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Jounalio Nikoşia

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Solaris Forces Occupy St. Basil, Bartholomews


Last night, elements of Solaris naval forces occupied the Administrative District of the Bartholomew Islands. Royal Coast Guard forces evacuated several civilians to the Suionian Islands just south of the Bartholomews. Of the approximately 1300 residents, 200 are estimated to be university students and faculty from around the world. Also, 47 appear to be foreign citizens employed at independent research facilities.

"We have no information on any casualties" said Chancellor Valdez during an emergency press conference. The Bartholomew Islands were established as an International Marine and Wildlife Sanctuary in 1972 and have been administered by Nicosia since they have been inhabited. Chancellor Valdez stated that "we are in contact with both foreign governments and universities and are relaying as much information as humanly possible. We notified families of students early this morning and will not be releasing names".

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
"Some have been killed" says Chancellor


As Solaris Forces took over the Bartholomew Islands, the Royal Coast Guard was able to evacuate several people before the islands were entirely in Solaris hands. "I have been informed by reliable sources that some have been killed. The King and I have been in personal contact with families and have informed those we could" said Chancellor Valdez.

Valdez declined to give details as to if those killed are foreign nationals, but did state that continual updates "will be made available".

The King released a statement which said that 'The attack on the Bartholomew Islands is an attack on the world. While the Nicosian flag flies over St. Basil, the Bartholomew Islands belong to the people and minds of the world. The Islands are of no strategic value and are populated by university students, naturalists, and a handful of people who wish to escape the regularities of modern society. Now, foreign nationals are being held and Nicosians are being held in a desperate bid with no goals'.

Nicosians near democracy


Following the edict by the King, Nicosians have feverishly worked to prepare for upcoming elections. The Chancellor, King, and Nicosian Nobility have all appointed members to the 35 seat Election Council. It is currently comprised of former local politicians, current local politicians, 3 nobles, and 4 judges and magistrates.

So far, the council has developed over 80 election laws and have divided Nicosia into 42 election districts. The national assembly will have a total of 50 seats and will have 42 elected voting members and 8 elected, non voting, nobles. Nobility will be eligible for voting positions only after serving 2 terms as a non voting member. Non voting members will have full speaking rights and will be able to vote on some procedural matters.

The council voted to hold elections in either January or February depending on certain factors; mainly when a comprehensive voting and election code is finally established.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Special Forces Retake St. Basil, Chancellor Confirms Casualties


"Early this morning, special forces killed or captured Solaris elements in the Bartholomew Islands" said the Chancellor in a news conference today. "3 Nicosian soldiers were killed as well as 1 Nicosian citizen in the operation" said the Chancellor.

Chancellor Valdez also stated that the losses of foreign civilians during the occupation was 'wholly as unacceptable as Nicosian losses'. "2 Breotonian scientists, 3 Polascianian students, and 1 expat from Khalistan were all killed during the Solaris occupation. We have already notified both governments and families of this tragedy" said the Chancellor. Chancellor Valdez refused to release further information stating that he was 'honoring the requests of families and governments'.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

We congratulate our allies with liberating the Bartholomew Islands from the Solaris forces and send our condolences to families and friends of the deceased people.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
North Carolina, USA

We congratulate Nicosia on their reclaimation of their territory from the dastardly Solaris forces

Carmine Gavallo
Secretary of State

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Office of the Chancellor

We thank both Talemantros and Eiffelland for their congratulations. However, we wish to emphatically state that the Bartholomew Islands are not considered Nicosian territory but are merely administered by Nicosia. The Bartholomew Islands are a natural treasure which belong to the world and we will defend that treasure from those who would destroy it.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
King asks to meet with Carentania leadership


With the recent retaking of St. Basil and a rough invitation to meet from Carentanian leaders, King Alexander sent a more formal request for the two nations to meet. "The Long Sea is not made of water but of the nations that line it" said the King in a press conference. "I wish to go to Carentania to meet with their leadership. We have differences but we must build on the foundation of what we have in common. We have common goals and common visions. We owe it to the Solaris people" said the King.

The King says that the meeting could happen as early as next week.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Exiled Solaris Cardinals to form College in Syracuse


Cardinal Blas Vivar has announced that 27 banished and exiled Cardinals will meet in Syracuse to discuss the legitimacy of Pope Urban. Vivar, like the other Cardinals, were exiled or stripped of power but retained official status as Cardinals.

