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Jun 7, 2007
Czech Republic
Cid City
Operation Tense Sunrise Status
AP New Cidia

Operation Tense Sunrise continues in Cidonia and still many villages and people remain dispersed. The hordes of people who had run to the north of the country to escape their fate have been surrounded by Cidonian troops as they hurriedly sent up a few thousand troops to round of the refugees and bring them to orderly refugee camps some may claim are just disguised death camps.

A majority of the so-called captured "tribal terrorists" have been assigned to these refugee camps and the villages lay desolate and void of life. Resistance has begun building up as the Cidonian armed forces continue their march towards the north east of the country where armed tribal opposition is racing against time to gear up and prepare for the last waves of Cidonian tanks, infantry and helicopters. However their resistance is near futile as the supply lines are being undermined by the air superiority of the Cidonian airforce and the weak infrastructure, a burden for a few decades already on the Cidonian nation, hinders the progress of the tribal warriors.

The only hope for the last survivors of this massacre are to hide in the north eastern jungles and fight a guerilla war and prolong their fight and hope to have their voices heard.

As of now over 50,000 tribal terrorists have been detained and "captured" although their whereabouts are nothing but hear-say at the moment. Over 10,000 tribal terrorists have been killed and 200 Cidonian soldiers have lost their lives to this noble cause.

Trudy Ila, associated Press.


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Analysis: The Rise and Fall? of the RDTO
AP International

It was only a few months ago it seemed the Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation, once seen as an odd collection of Europe's socialist states, was destined to be a permanent guest at the table of the big powers, with Carentania, the alliance figurehead, taking a leading role in the conflict in Solaren and achieving widespread attendance at the Rijeka conference on the Altai-Talemantros war. The People's Republic of Vangala, previously only a associate member, entered as a full member, giving the alliance a firm presence in the East. Now, with open arguments between member-states, the conflict in Solaren dragging on, and new threats emerging, the very future of the Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation is in question.

Many pundits expect the alliance to follow the footsteps of the International Revolutionary Bloc, a former grouping of authoritarian communist states, and soon collapse. Internal pressures, from domestic demand for political reform to continual economic problems, forced many of the ruling regimes out and the International Revolutionary Bloc's membership, already small and geographically disparate, dwindled. Its inevitable end was announced in the early 1990's.

However, such comparisons are misleading. The Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation hosts variety of left-wing states, although not all, like Carentania and Havenshire, are authoritarian. Their economic structures are varied as well, with none running strict centrally planned economies, with Vangala and Kryobaijan introducing market reforms, while Havenshire's economy is dominated by co-operatives and Carentania runs a unique non-monetary system. These are not the statist dinosaurs of the IRB. Geographically speaking, the membership is also more concentrated, focusing around Europe's middle band. The alliance still has its allure, with Europaland having applied and the People's Republic of Lusitania reportedly interested.

Yet there is good reason to believe the RDTO’s demise, or at least decline, is imminent. The recent spat between Carentania and the Jurzan over planned amendments to the Jurzani constitution, which would have granted the ruling Adrari Socialist Party extensive powers, seems to have paralysed the alliance. Vangala came out in support of the Jurzan, and has suspended the deployment of peacekeepers to occupied Solaren, ostensibly for national security concerns, with Yujin recently holding war games near the border with Vangala. This does not bode well for the military alliance. Havenshire has been critical of both sides and stressed the importance of alliance unity, and is currently holding an emergency conference to settle the issue.

The conference is ultimately to decide the fate of the Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation. However, if the RDTO wants to remain relevant and take a leading position in world affairs, it must act decisively. Simply mending the damage caused by the dispute between Carentania and the Jurzan is not enough. The recent tour by Vangala of alliance member-states was in part to promote a new treaty containing provisions for greater military integration. This is a good start. But it needs to go beyond intelligence-sharing and the establishment of joint military academies. Carentania also needs to do less. It is looking dangerously overstretched in Solaren, especially as Solaren’s conventional forces have withered away and returned as an aggressive insurgency, and pacifist groups at home are becoming increasingly vocal in their criticism. Carentania’s assumption of responsibilities, and indirectly, power, not only places a great burden on the nation, but also causes resentment within the alliance. Should the RDTO follow this advice and emerge more united after this crisis, Europe will have another genuine power bloc to contend with.


