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[EMBASSY] The Rejected Realms

Dec 18, 2015
The Decompression Chamber
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Greetings players of Europe. I am CoS, Foreign Affairs Officer of The Rejected Realms and I kindly ask that on behalf of the government of TRR, you accept me as ambassador to your region.
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
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On the behalf of Europe's Foreign Office and its government, I am happy to accept your credentials and status as Ambassador to our region given (1) a telegram sent to both myself and the Foreign Secretary, Ecclestia, delivering your credentials and (2) the publication of your Ambassador puppet, if there exists one, and your main nation in the Rejected Realms.

We just want this information to make sure that you're speaking for those you claim to speak for and that we know who you are in the region.

Thank you for sending this envoy to Europe!

— Imperium Anglorum
Dec 18, 2015
The Decompression Chamber
I definitely understand. When I was Foreign Affairs Officer in Renegade Islands one of our new citizens went to the Lazarus forum and pretended to be an ambassador. It was very displeasing.:wall:

I have sent a telegram along with my credentials. My main nation is . My citizenship nation in TRR is . I do not have an ambassador nation here in Europe, though if I must I will send one over.
Dec 18, 2015
The Decompression Chamber
Not to sound impatient but I've received no confirmation that I've been accepted as an ambassador to your region. It's been 13 full days.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Oh man! I had forgotten about this. I thought I had posted a reply some time ago. The answer is yes. After receiving confirmation, I added your name to the . Apologies!
Dec 18, 2015
The Decompression Chamber
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Update no. 18, December 2015

Greetings friends and allies! It's been five months since our last update so we're overdue for another one. Here's what's been happening in The Rejected Realms!

New Delegate Elected

Back in mid-June Guy was elected delegate and he did a good job. Unfortunately Guy stepped down because he no longer had the time to lead our government. Maybe he'll come back to the big chair someday. We would certainly appreciate it. This time around we had 4 candidates for the delegacy, Crazy Girl, kyorgia, Libetarian Republics and Christian Democrats. In true TRR tradition, Crazy Girl ran for delegate with no intention of actually taking the job. In fact that was her campaign. Kyorgia campaigned a strong emphasis on Recruitment and Integration. Libetarian Republics campaigned with a focus on Foreign Affairs, Culture and Integration. Christian Democrats campaigned with a very strong emphasis on quality & efficiency, hoping to merge various parts of the forum and improve the quality of work each department would pursue. After voting ended it seemed that Crazy Girl would have won by just one vote. However at the last second she withdrew from the race, not anticipating that she would win. Following voting procedure, the results were finalized.

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Most of the candidates campaigns were positive overall, however concerns over Christian Democrats pro-life views with regards to World Assembly votes came up when he confirmed that there could be times when he would disregard the citizens choices in favor of his own. This contributed in some manner to the overwhelming success of Libetarian Republics' campaign. Libetarian Republics was elected with 11 votes. Although Christian Democrats protested the results due to Crazy Girl's withdrawal from the race, it would do little more than prolong an unnecessary conversation.

Officer Elections

Officer elections this time around was not so competitive as the delegate election. There were just enough candidates to fill all four positions, leaving just a confirmation vote. Incumbents Church of Satan and kyorgia ran for re-election, retaining their places in the cabinet. New faces to the regional government "game", 98X and SpiderJerusalem ran as well. All four candidates were elected with no competition or campaigning. Delegate-elect Libetarian Republics would place Church of Satan as Foreign Affairs Officer, kyorgia as Outreach Officer, 98X as Culture Officer and SpiderJerusalem as Media Officer. Outreach, the first change enacted by Libetarian Republics, is in charge of both recruitment AND integration. With the cabinet elected work has begun in making The Rejected Realms better. Here's hoping for a great term!

TRR at The NS World Fair

At the fourth annual NS World Fair, The Rejected Realms would once again celebrate Rejectmas with friends from across NationStates. As it did last year, Rejectmas went over well with visitors proclaiming "I love disconnected culture! Have a very hairy Rejectmas everyone", "I love your rejectmas manual too.", "Tangerines!" and "This is the most interesting regional booth I've visited so far." Tangerines and omelettes abound, Rejects and visitors alike took part in the traditional Rejectmas activities of truth-saying, fear-sharing and telling one another what they would lock up in cabinets so as to prevent their theft by The Silver Ghost. The new addition to our booth however, was a cryptic puzzle created by then Culture Officer, Church of Satan, who would discover that no fair-goer was able to solve it, both to his surprise and dissatisfaction. All things considered, everyone had a very smooth Rejectmas.

RRA Update

Over the last 5 months the RRA has taken part in numerous missions. Most notably its participation in the liberation and refounding of Hogwarts which is no longer in the possession of the invaders that had once stole it from the native community. The RRA also participated in the defense of Scandinavium and Union of Sovereign States among others.
Dec 18, 2015
The Decompression Chamber
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Earlier today Hileville, the elected delegate of The South Pacific, disregarding all protocol and legal precedent, dissolved the charter of The Coalition of The South Pacific. The Rejected Realms does not recognize the Transitional Government of The South Pacific as the legitimate government of The South Pacific and condemns its heinous seizure of The South Pacific nor do we condone its actions against the legitimate government.

In accordance with the TRR-TSP Treaty of Peace and Amity, we hereby pledge our support of The Coalition of The South Pacific and recognize it as the sole government of The South Pacific. We urge the rogue elements within The South Pacific to undo their oppressive acts against The Coalition of The South Pacific and restore order to the region. We further urge other regions to likewise decry these illegal acts against The South Pacific.

Libetarian Republics,
Delegate of The Rejected Realms

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The Church of Satan,
Foreign Affairs Officer of The Rejected Realms

January 31, 2016

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Earlier today Hileville, the elected delegate of The South Pacific, disregarding all protocol and legal precedent, dissolved the charter of The Coalition of The South Pacific. The Rejected Realms does not recognize the Transitional Government of The South Pacific as the legitimate government of The South Pacific and condemns its heinous seizure of The South Pacific nor do we condone its actions against the legitimate government.

In accordance with the TRR-TSP Treaty of Peace and Amity, we hereby pledge our support of The Coalition of The South Pacific and recognize it as the sole government of The South Pacific. We urge the rogue elements within The South Pacific to undo their oppressive acts against The Coalition of The South Pacific and restore order to the region. We further urge other regions to likewise decry these illegal acts against The South Pacific.
Thank you for the presentation of information to Europe. We would like to remind any of those affected by the events in the South Pacific that Europe has a policy of neutrality in foreign affairs and takes no opinion on the subject.

Libetarian Republics

Forum Newcomer
Oct 18, 2015
Thank you for the presentation of information to Europe. We would like to remind any of those affected by the events in the South Pacific that Europe has a policy of neutrality in foreign affairs and takes no opinion on the subject.

Just to be clear, this was posted on all of the forum embassies we maintain. We understandably respect the neutrality Europe holds. Thanks, and carry on *tips hat*

Delegate of the Rejected Realms
Dec 18, 2015
The Decompression Chamber
Update #19

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Hello friends and allies! It's been a few months since our last update so without further delay, here's what's been happening in The Rejected Realms!

Officer Elections - The Previous Term

During the previous term, 98X resigned from his position as Media Officer due to real life obligations. Tomb and Koth ran for the vacant spot however Tomb would be the one elected as Media Officer, putting out one issue of The Monthly Reject in that time. During that time, Spider Jerusalem also resigned from his position as Culture Officer due to real life obligations. Madaloria ran for the position and had a successful term following his successful planning for the Constitution Day festivities. No longer wishing to serve as Speaker, Tim resigned his position. Guy was elected Speaker in a confirmation vote.

Officer Elections - Now

The Church of Satan and Madaloria ran for and were re-elected to their prior positions. Joining them were newcomers Nobodies and Werpdrarg, all of which ran unopposed. The Church of Satan has resumed his prior job as Foreign Affairs Officer. Madaloria resumes his prior job as Culture Officer. Nobodies now serves as Media Officer in charge of The Monthly Reject. Werpdrarg serves as Outreach Officer. With so many fresh faces in the cabinet, it's hard to say how things will progress.

