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Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

We congratulate the Prometheist Union with the victory obtained in the general elections, and Mrs. Corre with becoming the first Lady Protector of the Commonwealth of Cumbria. We wish her all the wisdom she wil need for her position, and hope for a fruitful cooperation between our respective governments.

Matthias Graf von Seydewitz, Chancellor


Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013
Radio Viridian
The Bright and Early Show

Radio Viridian... More than Music... More than News
Radio Viridian... It's the World!
This is Naoned, Radio Viridian. The Exact time... *beep* *beep* *beep* It is 8 o'clock.
The Bright and Early Show continues!

Gwen Caradec: "Hello and welcome back to the Bright and Early Show. My name is Gwen Caradec and I will be here to help you get through your morning. Our daily show continues with the interview section, this time we have a special guest, a Prometennach Gardai, Commissioner Morgan Eouzan. He will talk with us about prometheism, about us and Eiffelland and about Cymru, but all that after a short advert. Stay tuned on Radio Viridian. "

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*End of Advertising*

Gwen Caradec: "We are back and here with me is Commissioner Morgan Eouzan. Good Morning, Commissioner, it's good to have you here."

Morgan Eouzan:
"Good Morning, Gwen, it's good to be here."

GC: "So, Morgan, you work for the Prometheus Society, the main think thank of the PPU. Since the last few months, the Society is working to bust the myths that have arisen around Prometheism especially after this explosion of world influence that Marxism-Leninovism has. What is the goal of all that and how all this started?"

ME: "Well, it all has started when terror groups around the world started using the Kadikistani Marxism-Leninovism as a political shield to further their agendas. With the rise of attacks coming from radical left wing groups taking place in Milesia, with the war there, in Cymru, in Cumbria-Caledonia in Pelasgia and even at the beginning of this decade, in Eiffelland, but then it was shown that it was a right wing group that organized the attacks that were covered as being communist organized. All those events have started to put a stigma on socialism and social democracy presenting them as gradual step towards a Kadiki-like dictatorship. But it can be clearly seen that the Kadikistani dictatorship has nothing to do with socialism, as they have clearly kept their feudal characteristics."

GC: "I know that the government always labels Kadikistan as being and I quote <Marxist-Feudalist>, but can we talk about feudalism in that country?"

ME: "Well, how else would you call a system that still has in power a series of dynasties and families that trace their lineage to the good old days of the monarchy that they detest so much? Either way, those attacks are scaring the people in the democratic nations and makes problems on all Social Democratic Parties, as they always have to be on the defensive, saying that they have nothing to do with the attacks or with the terrorists or with all the totalitarianism that is emanating from the said communist countries. Such things have been took on even by national governments... I mean, look at the response coming from the Republic of Cymru, when the PPU and the Commonwealth offered them money in exchange of a Prometheist welfare system and protection with the creation of the Iron Wall. They said that they believe that the said system is actually paving the way for Marxist dictatorship."

"So in the end, many people do not understand Prometheism at all, right?"

ME: "Exactly. I would like to see the government of Cymru telling the government of Eiffelland that they should end their economical policies because they will end up like Kadikistan. I find it highly amusing. The thing is, that the Social Market Economy of Eiffelland is the same thing with the Prometheism of Cumbria. I don't know how the Eiffellander thought it and so, but the thing is that in the end, the product is the same, only the name differs. The goal of Prometheism is to improve the living standards of the people through a welfare system that provides free healthcare, free education, social security especially for retirees and young couples and also economical equity in labor. All those things are being provided by the state in exchange for an investment made by each of us, that being paying your taxes. The improving of living standards is exactly what makes the Marxist Theory obsolete. Marxism is basing itself on the idea that Capitalism is slowly corroding the working class by making them poorer and poorer because the capitalist is winning more and more. It is called the theory of absolute impoverishment. Prometheism comes with the welfare state and with gradual income taxation. This creates a cycle in which money given to the state by taxing the so called evil capitalist is returned to the people. We also managed to achieve an equilibrium between giving too much to the welfare system and taking too much from the private economy. So, our system not only does not pave the way for Marxism, but it actually is a living proof that the Marxist Theory is flawed as our system provides for the people so they actually don't feel compelled to rebel create new, smaller Kadikistans. Seeing that the situation in Cymru is critical from the point of view of terrorist attacks, I'd say that the money given by the Commonwealth to use for a Prometheist system was godsend. It will be seen if they will do it or if they won't."

GC: "But the Cymru government thanked for the money but disagreed on Prometheism. What about that?"

ME: "Well, it depends on the government on what it will do next. The Cymraeg opened the borders for Cumbrian exports, thanks to the Made in CCCL campaign, now Cumbrian companies have something at stake to keep Cymru a friendly nation, so it will function like an anchor between the two countries. From what I've seen, Sabrina Corre plays both an ideological radical and a pragmatist card, depending on the situation. I think that the friendship with Cymru will be kept and developed even more in her tenure. As for the Money plus System thing, it is only for the government to decided if we are to put pressure on the Cymraeg to adopt some Social Democratic policies in exchange for the money we give them. If the LP goes with giving them the money but not insisting on creating the welfare system with them, there will be voices, especially from Caledonia, the Country Party and Taoiseach Sean Blacach who will say that we are giving money away to foreign states for nothing. If such a thing is to happen, I don't think that the Lady Protector would choose the Cymraeg over the Caledonians. So, to be sincere, the Cymraeg Republic has two options, one, to fund a Prometheist-base welfare system 25% from their money and 75% from Cumbrian money, or to receive no money from the Commonwealth."

GC: "What about the Iron Wall Project?"

ME: "It is actually designed to provide a defense system based on solidarity between the Celtic nations. Cumbria has no tradition in naval nor aerial warfare, but Ivernia has a strong tradition in aerial warfare for example. The late Woad Gwardy was replaced by the Prometheinec Gwardy, in Cumbrian or Prometennach Gardai in Cumbrian and they are designed to be the best soldiers in anti-terrorist operations in the continent if not in this part of the world. With the Iron Wall Project we wish to create an organic and unitary defense system in which Cymraeg, Ivernian and Cumbrian-Caledonian intelligence, navies, air forces and armies work together to protect each other. The Government of Alan Tanet started all this too early in my opinion when he sent the communique to the Cymraeg. I would have started it only after the war in Ivernia would be over. In Cymru, a village was destroyed by a Chemical Agent. For a moment the Television and National Radio were taken over while they were live. The country has not serious, but grave security problems. They need to understand that with this isolationist attitude, they will not go far and we might soon we a People's Cymraeg Republic spawning in their place. We need to stand together to make sure that the Kadiki menace cannot affect us."

GC: "Thank you, Commissioner. Our interview is over, but stay sharp, the Bright and Early Show continues for another hour with some music and weather report. "

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Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013
Since 1930 | Presenting Himyar for the World | 5,000 Loagin Bonns | 4 An Lunasdal 1956

Caledonian Himyari Company recreated

A meeting was held at the beginning of this week in the Neacal Commerce Center, which brought together representatives of important companies based in Caledonia which have their economic activities in The Dominion of Loago. Representatives of Timber Caledonia, Dun Glas Glassworks, Nickel Dun Glas, The CCSAB conglomerate, LIIB (Loago Iron Is Better) - the main company of the CCSAB conglomerate that functions in Loago, Apotikerezh Loago, LMP CSS and Chaledoni Bhanka - The Loago Division have met together and discussed and planned the future expansion of the Loago industry that is supported by Caledonian capital. At the end of the week, when the conference was over, the representatives of the said companies have come up together and unanimously vote for the recreation of the Caledonian Himyari Company, a conglomerate that will bring together all Caledonian capital that activates in Loago.

