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Carentanian Public Broadcasting

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.

For those of our listeners who are interested in the future of Solaren, where our boys and girls in the military are currently keeping the peace, we have translated an interview with Silvio Guiliani recently broadcasted on Radio Panetelleria. Guiliani is the interim gouvernor of the Solaren province of Capraria, a popular socialist and member of the Solaren National Congress tasked with writing a new constitution. Radio Panetelleria is a left-leaning broadcaster for south-eastern Solaren, started after the war with the help of Carentanian engineers.

Mr. Guiliani, the National Congress had promised elections before the end of last year but couldn't keep that promise. What are the reasons?

The situation right now is very complicated and the liberal faction within the SNC is obstructing the process because it hopes to maintain capitalism and their own position of power as wealthy landlords and businessmen. They realize that the majority of Solaren wants an economy based on laborers, not banks, that the majority of Solaren realizes the advantages of collective farming and central economic planning and that the majority of Solaren knows that we need all this to prevent becoming the victim of foreign markets. Only through central planning efforts, a controlled import and export policy and nationalized industry can we succesfully modernize and industrialize. Free markets and free trade are only the freedom to exploit the people of Solaren. But the liberals also know that people who don't know where their food for the next day will come from, that don't know if they'll still be able to sleep in their homes on the next morning and who are exhausted after twelve hours of hard work each day will not find themselves bothered with voting, can't find themselves wasting a valuable day on politics. They want to exclude the social question from the constitution, because they know that this will prevent the poor from voting against them.

The strongest liberal faction - the Social-Liberal Party - advocates limited state involvement and only a partially free market. A viable alternative?

More of a sham than anything. The Social-Liberals are backed by Eiffelland, controlled by Eiffelland and naturally advocate Eiffellands economic system as example to follow. What this actually means is to leave the doors wide open for companies from Eiffelland to take what they can from the people of Solaren, while telling them that they are not living in capitalism but - what a stew of anachronisms! - "social market economy". But if it looks like capitalism, feels like capitalism and beats you down like capitalism, I beg the question, isn't it capitalism all the same? In Eiffelland, the state is not enjoying greater authority over the market to put the capitalists back in their place, but rather to protect the great conglomerates in Eiffelland from foreign competition and upstart businessmen. The worker, the mother, the poor and the farmers, they are exploited all the same nonetheless.

You are saying the Social-Liberals are controlled by Eiffelland - your opponents are saying the same about the National Congress and the Socialists. Your reply?

Anyone who dares to take a closer look will realize that, while we are connected to our brothers in Carentania in solidarity, this is in no ways a closer relationship than we enjoy to any other socialist nation, group or individual. With the same legitimacy you could say that we are controlled by Havenshire, by Parthava, by Vangala or even by the rebels in Yujin. A lot of what Carentania has, we naturally want for the people of Solaren as well, but because we know that it is good for the people of Solaren, not because Carentania tells us we should. Carentania and Solaren are two different countries and in many aspects, we will need to enact other measures, place emphasis on different issues and follow another path than Carentania did in its past and present. If you meanwhile watch the Solaren National Congress a bit closer, you will see that in different cases, we actually stood up to Carentania and told them to cease measures we disagreed with - for example the forced evacuation of Iscla during the war. There are also many different factions in the Congress who are keeping more distance to the Workers' Republic than us. I already mentioned the liberals for example. Meanwhile, the Social-Liberals want to do everything exactly as it is done in Eiffelland, have never voiced any criticism or opposition to measures of the government in Eiffelland or their military, they are advocating complete loyalty to their sponsors. Their party is built around a single individual, Count Stefano di Perugia, who is surrounded by dozens of agents and advisors from the Eiffelländer government wherever he goes. Apparently though, they didn't consider his sex life to backfire on their plans. *Giuliani laughs*

Di Perugia denies any homosexual relationships and has sued the conservative newspaper which printed the accusation for libel...

Di Perugia - and his sponsors in Eiffelland - should just accept that he will have no future in Solaren politics anymore now that his little secret has gone public. Instead, he is clinging to power with all available means and mocking the common Solarener in the process. Most of our citizens can't even afford the basic necessities of everyday life, many have taken shelter in shantytowns, large parts of the population are unemployed, mothers are going to bed hungry just to feed their children... Meanwhile di Perugia is affording himself the luxury of an entire army of lawyers to defend his political career from the repercussions of his own perverted lifestyle. A man so removed from the concerns of the people does not belong into government, not to mention the hipocrisy of using the law to assault the media, when the same law stipulates that he belongs into prison for sodomy.

You think di Perugia should be arrested?

No, I think that sodomy is not a matter for the courts, but for a psychiater. What I intend to say is that the laws his lawyers now cite are old laws from before the war, still in effect because we have no working constitution and no working government to re-think them. However, if he holds them to be legitimate and applicable in this situation, so should the laws against sodomy. In my opinion, we don't need the laws, they are based on the assumption that homosexuality could spread, like a viral disease. Homosexuality, however, is not a disease of the body, but a corruption of the mind and of a healthy relation to the other gender. Cultures which lost the respect for their women, for example the ancient city-states of Haemia, quickly resorted to homosexuality to express their sexual desires - because they had lost all love for women. Often institutions like the church - and this was the case in Solaren - realized this problem but fought it by threatening the homosexuals rather than combatting the root. A respectful, loving relationship to the women in Solaren will erase the need for any laws against homosexuality and leave the poor souls still suffering from this bourgeoise confusion as a case for the shrink, not the judges.
In fact, I am a little sad that this issue is now taking such a great place within the public debate. It will only serve to strengthen the conservative forces, when we should be talking about other issues. Homelessness for example.