"We come from all corners of the Lord's Kingdom" said Vivar. "When Urban hijacked the Solaris church from the moderates and progressives, we were sent away and stripped of our holy duties" he said. "The role of the Church is not to rule over man. It does not govern people, only Holy Mother Church".

Vivar expects the College to be formed sometime next week. Vivar, a former member of nobility, is known as an outspoken moderate but refuses to discuss politics. "Human and Holy law are separate. While they should be the same, it is not our place to force the souls of others; only to guide them".

When asked if they would elect a new pope, Vivar stated that Church law would not allow their College to do so. "We hope to be a beacon for other moderate clergy of all religion. We aim to discuss the Church's future when it will not be a political tool used against the people". Vivar was exiled in 2002 after calling for Urban to acknowledge that he obtained the Papacy against Church law.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
King confirms Urban's Capture


Today, the King broke in on all television and news channels to announce and confirm reports that Nicosian troops had captured Pope Urban. Immediately following the announcement, Nicosia's streets were flooded with people celebrating.

Transcript of King's speech

"Good afternoon,

On October 20th, at approximately 1145 in the morning local time, Operation Table Salt was executed. Nicosian special forces executed orders near a Solaris mountain village. Nicosian forces engaged heavy opposition and eventually captured the target, code name- Flax. Flax is in fact the code for Pope Urban.

I say this with a solemn heart. The cost has been high. He is being held in an undisclosed location and will indeed, stand trial in Nicosia for his crimes. These crimes were committed against the innocent and defenseless. Now, the EDF is accused of indiscriminately attacking Solaris civilians. This is a vulgar and offensive accusation that is completely false. We seek to end the killing of the innocent. Not to follow the deeds of the monster we now have in chains.

May the Almighty bless Nicosia and the Solaris People"

Solaris College of Cardinals meets to discuss a non-political Church, receives news of Urban's demise


King breaks news to Solaris Cardinals just before media broadcast

King Alexander met with the College of Cardinals briefly and informed them of the capture of Urban. The College of Cardinals currently consists of exiled and banished Solaris Cardinals and 'interim' Cardinals. "We are discussing the most basic parameters of a post Urban church, such as the defrocking of Urban's most heinous henchmen-priests" said Cardinal Sarducci.


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
Official Yujin Press Release

It is highly unlikely that the situation within Solaren itself is conducive to the conduction of a thorough investigation; and without a thorough investigation any trial prosecuted against Pope Urban at this time can profess to be little more than a show trial. Furthermore, we find the language represented by the government of Nicosia to have already set the tone for the trial, and do not believe that the EDF should be permitted to bring forth charges against Urban at this time. As a leader of a nation, he is accountable first to his own people before he is accountable to the people of any other nation; as such we feel that he should first be detained and charged as a criminal against the state of Solaren before any trial can be pursued by an EDF nation.

If the claim that Urban truly is a criminal who mistreated his own people, then he should be judged by his peers.

Furthermore, we do not believe that this 'Council of Cardinals' is a legitimate organization comprising actual Cardinals of Solaren, but instead a body of dissidents and discontents within Solaren. With respect to the Solaren Church, any Pope elected by this rebel organization will not be recognized as the official successor to Urban by the Yujiner branch of the Solaren Church and State.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Office of the Chancellor

Pope Urban will receive a trial in Nicosia where he will face evidence, including his own statements. Questions regarding Church business should be directed to the College of Cardinals.

From the desk of Cardinal Sarducci

The College is being formed, according to Church Law. We are meeting to discuss ecclesiastical matters and to discuss a Church that is not the political body of Solaren. All Cardinals are ordained in the Solaris Church as Cardinals, as appointed by Urban and the previous Holy Father.
Nov 23, 2010
Directorate of Foreign Relations
Republic of Barbossa

The news of the capture of the Urban has been well received in barbossa and His Excellency, Caudillo de la República de Barbossa, Generalísimo Alejandro Fulgencio Goya, wishes to show his graditude to those soldier of Nicosia by awarding them a special citation for their valor in bringing the Scourge of Gallia to justice. His Excellency wishes to also obtain permission for representatives of Barbossa wo be present to observe the trial of the man that has long been associated with mush evil in this world.

