when the National Democrats weren't seen as seeing eye to eye with them in some important issues, one of them being the political liberalisation. The second pressing issue was the scandal that errupted with the attempted arrest of the reverend father Hector Nores, a social theologian and avid critic of not only the Civic Regime, but also the Tiburan Catholic Church, with more than 15,000 people coming together in the last few days to oppose the attempts of the police to arrest him.

Analysts have called his decision a last minute attempt to defuse the powder-keg that might have been the Church Siege and the Assembly deadlock. It seems that it not only defused it, but might have even won Campos some respect in front of the people that were criticising him, as immediately as he announced it, the people standing in front of the Holy Trinity Church in eastern Santa Cruz have started to leave, their numbers now being reduced to about 3,000.

Celebrations have started in the city, with fireworks being launched from the nearby hills towards the estuary of the Catatungo River, while the people were out on the streets, singing patriotic songs, waving the national flag, with the pre-1968 one making more and more apparitions.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Aussenministerium — Ministero degli Esteri — Ministère des Affaires Étrangères
Trier, Eiffelland-Retalien — Treviri, Eiffellandia-Retalia — Trèves, Eiffellande-Rétalie

We commend His Excellency President Roberto Campos y Tamayo for allowing his country to start a new journey. Our best wishes to the people of Entre Rios as well. We will follow the news from Entre Rios with interest to see how the new period in the country's history unfolds, and we will support each and every effort leading to democracy.

Gianluigi di Gravesano-Carone, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Extraordinary Ambassador of the Italophone minority in Eiffelland-Retalia


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Profile: Leon Lissitsky, the power behind the throne
AP International

The Polesian People's Republic continues to make headlines for all the wrong reasons, as senior officials in the Kadikistani puppet state are linked to the illegal drugs trade, human trafficking and arms smuggling, with this small communist country producing industrial levels of contraband counterfeit goods.

Until recently, the most recognisable face from Polesia was Premier Yaakov Zilberfarb, a short, bespectacled fanatic who has overseen the creation of a total command-and-control economy and violent police state.

Yet as troubles brew once more on Gallo-Germania, a new figure is emerging to the fore of Polesian politics: the grandiosely titled National Defence and World Peace minister, Leon Lissitsky.

Broader and broader than Zilberfarb, Lissitsky is frequently likened to a mob boss in the mishpocha, or Yiddish mafia. Like many in Polesia's ruling elite, his history is shadowy and his past had not fully been pieced together. But he is believed to be the descendent of communist exiles who fled to Kadikistan after the Free State of Trivodnia was established in 1921.

Unlike Zilberfarb, who has largely been an academic all his life, studying Marxist-Leninovist theory, Lissitsky is believed to have been active in the Kadikistani armed forces, working with military intelligence on convert overseas operations. "We suspect he served in Crotobaltislavonia multiple times," says one geopolitical analyst, who asked not to be named.

This time in Crotobaltislavonia gave Lissitsky invaluable facetime with the key players in the Three Seas region, including the organised crime groups that are closely linked to the ruling parties in Crotobaltislavonia, Polesia and Kadikistan. "The Rurikgrad Pact is the biggest gang in town," claims Eiffellander crime writer Jakob Kutscher.

Lissitsky's combat experience and diplomatic savvy, with personal direct or backdoor channels to many of Slavo-Germania's capitals, has seen him edge out of Zilberfarb. "Ivar senses another conflict coming and doesn't want a novice or bookworm in charge when sh*t hits the fan," suggests one Polesian insider, who insisted on anonymity. "Zilberfarb has always been seen as weak by the Kadikis. He doesn't smoke. Doesn't drink. Isn't married. Hasn't fought. Some have suspected he's homosexual. But he's seen as a useful puppet."

Lissitsky on the other hand is trying to get his own way on some things, such as a beefed up Polesian military. Local media report he wants to undo the restriction on the size of the People's Peace Force - a glorified gendarmerie - and secure air and naval craft to give the PPF tri-service capabilities.

Polesia is also set to join the Rurikgrad Pact as Lissitsky's behest and play a leading role in the upcoming "socialist unity" summit in Wien, Ostmark.

For now, his handlers in Ivar seem pleased. Kadikistan has already diverted resources away from Crotobaltislavonia towards Polesia, and the new regime in Ivar is said to be taking his requests seriously.