You're alluding to the demand of the National Labor Coalition to legalize squatting?

Yes! The military of Eiffelland gave a very weak response - as if it is their right to decide such political matters from aloof - in regards to our proposal. Right now, we have a lot of unused buildings and unused land, which the government of Eiffelland does not wish to see as such because they legally are owned by someone. There is no speculation on land prices, that much is correct, because of the volatile political situation and the uncertain future of Solaren, property in Solaren is very unattractive for investments. However, there are a lot of people who died during the war or who left the country, who leave behind land and buildings. In the latter case, they retain their property rights, but leave the building empty. In the first case, the buildings or the land are often inherited by people living on the other side of the country who have other issues to take care of. Utilizing these buildings and this land could help a lot of Solaren citizens now living on the streets. Many have already started helping themselves, forming shantytowns on the edges of the cities - though some of these have existed before the war already. The situation in the shantytowns, however, is dire, because the people there live from day to day, uncertain if they won't be thrown off the land soon. In such a situation, no one bothers with investing work into crucial infrastructure.

The authorities of the Eiffelländer Occupation Force promised homes to be built for every Solaren citizen.

How does it help these people if they get told that, some day, they will have a proper home? Eiffelland is putting off the people of Solaren, telling them to wait for the future - and in the meantime to follow their laws, even if it means that they will suffer tremendously and face an uncertain fate. That is the core of bourgeoise ideology and all they have to offer to the people of Solaren, a weak promise that someday, they will profit from capitalism too. In the meantime, however, the capitalist elites reap in the profits.​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
For those of you who have just now tuned in: we are still reporting live from the award ceremony for the heroes of Liangnang.

As we speak, Private First Class Dave Johnson, is being awarded the Rose of Liangnang. He is the last of the many hundred Marines from Havenshire who are being awarded this order in recognition of their role in saving the diplomatic staff and refugees in Liangnang. The Rose of Liangnang was recently created by decree of the Commissariate for Defense to be awarded to all those participating in the protection and rescue of the refugees in Liangnang. Commissar for Defense Matija Dracar is releasing Private Johnson with a salute and now he steps back to adress the audience. Listen now to the voice of Commissar Dracar.

"Citizens of Carentania, of Havenshire and Parthava. People of the free world. We are honoring today not only those who fought succesfully to save those who had sought refugee from the Monster of the East, the Emperor of Yujin. We are as well honoring those who left their lives in defiance of violence and persecution. The Rose of Liangnang, as well as the Order of Socialism, will be awarded to the victims of the Imperial massacre in the Parthavan Consulate. We hope to ease the hearts of their loved ones with the knowledge that they left their lives in defence of humanity. They will be lost to us forever, but their spirits will love on."

The medals will be received by close relatives, many of whom are visibly shaken by the ceremony. Commissar Dracar is approaching the first recipient, the daughter of one of the guards of the Parthavan consulate. Tears are running down her face as the band starts playing the Parthavan national anthem. A soldier hands the Commissar a small, silk-covered wood-case, wrapped into the Parthavan flag. He passes it on to the daughter of the guard who, as we just now are being told, was a certain Shah Tehirjan. Again, Commissar Matija Dracar salutes in recognition of her fathers deeds....​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

Following the first visit of Vangalan dignitaries to Rijeka, the Carentanian Commissariate for Foreign Affairs announces the first formal agreements with the recently established People's Republic. Included in these agreements that have been termed the "March Treaties" is a formal recognition, the exchange of ambassadors and security guarantuees to the Vangalan people, but also a first aid mission, possibly followed by more in the near future. Furthermore, both nations have agreed to cooperate in their struggle against the Monster of the East, the Emperor of Yujin, who threatens not only his own subjects, but Vangalan independence as well. According to the Commissariate for Defence, however, Carentania has no plans for deployment of ground troops to Vangala: "The Vangalan people are well capable of defending themselves, they have proven as much in the past. Our duty can only be to support their autonomous efforts with material aid, industrial developement and education."

A man was severely injured today in the Draga mountains, as he ventured into restricted military area. The traveller was apparently hiking in a remote part of the mountains when he crossed into the Draga Compound and, ignoring orders from a patrol, was shot. He survived and was brought to the nearest hospital. The Commissariate for Defense has warned the public, once again, from leaving the marked paths in the southern Draga region. "We neither confirm nor deny the existance of a so called Draga Compound and will refuse any comments on military activities within the region with reference to the 1928 national security act," the Commissariate for Defense noted. However, the existance of a military base in the Draga mountains has been undeniable for a while now and the Commissariates secrecy has given grounds to widespread speculation and several conspiracy theories as to the nature of this facility.