Miguel Hernadez-Alvarado
Dirección General de Relaciones Exteriores,
República de Barbossa

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
The Blanket of War
Guest Column

By Josef Bergessio, Chancellor of Nicosia 1994-1996

War is like a blanket in a hot summer. It covers nations in its itchy warmth and forces those under it to continually sweat. It is composed of more threads than any one man could possibly count. However, there is a pattern. Several patterns to be exact. If one takes a closer look, we can follow one or two threads.

Imperialism. Several accuse the EDF and Nicosia of waging a war of Imperialism. How is this possible? Is it a diversionary tactic? From what? Their own failures to prevent a war? Nicosia brought the issue to the world and pleaded to no avail. Nicosia offered peace only to have their sons murdered in Solaren. How can one respond? We turned to our friends, as any nation would.

Nobody wanted this conflict and the world points their finger and says "No. Shame on you for defending an ally and weaker nation". A nation's right to defend itself goes as far back as the nation state. Nations who have pointed their fingers at Nicosia rather than Solaren will always do so; not because they are strong but because they are week. They need Nicosias. They need to say "that's the bad guy". They need to feel better because when Nicosia came to their door, asking for help, they turned them away. It is their own self pity and self weakness.

Had the world come to Nicosia's aid, this would have stopped. There might have been peace. No, the world failed and forced Nicosia to defend herself. This Kingdom has not fully risen arms in around 90 years. The last time Nicosia was at war, radios were still a novelty and you had to stay within 2 feet of a wall to make a phone call. Yet, Nicosia was pushed down the stairs and those on the sidelines call out "you should have watched your step".

True imperialism comes in several forms. Let us look at what imperialism actually is. Not only is it a way to exert force and take land, but it is also a way of imposing ideals. Nicosia and her allies are looking to defend ideals. The ideal that a nation may defend itself. The ideal that bullying in this modern age will not be tolerated. However, some nations would not have you believe that. Some nations would defend it. Meanwhile, certain nations actually are seeking to force their values and way of life on people. A certain nation acting imperialistically. Just because a nation may follow socialism does not mean it is immune from using imperialism.

The formulation of a 'government' outside of Solaren is purely unacceptable. A government should be made by the people at large, not an ideologically locked horde. If a government is formed outside of Solaren, it shall have to be comprised of all exiles from Solaren. This government should only be temporary until the Solaris people at large can choose their own form of government. In essence, this is the only way to completely avoid imperialism. Only a popularly elected or chosen government will suffice. Only a popular government can replace the tyrant that has been toppled.

The Nicosian government cannot formally recognize this puppet government anymore than I would expect others to recognize a Nicosian built government. It must be united, it must be temporary, and must be diverse. The Solaris people must build their own government, free of the tyrant. Regardless of the government they choose, it must be respected. Should a church remain in charge, it should be accepted.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Rumors true: Urban not captured


Rumors passing through Nicosia media outlets and several other sources have been confirmed by Jounalio. Pope Urban was not captured by Nicosia Special Forces. Subsequent DNA testing and other methods were used to prove that the Pope is alive and well.

According to NDF sources, they may have missed Urban by as little as 36 hours. NDF sources still confirm the 'near wholesale destruction of the Papal bodyguard'. Other sources state that Urban was scheduled to arrive a mere 30 hours later. The double, whose name is being held, will be placed in temporary custody and will receive full medical attention. The NDF states that 'Pope Urban will be found'. The Royal Residence and Chancellor's office refused to comment further, and referred Jounalio to the previous news conference.

Press Conference

Chancellor Valdez:
Good afternoon,

I wish to report and confirm rumors. Nicosia forces did not capture Pope Urban in Operation Table Salt. DNA testing and other methods have confirmed that we have in fact captured Urban's double. I will now field a few questions.

Ambaxxata Journal:
Is it true that you have held this information

No, it is not. We have been doing tests to confirm identity. This began to lead to several leaks and since, they have been disciplined.

Why was the announcement made so hastily that he had been captured?

I think it was a mistake not only by our government, but by me. I believe we all were caught up in the moment.

Is it true that you are currently attempting to capture Urban again?

We have several plans to capture and place on trial those who responsible for the atrocities that have occured. That is all I can say.

