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Union Press Alliance - FY2011 Budget features a twelve billion defense budget increase


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
FilmArt Studios

While acknowledging that a certain degree of social commentary is a necessity in the definition of the motion picture as an art form rather than just a means of entertainment, it is wrong to define White Wolves as an entirely political product. Rather, it also encompasses a wide range of human emotion and expression, in addition to the aforementioned social elements and the gripping plot that has been developed by our team.

Depending on the film's completion on schedule White Wolves will gladly be presented at the Freedom Foundation Film Festival 2011.

Mr. Stepan Korolyov,
Artistic Director,
FilmArt Studios


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Karelingradskaya Gazeta

Est.1928 - The largest daily newspaper in Greater Serbovia. Available domestically in Serbovian, Lusatian and Sarmatian in general editions and in Korelan and Darujhi in local editions.

BELKOGRAD, BELKANO-YUGOTIA - Slavic Radicals declare as a republican party

The persistent form of government discussion of Serbovian politics took another turn today when the Slavic Radical Party, which commenced its week-long party conference today, approved a change to its political platform that officially makes the SRP a republican political party. The Slavic Radicals, chaired by Duma deputy Yegveni Chernekov, control 23 Privy Council and 30 Duma seats.

"In recognition that the House of Dragovic in its today's form has become irreversibly affected by foreign influence, the Slavic Radical Party advocates the formation of a national Serbovian federal state with a fully elected head of state", the addition to the SRP party program read out. Previously, the party had remained neutral on the question considering a possible restoration of the House of Dragovic, but party chairman Yegveni Chernekov has since his entrance into office in 2006 been a stern opponent of restorationist concepts.

With its affirmation of membership in the so-called "republican camp" of Serbovian politics, the Slavic Radicals join the Trudoviks, Communists, Social-Nationalists and Decambrists in opposing the restoration of a constitutional monarchy to the Union. Currently, only the Imperial Monarchist Party openly supports the restoration of the House of Dragovic to the Serbovian throne, whereas the Kadet Party is notable in its similar neutrality and division into monarchist and republican wings.

SRP chairman Yegveni Chernekov is expected to push forward a reshuffling of party leadership during the conference, and analysts suggest that the Slavic Radicals are intent on pursuing a more respectable reputation with such reforms. While Chernekov continues to enjoy support of the majority of the Slavic Radical memberbase, the so-called "Young Wing" of the party, headed by philosopher Andrei Korzhakov, is expected to be given increasing influence within the party's highest level. Korzhakov rose to prominence as a chairman of the SRP youth wing Serbovian Vanguard between 2002 and 2005.

Left-wing antifascist groups have announced their intent to stage demonstrations in Belkograd against the SRP party conference, and a heavy presence of the Belkano-Yugotian Police and the Mounted Gendarmerie was seen outside of the conference place of Belkograd Grand Hotel during the opening of the conference. Slavic Radical Party members are expected to stage counter-demonstrations. In an incident this morning, five Alliance of Labour Justice members were detained by hotel security and turned over to the police for attempting to break into the hotel just as the party conference was commencing. Paint bombs were confiscated from the five activists, who have been charged with disturbing public peace.



Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Karelingradskaya Gazeta

Est.1928 - The largest daily newspaper in Greater Serbovia. Available domestically in Serbovian, Lusatian and Sarmatian in general editions and in Korelan and Darujhi in local editions.

KARELINGRAD/KREPOST VOLODYOV, SERBOVIA PROPER - Threat Survey 2011: Communism challenges Kyiv as No.1 security threat

Though the traditional boogey-man for Serbovians has been the Northern authoritarian government in Kyiv, Communism appears to be on the rise as a believed likely external security threat. In this year's Security Threat Survey, conducted annually by the Krepost Volodyov Imperial Staff Officer Academy, a rising portion of interviewees identified the so-called Revolutionary Defense Treaty Organization as a major threat to Union and Pasila Accord security. The survey was conducted this month, and its release is expected to add heat to defense policy discussion part of the FY 2011 budget process.