Critically acclaimed Carentanian director Ema Zupan has announced his intention to work with Havenite actor George Armstrong, most recently seen in the pulp sci-fi hit Captain Cosmos and the Venusian Crown, in his newest project. The, as of yet untitled, movie will be a dramatic retelling of the Liangnang consulate crisis and given Ema Zupans fame as director of war movies, will likely become the great hit of its season. George Armstrong had been expressing his interest in working with Ema Zupan as early as he had announced his intention to make a movie about the crisis in Liangnang and to many, it comes as little surprise that he was now eventually hired as lead actor. However, Ema Zupan is seeking even closer cooperation with the movie-industry in Havenshire and while the movie will remain a Carentanian production, interviews with a number of popular Havenite actors are already scheduled.

OOC: for anyone wishing to take a closer look at the "March Treaties" between Carentania and Vangala


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

It is a pity that Mr. Guiliani never visited Eiffelland in the past. Otherwise he would have seen the evidence that what he tells about our country is simply nonsense. It is plainly dumb to claim that the working class is oppressed when all the members of that working class have a good house to live in, a fridge in the kitchen, enough to eat, good cloths and the possibility to vote for a new government. We strongly advice him that in the future he informs himself first before giving interviews, instead of presenting his prejudices as the truth.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Freie Universität Trier
Fakultät Psychologie
Fachbereich Sexuologie

We really have to correct Mr. Guiliani’s views on homosexuality. Many psychologists have investigated this matter. He is right that it is not something that can spread like an infectious disease, but a mental issue instead. A mental issue that cannot be changed, however, despite many attempts of various kinds to do so. Hypnosis has been tried, without success. It has been tried to induce a Pavlov reflex by showing homo-erotic pictures while at the same time inducing a severe pain stimulus, without success. Other kinds of psychiatric treatments have been tried as well. Various religions have adviced much love of the opposite sex, without success. And indeed, it has been tried to force homosexuals into a heterosexual relationship by means of severe punishments or severe threats.
The tragedy behind all these failing “cures” is that they are still advocated, despite the fact that they constantly fail. Apparently even Mr. Guiliani advocates them. We wonder whether he would have claimed the same if he would have informed himself on this matter.

Prof. Dr. Lorenz E.C. Jung

Partito Soziale Liberale
Tegeata, Solaren

Mr. Guiliani clearly emerged on the water surface due to lack of weight. Lack of weight in the sense of lack of skills. The Socialists clearly adopted the way of putting people on important positions as applied by the old regime. Mr. Guiliani wasn’t made governor of Panetelleria because of his skills but because of his dedication to socialism and his extraordinary talent to spill drivel about matters he doesn’t have any knowledge of.
The PSL, on the other hand, is filled with people who took the effort of informing themselves about the world. We all investigated how other countries are organised. We looked at socialist countries, capitalist countries, and the Germanic countries with their social market economy. I myself even read Marx. Very noble, his intentions, but no, it won’t work on the longer term. And then I’m not talking about years or even decades, but about centuries. And yes, we have to look that far. We don’t own the world, we look after it for the generations that come after us.
For the problem of houses and lands that seem to be unused, Mr. Guiliani simplifies the problem to an embarrassing extent. Maybe indeed such a house or farm is inherited by someone living on the other side of the country. What if that inheritant is currently living in a shanty town and wants to move to his newly inherited home? What is Mr. Guiliani going to tell him? “No, you are not allowed to live in that house, we confiscate it and give it to a homeless person, and you stay in that shantytown.” Socialist indeed. What if that inheritant himself was poor until he inherited that house or farm, and wants to sell it so that he can use the money to build up his life again? What is Mr. Guiliani going to tell him? “No, you are not allowed to sell that house and use the money for dragging yourself out of misery. We confiscate the house and give it to a homeless person. You remain in your current miserable situation and wait until we socialists drag you out.” Socialist indeed. Or what if somebody who left the country because of the war wants to come back? What is Mr. Guiliani going to tell him? “No, you are not allowed to return to your mother country. We confiscate your property and give it to a homeless person, and you remain a refugee in a foreign country.” Socialist indeed. It is a pity that the socialists do not understand that it is often social to let people keep their properties.
For my charge against the Gazetta di Torrenza, I have the right to defend my family and my reputation against people that spread lies. Follow the news on the trial, and you will discover what I mean.

Conte Stefano di Perugia

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

Imperial Yujin has crossed another red line, launching an all out offensive against its peaceful neighbour country Vangala. Vangala, which had just recently gained its independence from Franconian imperialism, is in dire need of foreign support to stem the tide of aggression launched by the Monster of the East, the Yu Emperor. Carentania, which is in a state of war with Yujin since the Liangang consulate crisis, has promised its support for socialist Vangala. "We will do whatever is necessary to ensure the independence of the Vangalan people, their liberty and safety," Commissar for Foreign Affairs Sitar commented. While the Commissariate for Defense deems the deployment of ground troops "not necessary at this moment", it has not ruled out the possibility of such involvement in the future. Reports also indidicate that Carentanias two carriers, the Maximo and the Samobor, are en route to the Bay of Vangala.

News from within Yujin meanwhile tell us of a terrible massacre committed by Imperial troops. Mass executions in the city of Nianxu have claimed the lifes of more than 10,000 civilians. The city has reportedly drawn the attention of their monstrous ruler due to a series of peaceful protests against oppressive government policies. Carentania has condemned the atrocity and the Commissariate for Foreign Affairs announced that these events have "steeled our resolve to aid the people of Yujin", adding that the Emperor himself has proven to the world that he can only be brought to justice by force, not be reasoned with through arguments.

