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Das Wirtschaftblatt- und Rundschau :: A Review of Policies, No Errors Only a Singularity


Establishing Nation
Aug 4, 2007
The Swissman
Department of Foreign Affairs

The proposed World Democratic Forum has the full attention of the Free State of Wendmark. But it must be noted that little so far is known on this initiative and the exact modalities of its functioning. Jugding from the information available, the World Democratic Forum is intended to act as a counter-weight to the Council of Nations.

Following the 1986 referendum in which the People of Wendmark have overwhelmingly rejected joining the Council of Nations, the then Landamann Karl Mäder has established the informal government policy of not seeking membership in the Council of Nations again until a People's initiative was launched to ask the government to seek admittance to the organisation, on the condition that such an initiative ended in a positive result at referendum. No new initiative on this matter has been put forward by the People of Wendmark ever since.

The Free State shall, as an invited party, send a delegation to the conference organised by the government of Tyskreich. However, any participation of Wendmark in the proposed organisation (if the initiative indeed results in a formal international governmental organisation being created) shall depend on the exact modalities of said organisation. If the World Democratic Forum mirrors the Council of Nations in its goals and structure, the government of Wendmark shall, in a spirit of equal treatment and consistency in policy, not seek immediate admittance by the Free State until a People's initiative to this matter has been succesfull.
Dec 21, 2008
Oifig an Príomh-Aire
Office of the Prime Minister

Terms such as "fit into the unfolding plans" and "new world system", though it has been a while, perhaps seventy years or more, do have a familiar ring to them.

Conor MacCarthy, MacCarthy Mór, Prionsa na Deas-Mhumhain
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Éireann


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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A Shocker? Or Common Identity Crisis?

HERTHA-KAISERINGARTEN— A diplomatic spat between Éireann and Tyskreich has been quite evident from the Demokratisches Weltforum snub to the battles in the Northern Council. Yet a recent slap in the face of Tyskreich was a shot to the gut, a soft spot in Tyskreicher pride, the Great War.

Mentioning seventy years ago, the Éireann diplomatic corps has raised a new question for Tyskreichers, 'Are we still the evil empire in the eyes of Germania and Scandinavia?'

That said this crisis isn't new nor is it easily forgotten, Parliament debates various image changes to hope to soften Tyskreich's image in the eyes of others. It hasn't helped in some ways as Tyskreich still carries the old communist era coat of arms and flag. Perhaps a symbol that Tyskreich got off easy from its campaign of carnage in the 1940's.

This is a stark contrast from Batavië which opted to remove all communist looking imagery from its national profile earlier this year. This has led many to demand Tyskreich to modernize and change its own look too.

Local competitions to change the flag and national colors have sprouted across the nation on more than one occasion, and several times since 1992 as many have urged a look that is more becoming of a republic.

Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger's new aggressive foreign policy has also not helped the foreign image of Tyskreich, many saying its cost Tyskreich billions of Schillings in trade due to foreign consumer outrage. This however cannot be proven with any sort of numeric evidence.

While this foreign outrage may be restricted to European Defense Federation nations and Éireann, Rilke-Schrödinger may wish walk carefully else his bumbling foreign policy of attack may even aggravate his home party base.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রক
Ministry of External Affairs

Vangala is concerned the proposed Democratic World Forum will serve as a cartel, promoting its own interests at the expense of small and developing countries. The exclusion of the People's Republic exacerbates our worries, with Vangala being one of the few truly free and independent nations in Toyou.
Aug 30, 2009
Free State of Bavaria
ErAn, Franken, ArEn
Das Auswärtige Amt

His Majesty's Government is delighted to see that Tyskreich tries to engage other nations in such a remarkable way.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Imperial Ministry of War and Foreign Affairs

The Empire will carefully review the proposal submitted to the appropriate authorities. Needless to say the future developments in regards to this matter will have the attention of the responsible Imperial institutions.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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The Growing International EDF Feud

OP-EDITORIAL— The European Defense Federation is held as the most irresponsible foreign power in the world according to Chancellor Ludwig Rilke-Schrödinger. Relations between Tyskreich and the EDF continue to plummet with the EDF consistently doing the exact things that would irritate Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger, diplomatic messages filled with excuses, member states laughing at Tyskreicher complaints and no real attempt to solve any problems presented before the EDF.