When asked which of the options the interviewees identified as the primary threat to Serbovian national security, 42% of interviewees replied Kyiv, but 38% identified the RDTO and particularly Denisova and Vangala since the former's accession to the group and the latter's controversial nuclear program as a primary security threat. 12% identified Keida as the primary security threat while 8% replied unspecified others, including state-sponsored terrorism on behalf of rogue states such as Solaren and Trans-Nineveh. When the second most important security threat was asked, 55% referred to the RDTO, while 32% referred to Kyiv and 13% to others including Keida and terrorist threats.

Supporters of Monarchist, Social-Nationalist and Slavic Radical Parties were most likely to perceive the RDTO as the primary threat, while Trudovik, Kadet, Decambrist and Agrarian Christian supporters were equally divided between different threat groups, whereas Autonomist and Vanguardist Communists identified Kyiv and Keida as primary threats.

"With the accession of Denisova into the RDTO, the alliance now directly borders the Union", explained Doctor Sergei Kozlov, a researcher of the Imperial Staff Officer Academy specializing in research of foreign and security policy discussion and journalism. "It's an understandable reaction, really, when coupled with the rapid expansion the communist alliance has seen in the recent months and the fears that nuclear weapons will proliferate in our region and the RDTO as a result of the Vangalan nuclear program", Doctor Kozlov stated. He also said that there were significant concerns that the RDTO might engage in acts of sedition through the Serbovian communist movement.

Increased perception of Communist states as a source of security threats and growing support for the CP-A and CP-V among the Serbovian left-wing has manifested in domestic political discussion as increasing popularity of the "hawks" within the Kadet-Monarchist government coalition, and the increasing heavily anti-communist rhetoric by politicians in government parties as well as opposition groups such as the Slavic Radical Party and the Social-Nationalist Party. Indeed, just today the Slavic Radical Party in its party conference announced its intent to commence an initiative known as 'Anti-Communist Action' or Antikom, with the intent of engaging in what SRP head Yegveni Chernekov described as grassroots anti-communist campaigning. Other nationalist groups are expected to join the SRP in pursuing the so-called Antikom Movement.



Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Karelingradskaya Gazeta

Est.1928 - The largest daily newspaper in Greater Serbovia. Available domestically in Serbovian, Lusatian and Sarmatian in general editions and in Korelan and Darujhi in local editions.


:arrow: - KARELINGRAD, SERBOVIA PROPER - "False prophets bring the word of Satan and are a bane of the 21st century", warned His Holiness the Patriarch of Karelingrad Konstantin III in an appearance televised from Karelingrad's Cathedral of Divine Transfiguration. The twenty-minute long address of His Holiness the Patriarch came with a current affaris message in mind, as Konstantin III addressed recently grown controversial issues such as the prominence of Communist movements and the controversy created by the Solaren-based Solaris Church as the country's theocratic government has been accused of engaging in acts of state terrorism. In addition to the domestic STV1, the appearance was broadcast on the Patriarchate's website and the ORTV channel which also serves Orthodox Christians of several other countries.

"There are those who would seek to tear down our Lord from his post and craft themselves into his replacements, and those are the so-called leaders of these Communists, and then there are those who would seek to pervert the word of our Lord for their own gains, these manifest themselves in shapes such as the reviled antipope Urban", Patriarch Konstantin spoke out, "make no mistake, the Revelation says that a false prophet shall be sent by the Antichrist, and his fate is fire and brimstone. So, perhaps there are many false prophets." The Patriarch urged Orthodox Christians to come together with other Christians in opposing what he described as the "dual-headed hydra of the false prophets of atheism and pseudo-Christianity."

The controversial Solaris Church has a few hundred supporters in Serbovia mainly among immigrants.

:arrow: - BELKOGRAD, BELKANO-YUGOTIA - Left-wing and liberal groups have voiced stern criticism against the Slavic Radical Party after party leader Yegveni Chernekov announced that the SRP would be coming together with the Social-Nationalist Party and nonpartisan national groups including the Committee of National Unity and the Corps of Serbovian Veterans to form "Anti-Communist Action". "The Antikom is a grassroots alliance of Serbovian patriotic forces to resist the growing Communist infestation", Chernekov said to SRP members at the Belkograd Grand Hotel, stating that youth activists of the involved organizations had already commenced forming action models for the group and that a first Antikom National Camp would take place this summer.

"I find it very concerning that a party already known for its nationalist radicalism suddenly takes to itself to define what is 'Communism' and seemingly take justice into its own hands by proclaiming street confrontation against these so-called 'Communists'", said Trudovik chairwoman Deputy Aleksandra Korbatova, adding that in her opinion "groups aiming to install any kind of radicalist government to our country are dangerous, but it's the job of the justice system to deal with them." Anti-fascist activists have raised suspicions that the so-called Antikom is being used as a front for what they call crypto-Mezhist forces. The Directorate of the Police has reportedly also taken an interest concerning the newly founded group's activities.

:arrow: - VENEDIKTGRAD, POMORNIA - The Star of Life Association today inaugurated its rights awareness and STD prevention campaign in the district of Boutov, a waterfront area known as the center of the seedier aspects of the city's nightlife, including gambling, strip clubs and prostitution. According to Dr. Maria Yegorovna, the head of SLA's Project Valentina which especially aims to improve female health and living conditions, the intent is to selectively target prostitutes working in the Boutov District for assistance.

"As much as I recognize the extent to which the legally required regulation of prostitution helps, it's a fact that as long as the police forces are in charge of that regulation there will be an element of distrust", Yegorovna said, saying that the SLA intended to cooperate with Venediktgrad's Vice Unit when needed but also that there was a certain degree of confidentiality in what her group was pursuing. A city of 1,5 million, Venediktgrad had six hundred registered prostitutes in 2009 and an unknown amount of unregistered prostitutes.



Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রক
Ministry of External Affairs

Serbovia is trying to undermine the resolve of the People's Republic of Vangala and our allies through propaganda films, manipulated statistics and religious demagoguery. The Serbovian Ambassador has been summoned to explain the hostile actions of his government and countrymen.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Directorate of the State
United States of Greater Serbovia

Concepts of liberal democracy still seem to be unfamiliar to the Vangalan establishment, as in spite of the status of the Patriarchate of Karelingrad as a state church under the Imperial Constitution the church and in particular His Holiness Konstantin III enjoy autonomy in their decisions and public appearances, whereas FilmArt Studios is entitled to release whatever kinds of films it wants provided that they meet the requirements of the Serbovian child protection laws.

An equally unfamiliar concept seems to be academic freedom, which exists even in universities funded by the Union government. With the constant posturing by the Vangalan government it is hardly a surprise that many Union citizens feel worried about the activities of governments considered ideological cousins to the Vangalan regime.

Hon. Mr. Petar Nikolich,
Director of the State,
United States of Greater Serbovia


Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Foreign Affairs Ministry

The Allied States demands an immediate apology for this slander. The peace-loving peoples of Kyiv pose no threat to any foreign nation, if anything it is we who should feel threatened by Serbovian belligerence!


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Directorate of the State,
United States of Greater Serbovia

We are sure that in spite of rampant hypernationalism, ultranationalism and a tendency to issue wild demands to foreign democratically elected governments the Serbovian citizens will be calmed by the Kyivan government's verbal assurances of their government not being a threat.

Hon. Mr. Petar Nikolich,
Director of the State,
United States of Greater Serbovia


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Karelingradskaya Gazeta

Est.1928 - The largest daily newspaper in Greater Serbovia. Available domestically in Serbovian, Lusatian and Sarmatian in general editions and in Korelan and Darujhi in local editions.

KARELINGRAD, SERBOVIA PROPER - "Democratic nations' cooperation now more important than ever", says Director Nikolich

After the Suionian media criticized the slow pace with which the idea of a Karlskrona-Pasila Accord Council has been pushed forward after Frescanian Chancellor Carlemas's visit to Karelingrad, a subsequent question in the Duma by deputy Tatyana Barkasova (Monarchist) has prompted Director of the State Petar Nikolich to call for action in the field. Responding to Barkasova's remarks on the Duma floor today, the Director called for realization of the project as soon as the Pasila Accord's own conference in Karelingrad would reach a conclusion.

"Authoritarian forces are on the roam in the every corner of the world, from the so-called revolutionaries of the collectivist RDTO to rogue states that have totally chosen to separate themselves from the norms and values of the international system, and the etiquette that has been held up since the birth of organized statehood", Director of the State Nikolich said, adding that "in a time such as this, cooperation of democratic nations has become more important than ever before."

With the Karlskrona Accord and the Pasila Accord often consideredEurope's two main alliances that have committed themselves to the principles of liberal democracy in membership and political action, governments in the memberstates of the two alliances have widely approved the motion for the establishment of such a council. Though the wildest advocates have even proposed an eventual merger of the two alliances, such a goal is not estimated to be likely by independent Serbovian analysts as well as members of the Directory. According to Director of the State Nikolich, the purpose of the proposed council would be to act as an intermediary of bilateral relations between individual KA and PA memberstates and as a forum of ad hoc cooperation if necessary to address individual issues.

Within the Union Council, discussion on the proposed Pasila-Karlskrona Council has touched not only the pace with which the idea has been driven, but opposition worries that the two alliances might seek to bypass the Council of Nations in future as a venue of international troubleshooting. Director Nikolich described such concerns as inaccurate, saying that the Union remained as committed as ever to the Council of Nations alongside other Pasila and Karlskrona memberstates. He also said that Serbovia's policy in working with other democratic states should not be restricted to the Pasila and Karlskrona Accords, but also include neutral states and the European Defense Federation in bilateral contexts to a more significant degree.

Jan 7, 2011
Ministry of Foreign Relations
Ministère des relations extérieures

The United Territories could not agree more with Director Nikolich in the terms of cooperating as democratic nations, least before we become a dying breed, we must repair the problems at hand diplomatically in democratic brotherhood.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Directorate of the State
United States of Greater Serbovia

The Union is at agreement with this enlightened assessment and also looks forward to expanding bilateral relations with neutral nations outside of the traditional Pasila Accord and Council of Nations contexts. To that effect, the Directorate of the State is currently preparing a series of diplomatic visits to such countries, Akwesasne included, though at this time such preparations are in their preliminary stages.

Hon. Mr. Petar Nikolich,
Director of the State,
United States of Greater Serbovia


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Karelingradskaya Gazeta

Est.1928 - The largest daily newspaper in Greater Serbovia. Available domestically in Serbovian, Lusatian and Sarmatian in general editions and in Korelan and Darujhi in local editions.


:arrow: KARELINGRAD, SERBOVIA PROPER -A planned renovation of the five Revolutionary Gates of what is today known as Old Karelingrad was announced today by the Main Administration of National Landmarks and Parks, which is undertaking the venture in cooperation with local authorities of Serbovia Proper and Karelingrad. The four original Revolutionary Gates are triumph arches that were constructed between 1824 and 1829 by first Emperor of the Serboves Sergei VI of the House of Dragovic to celebrate the successful conclusion of the Serbovian Revolution. A fifth one was added in the same model in 1924, a hundred years after the revolution, to celebrate the liberation of the city from the Reds in the Third Battle of Karelingrad of the Civil War.

The original gates are the Dragovic Gate, Rushkin gate, Valenkov Gate and the Tännhauser Gate respectively, named after the House of Dragovic, long-time Imperial Chancellor Vladimir Rushkin and their generals Artyom Valenkov and Aleksandr Tännhauser. The fifth is named Karelin Gate after General-Regent Dmitri Karelin. All of the five gates are notable for being topped with rider statues of their respective name-bearers, and the honor guards placed to the gates are a popular tourist attraction. According to National Landmarks officials the renovation will improve information facilities attached to the gates, and make restorative renovations to the gates themselves.

:arrow: - BELOZERSK, ZAPADNOSLAVIA - The Greater Belozersk Judicial Police has announced the arrests of a Hajri citizen and a Serbovian citizen of Hajri origin in connection with the recent waterfront execution murder in the city. While the authorities are withholding the identity of the deceased so far due to investigative and privacy reasons, officials have said that the two men were caught today outside of the hotel room that had been rented by the victim, for as of yet unknown reasons. A police spokesman said that the two men had been in possession of unlicensed firearms at the time of the arrest.

In the local media, the arrest has raised suspicions that the murder could be related to the activities of the local Bloody Scimitars gang, their Belozersk section being based in what today is known as the Belozersk Little Hajr. However, police spokesmen have refused to affirm any claims of gang-relation in the homicide, and have not given comment as to whether or not the men arrested are members of the Bloody Scimitars.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Karelingradskaya Gazeta

Est.1928 - The largest daily newspaper in Greater Serbovia. Available domestically in Serbovian, Lusatian and Sarmatian in general editions and in Korelan and Darujhi in local editions.

KARELINGRAD, SERBOVIA PROPER/SHERBATY, KORELA - Nikitin wovs vengeance after fourteen are killed in insurgent attacks

After a meeting with Director of War Pyotr Bulgakov and Director of the Police Oleg Korzhakov as well as Stavka officials including Commander-General Gennadi Telashnikov and General Anton Slavik, heads of Stavka and its Combined Operations Command, Regent and Chairman-Director Alexei Nikitin has woved retaliation for recent separatist attacks that killed fourteen members of the Korelan security forces. Nikitin spoke to reporters at the Anichkov Palace, where the persons in question were gathering.

"We will not hesitate to root out the insurgency that has once more seeded itself in Korelan soil, and we will not negotiate with terrorists. Our vengeance shall be hundredfold, and in their basements and hideouts the terrorists shall shake and tremble before the might of the Union", Nikitin said in his address, "We will find them regardless of wherever they are, and through our cold will and hot lead they will learn the gravity of their mistake and that they will not escape the justice of the Serbovian nation." In addition, he expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased.

Moments after the address, the Stavka announced the deployment of ten thousand combat troops into Korela, including the famed 29th Air Assault Brigade, the 14th and 15th Regiments of Mounted Gendarmerie as well as elements of the 19th Volinian Grenadiers, a motorized infantry unit operating the Suvorov armored personnel carrier. In addition unnamed sources within the Stavka say that units of the 101st Shock Reconnaissance Regiment, the Southeastern Command's designated special forces unit, are being sent out to Korela. As the troops join the ten thousand policemen, five thousand Gendarmes and fifteen thousand soldiers and Republican Guards permanently in Korela, the move marks the heaviest deployment of regular Serbovian troops into the Republic since the conclusion of the 2008 insurgency. Analysts believe that in addition to propping up security the new troops are expected to assume a proactive stance in conducting offensive operations against the Korelan National Liberation Army, which claims the responsibility for last night's attacks and several others that have occurred in Korela this year.

Stavka sources describe the deployment as a strategic surge, intended to root out the KNLA before it is capable of attaining a strategic position for a prolonged insurgency such as the 1992-2008 insurgency against the Korelan People's Army. Analysts now believe that the KNLA includes veterans of the former Korelan People's Army, but point out that to attain the believed strength of a thousand active fighters it has likely recruited new and inexperienced members as a significant portion of the KPA membership was killed or captured during the 2008 Operation Blizzard typically described as an ending of the insurgency.

Korelan Minister-President Shrabat Nazarbayev has declared a day of mourning for the fourteen killed in the last night's attacks, and has expressed his condolences to their families. The fourteen soldiers and policemen are to be buried with military honors. The Union Council's joint Friday session changed its schedule from budgetary discussion to concern the situation in the Republic of Korela, and Director of War Bulgakov is expected to brief the Council on planned counter-insurgent measures in Korela then.