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Vangala unveils new IRBM
AP International

Vangalan Minister of National Defence Nurul Banerjee announced the successful construction of the country's first Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) on state television today ahead of planned wargames along the contested border with Yujin. The announcement is likely to further raise regional tensions, already high after Yujiner military exercises, and may be seen by some as further evidence of Vangalan plans to build nuclear weapons, with the new missile, named Jagajjaẏī ('world-conquering'), believed to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Vangala allegedly already possesses biological and chemical weapons and maintains a vast arsenal of missiles.

The Jagajjaẏī missile has an estimated range of 3,500 - 5,000km, allowing Vangala to strike targets deep within all its neighbours. National Defence Minister Banerjee confirmed the missile will be displayed in the upcoming wargames. Many have commented on the state of the Minister's health, with rumours suggesting he returned from the RDTO conference in Havenshire for medical reasons, rather than the official claim he was needed to help manage the growing regional crisis. Minister Banerjee is aged 79, and has served in the Vangalan government since 1992. Reports vary concerning his illness, though most claim lung cancer or heart disease.

Yujin and Karakhstan, Vangala's two neighbours, have yet to respond to the announcement, but they are expected to be critical. Touzen, a regional power with a history of uneasy relations with Vangala, is also expected to react negatively. In his speech, Banerjee warned Vangala's enemies against considering any military action, claiming the Vangalan People's Armed Forces were at their strongest ever.


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
Mirwais Ahmadzai expected to achieve Presidency
AP Sharjah

On March 1, 2012, the newly named Third General Assembly will officially be sworn in and vote on a President. Currently, three men are campaigning heavily for the position, these men are: Mirwais Ahmadzai, Ayran Khalilzad, and Khurshid Khakwani. Ahmadzai is from the Islamic Socialist Party, Khalilzad and Khakwani are from the Adrari Socialist Party.

Mirwais Ahmadzai led his party to a sweeping 30% of the newly elected General Assembly, carrying only seven less seats than the Adrari Socialist Party. Ahmadzai is a vocal opponent of secular government and has repeatedly been against the social reform acts of Zurab Nadarejshvili. Ahmadzai has been a common name in Jurzani Politics as he was the vocal symbol of the Southern Alliance, a more socialist conservative party that believes in holding true to the morals of Islam. Ahmadzai has been excessively popular in the south, where a vast majority of the nation’s Mujahideen came from, the freedom fighter force that fought against Talemantros.

Ahmadzai, while campaigning to the General Assembly, promised an end to secular, elitist government, and a return the values of the old country. He claimed that Islam inherently calls for socialism and it is the responsibility of the country to adhere to its beliefs.

The ASP is currently divided into deadlock with no real hope of gaining the votes necessary to achieve the Presidency. Khakwani is campaigning against single party ideologies and is currently only popular among his faction of the ASP. Khalilzad is campaigning on single party ideologies and is popular among his faction and the Jurzani Brotherhood. However, Ahmadzai is running on preserving democracy and the process of it, which has the votes of the ISP and the minor parties securely in his grasp.

It is impossible to say for sure Ahmadzai will win, but it seems that with the recent events in Jurzan, the General Assembly is prepared to elect a supporter of multiparty systems and nationalist, conservative, policies. It’s certainly a shift from the Presidency of Nadarejshvili.

Northern Cooperative Unions

Establishing Nation
Jan 20, 2012

BOLIATURIAN AP - Press Announcement

In an extremely isolated and long period of hiatus, Boliatur has finally emerged from a period of isolation what seemed to be at least three months. The government has proclaimed the Negy Vezeto dead, and "Communism abolished in the name of Post-Delegationism." Boliatur's borders opening means more news from within.
Oct 12, 2011
Hampton Roads
Various Potenzan Leaders Donate to Danish Election
AP San Salvo

Shortly after the announcement of elections in Danmark, an organization loosely known as "Potenzans for the Liberal Party" donated a lump sum of money (roughly about €2 million in lira) towards the campaign of the Liberale Parti of incumbent Jens Peder Hillerød. The organization is not an actual organization, but a conglomeration of various Potenzan delegates and leaders giving money towards Hillerød's party to assist in the upcoming election. Among the sources include Prime Minister Gaetano Merlino and his National Alliance party, Count Niccolo di Grimaldi, and Duke Guido della Torre.

Political analysts within Potenza state that, though there are various parties contributing to a single fund, they are for various reasons. Potenza's prime minister has an interest in continuing Hillerød's term after some significant economic agreements between the two nations. The Duke of Venosa has an interest in assisting the prime minister, whom he is believed to have been actively influencing, in his political endeavors. The Count of Turin is believed to be pursuing a state of balance within the region, and believes that Hillerød's leadership is the best way to maintain some semblance of this.

In the latest poll, Hillerød's party has 28% of the vote, a plurality just over the 25% of Social Democratic party.


'Rage of the Valkyries' retraces the route of the Danish Disapora
AP Fredrikshavn

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The ancient and the modern navy: The Rage of the Valkyries sets sail from
Fredrikshavn passing a modern vessel of the Kongelige Danske Marine

'Beserkermania' has swept across the Kingdom of the Great Danes in a blaze of glory in recent times as the country seeks to re-engage with and delve into its rich and illustrious roots, galvanised by an increasingly confident and unapologetic revivalist identity and growth in power.

Following the celebration of the Beserker landings earlier this year in honour of the founding of the kingdom in the year 755 (making it the second-oldest Scanian nation after Arendaal) - itself split at the time over the mainland of Danmark, Midgard and the island group of Færøerne, hence the term 'dispora' - and the declaration of an official national day, Beserkerdag, to commemorate the founding of the nation, the latest twist has seen the setting sail of a specially constructed longship, the Valkyrieraseri (Rage of the Valkyries), making the reverse-journey back to the original homelands in Scania to trace the routes taken almost 1300 years ago.

Constructed as close as possible from known technology of the time and based on a longship that was discovered 70 years ago buried under a man-made hill, the Rage set sail from Fredrikshavn with dock cranes bowing deferentially down into the river that flows through the city and dwarfed by three destroyers which escorted the vessel as it left home waters.

With an estimated 9000 people gathered on the docks and broadcast live on national television, the vessel was seen off by Prince Constantine and the Admiral of the Fleet of the Kongelige Danske Marine.

The Rage is expected to sail the several-thousand mile journey and take at least 2 months to land on the shores of Arendaal. On board are 9 hardy volunteers, some with naval experience, who have undergone extensive physical and survival training over the past year.

Though the only advantage for these latter-day Beserkers is that the modern longship will have radio contact, GPS tracking devices, emergency equipment and food and medicine stocks, though they are expected to try to emulate their forefathers by using ancient navigation techniques such as the the stars, the sun, and keen observation of nature to keep the voyage in good faith, as well as trying to practice living off the sea.

Absalom Magnestød, one of the nine mariners: "You really get a feel for how it really was and how hard it was. If the ocean stays calm that will be a bonus but how we will cope with choppy storms is something we will have to get to grips with. All the modern equipement can only go so far to save you in those conditions".

Asked what he found most daunting about the voyage, he laughed: "It has to be all that salted fish and pickled herring. How I will deal with that, I simply don't know!"


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Altaisk Horse Disqualified from Triple Crown
AP First Haven

Corbul Ab, one of Altai's most prominent thoroughbred race horses, was screened by Cantigian Triple Crown Association (CTCA) officials yesterday, who found positive results in their random test for doping. Other horses involved in the screening, who will remain anonymous, were cleared of any tampering or foul play.

The horse's owner, Tirgu Ier Stables, has been asked to send representatives to Concordia, the Province where the testing took place, to answer for upcoming charges and subsequent banning from future competition. This afternoon, Corbul Ab's trainer Radu Karelin was formally charged by the CTCA with "being a party to the alleged administration or attempted administration of a prohibited substance", before the first leg of this year's Triple Crown in First Haven.

