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World Balance. (Attn: Engellex & Frescania )

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011

7th, January 1953

To the honorable ministers of Frescania and Great Engellex,

It is becoming increasingly clear to us Sylvanian's the division of powers in Europe as this crisis unfolds, in the past this division was muddled by the apathy of individual nations and our goals for our respective spheres of influence. However now it has become quite clear who is against who. While our three nations bicker from time to time, I have never seen much to truly fear, but this Danish question has finally reared it's ugly head once and for all and it must be answered. While we enjoy our respective eras of peace and prosperity, the Danes weave a web across this world with which it will one day ensnare us in should we ignore it any longer. Over the past year she has created relationships with the Fascist Mezhists in Sarmartia and the conniving Sikandrans and has created a considerable power base should it finally wish to test it's strength against Europe's free peoples.

We must not let this come to pass; we as nations now bound to a common goal must put an end to the Danish power grab and prevent the Agderike from becoming just another Danish puppet for it to suck dry of resources and strength. I do not propose an alliance, such a notion would imply that we have come far in repairing our relations and no longer have any gripes or concerns with each other. I do propose a temporary coalition of willing nations to begin to stem the tide of growing Danish power. This is no longer a cold war between republics and monarchies; it has become a cold war between the fascism which has sullied the peace of Europe, and the freedom loving, constitutionally governed republics and empires of Europe. We must stop this creeping fascism here and now; our first act should be to help the Agderike determine it's future, independent of the Danish crown. It is the wish of the Sylvanian Republic to stand at the side of the wise Engellexic and honorable Frescanian peoples as we push back the hordes of fascist monsters. Should we be divided in this goal, the machinations of these evil men will surely one day plunge Europe into a global war.

Autumn Viklund,
Director of Foreign Affairs
United Republic of Sylvania.

Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Republic is happy that our three nations were able to come together for the stability of the Nordic region and the people of Ostveg. Furthermore, recent actions by fascist and communist regimes against the world order cannot stand. We thus would welcome cooperation with the Republic of Sylvania and the Empire of Engellex.