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Axeldonia times

Oct 18, 2016
Axeldonia times

Flags everywhere as Axeldonia celebrates national day

Flags dot the crowds that fill the sidewalks today, all of them waiting for the royal motorcade to pass. The king has marked out his path, but hopes any potential communists and anarchists will respect the occasion and not attempt anything "Ungentlemanly".

(So this is my first new post! I know it isn't too much, but I'm not really sure what else to write about.)

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Oct 18, 2016
Axeldonia Times

The end of times approaching?

Terror struck the small village of Glänteby (A part of the local Gothic minority in Axeldonia) today as the horrified crowd of a burial where suddenly greeted by the sight of their loved one getting up of their coffin, snarling and biting at the terrifies onlookers like a wild animal. The terrified villagers barricaded themselves into the church, dispatching the brave Axel Bryselius to contact the local constabulary, only armed with his wit and strength.

Luckily, he made it and managed to reach a police station, from where the king's finest where contacted, sending a crack squadron of their best men to apprehend the man. After an intense search where one of the brave soldiers where nearly bitten by the bestial man, he was captured and brought to the capital, where he will now be studied by the royal science academy to determine what made him wake up from the dead. Some are enthusiastic: one researcher has been qouted as saying "Finally, the secret to immortality! Thank god we live in such enlightened times".

Others, however, are not so inclined to happiness, suggesting that the end of times may be near: "Whatever that thing was, it was not somehting made here on god's green earth" says the local pastor, interviewed after the incident. Our majesty has reached out to our fellow Nordic nations, urging closer cooperation. "When dark times like these stand at the door, we Nordics need to stick together". The Heer has been placed on high alert, with reserves and Hauswächter units expected to be called upon to mobilize soon.
Axeldonia to better ties with Östgötarike

Axeldonius III has announced he'd like to improve relations with Östgötarike and would therefore like to establish an permanent embassy in the nation. In case they accept, this would mean they would be the first nation in a long time to be so intimately connected to the previously so isolationist mountain kingdom, as that would be the first embassy ever established in a foreign country (The last country to receive something resembling a permanent embassy was Pavlovia, which is now since a long time back a part of Axeldonia).
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Oct 18, 2016
Axeldonia times
Minister of defense satisfied as military exercise comes to and end
The minster of defense today said that he was "Satisfied with the rapid response capability of the Axeldonian armed forces" following a recent milirary exercise prompted by the sudden "Jewish crisis" developing in the Cetnik empire, where Axeldonia promised to support the Jewish-majority of Trivodnia in regards to any reprimanding actions taken against the Cetnik dictatorship.
Oct 18, 2016
Axeldonia Times
Secessionism on the rise in Axeldonia
Flags once again waved across Axeldonia yesterday, but not quite the flags you'd expect. In the country's northern provinces along the coast and a few of it's islands, the flag of the Gothic minority was raised, and several manifestations for greater autonomy, with some parties even advocating for outright secession, either as an independent nation or by reintegration into the nation of Götarige. Axeldonian authorities have yet to make any concrete response to these manifestations, only issuing a statement that they will "Work together with the people in order to forge a path to the future together".

In contrast, several similar Voryuk manifestations (Some of which included raising the unofficial flag of the Voryuk over local government buildings) where almost completely ignored by the Axeldonian authorities, save for the watchful eye of several units of riot police, officially called in to "Respond quickly if things got out of hand". Several minor parties in parliament has protested this, calling it "A near violation of the freedom of speech towards our fellow countrymen".

And finally, a section of churches in a remote part of southern Axeldonia calling themselves "The heralds of heaven" today raised their new flag above the churches, armed members patrolling it's grounds using anything from clubs to a few submachine guns, concerning the local authorites. The church is infamous for staunchly opposing the current secular government, wishing to grant the king back his full power and "Return Axeldonia to it's faithful ways", with plans to ban LGBT rights, expanding the benefits of it's churches and it's rumored they've even said they want nonbelievers and foreigners stoned to death behind closed doors. In addition to this, there's rumors these groups have secret stashes and hideouts in the hills and caves, preparing to declare a "Holy Kingdom".