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Burden of Proof


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND

a case for freewill
by Rafal Hollad

When I set out to write Burden of Proof, only just following a narrow defeat for public office on the national stage, I was still entrenched in a war of words with the thrice re-elected Civil Officer, Mister Posavski of the Assertionist Movement. In my attenuated rejection by the Životun peoples of the Blue Republic United, I fell back to those eternal truths I had built my campaign around, reiterating the virtues that will perpetually present freedom to the feet of peoples everywhere and forever, with which they will machinate throughout the cosmos with only the directives pertaining to their individual prerogatives.

Twenty-Ten's talk of the times were stocked by the inception of unionization beyond the massifs of the west, and prairies of the east. Servicemen were incessantly bleeding blue to paint a serpentine shade of democracy in the most hideous nests of the third-world. There our economic might amounted to only so much when the realities of war revealed a feeble Republic impersonating an Empire on the eve of reckoning between Tyranny and Freewill, where we are witnessing the shadow of Nationalism suffused by emphasis of manumission from the archaic structures of centuries past.

The present age of modern politics is a sly game of smoke and mirrors. The promise of security extended by the Council of Nations remains a blatant lie. Self-destruction in the form of nuclear holocaust is an issue that confronts the torchbearers of the world on a daily basis. Untold millions have become casualties of an entirely wicked scheme that empowers an elite few, and subjects starvation and disease are to millions every year. Conflicts are fought by soldiers who have no concept whatsoever of why they fight, because they are trained not to care.

From all of this, the great question whose answer describes the nature of humanities interconnected relationships arose: who will decide when I fight, when I feed, and when I fuck; aristocrats clutching the silver spoon, or me and only me? For this I have the burden of proof, an obligation to protect those who reply in the favor of freedom over fascism with an assertion of veracity.

My convictions are not modern in any sense, nor were they discovered by myself or within my lifetime, freewill, of course, was not bore by contemporary thinkers. Admittedly, the title of this pamphlet is perhaps pretentious and overstepping. But to be explicitly straightforward, as I promise to be towards all of my dear readers, in my time it is in fact Tyranny which lives and Freewill which is dead. Perhaps instead this is one of the many re-births of freewill, and likely not the final extinction of tyranny. There will always be a good intention that evolves to subjugation, or a man who repays his fellows with ruinous scorn like an inescapable cycle of the seasons. This recurring truth should by no means discount the Spring of Life, or excuse capitulation to Winters of Vassalage; inevitable is the struggle for every generation of mankind against adversity.

In this pamphlet I hope to draw out several simple tactics and rationalizations for freewill as an option for humanity in the twenty-first century; as applicable to both individuals and organized movements within modern nationstates. My objective is not simply to prove that freewill is the solution, I will suggest practical ways in which the reader can augment their daily tasks and drills by breeding liberty to the masses.

Recreating the praxis of freewill en masse will not be made out to be an easy task, this endeavor should and shall test our beloved will at inconvenient times: when it seems that unity means forfeiture of liberty, when safety is guaranteed in exchange for privacy, and when another poses to make these inconvenient choices for you. Living for the charity of others should never be condemnable, and I do not venture to speak out against the merit of upstanding community, for it is freewill of humanity that creates and sustains this solidarity. To breakaway from these institutions is the unequivocal right which I defend, and the viability of which I have taken on the burden of proof.​


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Global Disgrace:
In the twentieth century, globalism (more specifically global submission) gained momentum from the aftermath of a world war, in which several diverse interests were pulverized by a handful of Emperors and Tyrants. From the aftershocks of the atom-bombs detonated in Sarmatia, nations of the world were hasty to sacrifice their sovereignty to a mysterious Council headquartered in the surreptitious Wieser cesspit of aristocracy, Augsburg. Now, the overwhelming majority is convinced of an irrefutable brain trust that consists only of the most prodigiously armed megalomaniacs of our exploited world.

In Western Europe and the Colonial Realms, globalism developed perhaps not so much as a solution to peril, but the convoluted philosophies of a well-nourished social stratum who sought justification for the corpulent imperium. With the diminishing of the nationstate (who had before diminished the community), what place then was there for the individual? In this postwar paradigm, individual rights are seldom followed guidelines, and the individual is recognized merely as a statistic and taxpayer - equating to servitude to international consortiums as the circumstance for billions in the year 2010.