RMB Activity

The month of March saw no shortage of malicious spam resulting in more suppression of posts and moderator intervention in that month alone than seen over the last several months. It's hard to say why that is but it is hopefully an isolated incident.

March also however was the month in which we would celebrate Constitution Day. With good planning by Madaloria, the festivities were successful, seeing increased (positive) RMB activity from several friends and allies across NationStates. A belated "thank you" to those of you that attended. We were happy to see you there!


After the end of the previous election, we at TRR found that our tie-breaking procedure sucks. Initially if there was a tie in the elections, the candidate who joined the regional forums earlier shall be favored. While everyone on NationStates has an account on our forums (I mean who doesn't right?), the candidate that registered first is automatically favored in procedure. Taking into account the permanency of the registration date and flexibility of applying for citizenship, the Assembly amended the Election Act by having the tiebreakers broken in reference to the vote of current officials. If the votes by the officials were not cast, the candidate with the longer continuous citizenship ultimately wins.

Poll-It-Bureau introduces Citizen of the Week

Polls are popular among Rejects; to incentivize registering for citizenship, the Poll-It-Bureau introduces Citizen of the Week. The Delegate, under some arbitrary criteria, selects a citizen to have polling powers for that week. Citizens can poll Rejects over a wide range of topics from politics to cuisine.

Our first Citizen of the Week is Jeffersonborg, popularly known as Codger elsewhere. He is credited for the suggesting this idea, and he is notoriously known by Rejects for his hate for freedom. His poll regarded a prison warden of The Rejected Realms; one day you find a Reject trading in contraband, containing matches and pamphlets calling for greater democracy in the region. What would you do afterwards?

Our second Citizen of the Week is Bowiemoria. He is known for his enthusiasm about BBQ, and made a poll about the favorite type of BBQ items. He invited players around the world to vote as well.

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TRR Issues Committee’s goal is to create quality, original issues and improve the experiences of Rejects and nations worldwide. TRR’s first issue was announced around January 2016 when sedge mentioned the recent addition of Issue #483. Submitted in May 2015, the processing took 3 delegate terms; the long, tedious wait was eventually realized. Congratulations to all that contributed to this achievement. Below in the spoiler is Issue #483 and the options the players can pick. If received in-game, you’ll notice on the bottom right “Issue by: The Rejected Realms Issue Committee.”

#483: Do You Want Fries With That? [The rejected realms issue committee; ed:Sanctaria]

The Issue
Mobs of disgruntled employees picket fast-food chains across @@NAME@@, tossing cheeseburgers at customers and burning their uniforms – all in the name of dignity and fairer wages.

The Debate
1. "MERRY MEALS, MERRY WORKERS!" chants a pubescent protester. "For far too long have our families starved because of pitiful wages. I mean, really, what are we supposed to do with one @@CURRENCY@@ a day? Eat it!? @@NAME@@ needs to set a new minimum floor for wages, and protect workers – the least that can go wrong is a little bump in the price of your Big Max - what's the big deal?"

2. "Oh the horror! THE HORROR!" gasps the McRonalds CEO as he watches a video of protesters deep-frying the company mascot. "Not Ronald! Anyone but Ronald! They've gone bananas! @@LEADER@@, their complaints are ridiculous, I assure you. They should be grateful for the wage they get for, what, flipping a few burgers? Give me a break. I implore you to send in the police and stop these mouth-breathers from scaring away our custom- eh, I mean, to protect our citizens, of course..."

3. "The problem isn't wages, darling," says a 'chatty cathy' working the counter at Papa Pallocci's Pizza Pagoda. "It's all the 'part time' hours - the 'seasonal' work, 'overtime', 'no overtime', 'zero-contracts' – before you know it, we'll all be working part-part-part-time! We should go back to a simple work-week for all us slaves to the retail industry. 8-5. Sure, it'll make places hard to staff, but who wants a burger at midnight anyways?"

4. "Eww, fast food," says @@RANDOMNAME@@, sipping a glass of almond milk to wash down a fresh kale salad. "We should just get rid of it altogether. Who could be bothered with those cheap, greasy trans-fats? Yuck! Gluttony gone amok as far as I'm concerned. We should aim for a higher standard of food: vegetarian, vegan, organic. C'est magnifique!"

News In Brief

*Islanders of the 10000 Islands visited the Rejected Realms in January, celebrating with tacos & BBQ.

* CG complains for more coffee, and Jeffersonborg complains for less freedom.

*Sirius3108, one of the largest class regions in NationStates, has established embassies with the Rejected Realms!

*Codger proposed forming a "Like Legion", a group dedicated to liking quality RMB posts.

*Initials for the Rejected Realms: TRR or tRR?

Libetarian Republics

Forum Newcomer
Oct 18, 2015
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The Rejected Realms Update

and our

WA Delegate: The Church of Satan
| Culture Officer: Catalyse | Foreign Affairs Officer: Wabbitslayah |
| Media Officer: John Laurens | Outreach Officer: Marilyn Manson Freaks |
Speaker of the Assembly: Kyorgia

An election, and another election... and wait, is that another election?
If there's one thing we can be sure of it's that the Gods of elections are surely pleased with The Rejected Realms. Throughout the last three months several worthy candidates have lined up to be sacrifices to the Gods of elections, but only a few of them were holy enough to enter the sacred walls of Electionhalla. Even some of those that were thought to be worthy at first were rejected entry into Electionhalla, and were expelled from it, or how we call it in Electionism, they resigned.

The first of the several sacrificial rituals started in August, and several pious rejects lined up, citing the reasons of why they were worthy, and soon enough all rejects were enjoying the election rituals, casting their vote into the sacred ballot box. Flower Boy, Catalyse, Katie Rybeck and Frattastan were deemed worthy of being sacrificed this election season, but many of them were not capable of faring through the trials and tribulations the gods set before them.

By early September one of the officers had already been excommunicated, resigned, and a challenge for this newly vacated position, erupted from two worthy candidates, Marilyn Manson and John Laurens. Battling between each other with the best election weaponry they could find, in the end, after Manson had received 13 votes and Laurens had received 6, it was Marilyn Manson that was chosen to be sacrificed on the Holy Sepulchre of Outreach on the 8th of September.

Soon after another challenger appeared from the crowd. Wabbitslayah challenged Frattastan, who decided to not meet his opponent on the field and instead cower inside the walls of Electionhalla, which was not a good sign of things to come. In the end Wabbit was selected to be an officer on the 16th of September, while Frattastan was expelled from the godly realms.

But this wasn't the last we had seen of Laurens, and again on the 12th of October, after another resignation occurred, he again battled, this time with his wits as no worthy opponent had emerged from the crowd, to obtain the favour of the gods, and after four days of strenuous discussion with the gods he did.

Last but not least, undefeated and unopposed champion in the coliseum of Speaker elections, Kyorgia was again chosen as the holy champion of the Assembly, the Speaker. And now, with only a few days before the next holy festivities we await for the new candidates.

Werewolf Fever
There's a new fever passing through The Rejected Realms, and it all started on the night of the 15th of October when a hooded man was spotted poisoning the water depots. A lab analysis of the water discovered that it had been contaminated by the lycanthropy virus, but by then it was already too late to stop the virus from spreading through the water supply.

As generalized distrust between the citizens of the region and chaos ensued, the mayor of The Rejected Realms, Frattastan, was found dead in their office. Further inspection showed that not only had he been killed by a werewolf, but that he was the one who had contaminated the water supplies too, apparently as a cruel prank. The few citizens that had gathered at the town hall hurried to elect a new mayor, and as soon as they could, hurried back to their houses and hoped for the best during the night.

To everyone's horror, the new mayor that had promised to find a solution to this crisis had too perished the following night. The townspeople decided that the best course of action was to vote on who they believed was a werewolf, and then executing them. Soon after a consensus was formed as to the guilt of Escade. Escade was taken to the pyre on the town square and lighted on fire, and as she burned many could observe her werewolf fur appear under her skin.

Believing that they were finally free of the werewolf menace, the citizens went about their daily life. To their horrible surprise, they again found another body, that of resident superstar fan, Marilyn Manson, which showed all the signs of having been killed by a werewolf. Again, accusations were flung around, and as the names of Catalyse and Kyorgia were thrown around, it was finally decided that the more suspicious of the two was Kyorgia, who, after being skinned, was shown to be hiding werewolf fur under his human skin.

While The Rejected Realms seems to be safe for the moment, there are scary tales that the epidemic has reached the underground levels of the region only known as discord, where the plight of the innocent citizens continues on.

The Rejects' Brigade
The Rejected Realms Army (RRA), otherwise known as the , continues to soldier on against the raider menace, as the invaders continue to attack The Rejected Realms by sending the worst of the membership of the regions they have raided, such spammers and trolls, and I assume, some good people too.

The RRA has, in the past few months, seen an increase in members, with new recruits coming from all sorts of backgrounds to join the RRA's power couple, guy and frattastan, in the march towards the inevitable continuation of the march. People from all walks of life have flocked to join the RRA: refugees from the latest GCR civil war, recently dugged out FRA veterans, out of work defender ideologues or just your common reject, all have come together.

When lucky enough not to fall asleep during update, the RRA can show itself to be a large force, though sadly the many seniors in its ranks need to take long rests between updates, lest they end up out of commission sooner than expected. If lucky enough, or if Command is daring enough to wake her from her slumber, we can even count on Crazy Girl, who has interrupted her retirement in order to update a few times.

Beyond the usual update routine of liberations, defences and detags against more or less notorious invader groups, the RRA took part in the liberation attempts of Socialist Alliance of Eurasia, where, along with other defenders, we were left to be picked one by one by invader sharpshooters and their BC rifles.

Also noteworthy for us were the minor update of the 23rd of September, when 7 soldiers were able to wake up just in time to set our most recent record of update attendance, and the liberation of Shrektopia and the other operations on the 17th of October when, exceptionally, we outnumbered any other group in Libcord.

At this point we're confident that the only thing that can put an end to the RRA is the RRA itself, or rather, a member of the RRA. As the army's self-appointed chief ideologue, The Grim Reaper, has prophesied, if in his second coming he is not accompanied by any other member of the RRA into update then that may very well mark our end, if not all of R/D or even Nationstates. But until then, the Space Unicorn Brigade marches on.
Update written by Catalyse​

Libetarian Republics

Forum Newcomer
Oct 18, 2015
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[big][big]Visit our and our [/big][/big]

WA Delegate: Catalyse
| Culture Officer: Marilyn Manson Freaks | Foreign Affairs Officer: Frattastan |
| Media Officer: PowerPAOK | Outreach Officer: John Laurens |
Speaker of the Assembly: Fauxia​

News from the Assembly

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The Grim Reaper punches a Mottoist assemblyman during discussion of the "Regional Motto Act Repeal".

This last month has seen growing activity in the Assembly, not just in the form of elections, of which there have been a few since the last update, but also in legislation and treaties! Two recent proposals have been brought up in the Assembly recently, the "Regional Message Board Act Amendment", which has developed into a proposal of a wider "Regional Officers Act", as the original RMB act predates the existence of Regional Officers, and the "Regional Motto Act Repeal", which deserves its own paragraphs.

The "Regional Motto Act Repeal", proposed by The Grim Reaper, has led to heated discussion and has caused severe division among the ranks of the Assembly, leading to the formation of the two first informal political parties in The Rejected Realms: the Mottoists and the Anti-Mottoists. We will delve further into the two groups that have made the Assembly their battleground during this so-called "Motto Crisis".

The Mottoists, which includes figures such as PowerPAOK, The Church of Satan and Marilyn Manson, argue that to repeal this law would be to gut TRR of a signifcant part its culture, and that the current motto is both meaningful and suitable to TRR, though radical Mottoists, led by Jeffersonborg, despite not being as strong defenders of the current motto, have gone as far as to propose that all RMB posts not including the motto in some way should be suppressed, or that every aspect of TRR other than the regional motto should cease to exist.

The Anti-Mottoists, led by the repeal's proponent, The Grim Reaper, argue that the current motto lacks usage, not even being present in the region's WFE, is not a relevant part of the region's culture and that it is also non-representative and ill-fitting to the region, and believe that the enshrining of any regional motto into law is superfluous. When presented with the possibility of vote on a new motto being held The Grim Reaper had the following to say "If someone runs a motto contest I will genuinely stamp campaign for a no motto option.".

While the Assembly approved of both the "Regional Message Board Act Amendment", with 13 votes for and 8 against, and the "Regional Officers Act", with 18 votes for and 1 against, these matters do not seem to be put at rest. While some wish to again hold a contest on the regional motto, others have already presented an amendment to the Constitution that would replace the "Regional Officers Act", and from which conversation about renaming goverment offices has erupted.

Another recent and important piece of legislation that has been discussed in the Assembly is "Amendment XIX: Delegate Elections", proposed by the current Delegate, which has established that elections for the Delegate position will be held every six months after the previous election, in conjunction with the challenge system, making the election date flexible.

The challenge system in which any citizen can challenge the Delegate for their position, provided their candidacy has enough support, and which was the only way one could run for Delegate before this amendment, after much debate, discussion and counter-proposals, which included a ban on consecutive terms, along with longer or shorter terms, narrowly achieved the 75% approval necessary for it to pass the Assembly, with 21 votes for and 6 against.

In election news, the Assembly saw an highly contested run for the Speaker position. Then-incumbent Speaker Kyorgia faced PowerPAOK, Katie Rybeck and Fauxia. In a very close election that saw Kyorgia delve deep into the hell that is TRR's electoral system, Fauxia was declared the winner after a tie between him and Kyorgia was broken with a borda count of the preferential vote system.

PowerPAOK, who has become an ardent contributor to The Rejected Times since becoming involved in TRR, was also elected Media Officer, with John Laurens choosing to not contest the challenge, though he was not absent from the Officer's quarters for too long, as he soon challenged The Church of Satan for the position of Outreach Officer, who also chose not to contest the challenge, and was elected.
Written by Catalyse​
New Friendships Forged, Old Friendships Strengthened

After having kept for some time a lower profile in the halls of diplomacy - no doubt due to widespread condemnation for its rich collection of hack writers and defender subversives - The Rejected Realms returned to treaty-making business last month, by concluding two new agreements: a cultural-oriented treaty with Forest, and a trilateral alliance with The East and South Pacifics, both of which passed with great support in TRR's Assembly.

Forest is a famous environmentalist region, whose mature debating atmosphere, successful cultural activities and many outstanding inhabitants earned them a World Assembly Commendation last year.
The treaty was atypical for partnering TRR with a non-Gameplay region, and focusing on matters of diplomacy and cultural exchange over security issues, but was received very well.

At the same time, the government also sought to expand our relations in a more conventional direction, that of friendship with TRR's fellow game-created regions. "The January Accords" build upon the previous, fruitful bilateral alliance between The Rejected Realms and The South Pacific, with provisions for mutual defense, intelligence sharing, and cooperation on cultural matters, now extending them to The East Pacific.

Known for its roleplays, its classical democratic constitutional framework, and its love of caek, The East Pacific has experienced a renaissance in various areas under Yuno's leadership, and had been under consideration for a treaty since the beginning of Catalyse's term as Delegate. The three regions assisted each other in their recent Delegate transitions, and look forward to closer cooperation in the near future.
Written by Frattastan​
Awardees and Inductees

The last two months saw several people receive awards for their contributions to The Rejected Realms. The Hall of Fame saw the induction of former Delegates, Kandarin and Naivetry, on the 25th of January, with Crazy Girl, longtime leader of the RRA and root admin and of the region's forums, being inducted on the 7th of February. Additionally, several people won, or were to nominated, to the Rejects Awards, which hopes to establish itself as an yearly event in TRR.

