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News from the Socialist World Republic


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

It is normal that a country makes plans for the case of war, and prepares itself for defence. However, we are shocked to a high extent about how detailed the plan is. It may be the case that the statistics on the size and strength of the Pelasgian armed forces in Tephanon are publicly available, but the fact that these data were collected and the leaked plans were based on these data makes the document suspicous. Let it be clear that Eiffelland will stand by its ally Pelasgia. An attack against Pelasgian soil, be it Tephanon or Mainland Pelasgia, will lead to a declaration of war by Eiffelland.

We will keep the diplomatic ties with the SWR as they are, but also we will apply stricter visa requirements for citizens from the SWR, and will surevey those citizens more intensively, effective immeadiately.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Social Republicans propose to fund abortions for foreign citizens
Implarian Observer

The Social Republican fraction in congress has proposed plans for a bill that would help women throughout Europe gain access to abortions. The plans foresee the creation of a federal fund for women in countries where abortion is illegal or inacessible for other reasons, such as financial obstacles. If necessary, the fund would also cover travel expenditures to have the medical procedure undertaken in another country, such as the Implarian States of the SWR. Furthermore the proposal foresees cooperation with foreign womens rights NGO's on the issue.

"A pregnancy can be a wonderful thing, if wanted by the woman. An unwanted pregnancy however can be a violent and traumatizing experience. Every woman should have the freedom to choose herself whether to carry out a pregnancy," the speaker of the Social Republican Womens Forum explains her partys stance on the issue. "Throughout Europe this fundamental right to choose has come under attack and we as socialists should extend our support to women in those countries who have rolled back womens rights or not even granted them in the first place."


Establishing Nation
Aug 4, 2007
The Swissman

Whilst the Grand Duchy can only welcome the moves by the Socialist World Republic to promote the rights of women and the choice to abortion among the nations of the world. The freedom of choice is something the Grand Duchy stands on, much to the chagrin of some of its neighbours.

We nevertheless call on the Republic to proceed with due care in this sensitive subject.

Indeed, the Republic should not needlessly endanger women physically or legally (as abortion can be an illicit act in numerous jurisdictions) while implementing its foreign political agenda.
Last edited:


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffeland

We agree with the Nichtsteiner Minister for Foreign Affairs that the SWR's intention in this matter is laudable. However, also we advice caution when this plan is carried out. It could be that a woman leaving her home country pregnant and coming back non-pregnant has to face serious repercussions upon return to her home country.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Gunnish ambassador summoned over travel ban
Implarian Observer

The ambassador of Gunnland has been summoned to receive a harshly worded letter of protest after his government has recently and unexpectedly issued a travel ban for the Socialist World Republic. President Winters expressed his surprise at the move by Windhaven, stating that his Social Democratic government had always sought reconciliation with nations throughout Europe despite ideological differences and demanding an explanation for the sudden change in Gunnish policy.

Both presidential candidates were quick to comment on the developement. Social Democratic candidate Clint Hill said to the press that the move was "a considerable set-back", but reaffirming his party's line of normalization and coexistance in foreign affairs. "We are the party of peace," Hill repeated one of the catchphrases of his campaign and expressing his hope that the Gunnish government can be convinced to reverse its policy shift through diplomacy.

Meanwhile Social Republican candidate Donna Trumm took a harsher stance, demanding "retribution" for what she called a "measure of capitalist class warfare". She furthermore expressed her hopes that current tensions between Gunnland and Serenierre and Kadikistan would lead to war, promising that she'd deliver weapons to both sides until they both would collapse.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Military conducts antarctic exercise
Westport Times

Units of the Implarian Fleet and the Ranger Corps have embarked southwards to conduct military exercises around the antarctic. The exercises are to train and demonstrate operational capabilities of the World Republic in the polar region and included limited naval games, as well as a landing operation on the antarctic ice to be conducted by the 5th Ranger Brigade, also known as the Polar Hounds. According to a spokesperson of the Defense Ministry, the operation has been in planning for a long time but had to be repeatedly postponed.

Experts believe the exercise is also intended to reinforce claims over the antarctic region, which may be inhospitable to human settlements but is believed to hold considerable riches and a wealth in ressource deposits.


Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2007
Telor City
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Office for Ecological Matters

The Teloran government in no way wishes to deny the sovereign right of the Socialist World Republic to exercise its military in a way that is concomitant with the general peace and order of all Europe. However, we wish to enquire as to what measures were put in place to ensure the protection of the Antarctic's fragile ecology during the course of the exercise. It is our long held position that the ecosphere of such areas of the planet is worth protecting by all states.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
The Socialist World Republic takes greatest caution in its ongoing exercises and wishes to stress the fact that its operational capabilities in the antarctic region ensure the security of the local ecosystem. It is the protection of our stalwart forces that contains ruthless exploitation by bourgeoise actors, whether endorsed by foreign powers or conducted as independent operations. Our military will continue to ensure that the common natural heritage of all mankind remains beyond the reach of capitalist greed.

Socialist World Republic
Office of the President
Nathaniel Winters

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Trumm lambasts Winters for inaction on Gunnish travel restrictions
Westport Times

Donna Trumm attacked President Winters over his continued inaction on the new Gunnish travel restrictions. During a speech the Social Republican candidate noted that attempts to receive an explanation for the policy change have resulted in continue silence from the Gunnish government. Despite this, there had been no noticeable reaction from Deliverance and the Gunnish attack has remained unopposed.

In her speech to supporters, Trumm called Winters a "weak" President and warned that the Social Democratic candidate Clint Hill would continue a "legacy of ineptitude". She however remained vague on her own policy towards Gunnland, merely claiming that, if she were president, "the Gunnish would have thought twice before even insulting the World Republic" and that she had "great plans" that would ensure no foreign nation ever dared to oppose the World Republic again.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Trumm names King vice-pesidential candidate
Implarian Observer

Donna Trumm has named her former competitor and union leader Harry King her vice-presidential candidate. Announcing the decision during a press conference she praised King for his experience and his commitment to labor rights, stating that "he ran a tight campaign" during his own bid for presidency and that she'd "rather have him on our side". Like Trumm, King is considered on the left-wing of the Social Republican party but unlike his running mate, King is well entrenched in the party and considered a safe bet to assemble the majority of party members behind Trumms campaign.

After announcing her own choice of vice-presidential candidate, Trumm attacked her Socal Democratic competitor Clint Hill for not yet having chosen his. Having given no sign yet as to who may be considered for that role was a sign of indecisive, bad leadership, Trumm commented. Despite Trumm being a more controversial figure to her party than Hill was, the vice-presidential choice is considered a tougher issue for the Social Democrats: Sandor Bernstein would be a logical choice following his own, strong bid for candidacy and could mobilize a lot of enthusiastic new voters, but he would run the danger of splitting the party and bringing a radical pro-market faction onto the ticket that may sit uneasy with many voters. However, not endorsing Bernstein could similiarily run the risk of causing upheavel within the party lines.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
New Gunnish ambassador barred entry to country
Implarian Observer

The federal government has declared the new Gunnish ambassador a persona non grata and denied him entrance to the country, aggravating diplomatic tension that started with the Gunnish authorities issuing a travel ban to the World Republic. Martin mlD. Gordon had been dispatched from Deliverance after losing his previous job as Gunnish ambassador to Bergenheim over a public incident where he interrupted a theater play while drunk. President Winters has personally announced the decision to reject the Gunnish ambassador, stating that his administration views the appointment as a deliberate Gunnish attempt to insult the World Republic.

During the press conference, President Winters also stressed that inquiries about the reason for the sudden Gunnish travel ban had been met with silence and that Gunnish authorities had been "generally unresponsive" to attempts at diplomatic negotiation. "Quite frankly, we are fed up with the Gunnish behaviour," a clearly frustrated President of the World Republic commented, announcing that his government was currently considering several different measures to enact as punishment for the aggressive Gunnish foreign policy.

