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O Falcão Real - Hugoland's weekly newspaper

Jul 24, 2010
O Falcão Real


Note: This edition of O Falcão Real is the English version of the official weekly newspaper of the Kingdom of Hugoland. According to the rules of the Kingdom and of the Catholic Church, all the contributions to the newsletter are previously censured in order to preserve public order, morality and decency.

Featured Article
"Socialist social security systems: a fraud or a planned attack?"
by Dom Artur Vellozo, Duke of Bonfim and Minister of the Kingdom

The fate of many countries nowadays is decided - should we say sealed? - by their Social Security System. Few births, aging populations, historically low fertility rates, high divorce rates. Should we go further into the field of morality? Certainly, and so the disgrace continues: general rampant immorality, egocentrism, money-driven lives, etc. etc.

Why? Certainly, the loss of the true Faith is a factor. But the major weapon, the weapon of mass destruction of the pagan forces has been the Social Security System as we see it in many unfortunate countries.

The scheme runs like this: you contribute a certain percentage of your income during your active life, contribution which goes to a common basket to pay today's social costs: unemployment subsidies, retirement pensions, etc., and the State promisses to support you in unemployment, and, most importantly, in your retirement, which will be paid by the future workers.

This system might at first appeal, but it is in fact unsustainable, and not only that, but it destroys society. It is just a question of incentives: why to have many children, invest in their education, hope for their support in the future, if I can count on the future workers to support me?

Thus, I can lead an hedonist life, have one child - or none at all - and live with as many different "companions" (as they call them) as I wish. Why? Society will support me in my retirement days, right?

Alas! How difficult will be the adjustment of many people when they realize this is a fraud. As we said before, its just a question of incentives. When the majority follows the path we have described above, we can be sure that there won't be enough workers in the future to pay the benefits and the retirements of today's workers.

Of course, often immigration is suggested as the remedy for this problem. We have also seen how false a solution it is in recession-like economic environments. And, isn't a market with decreasing producers and consumers doomed to recession, sooner or later?

This leads us to the question: was this another marxist mistake, or a very intelligent and simple mechanism to destroy the Christian societies (providing incentive for birth control, abortion, divorce, immigration), much more efficient than speeches talking about dialectic materalism and simillar jargon?

Spiritual Article
"The Imitation of Christ", Book I, Chapter IV
Thomas à Kempis

DO NOT yield to every impulse and suggestion but consider things carefully and patiently in the light of God's will. For very often, sad to say, we are so weak that we believe and speak evil of others rather than good. Perfect men, however, do not readily believe every talebearer, because they know that human frailty is prone to evil and is likely to appear in speech.

Not to act rashly or to cling obstinately to one's opinion, not to believe everything people say or to spread abroad the gossip one has heard, is great wisdom.

Take counsel with a wise and conscientious man. Seek the advice of your betters in preference to following your own inclinations.

A good life makes a man wise according to God and gives him experience in many things, for the more humble he is and the more subject to God, the wiser and the more at peace he will be in all things.

This week's headlines

- Strawberry production declines 7% this year due to colder temperatures;
- Archbishop of New Mercoburg to chrism Her Royal Higness Princess Inês, Duchess of Porto, and five other children of the Royal Court next Wednesday in the Cathedral of New Mercoburg;
- As oil prices rise, horses are becoming an alternative;
- University of New Mercoburg to host the fith edition of the International Latin Summer University, where the participants are expected to speak and writte only in latin during two weeks.

Saint of the Day

St. James the Apostle, brother of the blessed evangelist John, who was beheaded by Herod Agrippa at about the feast of Easter. He was the first of the apostles to receive the crown of martyrdom.
Jul 24, 2010
O Falcão Real


Note: This edition of O Falcão Real is the English version of the official weekly newspaper of the Kingdom of Hugoland. According to the rules of the Kingdom and of the Catholic Church, all the contributions to the newsletter are previously censured in order to preserve public order, morality and decency.

Featured Article
"The Devout summer activities of the Royal Family "
by Rev. Miguel Lázaro, Vicar

In the same week that the Archbishop of New Mercoburg confered the Sacrament of Confirmation on Her Royal Highness Princess Maria-Inês and on His Higness the Prince Luís Maria (sibling of His Majesty King Luís VI, and 6th on the order of succession to the throne), the Prince of Mercoburg (traditional title of the Crown Prince of Hugoland) has announced he will lead the annual pilgrimage of Christ the King.

The traditional pilgrimage dates back to the 12th century, when King Hugo I, the founder of the Kingdom, went from the old city of Mercoburg in pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine of Monte da Virgem - a distance of about 105km. Since then, many Kings, Princes, Nobles and commons have repeated the annual pilgrimnage that is concluded on August the 15th of each year, Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven.

But the heir to the Hugolandian throne will not be alone in this act of devotion. His Royal Higness the Duke of Santa Cruz, the oldest brother of the crown prince, will also take part, and so will His Higness Prince Luís Maria, who, has we have mentioned, was very recently Confirmed as a Soldier of Christ. In the chapter of the ladies, H.R.H. Princess Maria Beatriz, the third oldest daughter of the King, will represent the Royal House of Mercoburg.

But the absent Princes have not relaxed their piety nor abandoned their fervour. The seventeen year old Princess Maria Leonor and the sixteen year old Princess Maria Constança will make a spiritual retreat on a Dominican Convent.

It is certainly inspiring to see such examples, while many foreign Princes continue to appear on the magazines only due to their extravagances and lack of decency - so is the life of many of the figureheads of the crowned republics that they call "Constitucional Monarchies".

Spiritual Article
"Rule of Saint Benedict", Chapter LXXII
St. Benedict

As there is a harsh and evil zeal which separateth from God and leadeth to hell, so there is a virtuous zeal which separateth from vice and leadeth to God and life everlasting.

Let the monks, therefore, practice this zeal with most ardent love; namely, that in honor they forerun one another (cf Rom 12:10). Let them bear their infirmities, whether of body or mind, with the utmost patience; let them vie with one another in obedience. Let no one follow what he thinketh useful to himself, but rather to another. Let them practice fraternal charity with a chaste love.

Let them fear God and love their Abbot with sincere and humble affection; let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and my He lead us all together to life everlasting.

This week's headlines

- UPDATE: Pope Marcus Clemens not yet recovered
- Military spending hits new high
- O Falcão Real commits a terrible mistake and announces the recovery of the Pope, with the error being corrected by the intervention of the Secretary of State of the Holy See

Saint of the Day

St. Rutilius, marytr. He had frequently secured safety from the perils of persecution by flight, and sometimes even by means of money, but at last, being unexpectedly apprehended, he was led to the governor and subjected to many tortures. Afterwards he was cast into the fire, and thus merited the glorious crown of martyrdom.
Aug 28, 2009
Secretary of the Holy Office

To: the person responsable for the 'nihil obstat' for O Falcao Real

We regret to inform that His Holiness is far from recovering and recommend a more serious observation of what is published in this newspaper. Such mistakes do spread misunerstanding and questions the seriousness of the catholic media.

We are sure the guidelines of the Holy Church and the local Bisshops wil be followed without objections in the future.

On the other hand we must congratulate for the good work that is delivered by all who try to make O Falcao Real a rightfull tool in the teachings of the Church. The public has indeed the right to be informed and guided into the mysteries of the true faith
Jul 24, 2010
O FALCÃO REAL - Office of the Director​

We have received through the Censorship Bureau the complaint of the Secretary of State of His Holiness concerning the error in the news about the health of the Sovereign Pontiff. We humbly apologize to the Holy See and to our readers, and we announce that we will correct this error imediatelly.