A series of breakouts and runaways from juvenile homes for troubled teenagers has Carentanian society worried. The escapes involve a total of 52 young men between the age of 12 and 18, most of which are considered dangerous, ill-behaved, aggressive and anti-social. These breakouts had occured over the course of the last three months in four different juvenile homes near Rijeka, but had all been covered up in a similiar manner by the homes administrations. While the public has been warned about the teenagers, advised not to take in any drifters and asked to report any signs of apparently homeless youths to their local council, the coverup by the administrations has raised questions. Rijeka city authorities have already announced their intention to launch a full-scale investigation of the occurances.​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

Representatives from the Peoples' Republic of Vangala and Carentanian officials have signed amendments to the bilateral agreements that had been reached earlier this month, during the first visit of Vangalan diplomats to the Workers' Republic. The amendments foresee a massive increase in support, particular military support, for the Vangalan people. Commissar for Foreign Affairs Bojan Sitar was very clear that the increased shipment of arms and the deployment of advisors and trainers for the fledgling Vangalan defenses are a direct reaction to the ongoing assaults by the Empire of Yujin against the newly independent Vangala. "Carentania has a historical obligation to aid the advance and defence of Socialism throughout Europe. Today, we are once more proving our resolve to live up to these obligations."

Twenty-one participants from a total of seven different nations are preparing themselves - and their horses - for the famous Himyar Derby. Europes largest, most famous and arguably most challenging show jumping tournament is held each year in Osijek and will, for the first time in its history, be televized this year. Three Carentanian participants will attempt to seize the title "Champion of Himyar" this year and amongst them, Marija Zadravec is deemed the favorite. However, while Marija Zadravec can pride herself on having won the title already twice in the past, both times she had been doing so with her stallion Zenith, who has been retired last year. This year, she is contesting with Zeniths daughter, "Rose of Haemia". Good chances to the title are thus also attributed to the Carentanian cavalry-officer Aleš Dolinar with his gelding Črna Strela, who nearly claimed the title several times in the last years. The final Carentanian participant, Bojan Petec with his stallion Meteor is participating for the first time and deemed an underdog, but may be well worth a surprise. Metereologists predict sunny weather throughout the weekend, making for a perfect environment for the derby.

Wildlife rangers in the western Vrbas Kraj have discovered the remains of three great Himyar Wolves, believed to be members of the "Blackhair" pack. All three wolves had been shot and skinned. The remote wilderness of the Haemian mountains is one of the few places in Near Himyar, where the endangered Himyar Wolf still survives and even thrives, with numerous packs roaming not only the national parks, but the Haemians as a whole. Amongst the wolves living in the Haemians, the "Blackhair" pack is one of the largest and most well documentated, having provided numerous scientific insights into the lives of wild wolves in the recent past. "We are saddened and very angry at this incident," one wildlife ranger is quoted at the incident by the Sisak Evening Post. The public is reminded that the Himyar Wolf is protected by national law and hunting of these rare animals is strictly forbidden. Wolfhunting is especially commong amongst the rural citizens of the Vrbas Kraj, as it was deemed a perfectly legal and very prestigeous past-time during both Talemantine and Akhaltsikhan government.​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.

With us right now is doctor Leon Horvat, leading psychiatrist in the Sisak University Hospital and renowned expert on deviant sexual behaviour - especially homosexuality. Dr. Horvat will enlighten our listeners now about the current scientific knowledge about homosexuality, given the debate that is spreading from Solaren on that subject throughout Europe.

"Homosexuality is, in many countries, a barely understood phenomena. This is mainly a result of the ideological blinders medical researchers in bourgeoise states have placed upon them. It's basically impossible to include a broader analysis of society into psychiatric research in capitalist countries, because bourgeoise liberalism forces researchers back to the confinements of the individual again and again. To put it more clearly: researchers in countries like Eiffelland or Danmark see their patients as completely independent individuals, completely unaffected by society as a whole. They can never see the greater picture, much less draw any kind of critical or radical conclusions from them.

Naturally, we in socialist countries are better off in that regards. We are free in the pursuit of our research and can include the necessary scope. Hence, we can prioritize a general class relationship when explaining homosexuality. There are societies, both past and present, that are more prone to be affected by this disease. Most prominently would be the Tiburans, who openly encouraged it. During our research, we found that homosexuality is actually linked to the treatment of women in capitalist societies, their degradation to a mere reproduction worker, a housekeeper and childbearer. This dehumanization of the woman lashes back on the male, who is desensitized and degraded as well, to use and abuse the woman much as he himself is used and abused by industrial production in bourgeoise societies.

Unsurprisingly, not every man can endure this without scars. The earliest psychiatric research done in a truly free, socialist environment has encouraged us time and time again to see a simple truth: capitalism will make you ill. It promotes mental diseases as a consequence of the perpetual abuse of its largest class. In regards to homosexuality, we find that this is the attempt by those too weak to endure their own devaluation to find a source of emotional care. Emotional, sensible and artistic individuals are especially suspectible to homosexuality. While the rebellious type - many communists fit into this archetype - defies the mysogonistic demands of bourgeoise society and, instead of dehumanizing its wife, will actually cherish a loving relationship, homosexuals typically don't manage to break with social norms towards women. However, they are nevertheless in need of an emotional outlet, of love, if you want to say so. Homosexuality can be described as an attempt to achieve such without putting the gender-roles of capitalism into question.