The timing of the diplomatic row between Deliverance and Windhaven could not be worse for the Social Democrats. Polls indicate that President Winters previous insistence on a diplomatic solution, as well as comments by the Social Democratic candidate Clint Hill that backed the president, have been publically received as failed and weak foreign policy.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
Officium Legati + Regnum Marpesiae
Foreign Office + Kingdom of Gunnland

[For Public Release.] Curiously, the Winters Administration both demands answers about the temporary travel ban and refuses the emissary sent to give those answers. But there is no diplomatic logic to this erratic behavior in Deliverance: it is a matter of political grandstanding. Stone Bridge considered rescinding Christmas and Hogmanay party invitations to our Implarian guests, but it was generally felt that this ungenerous spirit was beneath men of good breeding, and someone mentioned that they so love the Drambuie.

Until this issue is resolved, Ambassador Gordon will coordinate our mission to the Socialist World Republic remotely, from Tephanon or Elephant and Castle.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
If the ramblings of a drunkard are considered sufficient explanations for Windhavens actions, we consider ourselves better off not hearing it. Gunnland is free to appoint a respectable man or woman to the position of ambassador and is also welcome to provide us the much needed answers through a public statement on the issue. Thusfar, however, it seems the Kingdom of Gunnland and its government are more focused on insulting our proud Republic and it should be warned that, albeit patient and eager to forgive, the Socialist World Republic will not stand for continued aggressions by foreign powers.

Office of the President
Socialist World Republic
Nathaniel Winters

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Soldier dies in polar exercise
Westport Times

The military reported that, during their ongoing exercise in the antarctic, the life of a soldier has been claimed by an accident. According to a military spokesperson, the soldier, who was not named, was a member of the fifth ranger brigade. During a landing exercise on shelf ice, the man broke through an unexpectedly shallow area of ice and was pushed under water by strong currents. While the man could be retrieved from the water by his comrades, he later died onboard one of the ships participating in the operation, suffering organ failure.

Relatives of the soldier had already been informed of the tragic accident and the military requested the media not to research into the identity of the man: it would be released to the public after the burial and a grace period for the family to mourn without public attention. President Winters is planned to attend the burial and offer his condolences to them.


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
国防部,Ministry of National Defense
新海人民共和国,People's Republic of Xinhai
娲火铩,Wā Huǒshā,Comrade-Minister of National Defense

The tragic loss of the revolutionary martyr in the antarctic is a regrettable event. The proletarian brother and sister soldiers of the People's Republic in Xinhai send their well wishes and best regards to the family of the lost soldier, and hope for a successful and fortuitous end to operations in the antarctic.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Trumm: family of dead soldier should be 'happy'
Westport Times

Social Republican candidate Donna Trumm has caused widespread indignation over a comment regarding the death of a soldier during exercises in the antarctic. Trumm commented during a radio interview on the accident that took the life of a soldier, praising the efforts of the military and reaffirming the commitment of the Socialist World Republic to the security of the antarctic region. She then went on to say that the parents and family of the soldier should be "happy he gave his life for the Republic", stating that there was "no higher honor".

Her competitor Clint Hill has directed harsh criticism towards Trumm, calling her words "callous and insensitive" and saying that "no honor can ever replace the life of a loved one". According to Hill, Trumms comments should serve as a warning to how little value she places on the lifes of servicemen. "Trumm will go to war over the slightest insult. She is a ticking timebomb," Hill said. "But unfortunately it is not her who would pay the price for a war." In response to Trumms controversial comments, Hill reaffirmed his message that the Social Democrats were the "party of peace."

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hill names vice-presidential candidate
Implarian Observer

Social-Democratic candidate Clint Hill has named Lucas Harvey, party-chairman from Ashford, his running mate. Harvey, who is thirty-eight, is considered a shooting star on the right-wing of the party, who has rapidly risen through the ranks of the party. An outspoken reformist who endorses market liberalizations, his appointment may be a nod to the reformist wing around Senator Bernstein, falling just short of appointing Bernstein himself.

The choice of running mate for Clint Hill was deemed a difficult one and some analysts have suggested that the appointment of Harvey was partly made, because Social-Republican candidate Donna Trumm kept pushing the fact that Hill had not yet named anyone. Harvey had not been handled as likely candidate previously and is considerably to the right of Hill himself, but deemed a charismatic orator with a "TV-presentable face". Behind the scenes of the social-democratic campaign, infighting over the vice-presidential ticket seemed to have done considerable harm to Hills ability to fight back against Trumms populist rhetorics.