That said, the EDF has clearly presented itself as the largest alliance in the world at the moment. The problem is they do not take responsibility for their actions. What the EDF has deemed as good and great, falls only in line for the EDF and the EDF's goals. When this conflicts with other worldly bodies the EDF turns a blind eye and simply states, "Oops, you should have got out of the way."

While this sort of policy proves to be irritating, the EDF does not seem to notice that it is. They've destroyed the Council of Nations to a body which meets together for tea instead of debates, and they continue to expand much like a virus to new hosts looking for more ways to corrupt other locations around the globe.

Thus begins a difficult notion to accept. The world after 70 years, is now back to how things in the mid-20th century. Tyskreich looks up at the EDF and demands respect for it's own ideals. These ideals are no longer that of empire now, but real global democracy. The end result however is the same, the EDF will smile, nod, and then ignore.

Action is what is required if the EDF finally hopes to shed it's mantra of underachieving do-no-goods. The EDF needs to take responsibility in the Council of Nations and achieve a real workable international political system. They need to work on creating an inclusive non-aggravating manner to approach their neighbors and those who bring complains to their plans. Lastly they need to find a way to produce results that the world can get behind. They last good thing the nations that compose the EDF did was help remove a maniacal emperor in Tyskreich in 1948. Father time clearly has not waited for them to take their next positive step.

Veronika Hackenbroch is an op-ed journalist who writes part-time for the paper. She is a graduate of the University of Werder in International Relations with a specialty in Northern Relations. Her opinions are not that of the paper or the government, please handle them with care and respect. She can be reached by e-mail at verohackenbroch@nachrichten.tk, she responds to e-mail daily answering your questions or comments.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Re-branding Tyskreich: A Series (Part One)

HERTHA — Ever since an Éireann "diplomatic" statement compared today's Republic of Tyskreich to yester-decades Imperial Tyskreich, Parliament has been in a tussle to fix Tyskreich's brand image. Eventually this resulted in the creation of a commission to work on creating new flags, colors, and other symbols to help redefine Tyskreich's image.

This general feeling was amplified and decidedly affirmed when yesterday a nation in the Council of Nations Security Council apparently deemed Tyskreich a communist nation during the Great War. False assumptions and generic feelings about Tyskreich has led it to be demonized in many countries prompting what has been called the Spirit of '92 in Tyskreich, promoting a country that is free, democratic, and most of all much friendlier than most seem to believe.

The Spirit of '92 released the for Tyskreich in a press conference led by President Charlott Kulig. The new Coat of Arms, or Seal, highlights a new color palette and symbols. The colors are especially interesting as they move away from the dark and dreary black and white which has been utilized since 1948 when the communist revolution occurred to help end the Great War. Prior to that the royal colors of Tyskreich were Black and Blue, utilizing St. George's cross.

Change might be something difficult for many to understand as even when the old communist regime fell, Tyskreich's departure from Communism still followed the old Communist Constitution. This was after Magnus Schellenberg, the first Chancellor of the new free democracy stated, "The creation of rules is more creative than the destruction of them. Creation demands a higher level of reasoning and draws connections between cause and effect." This phrase guided the new democracy and led to new democratic rules rather than the total and complete destruction of the old Communist Constitution and symbols.

The new colors as defined by President Kulig, represent the Sea and Sun, the two most important parts of Tyskreich. However, it was noted that the early republican movement in Tyskreich in 1856 used the colors blue, white and yellow in a tri-color format. Back then the blue was a symbol of the country and the monarchy, white for peace, and yellow for the democratic movement. The 1856 riots established the first Diet in Tyskreich, despite its failure to general full democracy for the country in the long run.

It has been rumored that the new flag will take a similar look to the new Coat of Arms which lacks typical symbols and looks more like another depiction of a flag.

