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  • Welcome to Europe Game, a NationStates-born community of geopolitical roleplay. We are the oldest continously operating home for geopolitical worldbuilding on the Internet. Join us to experience and imagine fictive diplomacy, internal politics and economics together with other nation roleplaying enthusiasts. We are looking forward to welcoming you as one of ours.

[Embassy] The Free Nations Region


Forum Newcomer
Oct 23, 2021
Greetings, Europe!
This thread shall serve as the embassy of The Free Nations Region to Europe.
All foreign updates will be posted into this page.

I haven't formally introduced myself yet, so its time I finally get it out of the way.

I'm Altrurismo, but you may call me as Alturismo, Altrio, or Alt2 if you really don't want to bother. I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs at The Free Nations region, and I'm also The South Pacific's Ambassador to here. I'm a shy person, so I apologize if I can't seem to explain things correctly.

While our assigned ambassador, Castenor, is still inactive, I shall represent my region directly until he take his place. I apologize on behalf of him.

If you have any inquiries, you may find me on Discord as
Altrio#1692, or by telegramming New Monture or Glasov in game.

I hope our two regions may hold strong ties, and we at home are looking towards a bright future with Europe.

Thank you for your time, and have a nice day.
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