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Freedom Review

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Commissariate for Foreign Affairs

We stand with our Vangalan comrades and will not allow for belligerent or imperialist acts in the region.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Free Man's Burden
Official Publication of the Freedom Foundation

Blueshirts rally for Anti-Imperialism Week

Across the country, local Blueshirt chapters rallied to prepare for the beginning of Anti-Imperialism Week starting next Monday. All in all, hundred thousands of young friends of freedom throughout the country are expected to participate in the activities next week.

Anti-Imperialism Week is an annual event organized by the Freedom Foundation to spread awareness about Imperialism and neocolonial oppression. Throughout the country, local Blueshirt chapters will hold rallies, give speeches at schools and in public places, give theater plays and solidarity concerts to inform about Imperialism in the 21th century and mobilize young citizens to the cause of democracy.

"We must never forget our past, and we must be determined in the present. Whether it is Delegationist Imperialism based on maintaining the status quo or Red Imperialism seeking to bring new peoples under the yoke of collectivist technocracy, Imperialism is a pressing and current issue. As citizens of Touyou we, more than anyone else, have a responsibility to work towards the freedom of our brethren and share our achievements and experiences with our brothers and sisters in Himyar, and to an extent, Boreas. The Anti-Imperialist struggle is a struggle that unites two continents that both have suffered unspeakable pain at the hands of self-righteous pride and greed", the Director of the Freedom Foundation Kasai Ariake (
葛西 有明) explains. "Anti-Imperialism Week affirms the best of our common humanity and gives due weight to our historic responsibility."

Anti-Imperialism Week will be held throughout the country from Monday till Sunday and will end with a great gathering at Liberty Shrine on Sunday. Lord Protector Kaname has already affirmed his attendance at the event, and it is widely expected that he will lead the traditional prayer to the Imperial ancestors that marks the end of the festivities, but not the end of our struggle for global freedom.

If you wish to know more about the Freedom Foundation and how it fights for the liberation of all of humanity, check out .


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Touzen Times
The Orient's oldest English-language Newspaper since 1850

Lord Protector slams treatment of Solaris Religion

In a strongly worded letter to the government of Eiffelland, Lord Protector Kaname has condemned the latest announcement by Eiffellandian authorities to put the Solaris Church on a list that labels the Solaris Church a terrorist organization. This move automatically makes membership in the religious group illegal and demands apostasy under the threat of facing imprisonment.

The letter, which has been handed to the Eiffelandian ambassador to Nokanawa, states that the "Free Citizens of Touzen find themselves in fundamental opposition to the policies of state tyranny imposed by the Eiffellandian government that systematically undermines the freedom of religion and threatens the developments of 200 years of democratic tradition. [...] Imposing thought crimes and threatening incarceration for being part of a religious community are unacceptable and unwelcome in this day and age and once more underline the demand for Post-Delegationist change in an age of tyranny by majority."

"The treatment Eiffelland and other Delegationist states have subjected the followers of the Solaren Church to is degrading and shaming our common humanity. While I have no respect for the deeds of terroristic aggression sponsored and championed by the Solaren Pope and the machineries of the Solaren state, seeking to exterminate a creed of faith is unacceptable and will be opposed by the Constitutional State in the strongest terms. The Constitution of 1950 guarantees freedom of religion, no matter its theology, and I will continue to fight for this freedom so that it may be enjoyed by Free Men across the globe", the letter closes.

"The Constitutional State, unlike many other state actors, has not imposed economic sanctions on the Solaren State and such measures are currently not being discussed, albeit the, I must stress, theoretical, option to do so continues to exist. We do not believe that interfering into the market will bring about a favorable turn of events in the political sphere, and this government by the people for the people will not hamper the economic success of our industrious and hard-working population by artificially denying them economic opportunities for reasons of inter-state conflict", Foreign Minister Hosokawa said before representatives of the international press while on a visit to the Jurchen Republic to negotiate the regulation of security responsibilities with local leaders.

"Of course, we are far from trying to coerce Free Men and Women one way or the other. If some seek to no longer trade with the Solaren regime, then I would personally welcome this on an ethical level", the Foreign Minister's added in what is seen to be a nod towards an upcoming meeting of the Touzen Chamber of Automobile Manufacturers next week.



Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The People's Republic understands that the measures in Eiffelland may be considered harsh, but considering the level of Solaris terrorism in the region and the policy of violence adopted by the Solaris Church makes matters hard to judge by any state.

