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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Narodowy Prawda
Greater Sarmatia's Truth
Inaugural Issue

Książę Mniszech Declares the "Rebirth" of Greater Sarmatia to Be at Hand

Kasjopeja- After months of secretive maneuvering on both sides of the ever widening gulf between His Excellency, and that most corrupt den of political vipers in the Senat and Electoral College, the fate of our nation, our Greater Sarmatia, appears to no longer be in doubt. A series of lightning fast PKB raids were carried out beginning early yesterday evening, targeting leaders of what has been described by His Excellency as a "coterie of traitors seeking to overthrow the legitimate government of the Most Serene Commonwealth, and to advance the enslavement of the Sarmatian and Khazar peoples." By sunrise this morning, "only a handful of the persons identified as being part of, or at least aware of, this plot remain at large."

At roughly 7:45 last night, His Excellency commandeered all private and state-owned radio and television broadcasting outlets for the purpose of delivering an address- that many are already calling the most important such in living memory- to the people of Greater Sarmatia.

Książę Mniszech's opening remarks set the tone of the entirety of the address: "Sons and Daughters of Sarmatia, citizens of our Most Serene Commonwealth, one and all- I beg your pardon for this most abrupt intrusion into your homes and places of work this evening, but I feel that the message I have come to bring you is one that none of us can afford to ignore for a single day, no hour, longer." And with this single turn of phrase, three decades of oppression of the everyday Sarmatian and Khazar, three decades without a true voice came to an end- every adult resident of Greater Sarmatia was granted the franchise.

Pushing on without pulling any punches, His Excellency proceeded to not only detail the nature of the Senatorial Conspiracy that was so justly liquidated last night, but to also fully explain the nature of the industrial-political machine that was designed, from the very beginning, to enslave the middle and lower classes of Khazar and Sarmatian society. "What, on the surface at least, appears to be an utterly benign attempt at fashioning a comprehensive welfare state, is in fact a masterfully orchestrated ruse to appease and distract you. Truly, if this goal, the creation of such a welfare state, had been the true goal of the successive governments of the past thirty years, it would be a grand thing, an experiment worthy of every bit of effort...but that simply has not been the case. Too many key officials involved in these same governments, stretching from the supposed victory of the Cassiopeian Revolution to this very day have been secretly working to lobotomize you, to make you believe that they were worthy to make every decision in your lives for you. Again I say, that has not been the case."

His Excellency continued to build upon the motif of the failed Revolution, utilizing many of the Promethean ideals that were the hallmarks of his early career as a Republican partisan. Affirming that the leadership of the nation, of Greater Sarmatia, did rightly belong to those that had proven themselves to be worthy, Mniszech sought to correct the course that the government of the Most Serene Commonwealth had been steered onto. "...And yes, the merit of an individual, the cumulative accomplishments of his or her life were always meant to be the qualifier for service in this Most Serene government, but somewhere along the way, the manner in which we judged merit drifted away from the values of duty and honor to the ability to generate and maintain vast wealth. Our system was designed to be different, to provide the strong and true with a way to see that the will of their people was made manifest- in direct opposition to other, Occidental, systems where particularly gifted liars are elevated to positions of leadership. As sad as it is to say: we were quickly approaching a point where the bastardization of our most righteous system was no better than the so-called "enlightened, and liberal" democracies of the West. I offer my most heartfelt assurances that so long as I yet live, this will not come to pass. Greater Sarmatia shall not fall to corruption and decadence. We will honor the strength of our forefathers- and God willing, we shall match it."

Książę Mniszech continued in his assurances to the people of Greater Sarmatia that a new civil government that more appropriately reflected the will of the Khazar and Sarmatian peoples at large would be formed as soon as possible, after a "short," and absolutely necessary period of martial law and maximized deployments.

He likewise gave a firm, and unmistakable indication of the future foreign policy initiatives of the Most Serene Commonwealth- out of the Oikawan shadow, and seeking a new way, free from the outdated and outmoded trappings of the League of Freestates. "Though I wish to convey nothing but goodwill to the His Highness in Nokanawa, and the Oikawan people, I must also say that the time for the people of Greater Sarmatia to blaze their own trail in this world has come. As such and effective immediately, the Most Serene Commonwealth withdraws from the League of Freestates. Beginning tomorrow, a new age of Sarmatian solidarity will begin, an age where the shared beliefs and values of all Sarmatian peoples will be the guiding principles in this Most Serene Commonwealth's foreign policy."

His Excellency's closing remarks could leave no doubt in the minds of the citizens of Greater Sarmatia, or in the ears of the world at large. In an effort to better reflect the goals and values of the Khazar and Sarmatian peoples, and to completely separate this new epoch in Sarmatian history from the failures of the past- both distant and recent, the Most Serene Commonwealth of Cassiopeia shall henceforth be referred to as Większy Sarmatska, or Greater Sarmatia.