Yet Lissitsky could all too easily fall out favour and be relegated to the backbenches, or worse, disappear all together. "Kadikistan is always keen to ensure its assets are always maximised," explains one Gunnish intelligence officer with a grim smile.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010
The thin ice the democratic process stands on
AP Santa Cruz

The announcement coming a few weeks ago from Santa Cruz, given by none other than president Campos, that the Civic Process will be dismantled and a transition towards pre 1968 democracy will begin and will end with the first fully free elections in the Federal Republic has raised great hopes in Entre Rios, especially in the younger, more urban generation. But at the same time, it has the potential of creating exactly the huge rifts in society that one could have seen up until 1968, and if that happens, the reaction will be strong, and may rollback much of the reforms of the past 30 years.

In the huge city of Santa Cruz, and along the valley of the Catatungo, in Cartagena, San Sebastian and Antioquia, the atmosphere is relaxed. It feels like one big celebration, that started when the announcement was made, as if the carnival took place a week earlier. Here, the most developed part of the nation represented the cafe part of the cafe com leche politics from before the civic process. Here, the people did feel that for most of the late 60s, 70s and 80s they were kept from achieving their potential. Here, the most arrests were made, the most censorship was done, and the least investments were funded, while most of the money from the budget was collected. The liberalisation in the civilian phase of the civic process was the creation of free economic zones brought prosperity to cities like San Sebastian, Santa Cruz, Barranca Brumoso and farther away, to Suarez, the second city of the republic, which is known for representing the leche part of the old cafe com leche politics. To those regions, the democratisation is seen as a next step farther towards their prosperity and their full potential.

But there is another half of the country, which looks towards this with weary and concerned eyes. The Selva regions, in the states of Patacamaya, Sierra del Sur and Sipe Sipe have been the least developed in the country both before 1968 and after 1990. For them, the early phase of the Civic Process was a breath of fresh air, as funds were redirectioned from the valley of the Catatungo River towards the valley of the other great river of Entre Rios, the Madre de Dios. Ciudad de Sipe Sipe has been systematised by the government of Alfredo Rocha, and was turned in the late 60s and early 70s from a shanty town into a modern one. Yet, the end of the militarist phase and the coming to power of civilians has ended the lucky streak of those states, with less and less investment, development and capital flowing into them. By 2010, much of the youth started migrating, towards the Catatungo, especially from the state of Sipe Sipe, the Ciudad loosing about 40% of it's population in the span of 15 to 20 years. Here, many see this democratisation as a step forward that will farther rush the economic downfall of them.

To all his, there is a certain factor that is present all over the country, namely the priests preaching the social theology. They have been critical of the Civic Process for subsidising the Holy See, yet leaving many parts of the nation underfunded. If they had no fear of either the authoritarian regime in Santa Cruz or the Tiburan Church, headquartered at the Herzogenrode Abbey, they will clearly have no fear in criticising any of those incoming democratically elected governments and their policies, should they slip from their promises. An they all promised a lot. It will be extremely hard for them to rise up to the occasion, without starting a nostalgia trend that will have people ask for the return of the "good old peaceful days of stability".

The siege of the PODE barrack in Suarez has shown that the army, at least it's units in the coastal and eastern region is quite determined to defend this democraisation, but at the same time, that the reactionary groups are sill quite strong and won't back down that easily. The process to really disband the deep state that was created by the Civic Process will be a long and arduous one, and it will make democratically elected governments walk on thin ice as they rule the country, as falling back into it will be easier than fully getting rid of it.


Establishing Nation
Jul 27, 2018
Berlin, Germany
Nedernesian Government Unsure About DDI
AP Axiflos

Invited to the sidelines of a DDI conference in Axiflos, the Nedernesian delegation was reportedly silent for much of the day, but was furiously taking notes and speaking to diplomats during the various tea and meal breaks. Due to Pohjanmaa's defence pact with Nedernesia, questions remain unanswered if the rest of the DDI should or would come to the aid of Nedernesia and Pohjanmaa if Nedernesia were ever attacked, despite Nedernesia not being a member of the DDI.

One possible solution is for Nedernesia to join the DDI. With the new post-delegationist-leaning EPP (Equity and Prosperity Party) in power in Vrijpoort, many had thought this could be a possibility. Apparently, Senior Minister Melinda Weldaad has instructed her delegation in Axiflos to not necessarily entertain that idea. There are concerns within both the political and business circles of power in Nedernesia that officially aligning with the defense bloc could harm Nedernesia's international, and lucrative, reputation for being the most open economy in the world.

