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Green Summer Leaves


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Farmland of Contested Burgundy

The oppressive heat of mother nature's sun pressed and burned down on Karl Heydendahl's skin, a lifelong inhabitant of a far northern island covered by cloud and snow for more months of the year than not. Sweating, and outside of a suit for the first time in too many months, Karl wiped his brow with a dirty glove sullied by planting Engellachian potatoes by hand in the remarkably rich soil of the Neustrians. A green thumb he was not, and he feared how obvious in photographs and video - should his counterpart von Goltz agree to release the media for public dissemination.

Waving heartily, Karl removed a glove and ordered back the Heydendahl Defense Solutions mercenaries out of view of cameras. Reaching out his sweaty hand towards the Provisional Chairman, Karl greeted the Baron saying: "My Ostmarkische is two centuries out of date, and my references to this nation's language come from Marpesian antiquity. I can fetch an interpreter with respect to your tongue at haste, or engage in Engelsh as I speak now."

On the periphery a cameraman continued to record video in high definition, panning the faces if unmasked, and comprised equipment and uniform of the contingent. The Engellachians intended to tout this meeting in the fields as a proof of commitment to the Burgundian breadbasket, but other benefits might yield from the earth as well, foremost being establishment of rapport with the one formidable and genuine claimant of the Burgundian shards (in Karl's view), the Burgundian People's Republic.

"One day ships, planes, missiles, and men will arrive on my quaint island again" Karl offered without query, "this is the answer as to why I am here. I would join fight with them abroad, rather then allow Eisgarten and Engellachia as the play board."Karl winced and kicked the dirt beneath him, "I stand with you on the unfortunate board game of Greater Powers, and wish to lessen the suffering made to order by the nobility of Burgundy."


Establishing Nation
May 9, 2019
Gustav took the Engell dictators hand " Engelsh is fine for now, I speak some of your language although I think maybe later a translator might be needed". Like the Engell Gustav was no farmer, but the sight of a aristocrat tilling the fields however poorly would play well with the Republics meritocratic statements." Bourgogne was a great power, and will be so again once we unite the country, and as for the nobility, I represent all the people of Bourgogne not simply the noble class". Gustav busied himself with the planting and digging. " what the Burgundian people want is to be at peace, but alas it is no so".

Gustav appreciating the fact that the Engell leader had come himself to meet not send some proxy as others might, perhaps he thought these Engells might have honour after all.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
"There exist forests of bones in Upper Engellachia where my countrymen and the Great Northern Empire* fought," Karl Heydendahl broached before tucking his hands to his hips. A man of his word, at least to specifics, Karl invited Gustav to a dilapidated barn blown out by artillery. Still, as if gifted by god, the green leaves of tree branches reached out to cover the hole made by an artillery strike in the roof of the barn.

Karl offered his counterpart a bottle of water, sealed from HEIDI Markets as transported from a Sylvanian Spring. Shrugging, Karl opened the bottle and poured half in one glass cup, and half in another and indicated Gustav choose one before taking his own. "Idiots expect us to fight and break ourselves on each other's might. I have never thought that necessary, and our friends in Welmonton and Rurikgrad are capable of sorting a balance to this mess."

Chickens fluttered across the barn at the wrong movement of one of Heydendahl's Mercenaries, they wore black uniforms as if to impersonate those worn by BPU recruits posted in social media. "I will re-iterate to you sir, that the combined might of the Thaumantican Domain is capable of engaging your force in the streets and hollers, skies and seas, until we reach satisfaction and order."

Karl sighed and crossed his arms, standing over the rotting hay of a neglected barn and its dung, "I seek a genteleman's agreement on combat against civilian targets. Rob the Neustrian Elite of its gold and rubies on your way out, I will be frank when I tell you I am here for the food in those fields and eventual opened roads of mercantile commerce." Had von Goltz embraced Communist thought, or evolved along with his Kadiki allies in the investment of State Mercantile Trust touching down in the great Eastern state in the form of Engellbilt and other Westernesse companies? These questions and their answers were out of Karl's control, and their answers were out of his counterpart's as well.

*=Suomenmaa / Austwegians /OOC Coro as he develops it.


Establishing Nation
May 9, 2019
" Yes but while Rurikgrad and Welmonton reach an agreement, where would that leave Bourgogne, It is like the saying between the Devil and the deep blue sea, perhaps had you come as friends" at this Gustav gave a suitably Gallic shrug.

" I agree there must be some agreement made about the fate of civilians in this conflict, certainly a great many have been displaced because of this damned conflict although most I might add are homeless because of what the Domain has done. You and your kind are not our enemy, All I want is to restore Bourgogne and unite its people, those in Chagny should be our real enemies, but now..now we waste time and lives in this pointless exercise".


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
“Not everyone on your side of the blue and gold will agree to these terms, as sane as avoiding civilian targets may be, I think you know the radical red element within the Burgundian Republic will refuse to recognize an agreement we make here today and in-turn target you as an Engell-collaborator!” Karl said, shifting in his boots and feeling hay slip beneath his feet.

“Hell, that you are here at all means you know that there are rivals to what you are trying to accomplish in this conflict;” Heydendahl suggested further, “You could save a hell of a lot more civilian lives by doing that . .” Karl said, “collaborating I mean. Wonder when one of your revolutionary rivals will stab you in the back, or work with us and consolidate the conflict until sane men remain.”

The Engellachian Dictator then accepted a touch screen pad from one of his masked employees. ‘Civilian Safety Agreement’ headlined a brief digital document in Engellsh, French, and German; the two leaders would agree to command their forces in the field to clearly end the target of civilian personnel and property, and furthermore petition allies on either side of the conflict to agree to the same. Karl made his mark with a digital stylus before handing it to von Goltz.

“Let us target your rogue rivals, not the innocent people of this majestic country.”


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
“This is just going to keep getting nastier and more brutal,” Karl lamented in the looming silence, “the Army of the West Engell Republic will exhaust or be destroyed soon and the Cussians and First Republic will not yet have broken a sweat.”

“More and more Forces and weapons will pour in from us and our adversaries and Bourgogne will be be that board game for great powers that I earlier described.”

Karl Heydendahl was eyeing the door now, ready to leave for Ouistreham for what would likely be another diplomatic failure with the Catholics. Both sides wanted this fight and there was no way around that, Karl began to accept as he put the ego of peacemaker aside.

“Hell, just give us a call if you survive the power vacuum. I’ll check in again with you if you do.”


Establishing Nation
May 9, 2019
" Then I suppose it will be war. a shame your men have shown great courage, I feel that between our two respective nations an agreement may be possible, but where are the rest of the Engells? They do not care for peace and only hunger for blood and riches. you were the one to reach out and ask for peace, you at least tried, you can at least have that to salve your conscience".

" And don't worry, I am aware of the radicals within the Republic and they shall be dealt with in due course".


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Karl Heydendahl exploited a connecting email address from the failed diplomatic affair some months earlier by sending a dossier from the inferno of Ouistreham to Gustav. Photos and videos of the dead, written accounts from the civilian suffering that his counterparts in the revolution had ordered on.

"Have you dealt with the radicals of your revolution yet?" Karl typed, jamming enter angrily from a field tent in NoCER.