Though today has brought no further commentary from His Excellency, and only scant remarks from his Office, there have been a number of statements that indicated that a follow-up address might be forthcoming, as early as Tuesday. Until that point, all privately owned news agencies operating within Greater Sarmatia are subject to a complete media blackout. State-owned information services, such as this one, will continue to provide all vitally pertinent information to the citizens of Greater Sarmatia, uninterrupted, and unfettered by the treasonous inclinations of the industrial-political oligarchy that so nearly doomed us all.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Maresal's Desk - Sjadnbrdo Office

Sindikat Maresal Huszar proclaims his support of this most recent transformation in to Większy Sarmatska in what he has dubbed the Sarmatian "Last Appeal to Heaven". In cooperation with bordering territories, villages, and cities resting on the Ziv side have been encouraged to mobilize Militia Guardsmen to present a firm wall of support by trapping any further escapees be they of the political or civil variety, with which we have already encountered in the case of the former.

His administration recalls historical bouts with Miedzymorze or Kajopeja and his predecessors in Životinje, though he has expressed and ordered that the Union ventures to view Większy Sarmatska as a new animal or a new beast. Afterall, it was with the same vigor that the Founding Zivs asserted independence from the old Crimson Kingdom of Miedzymorze, forming the Militant Blue Beast of a Union Životinje is today.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Secretariat of State, Office of Administration and External Affairs

We relish this chance to finally showcase the many commonalities with the modern Sarmatian nation and our nearest cousins in the Blue Union, and to see a much closer, and more fruitful working relationship established, and maintained there. The spiritually renewed and unshackled Sarmatian people have every intention of seeing to it that their most worthy cause is seen through, and that the whole world is redeemed through the righteousness of our Promethean fervor.

Doctor Jozef Kościałkowsky
Secretary of State, Greater Sarmatia


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Narodowy Prawda
Greater Sarmatia's Truth
Today's Headlines

AP, Reuters, and EDF-Based Journalists Ordered Out of the Country by Friday

In a move that was not altogether unexpected, the Secretariat of State's Office of Administration issued an order earlier today requiring Associated Press, Reuters, and representatives of EDF-based news agencies out of Greater Sarmatia by Friday, with no possibility of exceptions or extensions. Concerns over the possibility that these journalists might misconstrue new domestic policy initiatives were cited, with a SS-OA spokesperson noting that, "it is a well known fact that while these particular news agencies profess policies of unbiased, and open journalism, they are quite often used as tools to advance their home nation's Dominican Catholic, globalist, and ultra-liberal agendas by way of subversive mass-indoctrination. We fear that it is quite likely that would seize upon any difficulties that certain segments of our society might have with the new, rightful order of things in our beloved nation and use them to further sully our reputation throughout the world."

When queried as to why the notably liberal, Vittorian based AGV had been allowed to continue operating in Greater Sarmatia, the same Office of Administration spokesperson rather quickly noted that: "AGV is one of the few international news agencies that can actually lives up to the principles of what a "free press" should be. We feel that it can be counted upon to present factual reports on rule events without placing an undue spin on them, for the purposes of thinly veiled propaganda."

There have also been some indications that new agencies based in AGE member-states, formerly only rarely allowed into the nation, will be granted greatly increased levels of freedom within the Most Serene Commonwealth.

Książę Mniszech Appears Before National Union Leaders, Promises Increased Cooperation and Support

In keeping with promises that he made on the very night of our nations' great victory over industrial and political corruption, His Excellency, Książę Mniszech appeared before a special commission of national Labor Union leaders today. Having long considered such men to be of considerably more worth than the financiers and executives that they had so long been beholden to, His Excellency made it very clear today that the working men, as represented by their Labor Unions would have the lion's share of say in how their respective industries were run in the future.

"It has been my experience that the people on the ground have a far better idea of how things should be run than willfully remote plutocrats," His Excellency was quoted as telling the commission. He went on to promise that a redistribution of controlling interests in a number of corporations would be forthcoming, with a number of (former) executives of many Sarmatian companies having been implicated in the recent coup attempt.

His Excellency also noted that the average working- Union- man was "naturally much closer to the Promethean ideal, with the ability- and more importantly, the will to commit to a difficult, but worthy task, unlike so many other, former leaders in our industrial sector, who were more than willing to let others do the work, all the while using the profits of this unnatural arrangement to further subvert the virility of our noble society."

Sarmatian Missile Shield Expands Scope to Include Šidajica

With tensions flaring through Central Europe, it seems only logical that the marginalized, ethnically Sarmatian nations of the region should take all steps possible to secure their collective security, in this case, with the expansion of the already controversial "Sarmatian" Missile Shield, jointly constructed and operated by the Blue Union of Životinje and the Most Serene Commonwealth into the like-minded, and ethnically related nation of Šidajica.

Šidajica, a nation caught between the "gravities" of the Franco-Germanic West, and the Italo-Sarmatian East has long maintained an adamantly independent, and oft isolationist stance towards international affairs, with the few notable exceptions coming in the form of enthusiastic cooperation (with the former Cassiopeia/Greater Sarmatia) in the international "Promethean Brigades," which are universally acclaimed as being amongst the best private military firms in the world.

