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Republíca del Sur Diario

Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

17 anti-government agitators executed by police firing squad

Verbad o Consecuencia, 07.30.2010 - During a police action seventeen agitators spreading anti-government propaganda were arrested and executed on site. This decision has caused outrage from the few scattered opposition parties remaining, but the government has shown not to bend for these troublemakers. The propgaganda called for ludicrous changes to our strong national government, redistribution of wealth, freedom of press, freedom of speech and more nonsense such as that. Our president, in his wisdom, has ordered not to take any more political prisoners and has decreed the single effective punishment for disobedience and dissent is death. Parliament cheered and applauded for 15 minutes when the president signed the decree. When the bell rang, the members of parliament returned to their duties and the Highest Judges of the Land confirmed that the decree is fully compliant with the Constitution.

Citizens across the country have hailed the decision to actively seek out and eradicate all opposition to the President. The agitators, propagandists and all other traitors are held responsible for the dire financial situation our beautiful Republic is in. Inflation, fuelled by treason from within and the financial coterie abroad, is reaching absurd levels and is crippling our once robust economy. The President has said that he will do everything in his power to protect his flock and keep price and wage inflation under control, thus guaranteeing purchasing power of our beloved peso. Under a new directive which is drafted by the Senate, the president will receive more power to combat enemies of the people, instigators and saboteurs. Including sweeping powers, persecution without trial is seen as a viable, final solution to rid the Republic of all enemies and traitors.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

All foreign assets seized in Republica del Sur; Finance Ministry postpones all debt payments

Verbad o Consecuencia, 07.31.2010 - By order of the president, Republica del Sur has started to confiscate all foreign assets in a last ditch effort to spur economic growth and drive down inflation. The president, benevolent and wise, asked the police and army to occupy foreign owned oil refineries, banks, gas stations and all other assets. Workers will continue to produce but instead of lining the pockets of greedy businessmen abroad, the profits will go to the Treasury. All debt payments to foreign bondholders will be postponed indefinitely. Revenue will go directly to the government who will, as promised by the president, use it to prop up the desperate state of our once proud economy. `Industries must be rebuilt, our roads are in need of repair. We crave development. Foreign influence is holding is back in our race towards the future, therefore it is in the interest of our nation to start anew by seizing assets that are, emotionally and historically, part of us.'

Our president called the decision by the Finance Ministry a `strong signal to those who wish to profit off our dire situation', and further renounced meddling by foreign agitators and spies. Everybody who collaborates with foreign entities within our borders shall be rounded up without charges and, according to the Presidential Decree signed yesterday, must be executed within 24 hours after arrest. A new, tighter curfew was announced yesterday and everybody who violates the curfew will be incarcerated for at least 48 hours. In the interest of public safety, security forces in the cities of Verbad o Consecuencia, Iles du Salut, Puerto Principe, Ramirez de Velasco, Las Cruces and Rio D'Oro have been ordered to cut down on all protests against our government. A new presidential decree will abolish all human rights conventions Republica del Sur has signed to `act swiftly, effectively and mercilessly against all traitors'.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

Security forces open fire on protesters in Ramirez de Velasco, dozens reported dead, more injured

Verbad o Consecuencia, 08.03.2010 - Brutal but necessary repression of protesters has led to at least 19 dead and three times as many injured. After the government banned all price rises due to out-of-control inflation, the black market took over and citizens, mainly those working in retail, could no longer support themselves if they sold their items for government regulated prices. In their foolishness, they took to the streets where they were met by police and security forces who ordered them to disperse. None of the troublemakers listened and agitators made the situation even worse by pressuring the protesters to use violence. Stones, bottles and other objects were hurled at the police who had no choice but to return fire.

In the ensuing gunfight, police had to neutralize 12 protesters who posed a significant threat to innocent bystanders by throwing molotov cocktails and other makeshift explosive devices. Seven were executed immediately after arrest. These individuals were found guilty of spreading propaganda to incite further hatred against the government and provoking reactions from police officers. Their bodies will be dumped in the pauper's pit of a prison cemetary. The president has ordered the arrest of all family members and friends of the executed individuals.

