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Association of Himyari States


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
Charter of the Association of Himyari States


RECOGNISING the thousands of years of shared history that bind them together, as the inhabitants of the first continent of Europe upon which man set foot,

ASPIRING to the brotherhood and wilful cooperation of all Himyari peoples in the pursuit of their common destiny,

WISHING to bring about the freedom of Himyar from colonialism and external domination,

BELIEVING that peaceful and diplomatic measures are those best suited to achieving the twin objectives of Himyari liberation and Pan-Himyari unity,

WISHING to clarify that they do not intend to create a military alliance, as such a measure would only serve to spread war and all its ills to the Ebony Continent,

WHO have met in Propontis through their Heads of State and their duly empowered ministers plenipotentiary, have agreed as follows:

Article 1 – Establishment and Character of the Association
1. The Association of Himyari States (“Association”) is established as a regional organisation to facilitate the pan-continental integration and collaboration of the States of Himyar.
2. The Association is not and does not aspire to be a military alliance or a military body.
3. The Association is not a confederal or federal body to which the Member States are obligated to surrender any part of their Sovereignty.

Article 2 – Charter Adoption
1. The only treaty which members need to adopt, ratify and enact in order to become and remain Members of the Association is this Charter. No State may be a Member of this Association unless it adopts this Charter in full; likewise, denunciation of all or part of this Charter in a State’s domestic law suspends membership.
2. Notwithstanding the first paragraph of this Article, Members may choose to negotiate and conclude treaties under the auspices of the Association, subject to the provisions of Part III of this Charter.

Article 3 – Membership
1. Subject to the provisions of Article 1, any independent State whose home territory is wholly or partly located in the Himyari continent may apply to become a Member of the Association.
2. All applications for membership are to be reviewed by the entire membership of the Association and require unanimous approval of all Members to be approved.
3. For further clarity, the Himyari colonies, dependencies and non-self-governing territories of non-Himyari States do not qualify for membership under this Article.
4. States which do not qualify for Membership may nonetheless be allowed to become Observers, which would allow them to observe the Association’s work to the extent permitted by the Members.

Article 4 – The General Assembly
1. The primary organ and main deliberative body of the Association is the General Assembly. Each and every Member of the Association is entitled and required to dispatch a Delegation to the General Assembly, to be headed by an individual Delegate.
2. Each delegation is entitled to be present and to speak at all meetings and instances of the General Assembly, subject to the ordinary rules of debate and procedure.
3. The General Assembly’s meetings shall be organised and chaired by the Secretariat.
4. The General Assembly may discuss any topic of interest to the Members, subject to the submission of a request to that effect by at least one Member to the Presidium.
5. Observers may attend meetings of the General Assembly, unless any Member objects.

Article 5 – The Specialised Committees
1. The General Assembly may constitute at any point Specialised Committees to discuss specific topics.
2. The duration of these Special Committees, which may be temporary or permanent, shall be determined by the General Assembly.
3. All Members are entitled to participate in all Special Committees if they so wish; Observers may also observe the work of Special Committees, subject to the unanimous approval of the Members.

Article 6 – The Secretariat
1. The Secretariat consists of the administrative and bureaucratic employees of the Association. All Secretariat personnel have to be nationals of at least one Member.
2. The makeup and individual duties of the Secretariat are to be determined by the General Assembly.
3. The Secretariat as a whole is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of and for providing logistical and administrative support to the Association and its Members.

Article 7 – Dispute Resolution Tribunal
1. A Dispute Resolution Tribunal (“Tribunal”) shall be established. The Tribunal is tasked with resolving disputes between any Members who willingly and consensually submit their disputes to it.
2. The Tribunal includes both a traditional adjudicative and an arbitration branch. The membership of both branches shall be determined by the General Assembly. All appointments to the Tribunal require unanimous approval by all Members.
3. The Tribunal’s decisions are not binding on Members, unless the Members themselves willingly choose to accept that they be so.

Article 8 – Conclusion of Association Treaties
1. Pursuant to Article 2 of this Charter, Members may choose to negotiate, conclude and enter into Treaties under the auspices of the Association for any matters that may concern them.
2. Any Treaties concluded under this Article must explicitly invoke it. Invocation of this Article renders a Treaty an Association Treaty.
3. All Members may adopt any Association Treaty, but they may not be obligated to do so. Likewise, all Members having adopted an Association Treaty may denounce it any time, without any prejudice to their membership in the Association.

Article 9 – Register of Association Treaties
1. The Secretariat shall maintain a Register of Association Treaties. This Register shall be open to all Members.
2. Members may enter into any Association Treaty by simply notifying the Secretariat of their intent to do so. The Secretariat must transmit this notification to all Members.

Article 10 – Character of Association Treaties
Association Treaties may concern any topic, including topics outside the character of the Association itself, such as defensive alliances.

Article 11 – Peaceful Pursuit
1. The Association shall pursue the objectives of decolonisation and Pan-Himyari unity solely through peaceful means.
2. Notwithstanding the first paragraph of this Article, nothing in this Charter shall be construed to prevent Members from deploying peacekeeping missions within Himyar under the auspices of the Association.

Article 12 – Affirmation of Commitment
All Members of the Association affirm their commitment to the decolonisation of Himyar, which consists of the complete independence of all Himyari States, as well as the consensual and voluntary unity of all Himyari peoples.

Article 13 – Association Facilities
1. The Association shall maintain its Permanent Headquarters in the facilities granted to it for the purpose by the Republic of Dahab in the city of Dahab.
2. The General Assembly, Specialised Committees, Dispute Resolution Tribunal and Secretariat shall all have their permanent seat and offices in the Association’s Permanent Headquarters.
3. The Association shall also maintain Regional Offices in the capital city of each Member.

Article 14 – Common Fund
The Association shall maintain a Common Fund to provide for the maintenance and support of all Association facilities and personnel. All Members shall be required to make contributions to the Common Fund according to the relative size of their economies.

Article 15 – Association Records
1. This Charter, as well as all membership and other association documents shall be collectively known as Association Records. Association Records shall be kept by the Secretariat at the Association Archive at the Permanent Headquarters.
2. Certified copies of all Association Records shall be kept at all Regional Offices.


Register of Association Treaties
- Treaty Name [City, Year] - Parties:
  • Party 1
  • Party 2


Membership Register
CountryMembership TypeYear of AccessionPermanent Delegate
Republic of DahabMember2022Mr. Nabih Al-Khaled
Pelasgian RepublicMember2022Mr. Theophilos Solomos
National Republic of SerenierreMember2022Mr. Guillaume Delacourt
Central Himyari RepublicMember2022Mr. Basile Nzongola
[official name][member/observer][year][full name]

Membership Application
To apply for membership, interested States must address an official letter of application to the Secretary General, Mr. Joseph Kazadi, listing the following information:
- Official country name:
- Continent(s) where country is located:
- Type of membership sought: (i.e., member/observer)
- Name of Permanent Delegate to the Association:

- An official commitment to enact the Charter of the Association in domestic legislation.

Please note that all Members retain the power to veto any application.
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