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The Devils Chance


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
The Devils Chance
The Commoner
Vesper, Capital of the Covenant

Lights flickered like a cosmic disturbance in Thomas Freeman's eyes. He was face down on the cobble stone streets of Old Vesper, but not entirely sure why. There were pulsing shoots of pain in his joints, and whenever he fought to push himself up from the gathered filth of horse dung and waste all he saw was an unsightly resevoir of blood gathering from thick log of a nose. It was hot, warmer than the Oceanic sun, and the heat was sweltering at his feet as well.

'A fire' he thought in a scattered frenzy of lesser concerns, 'Where's Edwin?', 'Why in God's name does it smell like wine?'. Thomas felt a sharp tug at his brown suitcoat, patched and frayed as the day he inherited it, pulling him up to the sight of smashed wine bottles and throngs of other common folk running or limping away.

Edwin Woodhouse slapped Thomas across the face with his scarred working hand, looking down and through Thomas like he was a stranger. Thomas had not even heard the slap's impact, and it occurred to him that he should hear shouts or sirens from the Officers that descended upon them some minutes ago. "Tommy!" Woodhouse was trying to say, but again Thomas could not hear the words, "Tommy, can you walk?" he asked, looking as desperate as he must have sounded.

"No, I ca . . No, Edwin" Thomas began, but before he was finished the Woodhouse boy was roughly throwing Thomas over his shoulder like a sack of loot. Atop his friend he could see what had thrown him down, or what was left of the illegal pubcrawl he had been in. Smoke poured out from the busted in door and fire from the windows, yet the fragmented body parts of men and women he was familiar with through a drunken gaze was what ruminated in his minds eye even as the scene shrunk.

Earlier in the afternoon he came with Edwin to Molly's Pub as the two of them were known to do since returning from the war in Karoskland, throwing back mugs of Engellex's worst Ale, which tasted as cheap and flat as the cap that he wore, but still double the digits in alcohol content than anything they had been able to find since Lady Constance Varinia's Prohibition Act. The very thought of that over entitled woman made him want to vomit, a wench born as common and poorly as any of those that laid dead or injured today. "A thick Vesper Rifle between her legs would set her right," he said to Edwin's tailcoat that was soaking in his endless flow of crimson goo.

Edwin carried him far down Gloriana Street, around the corner to Charlotte Street, and down an alley that emerged on Hammersmith Boulevard where the wayward natives of Great Engellex proper often took holiday at in small cottages, bearing a traditional pub or market on every corner. Hammersmith Boulevard possessed a market instead of a pub, which was likely why Edwin was taking him here. Woodhouse set Thomas down next to a large black door belonging to an imposing brown house, a wood house if Tommy's senses could be trusted, and kicked in the door as the nameless Police Officers had done to Molly's Pub.

"I think I, I think I can hear Edwin!" he called out to no one, with the young Edwin Woodhouse looking inside to make sure the home's snowbirds had taken flight back to Great Engellex as they did every year after winter passed. His hearing had recovered with a vengeance of dull but steady ringing, accompanied by nightbirds of the feathered variety, tweeting a solemn hymnal tune. Edwin emerged just as Tom began to worry, though not alone as he had entered. A halfcast man with native facial features prodded Edwin out with a heavy caliber revolver that may have been more at home in the gloved hands of a Commonwealth Officer in the twentieth century.

"This is Lord Wilford Malroy's house, gentlemen - this residency is motherfuckin' occupied!" the mullatto skin vagrant said with a harsh prod that sent Edwin an arms length away. "Who the fuck is Lord Malroy?" Edwin spat, not bothering to hide his racial scorn for one he viewed as inferior in his own green eyes. "He's not a man with a busted lip, I'll tell you that much" the armed man replied after making up the distance between Edwin and himself with a crack to the mouth with the ancient revolver. Edwin reeled, letting out a boyish squeal that sent the halfcast in to a fit of laughter that Thomas thought he would never hear the end of until a much taller, sterner, and whiter man appeared in the doorway.

The stern eyed gentleman had the look of a soldier, but his garb was that of some properly Engellexic capitalist. "Well met, boys. I am Wilford Malroy," the man said, offering an outstretched hand to Thomas which pulled him up to his feet, "I'm afraid that I am not the Lord some would say however, but I am indeed the Chief Squatter of Hammersmith Boulevard if you were curious.". Thomas detected a trace of Dulwich in his accent, though it could just as soon been the New Dulwich subsidiary. "I see you've met Fozher over there with the gun, and that you became fast friends with my bomb over at Molly's" he said without the flicker of a smile that Fozher wore. Thomas was in shock. In shock from the blast, and in complete disarray after contemplating that he was standing before either a murderer or a madman.

