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  • Welcome to Europe Game, a NationStates-born community of geopolitical roleplay. We are the oldest continously operating home for geopolitical worldbuilding on the Internet. Join us to experience and imagine fictive diplomacy, internal politics and economics together with other nation roleplaying enthusiasts. We are looking forward to welcoming you as one of ours.

[EMBASSY] Europeia


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May 8, 2022
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Jun 21, 2023
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Pland/Forilian Sails To The Goldenblock
Pland/Forillian edges out Rand/Maowi in the fiercely fought election.

Written by ICH

Pland Adanna/Forilian secured a stunning victory over the outgoing President Rand and Maowi by a 53.3%-46.7% margin, in a major shock to political observers across Europeia. President Rand was the favorite to secure another term in office, with opinion polls suggesting a comfortable victory for him. But, a well-received platform centered on fresh reforms along with a strong get-out-the-vote campaign propelled Pland Adanna and Forilian to the Goldenblock

Rand entered his re-election campaign riding high on a successful term in which Europeia transitioned into a frontier region. Initial polling conducted by the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation gave Rand the upper hand, with a 96.4% approval rating and 57.1% of the respondents backing his ticket with Maowi, the outgoing Minister of Outreach who replaced Writinglegend on the bottom half of the ticket, compared to just 17.9% for the Pland/Forilian ticket. But Pland/Forillian clawed back the early advantage of the Rand/Maowi ticket, running on an energetic platform of implementing a system of Advisors, splitting the radio and communication ministries, and rejuvenating the ambassador program among many other proposed reforms.

Additionally, a foreign affairs incident evolved as former TNP Minister of Foreign Affairs Madjack was declared persona non grata by the Europeian Government for "releasing an unsubstantiated and baseless dispatch detailing erroneous claims that the Republic of Europeia had an 'agent' in The Rejected Realms'' which demonstrated extreme hostility to the Republic and an effort to harm the region's interregional standing, according to the Government. Even though a substantial majority of the respondents in an EBC exit poll approved of the decision to PNG Madjack, a small but still significant proportion of the respondents (18.5%) disagreed with the decision, raising the possibility that a small swing precipitated by this incident affected the outcome, as suggested by notable political observers such as Kazaman.

Pland positioned himself as the candidate of "change" and "fresh leadership" with Rand promising to bring "the same flame and in-the-trenches leadership I have employed — as Speaker and President — to this coming term." In the final days of the campaign, Pland drew clear contrast with the previous term, pointing out that the Rand Administration "did come up short on several key initiatives."

On the eve of voting day, Pland’s campaign was further boosted by key endorsements from UPC and Istillian. This, coupled with Pland’s late campaign comments against the outgoing Rand Administration which political observers like Lloenflys noted “were extremely well done tactically”, gave the Pland/Forilian ticket much-needed momentum going into the voting day.

As the voting opened, Pland/Forilian opened up a significant lead early on, much to the contrary of what the opinion polls suggested. Even though the gap narrowed throughout the voting period, it didn’t prove to be enough for the Rand/Maowi ticket. 75 citizens voted in the election, an increase of more than 10% compared to the previous presidential election.

As the Pland/Forilian ticket consolidated its lead, the outgoing President Rand conceded the election to Pland and Forilian saying, “As I stand on the front porch of Goldenblock with my bags packed, I am happy for my friend, President-elect Pland Adanna, who I am sure will do a great job as President.”

The new Pland Adanna Administration has already hit the ground running, with nominations to all Cabinet Offices and judicial positions announced which are now being processed in the Senate at the time of writing (read along ). The nominee for Foreign Advisor, Kazaman, was quickly confirmed by the Senate in order to handle the ongoing foreign affairs incident.

Rounding out the foreign ministries is Minister of Foreign Affairs nominee Sanjurika, Grand Admiral nominee Maowi, and returning World Assembly Affairs nominee PaleLand. The domestic ministries will be headed by Domestic Advisor Istillian, and those nominated include Communications Minister nominee HEM, Gameside Minister nominee Pichtonia, Culture nominee Spagtop, Radio Minister nominee JayDee, and Outreach Minister Seva. Lloenflys has been nominated as the Attorney General while Darcness has been nominated to fill a vacancy in the High Court.