The charges were the latest in year long probe into the drug blue magic, which is said to enhance horses' performances. Third Wheel, a Cantigian Horse, was disqualified last year for a minor race when the owner was caught administering blue magic before the race.

CTCA Director Alan Chaungeour said the organisation maintains a "zero tolerance policy" towards horse doping, and that the CTCA "will gather the resources to test more horses next year".

Despite this setback for the First Haven Derby, alternate entry Red Mist from Danmark will fill the number 20 pole position in Corbul Ab's place, providing for a full field for tomorrow's race. The Cantigian horse Full House is now the first alternate entry, who will race in the event of injury or further disqualifications from the Derby.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010
Ministerul Culturii

We are deeply ashamed that people that should represent Altai in international competitions have done something like this, deeply tarnishing the Altaic Sport Association's reputation. Radu Karelin's action is also in contravention with the Altaic law and thus he will be fined. We are deeply sorry for what happened and wish to say good luck to Red Mist. Radu Karelin will also be suspended by the Sport Association and it is possible for him to lose his workplace at the Dara Stallion Stables.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Safety for money: Private companies step up in the Eastern States
AP Freistadt

In the Confederate Eastern States, the Implarian island nation with a dubious honor of having one of the highest amounts of crime per capita for first-world countries, more and more private citizens, corporations and even cities are turning to private security companies to answer for their security needs. Private security companies are known as sure targets of investment in the Schräderhafen Stock Exchange and a recent "Developing Sectors" report by the Freistadt University of Commerce highlighted the sector as one of the most rapidly growing ones in the country.

In the Eastern States, private security officers are a common sight both in urban and rural areas, often equipped almost to the same levels as police officers and usually carrying firearms as well. Most stores, shopping malls, hotels and public transportation systems are likely to have in-house or contracted security of some kind, though homeowners are an increasingly prominent client group for security companies. Anyone who can afford them has an alarm system of some kind, while residents in an apartment block or a street often jointly hire a dedicated security patrol. The most radical examples of these are gated communities: prominent in larger cities, they are the typical dwellings of upper middle class and upper class Confederates, where anyone entering the area must go through checkpoints monitored by armed security guards and CCTV systems monitor the entirety of public space.

A part of the growth is due to Confederate law, which deregulates decisionmaking about law enforcement - and thus private security - to state and partly municipal levels, even allowing a state to grant a level of police power to a private body. A pioneer in this has been Bicol State. In 2008, cities of the Schräderhafen Metropolitan Area decided to disband their police units formerly in charge of policing the Schräderhafen Metropolitan Transport System's train and bus network, instead contracting security company CPS Security for the role. A year later, six cities in the region disgruntled with high operational costs of Schräderhafen Metropolitan Police decided to privatize basic law enforcement to Paladin Security International, with regular policemen retaining only investigative and administrative functions. Security companies have also profited from unrest and insurgency in some sections of the Eastern States, including Cagaya and Victory States, where heavily armed military contractors protect properties owned by corporations and wealthy businessmen.

Though many in the country see private security as a necessity owing to the high crime rate, especially in cities such as Schräderhafen with a history of gang conflict, the increasing law enforcement involvement of the security industry has also caused criticism. "Private law enforcement is an oxymoron", says Martin Hamann, an investigative journalist and a political writer who was interviewed by the AP on the topic due to his role as one of the most prominent critics of the security industry in the Eastern States. "A private company aims to deliver profit and answer to client needs, not to enforce the law", Hamann says, pointing out that in addition to their visible face of patrols and manning guard posts, security companies are active in other parts of the justice system, including prisoner transport, prison management and other support services.
Nov 29, 2011
AirCœur to go Public

Nation’s largest operating domestic passenger and cargo services will go public in mid-August.

The government will keep 30% ownership.

“The governing body of the Société Générale is confident in the move,” said Jean-Georges Safroz, interim president of the company, in a press conference on Thursday.

AirCœur covers nearly 90 percent of domestic passenger air transport and 13 percent of international flights from SE-Louis IX International Airport, the nation’s largest airport. Last year they reported a record loss of 125 million Cœur (78.7 mn Euro), but has recovered nearly a quarter of its loss year-to-date due to increasing and affordable domestic and regional traveling.

