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Press From Boganhem - Order Restored in the Free Cities.

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Tondersdë, 9. May 1953
De Daglishes Harrold
1 taller | sinds 1893, fon Malachor |
Autlegerdrëver: Uve Eitebaden

Erik Strakman Ruvst Für a 'Brëd Undergamotishe Ferstanding' Für Unmiddelbal Militär Aktsion and di Austing Eitenshmitez
Erik Strakman Calls For a 'Broad Parliamentary Understanding' For Immediate Military Action and the Ousting of Eitenshmit


The Rikhardist attacks last week have triggered a deep political crisis between the left-wing understanding in the Undergamot. After announcing the national-syndicalists would scrap the agreement with the Government for 'synchronised voting', Erik Strakman has made an appeal both the communists and conservative social-democrats ('patriotic social-democrats' as he referred) to form a parliamentary alliance 'strong enough' to impose 'immediate military action against Rikhard', and simultaneously 'defend the social achievements announced by Eitenshmit'. That excludes the KP, or at least its more economical liberal wing, from this 'broad understanding' Strakman wants to make.

As for now, no communists or social-democrats answered the appeal, but it is known that the PAB's Politburo is currently meeting and that several high-ranking democrats of the more conservative stock have failed to attend a seminar in the SDP's headquarters in Malachor. Should the communists and a number enough of social-democratic deputies (or even KP ones) accept Strakman's proposal, Eitenshmit's hands will be tied and he will be forced to do Strakman's bidding, who seeks to reach out to disaffected 'conservative social-democrats'.

Who are those people? Although the SDP has presented itself as a left-wing and progressive party, wanting to enfranchise Christians, give Norssex autonomy and separate religion and State completely, a considerable fraction of their electorate is not the urban left-wing and progressive-leaning stereotype of the social-democrat. Many of their electors are working-class or peasant conservatives who just want more socially-oriented policy. And several deputies, mainly from a working-class stock, are opposed to more 'progressive' views, though they rarely express these opinions in public, stressing only the economic benefits of the SDP's programme. They are surely unsatisfied with Eitenshmit's smooth handling of Rikhard. As one of those deputies, Frank Sigmuntsun, puts: "I am deeply worried that Chancellor Eitenshmit deals with Rikhard as a problem of policing, as a petty criminal. He is more than that, he is a serious military threat and has killed too much people to be dealt like your occasional murderer - immediate and full-fledged military action should be done, and in this, I support Strakman - Eitenshmit is too soft." There are also several members of the KP who, despite their economical differences, would support Strakman. But the KP, affiliated with the former nobility and with the upper bourgeoisie, is fearful of creating more instability or killing a former King. Maybe tomorrow we can surely know how the appeal's targets will respond. If they accept, and in a number enough to form a majority in the Undergamot, Chancellor Eitenshmit will have to obey the assembly's will and initiate a full-fledged offensive in Goddhaus.

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Tondersdë, 9. May 1953
De Daglishes Harrold
1 taller | sinds 1893, fon Malachor |
Autlegerdrëver: Uve Eitebaden

Erik Strakman Ruvst Für a 'Brëd Undergamotishe Ferstanding' Für Unmiddelbal Militär Aktsion and di Austing Eitenshmitez
Erik Strakman Calls For a 'Broad Parliamentary Understanding' For Immediate Military Action and the Ousting of Eitenshmit


The Rikhardist attacks last week have triggered a deep political crisis between the left-wing understanding in the Undergamot. After announcing the national-syndicalists would scrap the agreement with the Government for 'synchronised voting', Erik Strakman has made an appeal both the communists and conservative social-democrats ('patriotic social-democrats' as he referred) to form a parliamentary alliance 'strong enough' to impose 'immediate military action against Rikhard', and simultaneously 'defend the social achievements announced by Eitenshmit'. That excludes the KP, or at least its more economical liberal wing, from this 'broad understanding' Strakman wants to make.

As for now, no communists or social-democrats answered the appeal, but it is known that the PAB's Politburo is currently meeting and that several high-ranking democrats of the more conservative stock have failed to attend a seminar in the SDP's headquarters in Malachor. Should the communists and a number enough of social-democratic deputies (or even KP ones) accept Strakman's proposal, Eitenshmit's hands will be tied and he will be forced to do Strakman's bidding, who seeks to reach out to disaffected 'conservative social-democrats'.