Associate membership could be a start, but many political analysts are placing their bets on some sort of complicated special treaty to handle the Nedernesia Question. Such a treaty could involve listing potential war scenarios that would involve Nedernesia and the DDI and the subsequent response from all three parties involved, Nedernesia, Pohjanmaa and the DDI as a whole. This type of treaty would in effect grant Nedernesia DDI protection without it becoming a formal full member, something that the Vrijpoort business community might like. It is likely, however, that the DDI would expect Nedernesia to contribute financially and militarily to the bloc if such a treaty were to come about. It also isn't clear if such a special treaty would require Nedernesia to come to the aid of DDI members if one of them were ever attacked.

As such, it seems that for now the Nedernesia Question remains unanswered in Axiflos.


Establishing Nation
Jul 27, 2018
Berlin, Germany
Nedernesia Sounds Air Raid Sirens for Two Minutes in Honour of Late Johnstonian King
AP Vrijpoort

In an unprecedented move, air raid sirens across Vrijpoort and other areas of Nedernesia went off for two minutes of silence in honour of the King of Johnston Isle, His Majesty King Trusty, who tragically perished in an avalance in Auraria over the weekend while on holiday. Prior to the sirens, public intercoms, which are at every street corner, shopping area, public transport station and anywhere else imagineable, announced the reason for the impending siren sounding. SMS alerts were also sent to all mobiles on Nedernesian networks. During the duration of the honourary siren sounding, all pedestrians came to a stop and stood with heads bowed. Drivers pulled over to the kerb and exited their vehicles to do the same. Rail and bus services were also halted. No flights were permitted to land, take off or taxi at Vrijpoort Transcontinental Skyport. His Serene Highness Prince Leopold Gustavus Lamberti, Prince of the Commonwealth of Nedernesia, released a statement of condolence and sorrow and has announced his intention to attend funeral and memorial services in Johnston Isle. Commonwealth flags will be raised at half mast for the duration of the week.


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Staff member
Jul 17, 2010
Government decree institutes local medium of education
AP Cabo da Sol

In his first decision taking on the duties of the Prime Minister, President Maximinho Pinto has issued a decree which modifies the Education Law and institutes the Faro and Caboes medium of education in the Island of Faro and the Cabo da Sol as optional from September 2020.

The decision comes as a surprise as it wasn't discussed before and it was an element that the United Party of the South did ask for quite some time, while traditionally, the National Democrats were against it, citing 'national cohesion'. The new decree states that schools in Faro and Cabo da Sol are to offer from the next schooling year, schooling in classes whose subjects are taught exclusively in the local languages, namely Faroes and Caboes. Previously the policy to ask for such classes was limited only to the United Party of the South, which catered in it's political position to the interests of citizens from Faro and Cabo da Sol, with mainland parties like the National Democrats and the Socialists being against it. The arrival on the scene of the National Union was a premiere as one could see the first mainland based party that stated in it's party program that it wanted to decentralise the Republic and protect local culture and languages. Besides those, there were 2nd row politicians in both the National Democratic and Sociatist party that broke from the unitarian tradition and did start to ask for more support to be given to the local languages and cultures of the Cabo da Sol and the isle of Faro, between those being the current president Maximinho Pinto and even the leader of the Socialist Party, Roberto Moreno.

Analysis did state that this is a huge blow that the party in government, the National Democrats gave to both the National Union and the Socialist Party, as they just offered on a plate to Partido do Sul their most important request and brought to a victory a decade long campaign that supports local languages and cultures. This will hit strongly on the National Union, as it will show that they aren't the only mainland party that supports the southern issues.

At the same time, Prime Minister Pedro da Silva has stated that for two weeks, he will step down from his position in the government to lead the pilgrimage to Nossa Senhora do Pilar, which does reaffirm his standing position of a Christian man and the Christian Democratic position of his party, many analysts stating that besides his own faith there is a political game at it, to sway potential supporters of the National Union to return to their full support of the National Democrats and the centre-right bloc.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Disquiet in Villesen on Burgundian Ruriksgrad membership
AP Villesen

While official Politburo representatives have remained silent, reliable sources across the Serenien political elite have expressed serious consternation being expressed by the leading political heavyweights in the Communist Party of Serenierre on the question of Burgundian membership of the Kadikistani led Ruriksgrad Pact - a military alliance which has in recent times shown its aggression and political expansionist tendencies.