AirCœur’s IPO is expected for mid-August upon completing its reorganization.



Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Several Communist insurgent suspects die in strike by Eastern States Air Force
AP Freistadt

Several believed members of the Cagayan Revolutionary People's Army insurgent group have been killed in an air strike by the Confederate Air Force. A Defense Ministry spokesman said that two multi-role fighters and a flight of counter-insurgency aircraft had struck a suspected insurgent encampment overnight in an abandoned farmhouse in the Cagaya Mountains, fifteen kilometers northeast of the town of Bulazan. The aircraft had fired two precision bombs as well as several unguided rockets at the compound before withdrawing.

According to anonymous sources in the Defense Ministry, the target of the attack was wanted CRPA commander Ambeth Diokno, believed to be responsible for most of the terrorist attacks attributed to the 3000-strong separatist organization. Last week the Steinhauser Administration issued a kill order for Diokno after he was linked to a car bombing in Cagaya's capital of Port Hanshan as well as plans to carry out further terrorist acts in the Port Hanshan region of the island. An anonymous source said that due to a mobilization of CRPA units in the Bulazan area shortly after the attack, government forces had been unable to ascertain if Diokno had been at the site of the attack or if he had been killed.

However, a voice recording released in the Internet today by a man claiming to be Diokno said that he was "alive and well", having evaded the attack. Defense Ministry officials are believed to be analyzing the recording to determine its authenticity. Official sources declined to comment on claims of civilian casualties inflicted in the attack which were raised by Cagaya State legistlator Inday Azaton today in the state legistlature. Azaton is the head of state-level Cagayan People's Party for Freedom and Justice, a moderate Cagayan nationalist group.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Cagayan government authorizes extra PMC deployment to the state in fear of further insurgent attacks
AP Freistadt

Local administrators in the Confederate constituent state of Cagaya, internationally notorious for the activities of separatist Communist insurgents on the island, today announced that they had granted authorization for four Private Military Companies to send extra personnel into the state. The move follows renewed fears of further insurgent attacks after July's bombing in the state capital of Port Hanshan which caused heavy material damage to the local headquarters of Westmark-Steiner, Eastern States' leading forestry and paper company. The Cagayan Revolutionary People's Army has claimed responsibility for the attack.

A spokesman of Cagaya's Interior Department said that permission had been granted for Eastern States PMCs Eagle Claw Solutions, Glockenturm Associates, CPS Special Solutions and Reichardt Defense Services to deploy an unspecified number of Class A Security Contractors into the state in support of increasing security needs on behalf of the companies' clients. Local private security regulations specify Class A contractors as security officers allowed to carry military-grade weapons and subject to relaxed coonditions of use of force. The Cagayan Interior Department refused to specify on the number of these new Class A licenses issued.

Significant numbers of private military contractors are working in Cagaya alongside local and Confederate security forces, mainly hired by mainland corporations and local landowners and businessmen to provide protection from possible attacks by CRPA insurgents and local criminal groups. Their use has grown exponentially since the CRPA began more actively attacing mainland businesses in the state, and this additional deployment is believed to be for the purposes of propping up security for these corporate clients.

Human rights groups and security watchdogs as well as Cagayan opposition politicians noted in concern the announcement of an "PMC surge". The local Cagayan People's Party for Freedom and Justice expressed worry over the announcement, pointing to numerous incidents of alleged violence against civilians carried out by private security contractors in the state and calling for restrictions against PMC operations on the island.
Nov 29, 2011
Green Business Brings Green
AP Sainte-Elisabeth

The Chambre National de Commerce, supported by the regional credit reporting agencies and small business associations, released the 300-page report Wednesday morning.

The semi-annual report confirmed businesses dealing with renewable resources rose by an estimated 15 percent, adding 18,000 jobs since January. In addition there was a growing trend in agri-businesses, according to semi-public Crédit Agricole (CA).

“Applications have been pouring in over the months,” said Jessica Polmit, a CA officer. “While a fraction of these applicants have been for emergency relief [for bad crops], many have applied for expanding their lots.” Ms. Polmit, along with many economists, assert the rise in agribusiness due in part to the “local economy” movement spurred in many small communities. Rural farmer’s markets have seen a major increase in shoppers - especially urbanites - who flock to the locales.

