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  • Welcome to Europe Game, a NationStates-born community of geopolitical roleplay. We are the oldest continously operating home for geopolitical worldbuilding on the Internet. Join us to experience and imagine fictive diplomacy, internal politics and economics together with other nation roleplaying enthusiasts. We are looking forward to welcoming you as one of ours.

[EMBASSY] Lazarus

Apr 10, 2016
We actually have an official banner and seal for embassies.....if I could find the damn thing.

I'm here to return the request for forum embassies between our regions (yours was just accepted on our end). I'll probably end up serving as the Laz ambassador, Loftegen can confirm my identity if needed.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
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After discussions with the Delegate of Lazarus, information was conveyed that a regional poll would have to be held before accepting the creation of an embassy. That poll, after some time, was held and passed. Due to the results of that democratic mandate, I am happy to welcome any diplomatic representation from Lazarus. A telegram has been dispatched to confirm your identity. I would certainly like to apologise for my lack of response here.


Imperium Anglorum
Delegate of Europe
Apr 10, 2016
Found an update. But because you have a weird ass forum format I have to get our news team to redo the whole thing so i can post it.
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Forum Newcomer
Apr 6, 2017
Ambassador Appointed!

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Greetings Europeans,

Following a long vacancy in the position of Lazarene Ambassador to Europe, I am pleased to announce that I have been dispatched to fill that post. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask me, either by sending a message to me, PMing me on Discord (Atlantica#6234) or IRC (Atlantica on Esper) or telegramming my main nation, United Provinces of Atlantica.

Best regards,
Ambassador to Europe
Celestial Union of Lazarus

Also, to any Admin with the ability to do so, if you could change the thread topic to reflect the status of embassies between our two regions, and sticky the thread, that'd be great.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
The requested actions have been effected. We're happy to have you here! Unfortunately, due to some staffing shortages and a lack of qualified applicants, we cannot fill our own ambassadorship to your region. My apologies.
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Forum Newcomer
Apr 6, 2017
[FONT=&amp]Thank you for the timely change. Apology absolutely accepted; considering the lengthy [/FONT][FONT=&amp]vacancy in the position of Lazarene Ambassador to Europe, it'd be ardly right for myself or any other Lazarene to start demanding an appointment. :p[/FONT]

Aurelian Ancients

Forum Newcomer
Mar 28, 2020

I've been assigned to fill this post \o/. Hope this is the place to post this.

Lazarus is hosting an event and our friends over at Europe are invited :p If you guys are interested, do come over to our server and check it out!

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Aurelian Ancients

Forum Newcomer
Mar 28, 2020
Notice regarding our forums

Due to issues with our forum host, we have relocated to a different host, located at nslazarus.com. This means that the old url will be temporarily unavailable. The forum was moved and everything is up and running using the new url. Our forums can now be found

Aurelian Ancients

Forum Newcomer
Mar 28, 2020
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Current Corporate Management

Chief Executive Officer (Delegate):
Chief Operating Officer (Vice-Delegate):
Managing Director (Prime Minister):

Current Board of Directors (Cabinet of Lazarus)

Director of Citizenship: Director of the Guard:
Director of Internal Management (Acting until confirmed):
Director of Public Relations (Acting until confirmed):

Current Auditors of Lazarus (Council of Lazarene Security)

Auditors: , , , and

Current Speakership

Deputy Speaker:

Current Human Resource Officers (Court Justices)

Human Resource Officers: , , and
Electrifying Elections
May 1st, 2020
The Shareholders of the Lazarene Corporation could not have expected the electrifying excitement in the Board Meeting room on the second floor of Corporate Headquarters, yesterday. There was less than a day left in the election for Managing Director of the Corporation, and there was a tie, with six votes for each McChimp and joWhatup. This resulted in discussion about a special election. However, Human Resource Officer Wymondham recast his vote in favor of joWhatup. Alas, the special election was not to be, as joWhatup now had enough votes to win the election. Before all this, we had a debate, a standing period, a campaign period, and there were two other candidates in this election, Domais and Chanku, and each got a single first-round vote, not enough to make it any further in the election.