Who are those people? Although the SDP has presented itself as a left-wing and progressive party, wanting to enfranchise Christians, give Norssex autonomy and separate religion and State completely, a considerable fraction of their electorate is not the urban left-wing and progressive-leaning stereotype of the social-democrat. Many of their electors are working-class or peasant conservatives who just want more socially-oriented policy. And several deputies, mainly from a working-class stock, are opposed to more 'progressive' views, though they rarely express these opinions in public, stressing only the economic benefits of the SDP's programme. They are surely unsatisfied with Eitenshmit's smooth handling of Rikhard. As one of those deputies, Frank Sigmuntsun, puts: "I am deeply worried that Chancellor Eitenshmit deals with Rikhard as a problem of policing, as a petty criminal. He is more than that, he is a serious military threat and has killed too much people to be dealt like your occasional murderer - immediate and full-fledged military action should be done, and in this, I support Strakman - Eitenshmit is too soft." There are also several members of the KP who, despite their economical differences, would support Strakman. But the KP, affiliated with the former nobility and with the upper bourgeoisie, is fearful of creating more instability or killing a former King. Maybe tomorrow we can surely know how the appeal's targets will respond. If they accept, and in a number enough to form a majority in the Undergamot, Chancellor Eitenshmit will have to obey the assembly's will and initiate a full-fledged offensive in Goddhaus.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

Also we strongly condemn the terrorist attacks initiated by former King Rikhard. The only thing that these attacks show, is that the former King is not fit any more to sit on the Throne. His son did the right thing with disposing him. We also want to make clear that governmental stability is what Boganhem currently needs. The recent actions by the NSB won't help the country. We pledge our support behind Chancellor Eitenshmitt.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Vodensdë, 15. May 1953
De Daglishes Harrold
1 taller | sinds 1893, fon Malachor |
Autlegerdrëver: Uve Eitebaden

Natsionale-Syndikalistishe, Kommunisten, Ënige Sotsiale-Demokratishe and KP Vitklëder Gader ën 'Sotsial-Natsional Bound' and Shepen ën Mëstenshep i'm Undergamot
National-Syndicalists, Communists, Some Social-Democrats and KP Members Gather a 'Social-National Union' and Form a Majority in the Undergamot


The parliamentary crisis ensues. All of the PAB (communist) and the 'conservative social-democrats' as well as some more 'socially-oriented royalists' have formed a new understanding in the Undergamot, the so-called 'Social-National Union' , thhat gatheesers , together with the aforementioned parties, all of the NSB and now forms a majority of 50,4% in the Undergamot. This SNU (or SNB in Bogan). According to the Constitutional Charter, the Government must follow the deputies' decisions on every matter.
This SNU is causing a great deal of controversy within the Social-Democratic Party, as those who joined Strakman's alliance are getting away from the party'ys policy's guidelines. Led by the national-syndicalist leader Erik Strakman, the SNU now wants to 'maintain the Government's social policies', , while advocating immediate military action against Rikhhrdard. As put by the SNU's moral leader Erik Strakman, 'the Social--National Union seeks to combine two types of policies very dear to the Bogan people - physical security and econoomic security, not , not to mention respect for the fundamental values and beliefs shared by all of the Nation'.

It seems, as Strakman says that the SNU is 'not a party, nor a coalition, nor does it want to form Government or overthrow this one (...) it just wants to use the democratic process to impose to the current Government certain policies and actions desired by the majority of the Bogan people, expressed in the UndergamotUndr'.

Chancellor Eitenshmit, speaking in the quality of Secretary-General of the SDP, has already reacted: 'The Social-Democratic Party is a party respectful of democratic principles and so, we have not imposed voting discipline in our deputies, they can vote in whatever they want. Despite being disappointed with certain members of this Party for not following the Party's programme on momoral and political issues, they will not be expelled or ostracized - the so-called 'conservative social-democrats' are legitimate social-democrats, heirs to a tradition of working-class struggle for reform. If this 'Social--National Union' is not a party, not a coalition but a mere understanding, I do not feel bothered as Chancellor - the deputies are representatives of all the Bogans and should vote accordingly to the programme under which they were elected.'

