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The Prize

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Sep 9, 2011
"Not enough if you ask me."

"I didn't ask you."

Cethlenn nodded bitterly, frustrated by her brother's lack of emotion, "It's not like we're the aggressors in this matter."

Lauther shrugged and continued to feign reading.

"We're not!" Cethlenn struggled awkwardly to attract the King's attention from his book, "We should be taking the fight to them. Now! That's what any Isaern would have done; it's what I'd have done."

Lauther let out a brief laugh, "How fortunate that you weren't born before me, then."

"Cynric agrees, the nobility agrees. The nation agrees. You should declare war and--"

"Shut up," Lauther interupted, "for just one minute." he marked his page and slid the book aside. "Isaernor is not in the business of conquest. Not now. We'll guard our interests, protect our allies and wait."

"Wait for what?!"


"General." Byrhtnoth saluted crisply.

The General briskly paced past the Brigadier and took a seat behind his desk, gesturing to the chair opposite.

Byrhtnoth nodded in thanks as he took as seat, "Sorry for the delay, Sir."

"No need to worry, Brigadier." the General replied with a forced smile, "Now..." he pulled a thick A4 envelope from a stack of papers adorning his desk, "Orders for your Brigade."

A minute of silence followed as Byrhtnoth skimmed through the first of dozens of pages of text and diagrams. "Hyborea?"

"Hyborea, Brigadier Wulfing. You're to reinforce the Warreic defences." the General paused for a moment, "Just incase.”

"'Just incase.'" Byrhtnoth repeated with a slight smirk.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
[ooc; Forewarning. I wholly intend for this post to be TL;DR. If you don't want to read it, feel free to ctrl+f and type in your nation's name, you'll probably find whatever you're looking for.]

Slaine Beach; Riocht na Ulaid, Eireann

The sons of Aodh were bloody sons, they were fearless. They were courageous to the last man, and they would have a glorious, heaven given victory that was sponsored by both the old gods and the new God. These were the words used as morale boosters for the sons of Warre, no matter the tribe they had originated from. Those men with eyes as cold and blue as the northern sky.

It was by no means the truth, though. At least not for every Warreic, it was not the truth. Propoganda at its best, but it didn't help as they came against machine gun emplacements as they rolled into the shores of Ulaid and of Eireann. It didn't help any single one of those who were caught against the artillery strikes against their planes and boats, or whom found their ships or planes caught in the sights of those modern canons of the Eireannaigh.

That mantra didn't help those who stumbled upon the beaches of Eireann with their amphibious assualt craft or who had to swim in the wintery waters of the gulf of Mac Lir during the descent of autumn. The Eireannaigh had prepared for them upon this beach marked Slaine by the military planners of the Warreaigh tribe, and were firing down upon the sons of the Red hand as they came ashore. Dozens died in agony, if not stopped by fire from the beach's top, then by the mines hastily prepared by the Eireannaigh 'defense forces'. For to the Warreic they could not be called warriors, they were the great-great-great-great-great grandsons of warrior but had not shed blood yet in a war for a millenea . But there would be blood! There would be blood! Win or lose, the Warreic would force their cousins into being true warriors this day, for the swift and apt shall inherit the earth.

And so we enter this realm from bloody mists, we enter the land of the hounds of havoc let loose. A tale is only as good as the men in it; this we know true.

--- Battle of Slaine Beach ---​

These cousins and friends had been killed horribly, shockingly. He had seen Fredrick's stomach blown from him as he was inches from the beach, thanks to a mine. It made Brendan want to puke, Fredrick had shared a game of Cluiche Dar Soirc with Brendan only a day before. Steely blue eyes narrowed in sorrow as he clambered upon the beach without the focus and direction which he which once bore. The young private first class stared at the machine guns and saw those who had rushed too fast mowed down. He gulped, his own bronze locked head of hair almost removed with the head as well as a machine gun blast came forward and he was yanked down to the ground with the force of six men. His savior spat out curses in the old gaelige tongues, words which were as much literal curses and threats as they were expletives.

“Your momma raise a dummy, boy?” the big cursing man barked, his face coated in ceremonial woad that marked him as one of the nation's elites, the Cu na Aodh. Brendan's hand trembled as he crouched by the man, the training sessions of his nation were enough to make his instincts kick in and make him know that there was a point in staying low. He held his rifle with trembling hands for a moment, but then the barking dog spoke, to him a bit more. “Do not fear these sidhe children whom call themselves Ui An Lyr, Private MacCullan. Fear nothing but the sound of your own ax faltering...” and it wasn't a metaphorical thing, the Warreic military [at least in this operation] carried axes, both hatchets and more combative ones, into battle. As if a proof of that, up ahead blood rained down as one of the more forward moving Warreic was mowed down by one of those readymade machine outposts, only to respond with his dying breath by hurling a hatchel against the sandy wall beside the machine gun turret. A hatchet which seemed for a moment to miss its mark, before the duct tape that was upon it exploded in an even mightier rain of dirt, dust, blood, and scrap metal.

Brendan found himself heartened at that action. It was true. He knew when he joined the Ard Riocht's Army that he was probably not going to survive if there was a war. The Warreic gave all or they gave nothing. So he nodded to this savior hound of his, who motioned to move left, and dove behind the bodies of several Warreicmen who had already been slain by the defenses of the Eireannaigh. As the man did, Brendan charged after him, shouting at the top of his lungs the whole way. “Warre go Bragh, Warre go Bragh, Warre go Bragh! An Lyr shall be reborn in flames and fights, as it was born before!” For his shouts he ended up with a bullet in the leg, but he made it do the deadman's wall.

Despite the fact that his leg was gushing blood, he simply held his gun, hopping up and down on the other and firing covering support for the Warreic who charged forward. He saw as seven men charged with rifles firing and axes held between their teeth, five falling to the rapid fire of the defenses, but two making it through. He heard the bloodchurtling screams of Eireannaigh between short spurts of gunfire and the sound of axes chopping heads. Dozens of Eireannaigh heads were hurled from the battlements, chopped cleanly from their bodies.

As another of his tribe fired a rocket propelled grenade at what seemed to be the last battlement upon this beach, it seemed that this battle might be won. But then they saw the Eireannaigh tanks coming their way, they could not fight tanks, especially with the third of their number that had already fallen. Some fell to praying to the gods or to God, but the answer came from man.

The faint hum of hovercraft rushing forward from behind them, rockets flying overhead like the screams of bannsidhe, banshees. The cavalry had arrived. And, soon those tanks were piles of scrap metal for they stood little chance between the missiles and the Warreicmen throwing grenades, and in the case of one exceptional member of their number, charging machine gun fire from one of the Eireannaigh tanks with suicidal recklessness, until he simply dropped a belt of unpinned grenades inside.

As reinforcements rolled in from the ships that broke through and the planes playing leapfrog from Lyngholm-Warestyr, this beach was effectively Warreic. They had paid their price in blood, as the old ways dictated. They would not let anyone take this gained land from them so long as they had breath still within their lungs, as the new ways dictated.

---The War of Eireann---​

The Warreic had moved from two sides, with troops flooding in from the Warreic 'western isles' between Hyboreas and the 'Warreic Mainland', and were continuing even now to use submarines, bombers, and any other thing they needed to win this battle against the Eireannaigh. From the skies themselves, high in the atmopsheres, bombs which might make 'Daisycutters' look like firecrackers landed upon known or scouted Eireannaigh defensive positions and military depots. The Warreic Navy would not seek to halt their assault upon Eireann yet, throwing everything they could muster, perhaps a third of their entire force, as smashing the Eireannaigh in one fell swoop. For one defeated enemy quickly is one enemy that cannot continue to pester you. Eireann would have to fall upon its knees, and as the talk of those from CarrickAodh was, demolishing Ath Cliath was by no means out of the question. In fact, a very viable option.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
The Suionians had dominated the air for the past month. Diplomacy seemed to be taking a precedence in Drottninggården with the vast network of claims and contracts. Everyone seemed to have a stake in the August Wars and the Government had taken the greatest precautions in dealing with the war against the Bantyric. Eliminating the Bantyric regime was not an option. Yet, in negotiations with the Engellexic and other surrounding nations, it had become acceptable that Suionia launch a war and cede the future of Bantyr to Great Engellex. It was this agreement, that created Operation Ängelholm, the capture of the Bantyric strike points and Suionian bound coastal region. The operation launched on the northern most island suddenly, as Gripen fighters dropped their payloads on Bantyric radar installments and paratroopers landed via aircraft into Bantyric territory. In the south, Frescanian forces were expected to be launching their own invasion force on the mainland, but it was unknown to what magnitude as coordination communication was kept to a minimum to reduce chance of detection. With in the next two weeks, it was expected that the Suionian troops would be able to get to the mainland as a great deal of Bantyric installations were located on these islands, all geared towards the assault of Suionia. Luckily, not every island would have to be captured. Ones without resistance on them could be skipped.

The northern most island was seized rather easily and would serve as one of the main camps for Suionian soldiers, Svartholms fästning. 500 men would be stationed there. They would install anti-air and begin regular air patrols around the northern islands. There they were under orders to sink all Warreic and Bantyric ships and shipping that attempted to go by the island. Additionally they would begin to prepare for the invasion of the largest isle, immediately.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK

Dulwich, Empire of Great Engellex, 05 December 2011

On Sunday, 04 December 2011, the Peers of the House of Lords assembled in full in Dulwich for the most important of such assemblies since the start of the Great August Wars. In Bangleann the Ambassador noted in a letter to the Northern Secretary that the public mood in Bantyr was reflective of the entirety of the Continental Wars, particularly incredible and hard. There were apparent food shortages arising more rapidly than expected, with war employment not being able to satisfy the economic needs of the workers, and with the looming defeat, these were becoming very serious problems. The mood of the Queen-Empress was equally solemn and serious. When Charlotte delivered her speech from the throne she made clear the responsibility and duty the House had to the Bantyric people :- We are and indeed the whole Empire is, and should be, entirely engrossed with one idea, one anxious thought - Bantyr. I feel encouraged of the ability of this noble House to arrest and reverse the terrible privations. After the encouraging start, the Queen-Empress re-affirmed that by this assembly she had followed the provisions of the Constitution, which required Parliamentary consultation on incursions into wars of other’s, and reminded the Peers that they too were obliged by the Constitution to dismiss Party alignment on matters of war.