Jean-Jacques Rogére
State Councilor for Foreign Affairs



Mr. Capitalism
Oct 30, 2006
Under the sea
Diwan of Foreign Affairs

Eiffelland is entitled to its policies by virtue of being a free and sovereign nation. Moreover, it is easy to defend certain so-called rights when one is not confronted with the dangers posed to society by closed cult-like organizations. What the Lord Protector of Touzen does not recognize, is that the Solaris cult is not deserving of the title "religion" and therefore not deserving of the freedoms entitled to one.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Office of the Lord Protector

The Free Man recognizes no rights of the state, only duties of the state. That being said, the Free Men of Touzen first and foremost recognize the inherent rights of the Free Man over any so called entitlement of the Delegationist state idea and, indeed, continue to strife for the world wide abolishment of the coercive methods of Delegationism.

The Diwan of Foreign Affairs will also be reminded that contrary to its previous statement, the people of Touzen are indeed besieged every day by the cult-like organization of communism and are thus very well aware of the price of freedom, freedom we have thus grown to become even fonder of. A wise man once said "I may not like what you say, but I will fight for your right to say it".

Man is born free and need not be granted any rights, even the so called right to freedom of religion. Even our most revered constitution only explicitly reaffirms these rights because their absense has become the norm. The natural state of dwelling is freedom, but our ancestors commited the original sin by submitting themselves to the yoke of tyranny and trading away their freedom for nothing, hence disenfranchising themselves with nature itself. It is our common duty to embark upon the Kantian mission to release ourselves from the shackles we have imposed on ourselves, globally, wherever, whenever. And this government will not relent on this righteous and noble undertaking.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Magazine of Political Discourse

Unfiltered, Unbiased

Opinion: Reclaiming our Revolution
by Nishida Mitsuo (西田 光夫)

What is currently happening cannot be described as anything less than the unfolding of the inner necrosis of the revolution, and if we do not watch out, the entire revolutionary body will be threatened by sudden and abrupt death.

When the tree of liberty was firmly planted here by the first Lord Protector Yamagata, I am very convinced that he did not have the society we currently live in in mind. That is not to say that the Lord Protector had no shortcomings, indeed it can be argued that him negotiating with the revisionists for the sake of forging a grand consent amongst those that had opposed fascism was the original sin of the Constitutional State (a sin that was, of course, a concession to the watchful Serbovian Delegationists). The strategy of the revolution by small steps had not come to bear fruit. The Lord Protector had envisioned a pathway to the new society that we would continue to walk on long after his death, but somewhere along the road, we simply decided not to move on.

If we look back at all the works Yamagata had created, especially those in the 30s, you will find little to no hints at an attitude of compromise with the revisionist Krypto-Delegationists. Yet the Constitutional State of the 21st Century is running a dangerous course and if we all don't watch out, we might well become the target of counter-revolution.

In recent years, the investment power of the capital has dangerously increased in volume. Ever increasing parts of public life are dominated directly or indirected by the big monopoly capitalists. As a society of Free Men, we are negotiating and cooperating with Delegationist powers and we have removed the maybe inefficient, but crucial to liberty right of every man to ad hoc join every parliamentary debate himself by representing his own voice. We still stand to our commitment to not giving way to parties to take control of our political apparatus, but how long will it last?

Capitalism is often mistaken for the free market, but nothing could be further from the truth. As was said before by a great visionary, who's name I need not state at this point since his words and name have been firmly rooted in all freedom loving men's minds, capitalism and communism are both sides of the same coin, since where communism enables the state to coercively control the economy, capitalism relegates this task to the great entrepreneurs. Neither model creates a free market for free men.

The Restorationist idea is more modern than ever, since it answers the problems of the Touzen Revolution in the 21th Century. By pushing forward, we can bring change to a revolutionary society by paving the path for the second wave, to maintain our nature as permanent revolutionaries and safeguard our achievements. End the interest yoke! Destroy the banker cabal! Free natural resources from the grip of so called entrepreneur 'ownership'! Establish free money independent of banker control! We can see Yamagata's pathway, we merely have to walk it, and if needed, run.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Directorate of the State
United States of Greater Serbovia

The Union does not agree with the assessment of the government in Touzen regarding the Solaris Church. While the Union itself upholds freedom of religion as a core value of human rights, the distinction between traditional religious groups and the evident status of the Solaris Church as a proxy of a dangerous rogue state becomes evident and should be noted.

Hon. Mr. Petar Nikolich,
Director of the State,
United States of Greater Serbovia


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Ministry of Revolutionary Defense and Foreign Affairs

It is the opinion of this Constitutional State that there has to be a clear differentiation when assessing the Solaris complex. We have to differentiate between the Solaris state and its agenda and the followers of a religion with hundreds of years of tradition. The Constitutional State rejects simplifying the matter of the Solaris creed by reducing it to the institutions of the Solaren state and instead seeks to strongly oppose the Solaren state while protecting the Solaren religion.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Free Man's Burden
Official Publication of the Freedom Foundation

Freedom arrives in Oelar

The message of freedom spreads to the most remote corners of the world as the last of 10,000 copies of the all new Tagzig edition of "The Last Free Man" leaves the printing presses.

In an unprecedented move, a group of scientists drawn from the Constitutional State's top universities, has, in merely a few weeks, translated Yamagata Tarō's classic into the language of the isolated North Germanian country of Oelar, which has been taken by the floods of revolutionary change. Tagzig - a language spoken by the people of a country destined to emerge from the restricting boundaries of feudalism and the yoke of foreign overwatch.

Previously, no edition of the book that defines the core values of Post-Delegationism and describes the scientific path towards overcoming Delegationist rule existed in the native tongue of the theocratically-governed land, and interested readers had to resort to the German edition.

"Up until now, it simply had not been feasible to translate the book, and quite frankly, nobody had thought of it. Now however, things have changed, and we here at the Freedom Foundation seek to give the people of Oelar an opportunity to appreciate the values of freedom and democracy and consequently find a pathway for themselves that will allow them to reinvent their kin as a free people", philosopher and author Nishida Mitsuo, who spearheaded the translation efforts, said.

"Post-Delegationist change in Germania is a historic necessity, as the liberation of one people will give an incentive for more peoples in the surrounding areas to aspire to freedom and to release themselves from self-bondage and party slavery."

The copies will be sent to the Constitutional State's embassy on Oelar - one of the few foreign legations in the country - from where they will be distributed free of charge to educational institutions, political interest groups and open-minded individuals.

In this historic moment of change spearheaded by the Capitollium, the Free Men of the East look with anticipation towards the West. Will freedom triumph over the nihilistic teachings of collectivist autocracy and the fear mongering agitation of the reaction? Only time will tell, but the Free Man knows about the historical inevitability of mankind's liberation, and never before has there been such a general anticipation here in the Freedom Foundation that the first Post-Delegationist society in Western Europe could become reality, in the most unlikely of places.

If you wish to know more about the Freedom Foundation and how it fights for the liberation of all of humanity, check out .


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Touzen Times
The Orient's oldest English-language Newspaper since 1850

Aid Shipments to Aresura begin

Last night, aid shipments to Aresura began. Direly needed medicine, blankets, canned food and oil are being supplied to the Aresurai people by Continental Navy supply ships assigned to the PASILA battlegroups near the Borean country. The announcement of the Constitutional State increasing its commitment to the lives of the Aresurai people comes just as a terrorist attack shakes the country, claiming the lives of 21 people in an act of oppressive violence.

"The Constitutional State has begun to initialize measures that are aimed at relieving the civilian population of the country and maintainining an adequate supply with basic everyday goods at a time of political crisis. The Continental Navy's engagement is only the first part in a grander commitment to help - we will be beginning regular shipments of products to the Aresurai people beginning today. This steady supply of convoys is Touzen's concrete offer of help to the Republic, and we are constantly seeking ways to expand our humanitarian assistance", Lord Protector Kaname declared in a televised address to the nation.

"At the same time we are giving our best to help the Aresurai people, we are horrified and appalled in the face of terrorism. The attack of Ridell saddens us deeply and the people of Touzen share in the sorrow and grief of the Aresurai people. The Constitutional State will assist Republican authorities in any way requested to bring those responsible to justice. We must not give those seeking to utilize human suffering for political bargaining a sense of false security. Ass an united mankind we have to stand firmly against these acts of unwanted hatred", the Lord Protector said to millions of people who had tuned in to watch the live address.

In the Axifloan archipelago, engineers who had landed with the first shipment of goods last night are busy constructing new makeshift airfields to expand upon the ability of the region to accommodate more supply flights at the same time. However, the news of the terrorist attack on the mainland have raised doubts about the safety of the mission and the involved citizens.