Hundreds of arrested protesters will face harsh interrogation to find out the names of other agitators and leaders of this short-lived uprising against the government. Local law enforcement have reported to the government in Verbad o Consecuencia that the uprising has been quelled and the streets have once again returned to peace. However, as a final note the police commissioner of Ramirez de Velasco has urged `utmost vigilance' in order to cut down every `root of resistance' at its earliest. Curfew laws have been tighened across the country. Only emergency services or government workers (with appropiate permission) are permitted to use any sort of motorized vehicle from 8 PM to 8 AM. Violations will be punishable by death or 25 year imprisonment, depending on the situation.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

Five Eiffellandian journalists arrested after violating Presidential Decree

Verbad o Consecuencia, 08.04.2010 - Journalists working for Associated Press holding Eiffelland citizenship have been arrested for violating a Presidential Decree which stipulated that all foreign journalists must leave the country within 48 hours. The president has moved the deadline 24 hours forward, leaving many journalists in defiance of the decree. Many of them have been staying in various luxurious hotels in our capital city or the administrative capital Las Cruces. While many journalists have already left the country immediately after the decree was signed, some have decided to test the patience of our president and they will pay dearly for their foolishness. The police has showed no leniency for journalists or reporters and they were dragged from their hotel beds naked and taken into police vans.

All equipment, documents, computers and other electronic devices have been confiscated by the police and will be investigated by a team of professionals. It is likely the attorney general will go for a maximum punishment of up to 25 years imprisonment or forced labor under the harshest regime. The crimes committed by these Eiffellandian individuals range from spreading propaganda, passing off lies as honest journalism, infiltration in resistance groups and terrorist organisations, sabotage of communication hubs, agitation by writing slandarous articles, provocation of security forces and other even more heinous violations of all common human decency. President DeNavén has hailed the arrests and demanded `swift and decisive action' from the prosecutors to `set an unmistakable example' to all who dare to question the authority of the government.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

Black market traders, usurers and money changers face death penalty for disrupting economy

Verbad o Consecuencia, 08.06.2010 - Our president DeNavén has decreed that all individuals guilty of aforementioned crimes shall be put to death by summary execution starting tomorrow. Many people are taking advantage of the dire straits our economy is in, caused by foreign speculators and bankers whos sole aim is to destroy our strong economy and weaken our resolve. To aid their crimes, they have dispatched sleeper agents within our cities to start exchanging money at exorbitant rates, operating within a black market economic system and exchanging goods far above reasonable sales prices. Also, they circumvent value added taxes, draining our treasury of much needed money, therefore damaging our economy directly. As of tomorrow, the president has put a stop to such malpractice, ordering that the lives of criminal hucksters must be ended on site, execution by hanging. Their bodies will be left to rot on the streets `as long as people can remember', to discourage others from collaborating with foreign agitators and saboteurs. Police and civil militias are ordered to be on the lookout for these individuals. The Finance Ministry expects that, once this decree is in force, the size of the black economy will shrink by at least 95%. Inflation has reached an annualized rate of over 10 million per cent, the result of foreigners actively speculating against the governments ability to pay its dues. Only a week ago the Finance Ministry has decided to postpone all outstanding debts to curb the outflow of money from the Treasury.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

President orders execution of all political prisoners

Verbad o Consecuencia, 08.14.2010 - President DeNaván has ordered the execution of all political prisoners in an attempt to crack down on illegal networks of resistance, pockets of rebellion and to destroy ratlines of collaborators and traitors fleeing to Radillo. The president believes that from prison, leaders of resistance are still able to communicate to the outside world. In order to prevent them from retaining leadership over their shadowy organisations, the president sees no other option but to neutralize all existing networks by putting down known resistance leaders. In a brief comment, the president urged the necessity of these special actions: `these rebels were already at the heart of several major terrorist attacks against our legitimate democratic government. They shall be shot like the cowardly dogs they are. Sudden and without mercy, we must do everything in our power to thwart all conspirators who plot against the democratic government of Republica del Sur.' A recent poll by a government agency shows overwhelming support for the president, an all-time high of 99%. The president also echoed rumors of Radillo of facilitating resistance fighters by providing them weaponry, food and other vital supplies for them to continue their illegal struggle. The president has asked Radillo to dispel these rumors and cooperate with Republica del Sur in the border area against terrorist insurgents, traitors and human trafficking.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

