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Statutory Instruments (Orders)

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
The following is a list of all the orders which have been promulgated by posting to this forum. Orders are a sub-form of statutory instrument. They order a body or bodies to take some action. There are also orders which create regulations or rules. They are Regulations. You can find them at this .

The Statutory Instruments Act 2017 gives multiple means by which a statutory instrument may be promulgated – via this forum, via dispatch, and via the NS forums.

The Statutory Instruments have been edited as necessary to reflect changes and errors in grammar. The government also maintains a central repository of statutory instruments at this link:


Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 2

Schedule Commencement (No. 1) Order 2018

Made 2 January 2018, 10.24p EST (NS time)
Coming into force in accordance with regulation 2​

The European Council, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 of the Government (Council) Act 2017, makes the following order,
  1. This order may be cited as the Schedule Commencement Order (No. 1) 2018.

  2. This order shall come into force on the day it is made.

  3. The second schedule to the Government (Council) Act 2017, Judicial procedures, comes into force on the day this order is made.
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 3

Commissioner Appointment (No. 1) Order 2018
Made 3 January 2018, 4.04a EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(d) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, makes the following order,
  1. This order may be cited as the Commissioner Appointment (No. 1) Order 2018.

  2. Pursuant to the poll located at , the nation Naifon is appointed to the post of Commissioner, effective as of 1 January 2018.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 4

Forum Modification Order 2018

Made 3 January 2018, 4.15a EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The European Council, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 4(a) of the Cabinet Transparency Act 2017, makes the following order,
  1. This order may be cited as the Forum Modification Order 2018.

  2. In the link in section 4(a) of the Cabinet Transparency Act, reading , shall be changed to .

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 12

Parliamentary Procedure (No. 1) Order 2018

Made 5 April 2018, 11.10a EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 2(c) of the Schedule to the Procedures Act 2018, makes the following order,
  1. This order may be cited as the Procedures (No. 1) Order 2018.

  2. The Foreign Policy (Commencement) Bill 2018 may come to a vote without having to abide by the timed disclosure requirement in paragraph 2(c) of the Schedule to the Procedures Act 2018.

  3. This order shall be cited as the Parliamentary Procedure Order (No. 1) Order 2018
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 13

Commissioner Appointment (No. 2) Order 2018

Made 6 April 2018, 3.27a EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

Whereas, due to oversight, there has not been an order issued for Commissioner appointments as specified in section 6(d) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, hereinafter referred to as the 2017 Act :

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(d) of the 2017 Act, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Commissioner Appointment (No. 2) Order 2018.

  2. Feria-Alkaline is appointed to the post of 1st Deputy Commissioner, for a term to start on 1 February 2018. Overmorrow is appointed to the post of 2nd Deputy Commissioner, for a term to start on 1 March 2018. Great New Sealand is appointed to the post of Commissioner, for a term to start on the 1 April 2018.

  3. All appointments herein listed are retroactively binding to start on the day of appointment, and shall be treated in the future as if all appointments are executed by appropriate statutory instruments at the appointed time in section 6(d) of the 2017 Act.
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 14

Embassy (No. 1) Order 2018

Made 8 April 2018, 15.10a EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 of the Foreign Policy (Embassies) Act 2016, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Embassy (No. 1) Order 2018.

  2. An embassy shall be formed with the region World Assembly Legislative League, in reflection of Parliament's will as expressed in section 4 of the Foreign Policy (Commencement) Act 2018.
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 16

Librarian Correction (No. 1) Order 2018

Made 26 July 2018, 23.30 EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Librarian, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Librarian Correction (No. 1) Order 2018.

  2. In section 7(e)(ii) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, there shall be inserted two commas. The first shall come after the words "section 5 of this Act" and the second shall come after the words "one to be impeached".

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 17

Commissioner Appointment (No. 3) Order 2018

Made 26 July 2018, 23.31 EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

Whereas, due to oversight, there has not been an order issued for Commissioner appointments as specified in section 6(d) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, hereinafter referred to as the 2017 Act :

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(d) of the 2017 Act, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Commissioner Appointment (No. 3) Order 2018.

