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Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "The Daily Profit" (Oelar). TDP, one of the most-read blogs in Oelar, is written by Filip Jónsson Gutkind, a lecturer at the Capitollium, and occasional collaborators. TDP covers political economy from a critical, sometimes satirical intersectionalist standpoint.

The Daily Profit
By F. J. Gutkind, Going Under the Bottom Line Since 2006.

Money is God.

Isn't that why I write this blog? Yes, and I was reminded to pay homage when the came last week that the Franconians bought Knýtlingsfort for just shy of T.400 million.

You could do worse, Europe. At least money is a real god, not an idol. Moneytheism is no paganism. Once, sure, poor Money was a mere idol of gold. But times were tough and Money had to compete with the old desert gods like YHWH and Allah. But now in modern European civilization, moneytheism has emerged as a monotheism, and Money is a real god, a mysterious force not to be reckoned with, but all-reckoning.

See, Money is the new univocal standard of value which calls for the judgment of all other things in relation to itself. But do not be fooled, by its very nature of being relative value Money is the only universal. Money begets Money, the creature of none and the creator of Itself.

Money took some of YHWH's best attributes. No longer simply worth its weight in gold, Money has borrowed YHWH's infinity. The value of Money is theoretically limitless, its purchasing power relies on faith and faith alone, and nations back Money with their full faith (and credit).

Forget the State, which once tried to claim the divine qualities of omnipotent lawgiver. All too human, the State could never be a mysterious, invisible force that controlled the fortunes of men and nations. And forget the religions that structured the lives of men according to faith in its values. Religion could never control lives like our new religion, with its god Money and its devil Debt, that dictates when we and how much we eat, when and how hard we work, when and how much we relax.

Jesu, the joy of man's desirings, has been replaced by a new ultimate, infinite, self-perpetuating desire. Olmolungring, last redoubt of the Old Ways, step aside.

In Jesus' defense, though this be superfluous now that he is our god no longer, we were warned that the moneychangers would storm the temple (Mark 11:15). We were told we could not serve Christ and also Mammon (Matthew 6:24). We were told the rich cannot enter the Kingdom (Mark 10:25), to make ourselves poor (Luke 4:18), that we must sell all our possessions (Luke 12:33), and that we would not even be prudent to care for money at all (Luke 12:13-21, 13:22-31). No, we insisted, we can reasonably and prudently and responsibly serve two masters. But the Old Master was dead before we could lay our hands on the thirty-first piece of silver.

The 400,000,000th piece of silver that comes over the border from Franken will buy a handsome potter's field indeed in which to hang ourselves.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "Oriel to the Orient" (Oikawa). ORIELLY, very likely written by Kelsi Adamsdatter Lemanfrille of the Oelarian embassy in Nokanawa, is an occasional blog about Western perspectives on Oikawan culture and conspiracy theories more generally.

Orielly: 1. a small oriel window. [Lat. oriolum, "upper chamber".]


Nokanawa is the secret-keeper of the world. Who could begin with the secret histories of nations that filter through the palaces of Oikawa, this secretive nations? Nonetheless, I was surprised to hear this about the land I once called home.

It is no secret in Oelar that the country is flooded with foreign secret agents. When I was growing up in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the country was flooded with Franconians, Batavians, Cornavians, and Kryobaijanis. I hear it is no different now.

But what could they want? Oelar is poor and sparsely-populated. In many ways it still belongs to the 11th century more than the 21st century. Except for a trickle of black diamonds from the Gjinsjang Mountains, and fine whisky, nothing of value comes from Oelar.

But, an anonymous source here in Nokanawa recently reminded me, we should not forget the Great War. It is no secret now that Franken was developing nuclear weapons, and where better to hide secret, subterranean facilities than remote, vast Olmolungring?

Some say in 1943 an expert physicist from Kryobaijan, Dr. Rokolov or Rokolev, defected to Oelar and was assigned to a secret Franconian weapons program. But this may be an apocryphal back-construction from the Republik Oelar/Königreich Olearien Luftflotte Vervolkommnung. In those days, Tagzig had no words for "airforce", so we have only German loanwords whose acronym spells ROKOLFV. This suggests an airforce improvement program was more advanced and serious.

The site is deep in the mountains of Dovre. If this is true, it explains why the communist-supported ISRA under G. S. Stoker fought for control of these mountains between Knytlingsfort and Yungdrung Gutsak throughout the 1970s into the 1980s.

LII Lord Rigpa Skjolden was initially supportive of developing the weapons program further after the Franconians formally drew the borders and recognized Oelarian sovereignty after the Great War. There is evidence of an Aircommand Oelar (AO) from that time.

When LIII Lord Rigpa Gunn came to power in 1960, Skycommander T. S. Aethur was sacked, all evidence of ROKOLFV project destroyed, and the Dovre site closed. But something must have remained in the mountains to explain all the fighting. Nukes?

The Dovre site is shrouded in legend. Although the evidence shows "Oelar" is a back-construction of Olmo Lung Ring -- O.L.R. -- believers in the Rokolov account portray him as a descendant of the Hoelarians or Helians, and ancient native people.

That ridiculous legend seems to appear in 16th century myth. But even without Rokolov there may be good reason to suspect secret military facilities exist somewhere in Dovre, and the secrets within are worth a lot to powerful European nations.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "The Smudge Retort", based in Cornavia, aggregates international political news from across Europe, sometimes with a conservative bent. Smudge became famous in the late 1990s as the whistleblower for a string of high-profile political sex scandals.


YUNGDRUNG GUTSAK, OLMOLUNGRING - Rumors for weeks have circulated in this small mountain city that the 53rd Rigpa, Thorlakur Feargusson Gunn, will step down before 2011. If that is the case, the 13-member Great Council will convene shortly thereafter to elect the 54th Rigpa. This would be the first change in power in O.L.R. in fifty years, which could make the city's annual Council elections, usually a pleasant formality among friendly rivals, the most important in years.

The Great Council is a medieval institution with 7 seats reserved for non-elected aristocrats, (including, it was suggestively revealed earlier this week, the heir to the throne of Franken) churchmen, and the university provost. Gradual democratic reforms have made it so that 6 Councilors are elected, two from Y.G.'s chief satellite cities, Issverth and Knytlingsfort, and four from the capital itself.

That means 4/13ths of the Council that will decide the next Rigpa - who will probably rule for an average 30 years - is up for grabs.

Candidate registration ended today. Although there are no political parties in Oelar - most voters in town already know the candidates or their families personally - TSR has provided a key for international readers. [L] for leftists, socialists or simply working-class candidates, [P] for progressives, left-liberals 'modernists', and [C] for traditionalists or conservatives.

In foreign policy terms, it is more complex, although in general progressive Oelarians (usually associated with the Alvitr clan) support improved ties to Franken. Relations between the countries have been one of cold indifference since the end of the Great War. Conservative Oelarians tend to be more suspicious of Franken in general - but complexly cordial with the more conservative monarchists parties there - and favor closer ties with Cornavia on the conservative, anti-integrationist wing of Nordic Council and, at their most radical, an entente cordiale with the LFS. The modern Left is heavily influenced by Kryobaijani intersectionalism.

The need for coalitions among all parties have led most analysts to wager the firebrand, quixotic, and very inexperienced politicians of Olmolungring (modern media-driven politics of careful, calculating actors does not exist here to a large degree) will moderate their temperaments. But politics here have a certain quality of unpredictability.

Leading candidates from each district are listed in terms of popularity indicators projected from last year's exit polling data. Incumbents have asterisks.

Skiringssal Farthing (Burgravate)
  • Margarethe Hjovarthursdatter Alvitr* (Foreign Minister) [P] [ALVITR]
  • Stefan Jakkesson Hvít (Sociology Professor) [P]/[L] [EIR]
  • Kristin Jónsdatter Fremhjalp (Schoolteacher) [C] [GUNN]

Muspellheimr-Dyrehaven Farthing (Burgravate)
  • Alasdair Jónstyrsson Sýmeon (Philosophy Professor) [L] [EIR]
  • Jakob Svartursson Keiser (Philosophy Professor) [C] [n/a]
  • Cóemgein Bjarnisson Hart (Theology Professor) [P]/[C] [ALVITR]
  • Kaia Josefsdatter Ulfvan (Theology Student) [P] [ALVITR]

Skálholt Farthing/Outskyrter South (Tjaldlungsgravate)
  • Magnus Gunnarsson Strang* (Welder) [L] [ALVITR]
  • Niels Niklausson Roerich (Prime Minister) [C]/[P] [n/a]
  • Gretchen Seumasdatter Gunn (Waitress) [C] [GUNN]

Hólar Farthing/Outskyrter North (Tjaldlungsgravate)
  • Vandrare Vilhjálmsson Perseifur (Novelist) [C] [GUNN]
  • Filip Jónsson Gutkind (Theology Professor) [L] [ALVITR]
  • Jakob Toniksson Brun (Schoolteacher) [C] [GUNN]
  • Stadhâldr Jebsdatter Stubbe (Banker) [C]/[P] [EIR]

Surprises include the candidacy of Prime Minister Roerich, who has not stood for a riding before. Well-liked, Roerich will be matched up against the extremely popular son of the labor hero Gunnar Ragnarsson Strang in the working-class neighborhoods of Skálholt.

And as usual the election in Muspellheimr-Dyrehaven, dominated by Capitollium students, is wide open and promises to be raucous. Perseifur, a widely popular novelist and scholar announced a surprising candidacy at the last minute, and is an instant favorite in the higher-end residential neighborhoods of Hólar. Alvitr is likewise expected to retain her Skiringssal seat handily, unless Hvít gets a significant boost from leftist enthusiasm over G. S. Stoker's election to the Knytlingsfort Revialty.

Clan membership will not be a major factor in the elections except where it corresponds to political opinions, but they have been added for reference.

The elections take place next week.
Aug 27, 2009
FEATURED: "Musings from the Fifth Floor" (Cornavia.) Member of Parliament, Chairwoman Standing Subcommittee on External Affairs Charlotte Levinson (Commonwealth Party), with a Masters in Civic Sciences with a specialization in Journalism, maintains the blog for the purposes of making regular political commentary in affairs of Parliamentary and political commentary. The eponymous Fifth Floor of Parliament Hall houses, among many other things, her personal office.

Comments expressed by M.P Levinson indicate her personal stances, and not those of the Cabinet or the Commonwealth Party.


"The Frescano-Suionian Axis, the EDF and the Northern Council - Armed neutrality put to a new perspective by the Belmontien-Coronadic war"

An attempt at something better bound to fail, or a valid attempt at bringing reformation into the European alliance system? That is the question many in Southport-on-Sea asked last week when the nations of the so-called Treaty of Friendship, Collaboration and Common Defense - called the Suionian-Frescanian Axis by many in Cornavia due to its member base - brought themselves back into Europe's attention by enforcing a blockade of arms shipments in response to the outbreak of the war between Belmont and Coronado.

For the shotcallers in Claridge House and elsewhere dealing with the current Cornavian position of slowly emerging from sixty years of armed neutrality, the Belmontien-Coronadic war also means re-examining Cornavia's stance in the European alliance system. Not that full embroilment in the alliance system is a close prospect, alas, because many people are still afraid and worried of what an end to armed neutrality might mean. That's why the Republicans, more or less after becoming a political wing of New Lightbearer isolationism, are being the trend for not too few people in our country.

Now, all of you are probably asking: "Why does what's going on in Southern Gallia affect our own land?". Well, now that the Suionian-Frescanian Axis has moved in as a neutral actor, we're seeing the possibility of another alliance assert itself in the system of European geopolitics. And this is significant for one reason - the states in it operate from an almost identical ideological basis as the Commonwealth itself.

To exemplify, though arrangements such as the Nürnberg Treaties signed in August with Franken provide a framework for a certain amount of cooperation with the EDF as a whole, without divulging further details I'll say that the main issues are the EDF's more global focus and a certain lack of what I will call "the ideological echo".

Then, of course, there is the Northern Council, but that organization has exclipitly been developed as a tool of commerce and culture instead of one for hard geopolitics. Not to mention the divergence that comes into play when one draws out the alliance map: Some NC memberstates such as Arendaal and Eireann enjoy rather close relations with the EDF, while Suionia maintains the aforementioned alliance with Frescania.

That leaves Batavië and Vistrasia as neutrals on the table - the latter a faraway actor, while there still isn't too much trust for the former among many of us. I'm not one of those people, but they aren't alone. I recall a recent conversation with a serving general officer, and his words were "Back when I joined and went to the range in Basic Training, the range targets were dolls of Batavian soldiers. I'm not quite sure that we're entirely ready to give up our lives for them, and that goes vice versa too." Not the same country as it used to be and indeed one of our most reliable partners, but perhaps there is still some way to go.

Though the world has changed since President Terrence Markham's 1950s announcement of Cornavian armed neutrality, the idea istill revered among many, and there's no reason to suggest that it's about to go away for good. What matters, however is that should such a situation present itself, we'll have as many options on our table as possible.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "The New Sartorialist" (Arendaal). One of Europe's leading fashion blogs, invites international commentary on fashion, politics, and the politics of fashion.