It is speculated that the mutual respect and trust born through this decades-long cooperation were one of the larger factors in convincing Šidajica to take part in this regional defense initiative. All positive relations aside, it is more than obvious that recent (aggressive) policy missteps by non-Sarmatian Central European nations have led to this outcome. As was initially the impetus for the construction of the Missile Shield, concerns over security along the west-northwestern borders of Sarmatia have once more led to an increase in collective security measures.
Aug 30, 2009
Free State of Bavaria
ErAn, Franken, ArEn
AP, Reuters, and EDF-Based Journalists Ordered Out of the Country by Friday

Auswärtiges Amt

His Majesty's Government would like to note that Większy Sarmatska's notion of freedom of press is truly a curious one. To explain this move the ambassador to Franken will be summoned to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Of course we reserve the right to respond accordingly.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Königlicher Journalistenbund e.V.
Trier, Eiffelland

We will continue to monitor Greater Sarmatia from outside. One of our members already concluded that Sarmatia is embracing socialist ways to rule the country.

Trier, Eiffelland

We were in the middle of a government change, so unfortunately we didn't have the opportunity to react. We want to point out that Greater Sarmatia is missing the chance to show the EDF how great its nation is, because of the expulsion of the journalists of AP, Reuters and all EDF-nations. Journalists from Greater Sarmatia will continue to be welcome in Eiffelland.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Secretariat of State, Office of Administration and External Affairs

The remarks of the Königlicher Journalistenbund e.V. are perhaps the most simultaneously amusing and insulting remarks that any ill-informed collection of degenerate Occidental weaklings have yet made. To compare the glory of the Promethean Revolution to the Godlessness and Moral Bankruptcy of Socialism is either a truly laughable example of someone not doing their research, which we sincerely hope is the case, or a very real attempt to provoke the righteous anger of the Sarmatian people.

Never will we advocate the radical redistribution of wealth to the masses simply for the sake of doing so. The Promethean ideal is to reward honest labor, not to rob honest laborers of the fruits of their labor so that the weak, and unwilling might continue to live comfortably.

The opinion of the Sarmatian people, since before the time of the Great War is, and will continue to be that Socialism, and the horrid bastard child born of it, Communism are the single greatest ideological threats that humanity faces. We encourage the lot of idiots in control of the quality of the Königlicher Journalistenbund e.V. to reevaluate this assessment. The Most Serene Commonwealth of Greater Sarmatia likewise demands an immediate apology for this baseless accusation, and will go to great lengths to ensure that one is given.

Podpułkownik Samuel Łaszcz

Deputy Secretary of State, Office of External Affairs, Greater Sarmatia

Secretariat of State, Office of Administration and External Affairs

Though we can, in some small way, appreciate the concerns and sentiments of the Aussenministerium, the government of Greater Sarmatia stands firm in its resolve to safeguard the integrity of our nation. It has become plainly obvious that the Franken-led, EDF conspiracy to subvert the entire world is more than willing to use the so-called "free press" to further its motives- something that we simply cannot allow to continue in our beloved homeland.
Furthermore, the Sarmatian people have no desire, or need to play tour-guides to the world in order to prove the greatness and righteousness of our nation. To reduce ourselves to such would be akin to a prostitute spreading her legs to prove to a lover that she is in fact quite well versed in the practice of sexual intercourse.

The world has quaked in the presence of the Sarmatian juggernaut before, and it will again, soon enough. Then, the collective might of Greater Sarmatia will be undeniable, and beyond doubt, even to the so-called "free press."

Doctor Jozef Kościałkowsky

Secretary of State, Greater Sarmatia


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Narodowy Prawda
Greater Sarmatia's Truth

Książę Mniszech Hospitalized After Seizure and Subsequent Stroke, Condition Listed as Critical- Prognosis "Grim"

Kasjopeja- Once more, it would seem that fate has dealt the Sarmatian people a cruel, and unfair blow. Early this morning, while in the midst of what top aides are calling "a rigorous cabinet discussion," His Excellency, Książę Patrycjusz Ignacy Mniszech suffered an "abrupt and violent seizure, and then slipped into a comatose state."

A number of cabinet members attempted to deliver aid to His Excellency, but he was, and apparently remains entirely unresponsive- even after extensive and thorough ministrations by the best and brightest doctors available in the Commonwealth. This comatose state was brought on by what neurologists at Old Hrodino General Hospital are calling (simply) a "massive stroke." Chances of a reversal of this troubling condition are admittedly low, but Dr. Jurgen von Verden, the chief medical officer for His Excellency's case, holds out hope that "something might turn up in our examinations, or by some miracle, the situation might correct itself."

Dr. Verden also took the time assure the public that all possible security precautions were being taken with His Excellency, to prevent any cowardly attack by political enemies that might be lurking in the nation's medical establishment. All evidence available to the public confirms this assertion, with a small army of PKB security professionals stationed in and around Old Hrodino General. It has also been hinted that medical specialists from the military are involved in the case, further easing concerns over the quality of His Excellency's care.

Despite the shock of this horrifying turn of events, His Excellency had created plans that would see the effective government of the Most Serene Commonwealth continue without undue disruption. His Excellency's chief aide, (ret.) Płk. Mikolaj Nowina has been handed the unofficial reins of power, safeguard the stability of the Sarmatian people until either His Excellency's recovery, or other, more permanent arrangements can be made.