Meanwhile, renewable energy has also seen a rapid upsurge. It was confirmed back in 2003 by the Bureau National des Statistiques (BNS) that renewable energy will provide more than half of consumption by 2015. Today, the Chambre’s report confirmed wind turbines and solar power stations are providing nearly 55 percent of electricity consumption.

Northern Cooperative Unions

Establishing Nation
Jan 20, 2012
Bol Khanate's Khan Tumumen III Found Dead, Last of Boliaturian "Unofficial Monarchy"

The last of the former Bol Khanate's monarchy, which was disestablished in 1876 but remained an unofficial side-door monarchy, was found dead this morning.

The Boliaturian government and national security forces released a statement saying that the support beams lifting the house off of the mountain were gradually becoming weak and finally gave way to weathering. The entire family was crushed and the bodies have not been recovered.

Boliaturian citizens have remained unaffected.
Nov 4, 2008
New York City Greater Metropolitan Area
Karakhstan Remains Silent on Boliatur Developments
AP, Almatii

The Government of Karakhstan has remained unusually silent regarding the new developments to the north in Boliatur. The new government of Boliatur recently announced the creation of an alliance, which many governments are declaring a sham and a terrorist organisation. Almatii has so far not commented either way, holding true to its policy of political neutrality. It is very likely that Almatii will establish itself as one of the sole communication avenues between Boliatur and the rest of the world as Karakhstan continues to operate its Embassy in neighbouring Boliatur.

Analysts predict that some sort of statement will come from the Karakh Bureau of Foreign Affairs before long. It is possible that Karakhstan will announce to all interested parties that the Karakh embassy in Boliatur will be available to carry messages between Boliatur and governments and agencies which no longer have open communications.

At the same time the Republic of Karakhstan Defence Forces are likely to increase patrols to ensure that their northern border remains secure. With an active rebel insurgency in the east of Karakhstan, most units, especially the Sky Force, are at full active alert already, especially after last month's bus bombing in central Almatii. Experts on the region do not imagine for there to be any troubles along the border as Boliatur and Karakhstan have good political ties thanks largely to economic projects. The Friendship Expressway, linking the countries' two capitals, continues to be constructed despite recent events, however sources close to Transport Karakhstan say that should any major violence occur north of the border, the project could be delayed or suspended.

The new expressway, with a railway supposedly to follow, will link Boliatur to the major warm-water ports of Yujin. The link will also provide Karakhstan and Yujin with an efficient transport link to expand their market presence in Boliatur.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Freistadt considers forwarding measures against Boliatur, declared as state supporter of terrorism
AP Freistadt

Anonymous sources within the Eastern States government say that the Implarian island nation is currently considering measures to be undertaken against Boliatur after the Toyou state became the center of an international row when news of the state's ties with terrorist groups became public knowledge. Boliatur is already in a state of war with Engellex, though neither side has yet officially carried out any military action yet. Last week the so-called "ABJ Pact" - described as a Boliatur-hosted network of terrorist groups formed by political radicals - was designated as a terrorist organization by the government in Freistadt.

"At the moment, President Steinhauser's administration is effectively considering Boliatur a rogue state", said one anonymous Foreign Ministry official, "And it is very likely that with growing Confederate interests in the region any multilateral effort to rein in the Nodovinya regime." He also stated that the Foreign Ministry was in the process of pressuring protection and indemnity insurance clubs in the Eastern States against insuring Boliatur-flagged ships.

However, another source pointed out that "any solely Engellexic campaign will likely be regarded with wariness" given the Engellex government's 2011 war against the EDF.

Meanwhile, President Heinrich Steinhauser announced that he was invoking Eastern States terrorism legistlation to declare Boliatur a state supporter of terrorism, warranting freezing of financial assets belonging to individuals connected with the country's government.