"The possibility of radical rebel insurgents seeking to capitalize upon the currently volatile security situation exists and is unfortunately a real threat. We are carefully analyzing our options in unison with our partners and have given orders to troops deployed in the area to maintain defensive protocols deemed necessary to maintain civilian security. The disappearance of Mr. Alevras confirms us in our decision to speak softly, but carry a big stick", Foreign Minister Hosokawa Asao said.

The minister is currently en route to Aresura to meet with Republican representatives in Axifloa, after calls by the government of Anglyn to join into the Foreign Minister's call for a multilateral conference on the instability in the region were ignored by regional actors.


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রক
Ministry of External Affairs

The People's Republic of Vangala calls for international inspections of ships of Touzen or PASILA origin heading for Aresura to ensure military equipment is not being supplied to any faction in the conflict.
Dec 21, 2008
Aireacht Gnóthaí Eachtracha

The High Kingdom insists that the Pasila Alliance remove any and all of its military personnel and equipment from Aresura and that all Aresuri factions abide by the agreement made by them in the Halls of the Council of Nations and recognize the results of the election which is the will of the Aresuri people.

Angus Ó Donell
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Éireann

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011

International Affairs
Poblachd na Bantyr

This is an outrage, Touzen does not support true democracy in Aresura, instead it chooses to reinforce a false democracy who has lost favor in Aresura. Touzen's deployment and subsequent shipments of 'aid' is nothing but a blatant move to tip the balance of power in the favor of it's twisted view of Aresurai freedom. The Republic of Bantyr demands that all shipping to Aresurai be inspected for weapons by the Council of Nations and if it is nothing more than food and other essential supplies that it is distributed evenly about it's citizens despite the faction they belong to. If these demands are not met we will increase our naval presence near Aresurai and will call upon our allies to do so as well and should the Council of Nations not approve any inspections that we may be forced to intercept them and inspect them ourselves.

Thomas Ferguson
Director of International Affairs
Republic of Bantyr


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Ministry of Revolutionary Defense and Foreign Affairs

The claims by the Republic have been dully noted and dismissed. The Constitutional State will not stop from distributing humanitarian aid in Aresura. The hypocrisy of Bartyr policy, and in fact of the policy of the international community at large, becomes obvious in the light of an earlier Warric announcement to send humanitarian aid to the troubled country, which was met with neither condemnations nor demands for inspections.


Forum Elder
Jan 9, 2007
Foreign Office

His Majesty's Government would like to first express its indifference to the internal matters of Aresura other than its hope that violence and unrest be kept to a minimum and above all the loss of innocent life not transpire. With this we want to reassure the international community that there is no agenda or ulterior motive behind the statement to follow. His Majesty's Government and His Majesty's Royal Navy cannot in good conscience allow for the interference of peaceful civilian, commercial, or military activities in international waters and so long as participants are engaged in peacetime transport on the High Seas they have the legal right to call upon the Breotish Royal Navy for assistance should their operations in anyway be hindered. This is a blanket guarantee that applies to all ships flying any flag at anytime. The methods for contacting the Royal Navy for assistance are well known and a matter of public record. Any non-combatant traffic underway in international waters that finds itself being harassed by denial of movement, mandatory search, or any similar method will be aided by all means up to and including force if necessary. It is, of course, our strongest hope that such actions never be necessary and we fully trust in all governments involved to not resort to the aforementioned measures.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Magazine of Political Discourse

Unfiltered, Unbiased

Opinion: The New Enemies of Democracy
by Mori Ayumu (
森 歩夢)

A new threat for besieged democracies has emerged that will shape the future of the upcoming years and decades tremendously. Who is this foe that is rallying against the Enlightenment? Nobody less than the international community itself.

The international community has done a terrible mistake in supporting the insurgents in Aresura, because what is happening now in this country will be used as a blueprint for future transgressions against freedom. The message that was sent, is clear: if you seek change, and if you have the firepower to back up your demands, you are free to proceed. Abolish democracy if you are strong enough to do so, and we, the international community, will gladly support you in this quest.

In an unprecedented move, the international community, first and foremost the nations of the EDF and Boreas, have opened hell's gates and have betrayed millions of people around the globe who are hoping for democratic change and a better future as well as those that are fortunate enough to live in participatory societies that allow their citizens to freely elect their leaders in democratic elections. By putting the dogma of stability at all cost above the doctrine of national sovereignty and above an united international effort to protect a democratic government in a time when it needs the international community the most, the world has become a more dangerous place. What appeal is there in democracy if peoples hoping to liberate themselves from the yoke of tyranny know very well that they might be gunned down by those very democrats to who's illustrious circle they seek to elevate themselves?