The "cabinet" that had been acting in an advisory role since the dissolution of the corrupt Legislature of the Most Serene Commonwealth will remain in place, conducting business in much the same manner as was the case when His Excellency was in good health.

Rather controversially, Doctor Jozef Kościałkowsky has advocated an immediate "council" composed of members of the cabinet, Secretariat of State, and National Defense Forces leadership to appoint a new Książę, noting that "though we might hope and pray for the best, we must face reality- in that it is highly unlikely that His Excellency will recover. Should we dally for too long, we will find the efficacy of the establishment undermined, and the future of our Most Serene Commonwealth." No other comment was made available from Dr. Kościałkowsky as to how soon such a move might be expected, and Płk. Nowina was entirely unavailable, and according to other aides in His Excellency's office, "unconcerned with the necessity- or timing- for such an eventuality."


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Narodowy Prawda
Greater Sarmatia's Truth
Today's Headlines

Prince's Condition "Stable" But Unimproved

Having survived everything that the world has thrown at him, from the very grimmest days of the Civil War, to countless attempts at assassination, it seems inexpressibly strange for a man of such energy and resolve to have been lain low by a simple blood clot. Sadly, no matter how strange it may seem, it appears that such is the case for His Excellency, Książę Mniszech.

At a time when the Sarmatian peoples need him most, the great defender of the glorious Promethean ideal is powerless to do anything- at all, having fallen so far as to be incapable of breathing on his own. In this intensely bitter situation, the multitudes of Greater Sarmatia are beset by a melancholy that is unmatched in recent memory- and perhaps only matched in magnitude by the intensity of the feelings of relief that the bottom-feeding, money-grubbing, two-faced gutter maggots of the world, that would so soon have been expunged from existence now feel. It would seem only logical that some insanely devious action on the part of these insidious malefactors could have brought such a horror to pass, but the simple fact remains that, at least apparently, His Excellency's seizure and subsequent stroke were caused by a simple and not altogether uncommon reaction to an unwitting mixture of medications.

Despite this driving sadness, the government that His Excellency forged in our proud nation's greatest hour of need, soldiers on. As was reported two days ago, Płk. Mikolaj Nowina has stepped up to guide the Most Serene Commonwealth, at the head of a temporary council that has been dubbed "the Consensus," that promises to continue the policies initiated by Książę Mniszech. Of supreme importance during this time of such great uncertainty are the series of recent Levantine trade deals, that promise to alleviate any "growing pains" that Greater Sarmatia might experience after its recent severance from the League of Free-States, and the not inconsiderable markets that are contained therein. Likewise, extreme vigilance for attempted interference in general Sarmatian affairs by Occidental, particularly EDF parties is being maintained on all fronts.

In response to general queries on the future of the government, and most importantly, who will be chosen as Commander-in-Chief, Pułkownik Nowina released a brief statement indicating that "Książę Mniszech had drafted protocols for this eventuality, and had even included a number of suggestions as to possible candidates to fill this role." The statement also emphasized that this was still not the chief concern of "the Consensus," and that only after it had become absolutely clear that His Excellency's health had deteriorated to the point of being irreversibly terminal, would the process for choosing a new Commander-in-Chief begin.

Military Analysts Express Concern at Kryobaijani Membership in Newly Founded "Revolutionary Defense Treaty Organization"

After spending the better part of the last century glaring over the lengthy steppe-land border at the formerly Communist West-Sarmatian nation of Kryobaijan, it is understandable that the Most Serene Commonwealth's past and present military leadership would express a "high level of concern" that the Intersectionalist regime in Derjiste would think it appropriate to make such a move.

With rapprochement between Greater Sarmatia (which was, at the time still referred to as Cassiopeia) and Kryobaijan only recently accomplished, many ranking officers in the NDF (NOW) have expressed concern that the supposedly defensive nature of the alliance might one day be twisted to include "defense of an overly vocal Radical Proletarian minority" within any number of nations, but most importantly, within the Most Serene Commonwealth itself.

Retired Generał Hieronim Trąby of the NDAF is amongst the loudest voices urging a reevaluation of the threat level assigned to Kryobaijan, even to the detriment of now vital economic agreements. "All the złotys in the world won't matter one whit if we find ourselves in an unexpected war with Kryobaijan- and Carentania and the rest of that Communard rabble. It is pure madness to think that it could never happen again, and with our increasingly uncertain place in this world, we must plan- and prepare- for every eventuality lest millions of Sarmatians and Khazars pay the price for our complacency"

In his remarks, only one of a great many of which were presented above, Gen. Trąby assured the state interviewer that his opinions were shared by a number of "officers with some clout" within the current military establishment of the Most Serene Commonwealth, and though he had his doubts about some of the "civilian" elements of the government (but certainly not the Prince), he was more confident in the overall faculties of the NDF, even with the state of benign neglect that seems to have overtaken the Western frontier taken into account. "We've had to plan to defend the vastnesses of the steppe since time out of mind, and I'm sure that we can do so again, at need, and even with only a moment's notice. It would just be far easier to do that without having to scramble to crowd the Western horizon with tanks and gunships pulled from elsewhere."

:arrow: Unrest in Sinhai deemed "troubling," and the general state of affairs in the Southeastern European nation will be followed with some interest by appropriate parties within the government.

:arrow: Sultan al-Mustansir Rukn-ad-Din Huseyn of Hajr in Paris to negotiate "favorable economic terms" with the meddlesome Francophone nation of Belmont. Experts note this as yet another example of the expanding globalist agenda that has become entrenched in the halls of the once proud Council of Nations.

:arrow: Commandry of Kyiv and Novgorod forces Far Himyarite nation of Cortona to back down from proposed intervention in Boluxia. The message that events unfolding well within the Sarmatian sphere are solely the concern of Sarmatian nations has been adequately reiterated by the clear resolve of the Commandry- and will hopefully serve as an example to nations that entertain dangerous notions of denying the will of any Sarmatian nation.

:arrow: Overpopulation and ethnic differences becoming "an issue" on the Makai Islands, social commentators venture that "rotten ingredients lead to a toxic dish."

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Commissariate for Foreign Affairs

There is nothing to worry about for the state of Greater Sarmatia. The Revolutionary Defense Treaty is no tool of aggression and once the neighbours of our ally Kryobaijan take a look at the treaty itself, they will find that it serves purely defensive interests and is in no way directed against Greater Sarmatian interests - unless, of course those include aggression towards Kryobaijan, which we doubt.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
USSK Office of Foreign Affairs

It is disheartening that individuals such as Gen. (Ret.) Trąby would seek to poison the relationship between the United Socialist States and the Most Serene Commonwealth. As recent negotiations have clearly shown, pragmatic economic and political bilateral ties are indeed possible without ideological concerns clouding the prospects for Kryobaijani-Greater Sarmatian cooperation. The United Socialist States holds no aggressive sentiments towards its neighbor, and has no intentions to leverage its membership in the RDTO against Greater Sarmatia in any capacity.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Herald for the Union

The United Socialist States of Kryobaijan have proven once again that they intend to defend the ideals of a failed revolution. Freedom prevailed against those who the Kryobaijani sought to destroy, yet it is still a rarity in the nation itself. Greater Sarmatia is thrice failed state, though ironically it is superior in innumerable facets to Kryobaijan.

Please, follow a path of uncertainty and doom. Prove every stereotype Živs have of the Kryobaijani -- a foolish slave to the trend of communism.

Freedom First,
Bojnik Konavle,
Herald for the Union of 2010


Mr. Capitalism
Oct 30, 2006
Under the sea
Diwan of Foreign Affairs

The Sultanate requests a clarification of what is meant by the accusation that it is forwarding, supposedly, a "globalist agenda".
Oct 31, 2006
Bureau of International Communications

The People's Republic of Vitland hails Greater Sarmatia as a comrade in arms in the peaceful crusade against the globalist forces defiling the national spirits of nations across the world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Narodowy Prawda
Greater Sarmatia's Truth
Urgent Bulletin

New Government Formed, Doctor Jozef Kościałkowsky Confirmed as Supreme Leader of the Greater Sarmatian State

Hrodino- After months of instability and uncertainty, the Sarmatian and Khazar peoples may once more breathe a sigh of relief, secure in the knowledge that our great and mighty nation is once more led by an individual of absolute resolve, and utter devotion on the cause of the Sarmatian peoples. Recognized as one of the fiercest defenders of the rights of all Sarmatians, and acclaimed as one of the founding fathers of the modern Sarmatian State, Doctor Jozef Kościałkowsky has served as both the Sarmatian ambassador the seemingly defunct Council of Nations, and later as Secretary of State under our beloved, recently departed National Father,
Książę Patrycjusz Ignacy Mniszech.

As Prince Mniszech's most trusted advisor and "go-to guy," Dr. Kościałkowsky is a logical choice to continue the sweeping reforms of Sarmatian culture and industry that were instated at the beginning of the Mniszech Revolution.

Though there seem to have been some factions within Prince Mniszech's government that preferred to subject the nation to the chaos of a Western Style Parliamentary Democracy, which would have surely bankrupted the glorious Sarmatian nation both financially and morally. It has been made clear that all elements of the former government that proved unwilling to cooperate with the government being formed under Dr. Kościałkowsky have been "removed from play," and are to be considered completely incapable of threatening the security of the Greater Sarmatian state.

With these trifles behind the nation, and the way finally laid totally clear for the fullness of the Revolution to sweep throughout the Most Serene Commonwealth, Dr. Kościałkowsky made a number of surprising assertions after his heavily guarded coronation ceremony in the Biały Palace in Old Hrodino. As focused on matters of regional security as ever, Dr. Kościałkowsky was quick to voice his support for the Blue Union Captaincy in their crusade against the barbarous tyranny of Barazi.

"The time when we would turn a blind eye to the brutality and inhumanity of the 'The Rehber' and his cronies is over. Though the failings of our own national systems prevented us from acting upon this injustice in times recently past, I vow that this is no longer the case. The time in which the petty warlords of Central Europe had free reign to oppress and slaughter as they see fit is as at end, and the Justice of God Almighty will soon descend, at the head of an unending tide of Sarmatian Steel. We will do whatever is necessary to ensure that our Živ brothers receive satisfaction in this matter, to the very knife."

When queried on the developing situation in Greater Touyou, Dr. Kościałkowsky offered a very cryptic, and ultimately surprising statement of support for the Oikawan Empire, "...perhaps one of the most bitter lessons that I have been forced to accept is that tried, and well-tested friendships are best not so easily dismissed, and that is something that I have all intentions of rectifying in the coming days."

This statement has provoked widespread speculation of an immediate rapprochement with Nokanawa, with whom formal diplomatic ties were "temporarily" suspended some months ago, after the Most Serene Commonwealth left the League of Free-States, of which it was a founding member. With the larger portion of all international trade having been decimated in the "cold" civil war that developed after the passing of His Excellency, Prince Mniszech, it is speculated that Dr. Kościałkowsky is looking to alleviate many of the rapidly developing economic pressures throughout the nation by directing Sarmatian goods to the bottomless Far-Eastern markets, which had served to provide ample reserves of hard currency for decades during the pre-Revolutionary era.

Whatever the case, with a strong leader installed in Hrodino, and the Sarmatian Armed Forces finally given a free hand to ensure the national security of Greater Sarmatia, prospects for the future are far brighter than they have been for many weeks. With the obvious quality of the friends that Dr. Kościałkowsky is choosing for the nation abroad, this situation is seemingly confirmed. This day will long be remembered as the day that the Sarmatian People took control of the Great Destiny once more.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Narodowy Prawda
Greater Sarmatia's Truth
Today's Headlines

:arrow: On behalf of the Office of the Supreme Leader, acting Secretary of State Pułkownik Samuel Łaszcz handed down "officially worded," and "unusually harsh" condemnations of both the Kraliyet and Yiyuan Regimes earlier today. Speaking from behind newly unveiled and "classically inspired" heraldry, clearly marking a transition from the bland "modernist" devices of the Interim Government, and Mniszech Regime, this return to Sarmato-Khazar Traditionalism harkens strongly to the content and style of Puł. Łaszcz's remarks.

Directly referencing remarks made by the Supreme Leader, Dr. Kościałkowsky a few days ago, Puł. Łaszcz made it very clear that the Most Serene Commonwealth of Greater Sarmatia would be joining the Blue Union Captaincy, and the Commandry of Kyiv and Novgorod in placing an embargo on the radical tyranny of "the Rehber" in Barazi. When asked to clarify the fullness of Sarmatian support for the Živs in this conflict, Puł. Łaszcz minced no words in his response: "It is the estimation of this government- and of this nation- that the cause of our Živ brothers is one of righteousness and civilization against morally bankrupt barbarism. As a result of the positively moral nature of this conflict, the Sarmatian Nation is prepared to offer unlimited support, including that of a military nature, to the Blue Union in the event that this conflict should continue, or appear to be slipping in a direction that would be most unpleasing to the All-Highest, our Beloved Supreme Leader."

Pułkownik Łaszcz's statements concerning the rapidly escalating conflict in Greater Touyou were far less cut and dry, but left no doubt were the official sympathies of the government lay. Again building upon statements previously made by the Supreme Leader, Puł. Łaszcz indicated that the new Sarmatian government was very willing to discuss a "reversal" of the series of disagreements and misunderstandings that led the Sarmatian Nation to break with the League of Free States, and sever nearly all economic ties, which accounted for an uncomfortably high percentage of all non-Central European Sarmatian trade.

Pułkownik Łaszcz also made a number of passing comments on possibly Sarmatian support for Nokanawa in the course of its campaign against the rebellious tin-pot regime in Yiyuan. "As is the case with our (Greater Sarmatian) greater strategic aims for Central Europe, we place a heavy emphasis on order, and maintaining the status quo- at least in regards to situations where that has been proven to be the healthiest course for the common people. We feel that allowing the illegal actions of the Yiyuan Clique to pass unpunished would be to set a dangerous, and ultimately apocalyptic precedent for that entire region of the world- which unfortunately includes the vast majority of our Eastern Frontier. If the instability that has gripped the Far East begins to spread- we will have no choice but to act, decisively."

If military action does become inevitable for the Sarmatian Nation, Marszałek Konstanty Rola, acting Secretary of Defense "has complete faith in the ability of our proud military to more than adequately project the will of the Most Serene Commonwealth over every square inch of soil in Central Europe." Despite the minimized struggles that have been confirmed to have taken place in the wake of His Excellency, Prince Mniszech's death, and perhaps, partially in reaction to those counterproductive tantrums, morale and readiness amongst all branches of the National Defense Force remains very high, with the million eyes of the Sarmatian Titan ever vigilant for threats against Mother Sarmatia.

:arrow: Absalom Burishad Yaghbu Nakh, sole legitimate claimant to the title of Khagan of Khazaria, and most well known, and well respected member of the community of Royalist Khazar Émigrés, has announced plans to extend his visit to the Most Serene Commonwealth with visits to Itil and Balanjar, the capital and largest cities of Khazaria, respectively. This comes in the wake of a private meeting between Nakh and the All-Highest, our Supreme Leader reported to have taken place in the Biały Palace some days ago.

This has raised the hopes of many within the Khazar community- both at home in Greater Sarmatia, and abroad- that some settlement allowing the traditional spiritual and temporal leader of the ancient and vast culture to permanently return to the Most Serene Commonwealth, with some even going so far as to speculate that a formal reestablishment of Nakh's titles and prerogatives might be forthcoming.

Khazaria, long one of the centers of Sarmatian industry has suffered from the extended recession more heavily than many regions within the Most Serene Commonwealth, with unemployment and radically differing educational philosophies leading to a rise in both political and religious radicalism amongst young Khazars throughout the nation- which many hope visits from Nakh will, at least partially, quell.

As was the case with his father before him, Nakh has long served as a rallying cry and living symbol of any number of Khazar movements in the past three decades, as was evidenced by the "celebrity" welcome he received upon his arrival in Hrodino late last week. Details on future appearances in Itil and Balanjar will be released as soon as they are finalized.

:arrow: His Most Reverend Eminence, Kajetan III Sołtyk, the Reformed Arch-Deacon of Hrodino has announced plans to oversee the creation of a new, national-religious, and "revivalist" summer youth "fellowship" for late secondary and early undergraduate age students throughout the Most Serene Commonwealth. Tentatively dubbed "the Green Shirts," this fellowship will be open to young Christians of all backgrounds, and will offer supplementary educational courses, basic self-defense, survival and marksmanship training, spiritual guidance and expanded theological debate, vocational training, and life-altering discipline to any willing to accept the call.

His Most Reverend Eminence has indicated that he plans to use manses recently returned to the Sarmatian Reformed Episcopate, and substantial reparation payments- that had been due to the Church since the "resolution" of the Civil War thirty years ago- to see this grand project seen through, and remains confident that the "truly virtuous young men and women of this nation will see this for what it is- an industrious and holy alternative to a summer away from classes in the decadent Occidental fashion...self-gratification of all stripes, laziness, drunkeness...months spent in Sin that will equate to an eternity outside of the Grace of God Almighty."

Concerns voiced that this was a thinly veiled attempt to create a paramilitary force of religious zealots for the new government have been easily dismissed as blatantly treacherous homosexual Occidental-Socialist propaganda aimed at creating discord within the faithful family of godly Sarmatians. The quality of the education and guidance of the young men and women interested in joining the Green Shirts is guaranteed by the All-Highest, our Beloved Supreme Leader, and by the Secretary of Education, Zofia Odrowaz.

:arrow: Record heat, and record rains have been recorded throughout the nation for the first half of June, and projections indicate that these favorable climatic conditions will continue for the near future. This, along with prudent planning on the part of individual farmers (apparently the vast majority) promises to see a very robust harvest for all perennial Sarmatian agricultural exports.

Increased confidence in this sector of the national economy has prompted a scramble for any portion of the potential profits- and an overall stabilization of the Hrodino Index. Unemployment rates still remain unfortunately high, but seasonal labor- much of it with the promise of running longer than usual, perhaps into the Christmas Season- might well alleviate some of the stress.
Apr 10, 2010
Hong Kong
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The acting Secretary of State's assessment of the situation in Cathay is objectively incorrect. The Republic of Jizhou's sovereignty has been violated, her people demeaned, her very existence threatened by the criminal actions of the Empire of Oikawa. The Empire has committed war crimes, directly attacked civilians and threatens genocide. It is an objective fact that the Republic has been solely responsible for preserving order in the Cathay region for decades now, as the Empire has grown complacent and quiet. Battling terrorism and communism has been the number one goal of Jizhou's governing Jizhou Nationalist Party (JMD) since its inception. With the turnover of yet another Oikawan government, having shifted from the venerable Kihara to the criminal Yoshikawa, it is obvious that the Empire is no longer as stable as it once was, and that it is no longer fit to lead the East.

When the free peoples of Europe understand these facts, we will have made considerable progress toward the bright future envisioned by President Zhang Bowen, who has led the Republic consistently and in an orderly fashion since the Founding in 1949.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Imperial Ministry of War and Foreign Affairs

The free two billions of the East cheer the formation of this new government that has now emerged in the Great Samartian State, signaling the return of a state of grace between those that together vanquished the evils of communism and imperialism.

Nokanawa is confident in the abilities of Dr. Kościałkowsky to lead his people to greatness, and it can already be seen that this is the case with his government's and people's support now behind the brave soldiers that fight today so that there can be peace tomorrow.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
USSK Office of Foreign Affairs

The formation of a quasimilitaristic "Green Shirts" unit is a highly troubling development in Greater Sarmatia, and the Kryobaijani government hopes that such an organization will not become a tool of oppression, by religious or other actors.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Narodowy Prawda
Greater Sarmatia's Truth
Today's Headlines

:arrow: A Łendic archeological site, previously thought to be entirely mythological, has been discovered on the west bank of the Wystula Rzeka, in the relatively unsettled Trzy Rzek region of south-western Sarmatia, according to a report published by Doctor Stanisław Kutrzeba of the Hrodino Antiquities Authority.

