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Naoned Newyddion - News from Caledonia


Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013
Naoned Newyddion
Presenting News from Caledonia since 1855 | A Brythonic Voice for the International Voices | Weekly Newspaper
25000 Cynfreds

Bloody Wednesday. 44 dead, the Benadur and 137 wounded in terrorist attack

Three car bombs went off yesterday in Naoned. The bombs exploded in front of the Polytechnic Institute Underground Station, in the Douar Marc'had and in front of the Loic Map Corentin Complex. Seven people were killed in front of the underground station and 46 were wounded, 30 were killed in the Douar Marc'had, with 59 being injured and 7 were killed in front of the Loic Map Corentin Complex, with 32 being wounded, one of those being the Benadur of the Union, Rewan Map Andain. The bombs were hidden in an Eiffellandian made Borschel 356, with Eiffellander car plates and two Burgundian made Ghent 2T03, one with a Caledonian car plate from the Prefecture of Deira and one from Ivernia. Immediately after the attack, the National Army of Celtic Reunification and Rejuvenation, now declaring themselves as the "United Celtic Army" have immediately presented themselves as perpetrators of the attack, saying, in a letter addressed to the NN editorial office that they "fully support the attacks against anti-celtic elements in the society, especially against Rewan [Map Andain - e.n.] and consider that with such a success in the campaign against his regime, the other dead or wounded citizens should be happy to consider themselves martyrs of the war of emancipation," and that now that the Benadur is injured and he is in a serious condition, they "invited the Ivernians and Nuada to liberate Caledonia and make it a part of the Continental Celtic Empire".

The first bomb went off in front of the Polytechnic Institute Underground Station, killing on the spot five people and hurting countless others. The Ambulances from the Woad Services have arrived on the scene in a few minutes and started transporting the wounded to the hospitals in the city. On the way to the hospital, another two persons died. Thirty minutes later, a second bomb went off in front of the Loic Map Corentin Complex, just as the Benadur and some of his secretaries were exiting the complex. The Loic Map Corentin is an office complex where the Federal Senate, Ministries and Government and the local Prefetcural Senate of Deira have their headquarters. Ambulances have immediately arrived and took the Benadur, together with the wounded to the hospitals. Sadly, nothing could be done for Oriana Ferch Isolda, the head of the Immigration Office and for Leigh Map Inden, the Commissar-General of Dumnonia for the Internal Counterespionage Division of the Woad Guards. Ten minutes later, the last bomb went off in front of a big flower shop in the Douar Marc'had (Country Market), right when the people were queuing to buy flowers for the popular Sant Yann Celebration. The bomb, set right in front of the Flower Shop killed on spot 25 people and destroyed the shop and breaking the windows of the adjacent buildings, being the most powerful of the three.

Today, in a response to the attacks have have shocked the entire union and probably the whole world and have stopped Naoned from functioning the whole day, the people have taken unto the streets, in demand for revenge against the spilled blood. While up until now there was a considerable support for the Celtic Union and it's military wing, the NACRR (known sympathetically as the Nuckers), now renamed the United Celtic Army (UCA), the tide has turned. A poll done by the NN Newspaper in Naoned, Sant Piran Truru, Pennsans and Roazhon have shown that more than 99.5% of the respondents want to see the National-Corporatist party and it's military wing disappear from the Caledonian society. Previously, the support of the people for the terrorist group has created problems for the authorities to effectively fight against them, the main problem being the creating of a UCA stronghold in the center of Roazhon, in the Divis Flats Complex. The volatile atmosphere made it so hard for the Police and Woad Guards to enter and clear the flats without turning half of the city against them, that they limited their actions to putting road signs cautioning people to be weary of snipers and petrol bomb throwers.

