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Carentanian Public Broadcasting

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: following the recent build-up of additional Talemantine forces along the border with Carentania, the Commissariate for Defence has announced that an additional division will be stationed along the Vrbas. This reaction, the Commissar announced, was deemed adequate by both himself and the General Staff of the Revolutionary Army to ensure the safety of the Workers' Republic, and is believed to be comparable in size to the growth of troop formations on the other side of the border.

The additional division will be the Third Offensive, which includes one armored, one mechanized and one air cavalry brigade. Thusfar stationed at the border to Levantine Barca, the division will be transferred from the second to the first army, making it the single biggest formation in the Revolutionary Army. Specialized in quick offensive strikes and flanking attacks on enemy armore formations, the Third Offensive Division continues the change of military strategy on the Vrbas from a defensive, stationary one towards a more offensive one, capable of crossing the border river and penetrating into enemy territory.

Asked about this fact, the Revolutionary Army rejected any accusations of preparing for an offensive strike against Talemantros. "While Carentania has insisted on its rights to the Vrbas Kraj," the Commander of the first army said "we are not willing to sacrifice peace and the lifes of humans for it. The All-Workers Congress has not declared war against Talemantros, the Commissars have not declared war against Talemantros and our military strategy is based on the assumption that neither of them will any time in the near future. That is all I have to say on this issue."

The Commissar for Foreign Affairs has condemned the military preparations of the Talemantine Empire as "unnecessary provocations" and reaffirmed Carentania views the Talemantine ownership of the Vrbas Kraj as "illegal imperialist occupation."

In other news: Marquette debt causes growing turmoil on capitalist financial sector, Vangala persecutes religious figures within its borders and the bridge connecting Učka with Vrnik island is currently closed due to a blizzard.​


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রক
Ministry of External Affairs

The People's Republic of Vangala guarantees the right to freedom of religion in its Constitution and the rumours of religious persecution by Vangalan law enforcement agencies propagated by the Carentanian and international media are deeply offensive and wrong. Officers of the Vangalan National Police were involved in raids designed to protect the wellbeing of the Vangalan people and we will not allow religious beliefs or false accusations to endanger national security.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: the workers assembly of the city of Duvno has denied its muslim community the permission to build a mosque within the city's territory. This concludes a half-year long evaluation process in which the petition of more than 6000 muslims who are all living in southern Duvno has been reviewed. Most of the petitioners have immigrated to Carentania within the last decade and they claim not to have any place of worship within acceptable distance of their homes, as the only other Mosque in Duvno is located at the nothern edge of town - and built to accomodate only 120 believers.

Despite signals from the Commissariate for Economic Planning, that the material and labour costs of the construction could be met "without further problems" the city assembly decided against a permission on the grounds of "counter-revolutionary goals of the islamic faith". The religious group petitioning for the construction of the mosque, the delegates argued, had not distanced itself from the sexisit role model of the woman in its religious works, nor from homophobia or intolerance or violence. Furthermore the group of muslims who wishes to use the planned mosque was "authoritarian in structure" and "has displayed anti-semitic views on occasion".

The petitioners strongly rejected the claims of the assembly, stating that the burden of proof is on those who claim their faith was an intolerant or sexist one. "Islam is a religion of peace," a spokesperson for the petition commented. "Of course we expect our members to value the laws of the Quran, but that does not mean we intend to force it on others. Faith is an issue of choice and commitment to god can not be forced." The decision of the city assembly has caused protests from its muslim community and the petitioners have announced its intention to call upon the justice commission.

The justice commission can force the issue on the agenda of the next-higher administrative body, which would be the assembly of delegates from all Worker Councils within the Kraj. This is only possible if the commission finds the decision of the assembly stands in contrast to the goals and rights defined in the constitution. All the justice commission said on the matter was, that it will take a close look at the case.

In other news: several befriended states of Marquette attempt to save the Joliet from its devaluation, but economists warn that they may overreach their goal and cause an investment bubble. Meanwhile Batavie prepares for a massive crackdown on its student revolts, while Wazistan is tightening its stranglehold on the Kurdish minority, using the murder of its head of intelligence forces as pretext to further escalate the situation.​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: the Commissariate for Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Commissariate for Economic Planning, have publically announced an offer for developement aid to Cyrillica. The offer covers material and technological aid, as well as expert knowledge on the construction of a post-monetary economy - a transition the Cyrillican government is currently aiming to undertake with Meribian aid. As reason for the offer the Commissars pointed to the democratic and socialist reforms currently taken by the Cyrillican government and their intention to support a government that is willing to take the steps necessary to establish a socialist democracy. However, the offer is tied to preconditions.