Long described as the Urheimat of all Slavic races by leading Sarmatian academics, the Trzy Rzek, or Three Rivers, Region of southwestern Sarmatia has yielded an unprecedented wealth of archaeological sites mostly ranging from Third Century after Christ to the years of the explosive expansion of the second Khazar Empire in the early Thirteenth Century, when the Łendic people largely disappeared from historical records, apparently absorbed and/or entirely displaced by the early Slavo-Sarmatians moving in from the southeast steppe. Much of the language of the Łends is preserved in our own blessed Sarmatian tongue, as well as other regional languages, such as Hlodna, Krosdiak, and Živ.

The site itself was discovered by surveyors from the Sarmatian petroleum giant, BenzynaKroł in a routine geological survey in August of last year, with researchers from the Hrodino Antiquities Authority working at the site since then, with only one break because of extremely harsh ice-storms in the region in late February. These outstanding effort on the part of the wizened curators of our cultural heritage has produced what nearly all experts in the field agree is the fabled city of Oksywie, called the "great mother of all the Steppe-Folk" in the early Sarmatian epic poem, The Wozniakowiad.
More than forty buildings, some with as many as six distinct rooms or chambers have been unearthed, along with "a virtual trove" of cultural artifacts and skeletal remains.

Perhaps most surprisingly, the well preserved remains of what Dr. Kutrzeba believes to be "a royal shrine to the heathen god Perun, supreme deity of the Łends from time out of mind to their final, frantic conversion to Dominican Catholicism." The shrine is decorated, in its entirety, with expertly carved murals, ornamentation in gems and precious metals, and most importantly, "perhaps the largest legible example of the pre-Dominican Androlithic script."

The full translation and exegesis of the "text" discovered on the shrine will be published by the HAA later this year, and will be made available for sale in all state-approved book retailers.

:arrow: Tensions between Batavië and the normally quarrelsome nations of Himyar continue to climb, resulting from the controversial "Commonwealth Act" in Fulanistan, effectively uniting it with Batavië and drawing widespread concerns that this is but the first step in the creation of a new Batavian Colonial Empire.

This admittedly ill-advised move on the parts of Batavië and Fulanistan seems benign enough, at least according to the official explanation from Vlaanderen, but we in Greater Sarmatia remember the many bitter decades of Communism that was forced upon the people of Batavië, and cannot help but wonder if the current leaders of the nation are naught but clever Crypto-Communists, bent on nothing short of increasing the supply of men and resources for their as of yet undimmed imperialist ambitions.

With Communism seemingly in its final stages of international collapse, and most of the world's attention riveted by the conflicts in Barazi and the Far East, now would seem the logical time for such crafty plotters as those that certainly lurk in the halls of corrupt power in that Western European Nation, which not so long ago faced the threat of invasion from nearly every Great Power in the world. Even with most of the world's attentions diverted elsewhere, we can only wonder what the leadership of Fulanistan, which though primitive, must certainly recognize that they are attaching themselves to nation that, regardless of political orientation, is hardly beyond some of the most serious economic woes that have been visited upon a nation the past several decades.

The only item of any comfort in this situation: by and large, Sarmatians have no truck with either nation, or nationals of either and can safely watch this international comedy unfold without fear of further hardship.

:arrow: With the potential of extended military operations in multiple theaters running higher with every passing hour, department heads within the Ministry of the Interior and Administration is placing more day-to-day items on the already extensive list of raw materials and products that either are, or will shortly become rationed in the Most Serene Commonwealth. This ration list, along with ration-credit lotteries, rationing tips, and excess payoffs are available at most Employment Security, and Social Security Offices, and soon in most national churches.

A spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior and Administration has encouraged citizens of the nation to practice "Christian and Jewish charity and cooperation, and to look to the needs of your neighbors, as they will to yours, in this, a great time of national need."

:arrow: Marszałek Konstanty Rola was formally confirmed as Secretary of Defense for the Most Serene Commonwealth of Greater Sarmatia in a special, televised ceremony in his hometown of Groszow today. Universally recognized as one of the most gifted strategic minds of his generation, and one of our Beloved Supreme Leader, Dr. Kościałkowsky's most trusted advisors and friends. His service extend to a time before the Civil War, when the honor of the Sarmatian Nation was as yet untarnished.

When addressing the audience, mostly comprised of movers and shakers within the government and military, Marszałek Rola displayed the same magnanimity that has marked the whole of his career, as well as the same clarity of vision that earned him the respect and trust of the All-Highest. "It is my foremost task to see to the adequate defense of this Holy Nation, and this I promise you: I will do everything that is within my power, and that of my subordinates, to ensure that this chance, this greatest of all chances that we have been given shall not be wasted- as so many others have been in the past decades. Sarmatian Banners were once the most feared and respected in the whole world, and by God, they will be again before I breath my last."