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Introduction to voting on EF Mandate of Thrakia


Established Nation
Jul 23, 2017
Toscana - Italy
Arcangelo Udinese, Remion Representative to the European Forum:

Esteemed Representatives,

the European forum is under attack, its entire existence being challenged by two nations, The Empire of Tarusa and Federal State of Serbovia. The nations in question mock this institution, they make deals by dividing up territories that are not theirs. Like corrupt and greedy lords, they divide a territory under the international mandate of the european forum and divide it among themselves. European Mandate of Thrakia has officially ended and the forum has not been consulted. These individuals acted, deliberately, ignoring international law, once again allow me, and now they want us to believe that they are the victims? They threaten us, they tell us about lines not to be crossed, but who draws the lines not to be crossed for these nations?

They are not interested in dealing with us, they are sinking civilian merchant ships, they threaten free trade, they make deals and divide territories of the EF. And they tell us, not to intervene, they tell us to be silent, they threaten us not to persevere in our right to seek the truth beyond the lies they throw at us. I tell you that I am tired, I am tired of these wolves in sheep's clothing, I am tired of letting them act in the sunlight, I am tired of being threatened by their armies on our borders. We should be drawing that red line, and that line should go through Thrakia, and put an end to this violation.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, you will hear, the dogs of the empire and the emperor himself, through the mouths of his emissaries sitting here, they will try to change your mind. They talk about how in fact those lands were already theirs, or that the forum mandate was not actually a mandate. Anything that comes out of their mouths, you have to keep in mind, it will destroy all authority of this institution. Any behavior of this assembly that diverges from a firm and clear condemnation of the military occupation of Thrakia will be a legal precedent for any other mandate of the European Forum. Here it is no longer Remion against Tarusa or Serbovia, here it is the European Forum against an attacker who has a deep well instead of a stomach. Pannonia has not satisfied their hunger for territories, now thei wants those of the European Forum.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010
Esdres Boluda, Ebrian Representative:

"While I understand the high tension and irritation my colleague shows, I must state that we must all keep our calm. First and foremost, the Mandates are nations that have been occupied after the Great War, or are ex-colonies of the losers, taken by the victors, with their status while being extremely vague, still representing a need to empower and emancipate them from the regimes that started the war in the first case, or from their colonial status in the 2nd.

I do understand the effort and investment put into Thrakia by Serbovia and Tarusa and I applaud it, but this sudden change in the authority over the Mandate has been done without the approval of the Forum. Bureaucracy truly is a chore sometimes, but it is through it that we differ from the pre-war world of right through might. All changes within the Mandates need to be done through the Forum, not unilaterally by nations which administer them.

At the same time, The Crown of Ebria is holding a position that is in complete opposition to the existence of the mandates. We do support their abolishment, so in a way we commend Tarusa for leaving the Thrakyan Mandate, but please, for the sake of world peace, let those changes be done through normal, legal and bureaucratic channels of the EF. "


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Nevena Vladimirovic, Serbovian Representative to the European Forum

"I am saddened that my Remionese colleague has seen it fit to resort to such egregious lies and propaganda such as those that are being told right now in order to defame my people and the work of peace that we have successfully done in Thrakia for the last two decades. The accusations that we are now facing are completely baseless, manufactured by the administration in Tibur which appears to be bent in painting the nations of the Pressburg Pact as the villains, even though our main interest has always been to guarantee peace and stability for our peoples.

During the last twenty years, Serbovians have worked hard to repair the damages of the Thrakian Civil War. We have built schools, churches, hospitals, roads and housing, and helped Thrakians to better their own lives through commerce and industry. We have been the mentors of the North Thrakians on their road away from sectarian strife and civil discord towards a new, better future. Serbovian servicemen have bled in the defense of peace, facing attacks from insurgents and terrorists attempting to drive hateful agendas. After all this, Remion dares to accuse us of abusing our mandate when we have done everything to fulfill our responsibilities to the Thrakian people and to the cause of peace.

Subsequent to the Tarusan decision to divest itself from the affairs in Thrakia, Serbovia is the party most fit to safeguard the Thrakian people and to carry the burden of helping the Thrakians rebuild their nation. The North Thrakia Provisional Authority, which has been carefully built up by our country, is assuming responsibility for the Thrakian territories vacated by Tarusa as we speak. It is an administration by and for the Thrakians, under the protective wings of the Serbovian state. It has nothing to do with the false image of a Serbovian occupation that the Remionese delegate is trying to paint in his desire to turn the international community against us.