The death of the Commissar-General of the Dumnonian Woad Guard, Leigh Map Iden has led to the promotion of Colonel Mael Map Erwan as Commissar-General and of Gwenaelle Ferch Judikael as the new chairman of the Immigration Office. The attacks against them may either be linked to the fact that they were secondary targets, the Benadur being the primary target of the attack, or they might have also been primary targets as they were known to be staunch supporters of Ivernish Republicanism and were the ones who organized the refugee camps for the Ivernians escaping the War in Milesia. As the Benadur has been severely injured, doctors saying that his health is deteriorating by the minute, the Federal Senate has appointed Annick Ferch Deniel as Provisional Benadur of the Caledonians, until Rewan's health let's him lead the government again. There have been voices that said that the attack has been organized by the Ivernian secret services, knowing that Oriana and Leigh were supporters of the Milesians and were helping their refugees, but there have also been some low voices, coming from the dwindling numbers of the supporters of National-Corporatism, saying that the whole attack was a false flag organized by the government to suppress the Celtic Army, but both of the theories have been quickly dismissed.

"I am sorry to see in what a tragic state our nation stands now. Naoned, a city that we all love, that we all respect has been bombed not once, not twice, but thrice times by those criminals, that present themselves as patriots and nationalists. The time has come to put our foot in the door. This government and this country will not accept anymore the continuous provocations from this group of thugs. They have shown us that they can't be humane and that they are ready to bathe in blood the whole foundations of humankind just to achieve their goals... But what goals, may I ask? All I see coming from them is a call for the Ivernians to occupy our country to create a unified state of the Celts. Other than that, nothing. But for this, they are ready to kill, destroy, burn, bomb, loot and rape everyone and everything. All I see now, is a bunch of thugs that know that their dreams of Celtic Unionism is dead, especially now when Ivernia is literally annihilating itself from within, so why are they still doing this? They are doing this because in reality, the ideology is but an excuse, their real scope being the sense of adventure that being in a band of terrorists brings them. They have entered in a whirlwind of death and destruction and nothing is going to save them now. The polls have shown that young males from middle or upper class with superior studies have the biggest chances of entering the terror group. This is clearly showing me that this so called army, that wants to bring National - Corporatism to Caledonia is but a plaything for rich and bored kids who think that living in the only republic of this continent, with a tradition in left wing politics, may I add, is the worst thing that can happen, in their mindset. For those, I say this: If you don't like our republic and want to return back to the tyrannical days of monarchy and to bomb buildings and kill people, I invite you all to move to Ivernia. That country is a monarchy and is currently in a civil war. If you want adventure, you find there enough opportunities. But I will tell you all, that we will respond in the same way as you acted up until today. The members of this terror group have lost all humanity inside them, when they bombed this city, especially the Country Market... imagine... bombing a market just because it overcrowded and it will create a huge number of casualties... We can also be inhumane if it is needed, in fighting those monsters. As from now on, the days of National-Corporatism in Caledonia are numbered," stated the new Benadur, Annick Ferch Deniel, in front of the Federal Senate.

Other News
  • The soldier lost in Roazhon in the Divis Flats has been found. He has been severely injured in the shootout in which his colleague was killed. His weapon has also been stolen by Celtic Army militants, who thought that he was also dead, but was found by a loyalist and his daughter who took him to their house and gave him first aid and kept him hidden until his health let him to return to the barracks of the Woad Guards. Roazhon has been describes as a battleground between National-Corporatists and the authorities and if someone was found hiding a cop or soldier in their house, they may face ostracism or even death from the terrorists. The attitudes are now changing in this city, describes not long before as a National-Corporatist stronghold, after the attack on Naoned.



Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

We are shocked by the terrorist attack committed by the UCA. This organisation will be put on our list of terrorist organisations, effective immediately. Our condolences to the people of Caledonia, especially to family and friends of the deceased. We would like to have all details on the Borschel 356 that was used for the attack, especially the chassisnumber and the licence plates. We also offer the support of the Eiffellandian police force and the Staatsschutz in the investigation of the terrorist attacks.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor