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  1. Vittoria

    Palazzo Napoletano

    Palazzo Napoletano, Partenopea Serenissima Repubblica di Vittoria The room was cold, not because it was actually a cold day, but more so due to the fact that the air conditioner had been left on all day. As the sun set in the west, the air conditioner felt somewhat redundant, or at the very...
  2. Vittoria

    The Vittorian Open

    Vittorian Open Partenopea, Vittoria (June 6th - June 13th, 1954) Registration for the Vittorian Open is now open and available. The tournament is one week long, beginning June 6th. Registration in both the mens and womens tournaments are limited to two nationals per gender. Please...
  3. Vittoria

    La Gazzetta del Sud

    L a • G a z z e t t a • d e l • S u dIl giornale d'Vittoria • Edizione numero duecentosettanta - 1 (totale 01) Edizione di news in inglese • pubblicato a Partenopea • 0,8 ₤ The Vittorian Open! The beginning of a new era of tennis has arrived, as several of the wealthiest families in...
  4. Vittoria

    A Wieser in Vittoria

    The Wieser delegation was driven to a small vineyard outside of the capital city of Vittoria, Monte Cervino. Glasses of wine were served and Countess and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bianca Ciabatti sat at a table on a desk overlooking the vineyard. The leader of the Wieser delegation was...
  5. Vittoria

    Agenzia Giornalistica Vittoria

    Agenzia Giornalistica Vittoria (AGV) is a not-for-profit news agency based in Sovana, Vittoria. AGV has branches around the world and is a major competitor against the Belmont based AP and Reuters. AGV is unique to Vittoria as it does not have to follow Vittorian Information laws and is a...
  6. Vittoria

    Trattato del giardino di Monte Cervino (attn: Sarmatian Nations & Franken)

    It was a beautiful day. The sun shined through the nearly leafless canopy provided by the oak trees. Spring was in full swing and little leaves could be seen failing in their general purpose, or at least the general purpose they served for the Tsarina who sat on a chair beneath them. An...
  7. Vittoria

    Industria vittoriana delle armi (Vittorian Weapons)

    Infantry weapons Assault RiflesVal Trompia Fucile d'assalto 70/90 Picture —In use The Val Trompia 70/90 is a gas operated self loading assault rifle chambered for the 5.56mm cartridge, and is the standard issue service rifle of the Vittorian Armed Forces. The weapon also features grenade...
  8. Vittoria

    Vodka Martinis Without the Olives • East West Affairs

    It was near dusk and the snow was coming down harder than previously. They sat in a large windowed room near the Kremlin. The building itself was difficult to identify from the inside as they were ushered into it from an entirely different entrance. In actuality they were inside the Duma, but...
  9. Vittoria

    L'estremità dell'estremità

    Brīvā telegramų vēstījums agentūra The Free Telegraph Message Agency is an independent privately owned news corporation which follows the rules and guidelines of the Shcherbatskayan Ministry of Information. This publication is translated from our language to yours daily to encourage and promote...
  10. Vittoria

    The Red Ghost

    =1= The rain stopped shortly after 5:00pm. The man crouching beside the thick tree trunk carefully removed his coat. The rain hadn't lasted for more than half an hour, and it hadn't been heavy, a cold damp feeling had penetrated his clothing. The feeling had given him a sudden flash of...
  11. Vittoria

    Ágústa Eva Guðmundsdóttir: My Diary~! <3

    Friday January 8th, 2010 Dear Diary,I got you for Christmas this year and I really haven't been able to muster up the desire to write. Today was so strange though, I felt it might be a good day to start. Before I do that though, maybe I should introduce myself to you. My name is Ágústa Eva...