The New Sartorialist
By G. S. Gunn, Yungdrung Gutsak

The Political Beard

Beards and side-whiskers have long had political connotations in Europe as symbols of political radicalism, sometimes subject to bans. Almost universally, the percentage of men wearing beards in Europe plummeted during the last century. Not so in Olmolungring.

But are Oelarians beginning to follow wider European fashion trends, and cutting off their beards? The long, bushy beard is commonly seen only among peasants. The unpopular rigpa of the Great War, U. V. Gravplass, was widely ridiculed for being clean-shaven. More famously, when Lord S. S. Eir cut off his beard during the Great War to sport only a mustache, he aroused a great deal of controversy, and few of his contemporaries followed suit. (Although it did become the fashion in the Aircommand, being clean-shaven except for a mustache or sideburns - which largely varies by unit - is a military fashion in Oelar, except for soldiers assigned to the massive tracked transport vehicles that rumble over the tundra.)

The next generation of political leaders may be significantly less bearded than their fathers; I. C. H. Alvitr sports a closely-trimmed beard (and very vintage eyeglasses!) and Prime Minister Roerich famously wears only a vandyke. The beards worn by Lord Provost Halvbefaren and Knytlingsfort's new Lord Reeve, G. S. Stoker, are significantly shorter than the long, white beard worn by older political figures like the current Rigpa, the Abbot Mimir, the Lord Bishop, and Lord Alvitr.

Why? Some suggest that it represents a greater receptivity to Europe in this long-isolated country, where televisions are effectively banned because of high import tariffs, regulators limit internet access to the Capitollium and some libraries, cars are not to be seen except for the streets of Knytlingsfort. But others see more specific trends emerging; conservatives keeping full beards, leftists emerging as clean-shaven except for a mustache, goatee, or vandyke.
Aug 28, 2009
Freiburg, Deutschland
FEATURED: 'Being Watched' (Batavië). A new blog, making full use of the new freedom of press laws in Batavia, targets the intelligence community of Vlaanderen often and Batavia's supposed regional roles in general. Written by Theo van Keks, a professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Hilversum University.

Being Watched
by Dr Prof. Theo van Keks

Patiently Waiting

The year was 2008. The role was solid, clear and well established. The People's Republic of Batavia was a politically isolated, militant, one hundred per cent police state dedicated to protecting itself, its ideology and its absolute domestic power. Scanogermania's largest standing army, constantly poised and at the ready, with particular attention always towards Cornavia, appeared to politicians and analysts in Southport and Nürnberg as an ever-present thorn and threat. The rich and the monarchs in Emyn Arnen always approached the De Graaf regime carefully, politely, yet firmly, wanting above everything to avoid conflict (particularly over the still disputed border around Lake Bijkaal).

2010. Jaap de Graaf suddenly dies from his old age and his son, Karel, a high-ranking general, is unprepared. The military loses trust in the world's only and shortest-lived communist monarchy. Karel de Graaf can barely hold on to power for two months after his father's death. The Batavian Republican Party, a group originally calling for democracy and capitalism, turns violent and, eventually, anarchist. Karel de Graaf and most of his cronies flee the country overnight, never to return, expect one: current Foreign Minister Arjan van Vliet who, with his clever games and manipulation, convinces the first democratic government that they need his expertise. The short intervention by two of the country's last remaining high-ranking generals brings democracy, or what can best be described as such.

History lesson aside, what with Batavia's fast-paced democratisation and market reforms, let us take a look at the country's new role in Scanogermania and beyond.

In what capacity does Batavia stand in the present day? Arendaal is a neutral, rich and oil-exporting country, sound and sure. Franken exerts its influence in the framework of the EDF. Suionia acts as a balancing factor with its economy comparable in size strength to Nürnberg's and Cornavia, now without major communist threats nearby, searches itself for a new role.

Will Vlaanderen and Threveburg unite to form their first bilateral alliance since the end of the Kingdom of Batavia and Vistrasia many centuries ago? If that is to be the case they will only be able to exert their more limited influence in a rather small region. But will they forward their own bilateral accords with their fellow Northern Council partners? What if the Northern Council states were to band together militarily in a legal form outside the framework of the NC? Will that occur simply by joining the Suionia-Frescania Karlskrona Accord? Will they create an entirely new alliance? Or will they go the simple route of signing a mutual defence treaty and leave it at that?

And Batavia on its own? Whether it joins a new regional protection system or not how will the leaders in Vlaanderen use the remaining power within? The country stands at a crossroads, unsure about whether to become a neutral player, an active one or an actor constantly striving to work within co-operative systems.

We should not forget that just two short years ago, when the communist regime was at a peak before the internal turmoil and power shift, Batavia would currently be at war against Belmont, marching hand-in-hand with the Coronadans in the greater name of socialism. Today, although many, especially in the intelligence community and Vepo, may sympathise with the government in Toledo, Prime Minister De Jonghe and the Foreign Ministry remain silent, at least in the public eye.

What I would give to see just one day's worth of communication between Vlaanderen and Paris. For Vlaanderen, through the still all-powerful Vepo, surely watches everything that I say and do.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "Solarium" (Oelar). SBCS is an influential blog maintained by a consortium of Oelarian clergymen, canons regular and O.S.M.s alike, from around the northern country.

Blog of Church and State.


There can be no doubt that the Archbishop of Paris, once thought to be the least stable of Europe's apostolic successors, has gone totally insane. All caution to the wind, the media-obsessed agent provocateur has called the Belmontien attack 'divine justice'. The Bishop of Yungdrung Gutsak wrote a response piece in the CJRB that was remarkably restrained. But you have got to be kidding me, the man has become a mouthpiece for Babylon.

Truly, the time has come for Pope Stephanus IV to remove the Archbishop of Paris. The people of Belmont are being manipulated into supporting a savage attack against Coronado by a diabolical alliance of their state and state church. It is a blight upon Christianity and a black mark upon the Holy Dominican Catholic Church. Decisive action by Pope Stephanus will be necessary into shocking the Belmontien people into waking up and realizing the disastrous economic, political, and spiritual consequences of what their government has so rashly done!

As if international war in the south is not enough, we have saber-rattling from our deranged cousins in the north. The Oelarian State is right to ignore these idle threats from the pathetic Drakunians and their delusional overlords, but must remain open to dialogue with Haestur without giving express diplomatic recognition to the regime. Bishop Zebulon has prayed that Christianity will return to our estranged cousins and their breakaway state.

The Drakunian Imperium and Belmont are fringe threats to peace in Meridian Europe. We ought to pray that the powers of consequence ordained by God swiftly act to mediate the war in the south and contain these threats until the time for regime change comes.

Rumors of a succession crisis here in Yungdrung Gutsak have reached our ears. The Old Accord with the Eirs representing the military and the mining industry, the Gunns in league with the Church, and the Alvitrs on the side of the intelligentsia and literati has been growing more complex. The rising Left led by the ISRA has been increasingly critical of the Church, and the tragic death of Terje Sigvarthursson Eir has left the military without a clear patron at this crucial time for defending the Oelarian State and the Heavenly Kingdom. Further complicating everything is the Gunn's control of the Capitollium through Halvbefaren and the close friendship between Lord Alvitr and Bishop Zebulon.

We pray in a special way that the LORD guide the Rigpa and the Great Council should they have to choose his successor, to act wisely to select a man with a great love for peace.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "The Smudge Retort", based in Cornavia, aggregates international political news from across Europe, sometimes with a conservative bent. Smudge became famous in the late 1990s as the whistleblower for a string of high-profile political sex scandals.


YUNGDRUNG GUTSAK, OLMOLUNGRING - Reporters are calling it the most modern election in Oelarian history. Multimillion-thaler campaigns are being run by some candidates. By and large the three candidates associated with the Intersectionalist League of Oelar (ILO) - Sýmeon, Hvít, and Gutking - have run very impressive campaigns and put forward detailed and by all accounts promising plans for state-building.

But good weather is good news for more conservative candidates, who expect stronger showings in the tjaldlungsgravates, which stretch up into the mountains north and south of Yungdrung Gutsak. Rural voters must come down into the town to vote, so the Christmas pilgrimage is a political ritual as well as a religious one.

Traditional political definitions are difficult to transpose into the Oelarian situation. The big issue is building a modern state. "Progressives" or the "center-left" are the most statist in this regard. Conservatives almost always oppose that project, and support more power divested to the Aircommand, the Church, and the clans in a more decentralized or feudal fashion like it is now. Leftists are more complex, but we might take it to mean pro-Kryobaijan, intersectionalist radical Left. Complexly they tend to agree with the progressives about the aims of the state, but they are not necessarily as statist, and see a bigger role for the ISRA, their main party, as yet another Oelarian state-within-a-state.

SKIRINGSSAL (5 of 6 polls reporting)

Margarethe Hjovarthursdatter Alvitr [P] - 43% (*)
Stefan Jakkesson Hvít [L-IPO] - 40%
Kristin Jónsdatter Fremhjalp [C] - 17%

MUSPELLHEIMR-DYREHAVEN (3 of 5 polls reporting)

Alasdair Jónstyrsson Sýmeon [L-IPO] - 54% (*)
Cóemgein Bjarnisson Hart [P] - 30%
Kaia Josefsdatter Ulfvan [P] - 14%
Jakob Svartursson Keiser [C] - 2%

HOLAR (4 of 11 polls reporting)

Vandrare Vilhjálmsson Perseifur [C] - 39%
Filip Jónsson Gutkind [L-IPO] - 39%
Jakob Toniksson Brun [C] - 13%
Stadhâldr Jebsdatter Stubbe [P] - 9%

SKALHOLT (2 of 9 polls reporting)

Magnus Gunnarsson Strang [L] - 39%
Niels Niklausson Roerich [P] - 37%
Gretchen Seumasdatter Gunn [C] - 24%

The raw data now coming in looks like we will be able to project Foreign Minister M. H. Alvitr's hold in Skiringssal, defeating S. J. Hvít. Hvít's defeat is a blow for the Intersectionalist League of Oelar, which looked like they might be able to take that seat. But the new party chairman, Professor A. J. Sýmeon, looks like he will be victorious in Muspellheimr-Dyrehaven. The margin there, even if you notice K. J. Ulfvan and C. B. Hart splitting the center vote, is truly crushing. And broadly speaking, leftist candidates are in good position to take 3 of 4 farthings, and that is even if you don't consider M. H. Alvitr, a quite profoundly left-of-center political mind, one of their number.

In the other two races, we expect to see Prime Minister N. N. Roerich (another fairly left-of-center guy) give G. M. Strang a strong run. The conservatives' only real hope at this point is V. V. Perseifur in Hólar, who is shown in a dead heat with F. J. Gutkind.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "The Daily Profit" (Oelar). TDP, one of the most-read blogs in Oelar, is written by Filip Jónsson Gutkind, a lecturer at the Capitollium, and occasional collaborators. TDP covers political economy from a critical or satirical intersectionalist slant.

The Daily Profit
By F. J. Gutkind, Going Under the Bottom Line Since 2006.

Franconian Vote Could Decide Next Lord Rigpa In Event of a Stoker-Halvbefaren Tie

I concede yesterday's election for the Lord Tjaldlungsgrave from the Hólar Farthing to Vandrare Vilhjálmsson Perseifur. V. V. Perseifur is a fine novelist who will represent our people well. I apologize if my remarks during the election were unduly harsh towards Professor Perseifur, who ought to be respected for his contribution to Tagzig Literature and Oelarian culture.

Four percentage points more in two districts, and the ILO would have swept the field convincingly. I congratulate my dear friends Stefan Jakkesson Hvít and Alasdair Jónstyrsson Sýmeon, the new Burgraves from Skiringssal and Muspellheimr-Dyrehaven, respectively. The Intersectionalist League of Oelar (ILO) has announced it will join forces with the Intersectionalist State Reform Administration (ISRA) created by the new Lord Reeve of Knýtlingsfort, Gregor Samsonsson Stoker. WE HAVE A MANDATE FROM THE PEOPLE! You will notice. ISRA now controls all inner-city Yungdrung Gutsak as well as Knýtlingsfort. When we are through, the people will have power and water, the people will have meat and eggs, the people will have those things that are called "human rights" elsewhere in Europe!

The struggle did not end yesterday. How can the ILO complete a revolution that must go all the way up to the throne of the Lord Rigpa? As I see it, the new Great Council will have three ILO leaders, all democratically-elected, who will vote for an ISRA-friendly Rigpa. Only three councilors - the Abbot, Lord Provost Halvbefaren, and V. V. Perseifur - are dead-set against ISRA's goals. The rest might be receptive (although Halvbefaren's half brother, Lord Gunn, and Bishop Zebulon are less likely than the others, perhaps).

When all is said and done, however, it looks like there are too many alliances to cut. Consider this simulation, as three likely candidates are I. C. H. Hjovarthursson Alvitr, Halvbefaren, and Stoker:

Alvitr Rd. 1 Votes:
  • H. E. Alvitr
  • Zebulon
  • N. N. Roerich
Halvbefaren Rd. 1 Votes:
  • P. Y. Gunn
  • J. Y. Halvbefaren
  • Mimir
  • V. V. Perseifur
Stoker Rd. 1 Votes:
  • S. J. Hvít
  • A. J. Sýmeon
  • G. S. Stoker
  • G. L. Skjolden
  • S. S. Eir

So Round One votes go - Stoker (5), Alvitr (3), and Halvbefaren (4). Lord Alvitr and Bishop Zebulon are likely to switch their votes, next, to Halvbefaren, I believe, while Prime Minister Roerich dislikes the Lord Provost intensely and will probably vote Stoker instead. Whilch leaves a 6-6 tie for Jakob von Franken to break.

So it looks like Jakob von Franken could very well have a tie on his hands. The surprise election of Perseifur gives Halvbefaren another sure vote, besides his family and the Abbot Mimir, which gives him a minimum of 4 in a first round. Stoker has a minimum of 3, but I think it is likely he will get G. L. Skjolden, the Reeve of Issverth, and Lord Eir, or 5.

Alvitr's supporters, I take it - especially his father and the Bishop - would rather Halvbefaren than Stoker, except probably Roerich who despises Halvbefaren if rumors are true, so we have a 6-6 tie. Jakob von Franken casts a deciding vote.

It will be interesting. Though after all the wrangling with who gets to form a government as prime minister (Alvitr if Halvbefaren wins, probably Alvitr also if Stoker wins, probably Stoker if Alvitr wins, but who knows?) it is uncertain how things will shake out. Roerich's name in the ring might also throw these predictions off, too. The Rigpa and the Skycommander have been silent, also. And hostages have traditionally played a major role, though hopefully not this time.

Should be interesting, to say the least.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "National Spirit" (Oelar) is a blog about whisky, by anonymous highly respected connoisseurs who vaunt their independence from the industry.

National Spirit

Time for our annual top 10 list of mass-produced Oelarian Gunnlish whiskys from the northern coast of Olmolungring, or ancient Gunnland, that have been bottled this year. Time for European buyers to put in their orders in time for Christmas, store pricing schemes to be hurriedly readjusted, and fiery debates across the Oelarian north to erupt. This year our expert tasters signal a preference for Klostersoya malts, although this remote island has only two distilleries and a quarter of the output smaller Aethrsoya and less than a sixteenth of the output of the Highlands. Old standbys like Gunn Reserve and Ábótisfjord make the list, but there are some surprises for the 2011 whiskys! Without further ado:

Ábótisfjord 18, Klostersoya is exceptionally good.Klostersoya's largest distillery at Mimir Abbey was smart to bottle the 1993 malt. A hands-down favorite.
Gunn's Reserve 15, Highlands is the best from the old Gunnlish classic. Gunn's Reserve is after all these years still deservingly called Oelar's national export.
Aedssons' 14, Aethrsoya is strong and peaty. One of the best Aethrsoya whiskys to come out in several years. Known to be Prime Minister Roerich's favorite.
Glynnaethur 15, Aethrsoya is well balanced and less peaty. We recommend this to accompany traditional Tagzig fare.
Gunn's Reserve 21, Highlands has the Gunnlish leg-bite for sure, but the most mellow in the list. Palatable for Europeans.
Drakkesglynn 10, Klostersoya is called the dragon. You will feel like you can breathe fire after drinking this one for sure.
Blanda 14, Highlands is a 1995 malt with a light and rumored to be a favorite of Lord-Margrave Alvitr.
Ábótisfjord 12, Klostersoya was the most controversial pick. A favorite for some, too smoky and strong for others.
Dyrepark 12, Highlands is an up-and-coming distillery known to be a favorite at the Capitollium. Quite fashionable. But good.
Reeve's Arms 10, Highlands is worth the price. Issverth's local distillery makes their first appearance on our list.

This year we also feature a list of recommendations from famous Oelarians:

Lord Rigpa T. F. Gunn - Ábótisfjord 18
Prime Minister N. N. Roerich - Aedssons' 14
Lord Bishop Zebulon - Gunn's Reserve 15
Kaia Josefsdatter Ulfvan (model) - Dyrepark 12
Rodrik Vilhjálmsson Sarlon (musician) - Farnoy-Björna 10
Lord Provost J. Y. Halvbefaren - Dyrepark 12
Vandrare Vilhjálmsson Perseifur (novelist) - Glynnaethur 15
Jakob Toniksson Brun (basketballer) - Blanda 10
Skycmdr. Act. A. R. Viereskog - Drakkesglynn 10
Fr. Matteus (vicar apostolic) - Ábótisfjord 18
Lord H. E. Alvitr - Blanda 14
Lord Reeve G. L. Skjolden - Reeve's Arms 10

There is no accounting for taste, but the experts salute Fr. Matteus, the Lord Rigpa, and the Lord Bishop for their excellent taste. And we question R. V. Sarlon and J. T. Brun for the same reasons!


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "Solarium" (Oelar). SBCS is an influential blog maintained by a consortium of Oelarian clergymen, canons regular and O.S.M.s alike, from around the northern country.

Blog of Church and State.


Oelarians traditionally tithe 10% of their income to their parish church, and the tithe-barns of Knytlingsfort are the most lucrative in the country. It is estimated that almost half of the operating budget of Bishop Zebulon's Episcopal See comes from the southern city and its environs.

But now, with a monk as the new Apostolic Vicar, Fr. Matteus, OSM, who answers to the Abbot Mimir, it is rumored that far less tithe-money will reach Yungdrung Gutsak this year, and more will be sent to the Mimir Abbey at Klostersoya. Worse, some claim that Matteus of Ljonyja will strike a deal with Gregor Samsonsson Stoker's Intersectionalist State Reform Administration (ISRA). Matteus and G. S. Stoker are reportedly long-time friends.

It is no secret that ISRA wants to take over control of education, healthcare, and poor relief in the Vicariate from the Catholic Church.

Is an either/or necessary? What we really need, perhaps, is a public/private Board of Public Welfare, with representation from the City Corporation and the Church, similar to the one Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, the Archbishop of Southwark, chairs in the Free Union. Or else this is a fight, I'm afraid, in which the stakes are too high for the Church, the Abbey, and the Intersectionalists alike.​


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "Puck" (Oelar) is a fan blog about the O.L.R. United Hockey Association, the premier league of outdoor hockey, which is Oelar's most popular national sport.


In the big opening week of the OLR-UHA where every team gets at least one cross-conference opponent, the Knytlingsfort Rangers take an early lead in the SEC standings. G. E. Smitan was especially impressive in their debut against the Y. G. Red Discs of the ACC, which many considered the match-up of the best two teams in the sport, skating around A. T. Bakowsky and the Discs' defense and too much for J. P. Viereskog and D. D. Haugr to handle.

In the ACC, it might be another good year for the Issverth Red Caps, if the Discs' can't pull it together. The ACC is very competitive this year. Look out for a strong Highlanders team that might upset the auld rivalry, and don't count Mimir out just yet, either.

The SEC we can predict will go to the defending Rigpa's Cup championship Knytlingsfort team, although the Aircommand team looks determined to upset the long lock the two K-fort teams - the Rangers and Snowlions - have had on their conference.

The schedule has been released for the first 8 games of the season.

Auld Consolidated

(Issverth, @Aircommand, @Y.G., Mimir, @Issverth, Mimir, @Y.G., Knytlingsfort)
(@Gunnrsund, Oberschlesnitz, Mimir, Y.G., Gunnrsund, @Y.G., Mimir, Downeastern)
(Knytlingsfort, Mimir, Gunnrsund, @Issverth, Mimir, Issverth, Gunnrsund, Aircommand)
(Downeastern, @Y.G., @Issverth, @Gunnrsund, @Y.G., @Gunnrsund, @Issverth, @Oberschlesnitz)


(@Mimir, @Knytlingsfort, @Aircommand, Oberschlesnitz, @Knytlingsfort, Aircommand, @Oberschlesnitz, @Issverth)
(@Oberschlesnitz, Gunnrsund, Downeastern, @Knytlingsfort, @Oberschlesnitz, @Downeastern, @Knytlingsfort, @Y.G.)
(Aircommand, @Issverth, @Knytlingsfort, @Downeastern, Aircommand, Knytlingsfort, Downeastern, Mimir)
(@Y.G., Downeastern, Oberschlesnitz, Aircommand, Downeastern, @Oberschlesnitz, Aircommand, @Gunnrsund)



Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "Solarium" (Oelar). SBCS is an influential blog maintained by a consortium of Oelarian clergymen, canons regular and O.S.M.s alike, from around the northern country.

Blog of Church and State.


The new Viereskog government might have brand-new letterhead that officially reads The Oelarian Republic, but the prime minister was quick to announce that the Republic was not a first step towards an Oelarian nation-state. "We will remain faithful to our national traditions of plural spheres of governance shared between the rigpa, the government, the church, and the local communities," wrote Prime Minister R. P. Viereskog in a letter to the public. Nonetheless, the government is going to move into a greater facilitator role, he said, integrating the plural government.

"I think you can expect Robert Petursson to have a freer hand in negotiating between the Bishop and the Abbot Mimir, for example," said new foreign minister N. N. Roerich, "or, better yet, in the power-sharing agreement between the Knytlingsfort government and the Church there." According to the government's first education and health minister, Matteus of Ljonyja, O.S.M., the arrangement will work much like parallel organizations in the Free Union: "We are using the model you see in contemporary Engellex & Blois, and we will adapt it as needed." Government oversight will hopefully reduce corruption with respect to the allocation of the substantial amounts of Cornavian, Franconian, and Aren foreign aid received by non-governmental welfare and defense providers in Olmolungring.

But rumors are that the grand coalition is already showing signs of strain. The new transport minister, F. J. Gutkind, is reportedly displeased that the greater part of his portfolio, national defense, has been relegated to a new war ministry and H. B. Eir. Although the Eir family is politically close to Gutkind's ILO-ISRA party, the Yungdrung Gutsak ILO was looking for more direct control over military operations. War Minister Eir's appointment was announced this afternoon.

In times of national emergency or at the rigpa's request, the five-member government will not report directly to the Lord Rigpa (who has announced his semi-retirement) but instead to Lord Protector Isleifur Christian Hjovarthursson Alvitr. With the most political experience, N. N. Roerich and Fr. Matteus are expected to remain leading figures in the government. Viereskog is rumored to be a figurehead conservative leader important only for his personal ties to the Aircommand (his uncle is the acting Skycommander).

In addition to the policy of 'stateless integration' and stated goals in military readiness, Roerich has announced a new foreign policy initiative that looks to expand Oelar's geopolitical position as the middle country in a Cornavia-Olmolungring-Franken "north-western axis" (NWA in security-strategy speak). Roerich has announced his desire to improve ties with four key Northern Council nations: Arendaal, Suionia, Batavia, and Vistrasia.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "The Daily Profit" (Oelar). TDP, one of the most-read blogs in Oelar, was founded by Filip Jónsson Gutkind, the current transport minister. TDP covers political economy from a critical, sometimes satirical intersectionalist standpoint.

The Daily Profit
Going Under the Bottom Line Since 2006.

The folks here at TDP would like to congratulate our friend and founder, Filip Jónsson Gutkind, for his appointment as Transport Minister in the Oelarian government. But he has already gotten himself into his first major controversy, calling yesterday for a currency switch.

Currently, the Franconian thaler (T) is the de facto currency of Olmolungring. Traditionally Oelarians have always used the currency of much larger Franken, although after borders and international recognition were formalized after the Great War in 1947 the introduction of a new Oelarian official currency was briefly considered. Business only accept thaler. But Transport Minister Gutkind proposed that the government enter negotiations to introduce the Northdollar, the new currency of the Northern Council, saying it could encourage new investment in the country. Most controversially, Gutkind proposed the measure as a way of reducing Franconian influence, which many in the country worry is on the rise after waning for decades following the Great War.

Business leaders reliant on trade with Franken - especially in the commercial center of the country in Knytlingsfort - were alarmed at the prospects of any proposed currency switch.

So today Gutkind's office released a statement saying that the Transport Ministry might not move ahead with negotiations to adopt the Northdollar independent of political decisions to explore Northern Council membership in 2011. But the veiled threat has only heightened concerns that the leftist mass movement ILO-ISRA will move the Republic closer to Suionia and northern states intent on balancing against the EDF. To add to these suspicions, Gutkind has unveiled a proposal to add international flights to the Knytlingsfort airport. Currently international business conducted in person in the city - particularly at the Oelarian Bank (OB) - must fly through Erlangen, Franken. No official customs protocols ease travel into Olmolungring, and civilian air travel into the country remains at the discretion of the Franconians. Gutkind seeks to circumvent this problem entirely by adding international flights to the small Knytlingsfort airport and using the Transport Ministry to underwrite the costs of the renovations.

Gutkind's plans have been publicly questioned now by Foreign Minister N. N. Roerich, leading to the impression that the government is deeply divided on the Franconian question.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "Puck" (Oelar) is a fan blog about the O.L.R. United Hockey Association, the premier league of outdoor hockey, which is Oelar's most popular national sport.


The schedule has been released for the 3-game interleague period. Five more games from the season remain, but have been unannounced. The complication is Downeastern's increased home schedule.

UHA sources say that Downeastern has confirmed its move to Erlangen will take place mid-season, accounting for more games. The move will put them in a far more lucrative market area than the village of Narazara, where they were effectively unable to play because of travel problems and kept a near-constant road schedule. The first match at DT Erlangen's new shinny will be one of the ages. This first match played internationally will pit the best team in hockey, the Knytlingsfort Rangers, against the hottest team in the UHA, Downeastern-Erlangen. And get this, the second game will be against the best team in the ACC, the Redisx.

Gunnrsund and Mimir have also announced they are exploring possible relocations to international cities in the region. The UHA says that only very close cities will be cleared for relocation, and that the internationalization of the sport is positive but will be closely monitored. Southport-on-Sea, Emyn Arnen, Karlsruhe, Drottningsgården, and Göteköping have come up as cities in a 'projected radius'. It was speculated that Oberschlesnitz, which notoriously struggles to fill its bleachers because of the popularity of their cross-town rivals the Rangers, would join the hunt with Gunnrsund and Mimir, but so far they have denied any plans to follow suit.

Auld Consolidated

(Mimir, @Downeastern, Oberschlesnitz)
(Aircommand, Oberschlesnitz, @Knytlingsfort)
(@Oberschlesnitz, Aircommand, Downeastern, )
(@ Y. G., @Knytlingsfort, Aircommand)


(@Downeastern, Mimir, Issverth)
(@Issverth, @Gunnrsund, @Mimir)
(Knytlingsfort, Y.G., @Gunnrsund)
(Gunnrsund, @Issverth , @Y.G. )

Aug 30, 2009
Free State of Bavaria
ErAn, Franken, ArEn
FEATURED: "Zur Sicherheit" (Franken). ZS is a well-known blog among the educated and elite internet aficionados within the readership of the Fränkische Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). ZS is hosted and administered via FAZ’s online community. It deals with politics, security affairs as well as economics. The blog’s main editor is Josef Teufel, senior correspondent for foreign and defence affairs in Nürnberg. Occasionally guest authors will contribute.

Zur Sicherheit
By Josef Teufel

Dancing on a volcano: Franken’s actions in Oelar

Today Graf Robert Beaumont von Miltenberg tackled criticism by opposition parties about the government’s course in Oelar before the Abgeordnetenhaus. The socialdemocrats’ and liberal democrats’ main point was the lack of parliamentary consultation about Franconian measures in Oelar.

“[…] The Foreign Office, the Development Aid Ministry and the Ministry for Economic Affairs have failed to timely inform the respective parliamentary committees about the additional monetary help for Oelar. Furthermore, the honourable house hasn’t been consulted on the adoption of the Margraviate of Oberschlesnitz. […]”

This was the core of SDP foreign policy spokesman Christoph Meuer’s lament about His Majesty’s Government.

“[…] His Majesty’s Government has never failed to observe its constitutional duties to consult the parliament and/or seeks its explicit approval where legally necessary. Courtesy to the industrious and reliable officers at His Majesty’s Treasury I’m delighted to tell you that even on the second or third careful glance we didn’t exceed the national budget as approved by act of parliament in 2009.

Regarding the adoption of the Margraviate of Oberschlesnitz as another title of the Crown Prince of Franken we maintain there are no major disadvantages. Before advising the Sovereign and His Royal Highness the Prince Regent via the Privy Council we commissioned a constitutional law analysis, which found that there will be no de iure duties. Furthermore, constitutionally the rights of the Landtag weren’t affected. When we finally weighed the potential benefits against the potential expenses we concluded it would be profitable to accept the title. […]”

So much for the essential part of Graf Beaumont von Miltenberg’s rebuttal before the Abgeordnetetenhaus, which is the lower house of the Landtag.

The fledgling earl’s answer to the largest opposition party’s criticism can be considered a very concise synopsis of Franconian politics and why the Christliche Volkspartei (Christian People’s Party) continues to hold sway over the kingdom’s government: Franken’s government looks for what’s profitable and rewarding, not for the ethically right things. However, Franken’s foreign policy is based on gaining and retaining likeminded friends. Often the blatantly egocentric approach is extenuated by Franken looking for what’s profitable for herself AND her closest allies. Combined with friendly, amiable and charismatic party leaders the basically cold egoism suddenly seems appealing to even more philanthropic voters. Last but not least fancying both dashing and successful aristocrats runs in the Franconians’ blood.

As a disillusioned Bamberg socialist satirist once put it: “The epitaph of the last executed Franconian aristocrat would read ‘With never-ending admiration.”


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
FEATURED: "A View into Vangala" (Vangala). A View into Vangala, a popular blog amongst the overseas Vangalan community, is written and hosted by former journalist Viktor Chatterjee, who is currently based in Nürnberg, and comments on important events in the People's Republic.

A View into Vangala

The Master becomes the Friend

Vangalan history textbooks are going to need updating. Focusing obsessively on the period of Franconian colonial rule, they describe Franconians as the 'eternal enemies' of Vangalans, blame Franconia for Vangala's economic and social backwardness and also accuse Franconia of engaging in espionage. However, in the last few months, the 'eternal enemies' have become new best friends, Franconian companies are now driving Vangalan economic growth through increased investment and the two are co-operating increasingly close on security issues.

When did this happen, and why? Most importantly, what does this mean for Vangala? Is this for better or for worse?

Vangala and Franconia started becoming friendly in at the start of the last decade, holding a few hush-hush meetings and exchanging Embassies. Yet, things only really started improving last year when External Affairs Minister Ajoy Qamaruzzaman visited Nürnberg in the first ever bilateral meeting. He brought home a bag of goodies: aid, investment, begrudging acceptance of the Communist regime and an informal guarantee of Vangala's independence.

Why this all happened is a bit harder to discern. According to sources in the Foreign Office, it was Vangala who sent feelers to Franconia, not vice versa. Since economic liberalisation in the 1980's, Vangala has been aggressively seeking sources of foreign investment, wooing companies with the promise of cheap and easy labour. Franconia, with its economic weight and historical ties, undoubtedly seemed like a good choice. Nürnberg, never one for high-minded ideals like democracy and individual liberty, did not reject these advances, probably pressured by eager businesses and burdened by post-colonial guilt.