The case for dictatorship has been strengthened and democracy's image has been damaged considerably, and we will all pay the price, ultimately. This makes it all the more important that Nokanawa now stays committed to the democratic forces in Aresura, that is stays committed to defending democracy - even against international backlash, even against international support for an insurgency that has no regards for the democratic process. I have high hopes that this government will indeed not give in - Foreign Minister Hosokawa has met with Republican representatives and is still staying in the area, sending a clear signal. To the democratic forces of Aresura: You are not alone. To the international community: Beware.

Mr. Kaname was elected almost exactly one year ago on the promise to defend democracy and to oppose the global trend towards dictatorship. In Aresura, he has shown that his campaign promises were not just idle words.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Touzen Times
The Orient's oldest English-language Newspaper since 1850

Diplomatic Overtures in Aresura as Kaname intensifies assistance

Foreign Minister Hosokawa Asao announced that the Constitutional State had agreed for its representatives to meet with Joseph Constantine, the de facto leader of the militant insurgency against the Republic of Aresura, to discuss the situation in the country and lend diplomatic support to the Republican agenda. The Foreign Ministry said that the Constitutional State's willingness to engage in talks with the extremist leader showed Nokanawa's commitment to peace and international dialog, "features that are sadly all too often absent amongst international actors", according to the minister.

"We have decided to engage in talks with Mr. Constantine without an agenda setting. Our positions in the issues pertaining both sides are clear: unwavering commitment to the only legitimate Aresurai government - the democratically legitimated republican government -, call for an end to armed insurgency against the Aresurai state and maintenance of peace through the resumption of the political process. We are determined to assist our Aresurai allies by once again clearly laying out our political agenda and providing our political backing to the republican government", Hosokawa, who is still staying in Axifloa, said. The Foreign Minister also welcomed announcements from Warr and Bantyr about plans of the Celtic nations to reduce their military presence in the area, calling them a "positive sign that reopened the avenue for a diplomatic solution to the Aresurai crisis. The possibility of a withdrawal of our military assets in a timely fashion, as soon as the people of Aresurai are no longer besieged, now has come one step closer once more."

Meanwhile, back in Nokanawa, Lord Protector Kaname
in a speech before the All Citizens' Congress reaffirmed his government's commitment to the Aresurai Republic amidst an ongoing hostage situation on board of a Brettainic airliner held on an insurgency-controlled airport in Aresura. The hijackers had released demands for a withdrawal of international support for the insurgency, a move that was widely received poorly in Nokanawa as it could weaken the cause of the Constitutional State's foreign policy agenda. Indeed, some members of the All Citizens' Council have already called for a reassessment of Touzen involvement in the Borean country.

Amongst other things, Kaname said:

"[...]The ill fated conception that terror could be a means to an end has damaged a legitimate political agenda by tainting it with the madness of terrorism, and our hopes and prayers go out to those that are caught between the front lines of a struggle that is not their own. Together with our Aresurai allies we utterly condemn the hijacking of Flight 239 and call upon the criminals responsible to surrender their arms. Violence is never the answer, especially not if perpetrated against civilians. Should these terrorists fail to do as we strongly urge them to do, I call upon them to at least release all children, the sick and elderly on this plane."

"[...]However, despite this inhuman act, our support for the genuine cause of the Aresurai Republic continues, a cause quite apart from that of terroristic coercion. The people of Aresura are now in great danger, and we cannot possibly predict the consequences of this event. Yet we have gained reports about potential security threats to the Aresurai Republic, and the situation at hand has forced us to act. This government has agreed to a request by Axifloan authorities to assist in the protection of the airspace of the archipelago. To combat airborne terrorism and ensure the integrity of the Aresurai skies, six interceptor planes of the Constitutional Navy together with their crews and assorted staff have been temporarily relocated to the island, to serve as a rapid response team to similar incidents in the area. Existing radar installations will also be reassessed and expanded upon by our personnel on the ground. We will not give in to terror, and our commitment to the mission is unwavering."

The Lord Protector has also suggested channeling all international aid deliveries to the area through an independent third party authority such as the Council of Nations.