  2. Feria-Alkaline is appointed 1st Deputy Commissioner for the term starting in May 2018. Aweland is appointed Commissioner for the term starting in June 2018. Thils is appointed 3rd Deputy Commissioner for the term starting in July 2018.

  3. All appointments herein listed are retroactively binding to start on the day of appointment, and shall be treated in the future as if all appointments are executed by appropriate statutory instruments at the appointed time in section 6(d) of the 2017 Act.
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 18

Commissioner Appointment (No. 4) Order 2018

Made 1 August 2018, 8:25 GMT-8 (Tokyo time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(d) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Commissioner Appointment (No. 4) Order 2018.

  2. Feria-Alkaline is appointed 1st Deputy Commissioner for the term starting in August 2018. Executive discretion shall be employed to effect this appointment forthwith.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 19

Commissioner Appointment (No. 5) Order 2018

Made 8 September 2018 00:20 GMT-5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(d) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Commissioner Appointment (No. 5) Order 2018.

  2. Qroma is appointed 2nd Deputy Commissioner for the term starting in September 2018. Executive discretion shall be employed to effect this appointment forthwith.

  3. This order shall take effect retroactively as if it were made on 1 September 2018 00:01.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2018, No. 20

Parliamentary Procedure (No. 2) Order 2018

Made 8 September 2018 00:21 GMT–5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 2(c) of the Schedule to the Procedure Act 2018, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Parliamentary Procedure (No. 2) Order 2018.

  2. The Transparency Bill 2018 may come to a vote without having to abide by the timed disclosure requirement in paragraph 2(c) of the Schedule to the Procedures Act 2018. This Article shall take effect retroactively as if it were made on 7 September 2018 23:00.

  3. The Procedures (No. 1) Order 2018, also known as SI 2018/12, shall henceforth be cited as the Parliamentary Procedure (No. 1) Order 2018. Article 1 of the former order shall be struck out, and an Article 3 inserted, with the text, "This order shall be cited as the Parliamentary Procedure (No. 1) Order 2018".
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2019, No. 3

TNP Treaty Act Commencement Order 2019

Made 5 September 2019 20.37 BST-5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2(a) of The North Pacific Treaty Act 2019, makes the following order,
  1. This order may be cited as the TNP Treaty Act Commencement Order 2019.

  2. All sections of and schedules to The North Pacific Treaty Act 2019, excepting section 2 thereof, shall come into force immediately.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2019, No. 4

Legislation (No. 1) Order 2019

Made 7 September 2019 22.16 BST-5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The European Council makes this order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 3(a) and 4 of the Government (Council) Act 2017.
  1. This order may be cited as the Legislation (No. 1) Order 2019.

  2. For a period from the the commencement of this order to five days hence, sections 3(b), 4, and 5 of the Commission Resignation Act 2019 shall not be operative.

Explanatory Note. This is not part of the order.

The Government (Reform) Act 2017, which creates the Commission, specifies in section 7(c) thereof that "If a post is unfilled, the post may be taken by the colleague nearest to reelection, subject to the veto of the Delegate within three days. Otherwise, the post shall remain unfilled until the next election".

Sections 3(b), 4, and 5 of the Commission Resignation Act 2019 require the Delegate to find a nation under certain conditions to replace a Commissioner who is to resign. However, in section 7(c) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017 states that posts which are not taken, subject to veto, by the colleague nearest to reelection, "shall remain unfilled until the next election".

The question before the Council is:

Do these sections of the Commission Resignation Act 2019 – or any section creating any scheme other than that described section 7(c) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017 – which would fill a vacant post in the Commission, contradict section 7(c) of the Government (Reform) Act 2017?
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Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2019, No. 6

Mute Order 2019

Made 11 October 2019 16.46 BST-5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Moderation Committee, in exercise of powers granted by section 3(d) of the RMB Moderation Act 2019, voted 4-0, with one abstention, yielding an absolute majority of 80 per cent, to order as follows:
  1. The nation of "Unpopular People" shall refrain from posting on Europe's RMB for a period not to exceed five days from the commencement of this Order. Any posts made in contravention of this Order shall be suppressed. If more than three posts are made in violation of this Order, the subject shall be ejected.