Namely, the Commissariates want Cyrillica to end Meribias involvement in the restructuring of their nations economy. "The cooperation with one of Europes worst dictatorships is entirely unfitting to a democratic reform process," the Commissars said in a press conference. "Recent nuclear actions taken by the Meribian state furthermore show that this regime does not deserve to be one of the founding fathers of a progressive society in Cyrillica. The presence of a rouge state within the reform process is threatening to jeopardize all efforts taken by the Cyrillican government."

If Cyrillica were to give in to the Carentanian demands, Carentania would send experts who can advise the Cyrillican administration on the transition to a post-monetary economy. This includes econometricians and computer scientists who can help to develope distribution and planning processes, make demand predictions and allow for more flexible planning processes that provide the possibility of a more adequate supply of the population with goods and services. Furthermore, a rationing system with electronical chip-cards, similiar to the one used in Carentania since the year 2000, could be introduced to Cyrillica for rare products.

Following the exchange of expert knowledge, Carentania would offer the help of engineers who can improve the public and industrial infrastructure. The construction of a nation-wide rail system has been promised, with the components being provided for by the Carentanian industry. Furthermore, the construction of several large factory complexes has been announced, focusing on the wood and paper industry. Cyrillica, the Commissariate for Economic Planning hopes, could become a major producer of paper products and furniture. The fishing industry is also intended to become a boost, with several high-tech trawlers and a canning plant.

"This is just an initial offer," the Commissar summarized. "We hope to engage in intensive economic cooperation if Cyrillica is really willing to build a post-monetary economy. Cyrillicas ressources allow it to specialize in economic fields which Carentania can not easily access - and the same holds true the other way around. We have much to gain from such a cooperation, but for it to happen Cyrillica has to stay on the past of reforms it has taken."

If Cyrillica takes the offer, the economic growth predictions for Carentania made by the Commissariate for Economic Planning will be reduced to 0% - however, the exchange of goods with an industrialized Cyrillica could allow for growth in future years to double, the Commissariate said.

In other news we will inform you about ongoing debate in the Council of Nation about the Meribian detonation of a nuclear device and a warning made by the Commissariate for Health about the dangers of the snow season.​


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Agrarian Interest Group

When the circumstances of Cyrillica are considered, even the harshest anti-communist figurehead must admit that observing Cyrillica sip from the cup of Carentania, is much less of a threat to Europe then standing by to watch Cyrillica swallow poisons brewed from Meribian cesspools.

Foremost in our mind, however, is that investors from Carentania do not forget the Agriculture Industry, and the hard working farmers who feed the Communist machine. In an all out effort to modernize its industries, Cyrillica has followed the Meribian example of abuse towards its humble agrarian folk -- removed from industrial powerhouses that dictators yearn for so very much.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: following the end of Talemantine military rule in the Vrbas Kraj, many Carentanians protested the annexation plans of the Talemantine Empire. The Vrbas Kraj, which Talemantines call "Seleucia" has been occupied by Carentanias southern neighbour since the end of the war of 1927 and up to now been administrated by the Talemantine Military, representing its position as illegal imperialist occupation. The end of military rule in the Vrbas Kraj, many in Carentania argue, marks the final attempt of Talemantros to incorporate the ressource rich province into its territory.

The Commissar for Foreign Affairs was among those who protested the move. Although the end of military rule brings a long desired calm into the life of Vrbas Krajs population, the Commissar noted, Carentania must strongly condemn the change from military to civilian rule if it is only a symbol of the final attempt of the Talemantine Empire to set its theft of Proletarian land into stone. "Over 80 years the Talemantine Empire did not dare to fully annex this province, but now they are getting dangerously close to it. We will not have this."

The Revolutionary Army is once again considering the viability of a liberation, reports from within the military state and forces of the first army have been put at heightened readiness. It remains doubtful though that Carentania, which has been enjoying peace for more than half a century, would strike at its neighbour, despite growing sentiment against the Talemantines. After 80 years of Talemantine occupation, many feel that time for a return of the Vrbas Kraj to Carentanian ownership is running out and the Workers' Republic ought to do something, unless it wants to accept that Talemantine imperialists have returned once freed land into the ownership of capitalists.