It is expected that the reasoning for the stripes and cross will be announced when the flag is unveiled.

Some Tyskreichers appear a bit saddened that the old castle and heart, the symbols of the old regime are no long there. The phrase, Land am Herzen, Land der Bergen was a typically used by the tourist board and may need to be reviewed and edited.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Northern Council Campaigns Narrow Targets

HERTHA-KAISERINGARTEN— Campaigning for the Northern Council began today when Parliament announced the rules and regulations for how elections for the Northern Council would operate. In total, 45 Members of the Northern Parliament will be elected from the Bundesländer. The exact division of seats are totaled based upon the last population census.

The release of the rules allows for campaigns to now target their population bases as over the past couple of weeks candidates had only announced their intent and tried to rally support within their own districts.

It is expected that voter turnout will be significantly lower than compared to normal elections as many Tyskers cannot see the exact point or impact their vote will immediately make.

Parliament itself begrudgingly passed the Treaty of Götköping, and support and enthusiasm for the venture is perhaps the lowest of the Northern Council states. Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger has not made a major effort to turn out the vote either as he has been focusing his time on foreign trade agreements.

Additionally, the position for the Great Council is also up for election with approximately thirteen names in the running from various parties. Should no candidate obtain a majority of 50.1% then a runoff election is to be held for the position.

Elections are scheduled for July 26th.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Re-branding Tyskreich: A Series (Part Two)

HERTHA — It was nine days ago that the new 'Coat of Arms' was unveiled to the public. The last nine days have been a disaster on the home front for the many of those who proposed the new symbols of the nation. The new flag unveiling was done without any ceremony late last night and prompted the expected cancellation of the new symbols.

The golden cross with blue stripes design will remain the official symbols until a proper replacement is found.

That said, officials in the Noregerike's Parliament (Riksdagen) have urged that Noregerike be represented on the flag. This was done so in the previous design via the stripes. This was not satisfactory to the Prime Minister of the Riksdagen who expressed his desire that the be included in the design.

Noregerike has maintained its own Parliament and special customs and responsibilities since 1995 when Noregerike threatened secession. Noregerike itself has not been interested in the subject since 1995, but has urged that Noregerike itself be better represented in emblems and symbols.

Members of the Riksdagen who often advice their counterparts in Tyskreich's Parliament have suggested that a "Union Jack" be created to better represent the realms of the nation. Tyskreich holds the unique position of having one of the last remaining colonial possessions around the globe, although citizens of these colonial possessions are represented in Parliament and are overwhelmingly Tysk in heritage and language.

That said, Parliamentary officials have suggested that a referendum will likely be held on the flag. This will give citizens a choice rather than the previous incarnation that has been overwhelmingly despised and imposed. This referendum may find itself on the same ballot as the July 26th, Northern Council elections.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Election Results Show Apathy in Tyskreich

HERTHA — Elections results from last Monday's election showed a general sense of apathy towards the Northern Council election with roughly 47% of the general public voting, the lowest ever since the establishment of the Republic in 1992. A number that is embarrassing to display for any mainstream democracy.

The result is likely due to the fact that the Northern Council is not looked highly upon by Tyskreichers which see no point or purpose in the organization as of yet.

The consequential result was the approval of the " " which received a high percentage of votes from Noregerike, Fjalladrottning and Western Tyskreich.

Of the total seats awarded by party elections results showed a major victory for the Greens which gained 56 of 130 seats. The People's Party obtained 26, Freedom Party 20, Social Democrats 17, Noregerike Party 8, the Left 3 seats. The huge victory for the Greens proves not entirely surprising as they were one of the few parties to campaign heavily for votes. Yet the major surprise comes from the fact that they only own a 15% share of Parliament, compared to 43% of the available Northern Council seats for Tyskreich.

Winning the election for Great Council was shocking as the vote did not have to move onto a second round as the Greens and Social Democrats rallied behind Noregerike Party candidate Lena Mykjåland who won with a 50.7% majority.