Tom Freeman gave the man a skeptics squint and clenched his jaw as he expected a man above his station might in this situation, "The Vesper Police bombed Molly's, we were there!" Thomas declared confidently. Lord Malroy of Hammersmith Boulevard shook his head, "Why would the VPD send its precious Prohibition Officers storming in to a pubcrawl they meant to blow up?" Wilford Malroy said with pity. "I hope journalists think just as simply, mind you. It's better for our cause if their gloves appear as crimson as our Lady Queen, Alice".

It occurred to Thomas then that he had no business knowing any of this, and that he would just as soon scamper off back to the bomb struck pub if his feet would take him there. "Of course," the armed halfcast began, "now that you two are privy to Lord Malroy's plot, it would be my prerogative to raise a loaded question" he said with a tap of his revolver up against his tan homburg hat. "Would you gentlemen be for a wet Cantignia, or will you die to keep our Covenant dry?".

Edwin was standing upright again, not taking his eyes off of Wilford Malroy despite the freshly cocked revolver staring across at him right between the eyes.
"I'm not about to saddle up with some . ." Edwin fired out before a bullet found his brow as the halfcast man intended. Edwin Woodhouse, or the lifeless thing that remained, staggered for a moment before buckling under its own top heavy weight. Tom's hands reached instinctually to his boot knife, but the moment he motioned to bend the halfcast's revolver was cocked and pointed between his eyes like it had at Edwin.

"I'll take it wet!" Tom shouted, sounding muffled in his own ears, "Shaken, not stirred, if it is alright with Lord Malroy?" he said in attempt to alleviate the tension. Malroy nodded, leaving his goon to chuckle, "Follow us inside to the Malfort, as Fozher likes to call it. In actuality this is the Winter Nest of the Brearton Family, of Hammersmith proper if the pictures on the wall are of any indication" the false Lord said.

The furnishings of the Brearton's brown wood house were as scarce as Edwin's breaths save the pictures Malroy had spoke of, piled up newspapers, firearms, and large unmarked boxes stacked from the floor to the ceiling. The armed man motioned his revolver at an oval shaped ring of bronze colored kegs in the dining room, "Take a seat and tell us your name, Miles will bring you a drink and something to wash down that nose of yours" Malroy said, leaving the room to fetch a drink for himself.
The keg was not meant for this purpose, but Tom was glad to rest at least his body while his mind raced to make sense of what was going on.

Having a drink sounded so quaint, so typical, and Thomas was thinking it so when his dead friend Edwin suggested it to him that afternoon at work. "My name is Thomas Freeman, I . . I'm a street cleaner, but I served with the Expeditionary Marines at Karoskland for the Crimson Birth" he said, breaking free from this present underpinning in remembrance of the atrocities he saw and inflicted in Karoskland. Not a day went by that Tom Freeman didn't relive what he did, what Alice did to earn her moniker The Crimson Queen, and what a shadow of his former self he was now.

"So it would not be as far a venture as Karoskland to say that Gloriana was not first Street you've seen run red with blood?" Lord Malroy asked pointedly, facing the door Edwin had kicked in with a tumbler of brandy. A boy that must have been Miles scurried in with a warm mug of honeywine, steaming almost as Tom pulled it up near his gashed nose to smell it through the dried up blood. "I'm not the Mormon I was when I left the friendly confines, and I returned the sorrowful drunk that sits before you today," Thomas said, "You'd be right to venture there, sir. The man laying outside stood shoulder to shoulder with me to stack Karosklander and Cannie alike in piles as high as you've stacked those crates . . Would it be a far venture to say those are brandy crates, Mister Malroy?"

This time Fozher, the halfcast, nodded and said "I'm not a Mormon either, if it helps.". It did not, but Thomas Freeman was neither the saint nor racist his father was. Few halfcasts or properly black Cantigians were Mormons in truth. When the conquering white colonists arrived in Cantignia, in what the natives called Olenasea, Mormons spared few and raped more in the Pioneer Era, all in the name of the pious Joseph Smith Junior. Tom wagered that Fozher was the product of a white mother and black father by the look of his muscular build and generically Olenasean features. Tom's father might refuse to talk to such a man as Fozher, but Thomas had learned not only to talk with blacks and halfcasts, he had also learned to fight beside them as an Expeditionary Marine. Some of the bravest and deadest of his fellow servicemembers bore the dark or less than white skin, and the sight of it gave him little concern nowadays.