The creation of the Company cannot come without controversies, as Morgan Masimba, the chairman of the Logannaich Liog na Comannaich, the Loagin League of Communists state that the capitalists are "flaunting in front of the oppressed people of Loago, reminding them of the days in which the lands of their fathers were no more than privately owned fields kept in a state of slavery and feudalism by two corporations, The Cumbric Himyari Company and the Caledonian Himyari Company." Morgan Masimba is the chairman of the local Marxist-Leninovist Party. Compared to the Party of the Left that functioned in the metropolis, the LLC legally functions, with some exceptions, as they weren't allowed to participate in the latest elections in the Dominion.

Niall Mac a'Phi is the regional director of the CCSAB conglomerate and CEO of LIIB. He has been elected the first chairman of the Caledonian Himyari Company. Mr Niall Mac a'Phi responded to the accusations of Morgan Masimba and declared that "The CHC is not supporting any kind of slaver of oppression, nor do we support or try to be apologetic of the actions of the Cumbrian and Caledonian Himyari Companies. We are now united for the betterment of the Loagin laborers, either Caledonian, Cumbrian, Ivernian, Wala or Fante. All those companies united together to help create an environment of cooperation and thus create the basis of a healthy investment plan."

Governments are sworn in

As the regional and general elections ended the last week, the governments of the winning blocks have been formed and have been sworn in during this week. In Loago, the National Front, led by our Prime Minister, The Honorable Hamish Manyika has won 80% of the votes, receiving 100 seats in the Regional Parliament in Maseru. The Prometheist People's Union (Loago), led by MP of Maseru V, Corentin Goremusandu took 10%, receiving 12 MPs. The Country Party of Loago, led by Iain MacEalar took 5.5%, receiving 6 MPs and the Fante Nation League took 4.5% and received 4 MP, winning thus in block the four constituencies of the Deep Inland South, in which the Fante are a majority. The High Tribunal of Loago decided not to allow the Loagin League of Communists to participate in the elections. High Judge Ciaran Gunnie stated that "The LLC wishes to mold Loago after Kadikistan. We will not accept a party that supports a dictatorship to participate in the democratic life, especially when they want to destroy it". There are voices saying that the popular base of support for the LLC is lo large that it might even be bigger than the one of the National Front.

The first sworn in were the regional governments, first being the one in Cumbria, led by Benadur Conan Meriadoc, then the one in Caledonia, led by Toisech Sean Blacach and the last one, the one in Loago, led by PM Hamish Manyika. Afterwards, the regional leaders participated in the ceremony at Dumnonia House, where Sabrina Corre was sworn in as the first Lady Protector of the High Kingdom of Cumbria, Caledonia and Loago.

Hamish Manyika is at the fourth mandate as PM of The Dominion of Loago. He has been widely commended for managing to keep Loago together in a not so friendly ethnic mix.

Security: Ibwe Nhoro declares himself The High Chieftain of the Fante Nation. He declared war on the government in Maseru, stating that he is fighting for the independence of the Fante people. "He is an eccentric bastard. He doesn't need to be paid attention too. Just a shaman that forgot how to live in the modern world and now he tries to win some support for himself by sharing his hate. If needed, the Host of Loago will descend upon him in response for any potential attacks," stated PM Hamish Manyika.
National: More than 150,000 citizens took to the streets in Maseru to meet the Lord Archbishop of the Nordic Church, Erwan Le Briss. The Archbishop visited Maseru for the ceremony in which the government of Hamish Manyika was sworn in. Unitarianism is the most popular Christian denomination in Loago, more than 65% of the people being members of the Nordic Church.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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AUGUST 5th 1956


The Gentleman Niall Mac a'Phi the Regional Director of the CCSAB and CEO of LIIB, with that airy self-complacency which weakened persons of position know how to assume when they are facing degrees of pressure, commenced a reply to the grave and ill-considered argument of the Chairman of the Loagin League of Communists, Morgan Masimba, in terms of poor position and open door policy; open door being to the communist problem.

According to the Regional Director of the CCSAB and CEO of LIIB the arguments offered by Morgan Masimba are antiquated arguments due to the reformed nature of the recreation of the Caledonian Himyari Company; the Council of State of the Engellexian Republic are not surprised by the exchange of letters publicly taking place in the Kingdom of Cumbira over this issue, however, it is earnestly hoped that the Government of his Majesty the King of Cumbria shall not find surprise at the Council of State finding the need to call both statements of these two gentlemen demonstrations of modern imbecility.

Madam, Lady Protector, the Council of State is with the greatest understanding that your country is in a position of extreme difficulty and fragility, given the unfortunate geographic position sandwiched, as it is, between the revolutionary destructions happening in Ivernia and the revolutionary exporter in Kadikistan, and it is for that reasoning that it is necessary that the Engellexian Republic should make promises of exertions commensurate with that position – in consideration of your ambitions in Himyar.

The Engellexian Republic Parliament for a considerable time has reiterated that sentiment, in phrases of sounding rhetoric from many quarters in both the Senate and the House of Commons; but the Council of State did not hear of any necessity from foreign governments or persons in either house of Parliament make cause of argument for the consideration of such promises toward a foreign government in pursuit of guaranteeing the interests of the Engellexian Republic. What the Council of State has decided this day in response to the news from Cumbria is, not whether the Engellexian Republic shall make immediate efforts equal to the exigency upon the social and economic security of the Engell States of Himyar, but whether a diplomatic measure proposed by the Council of State before his Majesty’s Government of Cumbria can guarantee the continued stability of societies and economies in Himyar.

Now, the Cumbrian communist leader, the gentleman Morgan Masimba, as well as the Regional Director of CCSAB and CEO of LIIB, have, the Council of State believe, unwisely and unnecessarily, interferred into the general maintenance of Himyari stability by the conduct of their politics and ambitions. We interpret the statement of Morgan Masimba, as leader of Loagin League of Communists, as an assumption of the opening of Himyari societies to a new front of communist ambition; and we have interpreted the responding statement from the latter gentleman as, essentially, an appeasement to the political ambitions of Morgan Masimba.

The Council of State, under direction of the Lady Chancellor Lady Rosamund Cavendish, Duchess of Kew, empowered by the absolute and righteous sovereignty of the Engellexian Republic Parliament through the democratic will of the free Engell people, desires to inform his Majesty’s Government that the Engellexian Republic is a reactive Power, and that her efforts will be absolutely devoted principally to jealously maintaining the sovereign interests of the Republic upon her southern shores of Himyar, the Engell States of Camden, Somers, Otho-Eam, and Mary-le-Bone.

Of course, the Council of State does not need to allude to the important services of the Engellexian Republic Navy; naturally, his Majesty the King of Cumbria entrusts the sovereignty of his own external possessions to the naval forces carrying his Standard.

However, if it is reasonably felt by the Council of State or, indeed, the Engellexian Republic Parliament the necessity to having to defend the societies and economies of the Engell States of Himyar from the ideological ambition of the communist factions in Cumbria, the Council of State will certainly feel righteous and no doubt vindicates the conduct of the Engellexian Republic in attacking the revolutionary ambition of the Loagin League of Communists in whatever manner necessary to protect the interests of our sovereign Republic.

It is hoped, and certainly implored upon his Majesty’s Government in Cumbria, that they do take urgent actions to limit the appeal and reach of the communist factions in Cumbria; if not in Cumbria, then his Majesty’s Government must now be moved to at least do so in Himyar, for the Engellexian Republic will not tolerate the expansion of communist agitation upon the shores of Himyar.



Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013

Ministreachd an Cùisean nan Dùthchannan Cèin
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To: Lady Georgiana Salwey, Duchess of Hammersmith, Secretary of State of the Engellexian Republic
From: Sabrina Corre, Lady Protector of Cumbria
Dìomhair - Secret
For the eyes of the Secretary of State only

On behalf of his majesty, the High King of Cumbria, I have been instructed to send his regards to what he considers the friendly state of Engellex. To begin this message I will first have to express the fact fact that while it may seem for the outside world that Cumbria is being infiltrated and teared apart by the parasitic communist presence, reality is still far away from that to consider it even remotely true. The eastern part of the continent of Scania is outright under siege and Cumbria is doing anything necessary to try to defend it. As it may certainly be seen, there is a civil war in Ivernia, where the whole pro-autonomous and pro-republican movement in Milesia was hijacked by communists coming over from Kadikistan. From a Cumbric point of security this is seen as a breach of the continent by communists and to stop it, the Unitarian and Royal Army sent units of the Cumbrian Host to repel the communists, fighting hand to hand with the Ivernish Imperial Army and the Burgundian land and air forces present there. In the Cymraeg Republic, the communist terror groups have been active as well as they attacked again and again the state institutions and the people and have been arguably extremely successful at that. To try to stop them, the High Kingdom is responding by sending trainers and military units to help guard the sovereignty of Cymru. In the south, in the Kingdom of Mehldorf, the eastern region of Calidia has declared independence and from what we see, Mehldorf is not ready, nor is it willing to take it back. With this kind of attitude, it is clear that Kadikistan as a clear lane towards domination even if Cumbria does everything necessary to stop it. Back home, Kadikistan has activated it's assets in Cumbria, but after a series of mixed successes, we believe that the said assets have been thoroughly annihilated in an operation that started two weeks ago. News of it's success will come soon.

So, as it can be seen, Cumbria is the farthest away from becoming a communist dominion, but the fight to defend the other nations along the Gothic Sea from the Kadiki offensive is making the High Kingdom to stretch it's resources too thin. Even in the current situation, we cannot help the Kingdom of Mehldorf in any other way than to give them political support and some trainers to help them create a light infantry force that can prove capable of fighting this new kind of asymmetric warfare that Kadikistan came up with. Cumbria itself has it's military capabilities engaged in Milesia and has the Loagin Host mobilized for any kind of attack in Loago. The only units still on low alert are the ones from the Caledonian Host, but they also saw actions, as the first move the Kadiki tried against us was to organize a coup and they attacked the capital of Caledonia, the city of Dun Glas with 200 soldiers. They were repelled, many of the killed in the fighting and the others arrested. This proved to break the capabilities of the communists in Caledonia and now the Kingdom is far from any imminent threat.

As for Loago, as we have said before our capabilities are stretched too thin overall, but there are many local peculiarities in Loago that make it function and it will keep it away from Kadiki-style communism. First, the Cumbrians and Caledonians that live currently in Loago are the descendants of the people who first came to it in the early 18th century. Which means that the Cumbrians and Caledonians living there, which make up a total of 10% of the total population, have a toiled for nearly 300 years in the country. They have proven to be a factor of development and progress, as Loago, or how it was named then, The Limestone Coast had no more than rocks and dust and now it has schools, hospitals, cities and industry, a functioning and flourishing economy. Secondly, the Wala people are great friends of the Cumbrians and Caledonians, as when the Home Rule was given to the Dominion, the Wala people posed as the leading people in the state, especially with the electoral victories of the National Front, which is supported by the local Celts too. Thirdly, the influences of the Prometheist style welfare system pay for the social problems that might arise from a potentially too big discrepancy between the lower and higher social strata. In the last 20 years, the discrepancy is slowly falling down, now that more and more Wala are integrated into the economical life of the Dominion and are civilized into the Christian Unitarian and Celtic lifestyle by living in modern cities and receiving modern education. Some of them even are coming to Cumbria to study further. Fourthly, as I have said, there is no social problem in Loago. The lack of a struggling proletariat is what makes the so called Loagin League of Communists nothing more than the token communist gathering that I believe, even Engellex has. Unfortunately, there is another problematic, namely the struggle of the Wala people with the Fante. The Fantes migrated from the center of the continent to current day Loago about a century before the Cumbrians came to it. Since then, the Wala and Fante have been viciously killing and hating each other. The series of pointless wars ended when the region was taken over by the Crown, but even today, the Fante prove to be unwilling to civilize. They prefer to isolate themselves and even now they live in run down shanty towns in the Far Southern Inland Region, squeezed between the Ivernish Himyari Commonwealth and the Carinthian Dominion of Zarakal. From there the so-called High Chieftain Ibwe Nhoro appeared and most probably that is where he will disappear.

To conclude, the High Kingdom wishes to express the fact that the Engellexic Republic has nothing to fear of what is happening in Cumbria-Caledonia or Loago. The High Kingdom took over Ivernia's place as the most influential nation in Eastern Scania and now presents itself as a bastion of the fight against Communism. However our own lands and peoples have a priority over our neighbors. Cumbria must remain multinational and pluricontinental and we will fight to the last breath to keep it that way. The Engellexic Republic should be more concerned of what is happening in Ivernia, Cymru and Mehldorf and if they would wish, we are ready to unite our forces with them to end communist parasitism supported by The Democratic Republic of Kadikistan.

With Loyalty to God, King and Folk,
Sabrina Corre
Lady Protector of the High Kingdom of Cumbria, Caledonia and Loago
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Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013

State of Kadikistan proclaimed in Naoned

The Kadikistani refugees living in Cumbria-Caledonia have proclaimed the creation of The State of Kadikistan. The members of the Prometheist Party of Kadikistan, led by Vladislaw Suvarov have organized a petition which circulated in the circles of Kadikistani refugees that fled to Cumbria-Caledonia in the aftermath of the communist revolutions that brought forward the Marxist-Feudalist regime in which they asked for support in re-igniting an organized resistance against the Ivar regime. Cumbria-Caledonia and Carinthia-Harkany proved to become in time secondary homes for tens of thousands of Kadkistanis which fled their country after the revolution. In time it seemed that the refugees started to be influenced by their adoptive countries, as opinion polls showed that the Kadikistanis in Cumbria and Caledonia were more liberally oriented, supporting the creation of a democratic republic in Kadikistan, whereas the ones in Carinthia were more conservative and monarchist, many of those there supporting the restoration of the Buganov-von Swartzhafen dynasty.

The petition was signed by 25,000 Kadikistanis or people of Kadikistani descent, which is more than a third of the total population of Kadikistanis in Cumbria, Caledonia and Loago. In it, the members of The Prometheist Party of Kadikistan ask for popular support from the refugees in their quest of renewing the resistance against the regime. Seeing the overwhelming support they received, as they expected no more than fifteen thousand signatures, the Prometheist Party of Kadikistan declared, in an extraordinary session held in their headquarters on Sant Marzh Road in Naoned, that they are forming the government in exile of the State of Kadkistan, the solely legitimate successor of the Kingdom of Kadikistan.

"We believe that the time has come for the resistance against the communist regime to finally materialize. The State of Kadikistan is a project that we have been working on since the days of the 1907 Revolution. When it seemed clear that the Kingdom of Kadikistan was an outdated institution that was too ossified and obscurantist to survive in the 20th century, we campaigned in those days together with the communists and socialists so that we would be more successful in fending off the secret police and the armies of King Bronislaw III. But on the day of the 4th of October, everything changed. From allied comrades, we became enemies of the people. To survive, the older ones here and our parents had to run and went to Carinthia-Harkany or to Cumbria-Caledonia. After years in which we thought and tried to understand what happened, where it did go wrong, what mistake did we make, the answer came to us. We understood that if there are many changes regarding the state which are done in a too short time, there are many people still keeping the old mentality and they try to take over by making use of the vulnerabilities of the newly formed state. That is the way the communists and Marxists made use of and new we can see today how the nobility of old has become the revolutionary of today. Of course, only the name changes, as they are still kept in the 15th century by their mentalities," stated Vladislaw Suvarov, self proclaimed Prime Minister of the government in exile of the State of Kadikistan, in a speech given to the Kadikistanis gathered in the Party's headquarters.

The members of the government in exile representing the revived Kadikistan that everyone knew before 1907 declared that the post of head of state will remain vacant until there will be negotiations with the Kadikistani resistance based in the Empire of Carinthia-Harkany to know if they want to recreate The Kingdom of Kadikistan by making Bronislaw V Buganov-von Swartzhafen on the throne, or if they would go for a republic.

The Prometheist Party of Kadikistan has been received in the Prometheist Brotherhood, which is presided by the People's Prometheist Union of Cumbria-Caledonia.

Terrorists arrested. The Royal Civilian Defense Unit has dismantled a large part of the terror group called The Democratic Revolutionary Army. The operation, dubbed "Fish Netting" has been ordered by the Lady Protector Sabrina Corre and organized by Colonel Niall Camran has managed to destroy three conspiratorial houses of the terror group, namely two apartments in Naoned and a house in Sant Piran Truru. There were also 15 terrorists arrested, between those was also the famous Corentin Caidh, known as Commander Caidh, the one who led the terrorists in attacking Dun Glad, six months ago. In the conspiratorial houses, the RCDU found weapons and explosives of Kadikistani and Cumbrian origins, showing what it was already known, that the Democratic Republic of Kadikistan funds the group, but also that they have infiltrated either the Herve Arms factory or the Unitarian and Royal Army.
Hamish Manyika under pressure. The role of a nationalist leader the Prime Minister of Loago plays seems to have run dry as more and more Cumbrians and Caledonians in Loago are annoyed by the antics of the, now elected for the forth time, PM of Loago. They have been pressuring him to end the participation of the Loagin League of Communists in the political life of the Dominion and also asked for the government to man up and end all the ethnic problematic between the Wala and the Fante. The Limestone Front, a political organization representing the non-natives in the Dominion, which takes it's name from what the country was called before homerule - Limestone Coast, stated in a communique sent to the PM's office and the press that the rule of the Wala in the Dominion is a disastrous one, as the economy is stagnating and the political life and the standard of living are continuously deteriorating. They also condemned the PM of secretly collaborating with the communists for keeping support for his political bid high.


Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
People's Commissariat for External Affairs

"Naturally the People's Government of the Democratic Republic of Kadikistan does not in any way recognize the Cumbrian-backed 'State of Kadikistan'. This newest Naoned initiative is a farce as neither the self-proclaimed 'State of Kadikistan' nor the minuscule 'Prometheist Party of Kadikistan' represent more than a few dozen traitors while our nation is united more then ever. Especially with this latest provocation coming from the Kingdom of Cumbria, Caledonia and Loago. A nation that is systematically repressing millions in its colony of Loago where the Marxist-Leninovist League of Communists are waging a brave struggle against the racist and oppressive colonial puppet-government. But we need not even go that far geography to witness the brutality of the Naoned regime. Behind the banner of 'prometheism' the social-capitalists exploit the Cumbrian and Caledonian working class through corporatism, the birth to the glorious Party of the Left being a direct and worthy reaction to this.

The creation of this selfproclaimed 'State of Kadikistan' is a symbolic attack from Naoned on Kadikistan, the worlds leading representative and benefactor of the international working class. I is also an attack on the Cumbrian, Caledonian and Loagin working class because it is an attack on a superior social welfare system that does not leave in any capitalist temptations nor does it allow for the further exploitation by poorly supervised private enterprises. The fact that Naoned has the audacity to claim itself a social state testifies to their poor understanding of social analysis, illustrated by their denial of the need for class struggle. The world must never forget that the Kingdom of Cumbria, Caledonia and Loago has been supporting the fascist mass-murdering Ivernish regime, notorious for its repression against any and all proletarian initiatives. Not to mention their continued carnage in our allied state of Milesia where the regime has been systematically starving the people, hoping to weaken their enormous, undying resolve. Besides that prometheist agents are attempting to set up a counter-revolutionary force to destroy the social revolution being waged by the Cymraeg Couch and the broader Marxist-Leninovist Movement in the Cymraeg Republic.

Prometheism is a corrupt and hypocrite ideology and history will show its failed nature. As a contra-revolutionary force the prometheists are attempting to infiltrate the international working class, finding heavy resistance from the well-rooted Marxist-Leninovist base, and not only in our strongholds, but elsewhere as well. We must be more vigilant now than ever as a new stream of revisionism is attempting to manipulate farmers and workers into believing that social-capitalism offers salvation. In this perspective prometheism is the single largest threat and enemy of the European proletariat. Through the channels and network of the International Association for Marxist-Leninovist Parties we will advise all member parties report and monitor all prometheist initiatives, from small union infiltration to large manifestations. Furthermore the International Marxist-Leninovist Movement will be encouraged to actively boycott every prometheist initiative where ever we have the ability to do so. Any and all political coalitions with prometheist parties, organizations or assemblies of any kind are forbidden for all parties and organizations associated with the only true workers International."

Col. Dimitri Leninov
People's Commissar of External Affairs
Democratic Republic of Kadikistan
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Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013

Lady Protector supports Cumbrian effort in Milesia

Lady Protector Sabrina Corre has been called in front of the Royal Assembly in Naoned by the Country Party caucus to present the status of the Cumbrian intervention in Milesia. The Toisech of Caledonia, Sean Blacach described the whole parliamentarian audit of the government's intervention in Milesia as being one of the best ways to simply waste the time of both the legislative and the executive. For the first time since the Country Party won the elections in Caledonia, Sean Blacach is supportive of the Federal Government, not criticizing it. But even if one of the most influential members of the Party are supporting it, the CP and it's Chairman, Agnan Menez are standing strong against the intervention in Milesia, calling it a waste of resources and manpower.

"Milesia is currently invaded by forces aligned to the Democratic Republic of Kadikistan. As much as we accept it or not, the original movement for a free Milesia or for a republican Ivernia is no more. Those movements have died as they were diluted and poisoned by "volunteers" from Kadikistan that have completely taken over Milesia. There are so many reports of refugees that came to Cumbria and who now said that they had to leave not so much because of the Ivernian offensive, but because of the Kadikistani liberators. There are now more than ten thousand Kadikistani men and women who pretend to be Celts in Milesia and who are fighting against the united forces of the Free World represented by the Ivernian Imperial Army and the Cumbrian and Burgundian expeditionary forces, not for the sake of Milesia itself, but for the agenda of the royal families from Ivar. The real people of Milesia has either returned back in the arms of Caladbolg or are refugees in Cumbria. The ones who we are fighting now are no Milesians, they are Kadikis. I hope that my fellow colleagues from the Country Party understand that the current war in Milesia isn't a fight for or against the independence of Milesia, but a fight to keep Kadikistan out of our continent. We fight for Milesia to stop Kadikistan create a beachhead for the future invasion of Scania and for the Milesians to be safe, when they are to return home. If we are to abandon Milesia, it may just be a matter of time until we see Kadiki soldiers in the rest of Ivernia, in Cumbria and in Caledonia," stated the Lady Protector in front of the Federal Parliament.

The audit of the Cumbric situation in Milesia has been called by the Chairman of the CP, The Honorable Agnan Menez, MP for Roazhon III, who stated that his party's voters have had enough of the internationalism shown by the current government and would prefer to have those soldiers defend Cumbria itself. He also criticized the military commands of Bourgogne, Ivernia and Cumbria for not working together in tandem in the Summer Offensive, declaring it a failure that shows how hysterical politics have become. The failure of the summer offensive brings back the trench and attrition warfare which will be prolonged until the next spring at least, when the new offensives might start.

Kadikistan - An Intellectual Bankruptcy
Opinion article written by Elena Jaouen, political analyst

We see Kadikistan today as some sort of a great bear that stands, stalking it's prey and we are fearful for the moment in which they will jump to attack. But the truth is that Kadikistan will never jump to attack. We see how this Cold War started by the way Kadikistan changed the status quo when Nikolai Leninov was appointed (for I do not accept the term elected in those cases) and he started his crusade against capitalism. But the main problem of all this is that what he offers in exchange for the said evil capitalism... is still capitalism. The Kadiki economical system brings the enterprises in the fold of the state, even if de jure it gives it to the people. Then, by Kadikistani standards, Cumbria is a revolutionary nation, because it developed itself in the 19th century with state capitalism (The Kadiki economical model) and now it went even further, by liberalizing it. Along with it, more than half of the world...

Politically, Kadikistan has another problem. It has no new vigor. It doesn't bring anything revolutionary in politics, even if the whole nation emanates from a revolution. Kadikistan doesn't offer nothing new. The whole country bases it's existence on recycling old political and economical ideas and presenting them in a new way. We have already criticized them so much from this perspective that it becomes tiresome, but we again must say something regarding the so called revolutionary families. They are no more than noble families that take their old powers from the feudal system and now are presenting themselves as great revolutionaries.

The problem here is that Kadikistan is a country that went directly from a feudal economy based on serfdom to a socialist economy. But as we have said before, the country tried to make a huge leap from an archaic system to some of the most modern ones. That usually fails to end well. The same happened here. Because Kadikistan didn't change at all from the revolution until today. It has the same system and vices. The only different thing is that the rhetoric has changed. Other than that, it is the same Empire that has a Czar and noble families. They made a step forward. Moved from serfdom to state capitalism and from an autocratic monarchy to an autocratic republic. They didn't do a leap forward, but a leap on the side, thus they didn't evolve, they just went into another way of evolution... and they stagnate on it, as they stagnated as the old Empire.

It must also be noted that Marxism-Leninovism, or what is called Marxism-Feudalism in Cumbrian circles was only prolific in the international left-wing circles because there was no alternative and because it was thoroughly supported by Kadiki military adventures that are fueled by Kadikistani nationalism more than ideology. The Himyar Republic is ruled by the Social Democratic Party and thus a bit more isolationist in supporting it's type of socialism. But as Prometheism has appeared in Cumbria, we might believe that left wing groups may end their support of Marxism-Feudalism as Kadikistan will soon feel that this excessive interventionism will soon break them economically.

For that, I will say that seeing how the Kadikistani economy functions, the moment in which Kadikistan was menacing and was scaring the world with a direct attack has long gone. It's economy has it's limits and they are wasted their resources for the world war that might have started if they would have directly attacked a nation of the free world by supporting all those petty movements and republics like Milesia, Calidia, The Loago League of Communists and so on. Because at the time Kadikistan will fall, those will also fall like flies.



Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013
The Maseru Himyari Journal
Since 1930 | Presenting Himyari to the World | 27 An t-Sultain 1956

Prime Minister to hold conference for the future of the Dominion

Prime Minister Hamish Manyika has invited the representatives of the Loagin League of Communists, led by Morgan Massimba and the leaders of the Fante Nation Movement, led by High Chieftain Ibwe Nhoro to Maseru, to discuss the future of the country. The whole idea of a conference being held with those groups shocked many people both in Loago and in Cumbria-Caledonia, especially when a few months ago, the spokesman of the Manyika cabinet declared the Fante Nation as being just a "bunch of thugs" and Nhoro as being a "delusional maniac". What angered the business and political circles around the Dominion and outright shocked the people of the whole High Kingdom is the fact that representatives of the white communities have not been invited to this conference.

"The government of the Dominion of Loago has decided to invite the representatives of the League of Communists and the Fante Nation to Maseru to discuss and find the best way to pacify the state and to create a new way of development for the nation. The state of Loago is one of the greatest states in the world, as it is created to function above the petty squabbles of race, ethnic and linguistic differences. We want to keep things this way, but the problem is that in the last years there have been slippages from this policy, especially with the economic uncertainty that is brewing in the Northern Hemisphere. We want to create a stable society in which everyone of any religion, political orientation or ethnic group feels safe. Loago is the most powerful nation led by Black Himyaris and it is time to show the world how proud we are of it and how strong it really is," declared Hamish Masimba.

There are though some questions that received no answers from the Prime Minister. Where are the whites? The White community of Loago (Cumbrians, Caledonians, Ivernians) has been blacklisted from this conference. White Loagins have lodged a protest against this, as they declare themselves as being more close to Loago than to Cumbria-Caledonia.

"It is a charade. My family is living here for more than two hundred fifty years. There are families even older in our community. We already speak a type of Cumbrian that has been mixed with Caledonian and other traditional native languages that everyone now it's speaking here. We have created a distinct Loago culture in which we respect and love both the Himyari and the Scanian roots that we have. But currently, we see that the government talks about the great Loago society of the future open for all, but he is banning us from having a say in the future of this country. He didn't even invited the Prometheist Party and the Country Party. He is joined just by his Loago Front and two dissent groups. We cannot let the Loago we love, die," stated Yan Goff, the Chairman of the Loago Society, an organization that funds literacy programs in rural Loago.

As a response to the lack of white representation, the Caledonian Himyari Company has threatened to boycott all contracts it has directly with the government. Chairman Niall Mac a'Phi declared that if this situation isn't solved, the Company might as well move it's headquarters to Naoned, thus inflicting a great blow to the Loago budget. Spirits have heated up when the MP for Umniati, Taurai Hunzvi, declared that the whites weren't invited because "Loago is a black Himyari nation. We are a nation of the Wala and Fante people. We will not accept exploiters in our ranks."

There have been analysts in Cumbria that theorize the idea that Loago may be just a few steps from full independence and in this conference, Manyika tries to being together Masimba and Nhoro, so that they will support him for his bid as head of state and government of the future independent nation. Currently there are reports that there are around 5000 to 7000 men that can be mobilized and armed by the Loagin League of Communists and the Fante Nation Movement to replace the Loago Host of the Unitarian and Royal Army if the the independence theory is the right one. Lady Protector Sabrina Corre condemned the so-called "Conference of the Future of the Dominion" and asked Prime Minister Hamish Manyika to know his place, as a subject of the King, and as a subject and representative of the whole people of Loago. She even went on to threaten him with repercussions if he would start to discriminate the people and to disobey the Laws of the High Kingdom.

There was also a Black Himyari protests organized in Naoned, where around one thousand of black HImyari protested against the conference. There are around 200,000 Black Himyaris in Cumbria-Caledonia and their rights to study and work in the metropolis, in Scania are dependent on the status of Loago, as a Crown Dominion and an equal of Cumbria and Caledonia. Lady Protector Sabrina Corre declared that they have nothing to fear, as Loago will forever be a part of the Cumbrian community and they will be seen as Cumbrian citizens.

SECURITY: The Ivernish Himyari Air Forces have surrendered their Viridian Hunter Jet Fighters to the Unitarian and Royal Air Forces. The planes are given by the Ivernians as an exchange currency for the help Cumbria offered the High Kingdom in the war in Milesia. Marshal of the Air Padruig Sgot declared that of the 50 planes, ten will remain in Loago and pe part of the Loago Air Forces and 40 will be shipped to Cumbria-Caledonia.
ECONOMY: The Cumbrian based companies working in Loago are presented projects for a merge that would recreate the Cumbrian Himyari Company. The chairmen supporting this are declaring that this way, more profit can be brought together and it would help smaller companies to be defended by governmental abuse.


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010

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September 30, 1956
The Honorable Hamish Manyika
Prime Minister
The Dominion of Loago

Mr. Prime Minister,

I am writing to you today in comment to a recent article in the Maseru Himyari Journal, detailing recent actions in reference to the future of the people of Loago. As you may know, I have dedicated my life to representing my people in both the imperialist society of Varanasi and now as a free people facing the world.