These accusations are extremely ironic coming from a country which itself invaded the territories of Pannonia, taking advantage of that country's beleaguered state in an attempt to carve new territories for Remionese exploitation. Clearly Tibur has not recovered from the trauma of failure of this irredentist scheme. Now, instead of tanks and fighter jets, Remion is threatening peace with words. You, Mr. Udinese, are the true aggressor here, and we will not be intimidated or silenced, for our cause is just and truthful.

Serbovia will not allow the Thrakian people to become pawns in Remion's imperialist games.


Establishing Nation
Jun 18, 2019
Middle of Nowhere USA
Master Baron Boris Bakhmeteff, Tarusan Representative to EF

"Here we stand yet again, as the Republic cries afoul, the victim once more. We cannot help but continue to see the revanchism flow from the Republics mouths at every turn. Yet again the spew the lies of their government in these halls, the unfounded accusations.

Where has it been declared the mandate of Thrakia has ended, we obviously did not receive the memo. The politics within the mandate of Thrakia have long been complex since action was first taken by the Empire and the Federal state over two decades ago. At that time we each had differing opinions on how to best serve the peoples of Thrakia and how to re-establish it as a state. This has been the only mandate with multiple nations involved, and the shortest mandate to exist, being the second time it was turned into a mandate as obviously the first time was a failure when the state collapsed yet again.

No, what this is, is a the Empire and Serbovia have determined the best course of action as the powers that were, and are, responsible for Thrakia put aside their differences and work towards a more common goal more efficiently. The Empire still maintains a presence in the mandate, our presence has simply shrank from that of a full division and large naval assets to that of a much smaller force and limited coastal protection units. So if you want to bellow about military occupation lets discuss the hundred thousand plus armed Eiffellanders in Al-Magrab, lets discuss Eiffelland dictating the status of diplomatic personnel for the mandate. That is occupation at its finest, that is treating the mandate as a colonial puppet.

The only changes to occur with our drawdown in Thrakia is greater cooperation with the other power involved in the mandate, the removal of barriers and division of the nation, and a greater role for Serbovia to take the helm of nation building in Thrakia as the Empire seeks to utilize its resources elsewhere where the need is greater in the aftermath of the Pannonian affair. The nation building was already a role mandated to Serbovia and Tarusa, which we each took to doing at the time, and still are doing at this time, that sounds like fulfilling the requirements still. It is simply a change of the status quo that was a hinderance towards a unified project has been removed and a greater role being undertaken by the Serboves while the Empire changes its focus to a region that is not mandated that needs its resources more.

That sounds like an effort that should be being applauded, instead we have to listen to the 'victims' cry afoul. It is quite obvious to me, as it should be the rest of the world which nation truly seeks instability and conflict at the turn of every corner."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
Sir Alexander Bellamy, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Guienny to the European Forum

"Esteemed Representatives and Friends,

I first and foremost wish to applaud the work of the Empire of Tarusa in their endeavor in Thrakia. It is a most generous accomplishment and showcase of Tarusan civilisation. It is clear from the words of the representative, dear friend, Master Baron Boris Bakhmeteff that the days of in which Tarusa wishes to provide for Thrakia are now over. I can only believe this is due to their obligations in a new area quite nearby which will require similar Tarusan aid and elbow grease, if do say so my self old chap!"

Bellamy let out the laugh of a loud blusterous old man.

"It goes without mentioning, but I shall do so anyway, that Thrakia was always intended to be overseen by European Forum until a certain end point in which self-governance and responsibility could be determined by the mandated powers. If this job is not finished, which it would seem it is not as not all powers retreat, then the European Forum ought to appoint a second nation to oversee this role now vacated. It is important to observe the original intention of the mandate! This intention clearly had two powers together to work in solidarity! Thrakia has not been united for quite some time, it would be wise to seek to maintain the establishment provided, of course to some degree. I would gladly put forward the Kingdom of Guienny to undertake such obligations now vacated by the Empire of Tarusa. It is a logical and most of all responsible choice. With attitudes and emotions quite clearly hot, Guienny, I believe proses the most responsible power capable of providing the necessary means in which to administer this role. Naturally, His Majesty's Government would seek to assist the Serboves, and perhaps let them take the lead in many instances considering their experience. Make no doubt! We stand ready!"