Tom saved his scornful eyes for Prohibitionists and the Monarchist Establishment now, though he did not hate Alice entirely. At the executions in Karoskland, Corporal Thomas Freeman observed the Queen of Cantignia in his peripheral on many a sunset. She was beautifal sure, royal of course, but the way she consoled the bright eyed children and received his salute after he pulled the executioners trigger was eerily inspiring. Alcohol prohibition was a mechanism of colonial feminists and the mormons, Tom decided, this was not the work of a high born Engellexic Duchess turned Cantigian Queen.

"We'll fill your cup, your wallet, and your bed Mister Freeman, should you join us" Lord Malroy said, "And together perhaps we can keep these friendly confines as wet as Geneva Heathcote, our dear Lady of the Capital."

The halfcast stood and refilled Tom's cup with a spot of brandy, "Just as he says, Freeman. Find a corner to rest your bloody nose. I'll try to find a job for you in the morning." Fozher ordered with the revolver now tucked in his coatpocket. Thomas followed the trail of newspapers and ammunition all the way to the open doorway. "Don't you think about running either, Freeman. I'm your shadow now until we can trust you, should you live to see that day." swaggered the halfcast with a drunken stupor.

Thomas Freeman sat silently perplexed, it struck him as peculiar that a shadow would follow the shadow of a man that he considered himself to be. Street-cleaning was honest work, but it stunk like horse shit and waste. This life smelled like honeywine and tasted like brandy.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
The Devils Chance
The Detective
Vesper, Capital of the Covenant

"He's doing our work for us, Mister Wakefield!" a broad shouldered firefighter shouted to the detective from across Gloriana street, where the last embers of the fire were being smothered by heavy rainfall and coursing streams from fire hoses. The firefighter had the demeanor of a National Democrat, Wakefield observed, and the complexion of a thoroughbred Mormon of some painstaking centuries of polygamy.

Detective Wakefield stood facing Molly's Pub, or what was left of it, lingering silently in his ash colored trenchcoat, fat black bowler hat, and thick rimmed glasses. Piety did not become the Detective, but he did his best to eek out a convincing nod for the firefighter, whose eyes demanded some form of God inspired acknowledgement.

"I think I see a flame there in the Pub," Wakefield urged, "Don't let His work go unfinished, Sir!". Instinctively the firefighter ran towards his non-existent fire, but by the time he noticed Detective Wakefield was already stomping through puddles of water and drained booze to try the minds of a few survivors. He found himself a female bartender first, unscathed by both fire an blast, and the Detective was dying to know why.

"Sir, umm . . Officer," she labored through a shower of tears, "I was late for my shift, I have a daughter, she's only three, and Zylphia, she's that Twin Island barhop Molly hired . ."

Wakefield was overwhelmed. He hadn't even written down the woman's name by the time her employer, her questionable co-worker, and the mention of a young bastard child were penciled in on his notepad. "I promise that we won't keep you long, Miss. I'm sure you need to get home to your, umm, well I'm sure you want to get out of this rain" Wakefield said to her over the drums of thunder beating in the sky. "How much was Madame Molly paying you, Miss Sessions?" The Detective asked.

In his early years as a Vesper Police Officer, he found that turning the topic to wages usually shook a suspect out of their grief for their dead employers. Miss Sessions scowled and dabbed her remaining tears with a rain drenched handkerchief, "Molly was only a Madame of the working woman variety, and she stored most of my hard earned tips between those old sagging tits of hers!" Miss Sessions shrieked in sure earshot of that Mormon firefighter returned from the pub.

"Of course. And what can you tell me about this Zylphia, you said she hailed from the Twins?" Wakefield asked, unphased by her vulgarity. Miss Sessions shrugged, "She worked hard enough, but she had rebel's eyes - all of those people do. This one time, mind you she was as drunk as a sailor, Zylphia told me that she thought our Lady Queen was a lesbian, and that the Queen-Empress was a . . ". "I'm sure it was thoroughly traitourous, Miss" he said before the barhop could turn any more heads in their direction.

Wakefield pocketed his notebook and flagged down the perimeter guards, "This one is free to go, see to it that she gets home unmolested". Vesper was ever the cesspool of gossip, Detective Wakefield thought, but violence like this was unprecedented even for the Capital of the dreaded Cannies.

