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Mutual Regional Security Concerns, Attn: Vistrasia

Aug 28, 2009
Freiburg, Deutschland
Naar/To: Westraasche Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
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Onderwerp/SUBJ: South Gallia Conflict/Military Co-operation
[STATUS: Vepo-approved security classification: Level A2]
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It is dangerous, we all know, for such a severe conflict to be underway right in our so-called backyard. What worries us in Vlaanderen more is the realisation that countries such as our own may be unprepared if such a surprise conflict were to be targeted at us instead. What with Batavia's military reform, both budgetary and in make-up, and Vistrasia's humbler size, it is only responsible to expand on our co-operation ideas, discussed upon earlier this autumn.

We therefore wish to suggest that a formal treaty, of our various bilateral civilian and military accords, is drafted, signed and ratified at the earliest convenience, preferably before the coming of the new year and the Noorddaalder. We believe that Threveburg would make a fine host city for such a drafting and signing.

Furthermore if there are any in Threveburg with more proposals for how our two countries and our other Northern Council friends and partners can better prepare and protect ourselves from the threat of sudden and surprise aggression, we are always open. While we do not wish to see the NC become a military alliance, we may be proposing, at the least, a treaty of mutual non-aggression to be signed between NC member states at the Great Council conference in Whitehaven.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Arjan van Vliet
Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken