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Folxmashin (ATTN: Kadikistan)


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006

Annaguly Oghankanev
People's Commissar for External Affairs
People's Federal Socialist Republics of Kadikistan​


Leon Lissitsky
National Defence and World Peace Minister
People's Republic of Polesia​

Subject: Folxmashin dispute


Dearest Comrade

Please see enclosed a recent press article clipping from the Eiffellander media outlining their Chancellor's latest compromise in response to the Folxmashin dispute.

It is personally the view of many here in Amstov that this offer, which offers Folxmashin licensed manufacturing rights, shows our strategy of diplomatic and economic pressure is working.

It is our belief we should use this concession as an opening for wider talks for financial assistance, including Eiffellander-Retalian reparations for their role in instigating the Seven Day War, which could then be used towards funding the Polesian People's Republic's continued reconstruction.

However, as understand in Ivar there are greater geopolitical considerations to take into account and we will await your direction before responding in full formally.

In Solidarity,

Comrade Lissitsky

Chancellor Rheinfeld: "We are open for agreements, but copyrights must be maintained"

During the Chancellor's weekly press conference, the trade conflict with the Rurikgrad Pact was a large topic. Chancellor Rheinfeld gave the following analysis.
"Our conflict with Polesia about the Folxmashin cars dates back from July last year, when Folxmashin presented perfect copies of the Darner Alisio, as well as of the previous models of the Darner Solano and the Raimer Pamir. Minister Di Gravesano-Carone raised the topic during last year's conference in Belgarsk; Darrner and Raimer tried to come to an agreement with Folxmashin, including helping with designing other cars or producing Eiffelloretalian cars in licence so that the jobs provided by Folxmashin are not jeopardised. In all cases, the only message coming back was that Polesia did not want to succumb to capitalist fat cats. Then only one interpretation is possible: Folxmashin does not want to stop producing copies of Eiffelloretalian cars, and the Polesian government does not want to intervene in this matter.
Then two choices are possible: Either we leave it as it is, or we prosecute worldwide against Folxmashin. We decided to do the latter, for the following reasons. First of all, research and development cannot be done for free. This is something the world must understand, otherwise there is no use to discuss any further.
Moreover, we have evidence that Folxmashin cars were sold as Darner cars after the Folxmashin emblems had been replaced with Darner emblems. This led to uncertainty about whether a Darner Solano was really a Darner Solano or a Folxmashin copy. Darner and Raimer solved this issue by taking the production of the emblems in their own hands, glueing the emblems to the cars in such a way that they are demolished when they are removed, and making it possible to check the authenticity of the cars by comparing the chassisnumbers and the production dates. But it may be evident that this led to reputation damage.
And finally, if we don't act against copycatting, then everyone will feel entitled to plagiarise whichever idea. Last year it were three car models, next year it may be a complex chemical process. In the end, research and development will not be profitable any more, and will stop. At least commercial companies will stop with it.
Those are the reasons why we decided to act against Folxmashin, and those are the reasons why we will continue to act against Folxmashin until they stop producing the current car models.
However, we are open for a compromise regarding Folxmashin. That compromise looks like the following:

  1. Darner and Raimer will provide the designs and molds of the following cars for free:
    • .
    • Darner Solano IV and .
    • Darner Mistral V and .
    This means that Folxmashin would have a model above its equivalent of the Solano.
    In legal terms: Folxmashin will be licenced to use these models, and the licence fee will be 0.
  2. Furthermore, Darner and Raimer will stop prosecuting against Folxmashin for the copyright infringements committed between 1 July 2019 and 30 April 2020.
  3. In return, Folxmashin will stop producing the car models that are copies of the Darner Alisio III, Darner Solano V hatchback and sedan, and Raimer Pamir model from 2011. It will be allowed to use the engines it currently produces though.
  4. For fulfilling the ERAG 6dTEMP and ERAG 6d exhaust gas norms, Darner and Raimer will provide the techniques for that against the normally applicable fees.
I also want to say something about Furlanie. First of all, we never wanted to suggest that Baviêr Tramais and the government of Furlanie would deliberately leak company secrets about advanced techniques to anyone. Our fear was, and still is, that machines containing Eiffelloretalian patents land in the hands of people who take the machines apart to find out how it was designed. And also there, we do not fear that Furlanie will deliberately hand such a machine over to the wrong people. We have all the trust in the good intentions of Baviêr Tramais and the government of Furlanie.
The economic sanctions against Furlanie are a matter of the ODS, but we are willing to lobby for a relaxation of these sanctions. Furthermore, we are willing to allow the cooperation between machine construction companies Baviêr Tramais, Grindelwald, Roussillac and CCM again, if Baviêr Tramais and the government of Furlalnie commit themselves to guarding against copyright infringements. This does not depend on whether Darner, Raimer and Folxmashin come to an agreement."

Eiffelloretalian car companies launch campaign in Nedernesia

Raimer tries it with: "900,000 ƒ for a Certificate of Entitlement? Then the car must be perfect. Raimer." Borschel and EKW emphasize their technical meticulousness. Darner puts its electric car in the picture. All try to get a foothold in Nedernesia by pointing at the high quality, durablility and comfort of Eiffelloretalian cars, as well as pointing at the service garages which maintain the cars according to an extensive program, "so that you don't have to go to the auction for a new certificate too often". New is the offer to supply spare parts at a reduced price in the case of a looming economic total loss after an accident.

@Furlanie @Polesia @Kadikistani Union @Natal @Etruria @Johnston Isle


Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006

Leon Lissitsky
National Defence and World Peace Minister
People's Republic of Polesia​


Annaguly Oghankanev
People's Commissar for External Affairs
People's Federal Socialist Republics of Kadikistan​

Subject: Folxmashin dispute


Esteemed Comrade

It is the opinion of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Workers' Party that the deal presented by the Eiffelloretalian Chancellor holds many merits. The deal was analysed by the Financial Bureau and found to contain promising elements that will sustain Volxmashin for at least another decade. In fact it is our opinion, taking into account the larger geopolitical issues, that the People's Government of our Polesian friends should accept this offer. Furthermore we advise our Polesian friends to carefully analyse every word of the deal to establish the maximum extent of the liberties thereof.

We understand your sentiment and the righteous claim for reparations after the Polesian War of Liberation, but we consider the latter a separate issue that must be dealt with in its own time. For now we must find solace in the knowledge that such a deal may avert escalation, bring forth stability and secure the welfare of our nations. Without the latter the advancement of socialism is compromised and we must not allow that to happen.

In Solidarity,
Annaguly Oghankanev
People's Commissar for External Affairs
People's Federal Socialist Republics of Kadikistan