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Sucrecian peacekeepers to be deployed in occupied Bantyr
AP International

The Free Republic of Sucrecia has confirmed reports it will be deploying peacekeepers to Frescanian-occupied Bantyr to help with pacification efforts, after engaging in a series of private talks with the Frescanian government. Sucrecia refused to join the initial invasion, citing the limited capabilities of its armed forces and the lack of political consensus at home. However, Sucrecia has provided humanitarian aid throughout the conflict, and Sucrecian officials are involved in the reconstruction of Bantyr, co-operating with their Frescanian counterparts.

The details of the peackeeping force have yet to be released. Sources within the Sucrecian and Frescanian governments have informed Associated Press that Frescania will contribute financially and logistically to the maintenance of the Sucrecian peacekeeping mission, with fears Sucrecia's defence budget and spending reserves are inadequate. Frescania already provides extensive military assistance to the Sucrecian armed forces, supplying subsidised equipment and running training programmes for Sucrecian officers. The two countries have been close allies since Sucrecia's founding under Frescanian tutelage in the late 19th century.

The ruling New Republic Party has secured widespread support for the peacekeeping operation. The main opposition, the Radical Party, has given the mission its backing. Deogracias Cabello, Sucrecia's leader, told reporters it represented a "historic occasion for the Free Republic to act as a positive force in world affairs, to build a new democracy, much like our forefathers who arrived to these shores over a hundred years ago did".

However, concerns remain. Sucrecia's military only has limited experience, fighting a low-level insurgency waged by tribal militants over vast expanses of desert. Most scenarios in Bantyr will be urban areas, and the distinction between insurgents and angry civilians will not be so obvious. Another is some worry the colour of Sucrecian peacekeepers' skin will make them special targets, with Sucrecian aid workers having reported a few incidents of racial abuse, both verbal and physical, by Bantyric assailants.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Eastern States Congress clears military action against Boliatur
AP Freistadt

After the conclusion of an international conference in the Cantigian capital of Vesper over the Boliatur crisis, the Eastern States Congress has approved a joint resolution permitting the involvement of the Confederate Army in any military action undertaken with the intent of achieving the goals agreed upon in that conference. Defense Minister Christian Svenson and President Heinrich Steinhauser's top security advisor Constantin Tännhauser returned to Freistadt from the conference yesterday.

"The international community has taken a firm stance against terror, and has expressed the willingness to back this stance with hard power", Defense Minister Svenson said to reporters upon his return to the Freistadt Air Force Base in a military VIP jet, "There can be no negotiation with terrorists, and Boliatur shall either renounce its current course of self-destruction or face the brunt of the international community's response". Svenson said that a satisfactory consensus had been reached at the conference but refused to elaborate until tomorrow, when President Steinhauser is set to meet with his National Security Council in addition to addressing the Congress.

Reportedly, the Confederate Navy's flagship aircraft carrier KMS Befreier has set off from its berth at Port Mülhaus Naval Base along with amphibious assault ship KMS Kansilantal and smaller escort vessels, but Naval spokesmen have declined to comment on their purpose other than that they were "conducting military maneuvers".


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Gangland killing leaves 17 dead in Sucrecian capital
AP International

In one of the worst incidences of gang violence in the country, 17 people, including 3 children, were found dead in one of the slums surrounding the Sucrecian capital Emancipación. The identities of the victims have not been released, and officers from the Sucrecian National Police have refused to answer questions from the press concerning the killings. Considering the extremity of the case, some have speculated it may be transferred to the authority of the Republican Guard, a paramilitary law enforcement agency.

Politicians from all the parties have spoken out and condemned the murders. Sucrecia's head of state Deogracias Cabello described the crime as "abominable". Flags across the capital city have been lowered to half-mast following a uanimous decision by the local authorities. Flowers and offerings for the families of the dead have also been left near the crime scene.

Gang violence has been an issue for Sucrecia since independence in the 1960's. Most gangs are formed by native black Himyaris, who left their traditional home villages for the cities in search of better work prospects. Many of these gangs are divided along ethnic or tribal lines. Some are believed to be aligned to local politicians or religious groups, and are known colloquially as hermandades or 'brotherhoods'. Many act as charitable organisations as well, combining their criminal activities with social work in the absence of an effective welfare system in Sucrecia.