There is a simple reason, thus, why attempts to cure homosexuality haven't proven succesful: because the conditions which create homosexuality in the first place remain unchallenged. This holds true for socialist countries as well, though to a lesser degree. We are not fully isolated from the capitalist world and certain elements of bourgeoise ideology still live on, despite several decades of progress. I can say, I am quite optimistic that we will have homosexuality banished soon - and with it the suffering it inflicts upon its victims. But this can only happen as we embrace true equality between the genders."

Thank you Dr. Horvat for this insightful addition to our program.​

OOC: that was fun! I'm fleshing out the state of Carentanian psychiatry in the 1950s and adding fuel to the homosexuality debate sparked in Solaren. Look closely and you will find an odd mixture of very reactionary and very progressive stances. I may introduce dissenting positions sometime in the near future...


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
[FONT=&quot]Dear Dr. Horvat,

Research into the disease of homosexuality is an important part of solving the social ills on this planet. As a researcher at the Jurzani Academy for the Sciences and Technology, I have decided a huge portion of my life to figuring out why this disease is such a persistent trait in all countries across the world. I took great pleasure in getting the time to read this assessment on where homosexuality originated and why it continues to exist. Unfortunately, I am inclined to disagree with several findings.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Throughout our research into the causes and symptoms of homosexuality, researchers at JASAT have come to a consensus that homosexuality persists as a result of religious affiliation. The most glaring piece of evidence to this effect is that the Islamic Union of the Jurzan, the holiest nation on the planet, is completely devoid of the phenomenon of homosexuality. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Unlike other countries of the world, the Jurzan moved to actively solve the situation. In the past, executions were carried out in great number over people who claimed to be homosexual. We find, almost consistently, that those who claim to be homosexual have renounced God in their lives. Our nation is one that acts on the behalf of God; therefore, the Quran explicitly states that the people of Lot were destroyed by the wrath of God as a result of their sexual activities with men. Therefore, it is required that the Jurzan continued God’s work. As a result of our commitment to God, Jurzan acted numerous times for the execution of homosexual men. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Today, after continued research, I grow increasingly more convinced that if we can restore the love of God into these people; they can be cured of their homosexuality. We have engaged in programs of religious reeducation and we’ve had resounding success. If the rare occurrence of a homosexual appears in Jurzan, we’ve formulated treatments created by forces stronger than us to cure them. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To further analyze this point, we see clearly that in countries like Sylvania and Frescania, which have rejected God, homosexuality is rising at a ridiculous number, where the nations of Jurzan, Sikandara, and the Muslim population in Parthia do not suffer from a presence of homosexuality. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]This being said, the origin of homosexuality is most likely not the result of any economic system and no country has an advantage over another. We are in belief that homosexuality is a natural result from a nation’s rejection of God. For example, Jurzan is a capitalist society but does not suffer from these problems. Frescania and Sylvania are capitalist societies as well, but their lack of faith in God has led to their pandemic. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I am interested in hearing a response, with respect,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dr. As'ad Abdullah El-Ghazzawy[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Director of JASAT Disease Control and Management[/FONT]

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Respected colleague Dr. El-Ghazzawy,

sadly I must not only reject your findings, but rather also express that your reply has caused great worry for me about the very state of science and society in the Jurzan. Your references of matters of faith and religion as cold, hard, rational subjects dooms ill for all rational research. Consequently, your assumptions do not correlate the slightest with the available data, which indicate that, while homosexuality may be less common within islamic societies, this is compensated by other unnatural and harmful sexual deviances, such as pederasty. The role of religion - not just that of Islam - in this context remains one of repressive containment.

Throughout history, religions have assumed the role of steering sexual behavior and normatizing the relationship between the genders as required by class society. They are, by no means, capable of preventing the appearance of sexual deviance when they are already enforcing the socially unhealthy oppression of women, but they will contain the drastic effects on sexual behavior this causes. Hence, while itself part of the class-structure that causes homosexuality in the first place, religion often appears to be on the forefront of fighting it. However, it will always do so by referring - much more intensely than even bourgeoise psychiatry - to the individual and his supposed responsibility for his sexual cravings, while shunning all dimension of society.

Your own reply, esteemed colleague, is very much guilty of doing this itself.

Even religious people have agreed with my findings, as many students of theology will attest. Islam, Christianity, Judaism - they all are based upon the concept of a benevolent deity. It conflicts with this basic understanding of god to assume he would distribute a punishment for wrongdoing that is both outside of the individuals power to willingly influence, as well as more punishing on the remainder of society than on the individual itself. I am referring here, of course, to the much known link between homosexuality and child molestation.

With all due respect, but I hope you abstain from squandering honest scientific efforts with spiritualistic superstition in the future.