Jun 13, 2007
State Ministry of the Exterior

Walstadt is greatly saddened to learn of the recent loss of life in Korela and the thoughts and prayers of our people go out to the families of those soldiers slain in the attack. This government is resolutely opposed to terrorism and utterly rejects the notion that political differences can be settled through deliberate slaughter by those with no respect for the rule of law.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
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The Chief Officer of the Foreign Office has marked
this message as PUBLIC, pertaining
to the public at large.
Written in Sworn Service to our Sovereign Engellexic Majesty Queen Charlotte .​

Approaching as a staunch ally of the United States of Serbovia, this nation expresses our sincere condolences to the friends and family of those made to suffer in these insurgent attacks, made for an entirely incongruous cause. Cantigny ascribes to a doctrine which eternally values every single Serbovian as a valued comrade, and this heart-rending affair naturally draws our support for authorities and investigators who have been charged with bringing perpetrators to justice.

We affirm our continued support of the administration and military of Serbovia with keen desire to see vengeance delivered upon terrorism, and the terrorists who practice tactics of fear.



Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Directorate of the State
United States of Greater Serbovia

The Union wishes on behalf of the citizens of Korela and the families of the victims of recent insurgent attacks, and on behalf of Union servicemen currently in Korela, to express its appreciation over the statements of stmpathy from our friends in Cantigny and Walstadt. The Directory is fully committed to eradicating this emerging insurgency at its first steps before it is allowed to gain a foothold within the Republic of Korelaso that the 1992-2008 events of the terrible insurgency in the Republic do not repeat themselves.

This we do so that the sacrifice of all those who have died to protect the Republic and its citizens will not go in vain, and that Korelans will be able to enjoy their sovereign rights as citizens of the Union to decide on their own fate without fear of separatist violence and terrorism.

Hon. Mr. Petar Nikolich,
Director of the State,
United States of Greater Serbovia


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Karelingradskaya Gazeta

Est.1928 - The largest daily newspaper in Greater Serbovia. Available domestically in Serbovian, Lusatian and Sarmatian in general editions and in Korelan and Darujhi in local editions.

KARELINGRAD, SERBOVIA PROPER - Twelve billion raise in defense budget, sin taxes as key points of 2011 budget

The Nikitin Administration's Fiscal Year 2011 budget cleared the Union Council this week amidst heavy political debate between the Kadet-Monarchist coalition and the assortment of opposition parties in the Union Council. The prolonged budget debate swallowed much of the session time of the Union Council and its various Subcouncils during the first two weeks of April, resulting in a heavy queue of items for the remaining four weeks of the Council's Spring sessions.

"I am personally highly satisfied with this solution", said Imperial Regent and Chairman-Director Alexei Nikitin in a press conference held at the Anichkov Palace after the Union Council had voted on the budget proposition, "While the Directory has shown its capacity in compromising the various demands of our own support base, the opposition electorate and the civil society as a whole, we have also reached our core objectives that we set to achieve in formation of the year's budget."

Subject to heavy criticism from Trudovik, Communist and Decambrist parliamentarians was the passed raise of twelve billion Serbovian Marks in the 2011 defense budget, equalling roughly six billion dollars. The raise, which brings the financial resources of the Union Forces and the Directorate of War to 129 billion Marks, has been championed by Stavka Chief Commander-General Gennadi Telashnikov in response to growing regional security threats. A white paper submitted by the DoW to the Treasury ahead of the budget discussion described improving strategic offensive and defensive capabilities of the Air Force as well as domestic defense capabilities of the Land Forces as the primary points of the program. The Stavka is expected to brief the Union Council on other acquisition programs soon.

In addition, the FY 2011 budget includes a doubling up of so-called sin taxes on alcohol products and tobacco, with an emphasis on heavy liquors in case of the former. The hike has been protested by brewing and liquor industries as well as tobacco manufacturers, who claim that it will only serve to generate a new market for illegal dealers in such products. A principal agreement was also reached to increase the resources of the Tax Gendarmerie and to introduce measures against grey economy later in the year. Funding was also earmarked to regional development assistance in troubled Republics, including Korela, Darujhistan and the Autonomous Republic of the North.

Particularly left-wing oppositionists were quick to criticize the government for what has been described as negligence of broader social reforms that have been discussed during the budget debate. Sergei Zaikov of the Trudovik Party was direct in accusing the Nikitin Administration of "blatant neglect towards implementing social reform, taking up the Trudovik proposition to curtail alcohol and other substances only to provide funds for its mad arms campaigns."