The People's Republic of Serenierre and its counterpart in Kadikistan have long been ideologically on different sides of the Marxist spectrum, with Serenierre espousing an economically liberal, pro-religion variant of the ideology and Kadikistan favouring a more planned and anti-religion interpretation. Differing views on global revolution and internal democracy, as well, have caused the ruling parties to maintain a diplomatic but icy distance.

However, for many decades, an agreement existed between Ivar and Villesen that both nations would respect the immediate regional space. Recent years witnessed a gradual pullback from the agreement which was spearheaded by Serenien Generallismo Nicolas Serazin in the 1950s. Though the membership of the Burgundian People's Republic into the Ruriksgrad Pact is likely to not go unmentioned by the Serenien Government.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Serenierre declares Rurikgrad Pact terrorist entity
AP Villesen

The Government of Serenierre in a shocking move has broken off ties with the Kadikistan led alliance, the Rurikgrad Pact, deeming it a terrorist organisation and decrying the breach of a 1956 treaty which guaranteed that the Kadikistani Union would keep the Leninovist ideology out of Gallia. In the same statement, it was also announced that the Communist Party of Serenierre would cease recognition of Marxist Leninovism as a valid ideology and deem it an "innovation". This comes as Premier Martinique has announced a downgrade in diplomatic relations with Kadikistan and Furlanie; and the complete non-recognition of the Burgundian People's Republic.

This development has come as a surprise to most observers, who had assumed that Serenien rage over Bourgogne's membership of the Rurikgrad Pact would be contained. The robust response from Premier Martinique has caused markets to respond negatively as the likelihood of a diplomatic tussle in the coming days lies before the wider Gallo-Germanian continent.



Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Sylvanian and Pohjanmaan naval vessels gather together south of Morsum

On an extra press conference at the Chancellery, Chancellor Rheinfeld announced that there are a total of eight military vessels from Sylvania and Pohjanmaa south of the Eiffeloretalian island Morsum (south of Helgoland). The ships are in international waters, but the government is "puzzled about the reason why the Sylvanian and Pohjanmaan Navy decide to let their ships gather together in the middle of the world's most important sea trade route". "It is really not needed for the Navies of Sylvania and Pohjanmaa to place such a presence in the Claret Sea. The navies of Eiffelland-Retalia, Pelasgia and Ostmark are perfectly capable to keep the eastern part of the Claret Sea and the western part of the Hamar Sea safe," said Chancellor Rheinfeld.
The ambassadors of Pohjanmaa and Sylvania have been invited with emphasis to a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Di Gravesano-Carone. Duriing that meeting, the importance of the Claret Sea as the most important sea trade route will be emphasized, as well as the need to keep that sea calm. It will also be emphasized that military actions like the one carried out by the navies of Pohjanmaa and Sylvania n the middle of the world's busiest sea strait is not a good idea.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Eiffelloretalian companies put cooperation with Furlanian company Baviêr Tramais on hold

After Furlanie signed the Status Quo Treaty with Kadikistan, the Eiffelloretalian companies Raimer A.G., Magirus-Deutz GmbH., CCM S.r.l., Grindelwald GmbH. and Roussillac Sprl. put the cooperation with the Furlanian company Baviêr Tramais on hold upon a government directive. The reason for this decision is the fear that Eiffelloretalian techniques end up in the Rurikgrad Pact; especially the fact that Polesia would definitely copy said techniques is a reason to put this cooperation on hold.
As a consequence of this decision, employees from Baviêr Tramais are not allowed within the properties of Raimer, Magirus-Deutz, CCM, Grindelwald and Roussillac until the cooperation can be continued again. Furthermore, all copies of designs in the offices of Baviêr Tramais in which ideas from Raimer, Magirus-Deutz, CCM, Grindelwald and Roussillac are incorporated will be taken away from the properties of Baviêr Tramais.
The Eiffelloretalian government indicated that the cooperation can be continued again when at least the economic parts of the Status Quo Treaty are cancelled.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010
National Union protest escalates into street battle
AP Ribamar

A protest march organised by the National Union, headed by Anibal Cabral was supposed to take place in the Praça do Comércio in the city of Ribamar this morning, but was disrupted after anti-integralist and anti-corporatist militants have attacked the marchers. The National Union has won the most votes in the last election, but didn't manage to form a coalition, hence it was pushed in the opposition. While many of their supporters have lost faith in the group after a series of statements by Anibal Cabral which have gone as far as to call for the disbandment of the Assembly of the Republic and even called the army to "come and take down the oligarchic anti-popular government," there were still about five thousands of die hard supporters which were hoping to organise a sit-in that would block entry and access to the Palace of the Republic, where the headquarters of the executive and legislative are located.