  2. This Order may be cited as the Mute Order 2019. This Order comes into effect immediately.

Opinion. The following is not part of the Order.

The Delegate Imperium Anglorum, joined by Commissioner Regnum Italiae, 1st Deputy Commissioner St Scarlett, and 2nd Deputy Comissioner Yahlia:

The question before us is one about defamation. The case was brought by Feria-Alkaline, who self-recused as being the involved in the exchange. The nation "Unpopular People" made a post saying (corrected for capitalisation) "I want to blame the person who tried to suppress me for being an African man".

The standard for defamation is extremely clear. It must (1) be designed, (2) damage an individual's reputation, (3) be unproven, and (4) be about their character, actions, or personal history. Claiming that a person "tried to suppress me for being an African man" damages the subject's (Feria-Alkaline) reputation, is unproven, and is about the subject's history.

As the post is clearly connected to an earlier post by the same nation, "Why [do] you keep suppressing my posts[?] Please[,] I just want to participate and be free" (capitalisation corrected), it is not obviously satirical or in jest. This fulfils the purpose requirement specified by criterion 1.

The Moderation Committee exercised its authority under section 3(d) to make the Order, with one recusal, drawing down the denominator to five. With one abstention and four votes in favour, the majority is not less than two-thirds.

Feria-Alkaline self-refused and was not involved in consideration of this case. No vote was recorded for The Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth, and was counted for majority-determination as if it was Nay.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2019, No. 7

Legislation (No. 2) Order 2019

Made 24 October 2019 20.04 BST-5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Librarian makes this order in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Statute Law Revision Act 2019.
  1. This order may be cited as the Legislation (No. 2) Order 2019.

  2. In section 1 of the Legal Corrections Act 2017, at the end, insert "or Interpretation Act 2017".

  3. In section 1 of the Cabinet Transparency Act 2017, at the end, insert "or Transparency Act 2017".

  4. In section 1 of the Privileges Act 2017, at the end of the first sentence, insert "or Privilege Act 2017".

  5. In section 1 of the Government (Reform) Act 2017, at the end, insert "or Commission Act 2017".

  6. In section 1 of the High Crimes Act 2018, at the end of the first sentence, insert "or Criminal Law Act 2018".

  7. In section 1 of the Legal Corrections Act 2018, at the end of the first sentence, insert "or Statute Law Revision Act 2018".

  8. In section 1 of the Commission Resignation Act 2019, at the end of the first sentence, insert "or Commission (Resignation) Act 2019".

  9. In section 1 of the Recognitions Act 2019, at the end of the first sentence, insert "or Recognition Act 2019".

Regnum Italiae

Forum Newcomer
Mar 18, 2018
Statutory Instrument
2019, No. 8​

Mute Order (No. 2) 2019

Made 31 December 2019 14.56 EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately.

The Moderation Committee, in exercise of powers granted by section 3(d) of the RMB Moderation Act 2019, voted 5-0, yielding an absolute majority of 100 per cent, to order as follows:
  1. The nation of "Serbia-Macedonia" shall refrain from posting on Europe's RMB for a period not to exceed two days from the commencement of this Order. Any posts made in contravention of this Order shall be suppressed. If more than three posts are made in violation of this Order, the subject shall be ejected.

  2. This Order may be cited as the Mute Order (No. 2) 2019. This Order comes into effect immediately.

Opinion. The following is not part of the Order.