Dr. Leon Horvat
Sisak University Hospital
Psychiatric Research

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

Tension mounting over a Danish spy plane that crashed over the sovereign territory of the Occidentan nation of Sylvania have spilled over into actual fears of war, as Danmark ordered the equivalent of nine whole divisions of soldiers to their westernmost colony of Faerorn. While Carentania has called upon all sides to show restraint and the Commissariate for Foreign Affairs has called the Danish actions "unneccessary and provocative", it has also expressed confidence that Carentania will remain uninvolved in eventual hostilities. "There is no reason to believe that this compromises the security of Carentanian citizens, as deplorable as this whole issue may be," Commissar Sitar said.

Negotiations between a consortium of Carentanian universities, companies and their Havenite and Parthian counterparts are reaching their conclusion regarding the possibility of a joint space research program. The project, which was based on initiative from within Carentanian public, has drawn the enthusiastic attention of Carentanias allies and may result in an unprecedented transnational scientific endeavour. However, while detailed plans are being worked out, the next great hurdle to take for the initiative will be the upcoming All-Workers Congress in may, which will have to pass a resolution to jumpstart a space research agency. Neither of the big political mass organizations have voiced any opinion on the initiative thusfar and chances are completely off, whether the resolution will gather a majority of votes.

Members of a local militia arrested a suspected Mezhist terrorist in the southern Vrbas Kraj today. The man, who had taken shelter in an abandoned farmstead, is believed to be a former member of the now defunct "Black Soldiers", a terrorist group responsible for two attempted murders. According to a press release, the man was found alongside three firearms, forty shots of ammunition, as well as one and a half kilogramm of TNT. The Commissariate for Inner Security commented that: "While we deem this man not amongst the top priority of wanted terrorists, we are nevertheless happy to have achieved an arrest that may possibly have saved the lifes of innocents."​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

Following not only a complete decriminalization of homosexuality in the northern country of Saaremaa, but also the passing of a law punishing discrimination of homosexuals, the Carentanian government was forced to denounce reports holding it responsible. In a press release, the Commissars Assembly explicitely stated that it had not tested a "gay bomb" on the Saaremaan population and dismissed reports about its developement as fictive. "News reports about the developement of a so called gay bomb are very obviously nothing but an aprils fool," the press release said. Numerous journalists from different European countries had taken the prank, originating from a Havenite newspaper, serious.

A minor earthquake shook the northern Haemians today, resulting in the injury of a total of 40 people. Several buildings, especially in the mining city of Koper, were damaged but overall, authorities say that it caused only minor troubles. "Our emergency plans have worked smoothly and our buildings have proven sturdy enough to withstand the earthquake," officials in Koper said. Earthquakes are a comparatively common appearance in Carentania, but there has not been any major one since the turn of the century.

Carentanias tourism office has declared its intention to seek a new, simplified visa distribution to foreigners, hoping to attract a great number of visitors to our country. A resolution towards that end is currently being drafted and will likely be presented to the next All-Workers Congress in may. Currently, foreigners visiting Carentania must pay a fee, depending on the length of their stay, provide proof of employment in their home-country, a criminal record and wait a minimum of two months while authorities evaluate the documents. Simplifying the procedure could attract more tourists to popular Carentanian destinations, such as the Haemians or the Coral Coast.​


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Königlicher Eiffelländischer Ärzteverband
Trier, Eiffelland

We would be delighted with the possession of the powerful panacea that socialism is claimed to be by Carentanian doctors, but we fear that even the placebo-effect of socialism will be weak, let alone the actual curative effect. Then homeopathic doctors might get better placebo-results. But let's not claim anything too early. Let's start a double-blind trial to test the Carentanian panacea called socialism against homeopathy to find out which one has the better placebo-result. In the meantime, the Eiffellandian psychiatrists are all willing and prepared to cure the world from the psychotraumata inflicted upon by Carentanian psychiatrists.

Best regards,

Fritz Kaufmann, chairman

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

Commissar for Foreign Affairs Bojan Sitar has announced his intention to resign from office in time for the next All-Workers Congress. He intends to serve in his current role until a new Commissar is being elected, but will withdraw to private life after that. Sitar cited the failure of two key-goals of his candidacy as reasons for this decision: the Jurzan has irrevocably moved away from the socialist bloc and Carentania is engaged in another war following the consulate crisis in Liangang. "I feel that I am personally at fault for not achieving the goals I had set out when I ran for this office," Mr. Sitar commented.

Following the leak of warplans against Eiffelland, the Commissariate for Defense has once again emphasized that these plans do not represent a concrete desire to assault the nation to the north of the Long Sea, but rather precautionary plans for an unlikely eventuality. "Carentania does not seek war against Eiffelland," a press release stated. Revolutionary Army Intelligence, while refusing to comment on questions, indicated that they are close to arresting the source of the leak of these secret documents and Rijeka intends to charge the individual in question with treason.

