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Informatsion Agentskya Denisova (IAD)

Jan 29, 2011
New York


About the Informatsion Agenskya Denisova (IAD)

The Information Agency of Denisova (Denisovan: Informatsion Agenskya Denisova) was established on 1 January 2009 by the newly-established Cultural Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova (CABDCD) for the purpose of communicating to both the region of Europe and the world relevant information about the economy, culture, society and politics of Denisova, as well as communicating important messages that the Denisovan government wishes to send to those countries that it is opposed to and to those countries that it is friendly with.

At the present time, it will render its services to both Europe and the world in the form of text. However, it is the hope of the IAD to eventually render its services in the form of photos, video and soundbites in addition to text.
Jan 29, 2011
New York


Statement of the Denisovan Foreign Affairs Board on the 50 nautical mile limit set by the Reactionary Padanian Regime

Sevestegrad, Denisova
18 February 2011
By the Informatsion Agentskya Denisova (IAD)

The Foreign Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova released the following statement today in regard to the 50 nautical mile limit set by the reactionary Padanian regime:

Foreign Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova said:
Our board, with the highest level of irateness, vehemently condemns the setting of the 50 nautical mile limit by the reactionary Padanian regime. We are vehemently condemning the setting of this nautical mile limit because it is a limit that does not correspond to the geographic reality in which the reactionary Padanian regime and the European region both exist. We are also vehemently condemning the setting of this nautical mile limit because it seems to be an attempt by the reactionary Padanian regime, that is, in a bid to distract its people from the economic difficulties it is facing at the present moment, to unite them all behind its precious "Il Doge" to face a national security threat that simply does not exist for it at this time.

Moreover, due to this situation and the recent incident [the temporary apprehension of the Judean ship "Nir Aviv" by the reactionary Padanian regime and its imprisonment of its captain] that manifested itself as a result of it, we, unfortunately, have to make the following announcement: if any of our ships and associated crewmen are apprehended by the reactionary Padanian regime, either for a temporary or permanent period, we will make it our prerogative to drag this dispute through the appropriate legal channels as so to justifiably punish this troublemaking Fascistic regime for engaging in such a crime.

Jan 29, 2011
New York


The Denisovan Health Affairs Board announces the implementation of a new policy that will require that all individuals with currently incurable diseases to be quarantined

Sevestegrad, Denisova
18 February 2011
By the Informatsion Agentskya Denisova (IAD)

The Health Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova (HABDCD) announced today that it has decided to implement a new policy that will require that all individuals that happen to have diseases which cannot be cured by current medical technologies to be quarantined until they either expire or a cure is found for their illness, and, while it understands that potential violations of human rights could occur under these circumstances, the Health Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova (HABDCD) believes that such action has to be taken at the earliest possible opportunity as so to prevent a deterioration of the long-term health status of the Denisovan population.


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Commissariate for Health

We wish to obtain further clarification on the newest policy of the Denisovan government: does this policy affect all those with incurable diseases, or merely those with transmittable diseases. How does this policy affect citizens who carry the pathogenic agent of a disease, but suffer not the disease itself (such as HIV-positive people without AIDS) or citizens who can not be cured, but whose symptoms can be treated?
Jan 29, 2011
New York
Commissariate for Health

We wish to obtain further clarification on the newest policy of the Denisovan government: does this policy affect all those with incurable diseases, or merely those with transmittable diseases. How does this policy affect citizens who carry the pathogenic agent of a disease, but suffer not the disease itself (such as HIV-positive people without AIDS) or citizens who can not be cured, but whose symptoms can be treated?

Dear officials of the Carentanian Commissariate for Health,

When we use the term "incurable diseases" in the current context, our board is specifically referring to diseases that are, without a doubt, transmittable. So, if the person in question has a incurable disease that is transmittable, then that person must be quarantined by this board at the earliest possible opportunity. However, if the person in question happens to have an incurable disease that is not transmittable, then, they will not be quarantined by this board, as their incurable disease is a disease that is not transmittable, and thus, does not place the long-term health status of the Denisovan population in jeopardy. This also goes for individuals that suffer from the pathological agent of a disease and not the disease itself, although, it will be such that they'll be closely monitored by us as so to ensure that their state does not move toward the point of becoming a transmitter of an incurable disease.

The Health Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova (HABDCD)
Jan 29, 2011
New York


Statement of the Denisovan Foreign Affairs Board on the recent announcement made by the Confederal government

Sevestegrad, Denisova
18 February 2011
By the Informatsion Agentskya Denisova (IAD)

The Foreign Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova (FABDCD) released the following statement today in regard to the recent announcement made by the Confederal government:

The Foreign Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova said:
Our board views the proclamation made by the Confederal Republics of North in regard to the Worker's Republic of Carentania as only helping to add to the already tense state of affairs in the European region and, perhaps, leading to a region-wide or even world war.

Moreover, it is because of this view that we implore the government of the Confederal Republics of the North to cease this activity in the interests of both regional and world peace. If it doesn't, then, we shudder to contemplate the consequences.

Aug 27, 2009
Ministry of the Exterior
Confederal Republics of the North

The Confederal government does not take threats lightly, even from fringe Communist regimes. Suffice to say any amount of Red posturing will only serve to strenghten the resolve of the Confederal Republics to protect the rights of Europe's free peoples.

Mr. Joni Saukko,
Minister of the Exterior
Jan 29, 2011
New York
If this is the case, then, we have to say that this is tantamount to playing with fire, as the Workers' Republic of Carentania is strong enough to answer back to anything that your government does, which would do nothing but to take this situation to a completely new and disastrous level, and, again, this would do nothing but to drag our region, and perhaps, even the world, into a conflagration that would inflict untold amounts of economic, social and political damage for decades to come. Thus, we, once more, implore your government to cease from this action. And let this be known to both your government and your people: our request isn't a threat; it is simply a request to stop this escalation in the interests of both Europe and the world.

The Foreign Affairs Board of the Demarchic Commonwealth of Denisova (FABDCD)