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Jun 21, 2023
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Fundamental Freedoms:
Exploring the Evolution of Europeian Rights

Written by Istillian, Edited by Lloenflys and Forilian

On September 24, 2007, the first was presented to the Senate by then-Senator Lethen. In it, the bill laid out a comprehensive set of fundamental rights for our citizens, protecting them from mistreatment, giving the ability to seek clarification on legislative matters, and enabling citizens the ability to request and obtain explanations regarding governmental activities. Interestingly, it wrote that the right to vote is protected as private property, and that citizens are free to exercise their voting preferences. Moreover, that citizens have the right to participate in elections freely and publicly. Notably, this initial Bill ensured that citizens were not unfairly denied access to the forum based on their political affiliations, protecting the rights of individuals even if they belonged to controversial political parties - it truly established the fundamental liberties of our citizens. Earlier that year, on July 25, 2007, Lethen had also put to vote in the Senate the , legislation that protected our Freedom of Speech in guaranteeing any and all persons could express their opinions publicly.

The Bill of Rights, alongside the Free Speech Act, were the first pieces of legislation of their kind in Europeia that sought to protect our voice. While several basic amendments were made in the years after this, it wasn't until May 12, 2009 that former Senator Numero proposed the , which recognised the region's commitment to non-discrimination based on gender, and aimed to establish a legal framework that promoted gender equality. While by today's standards this may seem a basic piece of legislation in many NationStates regions, there is no denying that there was some controversy around this fundamental right back in 2009. This provision highlighted the importance of inclusivity for all citizens, irrespective of their gender or pronouns, and helped to foster a culture of gender equality and empowerment in Europeia.

The Europeian Broadcasting Corporation reached out to Lethen to reflect on the first Bill of Rights. He said, "I don't remember much of the context, but I feel like we must've had an economy going or else I wouldn't mention money or taxes and also a bill of rights feels like a "thing" to have, even if some of these rights may not really apply in an online game."

In December of 2009, the Senate oversaw a major constitutional amendment in the form of the . In it, this Charter encompassed all that the initial Bill of Rights and the Gender Equality Act had sought to do, while adding the protection of fundamental freedoms protecting an individual's conscience, religion, thought, belief, expression, and association.

Outside of NationStates, the United Nations General Assembly, on December 10, 1948, created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a declaration that was created as a result of representatives of various nations that sought to establish a global standard for fundamental human rights, aspiring to protect many basic freedoms. However, many of its fundamental principles are still not followed in every country, community, or group. In contrast, Europeia's first Charter of Rights without question enshrined equality rights in our law, guaranteeing equal treatment and non-discrimination based on various grounds such as race, national or ethnic origin, skin colour, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or mental or physical disability.

On September 5, 2015, a of the Charter of Rights was conducted, and an amendment was made. Regarding our fundamental freedoms, then-Senator Malashaan said, "I'm a little concerned about limiting expression to speech, writing, and pictures. It's unlikely to arise, but this potentially invites arguments that particular expression is not protected (e.g., music). Furthermore, I don't see any reason not to be broad here, e.g., "freely express opinions in any manner or medium." Also, this omits freedom of association. It may be worth discussing what that means in Europeia, but it has historically been considered to place restrictions on how political parties can be regulated at a minimum."

By September 22, 2015, the Senate had amended the fundamental freedoms in our Charter of Rights to:

Fundamental Freedoms
Every person shall have the right to freedom of thought and expression; this shall include the freedom of faith and of conscience, freedom to profess a religious or philosophical creed, and the right to freely express and disseminate their opinion in any manner or medium.

(3) Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association with others.

(4) Citizens shall have the right to unrestricted access to all public areas within Europeia, including social, informal, and unofficial areas; forums necessary for the exercise of rights guaranteed by this Charter or elsewhere; and forums necessary for basic access to the Government and Forum Administrators.

On August 13, 2018, Chair Assembly member Kari proposed , an amendment to correct gendered language across the laws of Europeia, which was and by President Sopo later that year. On June 4, 2019, former First Minister Lloenflys signed the , an amendment to the , the , and the to ensure that gender-neutral language was adopted fully into all of our laws. Attorney General Darcness , "The amendment makes no substantive changes to law, but instead removes mention of gender via the use of various language constructs including the ."

On September 4, 2020, our Charter of Rights was . Once more, Malashaan brought the review to the Senate, commenting that: "I want to look at including an explicit due process right in the Charter of Rights. Generally, Due Process is the concept that the state must accord all people their legal rights when dealing with them. It is essentially a guarantee that individual's are treated fairly and in accordance with the law in legal proceedings."

The Attorney General at that time, Pichtonia, conducted a of the Charter of Rights, specifically stating that:

"In FF03, formerly Section 4 in CoR 2015, wording for "forums" was changed to "areas" to include and protect all of the region, not just the forums, so now the on-site page and discord are covered, for example.

In FF03, formerly Section 4, was reworded, with "defined herein as" being added so that the what follows -- "used for social or informal activities by the entire community; areas necessary for the exercise of rights guaranteed by this Charter or elsewhere; and areas necessary for basic access to the Government and Administration." -- would be read like a, b, and c, more clearly. Whereas the former wording of "including" was not definite and could potentially be ambiguous."

The Charter of Rights of 2015 was repealed, and the 2020 document became law on October 2, 2020, when signed by former President Sopo, and our Charter of Rights now remains enshrined in law as the following:

Fundamental Freedoms
Every person shall have the right to freedom of thought and expression; this shall include the freedom of faith and of conscience, freedom to profess a religious or philosophical creed, and the right to freely express and disseminate their opinion in any manner or medium. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this section shall not be construed as providing any protection for speech or conduct that a reasonable person would infer is intended to offend, threaten or insult an individual or group on the basis of that individual's or group's sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, language, religion, or national or social origin.

FF02. Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association with others.

FF03. Citizens shall have the right to unrestricted access to all public areas within Europeia defined herein as areas used for social or informal activities by the entire community; areas necessary for the exercise of rights guaranteed by this Charter or elsewhere; and areas necessary for basic access to the Government and Administration.

Looking now at Pride Month, the Senate of Europeia made a milestone resolution of recognising Europeian Pride in 2023, in the form of . This resolution goes a step beyond protecting our freedoms and rights, and instead, it celebrates them, the people that we are, and the community that we thrive in.

Senator McEntire spoke powerfully, representing our community well when he said: "I have always been proud of the diversity of our membership, our many queer citizens, and our regional values of openness and respect for the dignity of all people. It is a scary time to be a queer person, and I think this year's Euro Pride, more than ever, we need to actively stand up and tell the world that we stand with our LGBTQIA+ community."

From the initial Bill of Rights to subsequent amendments and reviews, Europeia has consistently demonstrated its commitment to protecting the rights and dignity of our citizens. The Fundamental Freedoms of the Charter of Rights in Europeia is a pillar of significance in safeguarding the freedom of thought and expression in Europeia, and its intent has sought to foster a vibrant and inclusive community that stands up for the the rights and dignity of all of our citizens, and our strong history in celebrating Europeian Pride shows that we will continue to do so.


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Jun 21, 2023
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Half a score and six years ago, the abdication of HEM as Emperor brought forth a new republican government of Europeia, conceived under the fundamental principles of equal rights, personal freedoms, and a robust democratic government that preserves and respects the will of the governed. Since the founding of this new Republic, we have become one of the largest UCRs in NationStates while withstanding the trials of significant change both here and abroad. We have a special community here, a community of individuals from all walks of life with a diverse set of viewpoints, skills, and talents. It is because of this diversity of talents and perspectives that Europeia has been able to survive and flourish for so long.