The winners of the election find themselves on a plane to Batavië today to represent their country. It is the hope of many, that they do so better than the voters of Tyskreich did.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Jurzan Airlift to Occur Pending Hajri Clearance

HERTHA — Yesterday Ballhausplatz announced their recognition of the Jurzani Confederation. Much to the displeasure of the Rilke-Schrödinger Government, Jurzan is unable send diplomats to Hertha to discuss policy. Infuriated with this inconvenience, Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger announced the beginning of Operation Fliegenpferd, an airlift program designed to get vital supplies needed in Jurzan which have been eliminated due to civil war and the advancing Talemantric and Fulanistani forces.

The Operation is scheduled to begin via Frescanian airfields and transport most importantly humanitarian aid that includes flour, wheat, cereal, fat (lard), meat, fish, dehydrated potatoes, sugar, coffee, powdered milk, jugged whole milk, fresh yeast, dehydrated vegetables, salt and cheese.

Items such as whole milk would be dropped in smaller quantities and would be expected to be rationed for young growing children.

Also included would be items for the defense of Jurzan, including coal, firearms and ammunition. All items would be products of Tyskreich and contain translations of German into the local dialect.

In order to avoid the possible requirement of fighter escorts and flying a route that is out of the way via Jurzani territorial waters, Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger has asked for permission to fly these cargo planes over Hajri airspace. Tysk officials are expecting a favorable response in light of recent Hajri attitudes towards the Jurzani nation.

The Operation is expected to be costly, but perhaps provide a boost to the Tysk economy as the world economy has shown signs of slowing with the increased belligerence and petroleum usage.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
TO: Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger
FROM: President Shakil Isma'il

It is truly a comforting and welcoming thing to read about a nation looking to deliver humanitarian aid to a country who so desperately needs it. We are truly honored and eternally greatful to Tyskreich for this and we promise that when the money becomes available, we will move to repay Tyskreich for their most generous deed.

President Shakil Isma'il
President of the Jurzani Congress
Confederation of the Jurzan
Aug 27, 2009
Ministry of External Affairs
Commonwealth of Cornavia

The Commonwealth government is worried over the fact that the Tyskreicher government has decided to include military equipment with its humanitarian shipments, and expresses concerns that such moves could lead to attempts by the Talemantine-Fulanistani axis to hamper the aid efforts of the Council of Nations and other involved parties.

Though we welcome any aid to civilians in the belaguered territories of former Akhalstikhe, we strongly urge our neighbors and friends in Hertha to at least make a firm separation between the military and non-military natures of their operation.

Mr. William Fenner,
Minister of External Affairs


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
Ministry of External Affairs
Commonwealth of Cornavia

The Commonwealth government is worried over the fact that the Tyskreicher government has decided to include military equipment with its humanitarian shipments, and expresses concerns that such moves could lead to attempts by the Talemantine-Fulanistani axis to hamper the aid efforts of the Council of Nations and other involved parties.

Though we welcome any aid to civilians in the belaguered territories of former Akhalstikhe, we strongly urge our neighbors and friends in Hertha to at least make a firm separation between the military and non-military natures of their operation.

Mr. William Fenner,
Minister of External Affairs
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Das Außenministerium
Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
The Republic of Tyskreich upon reviewing the passage of Security Council Resolution 13 notes that the Council of Nations has approved and propagated a hostile conflict and thereby secured a future of bloodshed for those who call Jurzan home. It is the Republic of Tyskreich's stance that the reign of the tyrants from the Council of Nations led by the European Defense Federation and Himyari Freedom Alliance come to an end. The submission of this Resolution by the European Defense Federation, and it's approval and passage by their members in the Security Council have caused these hostilities and created a military situation on the ground.

It is the position of Ballhausplatz to support our friends in Jurzan and halt the neo-imperialist stance of the European Defense Alliance and the Himyari Freedom Alliance. Should the Council of Nations change its course we'll review our current stance; however, at this present time the Republic of Tyskreich cannot idly sit behind and wait for Jurzan for fall before the hands of such evil.