The Managing Director ran on a public relations policy of building bridges with fellow neutral regions. He also stated in his campaign that he would reestablish the department of World Assembly Affairs, promote more on-site Gazette action, an unchanged regional roleplay, and keeping the Guard virtually unchanged. The Corporation will have another Managing Directorial election in four months’ time, and the Gazette congratulates joWhatup for his victory.
Article can be found .



Forum Newcomer
Jan 2, 2022
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What’s that? It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, No, it’s another UPDATE From Public Relations!
January — February 2022

Current Management

Chief Executive Officer (Delegate): Treadwellia (Tubbius)
Chief Operating Officer (Vice-Delegate): New Rogernomics
Managing Director (Prime Minister): Domais

Current Board of Directors (Cabinet of Lazarus)

Director of the Guard: joWhatup
Director of Internal Management: Deadeye Jack
Director of Public Relations: Clorinda
Director of Shareholdership: McChimp

Current Auditors of Lazarus (Council of Lazarene Security)

Chairman of the Board (Vice-Delegate): New Rogernomics
Auditors: Debussy, McChimp, and Leonism

Current Speakership

Speaker: Agalaesia
Deputy Speaker: Wang Yao

Current Human Resource Officers (Court Justices)

Human Resource Officers: Chanku, Ryccia, and Wymondham​
TWPLAZa — Fun For All Species
By Clorinda

The end of January not only marked Lazarene preparation for the Lunar New Year this year, but for festivities with The West Pacific as well.

From January 28 - 31 (with photography and writing contest results announced on February 1) Lazarus and The West Pacific jointly hosted an open event aptly named “TWPLAZa”. The festival, fittingly enough, was centered around the arts (not that one, Sun Tzu) and nature. Its three main attractions, the writing, photography, and card contests, were won by Zoran, Blue, and Alon respectively.

Additionally a surprise AMA with Giovanniland was held by Clorinda featuring audience participation. The text of that can be read .

War Is Over?
By Clorinda

Before 2022 could even muster up the courage to learn how to walk, the government of Lazarus swept the newborn off its feet with a brutal legsweep that could only be described as “totally rad”. On January 7, 2022 the Assembly of Lazarus passed A.R.R. #1 “Cessation of Hostilities with the New Pacific Order”, a resolution that effectively repealed both A.R. #2 “War with the NPO” and A.R. #4 “Proscription of the New Pacific Order”. What this means is that John and Yoko were right about one thing.

The resolution was met with outstanding support from the region’s citizenry, with eleven votes for and two against the motion.

What this means is that cross membership with citizens of the New Pacific Order is now allowed. (Note: However, this of course does not apply to former citizens of the NPO indicted in crimes against the region following Task Force Lazarus.)

Court Slowly Getting Back On Its Feet
By Ryccia

The court is slowly but surely getting back to fulfilling its duties. After filling its ranks, the court now sports a full membership and is ready to operate. Despite difficulties in recent months, the court continues to slowly but certainly march on, having reached a verdict on yet another legal question concerning out-of-character bans, this one also unanimous, with all judges agreeing with the opinion in full. With more rulings to come, Laz’s judicial branch is slowly but surely making a comeback.

Dawn of the Year of the Tiger
Happy Holidays

Laz would like to welcome the world into the Year of the Tiger, please collect your ya sui qian from our herald if they haven’t been robbed by bandits while delivering this update already.


Forum Newcomer
Jan 2, 2022
Lazarus regional update (August - September 2023)

This regional update discusses the recent election of a new First Citizen (PM), the changes to the regional mandate or constitution, and some general discussion on frontiers and strongholds, and Lazarene foreign policy.

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Frontiers, Strongholds, and government streamlining...
Read this update here: