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The Western Publishing Company

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Established in 1744, Western Publishing is among the oldest and proudest publishing houses in Implaria - and it certainly is its biggest. For nearly two centuries now we have lend our expertise and experience to not only domestic authors, but foreign writers from across the globe who can profit from our in-house translators and a marketing department with global reach. Western Publishing guarantuees its partners professional editing, succesful advertisement and access to book markets in all of Europe.

Latest publications:

Himyari Songbirds
A.C. Wilbur

Set against the backdrop of the Second War of Orashi, Wilbur tells the story of two sisters whose arranged marriages fall through when their future husbands are caught in the crossfire between government troops and insurgents. Insightful, emotional and moving, Himyari Songbirds takes its readers on a journey through the wilderness of Himyar, making us empathize with the natives and their customs as much as shake our heads and throw our hands in disbelief.

The Book of Kaplan
R. Hyden

Also known as the 'Kaplanite Bibel', the holy book of the Kaplanite religion tells us the story of the lost 13th tribe of Judaism, how it was scattered across Europe and lost its identity, how god guided their way to Westernesse and revealed to them, through Rudolph Hyden, their identity and their future in a new promised land. Now available in a stylish leatherbound edition. Official revised version of the congregation of Kaplan.

On cultivation of the human race
K. Schmitter and F. Frank

The Implarian classic on eugenic science, long sold out, now back in print. Schmitter and Frank present a concise yet thorough overview of breed selection in agriculture and how knowledge obtained on domestic animals could be applied for the betterment of the human race. Promising the eradication of sickness, weakness and stupidity, Schmitter and Frank promise a new golden age to all societies ready to follow their advice on eugenic policy.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Horse Lords: the Kurkhazian Khan Anthology Volume I
Various Authors

Novelettes and short stories from the pulp genre collected from Westernesse magazines, Kurkhazian radio dramas, and never before seen original works relating to the bloody Kurkish Age. Rolling westward on horseback to pillage Christian Europe, or rowing southward to raid majestic Himyar, these historically linked epics capture the spectacular violence of the world's darkest age when a mysterious Eastern Race made its awful mark upon the world.


Inquiry from the Islamic Chiefs of Kurkhazia to the Western Publishing Company

It is known to our Chiefships that Himyari inspired translations of the Quran exist in English print, however we are more acutely aware that no complete or sanctioned translation of the Kurkhazian Quran exists in English script.

We will spare no expense and commit significant services to ensure this work is done and circulated in Westernesse places of reading. Your translators will be employed, groomed, and rewarded for a faithful translation of Allah's only perfect work in Kurkhazian (not Himyari, which was greatly misinterpreted and weak).

Can this arrangement be done? Respond at once or expect to be eyed by dark deluge!

басыислам Курхазия
Islamic Chief of Kurkhazia

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Western Publishing prides itself on the wide variety of high-quality editions of the worlds religious books in its product line. We would be honored to work with the Islamic Chiefs of Kurkhazia to bring their version of the holy Quran to a global audience of believers, interested readers and scholars.

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
The Rock of the North: An officer's memoir of the Great Contest
Prince Henrik of Jutegn

Memoir of Prince Henrik's service as a staff officer on the front lines of the Great War. Covering his term of service from March, 1915 to October,1917, the book provides a detailed look into Jute motivations and actions during the war alongside his own experiences. The book also covers 1914 in clear detail as Jutegn mobilized 3 infantry divisions to join the war. The book also uses the Prince's complete access to Jute records and dispatches. Yet, it is most reliant on his own journal entries.

A Song For Yesterday: Stoicism and the modern political sphere
Hack Grubb

Eminent Jute philosopher Hack Grubb explores the applications of stoicism in politics and contrasts them with modern existentialist thought. He explores how stoicism remains the manner of thought by many governments and leaders. He also asks why existentialism is a dangerous path in terms of political agenda.