He cast a critical eye over the onlookers beyond the perimiter, consumed by their whispers or their tears, and each protected by an umbrella. 'I should have looked outside before I came dashing over to the fucking scene' he said with his minds voice, 'Even the gawkers brought their umbrellas'.

What suspects remained among the rest of these survivors were being carted off to ambulances with enough squeal and wretch that he had no want to question them. The Detective phoned in an order to have every hospital and clinic in the city hold its patients with wounds related to blasts as serious as that of Molly's Pub. He wanted to know if they had seen this Zylphia woman, or the owner Molly, before her pub went up in flames. And though he did not consider Miss Sessions as a suspect, the Detective would easily obtain permission to have her every word and move tracked.

Detective Wakefield trudged over and in to the pub with an army of evidence collectors to his flanks, taking care to step over charred remains and bits of glass from every imaginable spot of drink. The Prohibition itself did not concern the Detective on a personal level, he had never been much of a drinker anyways, but professionaly he was finding that every new murder, and now this explosive massacre, had some relation to Constance Varinia's Prohibition Act.

Wakefield peered over the barside carefully, searching for the remains of the Twin Island barhop, though he was not entirely surpised to find that no one had been tending bar when the blast occured from behind the jukebox. Molly was found a few minutes later in a back room, burned alive atop one of her patrons, no doubt earning some extra tips to stuff in her elderly bosom.

"Sorry I'm late!" A familiar voice called out from the doorway to Molly's special entertainment parlor, "Got caught up in all of this rain, some people act like they've never been wet before" junior Detective Henderson japed with a nervous smile. "There's not much left for us to see here anyways, Mister Henderson" Wakefield replied, paying no mind to his colleagues tardiness, "I want you to instigate a search for one Zylphia Clorn, and see to it that all outgoing vessels to the Twins are screened for her," he said with a shake of his head, "It may be nothing, but we should find out why a girl from those rebel islands was working at a proper Engellexic pub like Molly's".

Some decades ago, or maybe centuries, Wakefield couldn't be sure without cracking open a history book, the Twin Islands had been the Pearl Islands - two colonial pearls of the mighty Engellexic Empire. For one reason or another the Lord Hargate Wetherall I felt that independence from both Engellex and Cantignia was desirable, in tradition of that Black Kingdom of The Kersveld. Wakefield could not remember many of the details save that he knew of how Wetherall's folly ended quite like that of Molly's Pub. The Pearl Islands became the Twin Islands, named Cecilia and Caroline, for two long dead aristocrats from Great Engellex.

Wakefield himself would follow the money trail, while Detective Henderson sought out the Twin Island girl. If he could find Molly's booze supplier, perhaps he could find a rival booze supplier, who might have cause to disrupt such a prosperous den of sin. He tried to imagine what the pub must have looked like before the blast, filled with drunks maybe, or what it sounded like, music pouring out of the jukebox that killed or maimed them all. Molly's Pub was now as quiet and now as a monastery would be at this hour, with all the sin burned out with fire. The Mormons would surely have a field day over the morrow's news, condemning the dead to hell and thanking their Lord of Truth & Light for such a painful demise.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
The Devils Chance
The Greenbucks
Wetherall Beach, The Twin Islands

Straw seats were being dropped in to the pristine sand of Wetherall Family Beach when the Greenbuck politicians arrived. Most of the gentlemen, and they were all in fact men, wore the sandles they were provided with, and gladly accepted the glasses that awaited them on the beach. Lord Wetherall himself ordered a handman to crack open the box of tequila everyone was eyeing as they took their seats.

"I can assure you all that I am the only Lord of the Crimson Islands who's not afraid to take his drinks outside," Hargate Wetherall voiced with the waves crashing in the distance, "There's a certain Lady from Vesper, and a certain Queen from Hammersmith who are said to continue in private - but the Twin's are the only realm left in our Covenant where a man's not afraid to be a man, and a woman's too busy mixing our drinks to pitch a fit about temperance!'. The politicians mustered a laugh among themselves uneasily, as this was the sort of thing that was said in whispers within the friendly confines, not boasted loudly and proudly with a tequila being passed around like a working woman.

Lucas Pembroke stood first, offering up a toast to the Lord of the Twin Islands - "We drink to Lord Wetherall, our boisterous host" he shouted before being interrupted by the next Greenbuck, Mister Haffner from the Cedar Islands - "We drink to liberty, and we drink to drink god damn it!". The party threw back the first round as if it were water, and knowing the Monterrey Bootleggers, it likely half was.