The odd thing about the House of Lords was how quickly and naturally it transformed itself from an assembly of political parties to one of sincere and calm political minds. Of the Lords, the majority was held by the conservatives of the Pitt Party or the independent more right-wing aristocrats, the others belonged largely to the bourgeois liberal party, the Whigs. The Queen-Empress’ reach for non-alignment was largely aimed at the traditional nay-sayers of the Lords who consistently rejected any move to build and enrich relations with Europe’s numerous republics, which Bantyr was one. Fortunately these Ultra-Monarchists numbered very few. Several prominent Lords denied that the enthusiasm for the Great Saamiskavian War, the so-called ‘Bantyric Uprising’, had anything to do with liberalism or a rising against the perceived Suionian oppression. The portrayal of the populist military endeavour by Bantyr in the House was that it was against Suioinian Constitutional-Monarchism because it stood against the myth of Bantyric Liberalism - which is just an authoritarian façade to appeal to the democratic masses. Should the remarks and opinions of the House of Lords have been public, if the House was not in a closed session, the Bantyric people would have found them highly offensive.

The House asserted that the war in the north had nothing to do with the independence of Bantyr, and that the Queen-Empress should indeed be advised to respond to the troubling events with a careful intervention that would not isolate our economic partner or escalate the occupations of our military beyond acceptable.

The crisis of the Bantyric Republic and the Kingdom of Suionian not meeting for peace had not been resolved but now would be, the House of Lords allowed it so. Dulwich and Bangleann were heading for a serious clash. On Monday morning the Northern Secretary declared the Bantyric military plans incompatible with the treaties established between the Northern Republic and the Empire, and thus called for an emergency meeting with his counterpart from Bangleann for Wednesday 07 December. Charlotte privately made her ministers commit to taking advantage of the fact that the war effort in the north was almost entirely dependent on the economic and industrial treaties between it and Great Engellex. On 09 December 2011 the Queen-Empress, Charlotte, would appeal to the President of Bantyr under the terms of the Defence Treaties for the entry of Great Engellex into the furore of what would be Suoinia’s invasion of the Bantyric islands. The terms would permit a military intervention from Engellex to restore the sovereignty of the Bantyric Republic.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Headquarters Combined Defense Council
National Defense Staff
7 Marsalkankatu
Province of Kanta-Uusimaa
Republic of Uusimaa

"The situation that this war is in is perilous to say the least", Lieutenant General Juhani Holtz explained to the assemblage of high-ranking officers seated in chairs surrounding the table of the dimly lit underground meeting room, pointing the red-dot pointer of his remote control at a large screen with a map of Bantyr and its surroundings adorned with strategic symbols colored blue, red and green. Cities, strategic installations, unit movements assembled from a briefing delivered by Special Services specifically for this meeting.

"Whatever result the war will have will hold a direct effect upon the Fatherland and its fortunes", Holtz continued, "In all likelihood, that means a defeat for the Bantyric-Warreic coalition, at least after the Frescanians will bring their forces to bear. Mind you, gentlemen, not calling this a necessarily bad thing. After all, though our country has been in fairly cordial terms with the Western neighbor of ours we must face the fact that they've invaded a sovereign state, in itself an affront to diplomacy which has already elicited a hostile response from a plethora of neighboring states. That having been said, the Celtic alliance of two effectively stands alone."

"However", the Defense Staff Director of Special Services continued and proceeded to open another map layer in the screen with his remote, this one depicting installations only. Railyards, pipelines, oil rigs and refineries and harbors. In short, a map of the nation's oil infrastructure, a significant part of it concentrated in northern portions of the country. "We've historically recognized the risk that an conflict with Bantyr would have upon the security of our energy infrastructure, and the geopolitical fluidity of the current Scanian situation will inevitably have its effects upon our nation as well even if we've stayed uninvolved in the conflict so far."

Holtz paused, reaching for a glass of water on a side-table and emptying it down his throat. The Republic proclaimed involvement in international affairs only when its national sovereignity and interest were at stake, so it had largely stayed out of the ongoing European conflict. Now, however, it seemed that the fighting in the North was forcing Uudenmaanlinna's hand. The only problem was how the people would see all this.

"A Suionian victory will be a significant boon to their position in Scania, and in such a scenario should the Karlskrona Accord choose to exert pressure on the Fatherland they would be in a premier striking distance of our key infrastructure. However, at the same time we must recognize that the Celtic duo will not win against the odds that are stacked against it for the moment."

Again, at the press of another button, a new map appeared, this one with arrows and strategic symbols depicting units of the Uusimaan Defense Forces. All in the room noticed that this was a mobilization map, with most of the labelled units evidently being reservist ones.

"Operaatiosuunnitelma 55", also known as Operaatio Aamutähti", interjected General Lauri Sunila, Chairman of the Defense Council. Operation Plan 55 - Operation Morning Star - was just another in the many that had been drafted by Defense Staff strategists and teachers of the National Military Academy, tested in complicated wargames and then put to archives in case they'd be needed, occasionally being tested and updated by their makers. This one, Lieutenant General Holtz knew - after all, he was a member of the Defense Council panel responsible for coordinating the work behind such Operation Plans - detailed a strategic strike into northern Bantyr with the objective of securing Uusimaa's northern sealines and indeed, the oil infrastructure.

"The following I tell only with the requirement of highest secrecy", General Sunila continued, "The Foreign Ministry's preparing to make inroads through the Suionian embassy in Uudenmaanlinna to the Karlskrona Accord, and through the Engellexic diplomats as well to their country, in order to explain to them our intent of securing our Northern position. In exchange for our support in the war against Bantyr, the First Chancellor and Minister Saarela hope to gain respect to our requirements in regards to the aforementioned."

From his position in the front of the room, Lieutenant General Holtz eyed the reactions of the assembled generals and admirals of the Defense Forces. In an earlier private discussion he'd had with Sunila at the latter's official residence, the two generals had acknowledged that bringing the Republic into the conflict would prove politically controversial. Though the Defense Council was pragmatist in the affair for the most part, some senior officers were known to sympathize with Bantyr in the affair.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Kongensrådet Palass
Office of the Chancellor

The Chancellor sat quietly in the spacious room, sipping his vodka slowly in between turning the pages of the report from the Ministry of Defence. Since assuming the Chancellery, he had dispatched the KSEB agents to monitor every action of the Warreic princess that had been relocated to Østfjord to escape the dangers of war further in the North. It was no secret among those in his inner circle that his disdain for the aggressive resurgence of the Celts, the more extreme of whom, he believed, sought to tear some of the north-western flanks of the country, especially the Iron Islands in the Manaan Bay.

In his mind, he viewed the pretty woman and her entourage with great suspicion, a security threat of the highest measure – views that had been felt even within members of the Royal Household close to Their Majesties. The campaign had begun, from within the Royal Court, to dispatch the Warreic princess into the countryside, to appear to be in the most idyllic of paradises yet facing the constant scrutiny of palace officials and KSEB agents. If, ever the need arose, the woman would prove to be a valuable asset.

The report in his hands covered the military preparedness of the Kingdom's armed forces. Public opinion could be manipulated, the report stated, if the King were to bless the operation being proposed. But as experience told him, the King was a smart man but susceptible to the manoeuvrings of the courtiers that hovered around him. He'd done it once, he could do it.

Dropping the report, he picked up the phone, his secretary saying, "Yes, sir?"

"Call the Duke of Såmte."
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Underground bunker – undisclosed location

The room was tense as everyone waited for the go ahead. After multiple attempts by both Frescania and Suionia to resolve the Bantyr conflict diplomatically, the time was coming for the military options to be given the greenlight.

For months, the Republican Navy had been blockading the Bantyr coast line in the strait of Svea. The ARF Terrastania lead the charge of the 1st Northern Fleet, with the Suionian made aircrafts controlling the northern sky. Since then, a medium size task force had been put together for the invasion of the mainland through the south.

The time was coming.

President Serrano looked at the clock over at the walls. He had secretly hoped negotiations with Bantyr had succeeded, yet it had not. Military plans had been drawn up a long time ago and now they were to be put into use.

Serrano looked at Carmelas one last time. Both men had worked closely together since this conflict began, and now they would both go take it a step further.

“General Guzman, begin”

Strait of Svea

From the frigate, the first wave of air attacks could be seen leaving from the ARF Terrastania towards the coast. The Frescanian “Nighthawks” (the Suionian Grippens) were sent against aerial and ground defense installations, and Bantyric troops in the near area.

The rest of the fleet followed the Terrastania in the bombardment of the Bantyric coastal defenses. After one, two, three and even a fourth round of aerial assault, the task force landed throughout the southern coast and began the advance towards Bangleann. It was in the plan that Suionia would follow through its invasion of the mainland soon, as to finish the conflict quickly.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Storfestning Palass
Rose Garden

"I've been reading the documents being forwarded by the Government," Frederic said as he and Lars Edmundsen walked together in the quiet seclusion of the garden, just outside his private study, "this situation with the Suionians... these Celtic tensions..." He paused for a few moments, "You know, I fully realize the cards that we have to play," he looked at his Chancellor, "are very risky... either we join this Karlskrona endeavour or we face a war on ourself... but I know what options are there in front of us."

"Your Majesty," Edmundsen began, "Your concerns... are my concerns, but you must realize that we cannot take this Celtic resurgence lightly... Warre's ultra-nationalist policies may very well turn against us if we do not untangle their hold on all of Boreas. Strategically speaking, we must shed this oppressive neutrality and defend our nation's interests. We are a large nation, an industrious nation – we can fight for our interests."

The King looked down as he walked, deep in thought, listening to his Chancellor. "Yes, yes... the Duke of Såmte said the same thing a few days ago." They walked silently for a few moments, the King thought about the presence of the Warreic princess, thrust upon the Royal Court by the Warreic ambassador –*refusal would have gone against the policies of the then serving Fosse government. "This matter of the Warreic princess... it is a serious issue... ready to explode."

"She remains a guest of the King, I have just informed KSEB agents to monitor her and her entourage... I am happy that His Majesty took heed of my advice and relocated her to countryside."

"Yes, and she writes me letters, saying it is quite beautiful... you know, diplomatic formality that is so engrained in our codes."

"Yes sir."

The King was, according to what he had seen himself, and according to the Duke, far from keen on maintaining the friendship with the High Kingdom that had been so carefully fostered under the scrutiny of Christina Knudsen, over the past five years. From his tone, Edmundsen could tell that the job to convince the Monarch was half accomplished.

Kongensrådet Palass
Office of the Minister of Defence

Angela Hellesen and Lars Edmundsen sat in her office just as the meeting with the military chiefs had ended. "Operation Kaldvatnet," she said, "is the name designated for the operation in question. MoD contacts have made connections with our associates in the Karlskrona Accord. KSEB has already begun its job and preparations have been put in overdrive."

"How long will it take?"

"Not too long actually, we have been at Threat Assessment Level 2 for quite a while... maybe a week."

"His Majesty has ordered the oil thing should be scrapped... at-least on KA... last time I'm listening to Edvard..." he thought for a moment, "I'm thinking of dropping him from the cabinet," he admitted to the woman.

"Hmm... who do you think should replace him? And let me just say it first, I don't want his job."

"I know you don't."



Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
Late at night by a frozen winter's moonlight, Suionian troops had finally made it to the mainland. Many troops did the right thing and captured surrendering Bantyric troops. From there they were placed on prison ships, fishing ships seized from Bantryic whalers and given rations and hot cocoa. Some ships even got marshmallows. Götarike was working hard to create a strong and peaceful rapport with Bantyric citizens. Soldiers understood they had been brainwashed to hate them. They were told to defy these stereotypes with kindness. If they spit on you and called you a Swedish pig-dog you were supposed to ignore it. Their name was taken and they would not receive their ration for hot cocoa, and they'd be told why they didn't receive it. This worked in most cases where Bantyric POWs would learn to treat the guards nicely. Excellent behavior gave soldiers a pass. This pass gave POWs the right to return to the mainland. From there they entered an internment camp, where living conditions were similar, yet they were given the ability to have recreation. More or less, skates, hockey sticks and pucks. Unfortunately the addition of skates to the equation sometimes led to murder. Murders were handled via a jury of his peers. Sentencing was often death according to the jury. This wasn't acceptable to the Suionian overlords though, and they'd just end up being sent back to the ship prisons without the ability to leave. Over the past month, Bantyric POW Camps had become functioning societies. The model was made based upon the camps established on Suionian territory created near Söderholm, where the botched Bantyric invasion resulted in a great influence of POWs and seemingly crippled the Bantyric war machine.

As the sunrise brightened the land for the very short hours of sunlight the grim and frosty north received in these months, the material advantage Suionian soldiers had over their Bantyric counterparts was evident. They had regular rations. The Bantyric economic collapse and food shortages made it nearly impossible for them to wage a long and drawn out war. Their failed surprise attack ended their hopes for success. Yet, Suionia didn't have total revenge in mind. Yes, the general population believed that was what the plan was, but in fact it was not. Agreements with the Engellexic Government resulted in a suitable peace for all parties involved. Suionia troops were nearing the lines agreed upon by the Government. Frescanian troops had secured further south than agreed upon however. Communication on the Engellexic agreement with the Frescanians was admittedly poor. Frescania in fact hadn't even known about the agreement until a day ago. A collective "Oops" was given by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Frescanians and it was hoped that nothing would have to be changed. Yet, Frescania was by all means indicating that it intending on coordinating her own zone that might lie outside of the agreed upon territories. Suionia believed it would not present a problem however as Frescanians were dying in their cause and they deserved to have their input placed in areas they shed their blood. The rest would soon fall to the hands of the Engellexic to manage a new Bantyric State that would still be the vast majority of territory, and seemingly where most Bantyric peoples lived. Suionia wanted no part in those distant territories anyway. Suionia's own goal was the creation of a buffer zone, and in that the creation of a State for the oppressed Swedes who lived there. However, Suionia did agree to end all embargoes and begin the shipment of food supplies to the Bantyric people once the war ended. A strong Bantyr that wasn't armed to the teeth against Suionia was in Suionia's favor.

Suionia wasn't acting innocently though. Ethnic Bantyric civilians were being moved off of the islands. They were blindfolded, packed into boats and moved to the Bantyric mainland. There, they were given the money to make them ultimately the richest Bantyric men and women in region. It wasn't expensive with how terribly devalued their currency was. It was viewed as compensation. Little did these people know, they'd never return to their homes. Yet they thought good things of Suionia, as all their new clothes has Suionian flags sewn into the tags and the purses containing the money did as well. They knew where and how their new found wealth came to them. Additionally a program with leaflets began to be dropped on Bantyric cities. These leaflets often included loaves of bread and crates of fruit. It was unknown how well these food donations were received.

In return, jailed and oppressed ethnic-Swedes in Bantyric territory were moved into these now vacant homes. Stories of rape, abuse and murder emerged. This combined with the act of revenge for Söderholm often resulted in reactionary acts of violence. The military didn't want these cases known. Journalists were not travelling with the military on the front, only on the rear lines. The fronts were operated by small stealth teams aided by bombing raids. This was by all means a 21st century war. Suionia perhaps was writing the book on it, as it was advancing forward in a manner that relied heavily on technology. This didn't mean there wasn't losses. Suionia had now lost over 1,000 troops. Yet the cost for the Bantyric was much higher. The Bantyric attack upon Söderholm showed their very limited ability to move quickly, travelling in teams too large to be mobile enough to work well on a modern battlefield. Bombing and missile strikes dismantled their ability to work in a coordinated manner.

The creation of a new Eastern Swede nation was at the moment the responsibility of the military. Here the supply side of the military was making inroads with the formerly oppressed Swedish speaking population. They spoke funny. They were poor. They now had the possessions of the former Bantyric who lived there. Many of the cities began to be torn down. Especially statues and monuments were torn down and melted down if they contained metal. Operations began to be coordinated in the port town what the military was calling Åbo, named after a mythic Suionian city that was once believed to exist in the east. It was here that prominent Swedes in the region were being gathered to create their first "thing" or Parliament for what was to become their new independent nation; Ösveg, also coming from the mythic eastern realm, deemed the Eastern Way, and used as a means for raiding to the East during the Viking era.

Lars sat with his back on a tree. He had a Bantyric pistol in hand and his own gun slung around his shoulder. He had been instructed to wait at his position while his team continued to maintain radio silence. He had made it forward towards the airfield where Bantyric forces held a non-functional airfield which was assumed to be holding a depot for tanks and munitions. His team was to take this and end Bantyr's ability to project power on land in the west altogether. It was unsure if this would truly achieve this goal, but his team believed so and so they agreed it must be done.

A clicking noise startled him and he noticed a friendly pull up to a nearby tree. They were adorn in white to camouflage themselves in the snow. Christmas was coming. The other man gave him hand signals to move forward. The clicking signal had alerted a nearby guard which had moved in on their position. The snow falling heavily a marksman shot a silenced shot into a nearby dead branch. The branch cracked and fell. He hoped the shot would imitate their signal. The Bantyric man looked at the direction the branch fell and walked back to his original post. It was a close call. Lars crawled over to the other tree where he met up with a woman that read Holm on her jacket. She spoke softly to her, "Where are the others?"

She pointed her two fingers to her eyes and then pointed to the tree. Making a circle in the air she then pointed out towards the entire forest. Lars nodded. They were everywhere. He reloaded his pistol and signed if she had a silencer. She tossed one to him, which he quickly affixed to his pistol. This was a team of fifteen that wasn't entirely familiar with each other. They had originally been two different teams.

Gun fire erupted on the eastern side of the complex. The actual Army had moved in. Holm tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at the area that had just been patrolled by the soldier they had just distracted. In fact the entire side of sentries now converged towards the east. They then got up and quickly, using tree cover moved towards the airfield. It was roughly 500 meters away from their position. They needed to get inside, blow up the hanger and do whatever they could to help the army on the other side. The battle for this airfield had begun.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Underground bunker – Undisclosed Location

The anger was looming over everyone, specially the generals. The recent disclosure by Suionia over the post-war Bantyr plans with Engellex infuriated the military. At first, the military has been willing to go along with the president's proposal to fight, stabilize and leave. However, due to the recent discovery, the generals were past that proposal.

It did not help Serrano that Carmelas agreed with the generals. The Chancellor had also reacted with fury. How could Frescania's main allied make an agreement in a conflict without consulting her? It had been irresponsible by Suionia, Carmelas had told Serrano. Now, him, together with the Generals, were demanding drastic actions. General Guzman spoke.