All this Thaler flowing in is unlikely to help ordinary Vangalans. Some of their aid money will have been siphoned off by corrupt officials or squandered by incompetent bureaucrats. Most is also allegedly destined for the powerful People's Armed Forces. For all the talk of responsibility towards its former colonies, Franconia seems to be doing little more than payrolling a dictatorship.

If Franconia really wanted to help Vangala, it should be funding pro-democracy groups and refuse to recognise the Communist Party as the legitimate government. It should also stop its business profiting from the exploitation of Vangalan workers. But if the recent joint naval exercises are anything to go by, this change of heart is unlikely to happen.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "Solarium" (Oelar). SBCS is an influential blog maintained by a consortium of Oelarian clergymen, canons regular and O.S.M.s alike, from around the northern country.

Blog of Church and State.

In Olmolungring, Chaos Looks Awfully Calm. For Now.

Is this what chaos looks like?

We only knew internet access had been restored when rumors spread throughout Yungdrung Gutsak that the students at the Capitollium had taken over the Journal offices on campus and re-launched the website. Until last night, we had been without internet for two weeks because of a freak snowstorm.

We have a responsibility to report this as one of the few 'news outlets' in the country. The storm has not been a humanitarian disaster, since Oelarians traditionally stockpile food and provisions for the dangerous months of the alpine winter. It has been a political crisis, however.

Local Tagzig-language television was restored three days ago and Prime Minister Viereskog appeared in a special announcement to offer to negotiate with the ISRA separatists in Knytlingsfort. Viereskog looks pale and sickly. As soon as the tracks to Issverth clear, we are hearing, Foreign Minister Roerich will fly to Franken via and overseas trip to Arendaal.

There is no reason to doubt the government's plan of action at this point, which seems to be cajoling ISRA into some sort of settlement agreement while preparing for a possible armed confrontation with the intersectionalists.

A worst-case scenario is emerging with the realm fragmenting into three pseudo-states: a socialist republic in the southeast around Knytlingsfort, the government in Yungdrung Gutsak, and a no-man's land between the two statelets controlled by the Lord Sigvarthur Eir and the Abbacy of Mimir. For now, the Great Council appears to be deeply divided.

Government television is reporting that mining activities in the south have ground to a halt, threatening to cripple the Oelarian economy come springtime and destroying decades of progress. These reports may be propoganda, however.

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
FEATURED: "Turch da Auy dez Behälter" is the most famous Bogan anti-regime blog. Written by a group of refugees in the Free Cities' League, it features liberals, communists, socialists, conservatives, sharing their hatred of Rikhard V and the Bogan State. As the Free Cities do not submit to Bogan censorship laws, there is guaranteed free speech. (Turch da Auy dez Behälter means 'through the eye of the beholder')[FONT=&quot]

Turch da Auy dez Behälter[/FONT]
"in tsëte de universäles toeshdum, di varhëd tsu zagen ëne revolutsionäres akt"
"during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"

Rikhard V's Hidden Agenda
by Yurgen Fisher, leader of the Bogan Communist Party in exile

After the years of international ostracization our pariah state has subjected itself to, Boganhem's name roars in the International Community - and why? It seems that Rikhard V announced the near completion of an unexpected nuclear programme - allegedly for peaceful purposes... The question that bothers me is: how come can there be anyone who takes this seriously? The International Community, under the spell of the soft diplomatic words of FSB-educated fon Krakkenveld, believes that sending a team of inspectors to see the Grinveld Plant is enough.

Don't fool yourselves - Rikhard V won't, as Krakkenveld says, follow his predecessor's foreign policy of isolation - he will get the attention a megalomaniac like him always wants, peacefully or not.

In my opinion, and I know people who worked in the State Secretariat of Energy and Resources who can confirm it, Rikhard has warmongering desires, that desire for attention. Sources of the Royal House confirm to me that Rikhard V, while publicly calm and controlled, has some kind of inferiority complex that propels him to the desire of having big toys - since he ascended to the throne, he has modernized, from tip to toe, the Royal Armed Forces, and now wants the ultimate toy - the nuke.

He surely has a hidden facility where he is building it, and once he gets it, he will blackmail the Free Cities - that will be the first step. And then, who knows? Bantyr, Daracnia? An open international war, just for the desire of protagonism?

And while he plays with his toys, he uses the Bogan peasants and workers, drowned in the pool of ignorance that is that fake-religion, as cannon fodder, pure cannon fodder. He knows, sooner of later, that the moving wheels of history and its inexorable and inevitable course will get to him, when the pressure upon the Bogan proletariat and campesinat is so big that the social revolution will erupt and change will come upon our cold and sad land.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
FEATURED: "The Daily Profit" (Oelar). TDP, one of the most-read blogs in Oelar, is written by Filip Jónsson Gutkind. TDP covers political economy from a critical, intersectionalist standpoint.

The Daily Profit
Going Under the Bottom Line Since 2006.

Many people are asking me, "Comrade President, do you think Knytlingsfort could be an independent country?" But that is not the question. Can Olmolungring be an independent country?

Not when 66-75% of our core industries are owned by Franconian corporations. Nationalization is the path to independence. An autonomous Knytlingsfort will be the beginning of an independent Oelarian state, not the end of one.

Meddling in Oelarian affairs is not a new hobby for the Franconians, the borders of modern Olmolungring were drawn in Nürnberg in the 1940s for the Gravplass puppet government. Most of the "Oelarian" people considered themselves part of the Empire until then. But the plot to weaken Olmolungring by re-electing Lord Rigpa Thorlakur and forcing him into exile, even house arrest, in Eiffelland is a new attempt to consolidate political power to allow their economic domination of the country.

There will not be war. The bandit lord, Dead-Eye Eir, will be brought to trial by the People's Court. The People's Government of Knytlingsfort will nationalize all mining production, foreign and domestic-owned. We shall proceed legally and with the support of the workers and the people. Yungdrung Gutsak will recognize the devolution of power to an autonomous Central Committee of the Knytlingsfort Republic. There will not be war.

Our system is crippled and we shall apply to the Council of Nations for help, and sit down with the Oelarian government and Franken if we must. But they must recognize that the legal authority for nationalization in the Knytlingsfort Republic comes from the people, not from Nürnberg or Augsburg. There will not be war.

I would like to thank our friends in the IPK for all of their help financing the ILO. Chairman Symeon of ILO/ISRA, Chairman Hvit of ISRA-Capitollium, and myself as well as all of the captains of the Spartacist Command are grateful. We will stand shoulder to shoulder with our fellow intersectionalists. There will not be war.

Filip J. Gutkind
President of the Republic