Globalism is a policy in which the will of a free man is undermined by an inescapable but inherently illusive "we", or the notion that you and I should abandon our inhibitions to men we will never see or fully comprehend. The Great Majority is in fact diluted by middlemen and highwaymen that wait in-between. These intermediaries are not just capitalists, they are socialists, but above all they are saviors when they need to be and terrorists when they want to be, it is this cabal that has sustained a ruling class of hereditary dictators to live on the surplus wealth produced by their underclassmen or subjects for centuries, with intent to rinse, wash, and repeat the process like a reeking holocaust shampoo.

To be sure, power invariably accumulates through the exploitation of freewill: but no tyrant can lead without first forcing his followers into liquidating mindfulness of oneself. Globalism, which formed as the popular policy voluntarily to the Councils Founders', now looms over those few nations who were uncertain then but have succumb to the devious necessity, a economic traps set to bring the disenfranchised stragglers deep within this abhorrent world order. Self-righteous deceitfulness was at one time the unanimously obvious trait of international collaboration, which in turn humbled these brokers of genocide and poverty. In this time, the presumed flawlessness emanating from the Council of Nations dares to vindicate mass-murder and punish the modest lifestyles of humanity in even their most remote locales. Every echelon of self-determination is monitored through collaborations of law, economics, and invasive surveillance. To profit with any discernible affluence, one must accept this ambiguous bureaucracy without question or protest, for they oversee commerce through barcodes and cashcards, and enforce their own brand of justice through martial law that knows no boundary in air, at land, or at sea. Victims of yesterday are victimized today under these territories said to be governed "for the people" (often self-titled) and by the people (by the puppets). We still discover that human rights are denied, while the wealthiest or well-armed live with immunity. The use of foot-soldiers to do dirty work is nearly obsolete, when technology can hurl explosives through remote controlled drones, or when greasy bankers can abuse starving workers from sea to shining sea.

The fundamentals of self-rule are unchanged, as opposed to the advance of tribal, community, state, national, and international obligations (disregarding racial & religious); today individuals compete with with the will of the community, the nation, and a Council of Nations in a quagmire of economic and political interest. I am sure that the reader has already recalled at least a handful of instances, or recurring habits that relate to the totalitarian complex we have been grandfathered in to, or assigned to against our will. Naivety in this deadly game has put billions behind the eight ball in their fight for freewill, so innocence or ignorance is no excuse when the stakes are this high. Our society is being controlled this way and that by the bloodlines of yesteryear, or billionaires of today, with intent to profit from these same ignorant masses without spare. This is why civil obedience is not an option, desperation and collaboration have formed a steep hill that you must charge in order to restore even the most basic of freedoms; they have taken the fight directly to our homelands, beyond the field of battle to invade your privacy at the most intimate of levels.

Where does the fight begin, how do you put these globalists on the run? Who or what would stand in their place to provide the many to discuss affairs so all might hear? In reverse order of questioning: society must be built upon the foundations of freewill and rigorous democracy that keeps fairly elected leaders on their toes. I call for the immediate secession from the Council of Nations by all Nations who value their sovereignty, and instead propose a non-binding agreement catering to all Self-Organized Insitutions (Member of the Current Order or otherwise) that acts simply as an open forum for dialogue between all tiers of civil interest at large. Civil-Disobedience as practiced with the severity necessary to break free from the globalist agenda, differing from land to land and commitment to violence by the individual in question. Make no mistake about it, there will be blood shed in this disputation for freewill, but know that sacrifices from our side will only be made freely, and as a last option for the preservation of rights for the many. This fight begins with you, or where you work and live; industry, farming, services are all at this time puppets in global theater. Grassroot trading and decision making will minimize taxation and outside influence from these superpower police machines, by getting in touch with your immediate community - you stand to strengthen your resolve by reigning freewill much closer to you.

Democratically elected leaders are not to be domineering creatures, humble them by minimizing their role in your every day life, and permit their power access only to exterior wills of the town, state, or nation. Responsibility must be delegated for and by individuals, and their decisions in the name of others must be exposed to democratic scrutiny or referendum by the whole community. A Union of many individuals to challenge the power of the few who run many Nationstates, thus imposing the will of individuals to protect individuals from external coercion. Without a sanctimonious Global Institution to call the shots, we will decentralize means of ensuring justice and social affairs, by making our decisions through voluntary cooperation.