The Lord of the Twin Islands was by no means a modern man, he appeared to have walked out of history with his broad and bushy moustache and his polished wooden pipe. His Grandfather's had been rebels and revolutionaries, and if his eyes were any indication - so was he. It could be by no mistaking that he assembled these prominent figures of the Greenbuck Movement, Republican sympathizers of the most serious degree, for a choice exchange of words, schemes, and hijinx.

"Give me one good reason why the Cantigian people are stomaching a woman prohibitionist, a woman chancellor, a woman Queen, and for fuck's sake a woman for a Emperor . . Empress . . or whatever the hell those fools in Dulwich want us to call her?" Wetherall asked, turning cherry red in his rage. Many of his colleagues looked around at first, but Mister Pembroke was there again first to take up the pulpit: "We've been emasculated at every turn, Lord Wetherall. Constance Varinia has our booze, Veronica North has our country, and the two Queen's Alice and Charlotte our fighting over our god forsaken balls." Lucas Pembroke said. "Fear is the reason, I won't say it's a good one, but the National Democrats put the fear of Communists, Post-Delegationists, Neo-Imperialists and every other ist in the hearts and minds of the Cantigian people . . And like children they sought out a mother, or four if we're counting.". The party was positively bristling at that as they downed a second and third round, which gave Pembroke a moment to compose himself.

"There's a few of us who have to admit, however, that these women couldn't have given us a better opportunity to set things right for Cantignia - to set things right for all of the Implarian, " Pembroke declared over the sound of another crate being pryed open, this one full of Engellexic Brandy. "That stuff is going to make us rich, and the people who want it our going to make us the premier political force in the next election if they want it back . . "

Lord Wetherall took his own seat now, casting his cane aside for a servant to bend over and retrieve, his whiskers rolling and contorting as he considered his next question. "Who is to say we give this back to them right away?" Hargate Wetherall asked from beneath his moustache, "We all know how long a dog stays grateful for a morsel from the table, they'll forget what you've done for them within the election cycle . . Say what you will about the National Democrats, and Lord Ilchester, but he got out while the getting was good ; your new Chancellor is paying for his military excursions, and her office is the one writing letter's home to mothers and wives of the fallen."

"He's right, gentlemen, for all we know we'll be staving off a rested Ilchester after we've finished off the feminists," Mister Haeffner agreed, "We ought to win just enough to get a handle of the police and the bankroll, we can leave The Right to their colonies and their European Statecraft - the Wetherall Family knows enough for the all of us that the pearls of power can't be seized alone while the entire Empire wants a touch". The Greenbucks sighed almost collectively, half of them were Pearl Islanders turned Twin Islanders by their Grandfather's folly of a revolution, resentment of Vesper and the friendly confines bred and fed to them on the teat.

The Greenbucks held only two of the twelve positions on Vesper's Council to date, enough to draft policy, but no where near enough to see any of it passed. If they could secure even two more seats, at best three, they could make the Scarlet Society listen, and the National Democrats re-consider their unholy alliance with the Scarlet wenches. Madeline Province was the crux of their new war chest, a predominantly francophone province with no love for the Engellexic pageant Vesper had turned in to, and presided over by a distraught widow with her only living heir sent off to do the Queen's bidding in the Kersveld. Lady Roseburrow of Madeleine was by no means a friend of Lord Wetherall, but another man could fill the masculine void in her life that she was reportedly looking for with desperation.

"If I might be so bold," Hargate Wetherall said, calling for his cane and standing up to circle the Greenbucks, "I do believe it's time that Master Haeffner comes about a charitable donation from the liquidated Wetherall Distillery, so he may jump above his station in the Cedar Islands to taste the fruits of one Lady Roseburrow of Madeleine!". Haeffner accepted the nomination with ease, only asking that his fellow schemers took a drink to his and the Lady's eternal love.

The Councillor from the Twin Islands, Lucas Pembroke, already had the means to woo the Lady Roseburrow, and the wiles, but he was already a married man with three wonderfully rebellious children. His role would likely remain oratory, the voice of the Greenbuck Movement to the Crimson Islands. "They have the Mormons, we can't do a damn thing about that anymore," Pembroke whispered to Lord Wetherall, "But we can do ourselves one better, we can get any Capitalist in Oceania and beyond with the promise of revoking the prohibition some day. Send me to the Eastern States, my Lord, say it's to further cultural ties, and I will find us some friends in higher places than this 'Empire Down Under'".