For decades, the Jurzani have negotiated and assimilated into the Varanasi Culture. The Varanasi remained resistant and unwilling to accept a minority culture within their Empire; Instead seeking the creation of a homogenous society. It was through these realizations that the Jurzani had no choice but to separate their ties with the Empire and form a nation of our own in the land we have lived for centuries. Our Revolution freed us of the bonds of servitude and restored the dignity of my people, guaranteeing such dignity for generations to come.

This is the struggle I have dedicated my life toward and as I look out to the fellow oppressed peoples of the world, I see the same unfortunate story playing out in different stages. The majority of the world is built upon imperialist, capitalist structures designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many. Inevitably, this system will fall. Whereas the collapse of this system is guaranteed, the occurrence is variable.

It is with this in mind that offer my sincere thoughts for the struggle of the Loago. I stand in no way to tell a people how to live as self-determination is at the core of any free nation. Still, I cannot bide in silence when a people suffer. Therefore, Mr. Prime Minister, I say this: If the livelihood of your people is ever to improve, the bonds between Loago and its colonial oppressors must be severed in totality.

In this mission, you have my best thoughts and regards. In the future, you will have the backing of the Islamic Republic. Together, we can find an end to this world and relish in the emergence of the next.


Islamic Republic of the Jurzan​

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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3rd October 1956


The Engell State of Camden has for a considered and long period of time been in possession of position of regard upon the southern shores of the Great Himyar Continent. Any and all rights held and exercised derive from the evolved sovereignty of her peoples, and their free and democratic assemblies; other rights that may be a cause of dispute but are no less claimed by the Engell State of Camden are, by the natural profession of a democratically government to guarantee the observation and protection of direct and indirect interests, to be considered here with gravity.

While the Prime Minister of Loago, Hamish Manyika, confines his politics and efforts to the boundaries of domestic affairs belonging to the Dominion of Loago, and concerns himself principally, and from observation, and solely upon matters of the internal respect, the Cabinet of the Governor of Elephant and Castle cannot and will not find cause for complaint against the Prime Minister; but with the greatest respect to the endeavours of Prime Minister Hamish Manyika to progress his society in a peaceable and prosperous manner, the Cabinet of the Governor of Elephant and Castle finds itself in a position to suspect the great adjustment of constitutional foundation belonging to the Dominion of Loago.

Given the authority delegated to this Conference in Loago, and the political actors and parties in participation, all with the greatest possibility of furthering the advancement of the founding, upon the soil of Himyar, of a new sovereign nation – the Cabinet of the Governor of the Elephant and Castle respectively requests permission to be seated within this Conference as a mere observer of its proceedings.

This is a formal and most considered request by the Engell State of Camden to the Dominion of Loago.

Sir Francis Nicholson,
Lieutenant Governor of Elephant and Castle


Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013

Office of the Prime Minister
Dominion of Loago

While we understand the need of the representatives of the countries of Himyar to take part in this most august reunion that will take place this weekend in Maseru, celebrating the future of Black Himyar and it's golden future, we cannot possible accept any foreigner. The future of the power that is Loago has been organized and signed in 1950 when it was given Home Rule and this conference is cementing the said future, by making us all sure that we are all standing behind this national project.

As for the characters that criticize us for the fact that we haven't invited members of the white communities at this conference, we must say that another goal of this reunion is to rebuild the pride of the Himyari peoples. We aim this towards our native brothers who are living in artificial countries created by the white man, who in his arrogance didn't respect any of the old, natural borders of Black Himyar. We are not against the white man. We are not racists. We are not slavers. We want the black man to rise and be proud of who he is and to show him that he can have a golden future without being dependent on the white man. We will accept the white man in Loago, there is no need to be afraid of it. We still are subjects of the arctic crown of Cumbria-Caledonia, but this time, the white man is in our homeland and we are not dependent on, him. At most, we are his equal. Loago will be a land of equality and of justice, forever from now on.

The Right Honorable,
Hamish Manyika
Prime Minister of the Dominion of Loago


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
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Pelasgian Empire
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Public Statement

4th of October, 1956
To whom it may concern.

It is well known that this most ancient of Himyari Empires is an outspoken supporter of Himyari independence and self-sufficiency, having taken every possible legal and morally valid measure to aid less fortunate Himyari nations in securing their autarky and an equal place among the proud and independent Nations of Europe. We ourselves, being mostly made up of racially "white" and Semetic citizens, also boast many proud and loyal Himyaris of all races, ethnicities and creeds, among them the so called "black" Aethiopians. While we wholeheartedly support this summit and its purpose, we do feel the urge to note that Himyaris of Arctic ancestry are just as Himyari as the rest of us, having been born and bred on this land. Confident in Loago's stern conviction to protect and treat the citizens as equals of the natives, we do feel that we must express our belief that the "white man" has a place in this conference, as does the Varanasian, the Semite and any other proud Himyari, as do the caring and friendly neighbors of the Dominion, as mere observers to witness the success that Himyari cooperation can bring about and to broadcast this message to the rest of Europe. We reiterate out support for this summit and its goals as well as our respect for the Sovereignty of all Nations, as well as their right to their own Internal Affairs, but merely wish to express our conviction that only a summit which includes men and women of all of Himyar's races can hope to succeed. We wish the best of luck to those hosting and participating in the summit, as we yearn for a free, peaceful and bountiful Himyar.

Signed and Sealed,

Ikaros Dragasēs

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pelasgian Empire



Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013
The Maseru Evening Post

Armed Forces Entered the Capital
Military units from the Loago Host have entered the city of Maseru, the capitol of the Dominion of Loago. Initial reports are stating that the garrisons from around the coast have mobilized from their camps and bases and moved in the main cities of the country. In Maseru, the first units have entered the city this morning and a convoy of armored personnel carriers and light tanks has surrounded the Kukk House, the seat of the Prime Minister and of the regional parliament of Loago. A few moments later, it seemed that the military has also taken over the main headquarters of the West Himyar Radio Service, from which they broadcast the following:

"Citizens and subjects of the Saare crown in Himyar, the Host has intervened today to end the disastrous insanity that has plagued this country since 1930, when the dictator Juhan Manyika has taken over and to save West Himyar from complete destruction. Fear not, as the military is still serving the crown of Saaremaa and will respect it's oath to serve and protect the people. We have decided to intervene as the so called conference was taking place because the Prime Minister has betrayed his voters and his country as he decided to turn his back on the people and wanted to ally himself with the Loagin League of Communists, a marxist-feudalist group which is funded by Kadikistan and whose only goal is to bring destruction and barbarism and with the Fante Nation, a black supremacist group whose goals are the extermination of white Himyaris and of the Wala people. Other than that he has been accused by the General Tribunal in Kuressaare for money laundering consisting of more than 25 million Kroon that have disappeared from the treasury of Loago and for power abuse. The Host is now here to save Loago and to return it back into the fold of respectable and civilized world. We want to put it back on track so that it will become one of Himyar's greatest nations. For that, we will end the home-rule experiment so that the state can enjoy the competent supervision directly coming from Saaremaa. By renouncing the status of the Dominion and reverting back to the Protectorate, the rights of the Himyari people, Saare, Wala or Fante will be defended and respected easier, so that no power maniac like the ex-leader Manyika can intervene between the crown and it's peoples. As a result to reverting to the old Statutory Laws of 1903, Loago will also be renamed into the Protectorate of the Limestone Coast. Saaremaa has always been, is and will always be multinational and pluricontinental. God save us all!"

It seemes that the putsch against the Manyika administration is being led by the supreme commander of the Loago Host, Marshal Mihkel Vaino. He has declared himself Lord Governor of The Limestone Coast until someone will be appointed by the Chancellor of Saaremaa, the Honorable Riina Lepp. The police has stated for the Maseru Evening Post that they received into custody the ex-PM, Juhan Manyika, the leader of the Loagin League of Communists, Jaak Masimba and the leader of the Fante Nation, Tarmo Nhoro.

