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One Admiralty Palace, Hammersmith

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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There are no circumstances - none - which ever ought to be observed by the Engellexian Republic with more vigilant and anxious attention than those which affected our relations with a People who, sprung from our own plentiful soil, spoke the same language, were governed by the same institutions, swayed by the same motives, and inspired by the same great instincts as Ourselves. There is nothing the Engellexian Republic ought to cherish with more hope and pride than to be loved and honoured by the Greatest Civilization of Nations, of her own blood and race who, gradually multiplying, were covering this Earth with Their cities, the oceans with Their fleets, the skies with Their wings, and who carried with them, wherever they went, the energy and the enterprise, that all-conquering will and indomitable self-reliance of the great people from whom they had sprung.

Although this Republic were decided in losing that historic relationship with the Government of the Covenant, as our Republic might hereafter be forced to lose those of other - non-Engell nations, which might one day grow so tall to ever admit of their ever having been sprung from our soil, we ought to never surrender - never to let lapse, by any fault of our own, the right of the Engellexian Republic to their reverence and allegiance, and our title to be regarded as the head of this race, the centre of the Thaumantic Civilization, the fountain of Europe's inspirations, and the standard of what every nation ought to be in principle, policy, and conduct. Whatever might seem - truly, to seem to be the faults and follies of the November of twenty-eighteen, there can be no question to a common belief within the First Republic, of the people of Cantignia, of them being but most wise and sagacious, ardent inspirations; and that there was no stronger impulse in the heart of a Cantignian than an instinctive admiration of our older Republic, and an intuitive desire for brotherly-sisterly association with all its children. But it was not to be wondered at if any of the Civilization of Nations should grow gradually tired of an attachment which at times repelled, if not repudiated, and if any should become dissatisfied with an alliance which was seen to occasion ungracious character, exacting, and inconsiderate. There is nothing which required to be observed with greater attention than the growth of such a feeling in the public mind of any Nation of this Civilization, for in our transactions with all, our only policy is to hold their respect.

As regarded our political and diplomatic relations, they rest on the foundations of truth and honour, of fair dealing and open speaking, and to abandon those principles would be to loosen the bonds of friendship between the Engellexian Republic and all nations of Europe, exposing us all to a common calamity. It is my belief that a well-founded distrust on the part of All in the character of the First Republic for integrity and veracity would be the most disastrous circumstance, the direst misfortune that could possibly befall this great Republic, and it was because the November disturbance had, in common opinion, justly forfeited a degree of respect and esteem of the peoples and governments of Europe, that I deem it to be the duty of the First Republic to declare, at once, that, for the folly and weakness which had led to that result, and which, if persevered in, might have allowed for consequences still more lamentable, the relations of the Engellexian Republic with those governments external to the Civilization of Nations could in no way excite similar circumstances; and that those nations of Europe, external, are unable to act or inspire a state of things which it is impossible to regard with other feelings than those of sorrow and solicitude.

Expressed with a sensitivity, but altogether entirely correct and proper, it is the belief and will of the First Republic that what does continue to linger unsettled remains but an internal consideration of the governments of the Civilization of Nations. Not to diminish or reduce the just concern of those peoples and governments of Europe, external, but to underline the cessation of events truly disagreeable, having made those expressions of assurances that had been previously remarked as reasonably owed.

The privilege of speaking this understanding, on behalf of the Engellexian Republic, so freely and strongly, is a privilege which I would never waive, still while I possess the capacity, on the account when I do consider the bearing of the circumstance with respect to the bonds and alliance held with those of the Civilization, which I cannot personally regard as but a highly prize; or with respect to that which I still more highly prize and more dearly love - the honour and liberty of my country, the First Republic.



Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Departementet for de Udenlandske Anliggender

Ingen - (None)
3 December 2018 04:06 (Gothic Standard Time)

Lord Protector,
People’s of Europe,

The formal circumstances of the troubles at hand, which have occupied news circles for longer than a fortnight, have brought more than enough of which may induce headaches for policymakers and costly consequences for those in the pursuit of the merit brought by the execution of successful protocol in relation to the task of their employ. The saga behind the misfortune at Lord and Lady Peace Estate has remained the pinnacle event obsessed by the hearts and minds of both intellectuals, celebrities, and politicians, and in fear of embarrassment, the people of Jysk-Austwegian heritage have given no indictation to be any less preoccupied by the fiasco than any other.

Short time has passed since the sternly worded rebuke of the Engellexic world’s handling of affairs, and for such hastened reply we are much obliged. A kind expression of respect and acknowledgement has been granted by the Lord Protector of the Engellexic centered world to those who may rest on its peripheral. The qualms and discomfort that we the Nordmenn of close relation have expressed were taken to both heart and mind of the Engellexic leadership in ways more optimistic than any other civilization on this planet. In existence there is no other better personification of such a quality than this dialogue, what it achieves, and for this as well the elimination of any doubt in the presence of mind of those who command both the legions and the faith of Engellexic civilization. We are no longer disappointed.

In previous dialogue it has been the expressed opinion of these Two Kingdoms of Jyskerige and Østveg, with the support of her sister realms of Finner og Isørerne and Dronning Ragnhild Land, that the quantifiable body of evidence in failure has been that of communication. It has been held in the faith of both Her Majesty Katrine Frederikke, as well at that of my Prime Minister, his honorable Rasmus Olsen, that the ideals of this fine nation, our Twin Kingdoms must be placed forward with the strongest foot. We have done so two fold. The Lord and Lady Peace Estate Obelsik stands ready for our civilizations to memorialize and shall be opened by coming week end. Our second act being the birth to that of Den Faste Verdenskonference or the World Permanent Conference (WPC). This child of the Twin Kingdoms lay in the hands and administration of the Austwegian Parliament, the closest bond to that of the Engellkin Marklandic world that my home shares. It is the sincerest hope that the Engellexic civilization in their infinite wisdom and understanding of the causes of conflict, join together with kindred souls in this organization for improved communication and dialogue. It would be our greatest honor and achievement as to have the Engellexian Republic be its first registration and symbolic co-sponsor of a future in which such calamity cannot happen again. To one such future in which we may not blame the tools at our disposal, but merely our unwillingness to use them. Thus we urge all nations as well to join us.

With humility in mind, and friendship continued, we hope our message finds the Engellexic civilization well, and that kindred spirits in search of those which are most civilized may continue to prosper around our common waters.

Med vennlig hilsen,
Maren Tilde Hegerberg