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Southern Deutsche

Jan 7, 2011
"Southern Deutsche"
Summit between Akwesasne and Eiffelland

Nourandan Capitol Building

Mont-Nouranda, Madeleine Territory,
The United Territories of Akwesasne

Prime Minister Joseph Hendrick has been awaiting this summit for quite some time now, especially after just having met with the royalty and government head-honchos of Franken. Akwesasne has been granted entry in the European Defense Federation with a junior status for only a few weeks now, and it was Hendrick's intent - epsecially with the summer elections fast approaching and a tough opposition to face - to make good with as many of Akwesasne's new friends in the EDF. Especially when it comes to foreign trade policies, immigration and of course, oil. Though the meeting between Hendrick and the Eiffellandian delegation has been kept relatively low-key, it was another stepping stone, and an important one at that. Joseph Hendrick, a stern and conservative Akwesasnan national, wore spurs and his cowboy hat on this particular day - but also sporting the appropriate and quite expensive suit to match.

The Nourndan Capitol Building, or La capitole de Nouranda, is the oldest political edifice and monument in Akwesasne. This building goes back long ago when the settlers of Montelimar came to Akwesasne and met the Native-Akwi. This was years before Anglyn conquered Akswesasne and further colonized the nation we see today. The city itself, Mont-Nouranda is also the oldest city in the nation and one of the top most populated. Prime Minister Hendrick first planned to have the Eiffellandian delegation meet with the Progessive Conservative cabinet which forms Akwesasne's minority government at this current time. Then they would meet with Akwesasne's Head of State, the Cheif Governor Wedgel Tadaho II -a wise, elder and prestigious Native-Akwi figure across the United Territories. Finally, the tough talk would then begin.

Now perched as tall as he can stand with his hat in gear and shades in place as the sun has been burning brightly on this soutner day, Hendrick was ready to show these guys what southern charm was all about. He waited patiently on the steps of the Capitole as he got word that the escort motorcade was fast approaching...



Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
It was a luck for the people around Chancellor Matthias Graf von und zu Seydewitz that his demands on himself were higher than his demands on others. He did not mind how others dressed themselves, but he would always wear a suit of perfect snit. He always wore white shirts, but specially made for him. Normally, white shirts had the downside that they were transparent. Von Seydewitz had ordered his taylor to use thicker material so that his white shirts were opaque. An idea the Eiffellandian Royal Family had adopted from him. Also his suits were taylor-made.
Von Seydewitz had taken the warm weather in Akwesasne into account. His suit looked perfect, and was perfect for the high temperatures. According to him, a gentleman would never take off his colbert, and he would not need to do so. Under his suit, he wore black shoes, as always. At age 52, he was still good looking with his slight tan and slightly greying black hair. Despite the fact that he was a nobleman, he was relaxed in his personal communication. He knew his etiquette and always handled according to that.
Minister for Economic Affairs Dr. Stephan Röpke was the grandson of one of the founding fathers of the Soziale Marktwirtschaft, the system that had made the Germanic countries prosperous. He was an expert in macro-economics. And that made him perfect for his current role. Like Von Seydewitz, he wore a suit that would not let him sweat in the warm Akwesasnan weather. Unlike Von Seydewitz, he wore a light blue shirt. That was how he could always be recognised: He always wore a blue shirt, except when he had to wear a tuxedo or a dress suit.

Both gentlemen had had themselves instructed about the habits in Akwesasne. Because of that, they were not surprised when they saw Prime Minister Joseph Hendrick wearing spurs under his suit and having a cowboy hat on his head. Each country had its habits. An Eiffellandian habit was interest in and respect for other cultures. When the motorcade arrived at Mont Nouranda, Von Seydewitz and Röpke stepped out and walked to Hendrick to shake hands.
Jan 7, 2011
"Chancellor Von Seydewitz, Minister Röpke, welcome to Akwesasne." Prime Minister Hendrick greeted the two delegates and extended his hand to both. They warmly shook back giving Hendrick the impression that the friendly nature of the Eifellandians was not at all a myth. It was a positive stereotype really in the old Prime Minister's eyes. At the ripe age of 63, he knew the political game and he knew how to treat his guests from abroad with good old Akwesasnan southern charm. The budget for this summit, which was of debate in the House of Representatives, was considered to be to the status of "all out" so-to-speak. Leading his guests inside, he made sure that the focus was be on the architecture, sculptures and paintings within. Not to mention the entrance hall with the Akwesasnan flag on the right and Eiffellandian flags to the left, which had seemingly similar colouring. The Prime Minister lead his guests to the end of the hall for a brief photo-op with the Akwesasnan press. "Gentlemen, I hope you'll find our country to be to be your liking. Upon meeting the Chief Governor shortly and the proceeding discussion between us, we will make sure that you have a comfortable stay and an unforgettable time." he smiled as he shook hands again and posed. The small crowd and press agents clapped and waited for a statement from the Chancellor and/or the Minister Röpke."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Von Seydewitz and Röpke listened to Kendrick with much interest when he told about the works of art inside the Capitole de Nouranda. They were also very much impressed by the building itself, and by how much Kendrick told about it. They already knew that elections were coming up in Akwesasne, and they also knew that they would more or less help Kendrick with that. But would that be a problem? It was Kendrick anyway who led Akwesasne into the EDF. And that was also another reason for this visit: To promote the EDF. Apart from the business reasons of course.