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
The Devils Chance
The Highwaymen
Grand Concordia Highway, Northeast Concordia

He smelled of liquor and he knew it. Sweat was running down his sideburns and his clunker of an automobile could not keep a straight line for longer than five seconds as he was fastly approaching a highway checkpoint. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Hyman Creigh spat, punching his steering wheel like a punching bag. Blood red lights were spinning from his flank suddenly, signaling the roving police ahead of him to begin laying their strip spikes and light up their sirens all the same.

Hyman brought his autorover to a screeching halt, causing the tailing prohibition officer to swerve off in to the oncoming lane, empty of traffick like this entire stretch of Concordian highway was supposed to be at midnight. "Shit, shit, shit," he screamed, scrambling for a spent bottle of brandy occupying his passengers seat. Hyman grabbed the Engellexic made bottle by the neck and sent it rocketing out his window like a clay pigeon, smashing somewhere off the road, perhaps far enough not to be seen.

"SIR!" a man's voice shouted to him over a loudspeaker, "CEASE AND DESIST FROM DESTROYING EVIDENCE IN THIS ONGOING INVESTIGATION!" it said as Prohibition Officers ignited their torch flashlights, pointing them directly at Hyman Creigh in his motionless vehical. Hyman shielded his eyes and screamed, this was too much to bear. "SIR, PLEASE OFFER US YOUR HANDS AND SLOWLY EXIT THE AUTOROVER!". The man complied in his due time, fumbling with the door handle which he had never gotten around to fixing.

Within a moment of exiting his vehicle, a prohibition officer snuck up behind him and kicked Hyman Creigh in the back of the legs, sending him down widly to his knees sharply. "GOD, PLEASE!?" Hyman cried out, eyes welling up with heavy tears. "Sir, you are under arrest by the Prohibition Authority of the Covenant Office for Culture and Etiquette ; Possession and Consumption of the illegal drug known as alcohol is a covenant crime within these friendly confines, and a direct act of treason against the Peoples & Patriots of Cantignia," the same voice shouted down at Mister Creigh, this time without his earsplitting loudspeaker. "Do you have anything to declare at this time?" it asked coldy while his fellow officers smashed in rover's windows and discovered the trunk full of Monterrey Tequila.

"I . . I have to . ." Hyman struggled, "I just did, I've soiled myself Officer" he cowered, releasing his bowels in gusting streams within his drawers. "Alice still drinks! Everyone knows it, why aren't you arresting our Lady Queen?" Mister Creigh demanded as his wrists were roughly cuffed. "Why Mister Creigh, Hyman Creigh is it? Our Lady Queen does not soil herself alone on the Grand Concordian Highway, does she?" the prohibition officer replied. "That's neither here nor there though, sir. Would you be willing to explain why you are in possession of a gross amount of foreign drink?"

The arrested man wriggled and twisted over on to his back, staring up at his accuser's illuminated face. Tall, stout, and unmistakibly Mormon ; Creigh sighed and let his body go limp, he knew he was screwed five ways to Perdition. "So how does this work Officer, you threaten me with a year in prison for every bottle, and then I gush with confessions of who I bought this tequila from?" Mister Creigh asked. The prohibition officer clicked his flashlight on and off a few times and squinted down at Hyman Creigh, considering how quickly the prohibition authority's infamy had spread. "That's about the size of it, sir. We'll let you go, and give your tequila to the drough struck desert of Concordia. Who's your supplier?"

"Have you ever heard of Hargate Wetherall?" Mister Creigh said with a cracked smile, "I wouldn't say he loaded the rover up for me, but . . " , "Ever the traitor, sir!" the prohibition officer interrupted, sending his boot in to Hyman's thigh for effect. "You're not the first alcoholic to try to shirk your crimes off on the Lord of the Pearl Islands, mind you" he said with a scowl and a snort. "I know you're not as dumb as your Mormon disposition would have me think of you, Officer. If I'm not the first to spill the drink on Lord Wetherall, then clearly you have a pattern! Hah, so let me go why don't you?"

"Mister Creigh," the prohibition officer said with another choice kick, "You've just accused a proper Lord of the Crimson Islands of conspiracy. Even if we did have an ongoing investigation in to the Lord of the Pearls, and I'm not saying we do, discussing it openly would be an act of treason. You're going to prison, sir - appeal your case if and when a certain Lord joins you there".