Harvey has expressed his gratitude for being chosen as vice-presidential candidate: "It's the best christmas gift I could hope for."

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Catholic Extremist Kills Two
Implarian Observer

A catholic extremist has killed two and injured a dozen more with a knife during a traditional solidarity celebration in Implarian City. The man, who was arrested by municipal police forces that arrived quickly on the scene, had been registered for participation in radical anti-communist marches and for writing threatening letters to abortion clinics in the past. According to a spokesperson of the police, the man was shot during the arrest, but not lethally wounded and questioned for his motive he claimed the attack to be "revenge for the attack on church-goers in Borovanger" and "act of self-defense in the marxist war on christmas".

Solidarity celebrations are a traditional secular alternative to christmas in the Socialist World Republic. They are public events dedicated to the spirit of international friendship and brotherhood and are often held on beaches in the evening, when the summer heat on the southern hemisphere has become more bearable. Many families attend both solidarity celebrations and christmas events.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hill Leading in Polls
Implarian Observer

A poll on the upcoming presidential election has Social Democratic candidate Clint Hill leading by a comfortable margin of almost ten percent. The poll was conducted by the Varnham University in Illumination and involved telephone calls to several thousan eligible voters across the six states of the World Republic. According to the poll, Hill could increase his lead over the course of the last weeks. Having initially fallen behind as Donna Trumms campaign had gathered momentum and effectively put pressure on the Social Democrats, the appointment of his vice-presidential candidate and the succesful scandalization of Trumms comment on the death of a soldier during exercises in the antarctic gave Hill a solid lead.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
The Day The Future Died
The Republic

It's remembered with pride as "No Day" in Touzen and an important part of the national mythology in the country and its satellites: the day Dictator Turgan took over power from the triumvirate in Touzen. The World Republic remembers this day 12 years ago differently, as a bitter defeat for the cause of mankind and as the day their own involvement in the constitutional crisis in the east came to an end.

Until that point, Implaria had actively backed up Marshall Dorgon and his allies in their attempt to restore democratic structures in Touzen. Both his Implarian and his domestic allies had agreed with Dorgon that, once this endeavour had been completed, the Constitutional State of Touzen would pursue a policy to join the World Republic - a plan that met both considerable scepticism as well as enthusiasm in the Implarian States, as the integration of Touzen would have fundamentally changed the face of the World Republic. It was seen as an inherently dialectical process, not as a mere annexation of Touzen into the existing framework of the World Republic. At the end of it, the new Socialist World Republic would have been a synthesis of the revolutionary experiences of Implaria as well as Toyou.

The ambitious nature of their goals had always meant that the triumvirate and its Implarian allies would face considerable opposition. Hopes that it could energize the masses, captivate the imagination of the common people, were dashed when those whose personal political ambitions clashed with the idealistic ambitions of Dorgon and Kobayashi began portraying them as puppets of a foreign power. The hardships of the crisis era contributed their fair share: many of the promised social reforms and advances had to be postponed due to the political situation. Facts that enemies of the triumvirate latched onto to portray Dorgon and Kobayashi as corrupted reactionaries - myths that are being perpetrated to this day in the east.

When Turgan was appointed Dictator of Touzen, it marked a turning point in history. Turgan was outfitted with unlimited powers to "defend the revolution", but this, in fact, meant its suspension. The Socialist World Republic, as a consequence of its failed endeavour in the east, turned inwards. It was on this day, 12 years ago, that the liberalization factions of both Social Democrats and Social Republicans were born. What could have been was a united socialist state of Toyou and Implaria that would have brought global revolution within arms length. Instead, the socialist idea had suffered a considerable defeat.

Some keep dreaming, however. Waiting for the time that Dictator Turgan falls and the old dream can be revived. Until that day, the SWR and Touzen seem doomed to stay uneasy friends at best, rivals bound to be partners by merit of common interests at worst. The avenues of cooperation have remained plenty, despite the defeat of Implarias allies in the triumvirate, as have the mutual enemies of both Touzen and Implaria remained the same. Both nations acknowledge each others positive role in world history, but both will also harshly criticize each other for every misstep and perceived political misgiving.