At noon, the National Unionists have assembled and Anibal Cabral started holding a speech in which he condemned the "lack of backbone in Beiran politicians, with the socialists and national democrats coming together just to destroy the nation," at which point all hell broke loose as it seems that the protest has been infiltrated by agitators which have started attacking the National Union members.

As panic ensured and the riot police had to intervene, to break away the combatant groups, it was very hard as there were no noticeable clothing elements that differed the two groups. For a few hours, Anibal Cabral was thought of as dead, as he was missing, before he resurfaced at the headquarters of the National Union. The police arrested more than 450 people, both national union members and agitators. There have been five confirmed deaths and about 250 wounded, out of which 20 are in a critical condition.

"The National Republican Guard has been thorough in their intervention and we will not let such events happen again. As of yet we couldn't recognise what organisation was behind the disruptions, but our thoughts go to the Revolutionar Workers' Party, a communist party following the Ivar line of Marxist-Leninovism or the People's Democratic Union, an extra-parliamentarian socialist organisation that brings together a series of trade unions and ecologist groups. Those arrested will be accused of violence and assault, while Anibal Cabral himself will also be put under accusation for his calls of undermining the Beiran democracy, as he openly calls for a military coup or the suppression of the legislative," stated Prime Minister Pedro da Silva.


Establishing Nation
Jul 27, 2018
Berlin, Germany
Young Men Gone Missing from Villages in Western Dune Sea Raises Alarm
AP Sandhavn

Reports have been trickling in to the second city of Tjamuaha in the Dune Sea that many villages in the western parts of the territory have young men and boys, mostly from the ages of 11 and up, suddenly missing with little trace. Policing is notoriously absent outside cities in the Dune Sea and the AP was unable to get an official comment from the Outback Police, which is responsible for policing in rural areas across the vast land.

The Dune Sea is in the southern half mostly sand desert, from which it gets its name from, and gradually changes to dry savannah as one travels north on the newly widened and resurfaced N1 road. With Nedernesian loans and grants having greatly increased in recent months, as well as more foreign direct investment - again mostly from Nedernesian firms - activity on the road is greater than it has been in years. Military trucks and caravans from the Nedernesian Expeditionary Force have also become a common sight ever since Sandhavn voted to approve the stationing of Royal Nedernesian Sky Force fighters on the territory. The request was made as drug and weapons smuggling from the porous borders with Natal, Azraq and Port Stanley have caused a rapidly deteriorating security situation in much of the territory, which although officially a Pohjanmaan territory has de facto become a Nedernesian protectorate.

Village elders and some town officials have raised concerns that the young men and boys are being lured into the services of armed gangs that run drugs and guns from the border regions into the larger towns and cities. 'These thugs come in pikkies, pass out chocolate, cash and alcohol, throw a party for the boys and then a few days later the boys are gone. It's clearly an effective recruitment campaign' said one town official who used the local slang for a pick-up truck.

Locals in central-western regions of the Dune Sea have also claimed a rise in the number and frequency of air strikes in the area by the Royal Nedernesian Sky Force, although so far no evidence has been obtained to verify these claims. One villager who says he has seen two airstrikes this month described it for us: 'BOOM! Outta nowhere, ja, de jets dey kom down right, 'n dey kom outta de sky 'n be breakin' de sound barrier or some-uhn bru. Den dey go right far weg 'n ten minutes go 'n de village storehouse be gone. Right gone bru. One missile 'n 't not there no more'.

AP contacted the Nedernesian High Commission in Sandhavn for comment and received this reply the same day:

The Commonwealth of Nedernesia works closely with its partners in government in the territory of the Dune Sea to assist with the fight against illegal armed gangs involved in drug and weapons smuggling. Intelligence gathering and other means of support are provided at the request of local officials in Sandhavn. These armed gangs are hampering the efforts of ordinary Dune Sea people who wish to work hard and lead safe, more prosperous lives, which is something the Nedernesian government and business community has been proud to support in various forms over the last three decades. For further specifics we kindly request you contact the Sandhavn Metro Council or the Dune Sea Outback Police for comment.
These responses have been typical in the past few months as the Nedernesian government appears to be taking an approach of neither confirming nor denying its direct involvement in air strikes or the like. Meanwhile the political atmosphere in Sandhavn appears to be moving further in the direction of a territory-wide referendum on the question of whether to officially become a protectorate of Nedernesia, which is the favourable outcome for the Council majority led by Chief Executive Officer Kabelo Mbonambi. A date for the referendum is expected to be announced this week.