Goldstein Motors introduces the 45 hour-week for its workers at the Jablanica factories, following a decision of the national assembly of the workers' organization. The decision does not affect factories in other parts of the country and is intended as a reward for higher productivity reached in the Jablanica assets throughout the last two years. Asked what he will do with the additional spare time, one worker replied: "I'll sleep longer".​


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

I can assure the government and people of Carentania that we don't want war against Carentania. However, despite the reassurance of the Carentanian Commissariat for Defence that Carentania only wants to prepare for the worst, we feel uncomfortable about the leaked war plans. As routine, we already patrol the waters around our country, but we will do so with more caution now.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
We interrupt this programme for breaking news:

A massive explosion has thrown the government district of Rijeka into chaos, with an unknown number of people killed and injured. The explosion, presumed to have stemmed from a car bomb, occured in direct proximity to the Black Square during early morning hours, when the streets are crowded with people on their way to work. Eyewitnesses say that the explosion was massive and that windows in a large area surrounding the site were shattered.

Emergency services are reportedly well prepared, having implemented the first lessons learned from the train-wreckage in Cazma earlier this year even though the reforms for the emergency sector are only due to be passed and implemented in May. "We always anticipated such an attack in Rijeka," a spokesperson from the Commissariate for Inner Security said during a hastily called press conference, "and as such, we managed to contain the worst. Still, there have been numerous deaths as a consequence of this explosion and we are not yet able to predict how bad this incident really was."

If indeed caused by a terrorist bombing, this explosion is already said to be the worst attack in Carentania in over a decade. While it is too early for speculation, Mezhists are, as usual, likely perpetrators. The threat from Mezhists had been succesfully combated in the recent years, but is all but defeated.

Carentania Public Broadcasting will keep you up to date with the newest developements in this catastrophy, so stay tuned.​


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Trier, Eiffelland

This is dramatic news from Rijeka. Our condolences to the government of Carentania, and to family and friends of the deceased. We wish the wounded a speedy recovery.

Rudolph Kögler, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

The Commissariate for Defence has revealed to the public today that Marshal of the Army, Marko Krajnc, was killed during last Sundays bomb attack in Rijeka. This revelation comes mere hours after a previously unknown Mezhist group, styling themselves "National Uprising Brigades" claimed responsibility for the attack in an open letter, stating that the Marshal was the target of their bomb. While the authencity of their letter - delivered to several newspapers and Carentania Public Broadcasting - can not be verified, the death of Marshal Krajnc was unknown up to that point.

According to the Commissar for Defence, that information was intentionally withheld until now, to protect the family of the deceased and to allow the Commissariate to adress the vacancy in High Command left by Marshal Krajnc without public interference. The emergence of a new Mezhist group, apparently able to strike at high-ranking officials within Carentanias capital, however forced the Commissariate to abandon that policy, Commissar Dracar commented. Together with the Commissar for Inner Security, he was quick to issue advise to the upcoming All-Workers Congress to adress the issue at hand and "consider the question as to whether Carentania may need an independent organ of public security to deal specifically with terrorist threats."

This isn't the first time that demands for a security agency with official powers in domestic territory have been voiced, but past resolutions had always been rejected by Congress. Intelligence services and especially secret police are a difficult issue for the Carentanian public, due to the excesses of state security during the era of the Carentanian Republic. However, with the sudden emergence of a credible terrorist threat and the memory of the Republic having faded, nothing seems impossible anymore.

Meanwhile, Marshal Krajnc wasn't the only victim of the bomb attack. In total, fourty-seven people have died as a consequence of the massive blast during Rijekas rush-hour, with an additional one-hundred-and-twelve injured. This has made it the worst terrorist attack since the Sisak massacre in 1941.​
Oct 12, 2011
Hampton Roads

We join our peers in Eiffelland in condemning this attack against the Carentanian government, and our condolences are sent to Marshal Krajnc and the forty seven people lost in this senseless act of murder. We hope that justice comes swiftly to this Mezhist terrorist group.

Gian Lombardo
Foreign Minister


Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
These are the news:

The All-Workers Congress currently held in Rijeka has, with a very narrow majority, passed a resolution establishing a dedicated agency for the combat of Mezhist terrorism. This office, termed the Agency for Covert Investigations, will be the first domestic secret service since the revolution. Reservations against such intelligence operations have always been strong in Carentania, due to the history of secret police actions by previous regimes, but the passage of time and the recent wave of Mezhist terror has convinced a majority of Carentanians that the Agency for Covert Investigations is necessary - albeit with very limited authority, restricting it to the gathering and processing of information for the legal authorities to be capable of intervening.

The city of Paki will build Carentanias most modern railroad station over the course of the next two years. Old central station, built in 1880, is deemed wholly inadequate to keep up with modern levels of passenger flow and is barely capable of handling the newest train designs. Paki's new central station will be an elegantly designed complex of concrete, built in the style of Socialist Futurism, with a large glassfront, composed of colored mosaics. During the construction period, parts of the traffic will have to be diverted to trainstations in nearby cities, connected through bus lines with the Free City. However, the architects promise a drastic increase in comfort and service following this period of inconvenience.

Divers near the city of Dravinja have uncovered the remains of a Tiburan era warship, likely sunk during one of the earlier Tiburan incursion into Haemia. Archeologists have expressed their strongest interest in recovering the artifacts that have sunk alongside the ship, but will face considerable technical difficulties. Negotiations with the Navy and Coast Guard have raised their hopes, but experts from the Cazma Polytechnikum will have the final say in the difficult diving operation. It is expected that the ship was carrying numerous valuable artifacts from ancient Haemia, plundered by victorious Tiburans, when the ship was hit by one of the treacherous thunderstorms of the Long Sea.​

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Thank you for tuning in and welcome to Carentania Public Broadcasting.
We have with us right now Tomas Jerman, newly appointed Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Jerman managed to draw an overwhelming majority of votes on last weekends All-Workers Congress after former Commissar Bojan Sitar resigned. He is an accomplished and highly decorated veteran who fought in the war against the Levantine States, served as ambassador to Havenshire for many years and spent the last two years in calm, on a wine-growing agricultural cooperative.