Economic disintegration accelerates at alarming pace, economists warn

Verbad o Consecuencia, 08.16.2010 - Economists at the University of Las Cruces have warned that the disintegration of our economic system is accelerating at a `most troublesome pace', and added that `insecurity is likely to bolster resistance' across the country, and ask the government to curb inflation and allocate assets to reinvigorate the mining sector as well as boosting investment from abroad into vital sectors of our economy. With inflation reaching astronomical levels, basic necessities such as foodstuffs, fuel, water and medicine are getting harder to come by every day. Rationing is the norm and supermarkets and drug stores are empty. Papermoney loses value only hours after printing and the lowest denomination bills number in the billions of pesos. Local currencies such as the escudo oro, used primarily in mining towns, have replaced the peso altogether. Many citizens are going back to barter; cigarettes and alcohol being the most coveted items for trade. With an ongoing oil crisis, fuel is only reserved for the military or the super rich. The central bank of Republica del Sur has calculated that the purchasing power of the peso is set to decline by at least 60% before the end of the year and is likely to decline even further in 2011 without government intervention. The value of the peso has collapsed when the government was forced to nationalize several key sectors of the economy after it was revealed foreign companies abused their privileged position en mass. After foreign inflows of capital dried up, the government was forced to start printing money to cover deficits and expenses. Pensions have evaporated and savings are near worthless. The country grows more destitute by the day over the worsening financial situation but there's no end in sight yet.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

Army set to crackdown on militias and resistance fighters

Verbad o Consecuencia, 08.18.2010 - After a successful campaign against illegal protesters and blackmarket scamartists, the government has dispatched its most powerful and potent tool at its disposal to rid the country once and for all of the treacherous elements that have destroyed our economy - but not our resolve! In the Haliga Mountains in the west there are still pockets of resistance, ironically they call themselves `freedom fighters', and other dangerous terrorist militias operating independently of each other. The army will be sent in to clean out and eradicate all individuals who refuse to submit their weapons to the proper authorities. According to General Lamar Masouche, who oversees the operation, `everybody who is foolish enough to not listen to our demands shall be wiped away. Not even a breeze or piece of clothing will remain. We shall give them one week to surrender and ceas their desperate actions against innocent citizens and our democratic government. We are fully aware that we are giving them time to prepare for battle, but our actions are in compliance with international law and with respect for human rights.'

President DeNavén has pledged that, once the resistance is cleared, foreign mining operations will be permitted again in the area. The Haliga Mountains are some of the most uranium-rich areas in the world. While Republica del Sur is blessed with a climate that allows two bountiful harvests a year, natural resources such as oil and gas are insignificant or too expensive to extract from the soil. Uranium (mainly raw ore) is mainly used by terrorist organisations to fund their hopeless battle against our government. Uranium mining is a difficult process but after the nationalization of the uranium industry many factories and mines were taken over by treacherous conspirators, communist agitators and other anarchists - many of whom were former employees. Summary execution awaits all who collaborate with known terrorist groups. Nowadays the area with the highest concentration of uranium mining activity are held by several rebel armies. The government suspects some of the most hypocrite democracies of the east fund these rebels to guard uranium and to protect their corporate investments.

Editor's note - Illegal uranium, sometimes dubbed `uranio muerte' finds its way to unstable regimes around the globe and, according to international security agencies, there is a substantial risk that terrorists may resort to nuclear terrorism with uranium illegally mined in Republica del Sur.
Dec 27, 2007
Lehman Bros HQ
Republíca del Sur Diario

President DeNavén declares 'Year Zero'; announces `permanent people's revolt' against all dissidents and criminals

Verbad o Consecuencia, 09.13.Y0 - Today, the president in is wisdom has declared that from today all dates must be reset to 0 as a start of the new doctrine of a permanent people's revolt against all insurgents, dissidents and criminals who threaten to begin a paramilitary surge against the democratically elected government of Republica del Sur, which has guided our country since 1962. All over the country spontaneous demonstrations of love for president DeNavén were held, factory workers left their stations to join a crowd of cheering people, waving flags and crying out their love for the president. From today and onwards towards an even more glorious future, all references to the past shall be eradicated and people who continue to linger in the ways of old shall be wiped clean from all ancient tomes of history.

Culture, society and economy shall be redefined according to the president, who also stated that economic realities can no longer apply to the Republic and that the Humano Nueva del Futuro (New Human of the Future) is a logical step in the evolution of the human species. Working together as a hive mind, striving to build and shape a solid foundation for all coming glory and prosperity, Republica del Sur is looking boldy into the future, anxiously awaiting what boons tomorrow will bring. Every harvest will be more plentiful, abundance is going to be the new standard and opulence the absolute minimum of existence. Our president has also asked the people to be permanently vigilant, be wary of spies and other vermin that threatens the success of the state. All penalties for treason, dissent and sabotage shall be death, the president decreed today, as well as an extensive economic plan to raise wages, increase daily rations and expansion of the food coupon program.


Mr. Capitalism
Oct 30, 2006
Under the sea
Diwan of Foreign Affairs

We call upon President DeNavén to moderate the pace of the changes he has called for. A nation cannot survive that abandons its heritage and traditions. We fear for chaos and instability in Republíca del Sur should the President continue on his course of top-down collectivism, which cannot succeed.