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Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
Makri, Makri Province (Tyrasia), Pelasgian Empire

Ate, hubris, nemesis, tisis.

This was, in sum, the quintessential form of tragedy as known to the Pelasgians since time immemorial. Every Pelasgian schoolchild had learned of its precise academic interpretation, though, in truth, the motif persisted in folklore to such an extent even after christianization that academic dissection was hardly necessary for it to be understood. First, the Gods fogged the mind of a certain tragic individual; then the individual, incapable of discerning the limits of his place in the natural order, committed an act that defied the laws of nature and of justice; the Gods became enraged by this act and vowed revenge and punishment; and, finally, punishment was delivered, restoring the natural order.

Yes, even a middleschooler knew of this, or perhaps even a child who had been told of the Homeric Epics. Yet, as one rose in both age and stature, one often lost sight of the basic things in life. Was it hubris that led Emperor Ioannes III to Makri, the very capital of Tyrasia, on that fateful day? Was it madness? Who could have told the two apart, if there was a difference between them to begin with? All that was clear was that, Emperor Ioannes III, confident in his elimination of internal foes and of the implosion or seclusion of internal opponents to the Restoration of the Supreme Throne (and its relocation to Decelea from Propontis) had decided to visit that most tortured of Pelasgian regions, which, but a few months before, had been the locus of a massive, and rather brutal, pacification. The wounds of the locals were still very much unhealed, sometimes even in the physical sense--but the Most Majestic Sovereign of the Pelasgians feared not. His Gendarmes, his constables, his asphalites, his men in short, would keep him safe.

The tour of the city proceeded mostly as planned. Ioannes waved out the window of his limousine, and the crowds lining the streets waved flags and cheered, under the ever watchful eye of the security forces and the feared Krypteia--the Pelasgian Secret Service. Lord knew just how many of the attendees were there precisely because of their fear of those two beasts, rather than out of any particular sympathy for the Imperial regime or the person at its very centre. Ioannes's wife, Anna, wondered that precisely out loud, her deep, dark eyes betraying neither approval nor disapproval as she did so.

"How many of these people's relatives had to be deported to some barren islet to secure such a turnout?"

Ioannes did not even flinch. "Enough of them."

Anna was a good woman with a soft heart--which was perhaps why she had turned so harsh on him since his coronation. Women, especially women of this sort, were not suited to statecraft anyway. They merely reaped the benefits of the peace that the whip secured, and then occasionally voiced concern about the scoundrel at the whip's business end, as if to see whether the men of their society had become weak enough to heed their crocodile tears. Ioannes was certain that he was not such a man ad he would never be, even if everyone else in Pelasgia were to become so.

The car came to a halt outside the cathedral of Makri. A beautiful, 18th century construct incorporating many elements of both Remion and Tarusan architecture in addition to traditional Pelasgian motifs--clearly a mark of the city's mercantile wealth, which the many names listed on the plaque of donors near its entrance attested to. A couple of people bearing those names were busy cracking rocks on the desert island of Acanthos on the Emperor's personal orders. Ioannes exited, as did his wife.

After carefully adjusting his winter uniform, the Emperor moved toward the stairs of the cathedral, where he paused just before climbing up the first step. A little girl run through the crowd, holding a box wrapped as a gift. The Emperor's guards tried to restrain her, but he waved them off. Surely, a little girl was no danger, even in Tyrasia.

He knelt forward, knowing a good photo op when he saw one. He was at least partly honest in smiling, too, for the girl reminded him of his youngest daughter in her earlier years. "What is that sweetheart?" he asked.

"A gift for Your Imperial Majesty," the girl answered.

"A gift?" Ioannes answered with feigned surprise. "For me? What is it?"

"My daddy said that 'it's the gift of eternal life'," the girl answered.

Ioannes gasped but he could not utter a word before an explosion shook the courtyard before cathedral, devouring all who stood there in its fiery blaze. Whether Ioannes--or anyone else for that matter--would find eternal life was unclear to those mortals surviving the blast. That Pelasgia would most certainly not do so became patently clear. Madness had had its day, and it was only just getting started.


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
10/11/2021, 01:44
From: dir.2gd@krypteia.pg [Director of the II General Directorate @HIM Secret Service (Krypteia)]
To: gen.com@krypteia.pg [General Commissioner @HIM Secret Service (Krypteia)]
Subject: Political Situation in Decelea
FLAG: Urgent!

It is the honest assessment of all interested parties in Decelea that the political situation has decayed to the point where it is impossible for the ordinary governance of the State—much less its response to an emergency of the scale presently facing the country—to be carried out.