“Prime Minister Kendrick, given what I saw up to now, I’m impressed. Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for your hospitality in this beautiful country,” Von Seydewitz said. “There is a good basis for cooperation between Akwesasne and Eiffelland. A cooperation both countries will benefit from.”
After Von Seydewitz, Röpke took the floor. He said: “I completely agree with the words of Chancellor von Seydewitz. Akwesasne and Eiffelland will complement each other to a large extent. I look forward to cooperating with Akwesasne both in international politics and in economics.”
Jan 7, 2011
"Likewise my friend, likewise." Hendrick smiled as he shook the foreign Chancellor's hand one last time for a final photo shoot. He placed his hand upon his guests' back and said "Please, walk this way, we have much to discuss after all this time." As the men walked away from the press and the flash, Hendrick began to loosen up a little more - as he was known to be more a country boy than a big city politician. He took off his hat and wiped the prespiration from his balding head and opening two large oak doors ahead of the group. "Come on in now, make yourselves comfortable. My home is your home." he uttered. Within the room was a well decorated office and desk with a bit of a Montelimarian architecture to it. Some key ministers were already seated within the vast room and they were all individually introduced as Hendrick's main cabinet members.
"Now then, before we start, could I offer you gentlemen a drink?"


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
"Yes, please, an orange-juice," Von Seydewitz said. Normally he would ask for a coffee, but he was a bit thirsty because of the warm weather.

"Also an orange-juice for me, please," Röpke said.
Jan 7, 2011
"Sounds good to me." Said the brash Prime Minister.

He removed two ice-cold bottles of ojay, as he called it, and handed it to his guests. After that he turned to a small liquor cabinet and poured himself a bourbon on rocks. He then hung his hat on a hook near the cabinet and made his way to his big leather chair behind the desk at hand in this room. The Eiffelandian delegation was seated on a sofa facing Hendrick's desk from the left while the Minister of Foreign Relations, the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Finance sat on the other sofa facing the desk from the right. He sat comfortably in his chair and lit himself a cigar. "If any of you smoke, please be my guest and take one." he offered - pushing the cigar box closer towards the sofas. "Now let's talk business. I hear Effeilland has a lot to offer in our oil department in these parts..."


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Von Seydewitz and Röpke were no smokers, but they liked a cigar from time to time, so both took one out of the box and lit them with the strip of wood[1] used for that.

"Indeed, oil," Röpke said. "Eiffelland has some oil fields, but they do not produce enough to cover our domestic needs. Therefore, it is needed for us to import oil. We also heard that most of your oil is in tar sands[2]. We might be able to help you with making the process to win that oil more efficient. Our physicists and chemists are always eager to think up something new. And they are good at that. We can also deliver many industrial products, of course in the biomedical branche, but we are also good in producing cars and electronics. Furthermore, we can deliver fruit, milk and milk products, beer and wine. But what are your thoughts about a quid pro pro for oil?"

OOC: [1] I used this deliberately. The more expensive cigars should not be lit with a lighter or a match. First you light a strip of blank wood, and then you light the cigar with that strip of wood. In that way, the first puffs of the cigar do not contain remants of sulfur, phosphor, oil or gas.
[2] Is this a correct presumption? If not, I will change the post.
Jan 7, 2011
Prime Minister Hendrick, with a cigar at full blaze between his dry elderly lips, hunched himself over slightly placing both his hands together and resting them upon the dark wooden desk he has neatly tidied before him. You could easily see the faces and bodies of each individual in that room on that desk. He exhaled the smoke from his previous intake and began to speak. "My administration had previously briefed me on Eiffelland's oil situation and I am happy to be the bearer or good news when I say that Akwesasne has more than enough oil to export. Currently, my government has pushed forward the implementation of offshore sites to the northeast of the United Territories as well as the construction of several ports in northern Akwesasnan waters." He dipped his cigar in the ash tray and took a small swig of his drink. "The entire reason we wanted to build these ports up north in the first place was so we as an exporter nation could reach our allies northward, much like yourselves, and get the ball rolling that way. As far as quid pro quo goes, my administration is interested in intelligence communications from the north. I think Minister Colbert here has more on this judging by the size of that file cabinet he's carrying on his lap." the old PM joked and gave word to Mr. Colbert.

David Colbert was both a mix of English and French heritage making him a bilingual Akwesasnan. As far as his job went in the cabinet, he was the Minister of International Trade and a very stern and cold one at that. He usually chuckled maybe three or four times at Hendrick's southern jests and then proceeds by placing his glasses back firmly above his nose and returning to business as usual. Today was really no different. "Well Chancellor Von Seydewitz, being in the spot that we are geographically, we can only do so much to ensure that our influence is stretched further enough towards the world's "mainland", if you will, where the majority of the world's economic powers reside - such as your area. Now that the United Territories is in the European Defence Federation, we fear that we may not have a tight enough grasp on what exactly is going on where the majority of our allies are. And with this nation's solemn oath to defend our allies in the EDF, especially in a time where Solaren is running wild, this administration believes that a better and tighter intelligence communication is necessary from Eiffelland to ensure Akwesasne is not left behind and to ensure that we may come to aid our bretheren efficiently and on time." he stopped and dabbed his head with a cloth he's retrieved from his pocket.

The Prime Minister once more took speech, "Like I said, as far as quid pro quo goes, this is probably the best offer we could bring to you. An offer that will benefit both Eiffelland and Akwesasne and also better establish ourselves in the EDF alongside countries such as the one you lead my friend."

OOC: Yes the majority of Akwesasne's oil comes from the tar sands in the territory of Athabasca - though given our large coast line, there's alot of offshore drilling in progress as well.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
“Well, as far as I know, you already have access to intelligence data from EDF-countries. Through your EDF-membership,” Von Seydewitz said a bit puzzled. “We already share the data that are important to the EDF as a whole. And for Solaren, everybody shares the knowledge on that country, because undiplomaticly said, that country is ruled by a lunatic. A dangerous lunatic to be precise. Each piece of information about that country is important, so of course we share that. But that is already part of your EDF-membership. Is there a specific kind of intelligence you are referring to?”