As we celebrate this important milestone in our region's history, it would be remiss not to recognize and thank your region for being such a great embassy partner. Whether through military operations, cultural events, or regular interactions, our two governments and communities will continue to strengthen our enduring bonds, mutual interests, and mutual principles. We thank you for your continued friendship and commit ourselves to our longstanding endeavor to brace and nourish our ties to your community.

Sanjurika, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Istillian, Ambassador to Europe


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Jun 21, 2023
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In a weekend of votes, the citizens of Europeia elected their new Senate.

62 citizens voted for the Senate seat size. With a plurality of 29 votes, citizens voted for expanding the size of the Senate from the minimum of five seats to seven seats.

Six of the twelve candidates were elected in a first round of voting: Lloenflys, Common-Sense Politics and Ellenburg are all returning to the Senate after some absence, Senators Prim and Gem defended their Senate seats, and Elio and ICH were elected to the Senate for the first time. With 78 voters, voter turnout even exceeded that of the previous Presidential election.

Candidates McEntire and Ellenburg were tied for the seventh seat and entered a runoff election, which Ellenburg won with 45 to McEntires 27 votes.

The general senate election traditionally and legally marks the halfway point for the President and their government, too. In reflecting on his term so far, President Pland Adanna talked about the of his government.

This message was originally written by Minister Pichtonia, and was edited by Minister Sanjurika


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Jun 21, 2023
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This election was a fierce and competitive one, with four candidates who ran with an eventual dropout, leaving the polls with three candidates in the end. With polls having closed 7 hours ago, the winner of the election came out to be the ticket of JayDee and Pichtonia. We’ll be going over the election results and the President’s opening speech in this article.

The results of the election was a fairly decent race between President JayDee and Kazaman, with both respectively ending the polls with the President ahead and coming out to 52.9 percent and Kazaman coming to 38.2 percent! The third candidate, McEntire came in last at 8.8 percent. It was a great race and an honor for us to report and proceed to the live blog over the debate. If you’re interested in seeing what the campaigns for everyone was, feel free to look at the links that will be offered below! Now, to move on to the President’s opening address!

The President’s speech starts out by him addressing the “ideals of collaboration and working hard together” something which was very important in his campaign. Following his speech, President JayDee published his nominations for Cabinet and hosted a live reaction show on air for everyone. The Cabinet has received initially positive reviews, with many citing it as a, particularly fresh Cabinet. The President agreed with the assessment, claiming in the Radio show revealing his Cabinet that it was "one of the freshest but also one of the most experienced Cabinets."

Chief of Staff - Rand
Director of the Government Accountability Office - UPC
Attorney General - Forilian

Minister of Gameside - Gem
Minister of Outreach - ICH
Minister of Communications - Phoenix
Minister of Radio - Elio
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - Lime
Minister of Culture - Martyn Kiryu
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Sanjurika
Grand Admiral - Vor

Written by Phoenix


Forum Newcomer
Jun 21, 2023

President Proscribes Reckless Marauders The Communist Bloc and the Brotherhood of Malice Face Repercussions
Written by Kuramia

(Europeia - August 31, 2023) The North Pacific, at major update on August 27, 2023, was delegate-bumped from the combined forces of The Communist Bloc and Brotherhood of Malice, which placed Acting Vice Delegate Pallaith as the region's World Assembly delegate. Through the efforts of its allies, including militia and active sailors in the Europeian Republican Navy, The North Pacific's delegate, Chipoli, was restored to his rightful delegacy. The attack did not go without repercussions, especially as it's not the first time The North Pacific has been specifically targeted by the Brotherhood of Malice. Europeian President JayDee announced, in a show of solidarity with Europeia's decade-long ally, that The Communist Bloc and the Brotherhood of Malice were both declared proscribed regions.

Posting a scathing dispatch detailing the assault, The North Pacific disparaged The Communist Bloc and the Brotherhood of Malice, stating that the regions "cannot and should not be mistaken for members of our international community, because every action they take and every word they speak on that stage betrays how unworthy and unprepared they are to be a part of it." Describing the actions as an act of war and a violation of their sovereignty, The North Pacific promised more than just the existing sanctions outlined by the Modern Gameplay Compact would be forthcoming.