Ambaxxata Journal:
Do you believe this will have repercussions?

I am not sure what you mean but I of course think nothing good can come of the outcome. However, I trust Nicosians to understand that this is not a setback but a speedbump. Pope Urban will be ours. Now if you excuse me, I will return for another press conference at 4pm.

"We will not and cannot accept the Solaren National Congress as it stands"


Following the news of Urban's decoy, Chancellor Valdez announced that "we will not and cannot accept the Solaren National Congress as it stands". He continued, citing several issues with it.

"We cannot recognize it as a legitimate government anymore than we can recognize a group that does not fully represent the people. The Solaren National Congress as it stands does not reflect the people of Solaren. Only the Solaris people can form a government; not the EDF, not Carentania, but the Solaris people as a whole. I was asked by an ambassador from a far eastern country earlier why. Well, there are several reasons. He asked me specifically, if this was about ideology. I said yes. It is not about capitalism or socialism, it is about self determination. Now, the Solaris National Congress as it is cannot be accepted as the interim government. It is neither multi-factional nor is it representative of the people. For us to recognize such a government, they would have to equally accept capitalists, socialists, pro-Solaris Church, anti-Solaris church; in short, the people of Solaren. We feel that as is, the Solaris National Congress will not promote an independent and forward thinking Solaren. I open the floor to questions"

Jounalio: Does this mean that the Solaris National Congress will not be ever recognized or accepted?

Valdez: No, I said 'as is'. The Congress is currently only the Carentania Solaris Congress. There is nothing 'National' about it yet.

Jounalio: What would it take for Nicosia to recognize it?

Valdez: We are not asking for major changes. We only feel it should be a very temporary body that is multi-factioned and truly National.

Ambaxxata Journal: Is Nicosia in direct contact with the Solaris National Congress.

Valdez: Currently, we are not directly in contact with them. Any discussion regarding them has been through the government of Carentania.

Jounalio: How do you respond to the recognition of the SNC as the legitimate government by several entities?

Valdez: The SNC has no power until it truly becomes legitimate. It must represent the population, not a population. The current government is still in Torrance. It still governs a large portion of the population. It governs, albeit very poorly.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Solaren National Congress

The lack of an interim government for the Solaren people in the territories occupied by the EDF means leaving those people defenseless to the authoritarian rule of military occupation. We can not do else but feel that this is intentional, as it seems the EDF is not aiming for liberation of the Solaren people at all and talks of "self-determination" are but distraction and propaganda. The utter lack of any EDF strategy in regards to the establishment of a civilian government for the Solaren people speaks for itself.
Jan 13, 2008
Athens, Greece

Reichsministerium des Auswärtigen
Imperial Ministry for Foreign Affairs

"It is most unfortunate but characteristic that Carentania and the Solaren National Congress spur ahead in a propaganda campaign against their politican enemies in Gallia and Germania, going as far as denouncing attempts to keep Solaren's territorial integrity, and offer its citizens a genuine choice after the impeding collapse of the local heresy that has been annihilating all of God's teachings.

"The Empire has faith in a solution for Solaren, which will include Carentanian, EDF and Imperial assistance in keeping the country united, and removing the fangs of the terrorist abomination that was allowed to rise there. It is our hopes that both the EDF and Carentania will achieve a Solaren National Congress that is truly representative of Solaren, and not the mere puppet of peculiar regimes."

Heinrich Maximilian
Graf von und zu Babelfisch
Imperial Minister for Foreign Affairs

Holy Frankish Empire

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Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Office of the Chancellor

It is of our opinion that for us to form a government for them would be imperialism, would it not? Is that not what corners of the world has been decrying about this war? We aim to liberate the people and certain nations cry IMPERIALISM. We take actual steps to ensure that the Solaris people have a say in their future and we are called irresponsible and it is said we have a lack of strategy.