This sentiment is expressed in many anti-Talemantine demonstrations that occured throughout the country. Ranging from 100 to 3000 people in size, these demonstrations have joined the official condemnation of the Talemantine annexation plans in many cities and it is estimated that about 100.000 people in total took part in the protests. As the Vrbas Kraj is furthermore one of the traditional issues at each Congress session, this puts the Commissar for Foreign Affairs under pressure - if his response to the Talemantines is deemed inapropriate he could easily lose his mandate.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Consistory of the Empire

The province of Seleucia was formally made part of the empire's sovereign lands following the treaty of 1927. Since then Seleucia has been a province of the Talemantine Empire. The theory that the Empire is planning to anneax this area is ludacris since it is already a part of the Imperial Realm. The governor of Seleucia was given both military and civilian authority in one persoon so that the government and forces could meet any threat that Carentiania posed to the province and the empire. Now it was deamed by the emperor to seperate the civilian and military governance from each other since the conquests in the 20s.

We wish to reiterate that any violation of our sovereign lands will be repelled and dealt with appropriately.

Bishop Alexis Florioli
Chancellor of the Consistory
Aug 27, 2009
Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of Anbat

In recognition of the fact that the Seleucian territory has been a portion of the Talemantine Empire since 1927, and entered imperial administration by treaty, the Republican government is inclined to consider the matter of Seleucia an internal Talemantine affair.

However, His Excellency the President Zureiq in full recognition of the political volatility of the situation in the region wishes to advise calm for both parties involved in this affair to avoid escalation.

Mr. Mikheil Khoury,
Minister of External Affairs

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: a group of communist insurgents has overthrown the Fjäderholmarnar authorities on the island of Godthåbland. Revolutionaries stormed the parliament of the island and seized control of strategic positions, forcing all represenatives of the Fjäderholmarnar state to leave the island. Currently the small island is firmly in the hands of the revolutionaries and the government of Fjäderholmarna has ruled out the option of a military intervention on the island, for now making the revolution victorious.

The Commissariat for Foreign Affairs was quick to react and Carentania was the first state that extended recognition to the new socialist state that is in creation on Godthåbland. Despite being relative small and sparsely populated, the revolution is a great step forward for the people of Godthåbland, the Commissar announced, and every progressive movement in Europe can rely on the aid of the Workers' Republic of Carentania. "Lack of size doesn't mean lack of importance," the Commissar said "as every man and woman liberated from capitalism has experienced exactly that: liberation."

Following the events on the small island and the announcement of Fjaderholmarna, that there will be no violent crackdown on the revolutionary government, Carentania has brought forward an offer to the Godthåblanders, including a team of experts to help the developement of a socialist administration for the island as well as economic assistance to allow the island to improve its living conditions. Furthermore, Carentania has announced its intention to guarantuee the islands independence, if the revolutionary government accepts, and to station two fregates in their biggest port to ensure it.

Analysts expect Godthåbland to earn geopolitical importance for two reasons, which both provoke Carentania to take a greater interest in the small island. Firstly they believe that a Godthåbland pampered and nourished by Carentania could become a staging ground for a greater revolution in the broader Fjäderholmarna territory, secondly a communist revolution that decides to ally with Carentania instead of the IRB could advance its agenda in regards to progressive socialist states that are currently still aligned with the authoritarian alliance. However, how Fjäderholmarna will react to the Carentanian support for open secession from its kingdom is yet to be seen.

In other news we will show you a report about military manouvers the first army is currently engaged in to the north-west of Sisak. At an arm of the Vrbas river the Revolutionary Army is training its soldiers to quickly cross the water barrier in case of an armed conflict between Carentania and Talemantros.​
Feb 6, 2007
Transitional Government of Godthåbland
Our transitional government accepts the Carentanian offer of assisted defense. Also the assistance of Carentanian experts will be accepted. Should Carentania wish, their leadership is more than welcome to arrive with a traditional ceremony to our capital of Vik to start full bilateral relations.​
Transitional Government


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
USSK Office of Foreign Affairs

The Kryobaijani government likewise extends full recognition to the Transitional Government as the sole authoritative representation of the Godthåblander people. The Revolutionary Council looks forward to cooperation between the USSK and the new administration in Godthåbland.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: the Lusitanian King has abdicated and declared his country a Republic under the leadership of the former General Augusto Lopes. Lopes had been elected a few days ago after the Integralist candidate withdrew from the race and backed the conservative candidate. The elections only took place in the territories in central Lusitania which were under control of right-wing rebel forces during the rebellion against the Integralist regime. Both the legitimacy and the conduct of the elections have been heavily criticised by observers for not being on par with democratic standards and heavy irregularities have been reported, while the new President insists that there have been no incidents.

Critics however argue that newly elected President Lopes will likely derive a claim to leadership of all of Lusitania from the elections, despite the fact that only a small portion of the Lusitanian population could vote within them. The seperation of the country into four de-facto independent states has led to mass displacement of people throughout Lusitania, with many, especially of left-wing political persuasion and anti-Integralist rebels of the first hour, being chased out of the territory now under control of the Lusitanian Republic. Furthermore, observers report, Integralist thugs have managed to keep many known Communists, Socialist and even Social-Democratic voters from the ballots through intimidation and violent attacks. "These elections are without doubt tainted," a CPB reporter present in Lusitania reported.

Lopes, critics argue, has won these elections through the double support of Integralists: first by the support that was placed behind him through the main Integralist candidate, secondly through direct violent acts of Integralist thugs. Whether or not the ballots themselves have been manipulated too, can not be said, but is deemed likely. During the elections, Lopes has been heavily advertising with his disobedience to the Integralist regime and his open rebellion against the old, authoritarian government - the political left, which had to suffer the greatest losses under the Integralist regime and was the main target of violent acts, has accused Lopes of historic revisionism for his self-portrayal as rebel. General Lopes, they argue, had been a willing servant of the old Integralist regime and was himself responsible for many acts of cruelty and violence. He was merely pragmatic and clever enough to switch loyalties at the right moment.

"If he had been a true enemy of oppression," one Lusitanian who wished to remain anonymous said, "there would have been no reason for Integralists to support his election campaign. Fact however is, that many former Integralists remain unpunished for their crimes because they put on a democratic mask. The ruling elites in the Lusitanian Republic, ranging from judges and businessmen to Generals and Politicians, a thoroughly corrupt and all former Integralist henchmen."

In other news: the two Revolutionary Navy Fregates Blizzard and Lightning have been sent on their way to Godthåbland to ensure the security of the newly independent socialist state.​
Oct 30, 2006
Lisbon, Portugal
Presidency of the Republic

We deny the false accusations made by the Carentian Public Broadcasting. The President has never said he wanted to continue without consent after an eventual reunification. Should that reunification occour, new elections will be held. As for the elections, they have been completely free - it would be an insult to the Lusitanians who voted if after 40 years of fascist tyranny they would be denied the right to vote once again. And the reported events of "Integralist" thugs are completely an invention of the CPB, as the Army has neutralized Integralist resistance long ago and many legal processes are due to imprison the major Integralist criminals.

Furthermore, we must come in defense of Fernando Ferro - despite his Integralist past, he is a commited democrat and was an important member in the resistance. Despite his more conservative and xenophobic views, he is not a supporter of totalitarism.

Finally, the accusations made towards the President are unacceptable and insulting. The President has recognized numerous times he was a different person in the past, and he only directly participated in military actions against opposers of the regime in the late 60's. In 2001, as it is general knowledge, he refused to put down a rebellion, following his conscience and started to resist the regime. He is a truly commited democrat, not the monster you portray him as.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: pressure on the Levantine government has increased, following threats of another terrorist attack by the Mezhist Carentanian League. Shots like those on a border patrol a few weeks ago would repeat, the Carentanian League announced, until every Communist "on sacred Slavic soil" as the League said, "was wiped out". Carentanian officials accuse the Levantine States of passively supporting the Mezhist terrorists amongst Carentanian expatriates by not persecuting their crimes against Carentanian Socialists. Speculations that weapons for the attacks are actually supplied for by the Levantine intelligence services were rejected as groundless speculations by the Commissariate for Inner Security.

However, the Commissar stressed that "we have the impression the Levant tolerates these attacks, knowing well that terrorism can destabilize the Workers' Republic." The Commissar has publically condemned the continued inactivity of the Levantine Security forces and demanded them to take up serious investigations and furthermore share the results with the Commissariate. "The accusations brought up against the Levant are serious," the Commissar explained "and the Levant ought to do its utmost to disprove them, otherwise we may feel necessary to review our options to bring these criminals to justice and put a stop to terrorist attacks orchestrated from within our neighbouring country."