On the one hand, the Procurator General and the Privy Council have moved to consolidate their position at the top of the bureaucratic apparatus, refusing to allow the Council of Ministers to act independently for fear of a return to parliamentarism. Whereas this policy functioned to an acceptable degree when the Emperor was there to direct the Privy Council and the State apparatus from above, His Imperial Majesty’s unfortunate demise has left a vacuum resulting in stagnation and inaction.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers are attempting to use the Common Parliament to circumvent the bureaucracy and judiciary, so as to return Pelasgia to a form of cabinet government. However, the precarious nature of the parliamentary coalition, as well as the limited powers of this body and its history of failures in governing Pelasgia, paint a picture of an initiative doomed to failure, with dire consequences for the State and the Nation if such a failure materialises.

With security forces unwilling to take sides in the face of contradictory orders, the Central Military District remains paralyzed, wasting critical time. The Superintendent General, as the most senior bureaucrat in the country, has approached me and offered a compromise—he will take over governance of the State in a provisional role, using the centralized mechanisms of the Imperial System to restore peace and order in the country, and, in exchange for our assistance in this matter, the Krypteia will be elevated to a general supervisory and enforcing role over other branches of government. Given that such an arrangement worked for most of Pelasgia’s 20th century history, and that we retain the only forces capable of quickly severing rival nodes of power in Decelea, this arrangement appears realistic and preferable. I hereby ask your permission to put this plan in effect.


Demetrios Gregoriades
Director, II General Directorate

4 Vasileos Ioannou Avenue
Decelea T.K. 211 00
o: (+30) 210 7283112
f: (+30) 210 7283123


Date: 10/11/2021, 01:52
From: gen.com@krypteia.pg [General Commissioner @HIM Secret Service (Krypteia)]
To: dir.2gd@krypteia.pg [Director of the II General Directorate @HIM Secret Service (Krypteia)]
Subject: RE: Political Situation in Decelea
FLAG: Urgent!

You have my permission.


Vasileios Koressios
General Commissioner

4 Vasileos Ioannou Avenue
Decelea T.K. 211 00
o: (+30) 210 7283115
f: (+30) 210 7283124


Date: 10/11/2021, 02:00
From: dir.9gd@krypteia.pg [Director of the IX General Directorate @HIM Secret Service (Krypteia)]
To: cssd@krypteia.pg [Capital Security Sub-Directorate @HIM Secret Service (Krypteia)]
Subject: Liquidation of Uncooperative Elements
Attachment: list1.pdf; list2.pdf
FLAG: Urgent!

Per Gen. Com.'s command, Operational Plan MEGAERA has been put into effect across the Imperial Capital Region. Liquidation of uncooperative elements obstructing the normal administration of the State is hereby decreed.

The individuals and groups found in attached List 1 are designated "malignant" and marked for immediate amputation from the body politic. Those found in List 2 are marked for penal relocation and civil proscription of indeterminate duration.

Operational groups 1-6 are tasked with enforcement of List 1. Operational groups 6-12 are tasked with enforcement of List 2. Remaining operational groups are to execute tasks normally assigned to them under MEGAERA.

Plan is to be completed by 08:00 of 10/11/2021, at which time new VIP codename ZEUS will be touching down at the Imperial Capital Region. Failure will not be tolerated.

Herakleios Dousmanis
Director, IX General Directorate

4 Vasileos Ioannou Avenue
Decelea T.K. 211 00
o: (+30) 210 7283555
f: (+30) 210 7283678


Date: 10/11/2021, 02:13
From: sup.gen@pc.gov.pg [Superintendent General @Privy Council of Pelasgia]
To: athanasios.lascaris@navy.mil.pg [Admiral Athanasios Laskaris @Imperial Pelasgian Navy]
Subject: Imperial Succession
FLAG: Urgent!


As you are already aware, Imperial Decree № 888 of 2021 "Regarding Imperial Succession" designates you as Heir Apparent and Successor to the Throne of Pelasgia in the event of His Imperial Majesty's demise. Given that the said unfortunate and most tragic event has come to materialize, you are hereby next in line to succeed to the Supreme Throne.

I have made arrangements to ensure the continuity and unity of power in Decelea. I invite and urge you to come to the capital as soon as possible to assume the mantle of government and to deal with the present crisis currently engulfing Tyrasia. In the meantime, I will coordinate the government's response as best as possible in your absence.

The Sovereign is dead, long live the Sovereign!

Your humble servant,

Alexandros Metaxas
Superintendent General of the State

19 Diadochou Avenue
Decelea T.K. 211 00
o: (+30) 210 7283222
f: (+30) 210 7283333