Mr. Jerman, what has prompted your return from the countryside to this well respected office?
We live in troublesome times, but also hopeful times. After Commissar Sitars policies of rapproachment and coexistence with the capitalist world began to fail, I was called upon by close friends of mine who implored me to be their candidate. I've never been someone to turn deaf ears to a call of duty, so here am I, ready to represent the Carentanian people and their ideals to the world.

Critics have labelled you a hardliner and a hawk. While this didn't seem to weaken your position in the All-Workers Congress, how do you personally feel towards such accusations?

I am not in the slightest insulted. It is, in fact, a form of praise in my eyes to be insulted for the strength of your conviction and your willingness to fight for what you know is right. Someone who is elected to represent the whole of Carentania to the world in between Congress sessions and given such powers as come with a position of Commissar shouldn't be someone who has the slightest of doubts about the ideals of the revolution. Friends and critics of my policies alike know full well that, when I say I want to do whatever within my power to protect both Carentania and its brethren throughout Europe from reactionary violence, it is no idle talk from a comfortable deskjob position. I've fought on the frontlines. It earns the trust of my supporters, but scares my critics.

However, the term 'warmongerer' was rejected by you in the strongest of terms during Congress. Is war an option for your foreign policy?

Truth of the matter is: we are fighting a war already. A war we didn't start. We are socialists, as socialists we are a peaceloving people. We know, it's not the rulers of this world who fight and die and suffer in these wars. That doesn't mean we will not be targeted, whenever we show signs of weakness or our enemies just think they are powerful enough to subdue us. My goal as Commissar is to create peace and security for the Carentanian people and their friends and allies throughout the world. I will fight for this goal, when necessary, but I will not engage in needless endavours out of militaristic attitudes. I'm not a warmongerer, I'm a valiant pacifist. Therefore, amongst my first goals will be to wrap up Carentanias military deployments throughout Europe and seek ways to end them without abandoning the positions we are defending there.

You are, of course, referring to both Solaren and Vangala. Let us start with Vangala: how do you intend to finish our mission there?

We have succesfully defeated the imperial forces in the region. As my good colleague Matija Dracar has explained during his accountability speech as old - and new - Commissar for Defence, the Imperial Navy of Yujin has been dealt a crippling blow and the Imperial advance has been halted and is in open flight now as Vangalan forces have emerged victorious. We have stood our ground in this faraway country and I think we are now in a good position to negotiate a peace with the Emperor, just as the All-Workers Congress has called for in its resolution. The Emperor is called the Monster of the East, but he will be given this chance to prove whether he is really as irrational and cruel as this nickname implies. However, we must carefully consider possible terms of any peace, so that the peace does not turn into an abandonment of all progressive forces fighting within Yujin for its liberation.

What possible terms could that be?

I think the minimum must be a guarantuee of non-aggression towards Vangala and a release of the revolting city of Liangang as independent commune. The first condition will guarantuee the security of the Vangalan people, ensuring that they won't have to fight another war yet again once our forces return home. The second condition creates a safehaven for all those opposed to the Emperor who would have to fear reprisals once the Emperor can commit forces currently stranded in Vangala to subduing his own subjects. Including a free Liangang in our peace conditions will be our continued commitment to our brethren in Yujin, whose open revolt saved numerous lifes, including those of Carentanian citizens, during the consulate crisis. if the Emperor rejects these terms, we will make sure to increase pressure on his regime, even though I'd rather prefer the peaceful solution.

And your stance on Solaren?

The security situation in Solaren is detoriating as a result of the political lockdown and upheaval in the country. We must find ways to help the SNC to finally pass a constitution and the first step for this is identifying those who are guilty of preventing this from happening thusfar: the liberal minority in the Solaren National Congress is holding the entire country hostage out of fear of losing their priviliges. I will increase Carentanian support for socialist factions in Solaren and commit our country towards helping them to resolve the political turmoil. Once that happens, a new government will be able to stabilize the country and commit it to a path of modernization, prosperity and progress - which means that Carentanian deployment to Solaren can end in the near future and Solaren independence be restored.

How will Carentanias policy change towards other countries in the socialist world?
I intend to fully commit the Workers' Republic to a policy of socialist unity, adressing and resolving our differences and uniting us in our common cause towards human liberation. To achieve such, I will deepen the cooperation of the RDTO member states and I will seek to expand the alliance to include all our brotherstates across Europe. While I have to turn my attention towards the situation in Yujin and Solaren first, I fully intend to make official visits to Vangala and Kyiv once time permits, hopefully returning with results that set our respective countries on their first step towards membership in a common alliance.

These will be all questions for today. Thank you very much for answering them. Meanwhile, dear listeners, stay tuned for Havenshires most beautiful singing bird: Paige Hamilton and her newest song, "In Autumn".​