The Carentanian League is just one of many Mezhist groups within the Carentanian expatriate community, which is largely anti-communist. Many of these groups resort to violent measures to bring about the change to a nationalist and authoritarian society in Carentania they seek to achieve and the current, third wave of Mezhist terrorism, is usually characterized by operating almost entirely from expatriate communities, out of reach for Carentanian security personell. During the most recent attack, shots were fired at a Carentanian border patrol from within the area of the Levantine city of Barca.

Following the attacks and the Carentanian League taking responsibility, the Levantine States showed no significant reactions, merely expressing their doubts that there could be armed terrorist groups within their territory - despite obvious evidence to the contrary.

In other news we will inform you that flights from Carentania to Batavie have been put on hold until further notice due to rising tensions in the Scanian region. Flights back from Batavie will continue as usual for now and Carentanian citizens were strongly advised by the Commissariate for Foreign Affairs to return home. The Carentanian embassy has sent most of its personnel home as well until further notice.​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: meterological institutes have announced their predictions that, over the course of the next weeks, a wave of cold weather will hit Carentania, including massive snowfall and temperatures below the freezing point. They have urged stores to ensure Carentanian citizens are well supplied with warm clothing, city administrations to prepare for snow interfering with public traffic and citizens likewise to be ready for colder temperatures and problems with traffic. Furthermore, hospitals were advised to expand their security personnel for the cold days, as frozen streets will lead to a higher number of accidents.

The Commissariate for Inner Security has already reacted by echoing the sentiments of the metereological institutes and warned citizens not to underestimate cold weather and avoid the use of bikes and cars on frozen or snow covered ways. Carentanians are asked to rely on the public transit system and, where it may not be operational due to interruptions caused by snow or frost, to simply wait for the administrations to fix the infrastructure and not try to reach their goals by other means of transportation. Following the warning, the Commissar also said that he enabled local councils to call in work duty from its members during the weeks of cold weather, should the snowfall become too heavy - work duty allows worker councils to order its physically fit members to do public works in addition to their usual profession.

Military units throughout the country were advised to stay ready should their services be needed. The combination of snowfall with strong winds that is expected could cause snowdrifts that can obstruct the life of citizens, especially on the countryside. Furthermore, floods are feared in coastal regions. The Commissariate for Defence asked soldiers therefore to be available for their units at any given time during the next weeks. Units on the border to Talemantros were even completely mobilized, as metereologists expect the region to be hit the hardest by the cold weather. Until their services were needed to deal with the effects of the expected cold weather front, the units of the First Army will continue with manouvers.

Winters with snowfall are rare in Carentania outside of the Haemian mountains, but heavy snowfalls occure every nine to twelve years and tend to interfere with daily life in Carentania.

In other news: the Commissariate for Foreign Affairs has announced that "Carentanian soldiers will not die in defense of authoritarian regimes" and thus ruled support for Meribia or Batavie in case of war out of question. He furthermore urged Cyrillica and Kryobaijan to do the same, despite their alliance obligations.​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: Commissar for Defence, Matija Dračar, released a press statement today adressing the recent spike of military activities within Himyar. The Commissar echoed sentiments expressed by the government of the bourgeoise Anbat, which warned of an arms race in the wake of Wazi and Hajr missile tests, but added that the Talemantine Empire had as well announced expansion of armed forces quite recently. Anbat itself has also entered the group of nations in Himyar that have begun to increase their military capabilities, announcing the intention to field new small arms systems and frigates.

Warning the south that such a military expansion can easily escalate the already instable south, Commissar Dračar however expressed his belief that, with current political conflicts a diplomatic solution will most likely be out of question. A treaty to regulate the expansion of military forces on the southern continent is likely to be out of question, considering the conflicts between Wazistan and Hajr or the continued imperialist occupation of the Vrbas Kraj by Talemantros. Taking these conflicts into account, the Commissar urged Carentania to keep its capabilities up to par with neighbouring countries.