“Mr. President, we will obey your orders, but keep in mind that we will not let you off so easy. I speak as not only the chief of staff, but also your friend sir, when I say that we must signal not only to our allied, but also the region and the world, that we will not be used for others' purposes. If our troops are going to keep fighting, we should help the creation of a new Celtic Republic in Bantyr. We will help the new republic establish itself in the region. I am sure that Suionia will cooperate after this...misunderstanding.”

That was precisely what Serrano did not want. In his opinion, a new republic was not in the long term interest of Frescania, but that seem to be the route everyone, except for him, were heading to. For the president, the priority for Frescania was to stabilize the Northern region and safeguarding Suionia. Chancellor Carmelas spoke next.

“Mr. President, the General Guzman is right. A new regime that is friendly to us and Suionia is the only way to secure our interests, specially after this stab in the back by our allied. The generals might not go first to the people and leak this information due to security concerns, but I will. As the leader of the National Assembly, I am bound to speak the truth with the people. My Party will not continue to support this conflict if this new plan is not approved. And let me remind you that we just won an overwhelming majority for next year's Assembly.”

That was it. Serrano had known all along that Carmelas' support of the plan would win the day when one realized that it was his chamber that delivered the funds for the conflict. The presidency was powerful, but without money, his powers as commander in chief were useless.

“Alright, let's go forward with the establishment of this new republic. Let's begin by having our forces there help the population rebuild their lives and new nation. However, our main priority should be pushing forward.”

Guzman nodded, and a map of the region was projected to the room. He spoke again.

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“You are correct sir. After months of fighting, we have been successful in taking over the marked Territory without much casualties. Our main goal is to continue the push towards Bangleann. Our navy has been constantly attacking defensive positions and any other army movements that attempt to come to our location. We have also re established communications with Suionia after our respective attacks.

We estimate our advance to be swift, but we are surely to find resistance from Bantyr's forces. So far, the majority of the population has not been hostile, but they are not easy with our presence. We plan to unite with Suionian forces soon.”

“Good, get things going, specially with the new government.”

“Yes, sir.”

Occupied Territory - Southern Bantyr

Frescanian troops had adjusted to the climate thanks to their training in Suionia. Yet, some had not been fully prepared for the weather of the North. Orders had come to treat the Bantyric population with respect, and to not dismantle their livelihood unless necessary. However, the Task Force found it hard to not damage the region. The Bantyric economic had collapsed, leading to poverty. Troops were handing out food, clothes, and other provisions to the population. Camps had been set up for anyone that wanted to stay in and rebuild their lives.

The Bantyric army continued to fight back, but their demoralized, miserable and hungry soldiers were surrendering to the Task Force. Originally, POW camps had been set up, but the amount of POWs was increasing daily, and it was harder to keep them in a well treated prisoner camp. The decision had been made to transfer a number of them to Frescanian territory, were they would be held until the conclusion of the conflict. The Navy had been given the task to coordinate the transportation of these troop to the mainland.

Frescanian troops were well feed, demonstrating that the country was fully backing them, but it also demonstrated that the armed forces were capable of operating miles away from the homeland. This was an incredible achievement not seen since the end of the Terrastanian Empire and the Great War. More troops were moving in to replace those wounded and the dead, who were being transported back to Frescania.

Commanders had stress that their main objective was to end the oppressive regime in Bangleann. Bantyric citizens that were against the current regime and more republican in belief were being aided by the army so that the country could have a better government after the end of the war. However, soldiers knew that the end of the current government might not be enough, as rumors spread that a new republican government might be set up in the south.

Central Bantyr

“There, near the hill, do you see them now?”
“So, we finally found them.”

Antonio and his team had been scouting for other Bantyric troops past the “border” between Bantyr and the Occupied Territory. They had searched for miles, and they have finally found another column of the Bantyric armed forces. To Antonio, they seem to be marching somewhere. Where? It was irrelevant.

“Ricardo, signal Terrastania and give it our coordinates. Blue team, be ready for push.”

A few minutes past before the roars could be heard.

From the distance, Antonio saw the Bantyric troops run as they attempted to escape the aerial assault. Vehicles and other heavy equipments were targeted by the "Blackhawks". As the planes finished their assault, Antonio gave the signal to his team.

They began their attack, and the second phase of Frescanian operations in Bantyr.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Southern Bantyr

Had you asked him a few days ago how the counter attack was progressing, Colonel Antonio Justancia would had said the Frescanian military had performed a near perfect operation. Now, it seems, the whole operation was in crisis.

The Bantyric offensive on Christmas Eve had pushed troops far behind the lines, with the troops in the front line being killed or captured. Indeed, the loses of manpower and the captured of some Frescanian soldiers had been unprecedented since the start of the conflict, demonstrating to officers that a lightning operation was harder than what they thought. The offensive had also seen a sharp rise in partisan activity, which further hindered the army's supply lines and their capacity to maintain some sort of peace in the Occupy Territory.

Now, Antonio sat with his team and the main regiment of the task force. They had been told to stay in the defensive, and to guard all sectors so that no surprise attack could obliterate the troops. Antonio could see in the distance the Bantyric population going through supplies that had been abandon during the Bantyric offensive.

The situation in the sky was more favorable, but was still dangerous to patrol the ground. The Bantyric Air Force had been in the front of the attack, and while the planes from the Terrastania have been successful at counter attacking and defending the troops, the damage had still been done. Ground supply lines had been interrupted, and the military had decided that until the situation was calmer, supplies would be delivered by air or heavily guarded ground troops.

From a far, Antonio could see the coast and the Republican Navy. It was from there his life would be determine. The remaining soldiers had halted the counter offensive, but only temporarily. Many in the task force believe a further assault was coming against them. Partisans and members of the Bantyric army were coordinating assaults and any other ways they could push the Frescanians out into the sea. Suddenly, he saw two squadrons of Blackhawks fly over the troops. The aircrafts soon left Antonio's eyesight as they went towards the enemy's position.

What would happen next to them was unknown, but Antonio understood that they were in a serious situation and that the government had to respond as quickly as possible. Until them, the Navy had to keep the supply lines between the front and the homeland open while the troops maintain their position until further orders.

Underground bunker – Undisclosed Location

The Christmas Eve assault had taken everyone by surprise, and the setback had been so profound that the military had issue a statement claiming full responsibility for the mishandling of the Bantyric operation. This had occurred after a heated debate between the joint chiefs, the chancellor, and the president. The latter two had railed against the deep division between the plan and the actual operation, while the former had argued that this was a result of warfare and nothing like it could have been predicted. How ever heated they were at each other, civilian rule over the military triumph, demonstrating once more the power of law in Frescania.

Now, however, they had to come up with a new strategy for the conflict. President Serrano was already feeling the heat of public opinion, which was still for the conflict, but was beginning to feel the effect of war, specially with the bodies of the dead Frescanian soldiers arrived home to rest.

General Guzman looked over the table to the serious faces, the temperature was still high from the previous days' argument. He nodded and a map of the region appeared in the screen.

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“Sir, as you can see in the map, the Bantyric assault has dealt a serious blow to our operations. We knew they were capable of causing us headaches, but we were unaware of their ability of giving us migraines. Mr. President, our troops are outnumber and supply lines have been disrupted. However, our navy has orders to maintain the supply between themselves and the homeland secure. They also will provide supplies to our remaining troops and they are to keep their eyes open for any attacks on the fleet.

Our troops have been given orders to withdraw to the zone showed in the map. This region, we believe, is enough to keep us there as we send reinforcement and more supplies up to the soldiers. We are still counting casualties, however, we are estimating a high number of them, specially from those regiments that were at the forefront of the operation.

Mr. President, we recommend that you approve the sending of additional troops to the region. The 3rd Fleet is ready to go help the 1st Fleet already station in the Strait of Svea. As for soldiers, we also estimate that sending more to relieve the pressure on the remaining ones is necessary. However, we also have plans, if you decide to, withdraw all troops until we can regroup. Lastly, we believe the Air Force should begin minimum, but important aerial attacks on Bantyr. Our aircrafts, with refueling from the air and our navy, can penetrate Bantyric air space and help us get air superiority. We are in the process of moving some of our aerial squadrons to Suionia so that they can provide further support to our forces in the region.”

Serrano had listen to every word Guzman had spoken, yet he was beginning to doubt the general. What if he was wrong? After all, it had been the general himself that had told him operations in Bantyr would see its setbacks, but overall it would go smoothly. However, Frescanian blood had been spilled and there was nothing he could do to return those soldiers back alive to their families.

“General, go ahead and implement this new plan. However, do expand the withdraw plan for all options. I will not abandon our Northern allied, but we I am first and foremost the President of this country and I have to protect the lives of our soldiers.”

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK

Engello-Bantyric Naval Dockyard, South-East Bantyr, 11 January 2012

For Commodore Simon Bates it had been a tantalising situation. Realising that the Royal Engellexic Navy ships were too few and under-armed to engage the Frescanian flotilla and the ground forces that had penetrated the Bantyric Republic. The Engello-Bantyric Naval Dockyard was well over a thousand miles away from Great Engellex while the majority of the warships of the navy had been at least five hundred miles away to the south. Although the Bantyric President Gordon was able to send a message requesting reinforcements and armed support, time had not been on Engellex’ side. From Dulwich a fresh force to support all three of Bantyr’s armed services had been arranged between the War Secretary and his Bantyric counterpart for the purpose of donation to the republic for it’s defence. This marked a turning-point in the Engellexic approach to the Saamiskavian War. For the Bantyric Government it marked a moment of hope, though they were somewhat becoming accustomed to a successive series of victories in their effort of defence.

Frescania had used the opportunity - the private agreement between Engellex and Suionia - to assert itself away from it’s Karlskrona Master and destroy the fragile hope of a diplomatic end by invading the Bantyric Republic. The Frescanian move to land on the south coast and seek advancement of the Bantyric interior was a direct challenge to Great Engellex. Naturally, news of the actions had provoked outrage amongst the public and parliament while the Queen-Empress and her Ministers were infuriated when the news had reached Dulwich. In the midst of the naval battles and protected by the courage of the republic’s air force from the Frescanian flotilla, several warships of the Bantyric Navy secured their escape and sanctuary within the Engello-Bantyric Naval Dockyard. Commodore Simon Bates’ first inclination was to order the Engellexic Fighter Squadron over the south-west to reinforce the Bantyric effort. Not only was he anxious to exact retribution on the Frescanians but the security of the naval base was at stake. Great Engellex was to a certain extent the guarantor of Bantyr’s sovereignty yet here the Karlskrona Accord believed it was able to act freely and grab what it wanted.

Much as the War Secretary would have liked to have ordered the air squadron and naval warships to the conflicts immediately on their escalation, he realised such a move would have been considered an act of war - the Queen-Empress would, naturally, have been furious. On 11 January, therefore, the Northern Secretary Anthony Pelham-Holles sent a strongly worded dispatch to the Frescanian Government reminding them of Engellex’ obligations :-

It is certainly evident that the possibility of a peace being attained in Saamiskavia is exposed to the most imminent danger. Her Majesty the Queen-Empress and her Majesty’s Ministers cannot see how Great Engellex, with honour or with prudence taken in the larger and truer sense, abstain any longer from entering the Great Northern War in force with every risk and thereby redeeming the pledge which the Great Engellexic Empire had in fact given, a great time ago, to our friend and partner the Bantyric Republic unless the Frescanian Republic withdraws it’s ground forces.

Europe knows well that her Majesty and Ministers have carried forbearance and the want of peace to an extent productive of much embarrassment and fraught with perilous contingencies.

From the Northern Secretary Anthony Pelham-Holles to the Frescanian Foreign Minister

In order to assess the damage, though, the Second Lord of the Admiralty, Vice-Admiral Sir Somerset Gough-Calthorpe had moved to Bangleann to personally review the intelligence of the Bantyric Military, having arrived in their capital late in the evening of 11 January, his fears were confirmed. The Second Lord of the Admiralty reported on the destructive and criminal actions taken place against Bantyr in the south, and as a result, the Karlskrona had achieved a degree of victory against Bantyr. Difficult though the news was for Sir Somerset Gough-Calthorpe, it caused intense anger when it appeared before the Queen-Empress and the Ministers in Dulwich on 12 January.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Southern Bantyr

The front had somewhat stabilized, yet the situation was dangerous. Colonel Antonio Justancia had been relief when supplies began to reappear and according to his general, reinforcement were on their way, yet, they still did not know when they would arrive. However, the navy had increased its attacks and put pressure on the Bantyric forces, a sign that encourage everyone in the front.

The Frescanian Task Force continued to be outnumbered, but the lighting counter attack of Christmas Eve had been stopped. How long this would last, it was not known, but Antonio was please with the sacrifices made by the troops. If anything, this whole regime would get many recognitions from the government and the people of Frescania.

Rumors were going around that Frescanian planes were ready to begin operations from Suionia after a number of them were moved north. They had yet to show up, but whether true or not, it increased the morale of the troops. To Antonio, it seem like a miracle that such weary troops could continue to fight after such heavy loses.

Underground bunker – Undisclosed Location

The Engellexic message was in everyone's mind. Everyone was in agreement that conflict with Great Engellex would hurt not only both nations, but the region and world. Yet, the Frescanian commitment to Suionia's security had to be maintain. Peace is the primary goal of Frescanian foreign policy, submission was not.

Strangely, President Serrano benefited from the Engellexic statement. The hawks within the military had taken pause to their believes in an increase present of Frescanian forces in Bantyr and on the establishment of a new republic in the held territories. Similarly, Chancellor Carmelas had backtracked and was ready to consider new options. The president could not thank the Empress's government enough. The new Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Ricardo Gomez, spoke first.

“Mr. President, I think we should consider ending our presence in the conflict. We do not benefit from it and we are just helping Suionia's war effort. Not discounting the possible PR problem we will have if we are further associated with a conflict were human rights violations might had occur. Sir, I say we fully withdraw.”

“And tell our people that the blood lost in the North was for nothing? Mr. President, we must find another solution than full withdraw.” General Guzman had a good argument, Frescania had lost troops to the conflict, a full withdraw as the one Gomez was for would be a disaster in all fronts.

“Mr. President, we can do a more moderate ground.” Chancellor Carmelas began,

“We can respect the agreement between Engellex and Suionia and state we will not expand from our current position. With this strategy, the lost of manpower is not a waste and we can hopefully avoid a conflict with Engellex that will bring the economies of everyone involved downwards. We can further state that we are willing to return the territory to a stable and democratic Bantyr.”

“That sounds like a good idea Chancellor. General Guzman, what do you think?”

“Mr. President, I believe that's a reasonable proposal. However, I believe we should tell our forces in route to be on high alert for a possible attack by Engellex. We should also increase our own defenses here at home.”

“Gabriel, I agree with the General's point. We should prepare in case Engellex is not willing to compromise.”

“Secretary Gomez, send the message”

“Yes sir”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

We believe that the Kingdom of Great Engellex and the Republic have the same interest in the region – that of peace and stability in Bantyr. To prevent further conflict, we propose the following terms: Frescania will not advance any further in Bantyr, but we expect to maintain our current position and defend it. We will return this temporary occupation zone to Bantyr once a stable Bantyric Republic is established after the conclusion of the conflict. The Republic will from this point agree to the previously negotiated terms between Suionia and Engellex.

We believe that these terms are compatible with our interests and the terms between our allied and your nation. Peace in Scania is important for the Republic, Suionia, and your Kingdom. However, any attempts to stop the supply of our troops or attack upon Frescanian soldiers in the region will be seen as an attack on our nation.

We await your response,

Ricardo Gomez,
Secretary of Foreign Affairs


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
Prime Minister Lindeskog-Hjelmer sat in her office seat writing on a notebook. Filled with doodles and rainbows she was delaying her report to be released to the press. The truth of the matter was that in fact the military had been moving Bantyric civilians off of the islands. Truthfully, the military was no longer carrying out the policy. The policy was created by a man who had been bought by external forces. Field General Ekman had received over 50,000 Kronor to make the order. Who was he bought by? SÄPO could not answer that question. The paper trail was followed and led to nothing but dead ends. Who ever did it did a great job hiding themselves. Forces in her cabinet wanted to blame Bantyric agents. Their cruelty and disregard for humanity was well known and well advertised. Swedish speaking civilians in the area had spoken of it.

She refused to believe this idea though. What would the Bantyric seek to gain from such an operation? Not to mention the fact that 50,000 Kronor wasn't that significant a price. There were more forces at play and something didn't add up. There was a knock on the door. "Come in," she said clearing her voice immediately afterwards as her voice didn't travel well. A suited man opened the door and walked in holding a clipboard.

"Prime Minister, I have news that Mr. Ekman is dead." His voice was stern and fairly angry. "He was shot... bullet to the head. Trajectory suggests it was a suicide."

She looked at him blankly. "Did we not disarm him?"

"We did Linnéa. Just... I don't know how he got a gun. Logs suggest he had no visitors."

She walked over to her window and looked out upon the horizon. "Very well. Thank you Nils. Please have it further looked into."

He nodded and walked out the door closing it as quietly as he could behind him. She continued to look out into the horizon. There were troops out there trying to do something great in the service of their country... in service of the Queen. In service of God. If you believed in him... her? She didn't know. He brought her better comfort to think of it as a him, like daddy. She returned to her desk, sitting in a rather unnatural position with her leg curled under herself as she sat down. Flipping the page to the one behind Mr. Ekman, it read, Operation Askja, the military's plan to force the boundaries agreed upon with the Engellexic Government. The naval forces were in position and the fighters were beginning to dump their payloads on coastal defenses. Thus far only small teams had successful taken islands and other positions. Small positions on the mainland on the far side. Taking a small tank base and burning it down. Taking a fishing village, and also burning it down. The small victories were countless, but this was different. This was the Götisk plan to successful plant a large invasion force upon the Bantyric mainland. Island hopping was great. It was successful, but it was also easy. People didn't live in arctic islands unless they were fisherman, or whalers. Whaling vessels were apparently run aground and destroyed. As a Green Party leader, such small choices in military operations could be made to benefit the environment. She believed strongly in that. No doubt she'd receive hell from the Riksdag once that sort of news was made public be one of those new journalist teams now allowed to follow soldiers.

Looking over the checklist it read that the assault would be ready by the end of the week. It involved opening a new front on the Bantyric. They already had to deal with the small assault teams and the islands... and the Frescanian front that had now come to a halt at the insistence of the Engellexic. Now, the Suionian IFVs would land upon the Bantyric seas in far greater numbers and march forward. To reach the operation lines and then leave the rest of it for the Engellexic. She shut the notebook and stood up. It was time for lunch.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK

Dulwich, Empire of Great Engellex, 18 January 2012

News of the arrival of the Engellexic forces through the Engello-Bantyric Naval Base was becoming a cause of consternation in Bangleann. At midnight on January 18, Viscount Palmerston arrived in the Bantyric Embassy in Dulwich with official dispatches – more so an ultimatum – to the republic on the conditions likely to be attached to an Engellexic intervention. Conditions, remaining highly classified, included a timetable for the resignation of President Gordon and a General Election throughout Bantyr, as well as a raft of economic and political initiatives to be formally discussed between Dulwich and Bangleaan; there was no choice, conditioned support or no support at all, and Dulwich put it to the Bantyric Government in the most blunt way possible. Before Viscount Palmerston arrived at the embassy, however, instructions had been sent to the Second Lord of the Admiralty by the Imperial General Staff. The Second Lord was instructed to initiate an overtake of command of the Engello-Bantyric Naval Base and the positioning of Engellexic warships outside of it. The fighter aircraft were being readied for operations over the south, the character of those operations was still undecided as Dulwich was still conducting diplomacy with Frescania and Bantyr.

Unfortunately for President Gordon, before he was ready to negotiate the perimeters of Engellexic command on the defence of Bantyr, he himself was betrayed by Dulwich. It was a personal betrayal against a particularly frustrating and inept man; the support for the Republic still remained true. A week before the Engellexic ultimatum, a short while after the first of Engellexic troops and aircraft and touched the Bantyric south, the Northern Secretary proclaimed the inability of Great Engellex to not intervene on her ally’s side to the Frescanian Government unless they withdrew their ground forces. This was the point in which an intervention was made to save an ally. With Frescania’s unpreparedness in mind, the Queen-Empress and her Ministers knew this crisis between Great Engellex and Frescania could be negotiated. Charlotte instructed Viscount Palmerston to begin the diplomatic front against Bantyr – to drag it to the table; the Northern Secretary would be similarly deployed against Frescania – for a complete ground withdrawal. Anthony Pelham-Holles’ first move, accordingly, was to respond to the Frescanian letter. The letter was encouraging and clearly demonstrated their want to avoid a military showdown, the Northern Secretary replied to the letter by inviting the Frescanian Foreign Minister and representative of the Defence Ministry to the imperial metropolis for a secret meeting to take place on 20 January. Finally, for Pelham-Holles, he responded to the Bantyric anticipation of a Suionian invasion of the mainland, the Northern Secretary, through a letter to the Suionian Foreign Minister, advised that it would not be acceptable to Dulwich for Suionian to compromise the mainland of Bantyr and must desist any hope of doing so; the crimes being perpetrated against civilians made this so.

The wisdom of presenting the Bantyric Republic with exactly this kind of support to determine the fate of Saamiskavia was now often being questioned in Dulwich. A week earlier, the Engellexic Ambassador to the Suionian capital wrote to the Northern Secretary questioning whether it really will prove beneficial to partner ourselves so stubbornly to this failure of a state which is collapsing. The dominant opinion in Dulwich, however, was better expressed in a dispatch from the Northern Department to the Engellexic Embassy in Vesper which summarized the policy in the North. Great Engellex is now going to come to a reckoning with the President of Bantyr. […] We have not at any time forced or advised Bantyr to her decisions with the Northern Council and Karlskrona Accord. But neither should they now expect that same reservation toward political interference with our military support. If Engellex should do that, and defend Bantyr blindly without reform, the Accord would have a justification to argue against an unreasonable and unsustainable policy in respect of Bantyr and the Saamiskavian War. If we did so the imperial standing in the North would be lost forever from a gradual decay in the republic at President Gordon’s leadership. The maintenance of Bantyr, and in fact of the majority of the republic’s territory is a necessity to Great Engellex. That Bantyr cannot be maintained permanently without drastic political and economic intervention by Dulwich is certainly admitted. Meanwhile Engellex is concerned with containing the immediate threat to an independent Bantyr while gradually arranging combinations of diplomatic and political initiatives for the long-term. The Establishment’s endorsement, most especially the Queen-Empress’s, of this position was significantly reinforced by the reports being received in Dulwich from the ambassador to Bangleann. The ambassador regularly reported on the economic collapse of the Celtic nation and the breakdown of society. Citing these factors continuously, Ministers repeatedly assured themselves and Charlotte that the Bantyric President will give in to their demands.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Underground bunker – Undisclosed Location

The situation had drastically changed in the last few days. Diplomats from both Engellex and Frescania were discussing behind doors a possible deal that would put an end to the conflict, or so they all hoped. President Serrano had taken the decision to follow through with talks even though some generals did not approve. On the other hand, Chancellor Carmelas had sided with the president.

The Suionians had also been informed, both through military and diplomatic channels. The response had been calmed and bland, a typical Suionian response. It was this type of passive aggressive attitude that the Frescanian diplomatic corps detested the most about their northern counterparts. The president had offered the Suionians Frescanian help in their new front, yet no response had been returned.

Whatever happened, it was up to the Bantyric President and Engellex. Frescanian troops had been ordered to not advance, but instead to defend the occupied territories until further orders. The commanders in the front had been confused, but they orders would stand. If peace talks failed, everyone in the room knew that only one choice would remain – the continuation of the conflict.

Southern Bantyr

Colonel Antonio Justancia looked as the reinforcement took their positions in the border between the occupied territory and Bantyr. The troops had arrived yesterday and had already seen combat. Indeed, Bantyric forced had attempted to crush the task force and to Antonio, they would have done so had it not been for the reinforcement. Now, the Bantyric troops had lost steam, and could be matched by Frescanian land, sea and air power. However, casualties had been staggering high, making the recovery and shipping of the bodies back to Frescania a heavy duty to the troops.

From his position, he could see the main Frescanian fleet. It was from there that the country projected its power over Bantyr. Aircrafts from Suionia were also helping in the skies, with a squadron passing every few hours towards the distance to destroy any heavy forces going towards the frontier. These coordinated naval and air attacks had helped the ground forces keep their heads up before the arrival of fresh troops.

But now they had arrived, and Antonio could relax a bit more. Orders had come to defend the territory against all cost. It was a confusing order, as many thought they would go forward, but maybe there were more troops on their way? Maybe a bigger attack would occur? Whatever the plans were, Antonio was just happy with the fact the new troops had arrived, and they could breathe a little bit more deeply.

Marco Antonio Santander International Airport, Fortaleza Real

The airplane was ready as the motorcade arrived. The airport looked as if a takeover had occurred, yet there was nothing else the government could do other than to stop all airport traffic for an hour or so. Normally, an air force base would be from were governmental planes would take off. But due to the state of war, Carlos Manuel Air Force Base could not be used. It was obvious to many in the government that the National Assembly had not thought of diplomacy when making the war regulations.

Ricardo Gomez and Marco Perez, Secretaries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, together with their staff, lawyers and junior officers of the armed forces, were to go to Dulwich to begin negotiations with Engellex. Once there, they would be met by Gabriella Velazquez, the Frescanian ambassador to Engellex. They all knew the importance of their mission, and knew quite well that a peace was necessary for everyone involved.

As they boarded the plane, Perez observed the number of people looking from the windows of the airport. They all knew this was important, but those poor passengers did not know who they were, after all, this plane could be anyone high in the chain of government, including the wife of the Chancellor.

Within 30 minutes, the plane took off towards Engellex.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)

A prize? That was how the directors of this operation explained this operation to her. Lieutenant Svedin-Thunström sat in her Amtrakt feeling a little woozy with waves. Her Captain, Jonas Helgesson stood at the exit of the vehicle, at the rear. The Vehiculo de Guerra 65 (VdG65) opened at the rear of the vehicle in hopes of giving soldiers cover as they exited in the event of an beach landing, as was being done here early this morning. Jets flew overhead explosions could be heard off in the distance. Machine gun fire and mortar blasts were the only things stopping Suionian forces from invading the Bantyric mainland as Karlskrona Accord jets and naval fleets kept the Strait of Svea and surrounding waters clear of Bantyric forces and influence. It was hoped that once Suionian forces gathered on the mainland, they could demand a peace with the Bantyric government.

The hum of the Amtrakt's engine was like a ticking time bomb. She had no access to how much time was left on the clock though. The operation had started though. Her watch could tell her that much. The other soldiers in the cramped up hull of the transport were all currently left to their own thoughts and devices. She clutched the cross hanging around her neck. She only had her faith at this point. Her faith and the men and women inside the metallic bubble shielding her from bullets and other assorted death messengers.

She was left to her own devices for now. Her thoughts eating away at her heart. —It was at Söderholm that she earned her roots in the Army. The bombs that fell from the Bantyric bombers. Their attempts to eliminate her city, her home. They failed. Götiska troops, vessels, and defenses kept them away. Unfortunately they succeeded where it hurt most. She lost her mother, her father, her boyfriend of six years and all her closest memories when Bantyric bombs fell on her neighborhood. She lived. She didn't know why. She didn't deserve it. The next day she signed up for the Army; the strangest things people do for the ones they love, another women who enlisted with her told her months ago. In this case in return for only the memory. Memories are strong and while they can also be particularly painful, they can also slowly fade. Pain. She felt it going through basic training as well. It was a different kind of pain though. She was given the option to remain in the all women's brigades. She refused. She wanted direct combat. It was a song that broke her thought process too. Perhaps for the better. It helped stop her depression.

Someone whistled a short tune. It broke the silence in the Amtrakt. "Fuck off, that whistling is ruining my mood," a voice from the front of the vehicle yelled. Another voice snapped back, "It doesn't even matter, you're dead twelve hours from now." The same voice retorted, "Well then let me keep thinking of naked bitches and not some bastard's shitty diner songs."

She shook her head, "Sir, you will call a lady by a proper name, else the only bitch you will see is me, with my foot in your ass." It drew a little bit of laughter from the cabin. "My apologies Lieutenant." he quickly snapped back. She commanded a great deal of respect because she was the best marksman in the group. Her father used to take her hunting in the winters.