It seemed that the coup was very well organized as the majority of the Host was part of it and the others chose to remain neutral. Until now, no resistance from organized military units has been reported.

"The coup was necessary. It was a radical action, but it was necessary. Juhan Manyika was a good leader when he was first elected, 26 years ago, but now, it seems clear that he has been blinded by staying so much in power. The Loago Front was a party too big and had no ideology other than cheap populism that served only Manyika. At first we supported him, even the whites, because he seemed to be a factor of stability in the region. Now, it became clear that his views have become estranged from the people he was leading. He wanted to ally himself with both extremes of the political spectrum, just to keep himself in power. He wanted to sell Loago to Kadikistan, hoping that he would be kept a puppet leader of this region. He wanted to exterminate the white Himyaris to make way for his delusional aggrandizing. He had to be stopped and for that I want to thank the officers of the Host for either participating in the coup and for understanding the necessity of this action. I want to thank the soldiers too for understanding the need to follow the orders of their officers, though they might have seemed strange and also to the people of Maseru and the Limestone Coast for staying safe in their homes while the dictator was ousted," declared Marshall Mihkel Vaino, the Lord Governor of the Limestone Coast.

There have also been rumors that the Saare Himyari Company also employed private companies to aid the Host in it's action. It is said that the said companies are made of Eiffellander and Kadikistani mercenaries.


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
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Pelasgian Empire
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Public Statement

8th of October, 1956
To whom it may concern.

The Imperial Government is most concerned at the radical recent developments in the nearby Dominion. We will observe these events closely and with great care, while we issue a call to all sides for calmness, rationality and peaceful mediation. While the Empire does not positively view military intervention in political affairs and in a country's democracy, we are indeed concerned that the allegations against the Dominion's government might have some factual basis. Nevertheless, this does not excuse a sudden reversion to a less independent and undemocratic state without the local people's explicit concern. It is our firm belief that while the Royal Armed Forces could aid police forces in mainlining order in such turbulent times, all other affairs are under the jurisdiction of the Dominion's Judiciary and Electorate, respectively.

Signed and Sealed,

Ikaros Dragasēs

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pelasgian Empire




Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

Also we are concerned about the current developments in what is known as both Loago and the Protectorate of the Limestone Coast. Strictly speaking, this is a military coup. Such a bold action is only justified in exceptional circumstances. We think that such circumstances were indeed existing in former Loago. On the other hand, we think it will only work destabilising if the Statutory Law of 1903 is completely reverted. Temporarily lifting it to stabilise the situation is a valid option, but there was a reason why the Statutory Law of 1903 was passed. That reason may still be there. Ignoring that reason may cause civil unrest. We will follow the situation with interest.

We are not happy with Eiffellandians wearing other military uniforms than those of the Eiffellandian Armed Forces. Therefore, we will thoroughly investigate the rumours about Eiffellandian mercenaries.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
People's Commissariat for External Affairs

"The recent happenings in Loago clearly show the fascist nature of the Naoned social-capitalist regime. Prometheists all over the world can now see that not only does Saaremaa militarily support the Ivernish fascist army currently committing atrocities in Milesia, it also launched an armed offensive against the people of Loago. Regardless of their ethnic backgrounds all people currently residing in Loago, be they Wala, Fante or Saare, are under attack by the Loago Host as of yesterday. They are under attack because the few rights they had have been revoked, their limited freedoms taken away and even their popular leaders taken into custody. The Kadikistani people stand united with the Loagin in expressing our outrage and utter contempt for the Loago Host and the colonial administration as well as their Naoned masters.

This most recent attack will be the last in a long line of acts of oppression committed by Noaned regime in Loago! There can be no peace, no clemency and no lack of willpower among the forces who provide alternatives to tyranny, such as the Loagin League of Communists. As more reports come in, informing us that the LLC supporters are taking to the streets en mass, we can do nothing but give them our full moral and political support. We demand that the social-capitalist regime and their lackeys in Loago immediately issue the release of the Chairman of the LLC, Jaak Masimba. Only then can there be the slightest chance for a negotiated peace, but unless this happens we see a long and bloody struggle ahead that will demand sacrifices by all. Regardless of those sacrifices we are sure that in the end the will of the people will prevail over the forces of oppression. While the forces of tyranny are guarding a land thousands of miles from home, the Loagin people will be fighting for their own neighbourhoods, villages and cities. While the Saare soldiers fight for a phony ideology that has the audacity to call itself 'social' and 'democratic' and the mercenaries, the lowest lifeforms in all of mankind, fight for capital, the Loagin League of Communists will fight for something much stronger: freedom and equality.

'Refuse, Resist, Revolt!', such is the task of all true communists! Be they a member of the Party of the Left working in a factory in Kerdla or a supporter of the LLC working in the mines of Kasumbi, everyone must do its part of the revolutionary work. The time for action has come! Mobilize!"

Col. Dimitri Leninov
People's Commissar of External Affairs
Democratic Republic of Kadikistan

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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OCTOBER 13 1956


Acting Lord Governor of the Limestone Coast, Marshal Mihkel Vaino,

I am instructed to say as per the official deliberations of the Council of the Republic, that it is the considered opinion of the Engellexian Republic that yourself, the Acting Lord Governor of the Limestone Coast, with the large means of domestic intelligence which your military position possesses, has no doubt taken that particularly grave course from a consideration of the state of the Crown Dominion, and that the course which yourself has taken is that most necessary to secure the welfare of the Crown Dominion over which your oaths of service, no doubt, required you to be vigilant of and protect.

Additional to this critical affair, and, in the consideration of domestic concern, most important, the Council of State cannot publicly address the conduct of the Acting Lord Governor of the Limestone Coast with approbation; it is against the natural disposition of the Engellexian Republic to issue praise upon an individual commanding power that they have not democratically sought the right to hold; but the Council of the Republic possesses no reason to doubt, and everything which has been observed officially through government channels, and unofficially through Republic intelligence operations, confirms our adopted opinion, that in the opinion of yourself, the Acting Lord Governor of the Crown Dominion, putting an end to the conspiring aspirations of the former Prime Minister of the Limestone Coast and the Loagin League of Communists against the Crown Dominion, arresting the insurrectionist leaderships, and the reverting to the Statutory Laws 1903, were all measures conducive, and considered urgent, to the welfare of the Crown Dominion of the Limestone Coast.

The Council of State will be opening emergency channels with the Government of the Kingdom of Saaremaa for the purpose of forming an official and practical position in response to the critical state of affairs now belonging to the Crown Dominion. With the given consideration of the warmongering reach of Kadikistan into South Himyar, it will prove especially desirous for the establishment of direct military communication between the Acting Lord Governor of the Crown Dominion and the First Lord of the Elephant Admiralty; the Angelleaux-at-Arms will be seeking a similar arrangement between the First Lord of the Hammersmith Admiralty and a counterpart of the Kingdom of Saaremaa; it must be gravely understood that the Council of the Republic believes it within the realm of possibility that a practical security option may be necessary to prevent a serious escalation of the situation by Kadikistan.

With respect to the reversion to the Statutory Laws 1903, the Council of State will seek clarification and advice from the Government of the Kingdom of Saaremaa on the constitutional position of the Limestone Coast, and will rely upon that advice to determine recognition of its position constitutionally as a Crown Dominion, or a Protectorate of the Kingdom of Saaremaa.

The Council of the Republic and, indeed, the Council of State is trusting that the Acting Lord Governor of the Crown Dominion would certainly request assistance from the Engellexian Republic in due of furtherance of the critical situation; the Republic is in a position of proximity to deploy immediate assistance to any security escalation that may arise, at a speed greatly exceeding the Kingdom of Saaremaa from her shores in Scania.