As for the missing men and boys, most asked believe they are indeed joining the gangs, which are targets of Nedernesian air strikes. The fear now is that the gangs are joining forces and organising in the lawless Outback, just as the territory sees an injection of foreign money and military units.


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
Amid European Tensions, Remuria Encourages Tourism
AP Remuria

With tensions rising across Europe, the Reman People's Republic is anxious to advertise itself as a stable, neutral ground. Magistrate Drusus Domitius Cita reiterated Consul Caedens's previous statements that the People's Republic would be non-party to the Rurikgrad Pacts matters, nor did the government take position on Furlanie's party to the Status Quo Treaty.

"Peace and stability are the signs of successful governance. We must continue to encourage these," Consul Caedens had been quoted as saying at a recent press conference.

The People's Republic has finished restoration work on a number of Tiburan-era relics, with Magistrate Cita, special committee speaker on Tourism, noting that two additional resorts would open to the public later this month to meet the expected increase in demand.

The burgeoning tourism sector has spearheaded the Reman People's Republics' attempts to introduce private enterprises into a nation heavily dominated by state-owned enterprises, and continues to do so in large part due to its success. Despite this, analysts are concerned that the communist government in Remuria will struggle to remain neutral on the split between Ivar and Villesen. Despite its calls for peace, the Reman People's Republic adhere to the militarist revisionist Marxist-Leninovist branch, often exalting the military's role as a guarantor of security in the region, and ideologically aligning alongside Ivar.


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Analysis: Yiddish narco-terrorism puts Polesian criminal links back in the spotlight
AP International

Crotobaltislavonia, a long troubled country, has experienced another wave of bloodshed after a series of assassinations and car bombings targeting local law enforcement.

The Blud Cartel, a mostly Yiddish criminal organisation, claimed responsibility for the attacks that have killed over 100 civilians and nearly 50 policeman. Named after its best selling drug, believed to be a mix of synthetic opiods and other research chemicals, the Blud Cartel said the violence was in retaliation to a breakdown in peace talks with the Crotobaltislavonian government.

The gang, whose main rival locally is the Nekmet Syndicate, is demanding the Crotobaltislavonian government to push ahead with the 'super highway' that would connect Etruria with Gunnland through Crotobaltislavonia, and also for an end to the anti-Yiddish rhetoric common in Crotobaltislavonian media and many politicians' speeches.

The Blud Cartel sees the highway as a route to growing its presence in new markets where it can sell drugs and expand into other criminal activities. Meanwhile, the demand for an end to anti-Yiddish rhetoric is intended to shore up support for the cartel among Crotobaltislavonia's much reduced Yiddish community, with many Jews having been forcibly relocated to Polesia or fleeing to Elben, Etruria and beyond to escape the ongoing violence.

Ethnic tensions have long been rife in Crotobaltislavonia, although it was under the regime of the late Raoul Farrago, commonly known as Big Brother, that anti-Semitic propaganda really ramped up, with the Crotobaltislavonian dictator blaming the Jewish-majority Trivodnian Free State for internal troubles.

While Kadikistan, Crotobaltislavonia's main benefactor, has unequivocally condemned the violence by the Blud Cartel and promised support - a similar pledge was also made by Eiffelland-Retalia - one nation remained notably silent, despite neighbouring Crotobaltislavonia and also sitting in Ivar's sphere of influence: Polesia.

The small communist country carved out of the Jewish-majority areas of the former Free State of Trivodnia has made no public statement on the recent attacks in Crotobaltislavonia. The only acknowledgement was a symbolic vote in the Polesian National People's Assembly, which condemned the attacks along with 'anti-Yiddish prejudice', claiming there was little proof the car bombings were actually the work of the Blud Cartel.

While the anti-Yiddish propaganda from Banja Luka no doubt has Amstic riled, there are far deeper, more complicated reasons as to why Polesia has remained quiet.