We did not say we would not recognize the Solaren National Congress; but for us to do so, it must be truly representative of the people. A group of hand picked ex pats is no more a legitimate government than we could form in Nicosia out of Solaris ex pats. As you must certainly be aware, Nicosia has a fair number of Solaris immigrants. The Solaris National Congress seems to be doing distracting in this case.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Solaren National Congress

There are good reasons we feel that Nicosias arguments - or rather, those of the EDF as a whole - are distracting and hypocritical, as they are levelled against an interim government whose sole purpose is to create the conditions necessary for a proper democratic government of the Solaren people as a whole to take its place. The Federation claims that even an interim government needs to be backed by the Solaren people as a whole, without elaborating in any way how the Solaren people are to represent themselves fair and freely without any body to organize this representation, without a constitution guarantueeing their rights as individuals or minorities, defending them from the lingering spirit of fundamentalism and ensuring their sovereignity. Nicosia remains suspiciously silent about the fact that lack of an interim government means direct military rule by occupying forces, without any representation of the Solaren people at all and without any means to defend or protest against the authoritarian control of a military administration.

Accusations of being a Carentanian controlled puppet are laughable and without base. The Solaren National Congress has been a vocal critic of several measures of the Carentanian military in the recent past. The same holds true for ridiciulous accusations of being an organization of "handpicked" expatriated. We are an open forum where different factions of the Solaren expatriate community - and now mainland Solarens as well - are represented and are a pluralist organization where groups of different political worldview are represented, excluding only the supporters of Pope Urbans theocratic rule.

Holy Frankish Empire

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
How the EDF became 'the bad guy' and how imperialism is seeping into the Long Sea
Guest Column

By Josef Bergessio, Chancellor of Nicosia 1994-1996

For decades, the European Defence Federation has been recognized as the progressive alliance, formed by democracies, monarchies, and constitutional monarchies. It was a group of nations banded together with a common thought of security and order. By the 1960's, the propaganda started. Accusations of imperialism and corruption were met with reason. As time progressed, these accusations began to disappear. They reappeared in the 1990's, originating from various communist and socialist nations. Rather than directly address the accusations, the EDF began feeling the label as the accusatory nations became quite adept at using the media as a tool.

It came to the point where only the history books told the truth as the EDF instead focused on their actual issues. Nations such as Suionia and Engellex also exercised their colonizing activities just as much as those accused had. Why were these accusations made? The answer is as simple as it is truly complex.

Nations shout imperialism because they lacked the ability to stick any other label. The wonderfully stable alliance enjoyed long periods of peace and economic prosperity. The EDF pushed for a regional stability through the 1980's. "They do not like the fact that the EDF is ideologically promiscuous. They don't like that we can accomplish what they cannot" said former EDF Education Secretary Karl Durer.

The fact is the EDF in itself is not a present day nation that goes around imposing its will on other nations as some may have you believe. The FACTS of the Solaris conflict are:

1. Solaren undertook a government backed campaign of violence and terrorism against Nicosia's civilian population.

2. The Solaris government, under the direction of Pope Urban, kidnapped and interred a large number of Nicosians living in Solaren. Urban then set a ransom.

3. Nicosia repeatedly appealed to the international community for help.

4. Urban began executing those kidnapped. Nicosia was forced to pay when the international community did nothing.

5. Nicosia only then appealed to her direct allies, the EDF.

6. Nicosia dispatched a peace delegation. They were then murdered by the Solaris government.

7. SOLAREN ATTACKED the EDF. Not the other way around.

How is this an imperialist action? Solaren attacked Nicosia. The EDF and Nicosia did not want to fight Solaren in any way shape or form. Now, a nation defending itself is labeled imperialist.

Imperialism is coming to the Long Sea; not in its traditional propaganda form. First, we have the Talemantine Empire demanding that the Altaic government cease its EDF membership. Now, imperialism is imposing its will on other nations. The Talemantine Empire however is void of imperialism claims? Why? Oh, it is not the EDF. It does not meet the template forged by various nations over the decades. The fact is that any war is imperialistic. For instance, Carentania's main goals in this conflict appear to not be against Solaren but against the EDF who are fighting in defense of Nicosia. Carentania is fighting for their own interests. Fighting, in the misguided belief and under the propaganda of EDF imperialism.

Invading another nation to secure ones own interests with no provocation. Hmm. Doesn't that sound eerily like certain accusations made against a certain alliance. The fact is that the accusations of imperialism are not only fruitless, but pointless.

You either agree that a nation has a right to defend itself or you don't. You either believe in the basic rights of nations or you are an anarchist and want every nation state to disappear. OR you believe that it is ok to kidnap, muder, and blow up civilians. There is no 4th choice.