There is much to say about the new inductees joining Sedge in the Hall of Fame. Kandarin was the one of the first, if not the first, native Delegate of The Rejected Realms and still considered an hallmark of The Rejected Realms and still held in high consideration in both TRR and abroad, while Naivetry, as Kandarin's successor, saw many changes come to TRR during her term, such as the adoption of TRR's first, and still current, constitution.

Crazy Girl is the only one out of the current four inductees to not only still be active, but also to not have served as the Delegate of The Rejected Realms, despite probably being the most prolific "Delegate that could have been", not just because of her place as TRR's perennial candidate, but also due to her contributions to the region, her long service as High Commander of the Rejected Realms Army and her highly esteemed place among the NationStates community.

The Rejects Awards saw several nominees, but in the end there could only have been one winner for the several categories. Catalyse, who after becoming a citizen in early 2017 went on to serve in several positions until become Delegate in December won in the categories of best newcomer, Reject of The Year, RRA Newcomer Soldier and Best Government Member

Frattastan was a close second, with three awards, Most Outstanding Officer, The Greymarshes Achievement Award, Veteran Reject Award, followed by Guy, who won in the categories of Best Legislator and Best Werewolf Player. PowerPAOK, otherwise known as Nequedum, who became the Media Officer this year and has led the TRT revival, won the Pen & Paper Award, and Dark Aku, who was a staple of TRR's RMB until his nation CTEing in July of 2017, won the Outstanding RMBer Award.

Additionally, the implementation of the Werewolf bot in TRR's discord and the forum games won the TRR Event of the Year award, while "Gaining Border Control in TRR is like finding a load of paper money in a society where currency has been abolished.", by Fratt, won the Quote of the Year award.
Written by Catalyse​
Endorsements and Citizens on the rise

With both the number of nations endorsing the Delegate and the number of citizens increasing, and with all-time records in both being beaten, the government of The Rejected Realms has reason to be positive about the region's outlook.

The number of nations endorsing the Delegate has seen continuous growth since Catalyse was elected to the position, finally reaching the much awaited threshold of two hundred on the 12th of February, which, barring times when foreign militaries were endorsing the Delegate, has set a new record for the region, breaking Libetarian Republic's 195 endorsements.

Reaching two hundred endorsements translates into an endorsement rate of 39%, which despite being relatively low in comparison to other GCRs and regions with large World Assembly Nations population, is a significant improvement on the 30% endorsement rate that The Church of Satan held in November of last year, representing 149 endorsements, and is an accomplishment in a region without ejection powers and where many puppets and inactive nations end up residing in.

With 213 endorsements and a 42% endorsement rate at the time of writing, we are positive that not only we can continue to improve in this field, but that we can translate this improvement into a safer, more active and more dynamic regional community.

The number of citizens has also reached an all-time high, with currently there being ninety-six citizens registered on TRR's forums. Despite TRR's relatively lax requirements needed to maintain citizenship, the Citizenship Council, the group of officials which is in charge of processing citizenship applications and removals, continues to be diligent in its work of maintaining an updated list of citizens and making sure all those in it fulfill the legal requirements.
Written by Catalyse​

Libetarian Republics

Forum Newcomer
Oct 18, 2015
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Visit our and our

WA Delegate: Frattastan
| Culture Officer: Harmoneia | Foreign Affairs Officer: Guy |
| Media Officer: The Church of Satan | Outreach Officer: Calalin |
Speaker of the Assembly: Vulturret​

Forum Move Announcement

To escape the dreaded Tapatalk, The Rejected Realms' official forum has been relocated to .
Accounts have been converted, so if you were previously registered on the old forum you can reactivate yours with a simple password reset.
If you are experiencing any technical issues don't hesitate to contact one of the administrators on NationStates or Discord.

The Delegate has retired: Long live the Delegate

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Frattastan plotting his return as TRR Delegate.

The Rejected Realms has held a Delegate election, leading to retiring Delegate Wabbitslayah being replaced by Frattastan. Proceedings kicked off with a challenge by Canton Empire against the seating Delegate Wabbitslayah. As rumours abounded that Wabbitslayah is unlikely to recontest, no fewer than nine candidates stepped up to challenge for the position in total, a record for TRR Delegate elections.

Spurred by the high number of candidates, the campaign was a vigorous and well-contested one, drawing much attention from both within and outside the region. Early frontrunner PowerPAOK/Nequedem/Glacikaldr was hampered by a dispute with Wabbitslayah regarding a supposed agreement regarding the timing of his challenge, having echoes of being TRR's own . The candidacy of prominent invader Souls was sufficient to bring NS Gameplay into overdrive, with various commentators opining that his candidacy is either the biggest danger or the best thing to happen to TRR in its existence.

The lack of a clear frontrunner led to a second round of candidacy declarations as Marilyn Manson Freaks, Wopruthien and Frattastan engaged the citizenry with their visions for the region. The various candidates were mostly differentiated by personality and experience rather than serious policy differences, and the outcome of the election appeared as uncertain as it ever was.

In the end, for the second time in as many elections, the final outcome was determined by one vote. A surprisingly strong showing by insurgent candidate Marilyn Manson Freaks was good enough to make this a tight contest throughout the voting period, leading to frantic googling about TRR's voting system and a 200% increase in the viewcount for . Manson and Frattastan had dominated the voting, but it was the latter who emerged victorious.

This is Frattastan's second stint as Delegate, the first being a highly successful term in 2013-14. His platform set out a detailed agenda for the region, particularly in the areas of Foreign Affairs and the World Assembly. Work is already underway to implement Frattastan's policy programme, with the hope of harnessing the activity and energy that the region is capable of when it works together.
Written by Guy​

Not Steering Clear of VD (Debates)

For a long time barely noticed by the citizenry, the Rejected Realms Vice-Delegacy became a recurrent topic in Assembly discussions this year, and even turned into a contentious a topic in the most recent Delegate election.

Originating in August 2011, when Sedgistan appointed three Vice-Delegates as endorsees who could back him up at a time when there multiple swappers threatening the delegacy (including the infamous Rejected Redeemer, whose identity was a source of controversy), the position had almost been forgotten, with no new appointments since 2015, and one of the original endorsees continuing to maintain it despite her decreasing activity.

In part this lack of institutionalisation occurred due to the uncertainty concerning the necessity and the purpose of a Vice-Delegate in a region without ejection powers, where maintaining high endorsement and influence level is not as vital as it would be in other feeders and sinkers.

This February, then-Delegate Catalyse proposed to add the Vice Delegate as a member of the government, but the discussion died down without any consensus on the proposed change.
Her successor wabbitslayah sought to do the same, "promoting" outgoing Officer Marilyn Manson Freaks to the position of Vice-Delegate, with concurrent cabinet access for the first time in TRR history, and envisioning him as a general advisor and aide to the head of government. This move should have been paired with legislation allowing for the Delegate to appoint new government members, in addition to the four elected ones that make up the Cabinet right now, but the relevant constitutional amendment failed to pass by a single vote, continuing to leave the Vice Delegate office in a legal limbo.
To add to the confusion, in a quick and somewhat confusing succession of events in the last days of his term, wabbitslayah fired Marilyn Manson, appointed former delegate The Church of Satan, and then reappointed Marilyn Manson.
In the most recent Delegate election campaign several candidates stated their views on the VD issue. Eventual winner Frattastan asked that the position should be codified and returned to its original limited role as backup endorsee or abolished altogether, with some voters showing uneasiness at the latter prospect.

Local anarchist icon The Grim Reaper, self-described "NS equivalent of like a CEO you call in to handle a corporate dissolution and then you fire them for incompetence with a beefy golden parachute" and "really good at this whole legislature thing", submitted an alternative proposal meant to establish Zyonn as the first person behind the Delegate in any order of precedence, and allowing her to take over the region at will, but this suggestion seems to have been largely ignored despite the increasing religious devotion towards 'Lady Zyonn'.