According to the Commissariate, Carentania faces a dual threat in Himyar, stemming on the one side from ever increasing missile capabilities, especially of Wazistan and Hajr, which could within near future reach distances that allow said nations to strike Carentania as well - and on the other side a growing ground force of its southern neighbour. Carentania, Commissar Dračar argued, needs to develope the capabilities to strike missiles before they are fired and, in the same process needs to gain the ability to take the war anywhere in the Talemantine Empire, in case of an attack by its southern neighbour.

The long neglected Navy, the Commissar concluded his statement to the press, will have to gain increased attention from the Workers' Republic. Power projection abilities will be needed not only in the face of the complex security situation of Himyar, but also considering Carentanias increasing foreign interests. Inside the Commissariate for Defence, a study is currently evaluating the merit of several different models for an expansion of naval forces - which up to now have relied on a number of frigates, including the Blizzard and Lightning currently on their way to Godthåbland, as well as smaller vessels like torpedo boats.

In other news: another fishing vessel from Marquette, entering into Carentanian national waters on their search for fishing grounds, has been stopped by the Revolutionary Navy and the Catholic Church seeks to expand its financial influence by urging its followers throughout Europe to donate while vowing to accept Carentanian law that registers the Church as non-charity organization - making it impossible for Carentanian citizens to heed the call.​
Aug 27, 2009
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Anbat

In relation to comments expressed by Carentanian Public Broadcasting the Ministry of Defense and the Anbati Republican Army wish to retort that the planned commissioning of the Malik class frigates to replace the three F-class destroyers presently in use of the Anbati Republican Navy due to their old age was agreed upon before this round of missile tests by Hajri and Wazi governments.

Therefore, the aforementioned actions should not be considered a reaction to the current Southern tensions.

General Yahya al-Khoraish,
Minister of Defense

Holy Frankish Empire

Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 31, 2006
Planet Mercury
Ministry of Foreign Affais

We again are able to state no such fishing vessel exists. Furthermore, we are issuing an order that fishing vessels must stay 5 miles off Carentanian waters. This should help prevent any further claims of this nature.

Sir Henri LaPointe,
Foreign Minister

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Hello and welcome to CPB evening news.

Todays head story: with the reactionary regime of Coronado declaring war on the failed workers' state of Meribia, and Batavie on the brink of a conflict with Scania, the International Revolutionary Bloc seems to be falling apart over its internal conflicts and the external pressure. Kryobaijan announced its departure from the Party-Communist alliance, though explicitely stating that the reasoning for this was to distance itself from those regimes similiar to the former, oppressive KCP led government and was in no way connected to the military tension revolving around Meribia and Batavie.

The Carentanian Commission for Foreign Affairs has withdrawn all diplomatic staff from both countries and strongly urged every Carentanian citizen to leave as quick as possible, issuing a travel warning for both countries. European United Airlines has ceased all flights to both Meribia and Batavie, but will continue with flights from both countries to Carentania for at least three further days, to allow Carentanian citizens who happen to be in the conflict area to return home. Belligerent parties in Meribia will be informed about the exact flight route and position of Carentanian civilian planes in the area to avoid accidents.

Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Dusan Mejic, has adressed the events in a press conference, harshly criticising Coronado for its belligerent action. According to Mejic, a military attack upon Meribia can in no way be justified and even though Carentania had been a vocal critic of the nuclear detonations and the aggressive posturing of the Meribian regime, Mejic issued a strong condemnation of the war of aggression. "European reactionaries have refused to give diplomacy a chance, instead choosing to abuse this issue as cheap pretext for war." Mejic concluded his conference by saying "my hearts are with the innocent civilians in Meribia, who have to suffer under the desastrous war forced upon them by belligerent neighbours and an incompetent government."

The Commissariate also found strong words for the execution of family members of Batavien citizens who sought refugium in Belmont. Collective punishment, especially such cruel, is violating each and every principle of Socialism, the Commissar said upon being questioned by a journalist. He announced that the Commissariate was currently in the process of reviewing possible measures to react to this atrocity.

In other news: the Catholic Church abuses Carentanian laws that prevent it from receiving donations from Carentanian citizens for a propaganda campaign, Marquette insists that no fishers of Marquettan origin have ever entered Carentanian waters in search of fishing grounds and Wazistan increases its violence towards opposition groups, announcing its intention to execute those guilty of "sympathizing" with oppositional goals.​


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Foreign Office

The Kingdom of Belmont joins the Worker's Republic of Carentania in its denunciation of the Rogue State of Batavie. The Foreign Office shall review the status of our relations.