Establishing Nation
Jun 18, 2019
Middle of Nowhere USA
Master Baron Boris Bakhmeteff, Tarusan Representative to EF

"While the Kingdom of Guienny makes a nice offer, I will re-iterate that the only changes to have occurred are for the positives of the nation of Thrakia. Nothing has changed the status of the mandate and the functionality of the Thrakian status as mandated. What has changed? The manpower levels of the Imperial Army in Thrakia, down from a division to regimental strength. Re-integration process by tearing down the artificial boundaries our nation and the Federal State had imposed over the course of the last two decades, a re-integration that has been agreed upon under the form of a single provisional government instead of the provisional government in the north and the military leadership in the south.

The Empire has not abandoned the Thrakian mandate, we will still be operating a regiment to be continuing our operations in the country in cooperation with the Serbovians, as well as roughly a dozen patrol craft for the shores. We will still be providing aid, and support as we find possible with the eventuality of Imperial forces or whatever else may be potentially needed in the future making a greater return. There will still be two powers involved in the broken state of Thrakia, and there will be no need for more nations to replace a role Tarusa has never relinquished. We have been there from the start and we will be there till the end."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
Sir Alexander Bellamy, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Guienny to the European Forum

"Esteemed Representatives and Friends,

"...dear friend, Master Baron Boris Bakhmeteff... are you still in Thrakia if you are not committing to Thrakia? I expect to see full commitment to Thrakia, and a full commitment to the Tarusan promises to the European Forum. Tarusa would appear to be teetering to its limits if it is drawing down in Thrakia. So should the Tarusan commitment degrade any further for any reason, Guienny would consider the Tarusan commitment as expired and thus a need for a third nation to replace the Tarusan commitment. Should that occur, we may revisit this subject again and vote for a third nation to resume the Mandate process. Otherwise, I consider this case as closed! I do not believe this topic was visited for genuine reasons and would believe that there are ulterior motives lurking in these halls to disrupted the rules based order in which the European Forum provides."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Roland Hörschelmann, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Eiffelland to the European Forum

"Esteemed Representatives,

I comment on Master Baron Bakhmeteff on the EF mandate Al-Magrab. I can give a complete presentation on the situation there if needed, but I will be brief for now: The vast majority of the Magrabbines is happy with Eiffelland's presence and Eiffelland's efforts in Al-Magrab.

I am studying the situation in Thrakia. I will comment on that as soon as I know more."


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Nevena Vladimirovic, Serbovian Representative to the European Forum

"We are most appreciative of the offer which was generously presented by the esteemed delegate from Guienny. However, with the clarification made by Master Baron Bakhmeteff of the continuing, albeit reduced Tarusan role in Thrakia, we remain confident that our nations' obligations to the Thrakian people and to the international community will continue to be fulfilled in a satisfactory manner. Other than that, I do second the observation that the motives behind this proposal seem to pertain to geopolitical goals of the Remionese government and have nothing to do with the actual events taking place in Thrakia or even with the welfare of the Thrakian people at all."


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Demetrio Verdugo, Representative of San José to the European Forum:

Honorable representatives,

The actions of the Empire of Tarusa and the Federal State of Serbovia have highlighted an ugly truth about these so-called mandates of the European Forum: they are a sham, a thin and tattered veil obscuring the truth of neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism.

I ask you all here, why do we keep these mandates going? It has been decades since the Great War concluded, and you are going to sit there and with a straight face tell me that in all of those decades, not a single mandate has extracted itself from the utter chaos and destruction of the Great War to achieve self-determination? Not a single colony that has been re-branded as a mandate has a society able or willing to function independent from all foreign exploitation and administration? This much is clear to San José: either the administrating powers are utterly incompetent and incapable of their assigned roles as transitional guardians for these territories, or they are purposefully holding back these societies from true independence, an independence that has been promised to them for decades.

Which is it, Honorable Representatives of the European Forum? Are your guaranteeing powers incompetent, or conquerors in liberator clothing?

I yield the floor.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Roland Hörschelmann, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Eiffelland to the European Forum

"Esteemed Representatives,

I think I do need to put some emphasis on the situation in Al-Magrab. I won't comment on the situation in the other mandates, but actually Al-Magrab has undergone much development since Eiffelland took over. I would like to refer you to a . This bulletin gives an accurate description of the situation in Al-Magrab. The only thing I say, is that the European Forum must take the wishes of the Magrabbines into account when deciding on Al-Magrab. Eiffelland is not responsible for the way the Magrabbines look at the Noks Free State, but we do want to protect the Magrabbines when their fears regarding the Noks Free State come true."