In typical Reject fashion it's expected that the issue will be talked to death until there's a consensus. If ever.
Written by Frattastan​

Less than Diplomatic

For the past several months, the Rejected Realms has been gripped in crisis. No fewer than 22 players have made and broken alliances, plotted schemes -- often behind their friends' backs -- and backstabbed each other when expedient. With the struggle for power as vicious and the stakes as high as ever, the question on everyone's minds has been "who will emerge on top?"

That's because TRR has been playing Diplomacy, a popular 1950s boardgame that is set in the run up to the Great War. Six games have already been played, following the formation of an official Diplomacy league within the region. Participants take control of one of seven European powers, with the goal of taking over the entire continent and being crowned the Diplomacy champion of TRR. Wopruthien has taken an early lead with one solo victory and one draw, and Souls is close on his heels in second.

Any player is free to join the league and become involved in the brutal games of Diplomacy. You also have ample opportunity to stab Frattastan in the back. Now who wouldn't want that?! Or if betraying Frattastan is not your cup of tea, maybe you can gain revenge on Souls for his NS transgressions. Whether a citizen, interested observer, or ambassador to sign up register your interest in the TRR #Roleplay Discord channel.
Written by Wopruthien​

Invitation to TRR's CYOA Game: "Fallout Arizona"

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War. War never changes. Even with the Old World rushing off to its doom, there are those who still safeguard the values, lessons, and convictions of America from the ruins of the atomic fallout. In the West, the values of democracy and the rule of law, and, in the East, the lesson to never repeat the same mistakes. The clash of the Bear, the New Californian Republic, and the Bull, Caesar’s Legion, was inevitable as their quests for glory consumes them. What remains by 2897 is a shell of both, as the NCR prepares to push back against the final holdouts of the new Caesar. First Sun City in the ruins of Phoenix, and then the final march to Flagstaff. A swift victory is promised by Mason Salvatore, one of the two possible candidates for presidency within the NCR’s upcoming election in the senate. All that stands in the way of the reborn crime family’s rise to power is candidate Aaron Hanlon, the nephew of retired Chief Hanlon of the NCR Rangers who is facing waning support. The NCR-Legion war has become a final opportunity for the many schemes of the Old World to take root. Will the conquest Arizona be what finally allows the NCR to remake America, or will the legacy of Caesar be one that forever changes the NCR’s very values? You enter Arizona as a Reject ( ), watching helplessly like the many other casualties of this war as the senate decides America’s future and the Legion does its best to make them pay dearly. Will you correct America’s path; or will you be its downfall? Or maybe you might just end up dying to an extra sneaky bark scorpion.

Ultimately, you decide, in the Rejected Realm’s Choose Your Own Adventure Game: “Fallout Arizona”! The will be made daily—or as regularly as I can remember and am able to make them—and will be open for the entirely of the interregional community, resident or otherwise (not that we would ever banject or eject you, or could for that matter, even if you did move in a puppet just to vote). So here’s where you come in: we’re inviting you to join in on our CYOA Game written by yours truly, , or Nequaldraok if you’re looking for a portmanteau. The concept was first inspired by by ShoddyCast, but I could list many more that would be best to keep hidden: otherwise I’d ruin some of the many surprises I have instore for you!

So far we’ve just done a few parts within Chapter 1, and you can catch up on the setting, story, and previous options chosen, as well as the character sheet we’ve made through both gameside and offsite polls that we will be developing together throughout the process with almost every decision we make, through the dispatch following dispatch: .

Further, if you’re looking for a better to stay updated on when a new is made, look no further than the new subscription service for the game! You can learn how to subscribe, for either RMB mentions or Discord pings, . Thank you for joining us on this journey if you choose to do so, and we look forward to seeing as many of you over on our polls as able and willing!
Written by Glacikaldr​

Libetarian Republics

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Oct 18, 2015
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and our

WA Delegate: Frattastan
| Culture Officer: Harmoneia | Foreign Affairs Officer: Guy |
| Outreach Officer: MargiBoof | Officer without portfolio: Crazy Girl
Speaker of the Assembly: Vulturret​
Diplomatic Announcement about the NPO
In the wake of allegations concerning the role of high-ranking members of the New Pacific Order in infiltrating and destabilising other game-created regions, and in hiding players shunned by the rest of the NationStates community, The Rejected Realms has closed its embassy with The Pacific. The government statement on the topic can be found . No further action is expected to be taken at this time.
An Islands TRReaty
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Tourism from TRR to the 10000 Islands is expected to increase following the signature of their treaty.
Last month the Rejected Realms ratified the 10000 Islands – The Rejected Realms Treaty of Friendship, capping months of negotiations over the Treaty. 10000 Islands and The Rejected Realms have a long history of friendship and cooperation. On the military field, the regions had for years jointly participated in and coordinated joint defender operations through their respective militaries, and moreover regularly assisted each other in Delegate transitions and times of need. Cultural exchange and synergy between the regions has increased dramatically in recent times, setting the stage for a comprehensive treaty between the regions. This is not the first time a treaty is considered between the two regions – 10000 Islands participated in the negotiations of the , a multilateral treaty between defender regions, but ultimately did not sign it. The Treaty thus sets in writing what the parties have already been doing for a long time, formally enshrining their close relations. It requires the parties to afford to each other diplomatic recognition, maintain diplomatic relations, provide military aid to each other, share relevant intelligence, cooperate in the World Assembly on certain proposals and undertake joint cultural initiatives. In TRR, the treaty was ratified by a vote of 15-6, with six abstentions. While there was broad support for the treaty, an area of contention emerged relating to 10000 Islands’ policies on the participation of invaders in its community. An agreement was reached between the regions that all citizens be allowed to participate in joint cultural events irrespective of military alignment. This agreement was seen as insufficient by some members of TRR due to 10000 Islands’ general proscription on invader participation in the region. TRR is confident that the treaty will see even closer links between our regions emerge, building on the existing strong bonds that have been formed over the past years. We congratulate our partners in 10000 Islands on this joint achievement, and we are excited to see what the future has in store for our regions.
Written by Guy
First RejectVision Edition Takes Place
Following the storied traditions of Eurovision and FRAvision, the Rejected Realms hosted its very own song competition: RejectVision. For the competition, Rejects and others were invited to enter any song they wanted to be judged by the other entrants. Unlike recent editions of FRAvision and Raidervision, they were not required - or even encouraged- to be original songs performed by the entrants. RejectVision lasted two weeks from November 4th to November 18th with one week for entering and one week for voting. In all, there were an impressive 23 entries that ran the genre gamut from indie to metal to pop and even what has been dubbed “free form freak-out” a.k.a random noise. In order to aid participants in ranking the songs, a listening party was hosted on the TRR discord with the help of a music bot. Over those 2 hours, most everyone had a good time and bonded over music and conversation. As for the final results, the tallies were done by the host, Deadeye Jack. In a not at all nefarious coincidence (honest!), Deadeye Jack’s entry ended up running away with RejectVision victory. Given the success of the event, it’s likely we will see future RejectVisions sometime soon. Below are the top three entries for reference: 1st Place: Deadeye Jack with 106 points 2nd Place: Harmoneia with 83 points 3rd Place: Altasund with 69 points For a full view of all the entries and results you can read the RejectVision thread on the TRR forums:
Written by Deadeye Jack
This is Halloween: Z-Day & More
Like every Z-Day, TRR gets plenty involved and still has time for Halloween festivities. This year we not only participated in Z-Day, we watched the cult classic horror film “Halloween”, held a zombie-themed flag contest, and a horror-themed short-story writing competition. This Z-Day, we decided to embrace the horde. We themed ourselves after revenge-hungry Rejects furious about being banjected. Before you could say “BRAINS!”, almost all of TRR was zombified. In fact, we were #1 on the leaderboard for Most Infected and Most Dead. At first, there were quite a few residents attempting a cure, but we easily infected them! In addition to participating in Z-Day, TRR watched “Halloween” to celebrate Halloween. For those who don't know, Halloween is a cult classic horror film about a serial killer named Michael Myers from Illinois who is constantly prowling for his next victim. Lastly, TRR held two horror themed contests, one was a short-story contest, and one was a flag contest. Quite a few interesting pieces were entered for both contests, but only one person could win each one. Eventually, Glacikaldr/Nequedum/PowerPAOK was named the winner of the flag contest and Deadeye Jack the winner of the short-story contest.
Written by Marilyn Manson
Other news
  • Delegate Frattastan has challenged the LKE Emperor Emeritus to a , to finally settle the longstanding dispute between defenders and imperialists. We eagerly await his reply.
  • Harmoneia has started a book club for people with short attention spans. Reads so far have been The Outsider by H.P. Lovecraft, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin, and Carbon by Primo Levi.
  • General elections to elect the four government officers are ongoing at the time of this writing, and are scheduled to end on December 9. The candidates are Deadeye Jack, Marilyn Manson, Kyorgia, Vulturret, and Catalyse.