Issuing his own statement supporting The North Pacific, President JayDee of Europeia stated that, "It has become evidently clear that these existing policies have not been enough, and that those who choose to associate with the Brotherhood of Malice continue to erode the trust of this community and violate the sovereignty of our partners. [...]Their course is destruction and their cause is chaos." He swore Europeia's continued backing for The North Pacific's next steps.

The North Pacific and Europeia share a Treaty of Friendship that was ratified on Aug 19, 2013.


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Jul 2, 2021
Huntsville, Alabama

The Europeian Broadcasting Corporation presents...
The Europeian Media Spotlight

Featured Authors - Once again, Media Spotlights are returning to highlight the incredible authors and writers in Europeia! This week we have two authors, putting the spooky in the spooky season and giving a fine retrospective on our region’s growth as a Frontier, coming from the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation and the Arnhelm Alternative!

- McEntire: Description: This in-depth dive into the statistics of our growing population as a Frontier. Europeia has taken center stage as one of the leading and largest Frontier regions in NationStates, and it would be simply uncharacteristic for us not to take a look at where we may be in due time – backed up with great graphics and awesome analysis, McEntire gives us a first look into one of the key metrics changed by our transition into Frontier status.

- Istillian: Description: Our glorious investigator Istillian prowled the haunts of Europeia as the clocks struck midnight on Hallow’s Eve, inquiring with the ghouls and demons of the night to find their deepest secrets and darkest memories… Dear readers, what unearthly horrors will we uncover lurking in our region this tricking season?

Please consider giving an upvote!!​


Forum Newcomer
Jun 21, 2023

by Ellenburg, Sanjurika, Sincluda, and UPC

Senate Elections - April 2024

On April 20, a new slate of Senators was elected to the Europeian Senate. Nine candidates stood, and citizens voted to make the top seven be elected. Candidates Lloenflys, Prim, Ervald, Cordova I, Comfed, JayDee, and Rand were all elected. The first order of business was selecting a Speaker, of which Lloenflys was chosen to lead. However, Lloenflys surprisingly resigned soon after, and Cordova I was selected as his replacement.

Debate topics centered around the ongoing Constitutional Convention, the Peoples Assembly, Half-Terms, and Court Reform. Notably, Senator Ervald pledged to only serve half his term (following in the footsteps of former Senator UPC) to show his commitment to the Half-Term Senate proposal. The 94th Europeian Senate quickly got to work, and several proposals are working their way through the Senatia.

First Frontier Day

May 2nd marked the first anniversary of Europeia becoming a Frontier. The event was celebrated with a festival that included games, meme contests, and speeches. President UPC noted that, despite the challenges that the region faced during those early days, “our success this last year has been about as resounding an affirmation of the Europeian spirit as [he] can imagine.” In recognition of the community’s efforts this past year, President UPC and Senator Ervald introduced an amendment to the Awards and Honours Act (2021), which would create a new title, Praetor, which translates to “one who goes before,” to be awarded to every Europeian citizen at the time of the festival.

One additional honor was granted during the festival. Le Libertie (LL), one of Europeia’s all time greatest recruiters and the region’s first Frontier Delegate, was nominated for an Ovation of the Senate. The Senate unanimously confirmed this Ovation, with Senator Comfed saying that “Le Libertie has always been a considered voice of reason, providing a sober second thought in an environment where many rush to move fast and break things.” LL will be officially granted the Order of Republica during a festival held in his honor next term.

Senate By-Election

There will be a Senate by-election due to the recent resignation of Speaker Lloenflys, prompted by real-life conflicts. Consequently, there will be an election to fill his vacant seat and complete the remainder of the term.