The Commissioner Regnum Italiae, joined by 1st Commissioner St Scarlett, 2nd Deputy Commissioner Outer Sparta, Home Secretary Feria-Alkaline and Foreign Secretary Poland-Lithuania:

The question before us is one about defamation. The case was brought before the Committee by Jim the Baptist. The nation "Serbia-Macedonia" made a post saying "So, Unpopular People decides that he's going to go undercover (because everyone knows he's Jim the Baptist), and spam everyone's telegrams with garbage. This dude should be banned from NS. [...] Mr. Deng Mohamed, you are just a low-down idiot who only cares about ruining people's Christmases".

The standard for defamation is extremely clear. It must (1) be designed, (2) damage an individual's reputation, (3) be unproven, and (4) be about their character, actions, or personal history. Claiming that a person is a puppet of another person damages the subject's (Jim the Baptist) reputation, is unproven, and is about the subject's character and history.

The Moderation Committee exercised its authority under section 3(d) to make the Order, with one recusal, drawing down the denominator to five. With five votes in favour, the majority is not less than two-thirds.

Imperium Anglorum recused for scheduling conflicts and was not involved in consideration of this case.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2020, No. 1

Commission Order 2020

Made 1 January 2020, 23.03p EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

Whereas Gor Kebab, recently elected to the post of Commissioner, per the process described in the Commission (Elections) Act 2019—hereinafter elections Act—has been removed from the World Assembly due to rule violations :

And whereas per the definition in section 6 of the Government Act 2017, Gor Kebab is no longer an elector :

And whereas section 6(a) of the elections Act states that Commissioners who are no longer electors shall be interpreted to have resigned from the commission :

And whereas the provisions of section 8 of the elections Act require the Delegate to invite "the person with the second-most votes in the election which last filled that post ... to assume the vacant post for the rest of that term" :

And whereas that person described in the clause above is Rivierenland :

And whereas the Delegate has a duty to extend an invitation for Rivierenland to take up the vacated post, and upon the confirmation of acceptance or rejection thereof, take actions necessary to effect the requirements specified section 8 of the elections Act :

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(a) of the elections Act makes the following order,
  1. This order may be cited as the Commission Order 2020. It comes into force immediately.

  2. Gor Kebab is to be removed from the list of regional officers immediately and shall be interpreted to have resigned.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2020, No. 3

Parliament (Acceleration) Order 2020

Made 2 January 2020 3.19a GMT–5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 2(c) of the Schedule to the Procedure Act 2018, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Parliament (Acceleration) Order 2020.

  2. The Commission (Elections) (Amendment) BIll 2020 may come to a vote without having to abide by the timed disclosure requirement in paragraph 2(c) of the Schedule to the Procedures Act 2018.

Imperium Anglorum

Establishing Nation
Staff member
Apr 6, 2015
Statutory Instrument
2020, No. 4

Commissioner Appointment Order 2020

Made 2 January 2020 3.27a GMT–5 (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

Whereas there exists a vacancy in the European Commission due to resignation :

And whereas an invitation was given to Rivierenland as required by section 8 of the Commission (Elections) Act 2019 :

And whereas that invitation was accepted in NationStates telegram 24560072 :

The Delegate, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 8(a) of the Commission (Elections) Act 2019, makes the following order :
  1. This order may be cited as the Commissioner Appointment Order 2020.

  2. Rivierenland is appointed Commissioner for the term starting in January 2020. The Delegate shall, if able, effect this appointment forthwith.

  3. This order does not have any effect on the ability for Delegates or persons holding executive discretion to effect Commission appointments with or without issuing an order.


Forum Newcomer
Jun 25, 2016
Statutory Instrument
2020, No. 7

Mute Order 2020

Made 7 February 2020 15.16 EST (NS time)
Coming into force immediately​

The Moderation Committee, in exercise of powers granted by section 3(d) of the RMB Moderation Act 2019, having voted 5–1, makes the following order:
  1. The nation of "Slavakino" shall refrain from posting on Europe's RMB for a period not to exceed two days from the commencement of this Order. Any posts made in contravention of this Order shall be suppressed. If more than three posts are made in violation of this Order, the subject shall be ejected.

  2. This Order may be cited as the Mute Order 2020. This Order comes into effect immediately.