Despite appearing concilliatory and soft, many interpret the last sentence as a warning, a moral warning to the 'conservative social-democrats' to vote according to the SDP's programme.

Resident analyst Fredrik Shuman exposed his opinion to the Daglishes Harrold: ""Strakman, despite denying that, has a plan. He wants to become Chancellor, period. And he has a very good chance to do so, maybe not this year, but if Eitenshmit can handle this new parliamentary situation, maybe in the next elections. And Strakman has a potentially broad electoral base to his disposal - he can group disaffected social-democrats who think Eitenshmit is too weak, communists forsaking their ideological purity, conservatives not enthusastic about economic liberalism and even traditionalists (despite being anti-monarchical), as he can concilliate socialism, and a socialism more left-winged than the SDP's, with moderate nationalism, which is very appealing to big groups of the electorate, including peasants and working-class people illiterate enough to be taken away by his rhetoric, former nobles who hate the new bourgeois elite, many priests, and middle-class people fearful of their security. The one group left untouched are the more progressive right--wing liberals of an urban stock, who are isolated in their opposition to both sides of Strakman's ideas - social policies and nationalism. For the sake of political stability, let's hope Eitenshmit handles the pressure of this new 'understanding' " ec l.sptomicGE
ec l.sptomicGE

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Tonnersdë 16. May 1953
De Daglishes Harrold
1 taller | sinds 1893, fon Malachor |
Autlegerdrëver: Uve Eitebaden

Sotsial-Natsionale Bound Tsvinge Rigirding Tsu Onstart Militäraktsion Agagen Rikhard: Konglishes Armë an di Vë!
Social-National Union Forces Government to Engange in Military Action Against Rikhard: Royal Army on the Way!


After forming the new parliamentary 'understanding' called the Social-National Union, Erik Strakman (NSB), Ildephonz Bakker (PAB) and Frank Sigmuntsun (SDP) have convinced 52% of the deputies in the Undergamot to vote favourably to a proposal for immediate and direct military action against Rikhard, former monarch of Boganhem, who still controls a portion of national territory in the Province of Goddhaus.

This understanding was made specifically to force Chancellor Eitenshmit to deploy military force and 'start dealing with Rikhard not as a petty criminal but as an enemy of the State and the People' (Strakman). And so, today, the SNU made a proposal before the Undergamot asking for immediate action. As the SNU managed to gather slightly more than 51% of the deputies, the proposal was approved and, according to the Constitutional Charter, the Government must now obey the orders.

Eitenshmit is naturally reluctant: 'I do not wish to do that, I think it is wrong in so many levels. But I pledged fealty and loyalty to the Constitutional Charter and the King, and I must honor that pledge.', recieving some criticism from the Liberals and some social-democrats, saying he 'should actively oppose military action' and some reservations by the conservatives of the KP (some are fearful of the effects in religious monuments and targeting innocent people under coercion of Rikhard's).

Strakman, satisfied, said that the force being deployed were 'heroes' and will come back alive, honored and realized for having saved Boganhem and fulfullied 'its destiny as a united political entity,'.


Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Samsdë 1. Yun 1953
De Daglishes Harrold
1 taller | sinds 1893, fon Malachor |
Autlegerdrëver: Uve Eitebaden

Kantsler Eitenshmit Trud Hinder Vëens Unferënbalhëd Vit'em Undergamots Noee Politishe Afdrukstand; Kong Ornont Strakman Tsivtentsëdkantsler
Chancellor Eitenshmit Resigns due to Incompatibility With the Undergamot's New Political Orientation; King Appoints Strakman Interim Chancellor


Following the change of the Undergamot’s positions over the Eitenshmit Government’s stance towards Rikhard, Chancellor Eitenshmit asked his resignation to the King, which was accepted. According to Eitenshmit, speaking to a surprised audience in Seeshloss, ‘it is not possible to govern when you cannot trust your own party and when, through insidious efforts, a demagogue topples the democratic choice of the Bogan people (...) it is also impossible to govern when the Undergamot forces you to execute a policy with which you do not agree’.

On question was the parliamentary rift occurred some weeks ago, over whether to deal with Rikhardist terrorism as a domestic, homeland security issue (which would be solved by police action, small military engagements and with the trial of Rikhard), as Eitenshmit and the majority of the SDP and the Liberals wanted or to deal with it as a defence issue, employing full military force to neutralize Rikhardist forces in the occupied territories in Goddhaus, as the National-Syndicalists and the Communists wanted. Managing to attract some more hawkish social-democrats and one or two members of the KP (that keeps a neutral stance), Erik Strakman, national-syndicalist leader, built an ‘understanding’ in the Undergamot with enough deputies to form a majority in order to force the Government to undertake military action, the ‘Social-National Union’.

Now, after what Eitenshmit described as a ‘betrayal [by his party members] and a Machiavellian machination [by Strakman]’, he says ‘he will not execute these orders’ and that he prefers to ‘do vigorous opposition in the Undergamot’.

Meanwhile, the King, while accepting the resignation, nominated an interim Chancellor, naming Strakman, as the ‘preeminent political leader of the major political block in the Undergamot’, as written in § 78.3 of the Constitutional Charter. The King’s stance has been much criticized, namely because of a lack of exercise of a moderating power that the Charter concedes to the monarch. However, Robert IV has said many times before ‘I intervened a lot more when we became a democracy, but I will now stay in the shadows and let democratic choice run its course’. The interim Chancellor will remain in office until the next elections.

Strakman has not yet commented or accepted the nomination, and many are curious to see what will be the relationship between the anti-monarchical Strakman and Robert IV. Some national-syndicalist supporters have celebrated in the streets of some cities, as if it were an electoral victory. Regarding this, Eitenshmit’s last words as Chancellor were: ‘democracy has lost, the rule of law has lost, basic animal instincts and revanchism have won. That’s what Strakman will bring you.’


Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Boganishes Internatsionale Roundvong
Malachor: 95.3 FM | Seeshloss: 100.4 FM |
Kongsberg: 89.1 FM | Lübeck: 105.4 FM


by Manfred Yurgensun

- Erik Strakman, chairman of the National-Syndicalist Brigades and political leader of the new majority formed in the Undergamot (the Social-National Union), has accepted the King's nomination as interim Chancellor, under strong criticism of the resigning Chancellor Engelbert Eitenshmit. Immediate military action against Rikhard is now eminent.

- Malachor Ferënete FK secures first victory in the World Series of Football in Cantignia, againstZambh-mba Mos Attraya-m (Attreyu), with a lone goal from striker Yorg Shmit and a very good exhibition of goalkeeper Manfred Beernboom.

- Sunny weather all over the Kingdom

Oct 12, 2011
Hampton Roads
ooc: feedback over the radio file? If you're in a hurry, better skip the introductory music and small bogan speech

OOC: GET RID OF THAT SHRILL SOUND AT THE BEGINNING! Or at the very least, balance it out with the music. I was listening with headphones, had it turned up for the music, then...SHKKRKKRRRRKKKRRKK!!! There went my ear drums. :( I would also minimize the intro music's length - like maybe about 15-seconds, then start to dissolve it and have your announcer come in. That being said, the old-school effect on the sound was very cool and well done. I might also add some background music at certain points throughout the piece, very light so it doesn't drown out the narration.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

We will follow the events in Boganhem with interest.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Satursdë 8. Yun 1953
De Daglishes Harrold
1 taller | sinds 1893, fon Malachor |
Autlegerdrëver: Uve Eitebaden

Suk and Tsersturben Operatsion Svept Svattorer Plänen fon Terroristen
Search and Destroy Operation Cleans Plains of Svarttor of Terrorists


In a ‘search and destroy’ type mission (suken and tsersturben), the 4th Batallion of the Royal Army has swept terrorists out of the outskirts of Svarttor, clearing the last plains before entering the mountains of Goddhaus, or the Goddenbergen. Though Svarttor was never effectively occupied by Rikhardist forces, many villages around its outskirts had been penetrated by several Rikhardist cells, exercising de facto power over the terrified populations of those villages, and posing an ever-present danger to the population of the city.

In an operation commanded by Gen. Albert Stëner, with the cooperation of the local population, terrorists were either killed or detained when offering no resistance. At the end of the day, the death toll was over: 38 terrorists, 14 Royal Army soldiers and 10 civilians caught between the fire or used by the terrorists as human shields.