Libetarian Republics

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Oct 18, 2015
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and our

WA Delegate: Frattastan
| Culture Officer: Deadeye Jack | Foreign Affairs Officer: Catalyse |
| Outreach Officer: Kyorgia | Media Officer : Marilyn Manson Freaks |
Speaker of the Assembly: Altmoras​

And the new Vice Delegate is...

While the most recent debate about the Vice Delegacy goes back to October, when the discussion was restarted by Frattastan, then still recently elected Delegate, the debate on the role the Vice Delegate should have in The Rejected Realms, how they should be chosen and wether the Vice Delegate should become a formal position, by being legislated, had been a topic of discussion during most of the year of 2018. During February of 2018, then Delegate Catalyse introduced a constitutional amendment into the assembly for consideration, though it never received quite the same attention than the most recently introduced, voted and passed constitutional amendment on the issue.

The topic was brought again into the limelight during Zaolat's delegacy, with the appointment of Marilyn Manson Freaks as Vice Delegate, the first time a new Vice Delegate had been appointed in several years but not the first time that there'd be two Vice Delegates, though with the announcement that the long serving Zyonn, who had been Vice Delegate since 2011, would be resigning the co-existence of two Vice Delegates would be cut short. The position was embroiled in controversy during the election season in late September and early October, with Manson being dismissed, replaced with the Church of Satan and then reappointed, leading again, to there being two Vice Delegates.

With the discussion starting in the Assembly several ideas were brought up. How should the Vice Delegate be selected? Some argued for an election, others appointment or selection by the Citizenship Council, or a mix of these. And should the possibility of two or more Vice Delegates remain open? Others still wondered why it was worth discussing this when it was unnecessary and the current formula for regional security had worked. An initial proposal to have the Delegate appoint one, or more, candidates to be elected by the Assembly, to serve as Vice Delegate, one or several, was defeated but a second proposal to have the Citizenship Council select the Vice Delegate passed through the Assembly.

The then still Vice Delegates Marilyn Manson Freaks and the Church of Satan were dismissed upon the passage of the constitutional amendment, and so far little information has come from the shadowy halls of the Citizenship Council. Citizens place their bids on the most likely candidate to be selected by the Citizenship Council, though some have placed their bid on there being no Vice Delegate at all. So, for now, we wait until we hear the words "And the new Vice Delegate is..."

The uneventful election event
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A call-back from when Assembly debate and elections seemed to be more lively.​

Elections, the ever present topic in foreign updates. December and January were election months for The Rejected Realms, but really, which month isn't election month in The Rejected Realms? Maybe February, or is it May? I'm not sure.

In late November, just a few weeks from the scheduled December elections, Officer Margiboof's resignation prompted Marilyn Manson Freaks to run for election, even if popular opinion seemed to be against having elections so close to the end of the term. Marilyn Manson Freaks was joined by John Laurens and Crazy Girl in these early elections, and Crazy Girl, the candidate that promised to act as if the election several would have wanted to avoid would have not happened at all, was the acclaimed victor.

December saw the election of four new, though not so new, Officers, with none of the elected in August, or from August until December, having chosen, or being able, to run, and also being the first general election under Frattastan. The only candidate from the most recent election to run again was Marilyn Manson Freaks, and none of the outgoing Officers chose to run again, and although it was not an highly contested election there were still several good candidates: Kyorgia, Catalyse, Vulturret and Deadeye Jack. The election ended in a tie between Kyorgia and Vulturret for the fourth officer seat, with the four officers eventually being revealed to be Deadeye Jack, Catalyse, Marilyn Manson Freaks and Kyorgia.

Then January came, and the Speaker elections came with it. Incumbent Vulturret faced returning citizen Altmoras, who after a long absence from The Rejected Realms chose to make his unannounced return. This election, much like the elections the month before, was poised to be pretty uneventful, though joke allegations about a TGW plot to take over The Rejected Realms, prompted by Deadeye Jack's recent election and Altmoras's candidacy, and Vulturret's reply to those allegations brought some controversy to the election. In the end, despite a successful term as Speaker, Vulturret had a cold reception in the elections and Altmoras succeeded him as Speaker.

More games, more events, more Deadeye Jack

While the December campaign was uneventful Deadeye Jack's first foray into office in The Rejected Realms was warmly received, being the preferred candidate in the elections and with his campaign, centring on new and more activities and activity for the role that he was eventually assigned, Culture, being well liked, though his campaign was not without ideas for other departments.

As Culture Officer Deadeye Jack has brought new events and renewed interest in participating in them. While regular events like avatar contests on the forum and the ever present werewolf games, be they held on discord or on the forums for Rejectmas or other festive occasions, have been joined by other events. Rejectvision was followed by a music pop quiz held, while "spyfall" has joined the vocabulary of The Rejected Realms event goer, accompanying Werewolf in 2018's Rejectmas festivities. Sadly intellectual pursuits such as reading and thinking have failed to take root in the region and the regional reading club was forced to declare bankruptcy after Harmoneia abandoned the Culture office.

Bormiar / Twertis

Forum Newcomer
Apr 17, 2019
I don't know
Hello. I am Bormiar (otherwise known as Twertis) and, on behalf of the government of The Rejected Realms, ask that the government of Europe accept me as your new ambassador.


Bormiar / Twertis

Forum Newcomer
Apr 17, 2019
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WA Delegate: Frattastan

Culture Officer: Deadeye Jack

Foreign Affairs Officer: Kyorgia

Outreach Officer: Bobberino

Media Officer: The Aligned People

Speaker of the Assembly: Marilyn Manson Freaks​

We Had an Election or a Few…

In April, citizens of The Rejected Realms once again sprinted to their nearest polling stations to vote in the Officer and Speaker elections.

On the topic of the Officer elections, one random citizen exclaimed that “This will be the most important election in our lifetime or just for this month, I guess.” Speaker Altmoras declared the standing period for the election to be open on the first of April and after a grueling four days, five candidates came forward. The five candidates were Deadeye Jack, Jamie, Kyorgia, The Aligned People, and The Grim Reaper. Which all were running on very interesting platforms that no one actually read. Eventually, Speaker Altmoras put up the vote and after four days of hard fought battles, the results were in. Incumbent Officer Deadeye Jack was re-elected in the first round, incumbent Officer Kyorgia was re-elected after him, and new Officers Jamie and The Aligned People also ended up being elected.

At the same time as the Officer elections were going on, the less prestigious but equally important Speaker election was also happening. This race was not as hotly contested with only two citizens running for the role of Speaker of the Assembly. The incumbent Speaker Altmoras decided to not run, leaving Marilyn Manson Freaks and Xanderstralia as the only candidates running for the position. At the end of a very long night of results, it was finally announced that Manson had won the election over Xanderstralia.

After some hard thinking, Delegate Frattastan announced that the new cabinet would be Deadeye Jack as Culture Officer, Kyorgia as Foreign Affairs Officer, Jamie as Outreach Officer, and finally, The Aligned People as Media Officer. Soon after, the new cabinet started off working fast, but, unfortunately, Jamie announced that he would no longer have the time to fulfill his duties as Outreach Officer. This meant that the newly elected Speaker, Manson, had the important job of running his first election. This time, five new people ran for the empty Officer spot. Neop, Bobberino, Bormiar, Rom, and Xanderstralia, who previously ran in the Speaker election earlier that month. Nearing the end of the election, it seemed to be neck and neck, with Bobberino and Neop leading. However, Bobberino eventually amassed enough votes to win the election, beating Neop 15-10.