Last edited:


Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013

Office of the Lord Governor
The Protectorate of the Limestone Coast
Kingdom of Saaremaa
Top Secret
14 oktoober 1956

To: Office of the Secretary of State, Foreign Departments, Engellexian Republic

On behalf of the people of West Himyar and Saaremaa and of His Royal Highness, T.K.K. Alvar V of house Tamm, as Lord Governor of the Limestone Coast I hereby state the following:

The Protectorate of the Limestone Coast (PLC from now on) is currently passing through a temporary crisis that shouldn't have so strong reverberations as to concern or agitate the Engellexic Himyari States of Camden, Otho-Eam, Mary-Le-Bone and Somers Isles and their peoples. The Loago Host, which will from now on be reformed into the Army of the South (Louna-Armee) is basing it's prowess on light infantry and anti-terrorist operations, something that the defense forces of the Kingdom of Saaremaa always had to be got at as a result of the continuous pressure coming from the Democratic Republic of Kadikistan.

Though I agree that the 8th of October Action was a radical and outright uncompromising engagement, it was necessary as it was the only way to save the people of West Himyar from the potential ordeal of being transformed into a puppet or Kadikistan and having the moral fabric of the society and all it's culture outright destroyed by the Marxist-Feudalists. It was clear to us and to every patriot from the PLC, be it Wala, Fante or Saare that the ex-PM, Juhan Manyika was trying to ally himself with the Loagin League of Communists and the Fante Nation, because he wanted to be sure that the has his back secured from any dissent groups. By even giving the LLC and the FN movements, the legitimacy of being called to "negotiations" with the government of the Dominion of Loago, which is a direct representative of the subjects of His Royal Highness, Alvar V, Manyika completely declared the sovereignty of Loago as being null and void and put an equal between the terror groups funded by Kadikistan and a democratic government. With it, the PM has turned his back on his voters and his term has been invalidated.

We assure our esteemed colleagues from the Engellexic Republic and the Himyari States that the PLC can be considered safe and secured against all kinds of infiltration coming from Kadikistan. The arrest of Juhan Manyika, Jaak Masimba and Tarmo Nhoro has struck a hard blow against the terrorists. Even so, we now and expect any kind of retaliation coming from the inland regions of the PLC. The Fante Nation is seen as the weakest of the groups, as it's black supremacist ideology is contrary to any Social-Republicanism or Marxism-Feudalism coming from The Socialist Himyari Republic or Kadikistan. The Civil Protection Service has also found that it was a very character centered movement, so we expect it to break with the disappearance of Nhoro. The LLC on the other hand would be the main enemy of any civilized Himyari man. Even if Jaak Masimba disappeared, it seemed that the whole Masimba clan is into politics and it is very respected in the extreme left-wing circles of West Himyar. The way this clan is seen by the other communists shows many parallels with the Kadikistani "Revolutionary Clans", so we can easily observe the Marxist-Feudalist tendencies of the movement and also the fact that Kadikistan would do anything to fund them. But there is nothing to fear, as the Civil Protection Service and the Army of the South are expecting everything from strikes to an outright civil war and thus we cannot be taken by surprise. We respect the sovereignty of the Engellexic Republic and of the Engell States. We also like to restate the fact that from now on, the PLC is legally part of the core lands of the Kingdom of Saaremaa and thus stationing any foreign soldier would be seen as violating the sovereignty of the Kingdom.

To respond to the queries regarding the status of Loago/Limestone Coast in regards to the Statutory Laws of 1903, I have to say that from an external point of view, the change is mostly stylistic, with the name Loago being changed to the Limestone Coast. It is of my urgent opinion that this name is more neutral from an ethnic point of view and doesn't link the country so much to the Wala people (from which the name Loago originates) and it represents it thus better for the Saare, Fante and Ivernian Communities too. Secondly, the changing from a Dominion to a Protectorate is purely internal. The country has lost it's devolved status and is being thus incorporated back as a national territory of the Kingdom of Saaremaa. This gives more power to the Kuningkogu from Kuressaare to administer the province, but also gives better chances for the Wala and Fante peoples to integrate themselves in the grand workforce of the whole kingdom, as before there were many practical limitations which prevented them to ever leave Loago. The change will give more power to the Civil Protection Service and to the Army of the South to engage and fight any kind of terrorist organization or group.

We intend on devolving the Limestone Coast again when it will be completely stabilized, when the Kadikistani threat has disappeared and when we will see the apparition of a cultured and competent black middle class that will continue to lead the Limestone Coast to glory without the abuses and slippages from democracy that we have seen during the Manyika administration which lasted from 1930 to 1956.

Mihkel Vaino
Marshall of the Army of the South
Lord Governor of Loago
Hertsog of Umniati


Establishing Nation
Feb 16, 2013
Kuressaarest SonumidNews from the Kingdom of Saaremaa | Showing Scania to the World | 2 Saare Kroon15 Oktoober 1956

The Government recognizes the new status of Loago

Chancellor Riina Lepp has stated that the government of the Kingdom of Saaremaa fully recognizes and supports the transformation of the Dominion of Loago into the Protectorate of the Limestone Coast (PLC). The Chancellor gave her final blessing on the recognition after the Kuningkogu voted and approved of the changes that took place in Loago after the 8th of October Action. There has been a general support of the military action in Saaremaa as there were general fears that the Marxist-Feudalist affiliated Loagin League of Communists would take over the Western Himyari state.

Juhan Manyika was facing continuous criticism from Kuressaare for the last 5 years so there is no surprise that the action to depose him is followed by a general relief in Kuressaare, that the territory was saved from any kind of malicious influences.

"As it has become a motto for us in the last years, it must be said again: Saaremaa is and will remain multinational and pluricontinental. From now on, the Limestone Coast has become a part of our country. There will be no difference anymore between the metropolis and the crown dominion, for now we declare Loago as being a completely integrated region of the Saare state and from now on, the Wala, Fante and Saare are practically equal in the face of law and in chances," Declared Chancellor Riina Lepp.

Guarantee declared null and void

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honorable Kristijan Sisask declared that the Kingdom of Saaremaa will no longer guarantee the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Justiza. The guarantee being declared null and void came after a series of military bases of the Pelasgian Empire and of the Kingdom of Lauenburg were set up in the island nation of Justiza. Those were followed by the Justizan government receiving a plot in the North-Eastern Himyari territories under the administration of the Lauenburger crown and then by declarations of the Justizan government in which it stated that they will see any presence of military vessels in the waters between Justiza and Parvae as an outright declaration of war against them.

As a response, His Majesty's Government, at the requests of the Minister of Foreign Affairs has officially renounced it's guarantee of independence and sovereignty for the Justizan Republic.

"We see every day young Saare men dying in Milesia to defend our continent. We have no reason to see even more of our youth die for some nation on the other side of the globe. We declared that we will defend Justiza a few months ago when Kadikistan was on full offensive and it was blockading the Island. In those days Saaremaa took the banner of the Free World and fought against the Marxist-Feudalist threat. As a result of Saaremaa's continuous efforts of containing the Democratic Republic, that thread has passed for now. And we are content with it. If Justiza wants to do anything to threaten the Socialist Himyari Republic or Kadikistan, they can do it on their own or from behind the arms of the Pelasgians and Lauenburgers. We do not want to be dragged into stupid wars," declared minister Kristijan Sisask.

LLC terrorists have attacked the village of Kazungula in the deep inland south of the Limestone Coast. They killed three white villagers and when they left they took with them four Wala women. The Himyari Light Infantry has been deployed to the region to protect the villages in the deep south.
Culture: Caviar and Spaghetti is the newest comedy musical premiering at the Olev Mark theater. The comedy makes fun of the conflict between Kadikistan and Justiza presenting it as an argument between the chefs. The musical has also been praised for bringing back the glamour of the golden days of the Kadaka Street theaters.

Weather: Winter is slowly creeping from the north as the first snowfalls have started to appear in Vendra and Sakke. Kuressaare is expecting heavy rainfalls until the end of the month.
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