Captain Helgesson tapped her foot. She looked up at him with an almost blank stare, absolutely devoid of emotion. He whispered loudly, "Are you ready Lovisa?" She nodded, the ends of her blonde braids moving ever so slightly. "No enthusiasm? Remember if I die, you have to take over. You'll have to use that smile of yours to get these guys to fight for you." The thought did make her smile. "Sir, I'm not going to let you die." He smiled back. He was a nice guy. His wife and children were left behind in Northern Götarike. She had told him numerous times that she'd take a bullet for him just to make sure he could get back to see them again. She didn't have anyone. It only made sense.

Her concentration was broken yet again, "I wish I was up in a Gripen right now. They have the easy job dropping bombs and shooting missiles without too much resistance," piped up a random private. The explosions and noises from outside were only comforting knowing that the air battle was likely a Suionian victory. Little did he know that the last explosion-like sound was in fact a Gripen crashing into the beach after being struck by anti-aircraft fire. The air battle was not a real battle in the classical sense though. It was a combination of Suionian and Frescanian fighters bombarding the coastal bunkers and runways. Promptly making due of anything that dared meet them in the sky. It was the occasional threat from the ground that worried them most. The strange RPG or a well placed AA shot. Such had been the situation since the Frescanians had taken a chunk of Bantyr in their own invasion.

More explosions could be heard as the Amtrakt hit the sand on the beach with a rough jarring motion and change in sound as the tracks hit a substance it could gain sudden traction with.

The gunfire was now obvious and the sounds nearly deafening. Captain Helgesson shouted something that didn't even seem to make sense and waved his arm as the back hatch opened and the sounds became even more real to her. She was first up and out of the Amtrakt. The machine gun bunkers had been mostly taken out by the Air force but the Bantyric soldiers had improvised and set up hidden nests on the coast. One of which keeping her platoon stuck on the beach as the men stood huddled inside the Amtrakt.

Helgesson shouted at her, "Tell the men to get some covering fire on that nest!" She stood a little startled by the order and then yelled back into the Amtrakt, "I need an MG! Give us some covering fire! We're sitting ducks on this beach!" Quickly a man walked forward holding a Ksp 90. Pulling the gun around the Amtrakt he opened fire on the nest. "Go, Go, Go!" Yelled Captain Helgesson.

She ran, but wasn't really sure where she was running and ended up behind another Amtrakt which was on its side and smoking, as if it were hit by a missile of some form. A couple of soldiers had followed her to the wrecked Amtrakt and awaited her orders. Catching her breath, her heart pounding into her chest, she looked around trying to get some sense of direction. There was a lot of gunfire and it made it somewhat difficult to concentrate not knowing if the bullets were being fired at herself or not. It was only now that she noticed that it was raining and how hard it was raining. "We need to get to the off the beach," she told the man in front of her. Looking at the name on patch, it read Olsson. She looked to her left and found Johansson and to the right Estberg. Estberg was a woman, and that made her feel a bit more confident to command the group. They all had nothing but regular infantry equipment. Nothing specially equipped like an MG or a marksman rifle. She looked around the wreckage a second time, as an RPG hit the nest. Absolutely perfect. She didn't think her team had the right equipment to make a difference or improve their situation. Now was the time to run.

She yelled at her small group and waved her arm forward. They charged up to the former MG nest dodging holes and slipping on the rocky sand. They were nearly at the top of the beach, where tall grass grew and puddles of water had collected from the rain. It was then with a grin on her face she began to believe it was all a little too easy. Loud screaming noises began to fall down upon the top of the beach. It was then a deafening explosion sent her flailing forward face first into the mud. Ears ringing. Vision blurred. Can't breathe. She lay face down on the ground struggling to get to her feet. It felt like the end, as if she were tricked to achieving the goal of capturing the top of the beach. She thought she might be bleeding out right there on her stomach. Slowly feeling was returning to her senses. She tried to scream, but a faint grunt came out instead. Her soft fingers felt the mud encapsulating her hands. It was grainy and cold. She coughed as her lungs searched for air. On her hands and knees was not how she wanted to die, but she didn't think she had much of a choice.

Another blurred object fell next to her, and suddenly picked her up. Everything came back at once. Estberg's shoulder had picked her up. Her legs weren't moving, so she was almost being dragged. "Keep your legs moving! It's difficult to drag you through the mud!" There was a little pause before she yelled back, "What!?" Estberg tried to reposition her, "Move your fucking legs Lovisa!"

She stumbled about trying to gain some balance as she pushed off with her legs. The two fell down together and climbed back up to their feet before falling down again behind some enemy sandbags. Estberg looked over the top of the sandbags and fired some rounds into a trench, opposite the sandbags as she sat there checking herself for bleeding. Some muffled shouts in some ugly language was yelled and subsequently silenced. "I'm I bleeding?" She asked Estberg, as the younger woman returned to her position to sit down next to her. "Just your nose." Instinctively her hand moved up to her face and wiped away some of the blood that had dripped from her nose. It wasn't too bad, just quite noticeable.

They were no longer on the beach, but that was clearly the easy part. The Bantyric hadn't planned on a massive beach defense. They planned on an inland defense in the forests. "Thank you," Lovisa said as her breath came back to her. "I guess the wind was knocked out of me." Estberg nodded, "No problem, you would have done the same for me."

She decided it would be best to return to a command like basis and figure out how to advance to the gathering point. "Where did Johansson and Olsson go?" Estberg sighed, "I don't know I saw you fly forward and I ran to you. I don't know what direction they went." Lovisa looked around orienting herself. "Well, we need to regroup with somebody so we can move forward in an more effective manner." Estberg nodded. As the two both got to their feet, Lovisa noticed she did not have her rifle with her anymore, only her pistol which she drew as they began to trot back toward the beach to find more friendly to move forward with.

This is clearly following a character as the invasion of Bantyr begins, properly. It's a ten part series and will end once the initial invasion ends. Each part is supposed to highlight the accomplishment of some kind of goal. At the end of part ten, a new post will have peace offered and the war can hopefully end. Question or comments can please be directed immediately to the Prize OOC page, each post that goes by unopposed or unquestioned I'm assuming to be canton for this RP. I'm putting a lot of time into these posts, which include Encyclopedia pages for perhaps questionable devices or materials. So don't waste everyone's time by staying question and then later trying to challenge things seven posts into this ten parter.

I also ask people to give their input for what they'd like to see more of. For example, do you want history from Lovisa? Do you want to know more about another character? Should I have more dialogue? More action? Would you like to see more detail? Less detail? Tell me how to improve the RP or what direction to take the RP to best entertain you. Thanks!

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK

Dulwich, Empire of Great Engellex, 26 March 2012

Despite the protestations of some of the Cabinet, including its sovereign, the new European and Imperial Secretary, the Duke of Nonsuch, was determined to regain Engellex’ position within the Bantyric Republic, if need be, by force. On the morning of 26 March 2012 the Duke of Nonsuch petitioned the Cabinet to organise secret plans for a pre-emptive military strike against Bantyric offensive lines before Suionia and Frescania could diplomatically advance with a peace settlement that would not secure the resignation of the intolerable President Gordan; while the Royal Engellexic Navy has a strong force stationed at the Engello-Bantyric Naval Base any further escalation would involve another naval expedition to the south consisting of many more war and transport ships. This would be necessary if they were to deploy a greater land and air force to the north, the War Secretary and Chief of the Imperial General Staff predicted initial figures of around fifty thousand to secure a larger area for greater troop landings. However, Charlotte’s advisers argued that such a move may antagonise Saamiskavia more so and bring with it a threat of security to naval supply lines, though they agreed such a show of force could be performed from the First Army that has yet to see deployment without compromising the Montelimarien Front. From the Duke of Rothermere, who was War Secretary and Chief of the IGS, came the counter-proposal to negotiate with the Suionians and Frescanians for an agreed area of occupation to be made by each in Bantyr until such a time that President Gordan will agree to the non-negotiable demand of resignation – along with what can be found agreeable between all those engaged in the north. At this state the Queen-Empress was happy enough to accept the advice. She also believed the Karlskrona Accord was not overly impressed with the Bantyric President and would not, therefore, intervene with an objection. Under those circumstances Suionia was less likely to act unilaterally to dislodge the Engellexic position in the north.

Alarmed, however, by the rebuff of Bangleann, and the urgency of Dulwich to exert its influence over Bantyr, the Queen-Empress commanded the dispatch of a mission to both Drottninggarden and Fortaleza Real headed by Baron Meredith and the Baron of Beddington. Both of them communicated the insistence of Dulwich that no further intervention take place against Bantyr without reference to Dulwich, with the hope of the next stages in the north being an effort of co-operation between Great Engellex, Suionia, and Frescania, privately the government backed up this request by organising for the preparations of an urgent contingency along the lines of the Duke of Nonsuch’s advice, the First Army was to be readied in areas from Friday. With that in mind, the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Crown Prince of Walssex-Battent, provided the Second Lord, who is in command of the Engello-Bantyric Naval Base, with precise instructions for Friday morning. First, the Second Lord was to demand full and immediate satisfaction with regard to Dulwich’s insistence on the president’s resignation of office and the arrangement of a general election. An agreement to this would be protected in a convention with Engellex which would guarantee the independence of the Bantyric electoral institutions from external influences. Second, if this failed to materialise the Second Lord was to withdraw from negotiations and threaten to halt discussions in Bangleann permanently. The Second Lord will be given permission to dismiss military co-operation with Bantyr in the south and remove Bantyric personal from the naval base. Third, if Bantyr conceded to the demands Great Engellex would offer a secret defensive alliance against the Karlskrona, the detail of which was to be absent and the negotiation quite vague. Finally, the Second Lord will be informed that Dulwich will be opening negotiations with the Accord on the now standing differences of northern frontiers and reparations that now surely occupy the policy minds in three capitals.

To make sure that the President of Bangleann fully understood the position and displeasure of Dulwich the new European and Imperial Secretary will be providing the Second Lord with a letter to be delivered to Bangleann on Friday morning. It initially will outline for the president the purpose of the Engellexic mission to the three capitals and a detailed introduction to the position of the Empire that now finds itself quite frustrated with its northern partner.

The Second Lord of the Admiralty was a curious choice to lead a diplomatic effort of such delicacy and complexity. Aged forty-seven, he had spent his career in the Royal Engellexic Navy, and he had little experience of diplomatic negotiation. The man had garnered a reputation of respecting discipline and was accustomed to obeying and having his orders obeyed. Described by the First Lord of the Admiralty as skilful, and intelligent, the Second Lord informed his close associates that he was confident on negotiating with the Bantyric. He did not expect quick answers, he recognised the importance of playing the waiting game, he understood when to press a point and when to abandon it, when to flatter and when to be firm. The Crown Prince of Walssex-Battent, despite the Cannie Saga, still indulged on the confidences of the Queen-Empress and a mixture of desperation and self-importance led him to almost beg with Charlotte to accept his choice. Viscount Palmerston was the Queen-Empress’ preferred choice, but even the Duke of Nonsuch recognised that his inward mind is deeply impregnated with imperial arrogance and pride, too much so for such a mission, and Charlotte was not looking for confrontation but an end to this prolonged headache.

The two Engellexic missions would be arriving in the capitals of Suionia and Frescania on Wednesday afternoon.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)

The new Prime Minister stood in her office looking out the window. Repairs to Drottninggården had been progressing well. The rubble from the initial bombing attack had been moved out of the city and several buildings were being propped up to replace them. The downtown region which was severely bombed looked like a giant parking lot with roads and trains that went through it, but nonetheless life was returning to normal in the capital city. The Riksdag still met in the suburban town of Hammerbysjöstad, but that was expected to change as soon as the upgrades to the current Riksdag building were complete. Notably the finished construction of the wartime bomb-safe meeting rooms. Gothic industry was booming. Many things needed to be rebuilt, and private investors had been hard at work doing the building.

None of this changed the fact that she lived in a different country compared to a year ago. There was a different sense of living in Götarike. People weren't as accepting. What was once a country that was accepting of foreign cultures and interested in foreign things had become insular. A certain sense of xenophobic tendencies had taken over the country, and an immense hatred of anything Celtic. In someways, the events of the last year gave a certain swagger back to her people after nearly two centuries without war. The Goths could be mean. Certainly it was showing at the Hirosaki conference, where reports to her showed her sister making a commotion.

Today she was to meet with the President of Frescania, Mr. Manuel Antonio Rodriguez. Additionally another person from Engellex was supposed to meet with her and from there a supposed conclusion to the conflict in Bantyr would be made.

There was a short knock at her door, and the Queen walked in. Behind her was Mr. Rodriguez. Queen Caroline II was showing the Frescanian President around the Royal Palace at Drottninggården. The Royal Palace was also her temporary office until her residence was fully repaired. It was something that the former Prime Minister, Miss Hjelmer-Lindeskog placed low priority in. It also wasn't something she placed high enough priority in to change the previous precedent.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty. How has our esteemed guest's visit been?" Caroline smiled and nodded, "Well I certainly hope, but I do believe that lunch was certainly good." They gathered around the a table which had a few empty seats for the incoming Engellexic delegate or delegation. Formalities weren't a major key point with Caroline and she intended on sitting in on the meeting. She wore a nice blue skirt and white business jacket, complete with a Geatish flag pin. There was a brief pause before Nilla began to speak again, "Are there any business concerns that Frescania has before we get started?"


Lovisa stood stunned, watching more and more Amtrakts hit the shore. In total, 30,000 troops would land on these beaches by the end of the day as once finished unloading, many would turn around and pick up more troops. Additionally, more would drop from the sky via helicopters.

She felt a little guilty that she hadn't taken part in a good deal of the front line attacks. Upon reuniting with some of her unit, she learned that many of her platoon had moved forward to capture enemy supplies. Here she was holding a clipboard taking Bantyric prisoners. She had a journalist standing next to her. The journalist was from Arendaal, taking notes and speaking into her Päron iPhone. She was taking voice memos. The Bantyric didn't like her from what she could tell. Giving her dirty looks as she would write their name on her clipboard. Their hands were held high on the top of their heads. They had been disarmed, but she did not want to take any chances.

A humvee carrying Nya Västergötland soldiers drove by. Windows rolled down and waving the green Scandinavian cross on the red background. Rumors had it that they never took prisoners. They just shot everyone they caught. They were also louder people. She didn't like them as much. They were nice people, it wasn't like she hated them on a personal level or anything. But they were a loud group and that didn't make her feel comfortable. Like that loud obnoxious drunk guy on the bus or train. You never feel comfortable around him. He's loud and he likes to touch people.

She sighed, as the convoy of colonials drove by though. Obviously they were having more fun than she was. "Vad heter? (Your name?)", she asked the next soldier. "Fuck you." was the response she received in English. She closed her eyes and tried to dream of a nice sandy beach. ...not the sandy beach she was just on anyhow. "Sir, what is your name? Else you will be Mr. Fuck You and your family will never find you when this war is over."

He spit in her face. She was a little shocked. It certainly woke her up anyway. Wiping off of the spit she then slapped him with the same hand. The man behind him than began to laugh. "Do you think it's funny?", she asked him. "No, no," he quickly responded. She clinched her fists and took a deep breath. There was a reporter just behind her. She needed to play nice or end up in a cold jail cell.

Sensing her frustration, a man tapped her on the shoulder and asked for the clipboard. Told her to find something to do that wouldn't have her disrespected. Told her that the Bantyric didn't believe in women's rights. She nodded, gave up the clipboard and walked off with her rifle around her shoulder.

Following the road to a nearby tent she walked in on a group of soldiers standing around someone who looked commanding. She was motioned over by a bellowing "Hey you!" Walking closer in she noticed what was up, it was a Bantyric attack to try to reclaim the area. They were moving forward with tanks. This discussion was all about trying to repel that attack.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
The Tripartite Meeting – Drottninggården, Götarike

As he traveled from the airport to the resident of the Queen, he had seen the damage of the war. The population was shaken to the core, and mistrust was recognizable as the motorcade drove by. They did not seem to enjoy the passing of a fellow allied, and he wondered if this trend would expand in the future towards Non-Suionians.

For the President, who had come officially for discussions on the conflict, the news from Dulwich could have not been better. He had instructed Chancellor Miguel Carmelas to meet with the Engellexian representative on its way to the Republican Capital, but the majority of the diplomacy would take place in Suionia.

The tour of the Royal Palace with Queen Caroline II had shown him the resilience of Suionia and its capacity to stand strong against the Celtic aggression. Manuel Rodriguez was beginning to understand why his predecessors had decided to fully back an alliance with the Northern Kingdom. Yet, being inside a Royal Palace made him uneasy - he was the leader of the oldest Republic, a strong advocate and believer of the republican cause, yet here he was, in the center of the Nordic Monarchy.

They entered a room and were met by the new Prime Minister of Suionia, Nilla Udén Johansson. The President had never met her before, but that was another reason for the visit. The visit, however, had turned into diplomacy of the highest level.

Sitting down, the President fixed his Frescanian flag pin and turned his attention to the Prime Minister, “all we want is to see an end to this conflict. If we can manage to it peacefully, it would be better for Frescania. I imagine Suionia also wishes this to be the resolution.”

“Although the conclusion of this war is our primary objective, there are members of the cabinet that are concerned about the level of isolation our nations and the Karlskrona Accord are in the world. We must find a way to promote our national and alliance images abroad. Finally, if we have time, we should also discuss a way to re-start your economy. Frescania’s economy has over passed the horrors of war, but our two nations are important partners in terms of trade and an economic problem in one becomes the concern of the other.”

At that moment, the door opened and Alejandro Almand, the President’s chief of staff, and Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, the commanding general of the Frescanian Task Force, entered the room.

He put down his glasses, “Your Majesty, your Excellency, I hope you both don’t mind them joining me” said Rodriguez as he stood up and greeted his fellow Frescanians.

The Frescanian Occupy Territory - Bantyric Front

Everyone's spirit were high since this morning, when the President of the Republic, Manuel Antonio Rodriguez, had spoken to them. His words were still ringing in Antonio Justancia's hears: "I promise you that I will bring honor to our Republic, our people, and you. I promise that I will do all within my power of the Presidency to see an end to this conflict while giving us the victory you all have sacrificed for."

The several past months have been horrible for the troops. the winter had come and made it hard to fight enemy troops that understood the weather and the region. Casualties had risen, but the troops had hold on, defensed with every fiber of their being the territory their comrades had died for. The Republican Navy had done an excellent job keeping the soldiers supplied, and the air force flying from Suionia had given them the air cover they needed during those harsh months.

With the first signs of spring, the troops had cheered and to top it all, the President had come visit them. Why anyone disliked the new commander in chief Antonio could not understand, especially when he realized that not even former president Serrano had come to visit the troops.

From his position, the Colonel could see his camp. His company was at the moment guarding the OT-Bantyric border, a task that meant a casual insult or two from what seemed to Antonio to be a defeated population.

Yet, this same population had rashly repealed Frescanian troops before, and the chance was there they would do it again. He could not allow that. the President might have promised victory, but he knew from experience the casualties of a setback - the death, the smell, the broken spirits of the troops. The Joints Chief of Staff might see the conflict as a chess, trying to out play your enemy. Antonio saw it from the soldier's eyes.

He took out a cigar, light it, and smoked it. The sun was about to set, and the threat to his soldier's security about to increase.
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