So far, three candidates have emerged for the vacant seat, each presenting their ideas and plans for the short-term tenure in the Senate. The candidates currently in the race as of Thursday morning are former Senator and Presidential Candidate Olde Delaware, Former Senator Gem, and Prov, who has recently returned to the region.
The pressing issues for this campaign appear to be changes to the Bar Association, the Junior Senator option, the Pioneer Amendment, and the Diplomatic Affairs Act. We will find out on Friday who emerges victorious!

NationStates Shutdown

For about 10 days beginning April 14th, the NationStates website experienced a database failure and went into shutdown, and it wasn’t until recently that update started running normally again and the last effects of the event faded. Although some ministries, like the Navy, Outreach, Gameside, and World Assembly Affairs were almost completely disabled for this period, game nights and other events kept Europeians busy and revealed the social strength of the region.


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Jun 21, 2023
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Population: 1,376 | Delegate Endorsements: 247
President UPC | Speaker Cordova I | Chief Justice Primorye Oblast

Regional News

Presidential Election Won By UPC / Grea Kriopia Ticket, Run-Off Avoided

Facing down three competing tickets (Sincluda/Gem, JL/Prov, and Caldrasa/August) with a confident and proactive campaign, UPC/GK secured 68% of the votes on May 25th. The UPC/GK ticket ran on a themed platform, centering on Infrastructure, Visibility, and the ongoing Wars. Their main opponent, the Sincluda/Gem ticket which amassed 25% of the vote, ran a lively campaign with initiatives like the Livewire and a World Assembly counter-campaigning taskforce, while wanting to solve problems with the Navy and Foreign Affairs agreements they identified. There were 56 votes cast in total, a relatively low turnout compared to recent Presidential elections.

Europeia and Allies Party At Camp Anawanna

In the last weekend of May, Europeia was joined by allies from 10000 Islands, Balder, and The South Pacific at Camp Anawanna for some campfire songs, ghost stories, and training in advance of the Defender Olympics. The summer camp-themed event ran from May 23 to May 27 with popular events including a nation creation contest and the return of Amongus with other party games. Militaries from all regions also did joint training together in preparation for the upcoming Defender Olympics anticipated in July to brush up on their chasing and speediness in hopes of winning medals later on.

Two Senate By-Elections in May Prove Difficult For Senate Hopefuls

May was the month of Senate By-Elections after the unexpected resignation of Senate Speaker Lloenflys and planned resignation of Senator Southwestern Germany. Voters went to the polls twice; The first on May 11 as Gem, Prov, and Olde Delaware Jr vied for an open seat. Gem and OD locked into a run-off after defeating Prov handily and Gem emerged victorious after a late voting swing in their favor. The following election came May 29 in a more crowded field of Ambrella (Sopo), Industhan, PhDre, and Prov. Although Sopo entered the race last, he won victory handily with 62.8% of the votes to avoid a run-off. Congrats to the newly elected Senators!

Citizen Spotlight:

Returning Citizen Spotlights to the Office of the Vice Presidency once again, Vice President Grea Kriopia authored the first Citizen Spotlight of the term featuring one of Euro's up-and-coming young citizens, Empire of Caldrasa. Caldrasa joined Euro in March 2024 and has been hard at work in the Ministries of Outreach and Gameside on top of their bouncy social presence in the Euro server. Serving now as Deputy Minister of Outreach, Caldrasa has impressed the region with their eager spirit and will likely to continue to thrive as they learn and grow in their political career!

Europeian Media Highlights

- A retrospective of impacts from the Frontier/Stronghold mechanic update published alongside Europeia's first Frontier Day at the start of May that discusses the updates impacts (or lack thereof) on new frontiers, military gameplay, and and more.

- In the run-up to the Presidential election, the EBC did some polling in end of term satisfaction to feel out voters' preferences before the race had begun

- A live blog posted during the Presidential Election voting period tracking stats in voting over time and commentating on the race

- The first article out after Presidential Elections ended, sharing final results and commenting on the low voter turnout

- Interviews of Senate Candidates in the second Senate By-election in the month of May

- Listen to the recording of President UPC and Vice President Grea Kriopia reveal and discuss their cabinet picks shortly after their election!