Disruption at the Citizenship Office

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Libetarian Republics enjoying his first day of freedom

One very important aspect of the region that is not very often spoken about is the Citizenship Council. For years, the CitCo was run by three old sages, Frattastan, Guy and Libetarian Republics, but in March, LR announced that he would be going on a vision quest and resigned from his position. As per regional law, Speaker Altmoras nominated longtime citizen and former Delegate Catalyse to the Citizenship Council. After a nearly-unanimous vote in the Assembly, Catalyse was confirmed with 20 votes for her appointment to the CitCo, 2 votes against, and 3 abstentions.

Thought Transference Inducted into the Hall of Fame

Recently, the Assembly decided to be active again and inducted former Citizenship Councillor and all-around chill philosopher, Thought Transference, into the Hall of Fame.

TT, a longtime citizen of TRR, has been gone for nearly four years now. However, he was not forgotten! An interesting and calm player, he could probably be described as an NS rationalist. He approached both regional and international problems from a logical standpoint and was always considerate of the emotions of his fellow citizens and players. He was a voice of reason and a leader in chaotic times, one being Kandarin's departure and Naivetry's ascension to the position of Delegate.

During his decade in the region (2005-2015), TT never sought elected office. A modest character, he only ever served on the Council of Three (a temporary political body established to regulate Naivetry's power while the Constitution was still in the process of being ratified) and the Citizenship Council. He was one of the first three Councillors, and is one of the longest-serving. He was a Councillor for an impressive amount of time equal to about four years!

As you can most likely tell, TT fully deserved his induction. Love him or hate him, he surely impacted TRR in a positive way and brought his interesting thoughts and philosophy to the region.

Lost and Found Accords Ratified

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Delegate Frattastan announcing the new treaty to the Assembly.

Delegate Frattastan and Officer Catalyse recently sat down with the government of our sister sinker Osiris to negotiate a treaty. After some initial difficulties translating hieroglyphics into Italian the discussions went well and a treaty was agreed upon. The treaty, named after that time an intern lost it at starbucks, was passed through the assembly in The Rejected Realms and The Council of Scribes in Osiris.

In other news

  • The winners of The Reject Awards 2019 have been .
  • A short story contest was held in the region with Nakari writing the winning story. The stories can be viewed .
  • A meme contest was held in the region with the theme being memes about the rejected realms. The winning meme was made by Kyorgia and all the memes can be seen .
  • The Rejected Realms' Historical Society has updated its government list to include all former citizenship councillors, former positions such as senator from the 2008 constitution, sub-delegate from 2003 among other roles. The historical society's subforum with a lot of interesting bits about The Rejected Realms history can be found .
Last edited:

Bormiar / Twertis

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Apr 17, 2019
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WA Delegate: Kyorgia
Foreign Affairs Officer: Deadeye Jack
Media Officer: The Aligned People
Culture Officer: Sarah
Outreach Officer: Bormiar
Speaker of the Assembly: Neop​

Constitutional Confusion Finally Resolves

As some of you may know, the Rejected Realms has a rather unique electoral system where in addition to regular elections, citizens can challenge the Delegate or Officers for their position at any time, if they have the support of several other citizens. However, some confusion ensued around the system in May, when Bobberino, then Outreach Officer, was challenged, but he did not contest the challenge. Thus, under the Constitution, a vote was held to confirm the challenger, Invincible, which failed. However, Constitutional provisions did not state what happens if a sole challenger fails, and a debate ensued in the region on whether the Officer retains their position, or if the position becomes vacant. Then-Speaker Manson eventually decided to announce that Bobberino retains the position, but urged citizens to address this issue with a Constitutional Amendment. After much discussion and several proposals by citizens, a proposal by Guy, a former Delegate, eventually gained the most support and made it to a vote. The proposal made it so that incumbent Officers will be automatically assumed to contest a challenge election unless they state otherwise, thus making the likelihood of a single-candidate confirmation vote much lower – for that to happen, the incumbent Officer would have to state their intention not to contest, and only one challenger decides to run. The amendment also clarifies what would occur in the case that a confirmation vote fails – if a confirmation vote for Officer fails, then that position will become vacant and open to challenges, while if a confirmation vote for Delegate fails, the incumbent Delegate would retain the position as the position is essential for security and must be filled at all times. Some questions were raised about this, as the most likely scenario for a Delegate confirmation vote is when an incumbent runs unopposed, which would mean that the incumbent retains the seat no matter the outcome of the vote. However, it was decided a re-run election would not make sense as it could lead to another one-candidate confirmation vote, and that the failure of the incumbent to be confirmed would serve to encourage others to challenge the position. Thus, the Amendment was passed by an overwhelming majority in August, ending the months-long Constitutional debate.

Another Election, Another Report

TRR had its most recent Officer Election in August, and it was largely uneventful. Six candidates ran – Sarah, the incumbent Culture Officer; Deadeye Jack, the incumbent Foreign Affairs Officer; The Aligned People, the incumbent Media Officer; Bormiar, the incumbent Deputy Outreach Officer; United Massachusetts, a well-known World Assembly author, former WA Minister of The East Pacific, though a relative newcomer to TRR; and Harenhime, better known elsewhere as Ever-Wandering Souls of The Black Hawks, and a former candidate for Delegate. Aside from Harenhime, everyone ran on a substantial platform. Sarah vied for the position of Outreach, pledging to reach out more to people on the Gameside, though promised to hold a theme region party if made Culture Officer again. Bormiar also targeted Outreach, emphasising a more personal touch and envisioning a mentorship program, with a side note of promoting trading cards as incentives, an area he’s knowledgeable on. Outreach was also the crux of United Massachusetts’ campaign, who wanted to use his experience to expand TRR’s presence in the WA, including publishing vote recommendations, building partnerships, and promoting endorsements. However, he also faced the most questions due to the scale of the plan, though he performed valiantly in addressing them. Jack pledged to continue his previous work as FA Officer, with a focus on potentially setting up a WA bloc with other regions, and closer relations to The North Pacific, though he faced some questions on the lack of response to events in The East Pacific. The Aligned People ran again for Media, with a platform of expanding Rejected Radio to include press briefings, attracting more listeners to live recordings and interviews, as well as continuing quizzes for each issue and encouraging more feedback among writers. In the end, UM didn’t gain enough support for his ambitious WA plan, and the elected Officers were Sarah, reassigned to Culture, Deadeye Jack, reassigned to Foreign Affairs, The Aligned People, reassigned to Media, and Bormiar, assigned to Outreach. UM was taken in as a Deputy Outreach Officer to focus on WA matters, though was replaced recently due to inactivity, so perhaps the voters chose correctly.

Kyorgia Becomes Newest Member of Citizenship Council

This year has been very crazy for the Citizenship Council. As some of you are aware, Councillor Guy resigned May 1st after years in the position. However, Guy's resignation and replacement by The Grim Reaper only marked another resignation from the CitCo. On September 2nd, Catalyse posted an announcing her retirement as a Councillor. This came as a shock to many, considering she had only held the position since January following her nomination by then-Speaker of the Assembly, Altmoras, after Libetarian Republics decided that he didn't have the time anymore to serve as a Councillor. After careful consideration, Speaker Neop boldly nominated sitting Delegate, Kyorgia. Some acknowledged this as a strange move due to Kyorgia's current position, however, this has occurred before. Under Frattastan's first term as Delegate, he was indeed nominated and appointed to the CitCo. In fact, he's still a Councillor on it today! After Kyorgia's confirmation to the CitCo via a vote in the Assembly, matters involving citizenship seemed to speed up almost as if magic. Who knows how long Kyorgia will serve on the Citizenship Council? Frankly, that doesn't matter now. The Rejected Realms is excited to finally fill the Citizenship Council once more, hopefully for a while!