"I think this is the logical next step towards the demilitarization of the conflict and a stronger engagement of the international community in the area. A multilateral solution in the aid question could open the avenue for a stronger cooperation in other fields pertaining the Aresurai Question."



Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
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Bemjamin Stokes, Chief Colonial Officer for Foreign Affairs, has been instructed to encode the following dispatch from
Felix Ilchester, the Chancellor of the Commonwealth of Cantigny

To the Patriotic Sons & Daughters of Touzen

While the Commonwealth maintains serious reservations pertaining to applied Republican Statecraft, Cantigny none the less welcomes and applauds the diplomatic approach proposed by Foreign Minister Hosokawa Asao. We are of the firm opinion that no blood should be shed in pursuit of vague democratic ideals, be they foreign or domestic, for the few and far virtues that can be counted from the Republican idea. Therefore - sustained demilitarization of the Aresurai conflict is what Cantigny has and will continue to call for, until every soldier, airman, and seaman is safe at home.



Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Free Man's Burden
Official Publication of the Freedom Foundation

The Revolution reaches the West

It was nothing less than a historic moment, that moment in which the people of Oelar decided to forever change the world's history books: by establishing a constitution based on the revolutionary principles of Post-Delegationism, not only did the Free Men of Oelar establish the third political entity that liberated itself from the bondage of Delegationist principles, but also was the revolution of the Free Man brought to a country outside Touyou for the first time. Of course, Post-Delegationist visionaries have struggled for liberation throughout the entire globe for decades - a natural byproduct of the ever-increasing trend towards globalization - but what happened in Oelar is unique.

Indeed, the Oelar Revolution is unique in many aspects, for the country that is now in the process of liberating itself from the colonial rule of its Franconian colonial masters stands in contradiction to a prediction that has until now been accepted as absolute prerequisite for the transition of a human community towards Post-Delegationism, namely the establishment of Delegationism beforehand. But the situation in Oelar violates this normative law: the people of Oelar have thus far not established Delegationism, that is, they have not voluntarily surrendered their freedom to parliaments and representatives - instead they have transited straight from Primitive Despotism and colonial servitude to Post-Delegationism (or are at least are in the process of doing so). What this means for the international Post-Delegationist discourse has yet to be seen, but already it seems clear that the historic processes that lead towards the establishment of a society of Free Men in territories under the yoke of colonial dependency will have to be reevaluated, and we can be certain that the philosophical-ideological discourse will be lively and fruitful in the upcoming months.

All this aside however, the revolution that is now happening in Oelar is a turning point in the history of Germania and challenges the peoples surrounding this nucleus of progressive change in the West with new questions. The values of freedom, democracy and self-determination are forcing themselves back into the minds of the general populations of Franken, Kryobaijan and other states in the area. Only recently the people of Boganhem have moved towards the establishment of Delegationist Democracy, a crucial step on the road of transition towards Post-Delegationism. The old powers of Europe have been shaken, and will continue to be shaken, by what is now happening in Oelar and the Capitollium.

In this crucial hour, in this historic hour, where what has begun in Nokanawa is now taking root many miles across the globe, far from any direct contact with the Touzen Revolution, it is the duty of all Free Men to remind themselves of what our revolution was built upon. We must ensure that the tree of liberty that is beginning to take root in Germania is not cut down by the forces of revisionism that seek to turn the tide of history.

Lord Protector Kaname has already called the Oelar Revolution the "most defining event in the beginning of the 21th century that gives us an insight into what is to come in the upcoming years and decades." He, too, has called the establishment of a Post-Delegationist constitution in the West a "historic moment" and correctly analyzed it as "a wakeup call for those that have accused the ideas of Post-Delegationist democracy of being anachronistic relict from an ideologically-loaded 20th century". The appointment of a new ambassador to Oelar could not have come at a more opportune moment, showing the importance that the Lord Protector has assigned to the sparsely populated Germanian country.

As the revolution goes on, and as all Free Men lend their support to the relentless struggle for freedom, human dignity and justice for all, the Constitutional State is revitalized with the revolutionary vigor of a rightful struggle for the liberation of the entire human race. Our brothers and sisters in Oelar now march by our side, and it is this revolutionary uprising that should inspire us to reinvent ourselves, cherish our own revolution and realize the future we have all been yearning for. For too long the slogan was 'The East is Blue' - such regionalist thinking has now been buried for good in this new age of global liberation, the Second Enlightenment.

If you wish to know more about the Freedom Foundation and how it fights for the liberation of all of humanity, check out .