Cooperation (or collaboration) is to meant to extend the reaches of freewill for the majority population, not the richest percentiles, and should never serve to trivialize our foundations of freewill in civilization. Diverse currencies and a litany of financial institutions (i.e. competition), will work to augment local cooperatives between producers. There will not be one currency for all hands, or a single world bank that can lend or collect from all stretches of the civilized world. This is not meant to force a tough system of natural-selection, or discourage association amongst mankind, but to ensure unbridled individual action is always a realistic option for you and I.​


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Grassroot Unionism:
The question of what will replace world totalitarian order can be addressed by reinforcing the basic features of democratic cooperation, and a strict adherence to the Blue Principles that were once asserted over the disgrace of Monarchy with zeal. Foremost, the objective of fraternal freewill is to demolish the current order with intention of inaugurating self-determination to billions, of whom many of which will experience libertarianism for the first time. Triumph of this objective will be measured by a global enlightenment, the call to change, the struggle against wickedness, and the comprehensive recognition of freewill as the prevailing linchpin of human solidarity.

Libertarian movements of freewill are much more heterogeneous than the opposition might choose to recognize when considering that freewill is not contingent on color or creed, interest in deliverance is a common denominator in the actions of all humans, and therefore transcends social structures created by man, woman, or divine being. So, proving that freewill exists is not the issue, nearly all factions recognize the innate itch to act and speak with independence (it takes at least one independent voice to reinforce any philosophy), removing the reigns from global and national leadership who illiberally dictate is in fact the ultimate objective. Democracies nature means that structure should develop unevenly across the world, and this fact must be considered when picturing a world where freewill has been proven and exercised commonly from land to land or person to person.

Like a union of communities that makes up a division (state), and several divisions who form into a national union, a union of nations as denied or accepted through direct democratic decision can only claim to have legitimate right to power on the global scale. Growing that estimated 38 million by a few million should be of no interest to us, we want billions overwhelming or upsetting the current order of things, and asserting their hankerings and personal virtues where and when they please. The remarkable realization of mass communication through technology has changed the way individuals project their opinions around the world, it is inconceivable in this age that filthy rich unelected men and women should act as mouthpieces of the people in other parts of the world, when these same people can in fact be heard over the internet and on the telephone.

In Zivotinje, with an estimated 38 Million libertarians (assertionionist/classic/independent recurring voters) demographic, a relatively stable union of independent states and regions have survived several conflicts with the monarchies or dictatorships that currently or recently surrounded this "Blue Union" in the directions of North, South, East, and West. This sort of common cooperation in adverse times is a survival mechanism, coming about through the use of freewill; defense and preservation of core virtues has never been simple for the Zivotun, which appears to be the primary reason their system of government has never been naturally replicated in the World, in fact Zivotinje is often criticized for its inconsistent (or evolving) foreign policy, which includes automatic declination or ignorance to international treaties. Non-cooperation, as proven by this example, can easily be demonized by puppeteers in the games of power, thus independent national vitality is not acceptable to states who are already enslaved. Using this logic, a division which takes steps to be self governing, a community within the division, and finally individuals within the community can expect incongruity with higher powers in the pecking order.

Self-sufficient communities with individuals keen on freewill are the units that will ultimately make the case for freewill, or democratic non-conformists performing their daily tasks and drills without the surveillance of an all-father or uncle-chris to pass judgement or enforce no longer recognized authority. Exemplary harmony, as implemented from the grassroots will set the bar for emancipation beyond common borders. Freewill, of course, is the keystone of the Movement; the proliferated ideology requires venues to make the case for liberty where the core of communities can be enlightened, as well as the aforementioned wonders of mass communication through technology. Virtues such as ours are easily consolidated and described for any level of reader or listener (if the substandard quality of this pamphlet was no indicator) to enable poignant cognizance and accelerated turn around time for achieving community objectives. Such strategies will include both criticisms of the current order pertinent to the spectator, immediate empowerment, and unambiguous solutions to problems that average folks are facing daily.

Power as practiced by the division (state) is where the buck stops, communities must make clear that they answer to each other and divisions when absolutely necessary, not the union or a mystical global agenda. Individuals must forcefully shake off the burdens of rank/class structure in the echelons of government by electing officials who share their insatiable hunger for democracy. It should be understood that authority rattles from top to bottom when the bottom recognizes the pecking order, not through any supernatural or moral unreality. On this platform, as denied or affirmed democratically, the common ethics of business and ownership will constantly amend themselves organically to the needs of the people. We will not condone absolute capitalism or socialism as the remedy to the very controversial (always changing) trade markets of land, industry, mining, manufacture, transport, energy supply, communications and resources. Declaring that there is one way of thinking, except for perhaps keeping a forum of civil discourse and freewill, for all of eternity is a direct insult to human intelligence, adaptation is a key to survival in all instances. The state must fashion itself after the diverse and unique folks it presumes to represent, identical systems of government are again, quite offensive to the keystone of freewill. Democratic metamorphosis will produce controversy and marvel where indistinguishable constitutions would instill boorish conformity.​