TRR and XKI Fantasy Nerds Gather for Event

To celebrate the close ties between 10000 Islands and The Rejected Realms as enshrined in the Treaty of Friendship, the two regions put their heads together and planned a fantasy themed event to enjoy together: A Quest with TRR and XKI. The event was inspired by Dali's Drag Race, organized by the West Pacific in June, but the rules were adapted to fit the way things were going to be judged. Players were encouraged to make a new fantasy themed nation and join [region]The Unicorn The Island and the Wardrobe[/region] in order to participate. Over 4 days people were asked to change their flags, mottos, currency, animals, and anything else they could think of to fit the daily theme, show off their creativity and impress the judges. The over 20 people who participated did not disappoint. Photoshop skills were parlayed into Voldemort popping out of a wardrobe. Roleplaying prowess gave us a prolonged visit from Posion Ivy. And of course it wouldn’t be a party without *checks notes* Lord Farquaad memes. Everyone had a lot of fun with it including the judges. In the end the top 3 for the event were:
1. Bowshot/Toerana
2. Nequedum/Glacikaldr/PowerPAOK
3. Thepeopl

In other news
  • Sarah won with the song Black Sheep by Metric
  • The Rejected Realms hosted the Elysium Festival with The East Pacific celebrating art.
  • Deadeye Jack won the

Bormiar / Twertis

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Apr 17, 2019
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WA Delegate: Deadeye Jack | Culture Officer: PowerPAOK | Foreign Affairs Officer: Neop | | Outreach Officer: The Pharcyde | Media Officer: Bormiar | Speaker of the Assembly: An_Dr_Ew​
Rejectmas 2019: A Celebration to Remember
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Deputy Officer Morover takes a quick nap on the floor of his apartment after a long day of cleaning Dramoon-colored stains out of the carpets of Capitol buildings. The turn of the decade was greeted by the Rejected Realms’ annual hairy and very smooth Rejectmas Festival, flaunting a gusto that rivalled its popularity back when the event ran in conjunction with the NationStates’ World Fair. We invite you to learn more about the holiday’s traditions or to consult our brief . With the regional holiday officially running from December 26 to January 1, our Culture Department prepared a series of ten activities for Rejectmas Festival 2019, hosted gameside, forumside and on our discord server. Hosted Gameside, we had a poll-run popularity , where contestants came up with unique unicorns to represent their nations and competed in elimination play-offs. Congratulations to The Church of Satan whose sponsees, Rudolphon the Reindragon and Duke Christmas Goodknight, secured the title of Unicorn Jouster of 2019. The Lord of Misrule was also in full effect over on our RMB, causing what was essentially state-sanctioned chaos upon the region. Yet, do not let this description fool you, as the rules were strict and even more strictly enforced. A summary of the damage, in the form of suppressions and rule-inspired posts, as well as all the misrules throughout, can be seen . Lastly, we also ran the . Over on our discord server, we ran two games of Escadian Battleship. The first was played using the Classic gamemode, and was later converted into a dispatch that narrates and gives justice to the experience, found . The second is where we tested an early version of the new expansion gamemode, which has now officially launched through The Rejected Times’ Issue LV as the . Turning our attention forumside, we saw the return of some old activities as well as some new and exciting additions; we saw the return of our old , the return of , and our 3rd annual , joined by the three new inclusions of , uncovering the tail of the true Greymarshes’ Unicorn, and our popular group-led game of . Congratulations to outboundstagnate for becoming our 2019-2020 Rejectmas Chess Champion, usurping Delegate Dead I Jack!
Unicorn Star Treaty Ratified
In a time of prosperity, The North Pacific and The Rejected Realms have come together again in order to draft a new treaty between the two regions. On December 9, 2019, with margins significantly in favor, was ratified. A closer relationship with The North Pacific was a goal of the leadership of The Rejected Realms for quite some time. After cooperating with each other for N-Day, for the Epic Gamer Party, and to combat the coup perpetrated against our mutual allies,The East Pacific, it ultimately came to fruition this past December. Then Delegate Kyorgia and Foreign Affairs Officer Deadeye Jack worked with their TNP counterparts to write a new treaty that included mutual defense and built on the provisions of the old, non-aggression pact, The Unicorn Star Accord. In effect, the new treaty was simply a rise in relations to a formal alliance. In the process of ratification, the treaty was very well-received on both sides, being ratified with 17 votes in favor and no against votes or abstentions in TRR, and 27 votes in favor, 4 abstentions, and no against votes in TNP. We at The Rejected Realms are excited about this new alliance, and we are even more excited to see where the future will take our relationship with The North Pacific.
Electoral Dysfunction
The Assembly has been abuzz with various threads this past month. But, why? I'll take “Election Season” for 1000, Alex. Several candidates lined up for the nomination/declaration processes, the first of which was for Officer Elections and began on November 30. Manson, New Wight, Glacikaldr (PowerPAOK/Nequedum), Neop, The Pharcyde, and Bormiar all made it through this process, but the latter four were the ones to come out victorious in the Officer Elections. Not nearly as fiercely competitive, the Delegate Election was won by Deadeye Jack in a landslide victory. Early on in the nomination process, it seemed very likely of Jack to run unopposed. However, to combat this while retaining a sense of good sportsmanship, An_Dr_Ew (Gorundu) decided to run for the position of Delegate as well for the heck of it. Despite losing, An_Dr_Ew kept their chin up. This was not the last we saw of them in the election ring. With the Delegate Election coming to a close on December 12, the Speaker Election was not much far ahead; its nomination cycle began on December 31. Two familiar citizens announced their candidacies for Speaker. The first being An_Dr_Ew, and the second being Morover. On January 9, the voting period had come to a close. With six votes to Morover's five, An_Dr_Ew had won the tightly contested election and filled the role of Speaker. Congratulations to our newly-elected Officers, Speaker, and Delegate.
Flag History Project Launched
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We're not even sure when this flag was flown over the region… (Flag made by Cuatela/A Raptor)
Regions change over time, and as a result of this, so do their flags. As far as many people are concerned, documentation is essential to the preservation of these remnants of a time long passed. It's evident that Culture Officer Glacikaldr (also known as PowerPAOK and Nequedum) had preservation in mind when he started The Rejected Realms' very own Flag History Project. Revealed to the public on December 12, 2019, the Flag History Project is a program dedicated to archiving and documenting each notable flag flown over the region, at one time or another. Striving for accuracy, Glacikaldr has begun to list details about the flags that some would consider unnecessary. For example, he has collected information on when the flags were first flown, when they were made, and who crafted them. Historically, The Rejected Realms is a storied region. The Flag History Project has seemed to be a worthy cause and does well in its initial task of making citizens knowledgeable about our past as a region. Here is what a couple of citizens had to say about the program:
Bormiar said:
I believe pursuing knowledge of our historical change and continuity is essential in understanding of The Rejected Realms' culture, and that the Flag History Project, while it may be difficult, is a beneficial way of achieving this.
The_Grim_Reaper said:
Vexillology is as much an artform as it is a field of study. One only need look at the continued appeal of heraldry to understand that symbols and images continue to be one of the most effective ways a person has to convey, at a distance and in a moment, who they are, and for what reason they are here. The basic rules of vexillology, well-known to any of the game's RP communities, are designed around the idea of a flag as a self-descriptive, self-contained, immediate identity-in-motion. It is no small coincidence that here on NationStates, our least-used rule is the one that 'flags must be flag-like' - they continue to be a statement more of ourselves than of the game. The Flag History Project is a groundbreaking initiative that continues on what, so long ago, was recognized by defenders - that flags are worth preserving. It recognizes the reality that a flag is, uniquely, its own interpretive context, and in continuity with each other an evocative timeline of TRR's personality and collective identity. An image is worth a thousand words, but a gallery is an entire history.
No matter where the future takes The Rejected Realms, we must not forget our past. Mementos such as flags are not the limit. However, they're an excellent place to start.
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  • >_>!