First is a genuine resentment among the Polesian People's Republic's ruling class over Kadikistan's continued support for a state that is seen as doomed to fail but above all disloyal, flirting with Etruria and Gunnland after the Seven Day War as Crotobaltislavonia tried to find other sources of aid outside of the Rurikgrad Pact communist alliance.

Second is the direct involvement in Polesia supporting the Blud Cartel, allowing the gang to use Polesian soil as a base and even providing money and arms. This approach is believed to have originally had the support of Ivar, which agreed with Amstov's assessment the Blud Cartel could be a useful tool to apply internal pressure on Banja Luka. Yet there are now growing fears the Blud Cartel has grown too powerful and strong to be controlled, and has spiralled into a bigger movement that Amstov has less and less control over.

The communist regime has deep links to the Yiddish underworld, working closely with Polesian mishpochas - or crime families - to enforce order at home and also produce drugs, counterfeit goods and fake currency on an industrial scale.

Yet with the Blud Cartel openly pushing for Crotobaltislavonia to open itself up to Etrurian and Gunnish investment, the strategy of using the Cartel to weaken Crotobaltislavonia and bring it back into the communist fold may have failed spectacularly.
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Establishing Nation
Jun 18, 2019
Middle of Nowhere USA
Something Fishy in Westernesse
AP Vesper/AP Ogallala

According to sources that wish to remain anonymous, speculations are beginning to swirl of an uptick in diplomatic activity in several nations of Westernesse, while they would not divulge information of which nations they were seeing a surge of activity. Our own investigation has managed to identify at least two nations which seem to have an irregular amount of activity from what we could tell that were diplomatic staff stationed abroad, and others that could not be immediately identified but were not any officials that could be easily identified, these were of Sylvanian and the Confederate States, however sources when confronted said there were more actors "behind the scenes" than we even could identify.

This has lead many different theories to have been developed. Is this low level negotiations between the DDI and ODS to solve what many view as a tense stand-off? Could it be the forming of a coalition aimed against the Continental Empire of Justosia? Could it be that it is nothing at all beyond an influx of activity given affairs that have transpired recently across the globe and an attempt to manage affairs in a whirlwind environment?

While nobody truly knows the correct answer that would speak with us, all of these scenarios are a possibility. It could even be, there are others that we are not aware of.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Easter celebrations canceled as Furlanìe mourns its spiritual guide
AP Grau

The death of the Aquileian Patriarch has hit the nation hard, and the festivities have been halted in honour of the deceased spiritual leader of the Grand Duchy.
Bishops from all around Furlanìe have gathered in the basilica of Aquilê to choose the new head of the Patriarchate of Aquileia, the religious entity administering the faithful Tiburan Catholics of Furlanìe.
As the Friulian flag on the Cjalemâr Palace gets lowered, the Catholic world looks with curiosity at Aquilê, will the peaceful and moderately liberal stance taken by the former Patriarch continue, or will a more conservative spiritual leader take the Aquileian institution back to its past?


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Villesen looks to Pelasgia as potential ally
AP Villesen

According to sources, the Government of Serenierre is currently attempting to build back channels with the Empire of Pelasgia to develop a better bilateral relationship with arguably the most important Himyari country - excepting Natal - as a potential offset to the ever increasing geographical scope of the Organisation of Democratic States. While the Himyari Empire is an observer member of the ODS, it is expected that divergent foreign policy goals between the Natal and Pelasgia will ensure that any such cooperation will prove to be short-lived, so say Serenien analysts.

It is expected that over the coming summer Premier Martinique will embark on an official visit to the Empire of Pelasgia to further expand the work already underway by the anonymous bureaucrats from both governments.


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
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Foreign Ministry of the Pelasgian Empire

Propontis, 4 May 2020
Unclassified - Public - Normal

To whom it may concern,

The Pelasgian Empire welcome cooperation with our partners across the Claret Sea in @Serenierre , to ensure a more prosperous future for both Gallia and Himyar. Despite our ideological and past differences, we would welcome a visit by Mrs. Martinique, so as to work together in pursuit of our common interests. Historic rivalries and centuries-old hatreds should not stand in the way of current and future prosperity and understanding; we owe it to our children to do and be better.

At this time, His Imperial Majesty's Government will neither confirm nor deny the existence of any communication links between the Pelasgian and foreign bureaucracies, and any potential visits by foreign heads of state.

Signed and sealed,

Nikolaos Chrysopoulos
8th Count Chrysopoulos
HIM Foreign Minister