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The Hand that Feeds

Oct 23, 2010
Anton Boyack sat and enjoyed his cigarette on the porch of his mountain cabin. He was on a vacation with his small family, but he took a minute to slip away from dinner so he could have a smoke and contemplate. The situation in the Upper House was getting worse. There was no ignoring it anymore. That damn Doctor Pierce and his friend the Viceroy were getting out of hand. Boyack knew he had to make a call to avoid real violence from happening this time. Last time, there was only one death. There was now however, a real risk of revolution. The Doctor and his Viceroy friend had become wise to the illusion, and they must die before they rip down the veil.

As his cigarette ran out, he realized no one had yet bothered him. So he lit another one. The rain clouds were forming again, even though it had only been a couple hours since the last rain. Nature had a funny way of reflecting emotions. Boyack did not enjoy making calls like this. The last time he did it almost broke him. The last time it had been someone very close to him. He was able to personally witness the despair death caused, so he was not ignorant as to what the deaths of these two 'great' men could cause. However, he could not let this blind him to the greater good. He knew what was at stake.