Ihre Exzellenz Babett Kirchgasser
Her Excellency Babett Kirchgasser,
Bundesminister für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
Federal Minister for Europeans and International Affairs


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Tysk-LFS Relations Tumble as LFS Ego Bloats

HERTHA — As Tysk embassies look set to re-open after their five day hiatus in League of Free States (LFS) nations, a response to the LFS seizure of funds in relation to Jurzan, the relations of Tyskreich to the rest of the LFS seems to look dim in comparison to just weeks ago when the LFS was seen more as a potential friend. No doubt about it, Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger is furious with the notion that the LFS has sided with the European Defense Federation (EDF) in Jurzan and it appears more worrisome that the EDF and LFS seem to be gaining traction as friends more than foes. While world peace activists see this as a plus, the Tysk Government cannot see it as anything more than a security threat, as both the undemocratic EDF and the equally undemocratic LFS seem ready to create more dictatorships around the world and surround Tyskreich with an entire continent of enemies.

Tyskreich has responded in kind by announcing that any post-war Germanic Freedomstaat (Freiheit) treaties will not be recognized. Freiheit has been under invasion since their initial Greater Sarmatian attack and subsequently been invaded by EDF forces in cooperation with Aquitania. Officials have pointed to this as the first EDF-LFS cooperative invasion.

Many now worry that Jurzan stands to be ready to be the stage of a joint LFS-EDF proxy war against the reds of Carentania which have refused to allow Tysk aid via airlift access to Jurzan. Further isolating the Hertha Accord and limiting access to Jurzan, Tyskreich has decided that Jurzan is all but lost barring immediate intervention, an idea which Parliament has not been too keen on. As a result, relations with the Revolutionary Communists is expected to falter as well.

Rilke-Schrödinger has also suggested that the Oikawans still live in the dark ages linking their foreign policies to the outdated ways of the Great War.

Furthermore, rumors have now swirled that Dänemark will be joining the ranks of the LFS and with their own admission request to the Northern Council, it is assumed that Chancellor Rilke-Schrödinger will ask Northern Council MEP's to vote against the Danish language addition and the admission of Dänemark. He has already stated so in questioning periods, that the admission of an EDF or LFS member state to the Northern Council will severely hamper any treaties drafted in the Northern Council from including Tyskreich, which he does not want to have too connected to the economies and systems of the rivaling alliances.

Either way, Tyskreich is now stuck between a rock and a hard place as the LFS and EDF continue their stranglehold upon worldly affairs.

S.14 - Tägliche Nachrichten


Foreign Office

It is our understanding that membership of alternative defensive organisations should not proscribe entry to the Northern Council, with its main socio-economic emphasis. We have been informed that membership to the Northern Council does not pose any significant hurdles even if, as can sometimes be the case, single members may have concerns.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
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Das Außenministerium
Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
The Government of the Republic of Tyskreich officially does not endorse the admission of the Kingdom of Dänemark due to its possible admission to the League of Free States. Although the focus of the Northern Council is socioeconomic in origin, the Republic of Tyskreich has no interest in further socioeconomic integration with potential hostile nations. As of present, Tysk-Danish bilateral relations and agreements are acceptable and increased integration is not desired. Danish admission to the League of Free States creates the potential for Dänemark to become a hostile nation, especially with the current atmosphere of relations between the Republic of Tyskreich and the League of Free States.

As such, the Government has recommended the rejection of the Danish language vote, and the rejection of the admission of Dänemark. Whilst the Government does not control the proceedings of the Northern Council, nor the voting trends, habits, or actual votes of the MEP's of the Northern Council, it does have an impact upon what treaties are accepted by the Republic of Tyskreich. As such, should the Government's warnings not be upheld, it is likely the Government via votes of Parliament, will refuse to take part in any treaties signed by the Northern Council, and refuse to fund or cooperate in any projects involved.

Ihre Exzellenz Babett Kirchgasser
Her Excellency Babett Kirchgasser,
Bundesminister für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
Federal Minister for Europeans and International Affairs