Stëner was extremely satisfied with the operation: ‘this search and destroy method is extremely useful as counter-guerilla warfare and in the villages around Svarttor, two years of insidious oppression were stalled. Now, having the plains of Svarttor cleared, we can advance to the most difficult challenge of this operation – take the Goddenbergen, where the coward terrorists hide’.

Interim Chancellor Strakman has already expressed his contentment over today’s skirmishes: ‘What happened today was the proof that full-fledged military operations are much more efficient that using police forces, when countering large terrorist organisations. In a day, we ended two long years of oppression, and now, we will sweep the Goddenbergen and bring those who dared to betray the Nation in its most holy place. Both me and His Majesty have full confidence in our boys of the Royal Army’.

Over concerns some liberals over the treatment of some prisoners, Strakman assured that the 50 captured terrorists will be present to trial in the Criminal Court of Svarttor, accused in counts of ‘terrorism’, ‘qualified murder’, ‘kidnapping’ and ‘high treason’ and can face 25 years in jail or even life and, in some cases, the death penalty.


Establishing Nation
May 31, 2008
Laguna, Philippines
Hebron, P.D.
You must be registered for see images

You must be registered for see images

Re: Counter-Terrorism Operations

We in the Mezhist Union applaud the swift and efficient actions of the Royal Army in their decisive apprehension of the perpetrators of last month's heinous crimes. The Halls of Giecz exercise full faith in Boganhem's ability to solve this issue, and gives its best regards.

Cordially Yours,
Kondrat Olbroz,
Director of International Affairs


Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Vodensdë 12. Yun 1953
De Daglishes Harrold
1 taller | sinds 1893, fon Malachor |
Autlegerdrëver: Uve Eitebaden

Konglishes Hoer Startst di Trukgriven de Goddenbergen: Kantsler Personlish Vitseest di Operatsionen
Royal Army Starts to Penetrate the Goddenbergen: Chancellor Personally Oversees Operations


After the successful 'search and destroy' operation cleaned Svarttor and its outskirts of all terrorist activity, the Royal Army has the occupied area surrounded, with all main roads cut and reconnaissance planes patrolling the skies. 'No one can go in or go out (...) this is an authentic military fortress' said General Stëner.

Apparently, the Royal Army is now starting to penetrate the high peaks, deep valleys and dense woods of the Goddenbergen, in what might be the most critical phase of the operation, as the terrorists are more familiar with the terrain and have brainwashed civilians to fight for them. Many counter-propaganda flyers have already been dropped over major population centres, in an effort to bring the truth about their barbaric ruler to the poor locals who have no knowledge of freedom and democracy.

Interim Chancellor Strakman, in a surprising move, has joined the military forces, and oversees General Stëner's operations. As a member of the Royal Army himself, Strakman decided to fashion a military uniform to show support for the troops. 'I know what it's like to be in the Army. It's tough, but it strengthens us in an unexplainable way. As Hegel once put it, the military experience, despite being a horrific one, creates the strongest bonds between human beings. Let us hope that this operation cannot only create bonds within these men, but also within the people of Boganhem as a whole. In a week, all of our territory will be under one sovereign ruler - it won't be the King who fell off the divine favour, but the Government the Bogan people have democratically elected, and... its King'

Despite the fact that the interim Chancellor was the only governamental replacement, as the King expressely requested, and so, the Secretaries of State are the same as Eitenshmit's, it seems that Strakman and Stëner are leading the operations all by themselves, with minimal intervention by the Secretary of State for Defence.

Free Cities League

Establishing Nation
Mar 15, 2011
Brugge, Belgium/Lisbon, Portugal
Boganishes Internatsionale Roundvong
Malachor: 95.3 FM | Seeshloss: 100.4 FM |
Kongsberg: 89.1 FM | Lübeck: 105.4 FM


by Manfred Yurgensun

- Strektvë, a strategic city located in the only passage in the Goddenbergen that leads to Vodenskove, was taken by the Royal Army after a long and bloody battle. Death toll: 300 RA soldiers, 800 terrorists.

- Midsommerfesten officially began yesterday, when, despite the ongoing conflict, thousands of people flooded the streets of Malachor, Seeshloss, Kongsberg and other cities, offering flowers to the Gods and drinking heavily.

- Temperatures drop next week
